The sweetish-resinous smell of pine needles, the unobtrusive crackling of a candle playing with its own reflection with the reflection of the flame, an elegant spruce tree decorated with streamers and toys... People in many countries around the world are looking forward to this evening. This is Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve, the greatest and brightest holiday of all Christians.

Many customs and traditions are associated with this day, among which the ritual of fortune telling is full of mystery and enigma. From time immemorial, fortune telling on the Nativity of Christ was considered the most truthful, because it is on this day that there is an opportunity to come into contact with a Miracle, to look at least with one eye into the future. Our grandmothers took the ritual of fortune telling on January 7 and Christmastide very seriously. They let down their hair, took out the hairpins, untied all the knots on their clothes, took off bracelets, rings, chains (amulets that close a person’s energy and protect against external invasion). They mentally fenced themselves off from reality and focused on the issue of interest.

Some fortune telling on January 7 is no longer applicable to modern people. For example, those where you need to “take the horse out of the stable”, “remove the chicken from the roost”, or “bring the rooster into the house”. But city dwellers, having shown ingenuity, can also make attempts to find out their fate in more accessible ways.

You can go looking for signs of fate at other people's windows. Go to the house and stand near the window, listen to the conversations inside. If cheerful laughter is heard, the year will be happy. If you witness a quarrel, expect troubles and conflicts. Crying can signal impending trouble. If you make wishes about your future personal life, then the voices heard can tell about the fate of personal and family relationships. For example, a girl can hear the voice of a young or old man, and a guy can hear the angry or pleasant voice of a girl, and, accordingly, draw conclusions about the age and character of the future spouse, about how family life will turn out.

You can use very interesting fortune telling using wax. You need to pour water into a deep plate or transparent glass, put a ring (only without a stone) on the bottom, which was removed from the finger of the fortuneteller. Melt the wax (paraffin) in a spoon over the candle, then quickly pour it into the water in the middle of the ring. The resulting wax figure is a sign of the future.

Also, Christmas fortune telling can be done by leaving the house and drawing conclusions based on the first person you meet along the way. If a girl is the first to discover whether a young man or a man is handsome, then in the coming year the prospect of a successful personal life is possible.

If you don’t want to go out, you can do fortune-telling for the Nativity of Christ at home. To do this, you need to write your wishes on small pieces of paper, put them in a hat or bag and mix them. Without looking, pull out three notes, based on which you will know what wishes will come true in the new year. Such free Christmas fortune-telling is carried out and fills the holiday with an atmosphere of mystery.

You can tell fortunes on the book. There are no strict requirements for its genre, it all depends on personal preferences. It could be a collection of poetry, prose, or even an action-packed detective story. You need to focus on the question of interest and open the book at random. Based on the content of the fragment of text that caught the eye, one should judge the upcoming future. You can also not open the book at random, but guess the page and line number in advance: for example, page 29, 10th line from the bottom. This fortune telling does not incur any additional financial costs, and the information obtained as a result of its implementation can be very interesting and intriguing.

Funny Christmas fortune telling can be done if you have a cat at home. You need to make a wish and call her. If the cat crosses the threshold with its left paw, the wish will come true. If it’s on the right, alas, it’s not fate.

When using fortune telling on January 7, try to see only the good and not take bad omens to heart, so as not to attract bad things to yourself.

This holiday is celebrated on the eve of the Nativity of Christ - January 6, Christmas Eve. The main dishes that evening were kutia, which was prepared from boiled grains of wheat or barley, and a broth made from apples, pears, plums, raisins, cherries and other fruits, boiled in water. Kutya and vzvar have symbolic meaning. Kutya is eaten at funerals and when commemorating the dead, and vzvar is eaten at the birth of a child. The combination of these dishes seemed to connect two memories - the birth of Christ and his death.

Christmas Eve cannot be separated from Christmas. Moreover, in Europe and other Catholic and Protestant countries it is celebrated on December 25, i.e. it anticipates the New Year. For several decades now, Russia has been celebrating the New Year first, and then, on January 7, the Nativity of Christ.

Christmas merged with the ancient Slavic holiday - Christmastide. Yuletide rituals - community Yuletide feasts, caroling - over time turned into Christmas rituals. The Orthodox family had been waiting for Christmas all year, the preparation for it was very thorough. For six weeks before Christmas we fasted and ate fish. But at Christmas everyone ate pork. Before Christmas, 3 days in advance, you could buy a Christmas tree in markets and squares.

In the last decade, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ is again actively returning to the family traditions of not only rural residents, but also city dwellers. And now, as in previous years, when the first Christmas star rises in the frosty sky, family members gathered at the table wish each other a Merry Christmas and give each other gifts. And in the countryside, carolers began to appear under the windows again and sing special songs - carols:

"...Christmas has come, Let's start the celebration!..."

The main purpose of caroling is to wish happiness, wealth and a good harvest.

Carolers are treated to delicacies and thanked for their congratulations. All day on January 7th it is customary to visit and receive guests. And guess.


Christmas is the best time for fortune telling! The night from January 6 to 7 is Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve. According to popular beliefs, on this night all prohibitions are lifted and mysterious forces rush to Earth. Some are to harm people, others are to help. The girls, getting ready to tell their fortunes, were in a serious mood. They mentally fenced themselves off from the real world and turned to supernatural forces.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

At midnight, go outside and ask the name of the first man you meet. The named name will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling by candle flame

On Christmas Eve, having changed into clean clothes and washed, place a new candle on a wooden stand and, keeping your question in mind, light the wick. After waiting a little, look at the flame - it will tell you about the future. A dim flame means sorrow. A weak but even flame foreshadows a calm life, which will be bypassed by strong unrest and failures. A bright but uneven flame means that everything in life will generally turn out well, but a very bright flame, and even if the candle crackles, foretells a happy life and full of adventures. The color of the flame can also tell something: yellow - joy, yellow-red - profit. If the candle smokes heavily, it is unfortunate.

Fortune telling with three cups

For this fortune telling, take three cups: pour water into one, pour sugar into the second, and put a ring into the third. After this, close your eyes, turn around yourself three times and, without opening your eyes, select one cup. A cup with water foreshadows an ordinary, unremarkable year, uneventful, with sugar promises fun and money, and a ring foretells a quick marriage or meeting a future husband.

Fortune telling on rice grains

For this fortune telling, take a cup, pour rice into it and, covering it with your left hand, make a wish or ask a question. In the old days, girls used to say this: “Show me, fate, what should I expect: good or bad?” Then turn the cup over to empty the contents onto the tablecloth or napkin, and scoop up a handful of rice with your left hand. Now all that remains is to count the number of grains: an even number means the wish will come true and good luck awaits you, an odd number portends failure.

Fortune telling with a mitten

Throw the mitten up and watch it fall. If it falls upward with your thumb, it means that you will meet your betrothed in the coming year; if the thumb is turned downwards, then the acquaintance will not take place.

Fortune telling in the snow

Lay down on your back in the snow, then get up and leave without looking back. Inspect this place in the morning: a streaked footprint in the snow means that the husband will be rough, smooth - that the husband will be soft and kind. If the hole is deep, then you will have to get married more than once; if the mark is covered, then the wedding will take place soon. And if there is a mound in this place, then expect troubles in the coming year.

Wax fortune telling

Light the candles, then take a wax or simple paraffin candle and, breaking it into small pieces, place it in a metal spoon. Heat the spoon on one of the candles until the pieces turn into a molten liquid. When the wax has melted, take a glass of cold water and pour the contents of the spoon into the water in one fell swoop. Use the resulting figure to guess. If you see a coffin, it means you are destined to get sick, and if you see a wreath, then you are destined to get married.

Apple fortune telling

Standing in front of a mirror, cut an apple into nine pieces, eat eight of them, and throw the last one over your left shoulder. The betrothed should appear in the mirror.

Fortune telling on a towel

Hang up a white towel at night, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come and wash yourself.” If the towel is wet in the morning, it means that you will get married this year, and if it remains dry, alas, marriage will be postponed for at least a year.

Fortune telling by dream

Before going to bed, eat something salty, but don't drink. When you go to bed, make a wish: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” The one who gets you drunk is the one you will marry.

Fortune telling with bulbs

On the bulbs write the names of possible candidates for your hand and heart.

Place the bulbs in water and see which one germinates first. This means that a marriage proposal should be expected from the man whose name is written on it.

Salty water

Pour some water into a glass, dissolve a large amount of salt in it, drink before going to bed and ask: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, give me a drink!” The groom will appear in a dream and give you something to drink.

Fortune telling by cups

Take several opaque cups. Place bread, salt, sugar, ring, money in them, pour water into one. There should be as many fortune tellers as there are cups. Each participant takes turns choosing a cup with their eyes closed.

Onion - for tears, bread - for prosperity, ring - for a wedding. Water predicts that nothing will change in your life, salt warns that troubles may befall you in the near future. If you get a cup of sugar, fun awaits you soon. Money - you will become rich.

Even more fortune-telling in Natalya Sudyina’s book “365 Best Fortune-telling” (AST publishing house, Moscow and “Sova”, St. Petersburg).

On the night from the sixth to the seventh of January, Orthodox Christians in Russia celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Christ. As you know, in our country the church at the beginning of the 20th century did not switch from the Julian calendar to the new Gregorian calendar, as a result of which the calendar differs by 13 days from the calendar used by other Christians. Christmas, as a holiday in Russia, differs significantly from its counterpart in the rest of the Christian world. Initially, the Christmas holidays were associated with many folk customs, but they were forgotten after the celebration of Christmas was banned in 1918.
Only in 1935 did the Soviet government again allow the installation and decoration of Christmas trees - although not Christmas trees, but New Year's ones. And the stars on the top of the spruce became five-pointed in the Soviet style. And earlier the stars were seven-pointed and symbolized the very star that, according to the Gospel, led the Magi to the newly born baby Christ.

One of the biggest Christian holidays. With the Nativity of Christ, a new era began, and the holiday began to be celebrated already in the first centuries. At first it was a strictly established day - January 6 and was called Epiphany.

This number had nothing to do with the date of birth of the Divine Infant, since this day was unknown. But the designated date had a deep symbolic meaning. The ancient Church correlated the “two Adams” - the first man on Earth, and Christ - the new, second Adam. The first Adam is the author of sin and death of the entire human race. The second Adam is the creator of life and the source of salvation for people. Moreover, it was believed that Christ was born on the same day on which the first Adam was created - on the sixth.

The Feast of the Epiphany has undergone changes and has come to be considered the birth of God in the guise of a simple person, under ordinary conditions and under difficult everyday circumstances. Already in ancient times, Christmas took root and became widespread throughout the Western and Eastern world. The custom of decorating a Christmas tree these days came from Germany, where it existed for a long time. It was believed that a Christmas tree with candles and decorations was a symbol of spiritual light and the saving fruits of God's grace.

Christmas night, gifts, candles,
Friends and relatives at the festive table.
How I want the joy to last forever,
And we shared our happiness and warmth.
Let the night pass, but it will not disappear with it
From our souls there is a beautiful, kind light.
And let everyone believe in their hearts -
God is love, and He is with us forever!

Folk signs:

Snow at Christmas - for a fruitful year;

blizzard - bees will swarm well;

frost - for a grain harvest, a starry sky - for a pea harvest.

From Christmas to Epiphany, sin hunts; misfortune will happen to the hunter.

Christmas merged with the ancient Slavic holiday - Christmastide. This holiday is celebrated on the eve of the Nativity of Christ - January 6, on Christmas Eve. The main dishes that evening were kutia, which was prepared from boiled grains of wheat or barley, and a broth made from apples, pears, plums, raisins, cherries and other fruits, boiled in water. Kutya and vzvar have symbolic meaning. Kutya is eaten at funerals and when commemorating the dead, and vzvar is eaten at the birth of a child. The combination of these dishes seemed to connect two memories - the birth of Christ and his death. Christmas Eve cannot be separated from Christmas. Moreover, in Europe and other Catholic and Protestant countries it is celebrated on December 25, i.e. it anticipates the New Year. For several decades now, Russia has been celebrating the New Year first, and then, on January 7, the Nativity of Christ.
Christmas merged with the ancient Slavic holiday - Christmastide. Yuletide rituals—communal Yuletide feasts, caroling—over time turned into Christmas rituals. The Orthodox family had been waiting for Christmas all year; the preparations for it were very thorough. For six weeks before Christmas we fasted and ate fish. But at Christmas everyone ate pork. Before Christmas, 3 days in advance, you could buy a Christmas tree in markets and squares.

In the last decade, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ is again actively returning to the family traditions of not only rural residents, but also city dwellers. And now, as in previous years, when the first Christmas star rises in the frosty sky, family members gathered at the table wish each other a Merry Christmas and give each other gifts. And in the countryside, carolers began to appear under the windows again and sing special songs - carols:

"...Christmas has come,
Let's start the celebration!.."

The main purpose of caroling is to wish happiness, wealth and a good harvest.

Carolers are treated to delicacies and thanked for their congratulations. All day on January 7th it is customary to visit and receive guests. And guess.


Christmas is the best time for fortune telling! The night from January 6 to 7 is Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve. According to popular beliefs, on this night all prohibitions are lifted and mysterious forces rush to Earth. Some are to harm people, others are to help. The girls, getting ready to tell their fortunes, were in a serious mood. They mentally fenced themselves off from the real world and turned to supernatural forces.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

At midnight, go outside and ask the name of the first man you meet. The named name will be the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling by candle flame

On Christmas Eve, having changed into clean clothes and washed, place a new candle on a wooden stand and, keeping your question in mind, light the wick. After waiting a little, look at the flame - it will tell you about the future. A dim flame means sorrow. A weak but even flame foreshadows a calm life, which will be bypassed by strong unrest and failures. A bright but uneven flame means that everything in life will generally turn out well, but a very bright flame, and even if the candle crackles, foretells a happy life and full of adventures. The color of the flame can also tell something: yellow - joy, yellow-red - profit. If the candle smokes heavily, it is unfortunate.

Fortune telling with three cups

For this fortune telling, take three cups: pour water into one, pour sugar into the second, and put a ring into the third. After this, close your eyes, turn around yourself three times and, without opening your eyes, select one cup. A cup with water foreshadows an ordinary, unremarkable year, uneventful, with sugar promises fun and money, and a ring foretells a quick marriage or meeting a future husband.

Fortune telling on rice grains

For this fortune telling, take a cup, pour rice into it and, covering it with your left hand, make a wish or ask a question. In the old days, girls used to say this: “Show me, fate, what should I expect: good or bad?” Then turn the cup over to empty the contents onto the tablecloth or napkin, and scoop up a handful of rice with your left hand. Now all that remains is to count the number of grains: an even number means the wish will come true and good luck awaits you, an odd number portends failure.

Fortune telling with a mitten

Throw the mitten up and watch it fall. If it falls upward with your thumb, it means that you will meet your betrothed in the coming year; if the thumb is turned downwards, then the acquaintance will not take place.

Fortune telling in the snow

Lay down on your back in the snow, then get up and leave without looking back. Inspect this place in the morning: a streaked footprint in the snow means that the husband will be rough, smooth - that the husband will be soft and kind. If the hole is deep, then you will have to get married more than once; if the mark is covered, then the wedding will take place soon. And if there is a mound in this place, then expect troubles in the coming year.

Wax fortune telling

Light the candles, then take a wax or simple paraffin candle and, breaking it into small pieces, place it in a metal spoon. Heat the spoon on one of the candles until the pieces turn into a molten liquid. When the wax has melted, take a glass of cold water and pour the contents of the spoon into the water in one fell swoop. Use the resulting figure to guess. If you see a coffin, it means you are destined to get sick, and if you see a wreath, then you are destined to get married.

Apple fortune telling

Standing in front of a mirror, cut an apple into nine pieces, eat eight of them, and throw the last one over your left shoulder. The betrothed should appear in the mirror.

Fortune telling by dream

Before going to bed, eat something salty, but don't drink. When you go to bed, make a wish: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” The one who gets you drunk is the one you will marry.

Salty water

Pour some water into a glass, dissolve a large amount of salt in it, drink before going to bed and ask: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, give me a drink!” The groom will appear in a dream and give you something to drink.

Fortune telling with mirrors to evoke the image of the future groom

This fortune-telling, well known from literature, is often used today. The girl sits down in the dark between two mirrors, lights candles and begins to peer into the “gallery of reflections,” hoping to see her groom. The best time for this fortune telling is midnight. Fortune telling (with burning a thread) for the speed and order of marriage

It consists of girls cutting threads of the same length and setting them on fire. Whoever's thread burns out first will be the first to be married. If the thread goes out immediately and less than half is burned, then you won’t get married.

Fortune telling with a ring and a needle on the gender of the unborn child

Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle (the ring is lowered into a glass of water, the needle is pierced into woolen fabric), then, suspended by a hair or thread, it is slowly lowered near the hand of the one being told fortunes. If an object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often, a boy), if it is pendulum-shaped, it will be a boy (less often, a girl), if the object does not move, there will be no children.

Fortune telling by shadows

This type of fortune telling, due to its simplicity, is very common among modern girls. The girl sets fire to a sheet of paper she has crumpled up, and then examines the shadow of the burnt paper. Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumples it, puts it on a dish or on a large flat plate and sets it on fire. When the sheet burns or is almost burned, it is displayed on the wall using a candle. By carefully examining the shadows they try to find out the future.

Fortune telling on Christmas night for your husband's mistress

Prepare a glass of water (room temperature) and a spoonful of medium-sized salt. On a piece of paper we write the name of our husband’s mistress, light a candle and from it - a sheet. Immediately, pour salt into a glass and begin to stir quickly, saying: “If the salt melts faster, then my husband will not leave me, and if the leaf burns out, their love will burn out.” Let's see, if the salt has melted completely, but the paper is still burning, your husband will return to you, but if the paper burns out first, there is nothing you can do, you cannot return your husband.

Fortune telling with a rooster

Grain is poured into one plate (or money is placed), water is poured into another, a mirror is placed nearby, and sometimes a chicken is brought. A rooster that approaches a mirror symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom; a rooster that approaches grain or money is his wealth; a rooster that approaches water symbolizes his tendency to drink; if a rooster approaches a hen, it means that the groom will be a “womanizer.”

Fortune telling for husband's name using onion

A week in advance, take several bulbs, write on each the name (initial) of the candidates for grooms and put them in jars of water. On Christmas night, with the words “Oh, onion, whisper onion, who will be the groom?” measure the sprouts. Where the feather is longer, so is the name of the future betrothed.

Fortune telling for future marriage

Two or more people must participate in fortune telling. We put four cups on the table and put a piece of bread in one of them, a burnt match or paper in another, and a gold ring in the third. Leave the fourth cup empty. Cover each glass with a napkin so that you can't see what's inside. One girl mixes the cups randomly, and the other first turns away and then chooses one of them.

You come across a ring - a happy marriage for love, a match - living in poverty, a piece of bread - a marriage of convenience, an empty glass - the unknown, you have not yet met your betrothed.
* In a similar way, you can determine what the next year promises by putting it in your shoes: keys - to a new home;
* a glass - to joy and feasts;
* pen - to hard work;
* scissors - for a difficult year;
* bread - to satiety and prosperity;
* ring - for early marriage;
* leaving it blank means that the future is not yet determined

Fortune telling with inducing a dream about the betrothed.

We write the boy’s name on a piece of paper, kiss this word with painted lips (so that a mark remains), place it on a small mirror and place three bay leaves under the pillow or under the pillow. On one they write - “Ananias”, on the other - “Azarius” and on the third - “Misail” and say the spell: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams about me, let him dream about me.”

They tell fortunes on the night from Monday to Tuesday. Take a spruce branch and place it at the head of the bed overnight. At the same time they say: “I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, if I dream of someone who thinks about me.” Whoever you dream about is the one who loves you.

They tell fortunes on the night from Thursday to Friday. Going to bed, they say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees. Another will say, the third will indicate fate.”

Girls tell fortunes if they go to bed where they never had to before. Before going to bed they say: “In a new place, dream of the bridegroom.” You will see your fiance in a dream.

Wax fortune telling

Melt the wax in a mug, pour milk into a saucer and place it at the threshold of your apartment or house. Say the following words: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” With the last words, pour melted wax into the milk. Now watch what is happening carefully. If you see a frozen cross, some illnesses await you in the new year. If the cross only appears, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life you will be overcome by troubles, but not too serious. If a flower blooms, get married, get married or find a loved one. If an animal appears, be careful: you will have some kind of enemy. If the wax flows in stripes, roads and crossings lie ahead of you, but if it starts to appear like stars, expect good luck in your service or in your studies. If a human figure is formed, you will gain a friend.

Fortune telling on an egg

Take a fresh egg, make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. When the protein curls, you need to guess your future based on the shape it takes. The sight of a church means a wedding, a ring means an engagement, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (for a woman). If the protein sinks to the bottom, there will be a fire in the house.

Christmas fortune telling on grain

We take a handful of grains (any grain will do, from millet to coffee, but the latter is more convenient, since the grains are large and do not roll around) in our left hand, squeeze our palm and ask the question out loud. After this, we count the grains. If there are an odd number of them, the answer is yes. If even, then negative.

Fortune telling on a search engine

We type in the search bar the question to which you want to get an answer (yes or no answer). We take the first line of what the search engine gave us and count the letters. If their number is even, the answer is No, if it is odd, the answer is Yes.

Christmas fortune telling on cards

Take a deck of cards in your hand (36 or 52 cards) and make your wish. After thoroughly shuffling, arrange the deck into 4 approximately equal piles. Take the first one in your hand and open cards from it until you get an ace. Set it aside and look at the next card. If it's an ace again, send it to first. Do this until you get a simple card (not an ace).

Let's summarize the results: If there are 4 aces, then the wish will certainly come true soon, if there are three, then it will definitely come true, but not tomorrow. If there are two aces, then nothing can be said; it may come true, but maybe not. If there is only one ace, then the wish is unrealizable.

Christmas fortune telling by fire boat

Attach pieces of paper with forecasts along the edges of a large basin with water, for example: wedding, good job, long journey... The papers should go beyond the edges of the basin, above the water.

Place a small piece of a church candle in half an eggshell and let it float in the center of the pelvis.
The prediction will come true whose piece of paper will catch fire from the fiery “ship” nailed to it.

Following the New Year comes another very popular holiday among Ukrainians - Christmas.

How to spend this day.

What do they do on Christmas Day?

This day has many traditions and customs. Let us briefly recall that:

  • as soon as midnight arrives from January 6 to 7, it is necessary to open the windows and doors so that Christmas can enter the house,
  • and from the very morning it is customary to go from house to house and sing carols. At the same time, it is customary to dress up in different costumes and wish everyone you meet a Merry Christmas,
  • On January 7, churches hold three services: at midnight, at dawn and during the day - all believers must attend church on this day.
  • Christmas: signs

    It is believed that a man should be the first to enter the house on this day - this will attract good luck and wealth to the house.

    There is a belief that whoever makes 7 blessings for Christmas will live happily all year and even has the right to ask the angels for the fulfillment of their most cherished desire. On this day, it is customary to give 7 alms for the sake of happiness in the coming year. Usually these are seven identical bills, which must be given to someone who evokes sincere sympathy in the soul, accompanying the alms with a silent prayer.

    You can also give seven useful gifts. As a rule, these were towels, and when giving them, the giver must say the words: “I give towels, I’ll make it easier to die, I’ll correct evil with good, I’ll guide my family (my family) to happiness.”.

    At Christmas it is customary to light more candles, lights, and if there are any, then a fireplace. Candles are believed to bring warmth and wealth into the home. One special candle must be lit for deceased relatives - then they will help you attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

    If you have pets, then at Christmas you need to feed them abundantly and tasty - then the whole year will be satisfying and successful financially.

    Buying something good for Christmas is a great omen and a sign that the purchase will serve you faithfully.

    What do you eat at Christmas?

    Fasting ends on Christmas Day, so on this day it is customary to prepare 12 dishes - but no longer Lenten ones. On Christmas evening the whole family gathers around the table to celebrate the birth of Christ.

    Christmas: what not to do

    There are a number of prohibitions:

    • You cannot do cleaning and other household chores on Christmas Day. It's best if you don't clean until January 14 (the next day of the Old New Year). All garbage collected on January 14 must be taken outside and scattered to the wind or burned. According to legend, after this no evil spirits will bother a person throughout the year;
    • on a holy day you cannot swear: whoever swears takes away the hope of salvation from his ancestors;
    • It is impossible for a woman to be the first guest to enter the house on this day - otherwise the women of this family will be sick all year;
    • You cannot wear old clothes - only new ones. Not clean, washed, but new, not yet worn. And do not sit at the Christmas table dressed in black, otherwise such people will face failure in business in the New Year;
    • You can’t drink water (coffee, tea and other excellent drinks, according to the sign, are allowed).

    Fortune telling for Christmas

    From the point of view of church canons and old beliefs, it is not recommended to guess at Christmas - especially for unmarried girls. The Church categorically prohibits any fortune telling.

    It is believed that in order to ask higher powers for advice about the future, there will still be a lot of time - from January 8 to Epiphany.

    However, it is worth recognizing that, despite the prohibitions, fortune telling at Christmas is still actively practiced (in particular, by girls - the so-called fortune telling for the betrothed). After all, this particular period is one of the most mystical of the year and the most suitable for fortune telling.

    There were many ways of Christmas fortune-telling. Fortune telling at Christmas captivated absolutely everyone, but young girls' fortune telling about their betrothed was especially noteworthy.

    The best date for fortune telling for Christmas is the night of January 7, but you can tell fortunes at other times. However, the further the date is from Christmas night, the less reliable the Christmas fortune-telling.

    So, Christmas fortune telling.

    On things

    They predict who the future husband will be. The girl being told fortunes is blindfolded. Objects symbolizing different professions are laid out on the table. You can put a flash drive (programmer), a book of legislation (lawyer), an organizer (manager) and so on. In addition, a wedding ring is also included. The girl is asked to choose one of the items at random. If after three attempts she chooses the same thing, then her future husband will be in the profession that the chosen object symbolizes. If only a ring comes into your hands, this means that the girl will certainly get married next year, but who her chosen one will be is unknown.

    By thread

    You will need three threads - black, white and red and three needles. Insert each thread into a needle and have a helper carefully pin them to your back. You should feel them, but you should not know in what order they are located.

    Carefully pull out one thread. Look at her color. If the thread is red, rejoice - this year you will get married and have a child. If you come across a white thread, there will be no way to the registry office. If she is black, then it is better to turn your attention to your career: marriage will not bring you happiness.

    Ring in the water

    At night, pour water into a mug, put a ring in it and leave it outside. The next morning they go out and look: if the ice formed in the mug is smooth, without depressions or bumps, then they can live without children. If tubercles form on the ice, there will be sons; if depressions, there will be daughters. Be sure to count the number of depressions and tubercles - as many as there are, there will be as many children.

    Fortune telling for children

    In this fortune telling, the number and gender of future children are predicted. Take the gold ring and place it in a container of water. Place the container in the cold overnight. In the morning, the surface of the water will tell you how many children you will have. If the surface is perfectly flat, you will remain alone. The bumps mean boys, the pits mean girls. Count - how many of them are on the surface, the number of children you will have.

    Fortune telling with a gold ring

    Several girls, at least six, are telling fortunes on the ring. They take a long strip of black velvet, put a ring on it and roll it one by one, repeating: “I’ll roll the ring around the city, and then I’ll go get that ring myself and go to my dear one.” Be sure to mark where the ring will stop.

    In some regions, at Christmas they tell fortunes on dumplings: objects symbolizing various things are added to the filling - and whoever gets what will spend the year that way.

    Here are several meanings of such dumpling “surprises”:

    • coin - wealth.
    • bread for a well-fed, prosperous year.
    • ring - for an upcoming wedding.
    • bay leaf - to fame and fortune.
    • raisins - receiving many gifts.
    • the button brings with it a new thing.
    • cabbage portends family happiness.
    • a thread in a dumpling foreshadows the road.
    • caramel promises new love.
    • buckwheat - unexpected wealth.
    • carrots promise a new acquaintance.
    • rice is good news.
    • the nut promises new fans or admirers.
    • cucumber - to a strong man, good sex.
    • pepper - thrill
    • the dough portends a family replenishment.
    • dill indicates that the fortuneteller will have good health.
    • peas for family comfort and warmth.
    • rice promises success in all endeavors.

    Based on materials from, ICTV