Luck plays a very important role in a person's life. Often, it is thanks to her that some people easily manage to do what others spend entire years or even decades of their lives on.

The ritual for luck and fortune has always been in high demand among those who believed in magical powers. In this material we will present to your attention effective rituals for good luck and financial well-being.

Ritual for good luck with Tarot cards

For this you need to prepare:

  • a deck of Tarot cards;
  • orange and black candles;
  • fabric bags orange and black.

The deck is picked up, you think of something that you are trying to get rid of. You need to choose the 3 most negative habits (or character traits) that you want to eliminate.

Then 3 arcana are selected from the deck (they represent your vicious sides).

For example, if there is a lack of finances, take the Five of Pentacles (the lasso of beggary), if you suffer from your husband’s infidelity - prepare the Hanged Man card, quarrel often - stock up on the Three of Swords, and so on, based on the symbolism of each lasso.

Then all the cards are redrawn or photocopied, because later you will destroy them.

The deck of cards is picked up again, now you think about what you would like to achieve and then choose three lasso that represent it.

For example, for financial well-being take the Emperor's lasso to attract new love– Knight of Cups, buying a car – Chariot of Hermes and so on.

Place in front of you 3 photocopies of bad lassos and a black fabric bag. A black candle is also lit. The cards are picked up one by one, visualize that you are getting rid of what each of them means. When all 3 lasso are in the bag, it will need to be tied with the words:

After these words, they lay out three lasso of their innermost wishes in front of them (there is no need to photocopy them) and an orange bag. A candle of the same color is lit. The cards are picked up one by one, while imagine how strong your desire is to achieve what you want and put the lasso in the bag. You need to read the spell on it:

Then with the bag you go to front door of your home and imagine that it begins to include everything you have planned. Then the bag is placed near the candle orange color, do not extinguish it - let it burn out on its own.

At the end of the bag it is hidden and kept as a talisman for a whole year.

A black candle It is also stewed and taken out of the home along with a black bag. When you throw it away, visualize that this is how you eliminate all troubles and bad luck from your life.

Ritual for good luck

If you want to overcome any obstacles or win a conflict dispute, we recommend that you resort to the following ritual. For him, stock up on two new long knives and stand so that your face faces north.

Start knocking the blades of one knife on the second, saying the following text:

“I will chop the sharp with the sharp, I will destroy the bad with the bad, everything that is against me will return to the enemy, it will not turn on me. Strength is in my hand, power is in my hands forever and ever and for all time.”

When finished, the knives should be hidden in a secluded place and never used for their intended purpose again.

Conspiracy to make a profit

You need to collect one cone from twelve different pine trees in a small basket. The easiest way to do this is with a large stick.

The ritual should be carried out in the summer, in daytime days when the moon is in its waxing phase. Before knocking down the cones, you should go up to the tree, hug it and ask for help in these words:

When you get all twelve cones, you should cross the basket and say:

“My basket is full, the income to me, the servant of God (your name), is close. You, profit, get into the basket, stay with me. Forever and ever. Amen".

Then the basket in which the cones lie is placed in the red corner of your house; it cannot be touched for a whole year. The red corner is a place of honor in a home, where icons usually stand. But you can also place the basket in the kitchen, in a prominent place.

Hex on the sand

To carry out this conspiracy, you will need to prepare a pine, birch or oak twig or twig. But under strict ban there is an aspen!

Sit in a secluded place. The best time to perform the ceremony is early in the morning, near an undisturbed reservoir.

You need to stand on the shore, close to the water, and write your name. When writing, say an appeal to the water element:

Wait for the water to wash away what is written, after which you need to leave without looking back. The twig or twig is taken with you and kept under your pillow for three days. Then you throw it away - it has already fulfilled its function.

Ritual to get engaged with luck

This ritual has a very powerful effect, it can be used by anyone who wants to become more fortunate.

The execution time is the first three days, when the moon enters the growth phase. At this time, you need to imagine your ideal, incredibly lucky and happy life. Visualize all your dreams coming true with ease.

On the fourth day, using a wire, you need to measure a distance equal to the coverage of your ring finger and a little more to connect the ends. Also prepare glass beads in advance.

You should string beads onto a measured wire, each of which is spoken with the following words:

Finally, make a circle of beads and wear it on the ring finger of your right hand.

Ritual for good luck with candles

To carry out this ritual, you need to prepare your photographs, as well as 5 candles, of which 4 are Green colour and 1 – white. In addition, stock up on incense, 10, 2 green stones, coins and a bowl.

The ritual itself is performed as follows:

  1. Wash and dry your hands.
  2. Make a square out of green candles on the floor big size. A white candle is installed in its central part.
  3. To the left of it is incense.
  4. Fill a bowl with bay leaves, stones and coins and place it with right side from a candle.
  5. The photographs are placed under a candle.
  6. Then you need to draw a circle on the floor so that it connects the green candles, stand in its central part.
  7. From a candle white The incense is lit, and then a couple of drops of wax are dripped onto the photo.
  8. Take the cup with your hands and say the following phrase three times:

“Luck comes quickly to me, prosperity flows towards me - so be it".

  1. After this, put out the candles, the white one goes out first.
  2. Wait until the incense burns out completely, and bury its remains in the ground.

Spell to attract good luck and finances

Time: any day of the week when the moon is in its waxing phase.

A coin or bill is taken whose denomination is an even value, and it is spoken with the following words:

The spoken money is placed in the right corner of your room and stored there for seven days. After that it is spent. To get the desired effect, repeat the above manipulation three times.

Thanks to magic, you can and will achieve her favor in different areas own life. You will be required to maintain faith in the ritual actions being performed, as well as compliance with all the conditions of the rituals.

We invite you to watch a video that reveals the secrets of luck

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Every person dreams of being lucky. This helps in family matters, at work and in business. A successful person is usually happy, good-natured and cheerful. Not everyone can be like that. But you can attract luck. To do this, you can perform special rituals for good luck. Thanks to them, you can achieve positive results in what you really need. There are many techniques that allow you to attract fortune to your side, among them there are universal rituals. They guarantee positive results for many areas of human activity.

“I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed and go, crossing myself. I'll go from door to door towards the east. On the eastern side there is an ancient, holy church. In that church there is a throne, and on the throne Holy Mother of God. I tell you Holy Virgin, I pray, I, the servant of God (name), will submit to you. Help me, Mother of God, from every misfortune, deliver me from all adversity, find my money, and add more to my pockets. Protect my family, Mother of God, from illness and misfortune. My words will be strong, stronger than stone, sharper than a knife, truer than books. Amen. Amen. Amen"

This ritual for good luck is considered very powerful. But its effectiveness can be enhanced if you read the plot in front of the door Orthodox Church. Your faith in God plays an important role.

Several magical rituals to attract fortune

The performance of any ritual must be approached responsibly; the expected result largely depends on this. Before carrying out it, it is recommended to take a shower, put on clean clothes, it is better new clothes. The ritual for good luck should be performed in silence with pure thoughts.

  • You need to light a candle, prepare a bird feather, water and a silver chain.
  • Sit on your knees, lower the chain into a glass of water, and say the following words:

    “I’ll grab luck by the tail like a bird, and it will be so!”

  • Dip the feather in water, then run it over your head, arms and legs.

At the end of the ritual, the feather should always be with you. It plays the role of a talisman. Pour the water into a jar and hide it.

Daily plot

Rituals for good luck can be performed on any day. If you need fortune to be on your side today, perform the ritual early in the morning. You should take a shower before sunrise. After that, you put on the clothes you are going to wear to the meeting or event. In a clean room, a red candle is placed in the center of the table. It is recommended to light a stick with the scent of jasmine and stand for a while to relax. As soon as the first rays of the sun begin to appear, you should light a candle and say the following words 7 times:

“The sun is red, the sun is clear! Come out from over the horizon, illuminate the path for me, (your name), help me in my work, attract good luck to me, so that in the light of day it will accompany me. May it be within my power to perform this action! Created!

After that, mentally imagine your success. This must be done, since visualization means a lot to obtain a positive result. The better you can feel, the greater your success will be.

How to use rituals to win

Many people are experiencing financial difficulties. There are many reasons for this. There is also a share of bad luck, the inability to get a good, well-paid job, and problems with housing. All this can be corrected by performing certain rituals for good luck. You can get a big win by playing the lottery, pay off a financial debt, or improve your financial situation in other ways.

If you dream of winning the lottery, you need to correctly follow the conditions of the sacrament:

  • It is better to carry out the ceremony on the waning moon;
  • At this time you need to plant a money tree (this will enhance the effect);
  • Wednesday is considered a magical day, so it is better to carry out the ceremony in the middle of the week.

Rituals for good luck in winning the lottery can be very different. Let's give one of them. To do this you will need a pry bar. It should be sewn on the wrong side of the clothes you wear most often. After this, following the rules, pronounce the spell:

“Like a thread and a needle are always together, so let money be inseparable from me. As a thread follows a needle, so wealth will reach out to me. I sew up the hem - I sew wealth onto myself. Come to me, all kinds of money, big and small, copper and silver, gold and paper, for my joy and God’s grace.”

Clothes must be hung in the closet for one night, and then worn for the next three days.

You can win the lottery by performing a ceremony during the waxing moon. To do this, you should prepare 12 coins. It is necessary that their total amount matches your age. After this, on the first day of the new moon, you need to find a secluded place in the fresh air, hold the coins in your left hand, show them to the moon and say the following words 7 times:

“Everything that grows and lives in this world multiplies from the light of the Sun,
and money - from the moonlight grow, multiply, be fruitful.
Enrich me (name), come to me. Let it be so!"

When you get home, put the money in your wallet along with other coins. This will help the forces begin to act.

The video below shows a ritual for good luck and success in the home.

Magic rituals for good luck help bring happy moments back into your life. Who can argue with the fact that without luck the days cease to be bright and sunny?

No matter how much effort you put into anything, it is all in vain if you are unlucky. Magic rituals for good luck and luck are a great way to change your destiny for the better and feel like a successful person.

In magic circles they know infinite set similar practices. There are both universal conspiracies and those that work in a certain direction. Let's look at the most famous of them.

How can rituals help attract good luck?

If you decide to turn to the Higher Powers for help, you can choose the most suitable method for this.

Rituals that attract good luck can be different:

  • visualization methods;
  • oriental practices and meditations;
  • incantations, spells and mantras;
  • symbolic techniques using talismans and other paraphernalia.

They are all working, but without Have a good mood you are unlikely to be able to activate at least one of them.

When a protracted black streak comes in life, the end of which is not in sight,
A magical ritual for good luck will help you ward off troubles.
Using a spell, you can improve your personal life, succeed in your career, get rid of the insecurities that prevent you from being successful, and even win the lottery - you just need to want and believe!

Rituals for good luck and luck: types

The variety of miraculous ways to attract happiness and good luck into destiny can plunge any average person ignorant of magic into confusion.
Initially, it is necessary to set priorities and determine which one
the sphere of your life needs to be improved, and then choose the appropriate one
spell among the suggested categories:

For well-being in life. These rituals for attracting happiness are used to make a person successful in general, they have little power and can be used in tandem with more powerful conspiracies for better effect.

For success in the financial sector. When he's limping financial situation, things are not going too well, a conspiracy will help solve the problem, the action of which is aimed at:

  • for career growth;
  • a long-awaited but unfairly delayed salary increase by management;

To cleanse the future from troubles. This type of sacrament is used when failures literally haunt a person, problems begin seemingly out of the blue. Magic helps to cleanse the biofield of possible negativity and corrects a karmic program that has failed due to the influence of others.

Ritual for good luck and luck in life

When you wake up in the morning, tune in to the sacrament. Before you go wash, say the following:

“Wednesday-Wednesday, you go to the water with your speeches.
I am baptized in the name of Christ.
I will enlist the support of the Guardian Angel.
Angel have mercy, I pray, take all sorrows away from me,
Went rather good luck great and immeasurable happiness upon me.
Sit on my right shoulder, guard and guard only me (alone).
From envious and evil people, from animals and forest birds, from filthy tongues!
From reprisals and judgment, from witches’ poisonous potions and slander!
Lord God, save my life from suffering and add to my life!

A good luck ritual can help if your life situation didn't work out. A person who is unlucky will always meet his life path Problems. And people who are lucky always achieve what they want.

In the article:

There are rituals to attract good luck that you can do at least every day for luck in literally any matter. Many people don't even think about the importance of luck.

If you eat fresh vegetables for breakfast, then recite the following spell while you peel carrots, cucumbers or other vegetables:

Kind (name of a vegetable, for example, garlic), ward off any illness, ward off misfortunes, give more happiness

The vegetable must be eaten completely and immediately after reading the plot.

Before breakfast is the best time to do magic for luck. Eggs are very popular as the first meal of the day. Do not throw away the shell, but after eating the egg, hit the shell with a spoon, saying:

How many small parts, so many successful days for me!

Familiar sandwiches can also attract good luck. Make a sandwich with butter or any other “spread” and draw a cross on it with any cutlery. You can line it with green onions or other vegetables. You should not use meat for such purposes; sausage and cutlets are not suitable for slander for luck. Focus on your goals and desires. Say the spell:

Let the cross open the way for you to fulfill your desire, visit your guests and always be happy!

And then just eat a sandwich that brings good luck.

You can recite the following spell when leaving the house - it will help you choose good roads and meet only people who are positively disposed towards you. Put left hand on the door before leaving the apartment and say:

Father-Lord! Save God's servant (name) from melancholy and misfortune, from torment and vanity, from fierce misfortune and an evil person! Lead me to where happiness is! Amen.

After this, you can go about your business. But remember that you can’t turn back. It is not advisable to come back when you have forgotten something. If you still had to return, then repeat this simple ritual for good luck.

There is also a conspiracy that is read every day immediately upon awakening, while still lying in bed. It not only invokes good luck and happiness, but also works as protection against unpleasant incidents such as theft and accidents. Text:

There is salt, Easter and bread in the house! Give me, guardian angel, a shield from all troubles! Don’t let anger in your heart, turn it into a happy day! Amen. Amen. Amen.

You must repeat the words three times.

Morning ritual from Vanga for good luck

As stated above, best time To find good luck is the morning, ideally the sunrise. Take a cup or glass, pour water into the bowl and speak into it three times:

Voditsa-voditsa, you let me drink, you let me wash.
So give me, water, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​happiness.
I close it with a key, wash it with water, and let everything come true according to my word.

After reading the hex, you need to drink water. There are separate ones.

Knot magic for luck

You will need a brown leather cord. Three knots should be tied at equal distances.

When making the first knot, say:

May success be with me in my deeds and thoughts!

On the second:

May this always be true and true to my word!

And on the third:

So that something not true, but obvious, cannot knock my luck away from me! This will be so!

Put the lace in your wallet or pocket and always carry it with you, secretly from other people.

This ritual is performed on a sunny morning, on an empty stomach. Take a 5-kopeck coin in your left hand and expose it to the rays of the sun and read the plot. It must be said three times, first in a whisper, then a little louder, and then last time speak loudly and with expression.

There are three dawns. One - clear, red - burns with light, silvers with dawn. The second - golden, pure - glows like a stream, warms the soul with warmth, comforts with happiness like gold. The third dawn is dark, like black water, like a cold night. Let three little dawns come together in a stream, go into the cold with warmth, turn into fire, turn into luck.

The enchanted coin is kept throughout life as a talisman for good luck and luck. She will ward off troubles, save home and help in solving problems.

This ritual repels envy, anger and failure and fills your living space with only positive energy, which will have a positive effect not only on your luck, but also on other aspects of life.

This ritual is performed on Tuesday before sunrise, facing the east. Light three white candles and read the plot seven times:

In the house, the cat caught a mouse, basked, and went to bed.
A demon also lived there and drove away all the evil spirits.
In this mansion-house a beautiful maiden lives,
People call her God's servant (name).
A girl needs to put on a dress and go for a walk in public.
That sundress is not simple - it looks like it’s filled with sunshine.
As soon as she goes to the people, a ray will shine from the gate.
He will treat the girl with dignity and prevent evil from happening.
Let the girl walk where there is joy and light
And her holy outfit will ward off all evil.
Let it flow like water and protect you from troubles,
Together with heaven and earth, he will bless her with luck.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Used candles must be extinguished and used in the future exclusively for this ritual, which should preferably be repeated once a week, on Tuesdays. In the text of the conspiracy we're talking about about a dress made of light. When you read it, it will be nice to imagine yourself wearing this outfit that repels everything negative.

In order to attract luck to your home, you need a stone. You can take either an ordinary stone found during your vacation or a semi-precious one purchased specifically for this purpose. Of course, in the latter case the effect of the ritual will be better.

Rinse the stone in running water and fumigate it with verbena smoke (you can buy it at the pharmacy). When washing and fumigating, repeat:

May good luck come to me, and may adversity disappear!

The stone should be placed at the bottom of a sugar bowl that you use regularly. Don't forget to always have sugar in it.

What to do if your luck runs out?

You can attract luck, or you can. If similar problems are constantly repeated, or a bad streak has come in life, it is better to perform one of the rituals to get rid of bad luck. Usually such rituals are carried out for several days in a row, usually seven or thirteen days.

For the ritual against failures you will need blessed candles- only twenty-one pieces. Choose ones that burn quickly. The action begins on Friday, before sunrise. You should light three candles and read the plot six times:

Be you gray-haired, the extreme of the extremes, burn, settle, decayed misfortune, devastation, poverty, bad luck from my body and from the sorcerer’s work. Amine.