Title page magazine. 1834 The magazine of the Ministry of Public Education was published monthly since 1834. The magazine dates back to 1803 from the publication “Periodic essay on the successes of public education” (St. Petersburg, 1803 ... Wikipedia

Occupational Accident Register- a journal of the established form (Form 9), subject to storage in the organization for 45 years; the mandatory maintenance and content of the Journal are determined by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 No. 73. On the cover (title page) of the Journal... ... Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

I from French the word journal, meaning a diary itself, then a daily newspaper; in Russian language This is the name given to periodicals published at larger intervals than a newspaper. A common word corresponding to the Russian concept of magazine... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Title page of the magazine. 1834 Journal of the Ministry of Public Education ... Wikipedia

Title page of the magazine. 1834 The magazine of the Ministry of Public Education was published monthly since 1834. The magazine dates back to 1803 from the publication “Periodic essay on the successes of public education” (St. Petersburg, 1803-1819). Then the magazine... ... Wikipedia

In 1835, the chief of staff of the military educational institutions Ya. I. Rostovtsev came up with the idea of ​​publishing a special magazine for reading by pupils of these institutions, “which would contribute to the development in them own strength thinking and... ... Wikipedia

Journal of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment- Terminology Journal of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment: for days (not counting travel time) from “” 20 to “” 20 Valid upon presentation of a passport Manager position... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

"Magazine for reading by students of military educational institutions"- A MAGAZINE FOR READING FOR STUDENTS OF MILITARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. In 1835, at the chief of staff V. textbook From the head of Ya. I. Rostovtsev, the idea arose about publishing special. J. for reading by the education of these teachers, which would contribute to the development of their own ... Military encyclopedia

This term has other meanings, see Spin. Spin Specialization ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Om (meanings). OM Magazine Specialization: extreme gloss Frequency: monthly Language: Russian Publisher: Founder and first Chief Editor Igor Grigoriev ... Wikipedia


  • Magazine "Neva" (set of 14 convolutes), . "Neva" - Russian literary magazine, published in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) since April 1955. It was founded on the basis of the previously published “Leningrad Almanac” as the official...
  • Magazine "Foreign Literature" No. 11. 2017, . The November issue, which is quite understandable, is entirely dedicated to the centenary October revolution, and it’s called “Russia in the Dark,” just like the famous book by H.G. Wells. All authors of the current issue...

Title page of the magazine. 1834 The magazine of the Ministry of Public Education was published monthly since 1834. The magazine dates back to 1803 from the publication “Periodic essay on the successes of public education” (St. Petersburg, 1803 ... Wikipedia

Occupational Accident Register- a journal of the established form (Form 9), subject to storage in the organization for 45 years; the mandatory maintenance and content of the Journal are determined by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 No. 73. On the cover (title page) of the Journal... ... Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

Magazine- I from French. the word journal, meaning a diary itself, then a daily newspaper; in Russian language This is the name given to periodicals published at larger intervals than a newspaper. A common word corresponding to the Russian concept of magazine... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Journal of the Ministry of Public Education- Title page of the magazine. 1834 Journal of the Ministry of Public Education ... Wikipedia

Journal of the Ministry of Public Education- Title page of the magazine. 1834 The magazine of the Ministry of Public Education was published monthly since 1834. The magazine dates back to 1803 from the publication “Periodic essay on the successes of public education” (St. Petersburg, 1803-1819). Then the magazine... ... Wikipedia

A magazine for reading for students of military educational institutions- In 1835, the chief of staff of military educational institutions, Ya. I. Rostovtsev, had the idea of ​​publishing a special magazine for students of these institutions to read, “which would contribute to the development of their own thinking power and ... ... Wikipedia

Journal of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and payment- Terminology Journal of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment: for days (not counting travel time) from “” 20 to “” 20 Valid upon presentation of a passport Manager position... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

"Magazine for reading by students of military educational institutions"- A MAGAZINE FOR READING FOR STUDENTS OF MILITARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. In 1835, at the chief of staff V. textbook From the head of Ya. I. Rostovtsev, the idea arose about publishing special. J. for reading by the education of these teachers, which would contribute to the development of their own ... Military encyclopedia

Spin (magazine)- This term has other meanings, see Spin. Spin Specialization ... Wikipedia

OM (magazine)- This term has other meanings, see Om (meanings). OM Magazine Specialization: extreme gloss Frequency: monthly Language: Russian Publisher: Founder and first editor-in-chief Igor Grigoriev ... Wikipedia


  • Magazine "Neva" (set of 14 convolutes), . "Neva" is a Russian literary magazine published in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) since April 1955. It was based on the previously published Leningrad Almanac as the official... Buy for 5625 rubles
  • Magazine "Foreign Literature" No. 11. 2017, . The November issue, which is quite understandable, is entirely dedicated to the centenary of the October Revolution, and it is called “Russia in the Darkness,” just like the famous book by H.G. Wells. All authors of the current issue...

“7 Days” magazine is a publication for the whole family, which is published once a week. The magazine is dedicated to entertainment and cultural events taking place in the world. Only on its pages you can learn about latest events in the world of show business, fashion, television and cinema. Only the most exclusive materials are published on the pages of this publication. Believe me, you have never seen anything like this in your life! Only in the magazine “7 days” you will find interviews and reports prepared by special correspondents. A huge advantage and advantage of this publication is the television program for the entire week. It is very simple and easy to use.

Readers of the magazine "7 days"

The weekly “7 Days” is intended for the general public. Anyone who picks up this magazine will be able to easily find something interesting and useful for themselves on its pages. 7 Days magazine publishes informational and entertaining articles about the latest events in the world of fashion, show business and television.

The magazine is aimed at a wide range of people with different interests and preferences. In Moscow, the target audience of the 1st edition of this magazine is 2.177 thousand people, in Russia - 4100 thousand. At the same time, 37.5 percent of 4,100 thousand people constantly buy and read the “7 Days” magazine. Among them, 33.4% are men, 66.6% of the readers of the magazine “7 Days” are the beautiful half of our humanity. In addition, it should be noted that the main regular readers of this periodical belong to the consumer-active group of the population.

The weekly is published once a week, on Wednesdays.
“7 Days” is a complete entertaining weekly for the whole family. Each of its members, without a doubt, will be able to find a lot for themselves useful information on the pages of this magazine.

The weekly “7 days” contains the following main sections:

· My star;
· Tutti Frutti;
· TV programm;
· Light presentation;
· Little things in life;
· One-on-one;
· Let's look at the stars and many others.

Official website of the magazine "7 days"

Weekly “7 days” – now it’s real! Indeed, at present, for convenience, the official website of the publication “7 Days” has been created. Only here you can find the announcement of the weekly “7 Days”. Each issue contains new stories, new interviews and stories.

On the official website of the magazine you can also find information in the following sections:

· News – this section contains information about all events taking place in the world of show business
· Private life– will tell you about all the innermost secrets of the stars, about their lives and family
· Fashion – contains last news O fashion trends
· Everyday life and comfort - will tell you how best to arrange your home, how to make sure that prosperity and harmony reign in them
· Cinema – contains all the information about the latest in the film industry
· Beauty about health – this section contains information on how to eat properly, wear makeup, and dress in order to constantly remain beautiful and desirable

All articles posted on the official website of the magazine “7 Days” are open for free reading.

The 7 Days Weekly is what your family needs. Only on its pages you can find an easy-to-use television program for the entire week. In addition, the magazine will pleasantly please you with an abundance of information about the latest cultural events taking place in Russia and abroad. In addition, here you can find a lot interesting information about your idols.

Before you buy the magazine, every week you can watch the announcement of the materials of the weekly “7 Days” on the official website of the publication.

The weekly “7 Days” is a publication that absolutely anyone will like.