Childhood, youth and family of Alexey Miller

Now a successful top manager, chairman of the board of the largest Russian energy company, he was born in Leningrad into a family of employees of a closed military enterprise. Miller studied at gymnasium No. 330, with early years demonstrating excellent academic performance. After school, he easily entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. N.A. Voznesensky, who successfully graduated in 1984 with a degree in economics and engineering.

For several years after receiving his diploma, Miller worked in his specialty at LenNIIproekt, however, being a capable student, in 1986 the future Gazprom employee decided to continue his studies in graduate school. In 1989 Miller became a candidate of economic sciences.

In 1990, he continued his work at LenNIIproekt, where he now holds the position of junior research fellow. Part of 1990 and early 1991 - Miller serves on the Committee on economic reform Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

Alexey Miller’s career rise: from St. Petersburg mayor’s office to Gazprom

In 1991, a fateful acquaintance took place for Alexei Borisovich. This year he began his work in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where the current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin held the position of his head. Miller worked on the Committee for five years. During this time, the organization managed to establish contacts with the largest Western banks.

Alexey Miller (OJSC Gazprom) in the oncoming lane. A593MR 97

The change of power forced Alexei Miller to leave his home. Having risen high through the ranks of the External Relations Committee, Miller became a sought-after candidate for senior positions in major Russian companies. His new place of work was the company OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg, where Alexey Miller worked for three years.

Since 1999, the successful top manager took the place of general director at OJSC Baltic Pipeline System.

According to the results of the Russian elections in 2000, Vladimir Putin occupied the presidency. Following his former boss, his former subordinate Alexey Miller also moved to the capital. He was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, but remained in office for only a year.

In 2001, Miller became chairman of the board of Gazprom. The dismissal of Rem Vyakhirev, who served as chairman for almost ten years, promises the largest energy organization rapid reforms, which were not long in coming. From this moment, Gazprom becomes completely controlled by the state, and work begins to return assets lost during Vyakhirev’s rule.

Alexey Miller: crests are messing with Russian gas

In 2002, Alexey Miller became Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. By this time, the organization had undergone major personnel changes. Being far from the energy sector, Miller needed people for whom this field was not alien. A number of leadership positions went to people with whom the new chairman of the board had already worked; other appointments came from the Kremlin; some members of Vyakhirev’s team managed to retain their posts.

However, despite the reforms carried out, gossips foreshadowed Miller's imminent resignation. The beginning of his work was not active enough, and, according to some experts, the personnel changes that began should have ended with the resignation of the new leader. No matter what rumors circulate, and no matter what is whispered about on the sidelines, Alexey Miller has firmly strengthened his position. By 2004, the formation of a renewed management apparatus came to an end. In 2006, Miller's work contract was extended for another five years.

No matter how controversial and dubious the start may seem, Alexey Miller achieved good results as chairman of the board. In 2010, the American magazine Harvard Business Review ranked Miller third in the ranking of the world's most effective top managers. In 2013, the chairman of the board of OJSC Gazprom took third place in the Forbes list, and was named one of the most expensive Russian managers.

Personal life of Alexey Miller

Alexey Miller is a busy man, which is why he doesn’t have time to communicate with journalists, so the few interviews with the head of Gazprom are devoted mainly to the work of the company, its prospects and development. Miller prefers not to talk about his personal life, but it is known that he has been married for many years.

He and his wife Irina are raising a son. The top manager prefers to spend his free time with his family. He is no stranger to sports hobbies, such as cycling and skiing. Miller is also passionate about equestrian sports.

He owns several thoroughbred stallions. However, like any business person, Miller’s hobby turned into an active labor activity. In 2012, he assumed the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Russian Hippodromes. According to the presidential decree, Alexey Miller faces the responsible and difficult task of breathing life into domestic equestrian sport and contributing to the revival of the industry.

In 2016, the entrepreneur admitted that as a child he passionately wanted to go to the concert of his beloved Deep Purple. It was impossible then, so now he attends every performance of his youth idols whenever possible.

Alexey Miller today

In 2016, Alexey Miller for the first time topped the ranking of the highest paid top managers, presented by Forbes. His annual remuneration was estimated at $17.7 million.

Against the backdrop of the story of the drunken antics of Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, one cannot help but recall the racist scandals, which, it seems to us, have already become business card FC Zenit. But is Kokorin worth trying for extremism? What kind of demand can there be from an ordinary football player if aggression towards people with a different skin color and eye shape seems to be encouraged at the level of the bosses of the St. Petersburg club? It's no secret that the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, has turned Zenit into his personal toy.

Immediately after the arrest of Kokorin, Mamaev and the people who took part in the fight with them, rumors appeared that, in addition to hooliganism and battery, they could be charged under extremist Article 282. More precisely, not all, but only Alexandra Kokorina and his brother - they are believed to have attacked an employee of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in a Moscow cafe Denis Pak. The official is of Korean descent. According to media reports, the Kokorin brothers could insult him based on his nationality, called him a “Chinese” and demanded that he “go to China.”

During the confrontation, the Kokorin brothers apologized to Pak and said that they repented of their actions - in fact, they suggested that the official go to peace. But the word is not a sparrow; under other circumstances, the case would certainly have been initiated under Article 282. It seems that the story of the xenophobic behavior of the player " Zenit"Now they are trying to hush it up high level and this level is probably located somewhere on the upper floors " Gazprom».

The reason for such active intercession is clear. If Kokorin starts testifying on an extremist article, he can say that Zenit really doesn’t like people with different eye shapes and skin color. He may well say that in the team this dislike has become a “common place” that unites not only the players and fans, but also the team bosses. Can anyone really perceive the incident between Alexander Kokorin And Denis Pak How special case? Has everyone forgotten that Zenit regularly finds itself at the center of such scandals?

Fans of the St. Petersburg club like to repeat that today fascist scumbags are a minority in the stands. They say that Nazi ideas were really popular among fans, but this problem remained in the 90s. These arguments cannot be applied to the case; fresh examples of mass racist incidents are right before your eyes. This spring, at a home match with " Leipzig"fans" Zenit"sang the song joyfully" Killed a black man" This is how they responded to trauma. Nabi Keita- one of the black players of the German club. The UEFA leadership punished the St. Petersburg club with a match without spectators and a fine of 70 thousand euros.

In 2013 " Zenith"came under further sanctions after his fans rioted at an away match in Austria. At the same time, English-language tabloids called the Russian team “ the most racist club in Europe" This has happened before. In 2011, one of the St. Petersburg fans handed a peeled banana to the world champion Roberto Carlos, who then played for Anzhi, and according to the online newspaper “Paper”, in 2008, a football player for the French “Marseille” Ronald Zubar told how, during the warm-up, spectators from the Petrovsky stands threw bananas at him and imitated the screams of monkeys. For this, Zenit was fined 36,880 euros.

What has changed since then? A year before the riots in Austria, a kind of manifesto appeared on the website of Zenit fans, which they called “ Selection 12" We are talking about the requirements for the club’s policy for selecting new players. The manifesto explicitly states that fans will not tolerate black foreign players on the team. They demand that new players be looked for primarily in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, secondly – ​​in other regions of Russia, then – “ in Slavic countries, Baltic countries and Scandinavia" That is, the authors of the manifesto make it clear that they want to see football players of a Nordic type of appearance on the field.

In “Selection 12” there is even a traditional passage for xenophobes in the spirit of “I’m not a fascist, but I don’t like blacks”: “ We are not racists and for us the absence of black players in Zenit is only an important tradition that emphasizes the identity of the club and nothing more. Thanks to its preservation, Zenit has its own identity in the football world, along with a small number of football clubs that also support these principles", says the manifesto.

Six years after its publication, this “document” still hangs on home page Zenit fan site, and many fans probably still have T-shirts with the slogan “ There is no black in the colors of the zenith" But the problem is that the same values ​​seem to be shared at the very top floors of the St. Petersburg club.

The story of a black football player not getting into Zenit can be considered indicative Brian Idowu. Nigerian by blood, he was born and raised in St. Petersburg, studied at the Zenit academy and really wanted to get into the main team. But it didn’t happen, today Brian plays for Lokomotiv Moscow. The football player’s father recently told reporters that, according to scouts, his son did not get into the St. Petersburg club precisely because of the color of his skin.

Someone might argue that today “non-white” players are included in the Zenit squad - the merits of those who left Hulk And Witsel still remember. But it seems very likely that the club began to buy black foreign players in order to get rid of the trail of racist scandals, and also because without foreign players from South America and Africa is much more difficult to win. Moreover, the Zenit coaching staff, apparently, is waging a quiet but large-scale struggle with the club owner for quality foreign players. The story of the recent purchase of Marchio can also be considered indicative.

32 year old Italian Claduio Marchiso became Zenit's only newcomer last off-season. According to Eurosport, over two years the St. Petersburg club will pay him 13 million euros - almost a billion rubles at the current exchange rate. This means that Marchio will become the highest paid foreign player in the Russian Premier League, despite the fact that two years ago he tore his cruciate ligaments and has not returned to his previous level since then. Before the transition " Zenith» Claudio Marchiso sat on the bench in « Juventus“,” the Turin club terminated his contract “by mutual agreement.” Essentially, the Zenit bosses decided to buy a useless, expensive chest of drawers. Thus, as some believe, they threw a “bone” to the head coach Sergei Semak– they say, here’s a famous legionnaire for you, don’t complain. Young, healthy and promising players, albeit with the “wrong” skin color, were most likely not considered by the Zenit owners.

Need I repeat that the club receives gigantic amounts of money to purchase players from its owner and main sponsor? Can anyone really believe that the head of Gazprom Alexey Miller does not affect the transfers of Zenit, which he, according to rumors, considers almost his personal football team? Abramovich owns Chelsea Usmanov– English “Arsenal”, Miller– “Zenith”, and now the captains of the Russian economy already have something to talk about over a cup of tea!

On this topic

By the way, unlike the St. Petersburg club, English teams, even with hosts from Russia, are developing large-scale programs to combat racism among their fans. So, according to the BBC, Roman Abramovich offered to take fascist Chelsea fans on excursions to Auschwitz. It is expected that such educational events will be carried out at the expense of the club. Participation in them will allow offending fans to avoid being banned from attending matches.

Management " Zenit“Apparently, it is not developing such programs. After another fan outburst, it limits itself to “protocol” calls for tolerance on its official website, as if such messages could convince anyone that the team is free from extremist ideology. Fans of the St. Petersburg club, meanwhile, discuss the color of the players’ skin using expressions that could easily be used by soldiers of the German Sonderkommando, looking for “racially inferior” people in the occupied territories. It turns out there is a Sonderkommando in St. Petersburg, but who is the Sonderführer there?


Yuri Kanner,

President of the Russian Jewish Congress:

The level of xenophobia in Russia is measured quite accurately by opinion polls; it cannot be called high. The lowest level was in July 2017, and in July 2018, just during the World Cup, there was a slight increase. Therefore, it is very important how the state and public people react to xenophobic antics. If society clearly sees a negative reaction, then this reduces the degree of radicalism. IN reverse side this works too. Let’s say an honored State Duma deputy speaks before the championship and says that girls should not communicate with foreigners, especially with blacks. We remember that this did not receive an adequate response. The leader of the faction could speak and somehow scold. If she talks about promiscuous relationships, single mothers, that’s all understandable. But if she says “especially with blacks,” this is a xenophobic statement, a call for discrimination based on skin color. Speaking of racism football fans, then I don’t think that coaches and team managers are obliged to deal with this - everyone should mind their own business. But they definitely need to educate their players so that they do not tolerate manifestations of racism, and respond to it appropriately.

Alexey Borisovich Miller— Chairman of the Board and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom. Alexey Miller is also the chairman of the board of directors of NPF Gazfond, Gazprombank and the insurance company SOGAZ. Alexey Miller is one of the highest paid Russian managers. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Miller has a number of state awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2006) for his contribution to the development of the Russian gas complex and the Order of Alexander Nevsky (2014).

Alexey Miller is a member of the board of trustees of the International Global Energy Prize and the government commission on the production of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation and fuel and energy complex issues.

Childhood and education of Alexey Miller

Alexey Miller comes from a family of Russified Germans.

Father - Boris Vasilievich Miller(1935−1986) - assembler.

Mother - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Miller(1936−2009) - engineer.

Parents worked at the Radio Electronics Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry.

Alexey Miller graduated from school-gymnasium No. 330 in the Nevsky district of Leningrad. Young Miller studied successfully. After school, he immediately entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. ON THE. Voznesensky. In 1984, having received his diploma, Alexey Miller began working as an engineer-economist at LenNIIproekt.

From the biography of Alexey Miller on Wikipedia you can find out that in the 80s future leader Gazprom was part of the circle of Leningrad economists-reformers, whose informal leader was Anatoly Chubais. In particular, in 1987, Alexey Miller was a member of the Sintez club at the Leningrad Youth Palace along with such famous people, How Mikhail Dmitriev, Andrey Illarionov, Mikhail Manevich, Andrey Lankov, Andrey Prokofiev and others.

The beginning of the career of Alexey Miller

While working at LenNIIproekt, Alexey Miller continued his education by studying in graduate school. In 1989, Alexey Borisovich Miller defended his Ph.D. thesis and took the position of junior researcher at LenNIIproekt.

In addition, the biography of Alexey Miller notes his activities in the Committee on Economic Reform of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

In 1991, a significant acquaintance took place for Alexei Borisovich’s future career. Alexey Miller’s biography on the “Find out everything” website reports that in 1991 he began working in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where he was director Vladimir Putin. Miller’s biography on the Gazprom website states that Alexey Borisovich began his career in the mayor’s office as head of the market conditions department of the Foreign Economic Relations Department of the External Relations Committee of the St. Petersburg Mayor’s Office.

Alexey Borisovich Miller successfully served on the Committee for five years and managed to establish contacts with the largest Western banks. Miller’s biography in Lentapedia notes that he was involved in the development of the first investment zones in the city, in particular Pulkovo and Parnas, brought the first foreign banks to the city, such as Dresden Bank and Lyon Credit, hotel business, was chairman of the board of directors of the Europe Hotel.

Alexey Miller then became head of the foreign economic relations department, working under the direct supervision of Vladimir Putin (who at that time served as head of the mayor's office's external relations committee).

The perestroika period gave Miller the opportunity to climb the career ladder. Alexey Miller was invited to senior positions in the largest Russian companies.

In 1996, after Anatoly Sobchak’s defeat in the elections, a new place of work appeared in the biography of the future head of Gazprom - OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg. Until 1999, Alexey Miller was the director of development and investment of this company.

Since 1999, Miller took the position of General Director at OJSC Baltic Pipeline System.

When Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia in 2000, Alexey Miller moved to Moscow. He was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation. Alexey Borisovich worked in this position for only a year, since in 2001 Miller took over as chairman of the board of Gazprom.

In the photo: Moscow, May 30. Deputy Minister of Energy Alexey Miller became the new chairman of the board of Gazprom (Photo: Vladimir Rodionov and Sergey Velichkin)

Alexey Miller's career at Gazprom

Alexey Miller, with the help of Vladimir Putin, carried out reforms at Gazprom, as reported in his biography on Wikipedia, the result of this activity was that by the beginning of 2004 Russian Federation owned 38.7% of Gazprom shares and had a majority on the Board of Directors.

By 2004, the formation of the updated Gazprom management apparatus came to an end. In 2006, Miller's employment contract was extended for another five years.

On December 9, 2005, the State Duma adopted amendments to the law “On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation”, according to which the share of shares owned by state-owned companies cannot be lower than 50% plus one share, and restrictions are also established for foreign citizens and companies.

In the photo: Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko and head of Gazprom Alexey Miller during the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement for 2006 (Photo: Grigory Sysoev/ TASS)

Gazprom's Wikipedia page states that in 2007, the company was included for the first time in the annual list of the hundred most respected firms and companies in the world according to the weekly Barron's. In May 2008, Gazprom became the third largest company in the world by capitalization.

In May 2008, the company had a maximum price and Alexey Miller noted that in 7-8 years its capitalization should grow from $365.1 billion to one trillion. But in the fall of the same year it collapsed to 77.1 billion, says Wikipedia.

At the beginning of 2010, head Alexey Miller took third place in the ranking of the most effective top managers in the world according to Harvard Business Review.

The work of Alexey Borisovich Miller has been repeatedly recognized as successful at the state level. In February 2016, news reported that Miller's contract had been extended for another 5 years.

In the photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the Board of Gazprom PJSC Alexey Miller (from left to right), who received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree, at the ceremony of presenting state awards of the Russian Federation in the Kremlin (Photo: Mikhail Metzel/TASS)

In January 2018, Gazprom asked the Russian government to allow the company to sell its own gas on the St. Petersburg Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange (SPbMTSE) without any restrictions. As reported in the news, Alexey Miller sent this letter to the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Relations between Gazprom and Naftogaz

A special place in the activities of Alexey Miller as the head of Gazprom was occupied by relations with the Ukrainian Naftogaz. The “gas wars” between Russia and Ukraine continued for years, and the situation became especially difficult after Euromaidan, when Kyiv stopped paying for gas. Then Vladimir Putin said that Gazprom would “supply gas only in the volumes that will be paid by the Ukrainian side a month in advance. What they pay is what they get.”

On June 2, 2014, Alexey Miller reported that the price of blue fuel for Ukraine could drop below $385.5 per thousand cubic meters as a result of a discount from Gazprom.

On June 16, due to regular non-payments by Naftogaz of Ukraine, Gazprom introduced a prepayment regime for gas supplies for Ukraine. In addition, Gazprom submitted to the Stockholm arbitration court a claim against the Ukrainian government for a total amount of about $4.5 billion. Dmitry Medvedev, commenting on the news that Russia will supply gas to Ukraine only after advance payment and repayment of all debts, wrote: “The freebie is over.”

In July, Alexey Miller reported that Ukraine’s total debt for fuel supplied by Gazprom reached $5.29 billion. A total of 11.5 billion cubic meters of gas remain unpaid, which is comparable to the volume of annual Russian gas supplies to Poland.

“Ukraine’s reluctance in principle to pay for Russian gas becomes chronic and once again shows that the transfer to prepayment provided for by the terms of the contract was the only right decision,” Miller emphasized.

On October 31, 2014, gas negotiations in the Russia-Ukraine-EU format ended in Brussels. A tripartite agreement was signed, which fixed the plan for gas supplies during the winter period. The first part was signed by the President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso, Vice-President of the European Commission Gunter Oettinger, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Alexander Novak and head of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine Yuri Prodan, the second document was signed by the heads of Gazprom and Naftogaz.

“We, citizens of Europe, can say that gas supplies are secure this winter, we have achieved a breakthrough. Everyone benefited from this, especially EU citizens. The transit function of Ukraine will continue to be implemented. Countries such as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary will receive sufficient volumes of gas,” said Günter Oettinger.

In the photo: Belgium. Brussels. October 31. Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprom Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Board of NJSC Naftogaz Andrey Kobelev (from left to right in the foreground) sign an agreement on the supply of Russian gas to Ukraine. In the background, from left to right: Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, European Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union Maros Šefčović (Photo: AR/TASS)

The European Commissioner for Energy also confirmed the points reached earlier, in particular, the $100 discount from the Russian Federation and Ukraine’s obligations to pay $3.1 billion of its debt. At the same time, until March 2015, as reported in the news, Ukraine could buy gas on an advance payment basis at a price of $385 per thousand cubic meters. meters of gas or lower, according to the calculation formula. It was noted that the key issue of the negotiations on October 30 was financial guarantees from the European Commission for payment by Kiev for Russian gas supplies.

In April 2015, Gazprom and Naftogaz signed an agreement on gas supplies in the second quarter of 2015.

In 2015, Gazprom filed a lawsuit against Naftogaz, demanding to recover from the company a fee for the shortfall of contract gas volumes in 2012-2013, which it had to pay according to the take-or-pay rule (“take or pay” - annual payment minimum quantity fuel). Naftogaz, in turn, demanded a review of pricing, which it considered non-market. In 2012, Square received a discount of one hundred dollars per thousand cubic meters of gas in exchange for basing the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea. But in 2014, after Crimea became part of the Russian Federation, the discount was canceled and the price rose to $485 per thousand cubic meters. Naftogaz refused to pay this price and also went to arbitration.

In the fall of 2015, Russia again provided Ukraine with a discount on gas. As the Deputy Head of the European Commission (EC) for Energy Union Affairs said Maros Šefčović, the “winter package” of documents, in addition to the trilateral protocol, included an additional contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz.

On November 18, 2015, the European Commission gave the green light to three gas pipelines from Southeast to Central Europe, which Gazprom can use to supply the Balkans with Turkish Stream gas. These projects allowed Gazprom to solve the problem of delivering gas to European consumers, while abandoning the transit of gas through Ukraine.

Thus, Russia was going to protect itself from a gas crisis similar to the crisis in 2009, when Ukraine stole gas. The head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, made it clear that the Russian concern will not build “strings” in the EU to continue the Turkish Stream, and the Europeans themselves need to take care of this.

At the beginning of June 2016, Gazprom received an official letter from Naftogaz with a request to resume supplies of Russian fuel. Kyiv was offered a price of $177 per thousand cubic meters, but Naftogaz considered it too high. Gazprom then issued a preliminary invoice to Kyiv for gas.

On May 31, 2017, the Stockholm Arbitration Court issued an interim decision in the dispute between Gazprom and Naftogaz regarding the contract for gas supplies to Ukraine.

On February 28, 2018, the Stockholm Arbitration Court announced a decision on the transit claim of Naftogaz against Gazprom. It was ruled in favor of the Ukrainian company and obligated the Russian gas giant to pay Naftogaz $2.56 billion.

At the same time, Naftogaz demanded even more - $17 billion. Gazprom does not agree with the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration Court, accusing it of violating Swedish law governing the contract with Naftogaz. Gazprom promised to protect its rights “by all means” that do not contradict the law.

After this, the management of Gazprom announced that it had returned the advance payment for March to Naftogaz and would not resume gas supplies. As a result, the Ukrainian authorities temporarily limited gas consumption in the country, but within 24 hours the President Petro Poroshenko announced the start of fuel supplies from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. As it turned out, this option turned out to be four times more expensive Russian proposal.

Commercial Director of Naftogaz Yuri Vitrenko stated that Gazprom had underpaid his company by about $20 billion since 2009 due to the fact that tariffs for fuel transit were underestimated.

Income of Alexey Miller

Alexey Miller is a regular participant in Forbes ratings, which list the incomes of the highest paid top managers in Russia. In 2013, with annual income of $25 million, Miller ranked third. In 2015, Alexey Borisovich for the first time became the highest paid top manager in Russia with an income of $27 million.

In the photo: Deputy Chairman of OAO Gazprom Vitaly Markelov, Chairman of the Board of OAO Gazprom Alexey Miller (from left to right) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom Viktor Zubkov (right) before the general annual meeting of shareholders of OAO Gazprom (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev/TASS)

At the end of 2016, Miller also topped the Forbes ranking of the most valuable executives of Russian companies with an income of $17.7 million.

According to Forbes, Alexey Miller owns 0.000958% of Gazprom shares. Package price: $488,198 (as of October 20, 2016).

On April 6, it became known that the United States had imposed sanctions against Russian businessmen and officials. The US Treasury blacklisted 15 companies and 38 businessmen, including Oleg Deripaska, Sergei Fursenko, Alexey Miller, Konstantin Kosachev, Mikhail Fradkov, Kirill Shamalov and some others.

This restrictive list implies the freezing of assets, seizure of real estate and possible bank accounts of individuals and legal entities in the United States, as well as a ban on entry into the country.

Personal life and hobbies of Alexey Miller

In the biography of Alexey Miller on the Find Out Everything website, it is reported that the billionaire is married, his wife Irina is not a public person. The Millers have a son.

Alexey Miller can often be seen at the matches of FC Zenit, whose general sponsor is Gazprom PJSC; it is known that he is a football fan.

In the photo: Chairman of the Board of OJSC Gazprom Alexey Borisovich Miller, and Sergey Fursenko, President football club Zenit (Photo: Vyacheslav Evdokimov / TASS)

Alexey Miller visited the locker room of St. Petersburg “Zenith” after the match of the ninth round of the Russian championship, in which the “blue-white-blue” were unable to beat Perm “Amkar”, the news reported. The functionary was extremely dissatisfied with the result of the match and decided to personally talk with the players.

Alexey Miller is fond of horse riding. He owns the purebred stallions Vesely and Fragrant. In the second quarter of 2012, Miller took the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Russian Hippodromes.

Forbes wrote that Alexey Miller registered on Odnoklassniki after an acquaintance with whom he studied at the institute reproached that the head of Gazprom communicates little with classmates on the Internet.

In 2016, during the international gas forum in St. Petersburg, Alexey Borisovich said that as a teenager he was a fan of Deep Purple. According to him, he dreamed of attending a concert and now, whenever possible, he attends performances of the legendary rock band.

Has Miller already decided everything about Zenit?

The head of Gazprom will take control of the club and, apparently, will listen more to Dyukov rather than Fursenko

05/16/18 intrigue

While happy Roberto Mancini was signing a contract with the Italian national team, serious passions flared up at Zenit about his replacement. According to insiders, the current president of the club, Sergei Fursenko, insists on the candidacy of Dick Advocaat. And, apparently, the longer he persists, the more irritated he causes the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller. Not because Advocaat is bad in any way, but because it would be strange to listen to Fursenko’s recommendations after the worst season in Zenit’s history. In addition, Miller sees that the public is demanding not the 70-year-old Advocaat, but the 42-year-old Semak. This demand is heard at the St. Petersburg stadium (fans unanimously chanted the name of the head coach of Ufa at the last match of the RFPL championship), and in the media, and on social networks. And going against the public in the current situation is like death. Semak, again according to insiders, is also supported by ex-president Zenit, head of Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov, currently serving as chairman of the board of directors. Therefore, the question of the head coach can be considered resolved. It will be Semak. But what to do with Fursenko in this case? It seems that Alexey Borisovich has already decided this issue for himself.

A la the Queen of England

The return of Sergei Fursenko to Zenit turned out completely different from what the head of Gazprom expected. Ten years ago, during Fursenko's presidency, Zenit won the Russian Championship, the UEFA Cup and the European Super Cup. It was then that the opinion formed - as is now clear, erroneous - that it was he who led the team to this success. In fact, significant victories were achieved thanks to the coaching talent and wisdom of Dick Advocaat, the competent selection work of the late Konstantin Sarsania and a wonderful team of caring players who were obsessed not with money, but with the love of football.

The past season showed that without Advocaat and Sarsania, Fursenko is not really capable of anything. This is probably why he is now trying, according to sources, with all his might to bring the Dutch coach back to Zenit. A lawyer for Fursenko is a saving straw, an opportunity to be involved in business.

But the chances of the Zenit president to prove his worth seem to have been exhausted. At a meeting of the club's board of directors, held on Monday, according to witnesses, Alexey Borisovich gave Sergei Alexandrovich a real dressing down. Miller demanded that all future transfers be carried out through the board of directors (that is, through himself and through Dyukov), as well as all personnel and financial decisions.

For Fursenko, this means a complete cut off of his powers. The president of Zenit will now resemble the English queen, who seems to have a crown on her head, but decides nothing and controls nothing.

Fight under the carpet

The arrival of Sergei Semak at Zenit as head coach is the final for Fursenko. The current president of Zenit has an unimportant relationship with him, or so they say, in any case, but Semak is now so popular and so successful that he can theoretically set any conditions for working in the team - right up to the resignation of Sergei Alexandrovich.

And here's what's interesting. As we already said at the beginning of the article, Semak’s candidacy is supported by Fursenko’s predecessor as president of Zenit, Alexander Dyukov. He met with him, held negotiations, and the idea of ​​an online vote for the head coach, which predictably won, was most likely implemented precisely at Dyukov’s suggestion.

If this is indeed the case, then there are signs of confrontation between the chairman of the board of directors and the president of the club. Confrontations with a clear end in advance.

Miller cannot fire Fursenko. And not only because of long-standing companionship. The fact is that quite recently, in April, Sergei Alexandrovich came under American sanctions, and in the elite now such people are considered almost saints, they cannot be touched.

Therefore, Fursenko will remain president of Zenit in any case. But most likely - a nominal president.

But Dyukov may well become the person who will make all decisions - both for himself and for Fursenko.

Five letter surname

Numerous publications in the media in favor of Advocaat (that is, Fursenko), on the one hand, and Semak (that is, Dyukov), on the other, testify to what kind of battles invisible to the prying eye can now be going on at the top.

Even heavy artillery was brought up.

For example, the famous commentator Vasily Utkin asks: “Why does Semak need Zenit?” According to him, the Ufa coach should sit on this team. And the best candidate for Peter would be Dick Advocate. “The old Dutchman is very capable of putting things in order,” Utkin is sure.

A famous actor and avid fan Mikhail Boyarsky, on the contrary, calls for the appointment of Semak: “This is the most the best option. He has a worldview Russian man" And he adds: “The arrival of foreign coaches is of little use. Let them work abroad."

Deputy Vitaly Milonov also votes for football import substitution. Today he addressed the authorities of St. Petersburg with an open letter: “I ask you to support the initiative of the fans and support the involvement of a Russian coach as Zenit’s mentor.”

So the question of who will become the head coach of Zenit is gradually moving from a purely sports to a political plane.

The silence of the club's management in this situation gives rise to more and more discontent. Moreover, everyone understands: the decision has already been made. All that remains is to announce the five-letter name of the new head coach.

Or do some people still secretly hope that Semak will refuse? Or maybe he even makes efforts to do this?

Dmitry GROMOV,


Internet magazine "Interestant"

Alexey Miller is one of the highest paid Russian managers, chairman of the board of OJSC Gazprom, head of the board of directors of NPF Gazfond, as well as Gazprombank and the insurance company SOGAZ.

In addition to his activities at Gazprom, he is a member of the board of trustees of the International Global Energy Prize and the government commission on the production of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation and fuel and energy complex issues.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Borisovich Miller was born on January 31, 1962 on the outskirts of Leningrad in a family of employees of the closed military enterprise NPO Leninets. Miller’s parents were so-called “Russian Germans” living in Russia, so the media often publish information about the origin and nationality of the top manager.

Father Boris Vasilyevich worked as a fitter, and mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna worked as an engineer. Alexey was the only child in the family, so he was not deprived of parental attention, care and love.

Studied future head"Gazprom" in a specialized gymnasium with a mathematical bias No. 330 in Leningrad. During his school years, he did not cause trouble to either teachers or parents, and did not enter into conflicts with other children. Miller was a diligent and capable student, a shy boy. Alexey's teachers and classmates speak of him as an inconspicuous person, but with a specific desire to achieve a goal through his own efforts.

After graduating from school with excellent grades, Alexey Miller managed to enter the local financial and economic institute the first time. In 1984, he graduated from high school and received a diploma in economic engineering. IN student years Alexey was the favorite student of the head of the department, Professor Igor Blekhtsin, a famous St. Petersburg economist and international master of sports in chess. FINEK teachers remember the student as a neat student with calligraphic handwriting.

After graduating from FINEK, Alexey Miller took the position of engineer-economist at LenNIIproekt, where in 1986 he entered graduate school and 3 years later defended his dissertation, receiving the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. In his youth, this is what he is interested in.


After graduate school, Alexey Miller continued his activities at LenNIIproekt as a junior researcher, and in 1990 he transferred to the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, where he headed the Committee on Economic Reforms.

The next step in the career ladder of the Russian economist was the Committee on External Relations at the St. Petersburg City Hall, in which Miller’s immediate superior was. This collaboration became a key point in the further successful biography of Alexei Borisovich Miller.

Thanks to him, the first investment zones in the city were developed - Pulkovo and Parnas, where the Gillette, Coca-Cola, and Baltika factories were built. At the same time, Alexey Borisovich introduced the first foreign banks “Lyonsky Credit” and “Dresden Bank” into the territory of St. Petersburg. Miller also developed hotel business and headed the board of directors of the famous Hotel Europe.

In 1996, after the loss of the former mayor of St. Petersburg in the gubernatorial elections, the biography of Alexei Miller, like the fate of his colleagues in the St. Petersburg administration, underwent a turning point. Most of the members of Vladimir Putin’s team resigned from the city administration of St. Petersburg and went on a “free swim” for some time.

Alexey Miller and Vladimir Putin met in St. Petersburg

After Vladimir Putin's victory in the presidential elections in 2000, many of his colleagues in the St. Petersburg administration received senior positions in the government and state enterprises of the Russian Federation. Alexey Miller, who received the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, was no exception. For his successful work in his position, experts and politicians predicted the post of Minister of Energy of Russia for the economist, but their assumptions did not come true. In 2001, Miller took an equally prestigious position, becoming the head of the board of OJSC Gazprom.


The news of the appointment of Alexey Miller to the position of Chairman of the Board of Gazprom was a shocking surprise for the entire management of the company. From that moment on, a new era of returning the company under state control began at OAO Gazprom. Alexey Borisovich, as an experienced economist, was tasked with reviving the concern through reforms and returning the company’s assets lost by the ex-head of Gazprom, Rem Vyakherev.

The world investor market received the news of the change in Gazprom's leadership with enthusiasm in connection with the upcoming reforms, which happened instantly. In just a few months, Alexey Miller replaced the old team of the concern with “his” people from the past, and also carried out a number of strategic reforms to revive the corporation. The new Gazprom team includes the head of the board of directors, Mikhail Sereda, the head of Mezhregiongaz, Kirill Seleznev, the chief accountant, Elena Vasilyeva, and the head of the financial and economic department of the concern, Andrey Kruglov.

After the “cleansing of veterans” at Gazprom, Alexey Miller began his direct responsibilities - the return of the company’s lost assets. In this matter, Miller achieved success: for a nominal fee he returned stakes from Itera, restored lost control over SIBUR, Zapsibgazprom, Vostokgazprom, Northgas. But the main achievement of Alexey Miller was the return of shares of Gazprom itself, thanks to which the 51% stake in the Russian Federation was restored, of which about 11% were held by the concern’s subsidiaries.

Alexey Miller - Chairman of the Board of Gazprom

During Miller's tenure, Gazprom became the world's global energy business leader. The gas giant acquired large assets in the oil and energy sectors, strengthened its position in exports, created strong economic ties with Italian and German corporations, began implementing projects to diversify supplies, and signed strategic agreements for gas supplies to Asia-Pacific countries. At the same time, Miller managed to eliminate actual competition from Gazprom in the gas sector.

In 2011, the head of OJSC Gazprom, Alexey Miller, was re-elected chairman of the board of the concern for the next 5 years. During the years of his reign, he was repeatedly awarded prestigious state awards, which included medals “For Services to the Fatherland” in the development of the gas complex of the Russian Federation.

In 2013, according to the rating of the financial and economic magazine Forbes, Alexey Borisovich took the 3rd leading position in the list of the most expensive and successful managers in the world, the official’s income amounted to $25 million per year. Soon the situation changed.

Since 2012, total payments to top managers of Russian companies have been gradually reduced. In 2016, Forbes analysts found that a 2.3-fold decrease in the total income of managers was recorded largest organizations.

Alexey Miller is on the Forbes list

According to the American publication, in 2014 the fortune of the chairman of the board of Gazprom was again estimated at $25 million, but this time he took 2nd position in the rating.

Already in 2015, this figure amounted to $27 million, which allowed Alexey Miller to rise to first place on the Russian Forbes list for the first time. The company's revenue that year was recorded at $140.4 billion. In 2016, the income of Gazprom's top manager fell by $9.5 million, while 1st place in Russian list Forbes still belongs to Miller. He was given over to the head of Rosneft with a salary of $13 million a year.

Alexey Miller and Igor Sechin

Gazprom's profitability fell slightly. The company is going through hard times due to the loss of traditional markets and the activity of foreign competitors. Thus, the statement by the President of Ukraine about his refusal to buy Russian gas is one of the main reasons for the decrease in the sale of resources in the long-familiar direction. Besides, European states introduce new technologies regarding alternative energy sources.

In connection with these difficulties, Gazprom management decided to begin construction of bypass routes for delivering gas to Europe. They were called “Nord Stream 2” and “ Turkish Stream».

Personal life

The personal life of Alexey Miller, like other famous Russian figures, remains in the shadow of his career. For many years now, the head of Gazprom has been officially married. Irina, the wife of Alexei Miller, does not often appear in public, preferring a home environment to social events. The couple are raising a son, Mikhail. Due to his status, Alexey Borisovich does not maintain a personal Instagram, so you can only learn about his family from publications in the media.

Information appeared in the media about Alexey Miller’s affair with the head of protocol of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Deputy Head of the Government Staff Marina Entaltseva, but it was not officially confirmed. Russian publications Photos of them together were repeatedly published.

The top manager prefers to devote his free time from work to his family. From a young age, Alexey Borisovich has a passion for football; he is considered the most famous fan of the Zenit football club. At the same time, Miller is fond of equestrian sports; he owns 2 thoroughbred stallions. He is no stranger to parties in close quarters. family circle family and friends, accompanied by songs performed by him with a guitar.

Miller's passion for equestrian sports as a business man resulted in his work activity. In 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Alexey Borisovich to the position of head of Russian Hippodromes OJSC, giving him the task of reviving the industry in this direction and inspiring new life in equestrian sport in Russia.

Alexey Miller now

In the spring of 2018, the name of Alexey Miller was included in the US sanctions list, which was called “Kremlin”. In total, it contains information about 26 officials and entrepreneurs close to the President of the Russian Federation. Among them were others. But according to calculations Russian media, this did not stop the salary of the top manager of Gazprom from being kept at around 58 million rubles. per month.

Now Alexey Miller is supervising the construction of Nord Stream 2, which will pass along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, and also controls the launch of the Turkish Stream, laid through the Black Sea. In the fall, Miller reported on the construction of 200 km of the expected 1,200 km of Nord Stream and the laying of the Turkish Stream pipe with its final joint.

Despite reports from the American Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland that the United States has enough tools to stop these projects, Gazprom is optimistic about the process of building a gas pipeline bypassing Ukraine.

In November 2018, a ceremonial meeting between Vladimir Putin and the President of Turkey took place in Istanbul, dedicated to the completion of laying the last section of the offshore section of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline. Alexey Miller was at that time on board a work ship, from where he was holding a video conference with the heads of state. The top manager of the gas giant plans to complete the construction of 2 southern branches by the end of 2019.