Frogs belong to the class of amphibians (amphibians), which includes vertebrate, four-legged animals. This group of animals belongs to the order of tailless amphibians. The term frog is understood in several senses: in a broad sense, when talking about all representatives of the order of anurans, and in a narrow sense, when we're talking about about representatives of the family of true frogs. To date, 16 species and approximately 340 varieties of frogs are known. Of all 340 species living on the planet, the following are found in Russia: Moor frog, seagull, edible frog, Dalmatian, lake. There are many interesting facts associated with toads.


Frogs are distributed throughout the globe, excluding Antarctica. They live everywhere, including bodies of water, soil and trees. Some species are found even at great depths in the hard layer of clay. Among all amphibians, frogs are the most numerous and frequently encountered. Frogs prefer warm and humid habitats, which is why most of them live in tropical areas.

Frogs lead a fairly active lifestyle. However, their location usually does not change and is reduced to being in the water or on the shore of a reservoir. Some species prefer drier habitats, but lay eggs in aquatic environment. Interestingly, the tadpoles emerging from the eggs look very similar to small fish.

The diet of frogs consists of various insects. Larger representatives of these animals feed on fish, lizards, and can also hunt small birds.

When it sees prey, the frog immediately throws out its tongue, the sticky surface of which grabs the victim and pulls it into its mouth. Due to poor hearing and a poorly developed sense of smell, frogs use mainly their vision when hunting.

Many of these amphibians have non-standard properties and characteristics. The first and most characteristic feature These amphibians have the ability to make croaking sounds. This sound is necessary to convey information about the location of individual groups of individuals and, thus, designate their territory.

The body color of frogs serves them as an ideal camouflage in the midst of plants. Their skin is smooth or slightly lumpy. In addition, frogs have teeth located on the upper jaw, and there are also membranes on the hind legs.

Frogs living in cold climates have interesting feature- they can freeze in bodies of water, actually completely freezing into ice; when thawed, the toad comes to life and leads a normal way of life. Amphibians that live in Alaska can have a negative body temperature (up to minus 20 degrees) for six months. Their cells are wrapped in glucose, which slows down the drying of the body.


Interesting facts about frogs - features of different species.

Flying frog. The habitat of this species of frog is the crowns of trees, where it lays eggs. Despite the fact that the name contains the word “flying,” this frog is not at all capable of flying above the ground in the usual sense of the word. However, thanks to the streamlined shape of the body and the presence of special membranes between the fingers, the amphibian is able to cover long distances, jumping from branch to branch. The maximum distance this frog can fly is 15 meters. In addition, she is able to change the direction of flight, bending her body in one direction or another.

Transparent frog. In this case, the name completely coincides with reality. The skin of this amphibian is so transparent that you can see internal organs. A similar effect is achieved due to the absence of pigmentation on the animal’s body. You can meet such a frog in subtropical and tropical rivers and mountains. In particular, this species lives in Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia, and in the tropical Andes. The size of the frog is very small and ranges from 20 to 30 mm.

The largest frog in the world can reach 33 cm in length and weigh up to 3 kg. This type of amphibian is called “shy goliath” and lives in the rivers of Cameroon.

The smallest frog measures 7.7 mm. It is found on the islands of Papua New Guinea.

One species of frog is notable for the fact that in case of drought, the animal buries itself in soft wet ground and falls into deep hibernation. The frog remains in this state until it rains. There is also a burrowing frog, whose nose is shaped like a pig's heel, with which it makes holes in the ground. This is what they call it - the pig frog, and it is found in African countries.

Some species lack a tongue, so they have to use their paws to catch prey.

Deaf frogs live in streams of the Rocky Mountains. Their lack of hearing is caused by the incessant noise of water.

There are also hairy frogs. They got their name due to the presence of thin processes on their legs. This species can be dangerous to humans, as there are sharp claws on its paws.

Darwin's frogs are special in that they carry their offspring in their mouths until the young learn to hunt on their own.

The terrible leaf climber is very poisonous

The flathead spadefish lives in Australia in deserts and semi-deserts. During the dry season, it burrows into the ground to a depth of one meter. Before burrowing into the ground, it accumulates so much water that its body swells. When the rains begin, it comes to the surface and lays eggs.

The vision of frogs is very well developed, so the animal is able to see not only what is in front, but also to the sides and above it. The frog's eyes never close for a long time, even when she's sleeping.

The most dangerous species of frogs - the terrible leaf climber lives in the jungle South America and Colombia. The poison of this amphibian is recognized as the most dangerous on the entire planet; one touch to the skin of this small frog (2 - 4 centimeters long) is enough to cause fatal poisoning. Local tribes use this poison to lubricate arrowheads. It is interesting that these animals are not born poisonous, but become dangerous due to eating insects that allow them to produce a toxic substance. In the absence of a typical diet, frogs lose their toxicity; they are even kept in terrariums as pets (it’s still not worth the risk).

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The frog is an amazing creature. If we look at it from one side, we will only notice that it is a disgusting creature with wet and cold skin. In addition, she also has an unattractive, big-eyed muzzle and webbed paws. But on the other hand, if you take a closer look at it and do not take into account existing prejudices, in terms of the sophistication of its outfits and the grace of its movements, the frog is not inferior even to the princess herself. They may even be considered among the most attractive creatures on the planet. Frogs have mastered our planet well and widely. You can meet them not only in ponds or swamps, as we are all used to, but even in the depths of deserts. But, of course, for this there must be a small source of water in the desert. They live in major cities and in areas where no human has gone before.

Frogs are amphibians that inhabit almost all parts of the world. They live everywhere - in ponds or swamps, on the ground, even at a depth of several meters in a hard layer of clay, on trees.

This circumstance could not but affect the species diversity of frogs.

These amazing amphibians are divided into three species: frogs, toads and tree frogs.

Frogs have smooth or slightly lumpy skin, teeth located on the upper jaw and swim membranes on the hind legs.

Most major representative frog world - goliath frog (Conraua goliath). This giant frog can weigh more than three kilograms, its length is about 90 cm. The strong legs of the goliath frog allow it to make jumps three meters long.

The smallest frogs found in Cuba have a body length of 8.5 mm to 12 mm.

Toads, unlike frogs, do not have teeth. The skin of toads is thoroughly covered with tubercles, it is darker and drier than the skin of frogs. Behind the eyes they have well-developed parotid glands. In general, representatives of the toad family prefer to live on land, going to water only during the breeding season.

The largest toad in the world is the aga toad, its weight can reach more than two kilograms. In addition, the aga toad is one of the most poisonous among toads and frogs. The world's smallest toad is only 2.4 cm long.

Tree frogs are the smallest family among the three named. Tree frogs differ from other species by having widened discs on their toes that help them climb upward. Some species of tree frogs can “fly”; in fact, this is not flight in the full sense of the word, but planning. This ability allows tree frogs to escape from enemies; they can “fly away” to a distance of up to 12 meters.

Frogs' vision is designed in such a way that they can look forward, sideways and up at the same time. They never close their eyes for long, even while sleeping.

The wet skin of frogs has bactericidal properties. Our ancestors, knowing this, threw them into milk so that it would not turn sour.

However, not all types of frogs are harmless. For example, cocoi frogs, which live in the jungles of South America and Colombia, have been recognized as the most poisonous land animals on our planet. The poison of this frog is thousands of times stronger than potassium cyanide and 35 times stronger than poison Central Asian cobra.

In Japan, frogs are considered a symbol of good luck.

IN Ancient Egypt, frogs were a symbol of resurrection and were even mummified along with the dead. This is probably due to the fact that many species of frogs that live in temperate and cold latitudes go into hibernation every year, freezing, and are resurrected again in the spring. The fact is that frogs produce a non-freezing molecule - glucose.

The liquid in the tissues becomes syrupy from frost, without forming ice crystals, which allows amphibians to survive.

The frog is an amazing creature. If we look at it from one side, we will only notice that it is a disgusting creature with wet and cold skin. In addition, she also has an unattractive, big-eyed muzzle and webbed paws. But on the other hand, if you take a closer look at it and do not take into account existing prejudices, in terms of the sophistication of its outfits and the grace of its movements, the frog is not inferior even to the princess herself. They may even be considered among the most attractive creatures on the planet. Frogs have mastered our planet well and widely. You can meet them not only in ponds or swamps, as we are all used to, but even in the depths of deserts. But, of course, for this there must be a small source of water in the desert. They live in large cities and in areas where no one has set foot.

  • Frogs are amphibians that inhabit almost all parts of the world. They live everywhere - in ponds or swamps, on the ground, even at a depth of several meters in a hard layer of clay, on trees.
  • This circumstance could not but affect the species diversity of frogs.
  • These amazing amphibians are divided into three species: frogs, toads and tree frogs.
  • Frogs have smooth or slightly lumpy skin, teeth located on the upper jaw and swim membranes on the hind legs.
  • The largest representative of the frog world is the goliath frog (Conraua goliath). This giant frog can weigh more than three kilograms, its length is about 90 cm. The strong legs of the goliath frog allow it to make jumps three meters long.
  • The smallest frogs found in Cuba have a body length of 8.5 mm to 12 mm.
  • Toads, unlike frogs, do not have teeth. The skin of toads is thoroughly covered with tubercles, it is darker and drier than the skin of frogs. Behind the eyes they have well-developed parotid glands. In general, representatives of the toad family prefer to live on land, going to water only during the breeding season.
  • The world's largest toad is the aga toad, its weight can reach more than two kilograms. In addition, the aga toad is one of the most poisonous among toads and frogs. The world's smallest toad is only 2.4 cm long.
  • Tree frogs are the smallest family among the three named. Tree frogs differ from other species by having widened discs on their toes that help them climb upward. Some species of tree frogs can “fly”; in fact, this is not flight in the full sense of the word, but planning. This ability allows tree frogs to escape from enemies; they can “fly away” to a distance of up to 12 meters.
  • Frogs' vision is designed in such a way that they can look forward, sideways and up at the same time. They never close their eyes for long, even while sleeping.
  • The wet skin of frogs has bactericidal properties. Our ancestors, knowing this, threw them into milk so that it would not turn sour.
  • However, not all types of frogs are harmless. For example, cocoi frogs, which live in the jungles of South America and Colombia, have been recognized as the most poisonous land animals on our planet. The poison of this frog is thousands of times stronger than potassium cyanide and 35 times stronger than the poison of the Central Asian cobra.
  • In Japan, frogs are considered a symbol of good luck.
  • In Ancient Egypt, frogs were a symbol of resurrection and were even mummified along with the dead. This is probably due to the fact that many species of frogs that live in temperate and cold latitudes go into hibernation every year, freezing, and are resurrected again in the spring. The fact is that frogs produce a non-freezing molecule - glucose. The liquid in the tissues becomes syrupy from frost, without forming ice crystals, which allows amphibians to survive.

Now you know more :)

Frogs are very fascinating animals with unique behavior and personalities. So, let's start studying interesting facts about frogs:

Frogs are amphibians. They lay their eggs in water. The eggs develop into tadpoles that live in the water, and over time they develop into a frog;

Tadpoles are more fish-like than frog-like, having a long, ridged tail and breathing through gills;

Amphibians can live both on land and in water;

Even if frogs live on land, their habitat should be near bodies of water. This is necessary so that their skin does not dry out; if it dries out, the frog will die;

Instead of drinking water, frogs absorb it through their skin;

Frogs breathe through their nostrils and also receive half of their air through their skin;

Frogs use their sticky, long tongue to catch and swallow food. Unlike humans, the frog's tongue is not attached to the frog's mouth. Instead, it is attached at the front, allowing the frog to hold its tongue, preventing the tongue from being swallowed;

A frog can give birth in a pond only after three years;

IN wildlife frogs face many dangers, and for them to survive these three years is a real feat;

Frogs can look forward, to the sides and up at the same time. They never close their eyes, even when they are sleeping;

It should be noted that frogs use their eyes to swallow food. When a frog blinks, its eyeballs move downward, creating a bulge at the top of their mouth. This bulge compresses food and pushes it into the throat, which is located on the back.

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Toad, or real toad, belongs to the class of amphibians, order of anurans, family of toads (Bufonidae). The families of toads and frogs are sometimes confused. There are even languages ​​that use one name to identify these amphibians.

Toad - description and characteristics. What is the difference between a toad and a frog?

Toads have a slightly flattened body with a rather large head and pronounced parotid glands. The upper jaw of the wide mouth is devoid of teeth. The eyes are large with horizontally located pupils. The toes of the fore and hind limbs, located on the sides of the body, are connected by swimming membranes. Some people ask the question why does a frog jump and a toad only walk?. The fact is that the hind limbs of toads are quite short, so they are slow, not as jumping as frogs, and swim poorly. But with a lightning-fast movement of their tongue, they grab insects flying by. Unlike toads, the frog's skin is smooth and needs to be moisturized, so the frog spends all its time in or near water. The skin of toads is drier, keratinized, does not require constant hydration and is completely covered with warts.

The toad's poison glands are located on its back. They secrete mucus that causes an unpleasant burning sensation but does not cause much harm to humans. The toad is an amphibian, colored in shades of gray, brown or black with spotted streaks, easily hiding from enemies. Bright color toad indicates its toxicity.

The size of the toad ranges from 25 mm to 53 cm, and the weight of large individuals can be more than a kilogram. Their average duration life span is 25-35 years, some individuals live up to 40 years.

Types of toads, names and photos

The toad family includes 579 species, distributed into 40 genera, of which only a third live in Eurasia. In the CIS countries, 6 species of the genus Bufo are common:

  • gray or common toad;
  • green toad;
  • Far Eastern toad;
  • Caucasian toad;
  • reed or stinking toad;
  • Mongolian toad.

Below you will find more detailed description these toads.

  • Common toad (gray toad) (Bufo bufo)

one of the largest representatives of the family. The wide, squat body of the common toad can be painted in a wide variety of colors - from gray and olive to dark terracotta and brown. The eyes of this toad species are bright orange, with horizontal pupils. The secretion secreted by the skin glands is absolutely not toxic to humans. The common toad lives in Russia, Europe, and also in the northwestern countries of Africa. The toad lives almost everywhere, preferring to settle in dry zones of forest-steppes and forests; it is often found in parks or recently plowed fields.

  • (Bufo viridis)

This type of toad has a grayish-olive color, complemented by large spots of a dark green tone, bordered by a black stripe. This “camouflage” coloring is an excellent camouflage from enemies. The green toad's skin secretes a toxic substance that is dangerous to its enemies. The hind limbs are long, but rather poorly developed, so the toad rarely jumps, preferring to walk slowly. This species of toad lives in Southern and Central Europe, North Africa, Western, Middle and Central Asia, found in the Volga region. A more southern species than the gray toad, in the north of Russia it reaches only the Vologda and Kirov regions. For living, the green toad chooses open places - meadows, fields overgrown with short grass, river floodplains.

  • (Bufo gargarizans)

Representatives of this species may have different color bodies - from dark gray to olive with a brownish tint. There are small spines on the skin outgrowths of the Far Eastern toad, top part the body is decorated with spectacular longitudinal stripes, the abdomen is always lighter, usually without a pattern, less often - covered with small spots. The female Far Eastern toad is always larger than the male and has a wider head. The distribution area is quite wide: the toad of this species lives in China and Korea, inhabits the territory of the Far East and Sakhalin, and is found in Transbaikalia. Prefers to settle in damp places - in shady forests, water meadows, and river floodplains.

  • Caucasian (Colchian) toad (Bufo verrucosissimus)

the largest amphibian found in Russia can reach 12.5 cm in length. The skin color is either dark gray or light brown. Individuals that have not reached sexual maturity are pale orange in color. The toad's habitat covers only the regions of the Western Caucasus. The Colchis toad inhabits forested areas of mountains and foothills, and is less common in wet caves.

  • Reed or stinking toad ( Bufo calamita)

a fairly large amphibian up to 8 cm in length, the body color varies from gray-olive to brown or brown-sand, with green spots, the abdomen is grayish-white. A narrow yellow stripe runs along the back of the reed toad. The skin is lumpy, but there are no spines on the growths. Males have a highly developed throat resonator. A representative of this species of toad lives in European countries: in its northern and eastern parts, its distribution area includes Great Britain, the southern territories of Sweden, and the Baltic states. The reed toad is found in Belarus, western Ukraine, and the Kaliningrad region of Russia. The toad chooses the banks of reservoirs, swampy lowlands, shady and damp thickets of bushes as its place of residence.

  • (Bufo raddei)

The body of this toad is slightly flattened, with a round head, slightly pointed in the front, and can reach 9 cm in length. The eyes are strongly bulging. The skin of the Mongolian toad is covered with a huge number of warts; in females they are smooth, but in males they are often covered with prickly spines. The color of the species is varied: there are individuals of light gray, golden beige or rich brown. Specks of various geometries form a spectacular pattern on the back of the toad; in the middle part of the back there is a clearly defined light stripe. The abdomen is grayish or pale yellow, without spots. The Mongolian toad chooses the south of Siberia as its habitat (it is found on the coast of Lake Baikal, in the Chita region, in Buryatia), and inhabits Far East, Korea, foothills of Tibet, China, Mongolia.

  • Pineal-headed toad (Anaxyrus terrestris)

a species found only in the southeastern United States. In structure it is not very different from its relatives, the only thing characteristic feature The cone-headed toad are rather high ridges located longitudinally on the head and forming large swellings behind the eyes of the amphibian. Some individuals reach 11 cm in length; the color of the skin, covered with many warts, can range from dark brown and bright green to brown, grayish or yellow. By the way, the wart-like outgrowths are always either darker or lighter than the main color tone, so the coloring of the toad looks very variegated. The amphibian prefers to settle on light and dry sandstones with sparse plant cover. It often chooses semi-desert areas for habitat, and sometimes settles near human dwellings.

  • Cricket toad (Anaxyrus debilis)

The body length of these amphibians reaches 3.5-3.7 cm, and females are always larger than males. The main color tone of the toad is green or slightly yellowish; brown-black spots are superimposed on top of the dominant color, the belly is cream-colored, the skin on the throat is black in males and whitish in individuals of the opposite sex. The toad's skin is covered with warts. The tadpoles of the cricket toad have a black lower body interspersed with golden sparkles. The cricket toad lives in Mexico and some US states - Texas, Arizona, Kansas and Colorado.

  • Blomberg's toad (Bufo blombergi)

biggest toad in the world. She's bigger than the aga toad. The dimensions of Blomberg's toad are truly impressive: the body length of a mature individual often reaches 24-25 centimeters. Since the mid-20th century, the clumsy and completely harmless Blomberg's toad has, unfortunately, been almost on the verge of extinction. This “giant” lives in the tropics of Colombia and along the coast Pacific Ocean(in Colombia and Ecuador).

  • Kihansi splashing toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis)

the smallest toad in the world. The size of the toad does not exceed the dimensions of a five ruble coin. The length of an adult female is 2.9 cm, the length of a male does not exceed 1.9 cm. Previously, this species of toad was distributed in Tanzania on an area of ​​2 hectares at the foot of the Kihansi River waterfall. Today, the Kihansi toad is on the verge of complete extinction and is practically never found in its natural habitat. All this happened due to the construction of a dam on the river in 1999, which limited the flow of water into the river by 90%. natural environment habitats of these amphibians. Currently, Kihansi toads live only in zoos.