December 19 marks the feast of the Orthodox Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker. This saint is the most famous and most mentioned, and many traditions are associated with his day that change the fate of believers.

The story of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

This saint was born in the third century, in Greece, in rich family. His parents were rich, so Nikolai was able to get an education. Since childhood, he showed great interest in books, and faith in God passed to him from his parents. He prayed every day, devoting all his time to reading the Bible. His uncle, being a bishop, allowed him to read prayers in the temple of God. Thus, Nicholas, known in the future as the Wonderworker, became a clergyman.

History does not know many facts, and some of them are disputed. For example, the destruction of pagan temples is attributed to him, although this has not been proven. Also, many miracles and healings are associated with his name, not only during life, but also after death. By the way, after the death of his parents, he distributed everything they had acquired to those in need.

St. Nicholas Day

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!

We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven , and with them unceasingly sing the praises of the one worshiped God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

On December 19, the repose of St. Nicholas and his reunion with Christ are celebrated, and in general in Christianity there are several holidays a year dedicated to this great man. Every year on this day prayers are read in all Orthodox churches. In this way, Christians pay tribute to his memory. Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered on a par with Jesus and Mother of God, although not as many facts are known about him as about other followers of the Lord who became saints.

Traditions of St. Nicholas Day

In the northern latitudes of Russia, since ancient times it was customary to slaughter a small bull, specially raised for this holiday, and hold a large feast. Some of the meat was donated to temples. But this was not done everywhere, because December 19 is the day of Lent. In some places they celebrated Nikolshchina, a feast for several days a week before the start of Lent.

IN modern world There is no need to set a sumptuous table. If you adhere to strict fasting, you can limit yourself to reading grateful prayers and very modest food on this day. However, even if you follow the rules of fasting, you can set the table, because these days there are many recipes for delicious, and at the same time quite ascetic, Lenten dishes.

The Wonderworker Nicholas is considered the protector of children and sailors, as many legends about miraculous rescues are associated with this, so on December 19 it is customary to read prayers for children and for God’s help when setting off on a long journey.

Folk signs for St. Nicholas of the Winter

By December 19, winter usually came into its own in our area. This time was cold and harsh, but the holiday was definitely celebrated. There are many folk signs and sayings dedicated to December 19th. So, it was believed that on this day or shortly before it there would definitely be a snowfall: “The snow will fall on Morozny Nikola.” On this day, severe cold could easily strike: “The sun is turning towards spring, and winter is gaining strength.” Nikolsky frosts were as strong as Epiphany frosts.

But heavy snowfalls promised the same abundant harvests and lush growth of grass: “As much snow on Nikola, so much grass in the spring.” A good sign Frost was considered on this day - it promised successful seedlings of cereals.

Of course, the climate has become unpredictable these days, but folk wisdom still alive to this day. Pay attention to the weather forecast on the 19th and don’t freeze in vain before New Year holidays. Nikola Winter is harsh, and if the scarf is not warm enough, New Year you'll have to check with a thermometer.

Folk signs for December 19

  • If winter covers its tracks before Nikolin's day, the road will not stand.
  • Sadness on Nicholas Day brings severe frosts.
  • If frost falls before St. Nicholas Day, there will be a good harvest of oats.
  • Praise winter after Nikolin's day.
  • As much as Nikola the Winter will give snow, so much Nikola the Spring will give herbs.


December 19 falls during the Nativity Fast. On this day you can eat fish, but you cannot eat meat, eggs and other animal products.

On St. Nicholas Day you cannot lend. Our ancestors believed that the borrower, along with the money, could take good luck and luck out of the house.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to deprive on St. Nicholas Day? On this holiday, the Orthodox Church does not talk about any restrictions on doing household work. But according to folk customs, on this day you cannot do repairs, sew, or wash.

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December 19 Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of travelers and sailors. And is one of the most revered saints in Orthodox world. Saint Nicholas, who lived...

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Name day December 19


Origin of the name. The origin of the name is associated with the Roman family name Maximus, which means “majestic”, “large”, “greatest”.

Short form of the name. Max, Maksimka, Maksik, Maxya, Maksyuta, Maksyusha, Sima, Maxi, Masik.


Origin of the name. Nikolai is a good name, reliable and a little stern. It is derived from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos and translated means “lord of nations” (“nika” - victory and “laos” - people). It was widespread in the last century, but gradually became rare. Currently, it is beginning to gain popularity again.

Short form of the name. Kolya, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolyunya, Kolyusya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyan, Kolyakha, Kolyasha, Koka, Nikolayka, Nikolakha, Nika, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikolka, Klaus, Klas.

Signs for December 19

  • If the weather is good and clear, then frost will soon come.
  • What is the day on winter Nikola, so is it on summer Nikola.
  • As much as winter Nikola gives snow, so much spring Nikola gives grass.
  • It’s good on December 19 to make peace with someone in a quarrel and arrange rich feasts.
  • What the weather is like today, this will be the day on May 22nd.
  • As much snow as there is on December 19, there will be as much grass in the spring.
  • If Nikola's day covers its tracks, the road will not stop from Nikola until Christmas (January 7).
  • If it rains on this day - big harvest for winter crops.
  • A frosty and clear day means a good harvest.
  • If there is frost before Nikola, then you need to sow early barley, if later than Nikola, then late barley.
  • The cricket behind the stove is crackling loudly - a sign of warmth and snowfall.
  • If the wind blows from the south with a falling atmospheric pressure, then you should wait for warmer weather or snowfall.
  • Large cattle On the way to a watering hole, he kicks and snorts - a sign of bad weather.
  • There is frost in front of Nikola - the oats will be good.
  • Frost on Nikola - for the harvest.
  • Winter is hard on Nikola.
  • Nikola will say that Yegory will pave the floor.
  • If winter closes in on Michaelmas, then it will unshackle on Nikola.
  • We carried the winter on a sled to Nikola, and here comes the thaw.
  • The Nikolsky convoy is more expensive than gold for the boyar treasury.
  • Winter covers Nikola's roofs with icy tar.
  • If Nikola is cold and clear - for the grain-bearing year.
  • This day was the deadline for various payments, transactions and business contracts.

Other holiday names: St. Nicholas Day, St. Nicholas Day, Frosty St. Nicholas Day, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Day.

In Slavic folk Orthodoxy, the day ends with a three-day holiday complex: Varvarin's day, Savin's day, Nikolin's day.
According to established tradition, you cannot do hard work on this day; you should devote more time to your family and friends. In many regions these days old times celebrated "Nikolshchina", covering the magnificent festive table and inviting friends and neighbors.


On December 19, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Nicholas the Wonderworker; Nikolai Ugodnik; Saint Nicholas (about 270 - about 345) - saint in historical churches, archbishop of Myra in Lycia (Byzantium). In Christianity, he is revered as a miracle worker, considered the patron saint of sailors, travelers, merchants, and children. And he is one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox world.

In ancient biographies, Nicholas of Myra was usually confused with Nicholas of Pinar (Sinai) due to similar details in the lives of the saints: both were from Lycia, archbishops, revered saints and miracle workers. These coincidences led to the misconception that existed for many centuries that in the history of the church there was only one Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Saint Nicholas, who lived in the 3rd and 4th centuries, became famous as a great saint of God, which is why people usually call him Nicholas the Pleasant. Saint Nicholas was considered “the representative and intercessor of all, the comforter of all the sorrowful, the refuge of all those in trouble, the pillar of piety, the champion of the faithful.” Christians believe that even today he performs many miracles to help people who pray to him.

Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of seafarers, often turned to by sailors who are in danger of drowning or shipwreck. According to the biography, as a young man, Nikolai went to study in Alexandria, and on one of his sea voyages from Myra to Alexandria, he resurrected a sailor who had fallen from a piece of ship's equipment in a storm and crashed to his death. From another case in the biography, Nikolai saved a sailor on the way from Alexandria back to Mira and upon arrival took him with him to church.

While making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Nicholas the Wonderworker, at the request of desperate travelers, calmed the raging sea with prayer. Holding the executioner's sword, Saint Nicholas saved from death three husbands who had been innocently condemned by the self-interested mayor.

Not only believers, but also pagans turned to him, and the saint responded with his constant miraculous help to everyone who sought it. In those he saved from physical troubles, he aroused repentance for sins and a desire to improve their lives.

During his earthly life, he performed so many good deeds for the glory of God that it is impossible to list them, but among them there is one that belongs to the number of virtues and to what served as the basis for their accomplishment, what moved the saint to the feat - his faith, amazing, strong, zealous.

Saint Nicholas died in the middle of the 4th century at a very old age. According to church tradition, the relics of the saint remained incorrupt and exuded miraculous myrrh, from which many people were healed. In 1087, the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant were transferred to the Italian city of Bar (Bari), where they remain to this day.

Traditions and rituals on St. Nicholas Winter

— In Rus', St. Nicholas has long been considered the defender of the slandered, they believed that he could help the innocently convicted. He is also called the patron saint of sailors, merchants and children. Farmers also prayed to him - for good weather, for a good harvest. “The second intercessor after God,” this is what our ancestors said about Saint Nicholas. Beggars, asking for alms, also referred to the heavenly protector: “Whoever loves Nicholas, who serves Nicholas, Saint Nicholas helps him at every hour.”

— Peasants set St. Nicholas the Winter Day as a deadline for various kinds of transactions, payments and economic contracts. “Nikolsky bargaining is a decree for everything”; “Bread prices are set by Nikolsky bargaining”; “The Nikolsky convoy is more expensive for the boyar treasury than gold,” people said, implying that on this day prices for for a long time forward.

“Also on December 19, brotherhood parties were held, which were called “Nikolshchina.” In the morning, people went to church, served prayers to St. Nicholas, and after that they set large tables together and began to have fun. “For her godfather Nikolshchina cooks mash, for her godfather she bakes pies”; “Call a friend to Nikolshchina, call your enemy too - both will be friends”; “The men go to Nikolshchina with an eye, and after Nikolshchina they lie under the bench,” people said.

- No one was allowed to be sad about Nikola - it was believed that this would bring severe frosts. However, on this day the weather was usually cold anyway. People paid attention to how Nikola continued the work of Saints Barbara and Sava - freezing rivers and lakes. “Nikola will nail down what Savva will pave,” our ancestors noted.

Signs and sayings on Nikola Winter

  • The first serious frosts are Nikolsky.
  • If winter closes in on Michaelmas Day (November 21), it will unshackle on Nikola.
  • If winter covers its tracks before Nikolin's day, the road will not stand.
  • We brought winter on a sled to Nikola - and here is the thaw you've been waiting for.
  • Egory (December 9) is paving - Nikola is nailing.
  • Nikola Zimny ​​will drive the horse into the yard, and Veshny (May 22) will fatten it.
  • What a day on St. Nicholas the Winter, such a day on St. Nicholas the Spring.
  • Frost on Nikola - for the harvest.
  • As much snow as there is on Nikola, there will be as much grass in the spring.
  • Those born on December 19th are marked by fate. They are able to overcome any difficulties. They should wear lapis lazuli or rhodonite.
  • If winter covers its tracks before Nikolin's day, the road will not stand.
  • If winter closes in on Michaelmas, it will unshackle Nikola.
  • There is frost in front of Nikola - the oats will be good.
  • Frost on St. Nicholas (also: about Christmas time, at Epiphany) - for the harvest.
  • If there is frost before winter Mikola, then barley must be sown earlier, if after Mikola - later.
  • What a day in Mikola Winter, the same in Mikola Summer.

The peasants treated this holiday with special trepidation. During this period, the frost outside the window became stronger, which was called Nikolsky frosts.

The matchmaking began. Those who dreamed of getting married prayed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. They believed that prayer would help you meet your soulmate faster.

On December 19, it is customary to give gifts to children. Therefore, the little family members waited for the holiday with special impatience. From the very morning they looked under the pillow. Saint Nicholas gave sweets to those who behaved well during the year.

On the morning of December 19, people went to church, served a prayer service, and then returned home and set rich tables. You should not be sad on this day; it is believed that sadness will lead to severe frosts.

In Rus' during this period, fairs were organized and grain and flour were sold at reduced prices. The price from almost all merchants was the same, so buyers did not worry that they would be deceived by inflating the price.

On St. Nicholas the Winter, it was customary for those who had quarreled to make peace. People gathered and had lavish feasts. They believed that Saint Nicholas, in the form of a gray-haired old man, descended to earth and performed miracles.

The Wonderworker was revered as a protector from various misfortunes and an assistant in good deeds. They pray to him for a change in fate, for work, for health and marriage.

Folk signs

  1. If frost appears, then next year a rich harvest of oats is expected.
  2. If the day is frosty and sunny, then there will be a good harvest.
  3. As much snow falls on Nikolai, there will be as much grass in the spring.
  4. If the winter before December 19 was severe, then from this day a thaw will begin, which will last until

Peasants in Rus' treated the holiday - St. Nicholas Day with special respect. From this day on, the frosts became stronger, and the time for matchmaking began. According to folk signs, on December 19 this day was called Nikolsky frosts. People who wanted to join the barque prayed to the saint.

Nikola was considered an intercessor against illnesses and troubles, as well as an assistant in good deeds.
On December 19, St. Nicholas, who lived in Asia Minor in the colony of Patara in the 3rd century, was commemorated in the church. He began preaching Christianity early and decided that he would serve the Almighty until the end of his days. Nikola studied Holy Bible, constantly prayed and helped those in need. The Bishop of Patara, Nikolai’s uncle, first made him a reader and then a priest.

After the death of his parents, Nicholas distributed property to poor peasants. After a while, he accepted the rank of bishop in Myra. Nicholas fought against paganism all his life, so Christians considered him their main defender. According to folk signs on December 19, Nicholas is considered the patron saint of sailors, merchants and small children. Prayers were read to him to attract a rich harvest and during a trade transaction.

On December 19, the peasants went to church, prayed, and at lunchtime gathered tables with treats. It was not allowed to mope and cry on this day, otherwise the frosts would be even stronger. On December 19, bazaars and fairs were held, and bread was also sold. They tried to sell flour and grain at the same price - there was no competition in the sale.

On December 19, they set rich tables and made peace with each other. This Russian custom was called bratchina. It was believed that on this day Nicholas works miracles and walks around villages in the image of Frost. If the children behaved well, they would find gifts and sweets from St. Nicholas under the pillow. To family life turned out happily, I had to pray to Nikolai. This saint saw off the dead on their last journey, according to popular tradition on December 19th.

Folk signs for December 19

1. If there is a lot of snow on this day, then in the spring there will be a lot of grass
2. Frost lies on December 19 - for a good harvest next year
3. If the weather is frosty but clear, then a bountiful harvest is expected in summer
4. According to folk signs, the weather for December 19th was predicted for May 22nd next year
5. Anyone who was born on this day considers rhodonite and lapis lazuli to be their talisman stones
6. If the weather is clear and frosty on December 19, then the harvest is expected to be poor
7. If there is little snow that day, it will melt quickly