Here are collected many diverse, effective and time-tested methods and conspiracies against the evil eye. Try using any of the spells. Here you will learn how to determine whether there is damage or the evil eye on you.

In three houses or apartments, ask for salt without explaining why. Pour water into a bowl and throw in three pinches of this salt. Speak to the water and use all of it to wash your face. If the evil eye is not strong, it should go away after one such procedure. After washing your face and until the morning, do not open the door to anyone and do not talk to anyone, especially strangers. The plot is like this:

Ivan the Baptist, guardian of God's faith,

Golden bowstring, fiery arrow

Fight off, shoot away all the evil eyes, all the temptations,

All the distortions, all the oohs and oohs.

All the screams, all the whispers.

Shake it off, sweep it away, trample it

from God's servant (name),

So that the evil eye does not fall on her.

The century did not last, the day did not pass, the night did not pass.

Roll down, fall off her hands,

From the elbows, from the hair, from the nails, from the clear eyes.

From the character, from the face, like the shell from an egg.

Like water off a duck's back.

May God grant her health and long life.

Sky, you are the sky, red sun.

You, Lord, see everything,

You, Lord, hear everything.

Give, Lord, blessings, grant her healing.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the holy spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Above the sleeper

This lapel must be read exactly when the clock strikes midnight, while the person on whom the ritual will be performed must be asleep. You need to stand near his head, take the icon in one hand, and in the other hand you need to take a church candle and at the same time light it, then read the “Our Father”, and after the prayer you need to say the spell:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Negative damage,

will leave God's servant (her) (name) into the dense forests,

where there are no people, animals do not roam, birds do not live.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit (2 times), evil damage,

come out to fast river, in which there is no life;

from God's servant(s) (name),

evil damage go to the cruel wind that blows in the steppes.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, harbor evil corruption,

to that unkind and evil person,

which is on the servant (s) of God (s) (name),

caused this bad damage. Pier, damage,

to that person who brings only evil and negativity,

but leave God’s servant (her) (name) alone forever.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Using an egg

Pronounce while rolling a raw chicken egg over your body.

The head is light, the back is straight,

along the white belly, along the frisky legs

the testicle is rolling around, the evil eye and illness are dangling around it,

all the sickness will gather to the last grain,

whoever sent it will return to him,

who made the baby suffer,

he will be twisted into an evil rope from damage.

Then throw the egg into the fire and burn it or fry it in a frying pan until black.

Or you can break it into a glass of water. The shell is crushed in the hand in one fell swoop, saying:

“I break the illnesses and misfortunes of God’s servant (name).”

The egg is thrown into the sewer or buried. The shells are burned or buried.

Protective conspiracy

This plot can be read simply to protect yourself from the envy of others, and even when you suspect that you have already been jinxed. Read a protective spell before going to bed on the pillow on which you will sleep. You need to go to bed early, and when you get up in the morning, be sure to go to church, get some holy water and sprinkle your pillow.

I'll turn to the east,

I bow to Jesus Christ and the ever-virgin Mary,

I will appeal to all the saints:

Come to help me,

Come down from heaven

The iron tyn and the steel fence, take it down!

Jesus Christ and Ever-Virgin Mary,

And with them all the saints,

Kyiv, and Moscow, and Chernigov, and Lutsk,

Came from heaven

The iron tyn and the steel fence were demolished,

Around me are servants of God (name)

From east to west,

From earth to heaven

They made iron and steel fences.

Locked with locks

The keys were concluded

Keys were thrown into the Okiyan Sea,

These were the words spoken:

God you are, witches and witches,

Magi and sorceresses!

All sorts of dashing and knowledgeable people!

If you dry up the Ocean Sea,

When you find the keys,

If you open the locks,

If you are iron-clad and steel-bound, you will leak,

Then you will disfigure and spoil God’s servant (name).

How do you like it, witches and witches,

Magi and sorceresses,

All kinds of people are dashing and knowledgeable

Do not dry up the Holy Ocean of the Sea,

Don't fetch the keys

Don't open the locks

The iron tine cannot be broken,

Also to you and the servant of God (name)

Don't ruin it, don't ruin it

Every day

Every hour

On a day in the sun,

In the night under the moon!

Forever and ever. Amen.

On matches

After sunset, sit at the table with the person from whom you want to remove the evil eye. Fill a glass or cup with water. Place nine matches and boxes in front of you. Light a match, raise it between you and the person who has the evil eye and, looking at the fire, say:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pure blood and heavenly!

Save, save the servant of God (name) from every eye,

from the worst hour, from the feminine, from the masculine,

from childish, from joyful, from hateful,

from the spoken word, from the negotiated one.”

When the match burns down to your fingers so that you feel warm, throw it into the water. Light the next match and again say the words to remove the evil eye. Thus, burn all nine matches, reading the plot nine times.

The number of sunken matches will indicate to you the strength of the evil eye. If not a single match sank, then the cause of poor health is not the evil eye, but something else. If more than five matches have sunk, then the evil eye is quite strong. If all nine matches are at the bottom, then the evil eye is very strong, be sure to repeat the ritual of removing the evil eye the next day!

Sprinkle the person from whom you want to remove the evil eye with this water, saying:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Let him drink from all four sides of the glass. After this, pour the water onto the street over your left shoulder. Usually within a few minutes the evil eye begins to pass and the person begins to feel better.

Using spoons

Prepare 3.5 or 7 silver or cupronickel or steel spoons. You need to simultaneously hold the spoons in your hand, dip them into a glass of plain water and make several movements: scoop up some water and pour it back. At the same time, pronounce the spell:

“Like water from spoons,

so all the evil eyes will come away from the servant of God (name of the child),

lessons, fears, commotion!”

And before going to bed, wash your sick child with this water, and then wipe his face with the hem of the shirt or robe that you are wearing. Everything will pass, a very high-quality method. This method also helps adults.

Evil eye on death

The evil eye comes in different forms. You can jinx a business and a person will go broke; You can put the evil eye on a child and he will sleep poorly. But they can jinx it so much that a person becomes seriously ill and dies. In this case, you need to reprimand the evil eye as quickly as possible, otherwise you may waste time. The patient is placed on the threshold front door and, pouring water from glass to glass, read the following plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

First time, good hour,

I speak, I say:

From black eyes,

From feminine and masculine,

From minute and half hour,

From midday, from daytime,

Sunset and night,

From an old man and an old woman,

From the glaring devastation,

Where they laughed

Where did you have fun, On red thread,

For rawhide.

People walked along the threshold,

They stepped on the threshold.

So let my foot stand against this evil eye,

And from this hour the evil eye of God’s servant (name) will leave.

Go, evil eye, to where the old gate is,

Where was the key to them lost?

Where they sold their souls.

There you, the evil eye, live,

You will be there forever.

Word, go to the word,

Business, get to business.

No one will interrupt my word,

No one will take away my business.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Self-Evil Eye

This often happens: a person was happy about a successful operation, a successful acquaintance, healing from some illness, an upcoming purchase, and lo and behold, everything returned to its previous position. This is the eye itself. You need to stand in front of a mirror and, holding a lit candle in your hand, say, looking at your image, three times:

“Mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye,

put me with you, hold me tightly, don’t let go anywhere,

don’t go back.”

Then place the candle on the windowsill, securing it on a saucer, and let it burn out to the end.

Water and nettles

Take water before sunrise from any source, even from the tap. Take a lot of water at once, a bucket or large basin. You cannot touch that water with your hands or drink from it. Put three pinches of nettles into that water (in summer it is better to pick three stalks of nettles, but in winter dried ones will do). Keep the nettle in water for three days. Then pour water through a sieve three times and, having wetted your hands in it, wipe yourself three times from the top of your head to your feet, saying a spell against the evil eye:

“Where it came from, that’s where it rolled back.”

Then pour this water over yourself every morning, wash your face, or after washing, you can simply splash it on your face. If you remove the evil eye from a child, bathe him in that water on Thursday. But remember: after washing or bathing, the water must be poured down the drain.

To protect the child

You will need water, three small spoons and three gray stones. It is better to carry out this ritual at dawn. Pour water into the bowl where you bathe the child afterward, so that it flows down the spoons. Pour this water over the child. Special attention You need to pay attention to the chest and crown, and then give this water to drink. Next, go outside, pour out the water and say the words three times:

If you left the forest, go back into the forest,

If it comes from the wind, go into the wind itself,

And if you come from among the people, return to the same people.

* Conspiracies are provided primarily for informational purposes.

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"Prayer for purchasing your own home"
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"Attract the golden haze of wealth"
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Other sections:

Every person has faced difficulties in their life. However, sometimes they pile up in huge numbers. At such moments, it seems that the whole world is angry with you. One of the reasons for such difficult life situations there may be damage. What it is and how to deal with it, we’ll talk in this article.

Damage is a certain impact on a person with negative energy. It comes in two types:

  1. Involuntary;
  2. Purposeful.

Often people experience strong envy or hatred towards a particular person. Such a gust of dark energy can significantly affect a given personality. This is what is called involuntary damage.

Targeted damage is carried out only by professional sorcerers and magicians. For this purpose, various rituals are performed, which lead to the evil eye.

How to deal with damage?

Many people believe that it is impossible to avoid the negative influence of damage and the evil eye. However, it is not.

There are two groups of methods for combating mystical forces:

Do not be afraid. Spending large sums on the purchase of various amulets and magic items you won't have to. Usually, water, salt and a number of other inexpensive things are enough for a spell against spoilage.

You can remove damage not only from yourself, but also from your loved ones. The main thing is to carry out all the rituals described below correctly.

Interesting point: damage removed will immediately return to the one who brought it on you. This may help you identify the offender. If someone from your environment suddenly began to suffer, as you once did, then know that he is the culprit of your suffering!

Conspiracy against damage using water

As you know, there are various spells against damage, but the most popular and useful are those that use water.

The best spell for damage is an appeal to Saints Peter and Paul.

For this ritual you only need one glass of water. Water from a holy spring is best. If you don't have one, buy it at the store.

Do not use tap water. She has the weakest beneficial properties and is poorly suited for such rituals.

Read the following words above the glass:

“Saints Peter and Paul

Protect me, God's dear servant,

From dashing thoughts and dark deeds,

From human evil and demonic witchcraft.

From now on and forever and ever.


After this, you need to drink a glass of water charged with positive energy. After this, the damage will be removed in an instant.

There is another water ritual. For him it is necessary to speak holy water with the following prayer:

“Lord, bless all people, including me. Take it, Holy Mother of God, this water, and wash away all the touches and lessons from me with it.

Let the holy water wash away all the enviable eyes from me, all the hateful looks, the looks of men, women, girls.

Thought, promised, told fortunes, whispered, pasted on, forged, let all envy be taken away by the holy water from the servant of God (name).

Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen"

After this, the water can be drunk daily. This will keep you in good shape and with increased resistance to magical effects.

Smoky plot against damage

This spell to remove damage is ideal for those who live in country houses. After all, it is there, in village houses, that there are huge stoves. Since ancient times, they have helped peasants fight conspiracies from neighbors or boyars who did not like them.

In order to get rid of damage, it is enough to light the stove, wait until the smoke pours out of the chimney and go outside. There you need to read a special prayer:

“Dymushka, king of the stoves,

Take this bad matter away from me,

The word is alien and evil.

Scatter it across the clear sky,

Let the rays of the red sun burn him.

Take him into the dense forests,

Drown him in a fast river.

And the owner, the enemy, the gate. Key. Lock. Language.


This text can also be spoken over a fire - and the effect will be almost the same.

Conspiracy to remove damage with salt

Since ancient times, it was believed that salt was an incredibly powerful magical remedy. With its help you can get rid of even the most terrible evil eyes. It was salt that protected the main character of the novel “Viy” from the witch’s spell.

It is not surprising that even today salt is used in various rituals against spoilage.

The following is considered the most popular. It must be done at sunset. Take a small plate and sprinkle 1 tablespoon of salt on it. Light a candle next to her and read the following prayer:

“Salt is white and pure, cleanse me (name) from damage, evil eyes, love spells, spells, spells, slander on water, on food, on the wind, in the back, in the eyes. Let it be so."

After this, you need to pour the salt into an envelope and leave it on the windowsill. From there it will collect all the negative energy in the room.

After three days, the envelope must be buried or drowned in water. You can even flush it down the toilet (you must agree, it’s quite symbolic to throw all your problems down the toilet).

Another method of removing the evil eye is also effective, and perhaps even stronger. The fact is that it often leads to your offender admitting everything himself. After all, the damage returns to the sender with redoubled force.

The ceremony takes place at midnight. When the moonlight illuminates your room and the sky is speckled with star grains, turn on the gas stove and place a frying pan on it. After this, throw three handfuls of salt on it. Then, watching the salt lose its natural appearance, read the prayer:

Seventy-seven grains, seventy-seven spirits. I give you food, I give you water to drink. You will do me a service, but show me my sworn enemy. Who sent evil to the servant of God (name)? Not with the roar of an animal, not with the gurgling of a fish, not with the singing of a bird, but with dashing words. Tell me, what kind of person was he?”

The salt will make an unusual squealing sound, as if something is dying. This is the evil eye leaving your body.

Now you need to go outside, take a deep breath and shout the following words:

“Star princesses, return all the evil that the dashing man brought to me into his house. I forgive him, I return everything to him back.”

Congratulations! Your body is clean, and the enemy suffers incredible torment.

Spells to spoil using an egg

The egg is a symbol of life and wisdom. It was this that contained the death of Koshcheev. It has also been mentioned numerous times in folklore and spell books.

There is a special ritual that allows you to find out if there is damage to you.

Take a bowl and pour a glass of water into it. Then break an egg into it. Try not to damage the yolk.

Place this bowl on the crown of your head and hold for 5-10 minutes. If the yolk remained intact, there was no spoilage. If strange black dots appear, it means that there was an evil eye on you, but now it has left the body.

Conspiracies for damage from death

Most often, people try to get rid of their competitors. Sometimes they resort to black magic and try to send the enemy to the next world with the help of damage.

Everyone should be prepared for such attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out one of these conspiracies.

This ritual must be performed at night in the cemetery. At night, you need to wipe your face with a white handkerchief and throw it on the ground with the words of prayer:

“I return death to death where I received it, and there I give it. Sleep, you dead, in the sleep of the dead, take my illness for yourself, put the evil damage in the grave, lock it up. Sleep peacefully, without getting up, without returning the disease to me. Amen."

Leave the cemetery immediately, as it is an extremely negative place. Not everyone dares to perform such a ritual.

A conspiracy to avoid becoming an old maid

Guys are often offended by girls who do not agree to be in a relationship with them. This becomes the cause of strong negativity, which develops into damage.

Because of such evil eyes, girls remain old maids. They cannot have normal relationships. And all because of an old grudge.

Exists effective method don't be left alone. To do this you need to steam the nearest church, in which the wedding is held. Buy two candles and hide them in a secluded place (pocket, scarf, bag, etc.). During the entire procession, read the prayer:
Go, dear, to the church threshold. On my journey, who will I meet, and here will I get married. Amen. Amen. Amen

After this, for these days, burn two candles every evening. They will charge you with the energy of sexuality and completely destroy damage.

There is another conspiracy against loneliness. To do this you will need 3 basins of holy water. She needs to wash herself and say the following words:

“With God's water, morning dew, I wash my face, I wash away the damage from myself. Let my lips be kissed, Let my breasts be pardoned. With God's water, with morning dew, Suitors flock to me, They want to marry me. Amen."

The same words can be said in the bathhouse. There they will be even more effective.

Alcoholism conspiracy

“The demon has led me astray,” these words are often said about those who suddenly start drinking. Alcoholism attacks also occur due to damage. And you can only fight with the help of prayers and conspiracies.

In order to save someone from alcoholism, you need to buy three apples. It is advisable to buy them on the market, without haggling. After purchasing, feed them to the pigs, saying the following spell:

“The pig eats, but doesn’t drink vodka. So the slave (name of the damned) will not drink vodka. Amen. ”

Pigs can be strangers. The most important thing is to say the words sincerely and from the bottom of your heart.

Creating a personal amulet

It is a mistake to believe that it is enough to simply buy a horseshoe or an amulet against damage. They still need to be charged with their own power so that they help only you and your loved ones.

In the evening you need to light 5 candles. Place your personal amulet between them and say the following words 3 times:

“You will serve as protection for me, be faithful, protect me from the evil that lives and hovers around. Let it be as I said!”

Now the amulet is charged with your energy. The ritual must be repeated 3 times a year to keep your defense in good shape.


Damage is a terrible thing. She ruined the lives of many good people. Those who did not have such knowledge suffered especially. They simply suffered from negative energy and could not get rid of it.

You now know about the main conspiracies against magicians. This strong weapon, which must be used wisely.

It is especially useful to have a personal amulet. It helps not to fall under the flow of other people's negativity.

The main thing is not to be afraid of anything. Use these rituals, and all troubles and adversities will bypass your home.

This book presents very powerful conspiracies and rituals from seven Russian healers. The power of these words has been tested by thousands of people. Those who were overcome by illness and adversity, whose souls ached for their children and loved ones, who suffered from lack of money. Conspiracies will definitely help you, they will become hope, support, and sometimes salvation... Protect yourself from damage and the evil eye, protect your property from theft, attract prosperity and good luck, gain wealth and achieve success in life, find a loving and faithful life partner, maintain harmony and peace in the family, spell water for various needs - you will be able to do all this!

A series: Magic can do anything!

* * *

by liters company.

Conspiracies to remove the evil eye and damage

Very often people suffer from various misfortunes - they are tormented by ill health, lack of money, and loneliness. Appeals to doctors, psychotherapists, attempts to improve the situation on their own - all this does not give any results. Constant complaints about fate, as you understand, don’t help either. And it seems to the person that he is in a vicious circle of despair and there is no way out. And it doesn’t occur to him that all his sorrows are not the machinations of evil fate, but the result of damage, the evil eye. Indeed, even these very words in our time - the time of high technology and nuclear energy, seem like something overgrown with reality, fabulous, unreal. Meanwhile, damage and the evil eye not only exist, but also cause a lot of trouble for many people.

What is it?

What is damage

The manifestations of damage are varied, but always destructive: these are protracted illnesses, long-term painful lack of money, troubles at work, and love troubles - in a word, damage is when everything is bad. And not by itself, but by someone’s evil will. After all, damage is always the result of purposeful magical actions. Damage is always caused; it will not fall on a person on its own. That’s why it’s scary: after all, in order to “spoil” a person, they use evil forces, negative energies, so people who have been damaged feel melancholy, sadness, fear, and despondency. Damage decomposes not only the body - that would be half the problem, but also the soul, in which case one cannot expect that everything will “go away on its own.” Fortunately, there are reliable ways to remove damage.

What is the evil eye

The evil eye is similar to damage, but still it is not the same thing. The fundamental difference is that the evil eye is an involuntary action. Someone looked unkindly, said something rude, got very angry or envious... And perhaps he didn’t want to cause harm, but he had enough strength for a bad thought to touch him. You can also jinx it when personal meeting, and at a distance, although in the first case the negative effect will be stronger.

Most often, beautiful and successful people are subject to the evil eye, and those who, for some reason, are energetically weakened, which happens when they are sick or severely tired, also easily fall under the evil eye.

In terms of its effect, the evil eye is much weaker than damage, but it can also cause a lot of trouble.

How we will work with damage and the evil eye

To remove damage and the evil eye, you will have to work hard. The work will take place in three stages:

the first thing you need to do is determine whether there is damage to you;

if this misfortune really affects you, the second step will be to remove the damage using special spells;

and then, in the third stage, you need to put in place protection from evil so that nothing like this happens to you in the future.

So, let's first find out whether you are really damaged.

Signs of damage

Without visible reasons high temperature rises. There are no manifestations of the disease, except for a temperature above 39 °C. After some time, the temperature also suddenly drops and does not rise again. This is the first signal indicating damage.

Unreasonable diarrhea or vomiting, which, like fever, quickly goes away on its own.

Fear. A person who has not previously suffered from any phobias begins to fear the dark, heights, closed spaces, or something else inexplicable.

Chills or trembling without illness or fever.

A protracted illness that cannot be treated appropriately, or illnesses that follow one after another.

A chain of bad luck, troubles, misfortunes.

Melancholy and tormenting, nightmares, forebodings.

A person experiences an unquenchable mental yearning, and he himself does not know why and suffers, unable to cope with his incomprehensible illness.

Signs of the evil eye

The signs of the evil eye are not as obvious as those of damage, but they can still be detected.

A burning sensation in the eyes, as if a speck had gotten into the eye, even though there was nothing in the eye. The eyes become watery and there is a fear of bright light.

A series of minor troubles and minor ailments is also a sign of the evil eye. If a major loss or serious illness speaks of damage, then little things that seem to cause little harm, but make life sick, are the evil eye.

Loss of strength, feeling of heaviness throughout the body, drowsiness and clumsiness.

Minor family quarrels and disagreements that happen “out of nowhere” are a sign that someone was jealous of your family happiness and jinxed it.

If something is constantly breaking in the house, this also speaks of the evil eye.


No appetite or, conversely, a constant feeling of hunger.

Irritability, constant bad mood.

Infertility, sexual impotence.

Methods for identifying damage and the evil eye

If one or more of the above signs are poisoning your life, then you have serious reasons to suspect that you have been hexed or jinxed. However, suspicion is not certainty.

And to know for sure, our healers shared with us the correct methods for identifying these ailments. Here they are.

Methods for identifying damage and the evil eye from Maria Bazhenova

How to find out about damage using a pin

Pin the pin onto your clothes so that it is as close to your heart as possible. Under no circumstances should those around her see her. The head of the pin should be directed perpendicular to the surface of the earth, that is, with its ends pointing towards the ground and sky. When pinning, they say the following:

Save me on the road, Lord, from evil people and unkind thoughts. Amen, amen, amen.

They do this before the road or just leaving the house. When you return, you must definitely consider the pin. If it is unfastened - the evil eye, lost - damage.

How to find out about spoilage using an egg

This is the surest way to find out about damage. Damage is removed in the same way.

Take a glass jar, pour water into it and carefully break it a raw egg so that the yolk doesn't spill! Hold the jar above your head, then bring it to the back of your head, to your forehead, to your chest, to your groin, to your feet. At each of these places, hold the jar for about five minutes: this is necessary for the egg to absorb all the evil that is poisoning you. Close the jar and place it at the head of your bed overnight. In the morning, carefully examine what happened to the egg and water. If there is spoilage, the egg will turn black and the water will become cloudy. If not, the water will remain clean and the egg will not change in any way.

Detecting the evil eye with coal

To find out for sure whether there is an evil eye on you, you need to take a cup of water and, crossing yourself and the cup, with the words “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!” Dip three coals into the water (you can use burnt matches), and then say the following spell:

Holy water, not collected by me, was collected by the Most Holy Theotokos herself, to wash the Christian race, to help from the evil eye. It’s not me who washes, it’s not me who washes away, it’s the Mother of God who washes away, everything that is thought, and dreamed, and assumed, and whispered - you won’t be here, you won’t live here, you won’t destroy the servant of God (name). Amen.

If the coal sinks and the patient does not feel anything special during the test, it means that the illness is not from the evil eye or damage. But if the coal floats and swirls, and the patient begins to yawn and stretch, he has been jinxed.

Detection of the evil eye by the eyes

You need to look long and intently into the patient’s eyes. If the eyes are shifty and restless, then someone has jinxed him. In this case, you need to perform a special ritual twice: the first time - “on the young one” (the newly born month) the second - “on the evil days”, that is, in the last quarter of the next month.

During this ritual, you need to place the patient by the window, press with both hands first on the head, then on the shoulders, and then on other parts of the body (as will be convenient). At the same time they read the plot.

I crush, I crush the blackness, I crush, I expel, I crush. Be gone blackness, be gone. Run away from your eyes, run away from the black evil eye, go around the servant of God (name), be careful. My hand is strong, my neck is heavy, the evil eye is far away, in an open field, a hundred hills away, there stands a grave mound, filthy. You will live in that hill, but God’s servant (name) will not know grief and illness. Amen.

Casting for the evil eye - water test

Pour clean water in a deep saucer, place it on the head of the one you are checking for the evil eye.

Pour melted wax from a candle into the water. In this case you need to say:

Water pours, fire rages, wax melts, trouble pours out.

Next, look at the wax figure you get. If it is a horse, a person, a flower - the prognosis is favorable, nothing bad happened to the person being tested, but if the resulting figures look like a bed, a coffin, or a grave, it means that the person has been jinxed and urgent measures need to be taken.

How to find out for yourself if you have been jinxed

You can find out for yourself whether you have been jinxed. There are two ways to do this.

In the morning, take a piece of stale bread, hold it in your hand for 1-2 minutes, trying not to think about anything at this moment, and throw it into a glass of water that has stood for at least a day in your room. If after 1-2 minutes the bread sinks, then you have been jinxed.

Instead of bread crumb, you can burn a match and throw it into a glass of water. If there is an evil eye on you, then after 1–2 minutes the match will sink to the bottom.

Methods for identifying damage and the evil eye from Praskovya Belova

Determination and removal of damage in children

For these purposes, wax casting is also done. They just say different words. The child sits on a chair that is placed on the threshold, melted wax (not paraffin) is poured over his head into a cup of water, and the spell is read:

Mother, white birch, you are standing in an open field, a wide expanse. You don’t hear, you don’t see any noise, no din, no squeaking, no heather, no whispering, no aching, no yawning, no birthmark, no scattered light. So that the servant of God (name) does not hear or see any noise, no din, no squeaking, no heather, no whispering, no aching, no yawning, no heaviness, no birthmark, no scattered light. Amen.

By looking at the wax figure they can tell if there is damage. Any figure that looks like a cross, a coffin, a grave, or a church indicates that there is damage. In this case, the child is given water and washed with water into which wax has been poured.

Egg rolling

You need to take a raw egg, definitely from a domestic chicken. The egg is taken in the right hand and the following words are whispered over it:

Roll the egg, from right to left, from west to east, from north to south, from the most pure angel to the dark demon. Tell the whole truth about God’s servant (name).

Next, they begin to roll the person out with the testicle - they roll it around the body in circles, always clockwise. It takes quite a long time to roll out, there is no need to rush. First they roll around the head, then circles on the chest, stomach, back, legs, feet. Once you've rolled everything out, you need to take a saucer and break the egg. If it is of normal color, if the yolk has not spread, everything is fine. And if the egg is dark, cloudy, and the yolk is running, then there is some damage and treatment is needed.

Determination of spoilage using water

If it’s difficult to tell something from wax, try this very simple method.

You need to take water from a stream or spring. The water must be live, that is, not boiled, not purchased, not tap water. In extreme cases, you can use melt water.

We place a vessel with water (not metal or plastic) in the room where the test subject sleeps for damage and the evil eye. Leave for a week (preferably from Sunday to Sunday). We look at the water. If it remains clean and fresh, everything is fine with the person. If the water becomes cloudy, has an unpleasant odor or is covered with a film, it means there is an evil eye or damage.

Pouring wax

This is a very simple and correct method. You need to take a candle, definitely a church candle, and a bowl of water (it should not be metal, it is better to use glass or clay dishes). Pure spring water is poured into this vessel.

Next, the one who wants to be checked must put his hands (fingertips) there and sit there for several minutes. Then they take a candle, light it, move it around the person’s head, next to the chest, stomach, legs, and then begin to drip wax from this candle into the water.

Drops, solidifying in water, take different shapes, which you need to think about, turn this way and that, take a closer look and determine what it resembles.

Cross- This sure sign damage. Moreover, the damage was strong, imposed by an experienced sorcerer. Only confession, communion and treatment with spells for six months will help.

Crown(crown, circle) is also a sign that damage has been imposed on the family, husband (wife), or a love spell or lapel has been cast. It is also not easy to remove this damage. You need patience, time and special spells, which you will find below.

Dog or wolf face- if this happens, damage is caused to your health. It is best to remove such damage with charmed water.

Peas- small individual droplets that can stick together or float separately mean damage to poverty. That is, you will have small money (coins, pennies), and not bills. This damage is removed, and then they cast a spell on a wallet or money that they carry with them without exchanging it, because this damage easily lands on a person, which means special protection is needed.

Long threads- they say that this is damage or the evil eye, which means that all your troubles come from one of your relatives or close friends. Take a closer look at those around you. If you find a person who may wish you harm, do not take revenge, and under no circumstances do him harm.

The simplest way to remove such an evil eye is to go to church and light a candle for the health of this person. And protect yourself with the help of special conspiracies.

Methods for identifying damage and the evil eye from Serafima Trapeznikova

Ritual for identification negative impacts

You will need a bucket of water (in this case, any water will do), four church candles, an aspen twig (it must be cut from a tree, you cannot pick up a dead twig from the ground) and a plate.

You can perform the ritual yourself, or you can invite an assistant.

Any time of the day is suitable, but you must start the action at the beginning of the hour.

First you need to put an aspen twig on a plate and set it on fire. When it burns a little, extinguish the flame, and divide the resulting coal into three parts.

Then the person who is being checked for damage and the evil eye is seated on a stool, a bucket of water is placed in front of him, and candles are attached crosswise along the edges of the bucket. You need to light the candles one at a time and in a certain order, while saying sentences.

The farthest candle opposite the patient is lit first, with the words:

Stand in front of me, show yourself in the water.

Then the candle, which stands immediately in front of the patient, says:

Don't circle above me, be reflected in the water.

Now to the patient's right:

My Angel stands at my right hand.

And finally, the candle on the left hand:

The devil stands by his side, wincing at the angelic face.

Now you need to quickly throw the coals into the water and carefully watch what happens.

If the coals sink and strong circles appear in the water, the person is under witchcraft.

If the coals float to the surface and the water is calm, everything is fine.

If you find out that witchcraft exists, try to determine whether it is damage or the evil eye. To do this, use the signs that we listed above.

Conspiracies that remove damage

And now we move directly to conspiracies that help remove the evil eye and damage. If you are convinced that you have been negatively affected and you need help, carefully study this section and choose the most suitable conspiracy for yourself. Be very careful, removing damage is a slow and painstaking job. In addition, it takes a lot of strength - both physical and mental, but in the end it gives much more than it takes away.

If you don't need this, feel free to move on to the next section of the book.

Conspiracies against damage and the evil eye from Maria Bazhenova

How to remove damage-quarrel

We talked about powerful rituals for removing damage with water and eggs. They are suitable for any kind of damage. But if you know how the damage is caused, then you can use special methods.

There is a type of damage that is caused more often than others. This is a quarrel. If it is directed, scandals begin in the family: for example, a wife cannot talk calmly with her husband, any conversation turns into a scandal, and her voice turns into a screech. This can happen between other family members, but most often between spouses.

Buy a live fish and cut off its head in one fell swoop and, while it is still moving its mouth, say:

The fish is a creature of God, the Lord created you silent, you were alive, you couldn’t speak, and the dead one died without saying a word. Every creature of God, every one has his own share. The cow should moo, the dog should bark, the nightingale should sing, the hare should cry, and the servant of God (name) should remain silent and pray to God. While the servant of God (name) prays to God, everything will calm down for her. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong conspiracy from damage

You can talk at any time. You can also write on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow, or you can say something about water and then drink it.

Peter and Paul, supreme apostles, cover and protect me, the servant of God (name of the rivers), with your incorruptible robe from the evil of man, from evil thoughts, from rough, from black, from white, from russian, from the priest, from the priest, from the monk , from the monk, from the simple-haired girl, from his thoughts, the servant of God (name), from his own thoughts. And to my words the key and the lock. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against damage to the family

However, in a family there are problems of various kinds. It happens that people do not make trouble, do not shout, but there is no warmth in the relationship. For different cases of family damage, you can try this plot. You need to buy 12 candles and light them after 12 midnight. A prerequisite is that the sky must be starry. Ask your mother or grandmother (the eldest woman in the family) to read this plot. But if you are not sure that they will understand you, it is better to read for yourself.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. Lord, by faith in both my soul and heart You have spoken, I bow down to Your goodness: help me a sinner! let me complete the work I have begun about You in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Extinguish the candles one by one and immediately go to bed.

How to protect a newborn from the evil eye

Young children are most susceptible to the evil eye; they have a very weak protective field, so it costs nothing to “break through” it: any careless glance, an extra word - and the child begins to worry, sleeps poorly, cries for no reason.

Here are a few simple rules that will help you protect your newborn.

Kuma, that is, the child’s godmother, needs to take a coal (you can burn an ordinary match in a saucer) and throw it over your left shoulder at an intersection. This way she will protect her godson.

Do not show your child to your family for a month. Who can stand it for as long as they can, of course, but strictly remember that strangers should not look at a sleeping baby, and generally do not allow them to look at him for too long.

Do not praise or allow others to praise your child.

Arrange for relatives to “meet” the new family member while he is awake. You can't show your baby for the first time when he's sleeping.

And the mother, too, should not look at the child for a long time, admire him when he sleeps.

Removing a love spell

A love spell is the same damage. She doesn’t bring happiness to anyone, because, as you know, you can’t be nice by force. A sign of such damage is a painful state when it’s bad with some person, but even worse without him.

To remove such damage, you will need black and white thread (15–20 cm long), as well as a chicken bone (breastbone, slingshot-shaped).

Start acting on any day of the debilitated moon. Light a candle (any color, preferably white, brought from church). Soak both threads with an infusion of St. John's wort (the herb can be bought at any pharmacy). Wrap one of the arcs of the slingshot with white thread, and the other with black thread. Take the bone by both ends - with your right hand the part around which the white thread is wrapped, and with your left hand hold the end of the bone with the black thread. Hold it so that its middle is above the candle flame and the burning of the candle settles on the bone.

Say the spell:

Rogatina, Rogatina, you didn’t horn me. Either something that is not good or bad sits down on you, then everything that is alluvial and fruitful from me passes on to you. To the left is damage, to the right is the evil eye.

Break the bone in half. Tell:

What is broken will not stick together, what is dead will not grow together, and the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) will never come together.

Notice how it happened. If the upper part of the bone goes to a bow with a black thread, it means that you were actually affected by a witchcraft influence, which you just got rid of. If the part of the bone with a white thread turns out to be larger than the other, it means that the witchcraft influence did not have the desired effect on you or did not exist at all, and your depressed state was caused by something else.

But in both cases, you must bury the bone fragments in different places as far apart as possible.

In doing so, read:

Just as these bones are apart, so are you and I apart. Just as these bones cannot meet, you and I cannot meet on the same path.

This will be enough to get rid of the uncertainty of feelings and spiritual tension.

Removing the evil eye of children

These methods can only treat the evil eye in children who have not yet turned seven years old.

1. Say while washing the child and pouring the water onto the floor or ground:

Water from the crown, sorrow from the baby. Where it came from, it merged there. Whoever attacks a child with malice will return with cramps. Amen.

2. Say while rolling a raw chicken egg over the baby’s body:

The chicken laid an egg, not a simple one, but a charmed one. I roll the testicle on the crown, on the head, on the shoulders, on the back, on the arms, on the chest, on the tummy, on the ass, on the legs, on the soles, all over the white body. I roll the testicle, I throw all the damage on it. I throw an egg into the fire, I return evil to the evil one.

Then throw the egg into the fire and burn it or fry it in a frying pan until black.

Or you can break it into a glass of water, squeeze the shell in your hand in one fell swoop and say this:

I’m not crushing a shell, I’m crushing your ailments. I press, crumble the disease from the servant of God (name). Amen.

The egg is poured down the drain or buried. The shells are burned or buried.

3. Leaning over the sleeping baby, they say:

I’ll stand up, bow down, and pray to Saint Nicholas. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Bishop of Lycia of the World, saint of the whole world, traverser of the seas, patron of the lands, the Angels of God know St. Nicholas, light hot candles for St. Nicholas, put gingerbread for St. Nicholas, and I pray to St. Nicholas. The servant of God (name) got away from all kinds of lessons. I prayed to you for that servant of God (name), save him and have mercy, and be with him everywhere, pray to the Lord and drive away from him all the fears of the night, all the troubles of the day. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against the evil eye and damage when cradling

It happens that a child feels ill, and the mother takes him in her arms, carries him, cradles him. Now is the time to help the child with a conspiracy. As you lull your baby to sleep, say:

I will be blessed, I will go, crossing myself from door to door, under Mother Mary of the dawn, under the red sun, under warm clouds, under the curly clouds, under the whole moon of the Lord. Under the warm clouds, under the curly clouds stands the Mother Apostolic Church.

In this Church there is a golden throne, behind this throne sits the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, holding her Son Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the merciful Son. I will go into this Church, blessing myself, crossing myself, I will pray to God from the desire of my zealous heart and I will come closer to this throne, I will bow lower, I will ask from the desire of my zealous heart:

- Isi Mother Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ, Son of God, save and have mercy on the servant of God baby (name), shoot a river, a retitsa, a snitch, a snitch into the zealous heart, into the lungs, into the liver, let their hot blood pass through the damask stone, allow me, the slave (name), to the servant of God's baby (name), to bring out of the violent head all the tricks, tributaries, thinness, to bring out the lessons, prizes, sorrows, illnesses, to bring out of it 12 relatives, 12 thinnesses, deadly ulcers, to bring out of it blond hair, blond eyebrows, from clear eyes, from scarlet buttocks, from arms, from legs, from her wild head, from her lungs, liver, from hot blood, from the whole body to the skin, from the legs to the fingers, from the fingers to nails, from nails into an open field, from an open field into the blue sea. Whoever taught me and undertaught me, spoke all the words, be all my words complete, even, strong, molded, stronger than a stone, more moldable than a damask steel knife. I’ll lock it with a padlock, lock it with a key, go along the steep bank, throw the key to the bottom, grab the beluga pike, put it under the left rib. Just as spring water rolls in the blue sea and does not return, so if the servant of God from (name) were sick and sick and did not return, they would wither away, wither away, waste away, smaller than a poppy seed, they would dry day in the sun, night in the moon, the outcome is all 24 hours. It wouldn't happen from century to century. Amen.

It is clear that learning such a long spell is not easy. It can be read quietly in a sing-song manner from a sheet of paper. If by the end of the spell the baby does not calm down, it can be repeated, but no more than three times.

Removing the evil eye with water

You need to take water from three different sources. Previously, they took it from three ice holes or three wells. Now, of course, no one has wells near the house, and the ice hole is far away, so I advise you to take water from the kitchen tap, from the bathroom tap, and purchased water. Just keep in mind that when you go to the store to buy water, don’t greet or talk to anyone. Do the same when you carry all the water to prepare it for the ceremony. It’s better if only you and the person you want to save from the evil eye are at home. All the water is poured into a bucket or bowl and poured over the victim of the evil eye (if you remove the evil eye from yourself, water it yourself). Take your time when scooping up water, move the ladle wide to the side. You need to douse yourself 3 times. And say the spell when you scoop up water, for each scooping:

Mother water! In the name of the Holy Trinity, give holy water from three wells to the servant of God (name) for cleanliness, lightness, and health.

The remaining water should be poured into a glass, put a few coals, salt, and a piece of clay (any kind) into it. The following should be said about this water:

I salt, blacken, torment, torment, I charm the servant of God (name) from sediments, from drifts, from contrived ones, from fortune-telling, from those blown by the wind, from a man with a frizzy hair, from a bald grandfather, from the witch of Kyiv, from the evil eye. Dawn, you rise in the evening, the night extinguishes you, so if the servant of God (name) would rise and go away, illness and damage, all kinds of illness and black sorrow. Just as fire is knocked out of a white stone, from a gray flint, so would all sorrows, all drifts, drifts, contrived, assumed, fortune-telling, linings be knocked out, thrown out, carried away from the servant of God (name) to where people do not live, dogs do not lie , the birds don't sing. My word is strong, locked with seven locks, my tongue is the key. Amen.

After this, the water must be poured onto the street or into the sewer.

Removing the evil eye next

This method will be useful to you if you know who sent the evil eye on you. Finding such a person is not easy, you never know there are envious people around. But it happens that someone very clearly hates you, weaves intrigues against you, slanders you, and spreads gossip. Such a person, even if he doesn’t want it himself, can put the evil eye on you. It is against his power that the following conspiracy is used. There is one difficulty here: you will have to get some dirt, sand or snow from his footprint. A tiny pinch is enough. When you come home, put what you managed to collect in a glass of water and read the following spell over it:

Following the trail of the servant of God (the name of the one who jinxed you) was my fierce misfortune, its name is melancholy, it came in his wake, and filled him into my slaves. Your word will return to you, longing will turn towards you, and turn away from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Removing the evil eye with wax

Pour water into a jar (you can take any water, but only clean, potable water). Drink a little water, throw a pinch of salt into the remaining water, light a candle and hold it over the jar so that the wax drips directly into the water. Baptize water with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then remove the candle wax from the jar and throw it away. Previously, they threw it into the oven, but now I advise you to collect the wax in paper, wrap it, bandage it, and bury it somewhere. And cast a spell over the remaining water:

Lord Jesus Christ, by Your Life-giving Cross, save and preserve me from all evil, from illness, from sorrow, from corruption, from the evil eye, from hypocritical praise, from a simple-haired woman, from a long-haired girl, from a witch and a hater, and an evil envious person. . Amen.

Removing the poisonous gaze

It happens that it is difficult to look a person in the eyes because his gaze is caustic, unpleasant, and heavy. You need to beware of such a view, and if you are faced with it, it is better to immediately read the plot. Read three times:

The month has three beautiful sisters, three clear stars: one is Taurida, the other is Stepanida, the third is (name).

While pronouncing the words, run your hands over your body from head to toe, and be sure to wash your hands when finished.

Conspiracy from hellebore

In the old days, damage, which was accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and weakness, was called “chemer”. To save a child from such an illness, there is a special conspiracy:

Chemer, hellebore, go from the belly, from the veins, joints, from the spinal column, go where you came from, into an open field, into a wide expanse, there you fall in love, there you adorn yourself, there you admire, there you show off, and (name ) good health. Firmly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Seal of loneliness

The seal of loneliness is awarded to both men and women, but most often to men. They say about such people that they are unlucky: they seem to have everything - their appearance, their intelligence, and their money, but they don’t have a betrothed. It happens that even at the wedding itself, everything suddenly goes wrong. If this happens several times in a row, rest assured: this person has been marked with the “seal of loneliness.” This damage is not dangerous to life or health; sometimes people live with it until a very old age. As a rule, the damage is caused by former rejected lovers: “not for me, therefore, not for anyone,” they reason. But the damage is not severe; it can be removed using a casting. By the way, it will show whether there is damage. Remember how to make a casting? Take a saucer, hold it above your head and pour wax from a candle into it. See what shape the wax takes. If it even remotely resembles “1”, then there is no doubt about the damage - it exists. After casting, do not forget to burn the wax on fire and read the plot:

Water pours, fire rages, wax melts, trouble pours out. Burn, wax, burn, my misfortune, burn, my loneliness. Go to hell and don't bother anyone. Lord, forgive me, a sinner, as I forgive my enemies and adversaries. Forgive me my sins, as I forgive them. I burn someone else’s sin, I burn my misfortune. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Removing the ancestral curse

A family curse is inherited from one's ancestors. It can act until the seventh generation, that is, seven generations of your family will be cursed. The purpose of such a curse is to destroy and wipe out the entire family.

The most inexplicable things happen in the family affected by the curse: sudden deaths, strange illnesses, devastation. With a generational curse, there will definitely be sick people in the family, people suffering from dementia, failed personal lives, infertility, debauchery, early deaths of children and men, complex nature many relatives. All this is a sign that not everything is in order in the family. It is difficult to cope with such damage, but it is possible.

The first remedy for a generational curse is unction. This church ceremony, which is usually held in the church during Lent, but can also be held as needed. It is aimed at cleansing a person from all sins, including those unknown to him (which he cannot confess simply because he does not know), as well as at cleansing the sins of the family.

You can try to remove the curse using the following ritual. It is performed strictly on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday at 12 am. The time of the moon is no earlier than the 17th lunar day until the 29th-30th lunar day. For the night of the ceremony, prepare 3 candles and church water.

Place a mirror with candles in front of you. Behind you is another mirror. You need to undress, leaving only a shirt on (for men, a T-shirt and swimming trunks). Light candles and read ( by memory!), looking into your eyes, without looking up and preferably without blinking (although the last condition will be impossible for everyone to fulfill - it’s okay, just try to blink less if this condition is not at all possible for you):

I look into clear eyes, I’m not afraid of anyone. No demon, no thief, no evil man. The Lord is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos is with me. It’s not a mirror in front of me, it’s the shield of God in front of me. It’s not the mirror behind me, it’s the shield of God in front of me. I will defend myself with a shield, I will defend myself with a shield, I am not afraid of anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind me, the Mother of God in front. Amen.

You wash yourself right there in front of the mirror with holy water prepared in advance (you will also need to prepare a small basin in advance), wipe yourself with the clothes that you are wearing, without taking them off.

Look in the mirror as much as you want. The candles must burn out. While they are burning down, it is not necessary to be near them.

On the first Sunday after the ceremony, you need to go to church and light 12 candles: 3 - to the Mother of God, 3 - to Jesus Christ, 3 - to the Holy Spirit, 3 - to Panteleimon the Healer. Thank them for lifting the curse.

Removing centuries, or damage to loneliness

Vekovukha, or the spell of loneliness, always has a witchcraft origin and is not given to anyone from birth. Only a person with special knowledge and enormous witchcraft power can cause such damage. Sorcerers often, at the request of other women, inflict such damage on a happy rival, with the goal that she would be lonely throughout her life and would not be able to get married. But even if she manages to get married, family life will soon end in divorce. Very often very beautiful, smart, bright women become victims, but after such damage is done they become “invisible” to men. Such damage can be removed in two ways.

This method is equally good for getting rid of centuries of age and the seal of loneliness. It must be performed on the waning moon on women's day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) for women and on men's day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) for men.

Don't eat meat for 24 hours. Prepare a headscarf (for men, a handkerchief).

Place on the table an icon of the Mother of God, an icon of Jesus and any other saint close to you, candles, matches, blessed salt (preferably Thursday salt), holy water, a saucer with a small cross at the bottom (not yours, but a new one); put scissors, a spoon and a piece of candle wax aside.

Sit on a chair in front of the table. Pour holy water into a saucer, add a pinch of salt there, light candles in front of the icons, and throw a match into the saucer.

Say this:

I will get up, servant of God (name), early in the morning, go out at dawn, and go to God’s church. There is a menacing angel standing near the Church of God, who won’t let me, a young man, in: you were not married in a church, you were married by dashing people with evil tongues, go to an open field, in an open field there is a green oak, under that oak Mother of God rests, she will take off your lonely crown and give you God's grace. I will go to an open field, in an open field there is a green oak tree, under that oak tree the Mother of God is resting. I will bow down and pray to the Mother of God: Most Holy Theotokos, take off the cursed crown from me, give me God’s grace! The Most Holy Theotokos took off that crown and bestowed grace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wet your right palm in the saucer and move it around the circumference of your scalp clockwise. Repeat 3 times.

Then use scissors to cut off the ends of one strand of hair. Melt the wax in a tablespoon over the candle and place your hair there. Pour it all into a saucer of water.

Put a scarf on your head (the man simply puts a handkerchief on his head) and wear it for about an hour.

You need to fast all day (do not eat meat, sweets, alcohol). The wax poured into the water should be buried near the house. During the week, you need to visit the church and light 12 candles to any saints, and also donate ⅕ of your monthly income to the church or monastery. Take a vow of innocence.

Keep a strict fast (let me remind you: a strict fast means 12 days of bread, water, lean fish). On the 13th day, take the spoken peas to three intersections (on foot) - 12 handfuls. The spell for peas is as follows:

Foremother Eve ate from the sinful tree, Adam saw it, began to cry, an angel flew in and kicked them out of heaven. We were together in heaven, and we were together on earth. So when I am young, I will be together with my beloved, no one will separate us. Married by the Lord, sealed with the seal of God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Leave 4 handfuls of peas at each intersection.

Removing the crown of celibacy

This is a very common damage, and it is only applied to girls. She resembles a century-old. But if the century does not give a woman the opportunity to get married, then the crown of celibacy eradicates in the girl the very desire to become someone’s wife. With the crown of celibacy, the girl will fiercely hate anyone who offers her marriage. And in the end, the woman remains alone - and she may even have children.

Obvious dislike for the opposite sex, as a rule, indicates damage of this kind. A woman herself can feel it only at the age of forty, when “the train has already left.” Another sure sign- the unlucky female share of a mother, sister, aunt - family members on the female side. In this case, the following method will help.

Scatter dry peas (about half a kilogram) on the floor and walk on it barefoot, saying:

God created the heavens and the earth, and He created man, man and woman, and you created them. Adam and Eve, do not eat from the tree, you will eat from the tree, and you will separate your soul from paradise. Eve did not listen, she ate it from the tree, and separated her soul from paradise. The soul is separated from heaven, Adam and Eve are inseparable. Just as Eve was given to Adam, just as Adam was given to Eve, so the Lord will give me a husband, for a blessed life, for eternal love, crowned by the Lord God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Peas need to be collected by lifting one pea at a time with your hands, put in a box, put under the bed and left there for 12 days. Every day, going to bed, you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy. And on the 13th day, boil the peas, pour the water onto the street, and throw the peas to the birds.

Conspiracies against damage and the evil eye from Praskovya Belova

From glaring (envious) people

This conspiracy is learned by heart, read silently, very quietly, if you meet a person whom you fear, about whom you know that he envies you, or someone whom you simply do not like to meet. If it is very difficult for you to learn the text of the conspiracy, you can rewrite it, but be sure to do it in your own hand. Roll the piece of paper with the spell into a tube and tie it to a cord, hang it around your neck under your clothes (preferably next to the pectoral cross).

In the city of Jerusalem, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself slept and spent the night on Christ’s throne. And she had a terrible, terrible dream. They crucified Christ on a vitriol tree: they nailed his hands and feet, and put a hoop on his head. Whoever reminds you of a dream, the Lord gives it as a memory. He goes on a journey, takes him with him, a thunderstorm will not kill him, a dashing person will not find him and an animal will not come across him. God bless.

Quick spell against the evil eye

This spell is pronounced immediately as soon as they feel an unkind look or an incomprehensible malaise. You can speak anywhere, at any time, only one condition: you need to look at the running water. A river, stream, or just water that comes out of a tap will do. If suddenly on the street you feel that you have been jinxed, someone looked at you badly, muttered something after you, was rude and you feel unwell, buy a small bottle of water as soon as possible, pour the water on the ground and say the words of the spell. At work or at home, you can also simply pour water from a glass into a bowl or into another glass. In order to quickly pronounce this spell at the right time, not to waste precious time and not to let the evil eye “cling” to you, to act in full power, you need to learn it by heart or carry it with you written down on a piece of paper.

Lord God, bless! Water flows, red maiden, as it flows, you wash red banks, yellow sands, stumps and roots, frequent wastelands and white stones; So wash from the servant of God (name) parables and lessons, and monobraids and slander, windbreaks, from faces and from braids, and from clear eyes, and from black eyebrows, from a white body and from a zealous heart, from frisky legs and from white hands The key and the lock are in my words.

A conspiracy to shut the mouth of an evil person or sorcerer

They say this plot three times on a church candle, which must be extinguished immediately after.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dress yourself in the sky, be covered with clouds, gird yourself with the belt and strength of the Most Pure Mother of God and her holy angels. Holy Mother of God, with your holy angels, help me, your sinful servant (name), and stop my adversary’s mouth, so that they may not speak evil against me. My angels and saints are with me, the sun is on my right hand, the moon is on the left hand of God’s servant (name), the stars are on my head. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to cut off damage and ward off all misfortune

Outlining the person they want to save from damage three times with a knife, read the following words over the water:

From the Holy Spirit, from the seal of Christ, from the hand of the Savior, from the honorable cross, from the sealed castle of the Mother of God! Guardian angel! Save his soul! Strengthen his heart! Enemy Satan, retreat from him, from the servant of God (name). And Jesus Christ himself, come to the servant of God (name). Altarpiece Mother of God! Holy Mother of God! From the servant of God (name), save and cleanse all illness, all sorrow, all weakness, all uncleanness of abusive words and your dashing thoughts, parables, lessons, troubles, slander, thoughts and prizors from the servant of God (name), from the violent head, from clear eyes, from sugar lips, from arms and legs, and from powerful shoulders, and from white breasts, from a zealous heart, from a brown liver, from lungs and from a drake, from forty veins, from forty joints, from forty heel veins, from the head and from the body, from the body to the feet, from the feet to the soles, and from the soles to the damp earth, to the dark forests, across the blue seas to the rich peasant, not without belching, to drink beer - forever. Amen.

A knife, which is used to outline the patient three times, is placed at the head of the bed. He is given water to drink and washed with the water over which the spell is pronounced. If after this the patient falls asleep, you should not disturb him until he wakes up.

From the evil eye on Maya

There is a type of evil eye when a person begins to toil: he doesn’t find a place for himself, rushes about, as if blindly looking for his path in life - he doesn’t stay in any job for long, he can’t get along with anyone, and he can’t even sit in one place for a long time, as if someone was urging him on all the time. Usually this evil eye is cast on young men. This conspiracy is read on the shirt of such a restless person:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The servant of God (the name of the one who suffers from torment) will be blessed, and I will cross myself, forgiven by my father and blessed by my mother, from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gate in the distance to the open field to the eastern side. A river of fire flows, and there is a copper bridge across the river of fire, and a copper man rides on his copper horse with copper felt and copper stirrups. And the servant of God (name) will pray to the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos and the copper man: oh, you, copper man, why should you ride across the fiery river on a copper bridge, and you, copper man, go to the servant of God (name) on your right shoulder, and from the right to the left, and from the left, under the right sinus, under the left sinus, and from under the left into my heart womb, and into the hot blood, and the black liver, and into the seventy joints, and into the seventy veins, and under the right egg. And you yourself, a copper man, take out from the servant of God (name) all sorrow and illness, and all sorts of parables and ghosts, and insults, and slander, and heavy sickness; and you yourself, a copper man, ride out on a horse, and feed your horse and look out for your eyes. Yes, in an open field, a black man rides to meet him and carries a damask sword, and reaches the black stone and cuts the black man with a damask sword into four parts, and spreads it on four sides, and scatters it with wild winds across the open field, through the dark forest. In this way, the servant of God (name) would have had all sorts of sorrow, slander, slander, and faintness scattered across the open field, through the dark forest, always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After the ritual, the patient must definitely wear this shirt. And after healing, you cannot throw it away, but when it becomes unusable, it is best to give it to the poor at the church.

Conspiracy to wash away the evil eye

This conspiracy is an excellent way to wash away any evil eye, even one that you have been carrying on yourself for more than one month.

You need to wash your face in the evening before going to bed with water to which the following words are said:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Where did it come to me: from a violent wind, from great weather, from the word of a cursed one, from a long-haired woman, from a simple-haired girl, from a peasant, or a heretic, from an old man, or a wizard, from an old woman, or from a sorceress; and when it came to me, whether it was the middle of the night or the middle of the day, whenever it came, then go down. Amen.

Daily evening cleansing spell

This spell is recommended to be used every day during the evening wash. After all, we meet many people every day, therefore, we are constantly at risk of being exposed to the evil eye or damage. Therefore, such an evening ritual never hurts. It is very simple: you need to fill a jug with water and say words to it, and then wash your face or douse yourself with this water.

The servant of God (name) stood up, blessed himself, crossed himself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, and went out into the open field: in the open field there is a blue sea; on that blue sea there is a quiet backwater; on that one, in a quiet creek, a gray goldeneye swims; on the other one, neither water nor dew sticks to the gray goldeneye. Also, neither the lessons, nor the prizes, nor the dashing slander, nor the windy shootings and nor the night commotions would be held by the servant of God (name). Forever and ever, amen.

From the evil eye that causes various diseases and ailments

The evil eye affects people in different ways. Sometimes luck runs out, money runs out, but most often the evil eye causes long-term illnesses, minor injuries, one after another, constant colds and ailments. By the way, aching pain in the legs at night, which not only adults but also children so often complain about, is most often a sign of the evil eye. Well, of course, if it is not a consequence of varicose veins or arthritis. So, the following plot will help against the evil eye, which affects your health.

Rocks, touches, pinches and aches, sorrow and illness, from where you came, there you go from the servant of God (name of the rivers) to the bird tit on the heel.

Women's conspiracy against damage

This spell can only be used by women. To do this, you need to go to the river bank, take off your headscarf, spread it on the bank, kneel on the scarf, cross yourself and say the following words three times:

Sea, sea, take my grief.

After this, the scarf is rolled up and thrown into the river.

Conspiracy against loneliness and black melancholy

This type of damage is different in that a person who is overcome by melancholy and laziness sincerely believes that he himself is to blame for this, constantly reproaches himself for this, thereby adding to his torment. But it’s not his fault, since he was simply damaged. The following ritual will help against such a disease.

You need to take a sheet of paper, draw a cross on it and write the words of the conspiracy inside this cross.

Cross - cross cross. A man was born - the cross was erected, and Satan contacted. God is glorified in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Roll the paper into a tube, thread a thread through it and wear it on your chest without removing it. You can sew it into the hem of a shirt, but such a shirt should be worn almost all the time. After washing, you need to make a new piece of paper with a cross and a spell.

Conspiracy from fear

Fright is a special kind of evil eye. He doesn’t allow a person to live in peace, he’s like an inner demon who always holds his hand and whispers: “Don’t do it, don’t try, it won’t work, you won’t cope,” and it happens that this demon starts saying nasty things about family and friends: “ This one doesn’t love you, that one wants your death...” Living with fear is difficult. Therefore, if you are constantly tormented by doubts, suspicions, fears, try this conspiracy.

It is said over water, or over wine, or over oil: they wash their faces with water, drink the wine, and draw crosses on their foreheads, wrists and ankles with oil.

I will become a servant of God (name), having been blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut doors, from the gates, I will go out into an open field, under the eastern side, in broad daylight, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under frequent stars, under the morning dawn, under the evening dawn. I will stand on the Okiyan-Sea in broad daylight, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the morning dawn and under the evening dawn - I will stand with my eyes to the east, my back to the west, I will submit and pray: you, pike, do not eat either rust or swamps and no fish. Sleep, gnaw, under the gray stone throw the servant of God (iyamrek) pinches, and aches, and lessons, and touches, prizes and commotion, and resting places, and bone crushers, and commotion from the heat and from the steam, from a praiseworthy word, from the father’s thought and from mothers, from a simple-haired girl, from a black-headed wife, from a rock-toothed man, from an old man, from a young one and from a middle-aged one, from the whole baptized world; in hands and feet, and in clear eyes, in molars and in powerful shoulders in a zealous heart, in 77 veins, in 77 joints without a single vein - and so would the servant of God (name) be my words strong and capacious and more conspiratorial Build the saber, sharpen the knife, and to my words, the key and the lock, a strong conspiracy, the key is in the water, and the lock is in the mountain.

Conspiracy against the evil eye or damage to the house

Our home is like a second skin for us - another protective shell. And if it’s bad at home, then it’s not good for us either. This property is often used by people who cause damage. Therefore, the house must be protected and cleaned after the arrival of an unfamiliar or unpleasant person.

To do this, take water (not holy water), pour it into a basin, cross it 3 times and say the following words:

I will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the entryway through the gates, into the open field, to blue sea. In the Okiyan Sea there is a navel of the sea; on that navel of the sea is the white stone Olatyr; Olatyr sits on a white stone White bird. That white bird flew through cities and suburbs, through villages and villages, through villages and villages; A white bird flew to the servant of God (name) and sat on the threshold. Yes, she pecked out with an iron nose, scratched out with damask claws, with white wings she waved away ghosts and slander, and grave illness, from the distant veins of the guards, from the entire human camp; That white bird carried away ghosts and slander, and all sorts of illnesses beyond the blue sea, under the white stone, under the navel of the sea. May you, my words, be strong and firm in the key and lock forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy against debt damage

The name of this type of damage speaks for itself: a person always lives “in debt”, no matter how hard he tries to correct this situation.

The words of the conspiracy are used to slander the money used to pay off debts.

Money, money, run along the road, in an open field, there are oak tables, there are broken tablecloths on the tables. You eat, you feast, you give. Tables, gifts, feasting, it is not I myself who persuade you, I call upon the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, help, help to persuade money to set on the true path, to protect from the black eye, from the gray one, from the joyful one, from the envious one, from the filthy one. To this day; to this hour, according to my verdict.

Conspiracy if a job or business has been jinxed

If everything was going smoothly, and suddenly trouble after trouble at work, and any business suddenly stopped going well, you may have been exposed to the evil eye.

In this case, it is good to speak to a burning candle. Speak the words and extinguish it as soon as the last word will be said. Then bring it to work or wherever your affairs are going wrong, light it and now let it burn out to the end. A charmed candle will burn out all the witchcraft.

Lord Jesus Christ, Lady Mother of God, Mother of God, Michael the Archandel, Gabriel the Archandel, Gregory the Brave, Mikola the Lighter, Saint of Christ, I, (name), servant of God, I will pray and submit to you, holy luminaries, I will pray and submit: come and help me words, and give me, the servant of God (name), a tyn, a damask, stone ogorot from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from an edun, from an edun, from a red maiden, from a young young woman, there would be no punishment and torture in the tyn and in vegetable garden Holy luminaries, take up your sharp bayonets, point, and aim for the village and the garden. I, the servant of God (name), will take the key and the lock, and I, the servant of God (name), will begin to lock that tine and lock it tightly; I'll lower the key into the blue sea. Just as this spring had not been on top of the blue sea, so I, the servant of God (name), would not have had any portions, no puffs, no melancholy a day in the sun and at night during the month, in the morning dawn, in the evening dawn and in all days and hours, and on Wednesday, and on Friday, and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy against chain damage

This is the name for damage that causes a chain of failures. In order to remove it, you need to take incense, light it, and place it in front of an open window or vent. As the smoke reaches up through the window, you must quickly say the following words.

Lord bless, True Christ! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The tailor, the sorcerer, the tailor and the sorceress cannot sip the white foam on the blue sea, cannot measure the depth of the sea, cannot identify the height of heaven, cannot spoil me, the servant of God (name), who will endure forever, and will not allow any damage. I, servant of God (name), will lock myself away from the tailor and from the sorcerer, from the tailor and from the sorceress, and from every dashing person with a strong lock, with an iron key, and I, servant of God (name), will release this key in the Okiyan Sea. When a porter or a sorcerer, a porter or a sorceress sip the white foam on the blue sea, deep sea they recognize, they measure the entire heavenly height - and then I, the servant of God (name), will not be spoiled forever and ever. Amen.

From damage to husband

If a woman’s husband abandoned her or began to wander “on the side” and a check for damage confirmed its presence, this should be done.

Have to take pectoral cross husband (if he is unbaptized or does not wear a cross, you need to buy a cross in the church or make it yourself from two crossed pine branches; they need to be plucked from a tree, and not picked up from the ground) and say the words of the conspiracy on them. The cross must be given to the husband or secretly sewn (hidden) in his clothes, underwear, bed. You can hang a cross over his photo and keep it at home so that no one can see.

The plot is like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a servant of God (your name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, to God’s works, to God’s path, from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates - into an open field. Like in the open field of Akiyan, the Holy Blue Sea; in Akiyan the Holy Blue Sea is white Zlatar stone. As in the white Zlatar of stone there is a golden chair, on the golden chair sits Saint Mary; Saint Mary holds golden scissors; she, Saint Mary, circumcises, the Holy Spirit shears and circumcises from the servant of God (husband's name) prisms, lessons, wind and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight, vered, heartfelt melancholy, dashing corruption and talker - from the bones, from the brain , from the eyes, from the reactive heart, from the black liver, from the hot blood. From the servant of God (husband's name), Saint Mary and from me, the servant of God (your name), damage and touches, prizes, lessons in window and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight - on dark forests and on dry forests, in mosses and swamps, and on rotten logs, on lying vyskiri, she herself sentences: how can those rotten logs and lying vyskiri not be green, how can there not be parables and damage, ghosts and mowings, and lessons, glass windows and morning, noon and noon, evening and midnight, witchcraft and sorcery from now on and forever, the servant of God (husband's name) confesses the century, the most pure Mother of God, the Mother of God on the throne. And I forgot a language word, servant of God, and put that word in front of everyone.

How to remove damage from the garden and home flowers

If suddenly your plantings are overcome by worms, caterpillars and other evil spirits, despite the fact that everything is fine with your neighbors, you can think about damage. To get rid of it, they do this. They light a fire in the area, take 12 pine branches (they need to be brought from the forest) and throw them into the fire one at a time, each time they throw a branch they recite a spell. The enchanted ashes are collected and diluted with water (a glass of ashes in a bucket of water). This water is used to water the garden late at night. And the words are:

Don’t hit, devils, don’t eat the fields, sow gobin, winter. Gray worm and white worm, and small worm, and boneworms, go, you worms, to the west of the sun, to the green oak forest, to the aspen leaf. If you don’t go and sort this out, you worms, from the sowing of the winter fields, I will release birds on you—iron wings and damask legs: your brothers will call you a gray and a white worm, and a small one, and bones; your generation will no longer exist. And you, worms, - do not wait for this - with this winter health, and sowing winter roots are harder than your stones and flints, and more bitter than resin and sulfur.

Conspiracy from the commotion

Damage-commotion is applied in a crowded place or during an important event, when everyone is fussing, in a hurry, and nervous. At such a moment, it costs nothing to spoil or jinx a person. There is a special protection plot against such damage.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord bless, true Christ. I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, along a narrow staircase, onto a wide street, on the eastern side, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under frequent small stars, under a brown cloud. There is a great Okiyan Sea on the eastern side. In the middle of the sea is a great island. On that island there is a stone church; in that church the golden throne is holy. On that golden throne sits Baba Salmanida. I come, the servant of God (name), to the Okiyan Sea, to the great island, to the stone church, to the golden throne, to Baba Salmanida, who wrapped Jesus Christ himself, swaddled him with swaddling clothes, twisted him with a silk belt, threw on an imperishable chasuble-shirt, commotion I photographed daytime, nighttime, evening, morning, midnight, and mid-night scenes; with her right hand and incorruptible robe she plowed from the white face, from the clear eyes and from the lungs, and from the liver, and from the popliteal veins. Neither early in the morning, nor late in the evening, neither in broad daylight, nor in the middle of the dark night, just as water does not hold on a fist, so the commotion would not hold on me, God’s servant (name). Just as a gray goose swims in the water, but when it shakes itself off, it’s all dry, so you, commotion, dry up, dry up; just as the dew dries on the mother grass on the ant grass, so you, troublemakers, dry up, dry up; just as fire goes out from water, so do you, the commotion, go out, go out. Go, troublemakers, beyond the dark forests, beyond the black mud, where people don’t walk, don’t ride horses, dogs don’t run and birds don’t fly freely - into green moss, into a quicksand swamp, into a hole. Forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracies to remove damage and the evil eye from Serafima Trapeznikova

How to calm down a baby if he has been jinxed

The baby became capricious for no reason, whines, does not take the breast, does not want to sleep - most likely the reason for this is the evil eye. What to do? Take more water, preferably in a large bathtub. While the water is filling, take a handful dried leaves mint, half a teaspoon of valerian root, a handful of chamomile flowers. Mix herbs and pour boiling water. Let it sit covered for ten minutes, and then pour the infusion into the bath.

Dip your baby into the water and read the plot:

She carried it herself, she gave birth to it, she took on the burden herself. I myself, I myself deliver all the rumors, all the ghosts, all human conversations, mother’s, father’s evil thoughts from the violent head, from the clear eyes, from the white body, from the zealous heart, from the lungs, from the liver, from the seventy-seven veins.

After the bath, do not pour water on the baby, but immediately wrap it in a towel.

Conspiracy for headaches caused by damage or the evil eye

Pour water into a saucer, read the spell over it, take out a clean handkerchief, dip it in the water and wipe your face and hands with it three times.

The parable did not come from the wind, not from the sun, or from a dashing man. The prince is looking for a nesting place on the Shataeva mountain, on the Zybaeva ridge. The servant of God went to the blue sea, to the white stone. An old, seasoned man sits there, with a gilded eye in his first hand: he sews and sews all the tricks, all the prizes, the windy fractures. Amen.

Conspiracy against damage that brought bad luck

You should go to the running water, to a stream, river or spring, lower your hands or place them under the stream and say these words:

Morning dawn Daria, evening dawn Marina, fresh spring water walked over the stump, along the roots, washed the stump-roots, gray stone. Also wash away from the servant of God all the prici-prizes, all the persuasion, mother’s thoughts, father’s thoughts. Just as water dries up on a pebble, so dry up and dry up in your hands and cheeks, from your lungs, from your liver, from your zealous heart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen!

And then repeat three times:

Be, my words, strong, firm, negotiation, non-negotiation, hesitate, lay down the keys and locks. Keys into the water, locks to the bottom, keys into the water, locks to the bottom.

Conspiracy from witchcraft that brought with it illness

To help a patient whose illness is caused by damage or the evil eye, it is necessary for a close woman (mother, wife or sister) to collect living water. Living means natural, not the kind that flows from a tap. To do this, you need to go to the river or spring. You need to collect water in a bucket or bottle with the words:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And then close the water in a bottle or bucket so that no one sees it until you bring it home. At home, pour the water into a deep bowl and read the spell over it:

River-maiden, water-nurse, bless you to take some vodka not for the sake of cunning, not for the sake of wisdom, but for the sake of the health of the servant of God (name); now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

When it gets dark, the patient should be washed or wiped with this water.

Secretly removing damage and the evil eye from loved ones

If the person who has the damage refuses to remove it, you can do it secretly from him. To do this, pour water into a glass, cross it three times, then fold your fingers in a pinch, as for sign of the cross, dip them in water three times and sprinkle water on the patient while he sleeps, and repeat the spell words:

All the pains, all the sorrows, go away from the servant of God (name), don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t bother. Just like the stallions jump and jump in the field, so, servant of God (name), jump and jump.

Conspiracy to evaporate black witchcraft

This spell, if possible, should be performed in a bathhouse, but if this is not possible, it’s also not a problem, do it at home. After you take a steam bath or just wash yourself, pour yourself over with cooler water, over which you need to read the spell three times in advance:

The parable came neither from the wind, nor from the sun, from a dashing man. The prince is looking for a place, a nest; God's servant (name) went to the blue sea, to the white stone; there sits an old seasoned man, in his right hand is a gilded eye: he spits and blows all his breaths, speaks to all his ghosts. Be, my words, firmly, firmly, sharply, sharply. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

River spell to remove all witchcraft

This spell is special, summer, it is performed while swimming in the river. When you go into the water, read the plot.

Water-water, Earthly Queen, as you serve God and the king, so serve God’s servant (name) for ease, for health, for God’s mercy. As you nourish, pull, cut, save stumps, roots and scrapes, so wash away, rinse from the servant of God (name) all the lessons, bites, aches, pinches, and commotion, and chickenpox - from the ears, from the nostrils, and from the clear eyes , from pieces, from brains, from all the pillars, from distant joints, from distant places, he lived, so that the servant of God would not suffer, would not toil in the wind, or in the old world, or in full month, neither at any time, nor at every holy hour. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

River water will wash away all the evil from you and take it away.

Conspiracy if you can’t feel it in the morning

A man got up in the morning, but he was in no mood, and there was no way to wake up, and he didn’t want anything. And I seemed to get enough sleep - but I still want to sleep. The following plot will help remove such an evil eye:

I will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, towards the eastern side. There will be distant birds, calling and crying, having and swallowing lessons, touches, all unclean souls. From the body there is a hot, zealous heart and frisky legs of the servant of God (name).

Removing damage and disease with a twig

Break off a fresh twig from the tree (under no circumstances pick up a twig from the ground!). Place the patient on the bed, walk along him and lightly tap his body with a twig, pronouncing the words of the spell.

I whip, I drive, I drive out lessons, bites, pinches, aches and commotion, roll off the servant of God (name), fall off - from the white body, from the zealous heart. From clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from spotted veins, from popliteal joints. And send these arrows and hernias, my dears, commotion through the cattle, through the Goths, through all the swamps, spotlessly, without turning back.

Read the plot three times, after which the twig must be broken into small pieces and thrown away.

Cleaning the house with salt

This ritual will help cleanse the house of damage and the evil eye. Place a handful of salt on a saucer. In the evening, place the icon of the Mother of God in front of this saucer and light a church candle. Then read the spell over the salt three times, extinguish the candle, scatter the salt around the house and leave it overnight. In the morning, the salt must be collected with a new broom and scattered outside the window in the wind. Overnight, evil will be absorbed into the salt and leave you with it.

From a black eye, from a blue eye, from a white eye, from a yellow eye. To the dashing eye - salt to the eye, to step over the unclean spirit. You, uncursed eyes, unbaptized eyes. Don’t walk on the sides, don’t prick the sides, don’t waste food, don’t restrict your breathing. You, the cause of the whirlwind, wind, lively, playful, ogling, do not walk on bones, do not break bones, do not spoil things, do not restrict your breathing. You, the cause of the vortex, the wind, I, the cause of the vortex, will disperse you, I will knock you out. I don’t leave there, don’t walk on the bones, don’t break the bones, don’t spoil food, don’t choke your breath. Here's some salt for your eyes.

Removing damage from consecrated objects

Everything brought from the temple of the Lord: candles, incense, holy water or blessed oil - has special power. And if you add an old spell word to it, this power increases many times. This property is used in the following plot.

Take a piece of incense and read the spell over it in the evening in complete darkness. The next day, carry it with you all the time, and burn it in the evening.

I will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from doors to doors, from gates to gates, I will go out into an open field. In an open field, I’ll look in all four directions. On that eastern side there is an Okiyan-sea, on this Okiyan-sea there is an Okiyan-island, on this Okiyan-island there is a red maiden. The red maiden has seventy knives, seventy knives and seventy borage. I will pray to this girl and submit:

Hey, you, red maiden named Nastasya, give seventy knives, seventy knives and seventy borage, take the disease out of the servant of God - from the hands, feet, from the white body, from the zealous heart, from the double water.

Eyelids to eyelids, from yin to eyelids. Amen to my words.

Conspiracy-lapel, if you know who caused the damage

If you know who has spoiled you, you need to act like this: take some thing from the person who “spoiled” you. If this is impossible or difficult, just give him something to hold in his hands under any pretext. The longer he holds the proposed item, the better. After this, you need to go to the water: to a river, to a lake or to a pond and throw this object into the water, saying the following words:

Just as Spyridon the solstice turns back the red sun and the moon, so make jokes, turn away jokes, creativity, and devilish destruction from the servant of God (name). To the old sorcerer, the old sorceress, the heretic, the heretic, the wizard, the sorceress, the old sorcerer, the old sorceress - I would meet them in front, I would shoot them from behind with the wind, with the whirlwind, with God's mercy. Forever and ever. Amen.

Spell against damage to the full moon

This plot is read only when full moon. It’s good if you have the opportunity to go outside or at least onto the balcony. If you can’t, then stand by the window so that you can see the moon. The lights in the room should be turned off and three candles should be lit. Pour water into a bowl, add three pinches of salt and stir. Scoop up water with three large spoons and say:

The water runs, the dream helper,

Runs and runs, washes the banks,

Gray stones, white roots.

Wash away the myopic idiots,

Joyful and envious,

Men's and women's

Nasun, rest in peace

On good health.

Then take water into your mouth and pour it onto the back of your right hand. Move your hand over your face 3 times in one direction, 3 times in the other. And then throw the remaining water onto the ground over your left shoulder.

A conspiracy that removes damage that prevents you from getting pregnant

In the evening, when it gets dark, light three blessed church candles and place them on the table. Place a mirror between them and read the plot:

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut by the doors, from the doors by the gates. I'll go, I'll go into the open field. There is a blue sea, on the blue sea there is a blue stone, under the blue stone stands a toothy and voracious pike - copper cheeks, iron teeth, beady eyes. Eat, bite, eat away from the servant of God (name) the lessons, touches, flashes, commotions and all envy. On that stone sits a blue man, a blue hat, a blue shell, a blue boot, a blue belt and a blue axe. Excise, cut off from the servant of God (name) the blazes and commotions, all mournful and internal relatives: flint, heart, bone, brain, vein, groin, knee, finger, eye, mouth, ear, skin, hair, at dawn, at the dawn of the evening, and in the middle of the day, and at the end of the month, and at the end of the month, and for the whole hour, and for every day of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Then look in the mirror, then turn it over and hide it until the morning. Blow out the candles and go straight to bed. The main thing after the ritual is to remain silent and not talk to anyone.

Spell against damage before bed after failures

If you had a bad day, some kind of trouble happened, then before going to bed, in order to relieve heavy thoughts and drive away melancholy, you need to read the spell, because melancholy and sadness, difficult emotional experiences make it easier for damage to access you. To protect yourself from it, when you go to bed, cross yourself three times and say the following words:

From a brown eye, from a blue eye, from a green eye, from an angry look, take away fears and frights, evil eyes and damage from the servant of God (name) into the desert, away from people. Let it stay there and not spread to anyone. I lock it with three-nine-three locks, three-nine-three keys. Be my words true. Amen.

Washing with a spoon from spoilage

This ancient ritual is capable of removing the most skillful spells for good luck. Pour water into a ladle and place it in front of the holy images overnight; it will be very good if you light the lamp. In the morning, scoop water from the ladle with a spoon, pour it into your palm, wash your face with this water and say:

Just as water runs off spoons, so lessons run off from the servant of God (name).

Conspiracy to cleanse from damage

After regular washing in a bathhouse or shower, do not dry yourself with a towel, but go over your entire body with the backs of your hands and, shaking off the water from them, repeat the spell words:

Water doesn't hold on your fists, so don't hold your lessons on me.

Removing damage from silver

Silver is a well-known remedy against evil; it can be used to ward off damage.

Take exactly three grains of salt and throw them into a glass glass, and put three silver things (spoons, rings) in there. Fill it all with water about halfway, cover the glass with your palm and turn it back and forth, while reading the spell:

Just as nothing sticks to spoons, so lessons wouldn’t stick to God’s servant (name). It came with the wind - it went with the wind. It came from the forest - I went to the forest. It came from the people - it went to the people. It came from the earth and went to the earth.

The water must be poured over your left shoulder onto the ground. Carry silver items with you for a week. The damage will go away.

Conspiracies to remove the evil eye and damage from Alevtina Krasnova

From evil words thrown to the wind

It happens that people don’t want to spoil things, but they do. This is what happens when an evil word is spoken strong wind. So even a person who is friendly towards you can inadvertently cast the evil eye on you. If things go wrong in windy weather, that's because it happened. To correct the situation, you need to wait for a new wind and read the wind three times:

I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from gate to gate, into an open field, to the east, to the eastern side. There is an island under the eastern side. On this island there is a throne, on this throne lies Adam’s head. She is silent, does not slander, does not talk. Neither day, nor night, nor midnight. So my enemies will remain silent; they will not slander me, the servant of God, they will not envy me with black envy, they will not throw evil words to the wind. And if they think evil against me, the servant of God, then the Lord will protect me, as I pray to him: chosen Voivode and Lord, hell to the Winner! Because you have been delivered from eternal death, I will sing praises to You, Thy creature and servant; but as if you have unspeakable mercy, free me from all troubles, calling: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A spell to remove the evil eye from insincere praise

Excessive and insincere praise is also a common cause of the evil eye. Every time after you have been praised very much, in the evening at home, brew yourself tea from 12 herbs. These herbs can be anything. For example, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, elecampane, birch, thistle, nettle, raspberry leaves, black currant leaves, yarrow, shepherd's purse, burdock. You can take other herbs of your choice. Black or green tea leaves are also considered an herb. Take a pinch of everything, pour boiling water over it and say the spell 12 times:

Envious eyes, word-hearing ears, lying lips, retreat, turn away, get off the servant of God (name), go back to where you came from. I am not persecuting you myself, it is the prayer of the Most Holy Most Pure Mother of God that is persecuting you. O Most Holy Most Pure Virgin Lady Theotokos! Be my refuge and intercession, O Merciful One, and enlighten my mind with the dawning of Your light. And I pray to You not only for myself, but also for the people who flow to Your intercession. Preserve the Church of Your Son in goodness, and protect it from the evil slander of the enemies who rise against it. Send Thy help to our archpastors in the apostleship, and keep them healthy, long-living, rightly ruling the word of the truth of the Lord. As a shepherd, ask God your Son for zeal and vigilance for the souls of the verbal flock entrusted to them, and to send down upon them the spirit of reason and piety, purity and divine truth. Ask the same way, Lady, from the Lord for wisdom and strength from those holding power and the city ruler, from the judges - truth and impartiality, and from everyone who flows to You - the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love. I also pray to Thee, O Most Merciful One, to cover our country with the shelter of Thy goodness, and deliver it from natural disasters, invasions of foreigners and civil unrest, so that all who live in it may live a quiet and serene life in love and peace, and enjoy eternal blessings through eternal prayers Having inherited yours, they will be able to praise God together with you in heaven forever. Amen.

After this, strain the drink and drink it. It is best to do this just before bed.

Conspiracies to remove damage and the evil eye from Natalia Sytina

Removing the century

What vekovukha is has already been discussed before; now you can familiarize yourself with the conspiracies of Natalya Sytina, which help get rid of this kind of damage.

This ritual is performed in a bathhouse. Before performing the ritual in this bathhouse, no one should wash for three days. Before bringing a damaged woman there, everything in the bathhouse needs to be sprinkled with holy water, especially the corners and the area under the shelves. After a victim of damage, a man must wash himself in this bathhouse. If for some reason you cannot go to the bathhouse, perform the ritual in the bathroom. To do this, thoroughly clean your bathroom and the bath itself. Then open the door and ventilate the room. Let me into the bath hot water, close the door and seal all the cracks thoroughly. Then you need to take three basins, pour water into them and speak to it. From each basin, in turn, water is poured onto the head and entire body of the spoiled one. She must dry herself with a new towel, which should then be given or presented to some man. You cannot talk about this ritual to anyone. And you need to whisper into the water like this:

By the grace of God, Lady Most Holy Theotokos. Pour water on me, cold streams, hot streams, take away what I yearn for. My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned. Drain the century until the end, until the wedding crown. God's water flows down, but does not return up. So my sadness will go away, it will not be asked back. Key. Lock. Language.

You need to ask a friend or acquaintance for some of the wedding clothes left over from the wedding (veil, dress, gloves). Just don’t say it, come up with some reason for such a request. As a last resort, you can buy some detail of the bride’s wedding attire from hand, through an advertisement or in a consignment store, maybe the simplest, most inexpensive one. But make sure that the item was actually used on the wedding day: new or unused items will not be suitable. Next, this thing needs to be soaked in water and left for a couple of hours (it is not necessary to soak it entirely, just immerse a small section of the thing in water). Then you need to wash your feet with the water in which the wedding dress was lying and say:

The Archangel unctioned, the people gathered; they look and wait, the bride and groom will come. Bring me mine too, Archangel. Amen.

After the damage is removed, for about a week the woman remains very vulnerable to all sorts of misfortunes, bad news, and perhaps even illness. Therefore she needs additional protection. A special report will help you with this.

Every morning, when you wake up and wash your face, looking in the mirror, you need to say the following:

The hateful, evil word, like an arrow from the enemy, struck me in the heart. With Jesus' help, with the Most Pure Mother of God, I will cover myself with invincible hope. I will remove it with an honest prayer and find holy help. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A spell to break the spell of eternal loneliness

You can recognize the spell of eternal loneliness this way: a woman cannot get along with anyone. Maybe she was married more than once, and has children. But I can’t manage to arrange my personal life. Such damage can be removed in this way.

A woman should buy a female bird, and she should buy a species that can easily survive without human help if released into the wild. Such a bird can be bought at a bird market or at a pet store; its price and size do not matter.

At midnight, you need to cover the cage with a new scarf and move a lit church candle (certainly wax) over it. You need to circle it counterclockwise 12 times, while whispering like this:

Just as you fly for yourself, don’t know troubles, make a nest, so I, the servant of God (name), keep flying, twittering with my dear, never knowing troubles and needs. I’ll open the window, fly all the way to the sun. I will open the seal from your feet, from your hands, from your head and from your warm heart. Amen.

Then burn the candle to the end at any icon. Leave the bird under the scarf overnight. In the morning, at first light, you need to take the cage outside and open the door towards the rising sun. Then leave without looking back. The scarf should be given to some stranger on the same day (you can give it to someone at the church). He won't do any harm to her, so don't be afraid or doubt.

As a rule, after this, everything in life gets better within a couple of months, although the first changes will be noticeable almost immediately. This may be a feeling of lightness, clarity of thoughts in the head, inexplicable joy.

Spells for protection against damage and the evil eye

Now that you have gotten rid of damage and the evil eye, you need to take the next step - install reliable protection against such misfortunes in the future. Protecting yourself in advance is always easier and more effective than getting rid of ailments.

Protective spells from Maria Bazhenova

Spell on nails, hair and footprints

This powerful, effective conspiracy will reliably protect you from the money evil eye. It is pronounced while cutting your fingernails and toenails.

No one can spin my hair, no one can steal my nail, no one can take out my trace, no one can abandon my luck. Whoever encroaches on what is mine will be struck by thunder and lightning, his eyelid will lie flat and tremble like a dog. Amen.

Wrap your cut nails in paper, add a pinch of dust from your shoes and one hair from your head, taken from a comb. All this must be buried in the ground on the same day and this place must be baptized three times.

Salvation Conspiracy

Read before sunrise:

I will go, blessed, from the hut through the doors into the vestibule, from the passage into the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gates, under the red sun, under an open field, in an open field stands the holy church of God, and the royal doors themselves dissolve, the servant of God (name) himself begins to speak from sorcerers, from witches, from sorceresses, from witches, whoever thinks bad things happen to me, count the woods in the forest, the sand in the sea, and the stars in the sky, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Protection from the evil eye with water

The words of the conspiracy need to be spoken into water, then moisten your forehead and hands with it, drink a little, and pour the rest over the threshold.

Remember, Lord, King David and his meekness. King David, Queen Thomaida, Queen Stepanida poured water, washed my face, glorified Christ, and set up a defense for me, the servant of God (name). There is a defense from earth to heaven, to the Kingdom of Heaven. Michael the Archangel himself bears the guard, the Most Holy Theotokos gives peace. Lord, save and have mercy. Amen.

Protective spells on the threshold of the house

Damage is often directed at the threshold of a house; in this case, as soon as you step over the “damaged” threshold, the damage will attach itself to you and spread to the entire house. Therefore, it is useful to learn how to protect the threshold of your home. There are several ways to do this.

On Friday, at noon, take three pinches of salt from a wooden salt shaker with your left hand and throw them into a bucket (basin) of water. Wash the threshold with this water three times, saying:

It is salted with salt, soaked in water, the salt does not rot, and damage does not stick to my house. Turn away, roll away, come back! Go away, I didn't call you. Amen.

Pour out the remaining water at a pedestrian intersection.

Take a broom and sweep the threshold three times, saying each time:

I sweep away sorrows, illnesses, illnesses, damage, lessons, evil eyes brought upon us. The threshold is marked, blessed by God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to protect the home

Take a white candle and a sharp knife. Make 7 notches on the candle with a knife at the same distance from each other so that you get a carved candle. Light a candle. On the first day of the ritual, let the candle burn out to the first notch, while you can do your chores around the house, then extinguish the flame and leave it until the next day. The next morning, light the candle again and let it burn until the next notch. On the 7th day, after the candle has burned completely, take the cinder, wrap it in paper with the text of the plot and hide it at home in a safe place.

There is a temple, not built by me, built by God, erected by all the saints. Saint Nicholas dug a hole, Saint Athanasius paved the floor, Saint Paraskeva the roof of the wing, Saint Michael the Archangel cut down the windows, Saint Kirik laid the threshold, Saint Simeon fixed the door. What is my house worth? God's temple, protected by the saints, prayed to by God, the earth is his support, the sky is his roof, the Protection of the Mother of God is his protection. Lord Jesus Christ, come, help, defend this temple from all evil. Queen of Heaven, protect everyone in this house from all sorrow and quarrel and evil slander. Amen.

Protection from the evil eye with water and iron

Pour ¾ of water into a glass, put 3 spoons (any kind) into it. Stir the water with each spoon in turn, scoop it up, lift the spoon up with the wide part so that the water runs down the handle into the glass.

When the water flows, say:

Just as a spoon doesn’t fit, so does (name).

After draining the water from three spoons and saying these words 3 times, you need to take the glass with your left hand, pour water into your right hand, wash your face or let the one from whom you are removing the evil eye wash.

Bread amulet

Take a small edge of black bread, put a leaf with a talisman there and cover it with bread crumb so that the leaf is not visible. Then dry the bread and store it so that no one will find it.

Bread and wine, and the Lord who gives life! With this bread I seal my dwelling, with this bread I block it, with this bread I sanctify, with this bread I protect. Bread of the Lord's Body, just as Satan will not approach the Lord Jesus Christ, but will perish, so the enemy will not approach my house, the thief will die, the adversary will be crushed, the hater will hang himself, the envious person will go blind, and every evil thought will scatter before this bread, like dust before the wind. . The bread dries, and my enemy dies. Amen. Amen. Amen. (Speak on a piece of bread and put it behind the icons.) My amulet is written by hand, my words are carved out forever. Stay at home, don't attack the enemy. Amen.

From uninvited guests

Write down one of the two amulets on a piece of paper and hide it well in the hallway.

1. I will defend myself with the Lord, I will cover myself with the Holy Veil. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Mother of God, cover my house with your Holy Veil, so that an uninvited, unexpected, unexpected guest, coming from a strange direction, a foreign spirit, carrying a bad spirit, will not see it. Cover the roof, cover the walls, cover the threshold and gate. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2. I roll and roll the round timber, I roll the rolls away from the house, rolls, linings, mortgages, butts, beveled eyes, torn tatters, all troubles, all misfortunes, all evil: a witch’s obsession, an evil thought, damage, infection, an unclean spirit, a passerby sorcerer , dashing visitor. What I write, I will not erase, I write as a talisman for the house forever. Amen.

Conspiracy from evil people

I’m walking across an open field, and seven demons with half-spirits meet me, all black, all evil, all unsociable. Go, you spirits with half-spirits, to dashing people. Keep them on a leash so that I will be safe and sound from them along the way and on the road, in the house and in the forest, in the lands of strangers and relatives, in the land and in freedom, at dinner and at a feast, at a wedding and at dinner. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong, whoever will disprove the word, and so be it in everything, in the spirit, in the goodness, as it was said before.

Housewarming plot

When moving to new house or a cat is brought into a new apartment, saying:

Here, master, is a furry beast for a rich yard.

A conspiracy to ward off any misfortune

Buy a candle in the church and at midnight on the new month, light it and read:

I am overshadowed by the bright month, I am swaddled in God’s robe, I am marked by the Holy Cross, I will drive away the evil spirits with the power of the cross. Amen.

You need to speak 3 times. In the morning, bury the candle melt at a pedestrian intersection.

From deceivers of all stripes

This conspiracy is good for all cases of possible deception, which is not uncommon now.

Take a coin or bill of any denomination, tie it in a clean handkerchief or rag, and say this:

I worship the Lord, I will pray to Archangel Michael! I defend myself from dashing people with evil hearts and black thoughts, and I renounce uninvited guests. So that the money would not be taken away, they would not make a fool of themselves, they would not create a fog, they would bypass me, the servant of God (name). Amen.

Place the bundle in your bosom and carry it with you for 3 days and 3 nights.

Conspiracy against evil gossip

If gossip and unpleasant conversations cause you a lot of trouble, you need to pick some grass and say the following words to it:

Dry, grass, dry, enemy tongue, dry, bad word, dry, evil spirit. Amen.

After this, the grass should dry out, and when this happens, it should be thrown to the gossipers, then they will forget about you.

Protective spells from Praskovya Belova

Plot of protection against the evil eye for a child

After a walk, during which your baby was paid attention, or after visiting guests, when the child was praised a lot, he must be washed. In this case, you need to sentence it like this:

Lord God, bless, Father! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I persuade I, the servant of God (name), with a needle, a pin, a way and an iron, a body in a turnip; bone into water. The water is quiet, the star is clear. Neither from werewolves - flowers, nor from a stone - fruit, nor from a servant of God (the name of the one who could cast the evil eye, or simply without a name if you suspect a stranger of the evil eye), nor ore, nor blood, nor pinch, nor illness, nor what a burden. Always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy to avoid being accused and convicted without guilt

Very often, an unfair court verdict is the result of damage. As a result of such damage, people see a person as if in a distorted mirror and cannot see him in his true form, and therefore cannot judge him objectively. A special conspiracy helps protect against such damage. They say it with smoking incense and fumigate a person with this incense before a visit to court or some other authority, where they must form an opinion about him.

Most Holy Theotokos Mary, where has she been, where has she spent the night? – I slept in the city of Gladische, I had a dream about Jesus Christ, how Jesus Christ was torn to pieces, his blood was shed, he was burned with fire, he was written in gold letters, he was remembered about the Lord God Jesus Christ. The myrrh-bearing wife recalled, spread this dream throughout the world and throughout the world. Whoever knows this dream, let him read it three times, he will find out and get rid of all troubles - from the unquenchable fire, from the unjudgmental judgment, from the undrownable sea, from eternal torment. Forever and ever. Amen.

Silent spell against damage

This conspiracy is never spoken out loud, so it is called silent. It protects against any witchcraft, as it has a very strong effect. It needs to be done as follows.

The letters below must be carefully copied onto a piece of paper. You cannot make a single mistake or blot. If you wrote something wrong, you need to start all over again. Under no circumstances should you mutter under your breath what you are writing, or speak at all while rewriting the plot.

T, t, m, d, c, s, c, N, c, s, e, s, t, v, p, o, b, t, m, d, c, s, c, N, d, a, s, d, m, p, t, d, s, p, P, s, t, n, b, i, k, n, n, d, d, p, i, p, I, p, p, P, s, t, n, b, Ch, e, k, n, i, n, I, r, e, E, m, c, I, d, i, i, n, v, m, k, h, i, t, m, I, r, p, P, s, b, 3, p, t, p, t, s, i, b, p, t, h, y, p, t, c, I, d, c, d, d, p, i, p, O, e, t, p, P, d, k, t, n, s, m, l, i, k, t, h, v, p, v, n, p, O, r, t, (name). Amen.

The piece of paper with the spell is sewn into the edge of the outerwear.

Protective water for baby

To protect a small child from any random unkind glances, you need to wash him every morning with charmed water. It's very easy to do. You collect water for washing in a basin or jug ​​and whisper a short spell over it:

Grandmother Solomon, Christ's saint, as she washed Christ, hurried to Christ, so wash this baby (name), remove it from parables and ghosts, from human negotiations, from the killer whale girl, from the peephole woman, from the man-cosmach. Amen.

You can wash your baby with the same water if he suddenly screams loudly, and you can also drink it from a spoon at night if the baby is not sleeping.

Spells from witchcraft arrows

This is a special type of damage. They lead her like this. They take a needle, stick its eye into a wooden stick and cast a special black spell. Next, this needle with a stick (witch’s arrow) is thrown to the person they want to spoil. And from that time on, troubles rain down on a person one after another. Such damage also has a physical manifestation - a slight tingling sensation in the chest on the right. If the arrow is made for a disease, then any illness will be accompanied by a sharp stabbing or cutting.

It's not easy to get rid of the arrow. The easiest way is to find it and take it out of the house, and then burn it. But the one who does the damage, as a rule, hides the arrow very well; it is often buried under the threshold of the house, or placed in the wall. But you can still help in this case - with a conspiracy, he can neutralize the arrow.

To do this, take a needle and a stick. We stick the needle with the eye into the stick.

I, the servant of God (name), will stand, bless me, go, cross myself, and I will go out into an open field. In that open field I will stand facing east, with my ridge to the west, and I will look, I will look to the east. A red-hot arrow flies from under the eastern side. Where are you flying, red-hot arrow? Where are you born from, red-hot arrow? And not from the wind, and not from a pole, and not from a wild cloud, and not from the forest, not from the forest, and not from the water, and not from the water. Come out, red-hot arrow, from the servant of God (name), glass, and crystal, and sand. You go to steel, iron and cow butter. You, red-hot arrow, don’t bend, don’t break, go out and freeze. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protective spells from Serafima Trapeznikova

A protective spell that is read after visiting a crowded place

You and your child went to a place where there are a lot of people, so at home, just in case, read the plot over the child. It is suitable for children of different ages.

All the thoughts and all the prizors, the dashing slander, one’s own thought, and someone else’s thought, and the flighty thought - all 40 thoughts from the servant of God (the name of the child).

Protecting your baby while sleeping

To protect the baby from dark forces, which are especially strong at night, when rocking him to sleep, hum these words.

The baby is growing, and the water is flowing, and for sleep, and for repose, and for God's great mercy, but do not listen to what people fight, and dogs bark, and hens coo, and roosters crow. Sleep, yes you can, sleep, yes you can.

And then say the following spell:

Mother Solomanida washed the true heavenly Christ, put on her golden robe, and showed the way to us sinners.

If the baby has not fallen asleep sweetly by then, and most likely this will happen, read again:

The baby is growing, the water is flowing, for sleep, for rest, and for God’s great mercy. Amen, amen, amen.

Damage protection for a whole year

This plot is read over a sleeping child on Holy Week on Maundy Thursday.

Just as the little child lived in the mother’s womb, did not see the white light or the red sun, so live in the whole white world; Don’t believe in knocking, or thunder, or a dog’s barking, or a marten’s laughter, or a magpie’s tickle, or a black-haired girl, or a young man passing by. Where it came from, go there; it came from the wind, go there; it came from people - go there; don't go back.

Protective spell before going to a crowded place

Before going to any crowded place, take care of protection from the evil eye. Take a red ribbon or a thin belt and say the words of the spell on it three times, and then tie it under your clothes.

On the blue sea there stands a plated stone, under that plated stone lives a grandmother, a seven-haired girl, a simple-haired girl, who refuses the parable, the cut, the evil thought of hers.

A spell that is read over a baby if he goes somewhere without his mother

Before sending a child somewhere without his mother, he needs to be protected from possible negative influences. To do this, put the baby to bed, take a needle and draw it around him, and read the plot. Then hide the needle so that no one will find it.

I will fence the garden around this servant of God's baby (name) from earth to heaven - I will line it, damask steel, iron, stone, so that they do not take the prizi, prizory, human slander, people from strangers and fathers and mothers evil thoughts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You can also give your baby a special amulet to protect him from the evil eye. Take a red woolen thread and say protective words on it:

Just as an iron rod fears nothing, nothing sticks: neither water nor fire, so nothing would stick to a baby.

Tie a thread around the child’s wrist, and make tighter knots so that he doesn’t untie it himself.

Protective spell over children's things

You can make a child’s things protective so that neither an evil look nor an unkind word can penetrate this protection. While hanging out your child’s washed clothes, read the ancient plot, tested for centuries:

How to eat, speak, ordain for us the servant of God (name). So that no place hurts or aches. Not a day, not a night, not even an hour, not even a minute. From birth to prayer, from prayer to the cross, from the cross to the crown, from the crown to the end of life, coffin board rings. It was not I who changed the words, but the fathers, the wise men of the Lord, who changed the words. They took away my words sharper than a saber and a knife.

Protective spell for a hard day

If you have a difficult day ahead, then repeat while washing:

Lord God, bless! Bless, Lord! And all Saints, bless: Svirskaya, Nevskaya, Makhovenskaya and Serilskaya! All Saints, bless me, the servant of God (name), and take care, save everything: and so that I do not get sick, I do not know any illness, so that no one stares at me, spoils me, or harms me. Amen.

Protection from the evil eye while sleeping

When you go to bed, especially in places where strangers can see you - on a train, for example, be sure to read this plot before going to bed.

The servant of God (name) went to bed under the seal of Christ, the Bogoroditsky castle; and the enemy is Satan, get away from me! There are three leaves written in our Christ: Ivan and Marya and Christ’s friend, Ivan Boguslov. I go to bed with Christ and am baptized with the cross. The cross is on me and the cross is in front of me, the cross is an angel with me. The cross is a guardian, the cross is a savior and the cross is church beauty and the cross is a deliverer from demons. Glory to the angels. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy-protection from unpleasant people

Unfortunately, most often it is not in our power to choose with whom to work. If there is a person in your team who is unpleasant to you, if someone is jealous of you, you need to constantly defend yourself. To do this, you will need this plot; you can read it quietly in the morning when you come to work. The same applies to an unkind person who comes across you in company, at a party or somewhere else - you can protect yourself from him like this:

Mind you, my thought, mind you, my thoughts, mind you, my opinions of soul and body, of the left generation. Whoever thinks will have salt and sand in his eyes, milk on his tongue, and a sharp knife in his heart.

And so it is possible. When you are alone, cover your ears with your hands and repeat out loud 3 times:

Just as an evil person, a sorcerer, a heretic gets into my ears, nothing will happen to me.

A conspiracy from an eagle-eyed friend

A good spirit is on the ground, an evil spirit is underground.

After pronouncing the spell three times, spit over your left shoulder, put your hands in your pockets, fold your fingers into a fig and point them into the ground.

Salt talisman

Before leaving the house, pour a little salt on the top of your head and say:

Just as salt is not a proverb, it is not used, so you, servant of God, are not a proverb, you are not used.

If, after returning home, you feel overly tired, dizzy, or your mood has completely deteriorated, take a handful of water straight from the tap and say the same words over it, only replace “salt” with “water” and wash your face with this water.

Protective talismans

Often in the old days, conspiracies were cast on sharp objects - on needles and pins - since ancient times people knew that they had the power to ward off evil and evil spirits.

Use an old recipe, take a needle without an eye or a pin and say spell words on it three times. And then stick it into the hem inside when you are about to leave the house, especially if you are going to visit crowded places.

Move away from the servant of God (name) to the cracks, to the swamps, to the dark forests, to the violent winds from the white face, from the zealous heart, from the clear eyes. Amen.

Protection for the workplace

You can protect not only your home, but also your workplace. On Sunday evening, fill a clear glass with water. Take a pinch of salt with your left hand and pour it onto your right palm. Read the spell over the salt, and then dissolve it in water.

My angel, my Archangel, my savior, save me, save my soul, strengthen my heart. Enemy Satan, abandon me. I have three sheets, all written, the first sheet is Jesus Christ himself, and the other sheet is Mother Theotokos, the third sheet is Michael the Archangel, merciful father. I call him to myself, I recall the enemy from myself. I will get up with the cross, I will walk with the cross, I will lie down with the cross. Amen.

On Monday morning, pour the water into a bottle and take it with you to work. Come early and, while no one is there, sprinkle the charmed water in the corners and wipe all objects with it.

Protection from someone else's unkind gaze

It happens that somewhere on the street, in transport, or in a store, you suddenly feel an unkind, heavy gaze on you. Then, upon returning home, you need to immediately fill the bucket with water, if possible - spring or well water (it will be stronger), in extreme cases, from the tap will do. Wash yourself with this water, saying three times:

It came from the forest - go to the forest and go. It came from the people - and so on. It came from the wind - just throw it into the wind and go.

At the same time, make sure that water flows back into the bucket. After performing the ritual, drain it over your left shoulder - it is best to go outside, but if it is frosty or bad weather, you can also pour it into the bath, just make sure that it flows away without leaving a trace.

Conspiracy-obstacle for the envious

It happens that you talk to a person, and everything seems to be fine, he says good words and smiles kindly, but you feel that his thoughts are completely different, he is either jealous, or harbors a grudge and doesn’t really mean well. In this case, don’t worry, talk to him calmly, and when he leaves, immediately read the old plot. So protect yourself from evil, and neither damage nor the evil eye will be able to reach you.

For sorcerers, heretics, salt in the balls, iron in the teeth. Their words are locked, and the keys are thrown into the sea. Amen.

Protective spell for the new moon

This plot is read as a warning against possible damage or the evil eye. It’s good if these words are read by the most senior woman in family. Moreover, it is necessary to speak late in the evening, under the emerging moon - at this time a woman has special power, and her words carry a huge magical charge.

I will get up, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself, out of the hut through the doors, out of the yard through the gates, onto the wide street, into the light of God. I’ll be illuminated by God’s light, wrapped in a cloud, surrounded by small, frequent stars. Just as the month cannot be set, the scarlet stars cannot be counted, so the servant of God (name) cannot be corrected, nor spoiled - neither by a fair-haired man, nor by a fair-haired man, nor by a single-wife, nor by a bigamist, nor by one-eyed, nor by two-eyed man, nor by a simple-haired woman, nor by a smooth-haired girl, neither the youth nor the fox maiden. Whoever thinks evil against the servant of God (name) will have salt in his eyes, tar on his tongue, and rubbish on his teeth. Be, my words, strong and sculpting. Age after age, Amen.

How to protect windows from evil penetration

Pour water into a clay cup and prepare salt. Pinch a pinch of salt three times, pour it into the water crosswise and repeat three times:

Salt in the eyes of the black one.

After this you need to spit in the water.

Walk around the house and spray each window with this water, saying:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. There with (name) the squinty eye!

When the water runs out, spit over your left shoulder three times. Do not wipe the water off the windows; it should dry on its own.

Protection from any damage and evil eye for women

This is a great way to protect yourself from damage. Place 3 small safety pins under the icons overnight. In the morning, place them on your right palm, cover them with your left and read the plot three times:

Just as thirty-three sorcerers will not be able to unfasten these pins, so they will not be able to cast a spell on me.

Pin the pins discreetly to the hem.

And here’s another pin spell:

I’ll stab you myself, I’ll chop you off myself. I’ll punish you myself, I’ll dissuade you myself.

Pin it to your clothes, and no evil eye will be afraid of you.

Conspiracy before an unpleasant meeting

If you are facing an unpleasant meeting and it is impossible to avoid it, protect yourself in advance.

Take any metal object(wire, nail), 3 times on it right palm clap and repeat three times:

Just as nothing will stick to an iron crucible: neither water nor fire, so it will stick to me.

Protective spell against damage to health

In the evening, when it gets dark, turn off the lights and place four candles at the four corners of the table. Take four large identical spoons. Pour water into a flat bowl, scoop it up with spoons, pour it back into the bowl and say:

Just as nothing sticks to water, so that nothing sticks to the servant of God (name).

Protection against spoilage while swimming

This spell is performed while bathing. It’s best on the river - running living water will wash everything away and carry it away. But you can read this plot in the bath.

Plunge into the water entirely, pour handfuls of water over yourself and say:

I will stand, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, out of the hut by the doors, and out of the courtyards by the gates. I’ll go out under the red sun, I’ll put the red sun on myself, the bright moon at the back of my head, I’ll poke at the clear stars. A river of fire flowed from east to west. There is a stone bridge across that fiery river. The Most Holy Mother of God walked across that stone bridge, right hand carries Jesus Christ himself, in his left hand is an iron staff. Pokes a stone bridge. Just as you, stone bridge, have no wound, no blood, no pinch, no aching, no swelling, no burden, so the servant of God (name) has no wound, no blood, no pinch, no aching. Be, my words, strong in the new and in the old, in the closing of the month, in all peaceful days, both in the sun and in the month. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protection against damage to clothing

Take your everyday clothes, place the icon of the Savior on it, cross the item three times and read the spell word over it.

Jesus Christ walked along the road, collecting water from the forest, dew from the grass for good health: from the ghost, from the evil eye, from the blue, from the black, from his chattering tongue.

Put it on in the morning, and take it off in the evening and wash it.

Protection from the evil eye and damage for three days

In the evening, take 3 pinches of salt, pour it onto a clean, light handkerchief and read the plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the sea, on the ocean, on the island on Buyan there is a latyr-stone. On this one on the stone, on that one on the latyr, sit Klimant - the Pope of Rome, Basil of Caesarea, they pull a tight bow, they put a red-hot arrow, they say to the arrows: “You fly, arrow, if soon the greyhound, then soon the greyhound from the slave God's (name) curses and touches came out; they cut out with sharp knives; red came - red, go away; blue has come - blue, go away; white came - white, go away, from the gray-haired woman, from the black-haired girl, from the red eye, from the brown hair. The key is in the sea, the lock is in the roti, forever and ever. Amen.

Wrap the salt in a handkerchief and carry it with you the whole next day, and at night put it under the icons. You can carry this salt with you for 3 days, and then you need to use a new one.

Conspiracy to “return evil” on the sorcerer who caused damage

This conspiracy is read when they know exactly who caused the damage and sent the disease. You will need either a few hairs of this person, or a piece of material from his clothes, or some thing that he held in his hands. You need to take this item, mix it with a pinch of dust from the threshold of the person who fell ill from damage, and with five pieces of church incense.

Anyone who undertakes to remove the damage must put it all in a censer or an iron bowl and set it on fire so that it smokes. And walk around the patient with a censer and read the conspiracy three times.

I smoke, I smoke all the prizes, prizes, dashing slander, windy fractures and my bad thoughts. Be my words strong and capacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once everything has burned out in the censer, the ashes should be scattered to the wind.

A conspiracy to protect the household from damage and the evil eye

In the morning, go outside (preferably into the forest or park), turn to the sun and read the spell words:

I begin the lapel words. Spiridon-solstice! Just as, red sun, you turn heaven and earth, the bright moon, so, red sun, unscrew and turn away from me, the servant of God (name), all sorts of jokes, pranks, devilish jokes. An old old man, an old old woman, a young young woman, a young fellow, a red maiden, a young young woman, an old sorcerer, an old sorceress, a young villain. An old old man, an old old woman, a young woman, a young fellow, a beautiful maiden, a young woman, an old sorcerer, an old sorceress, a young wicked woman - they would be shot from behind, met in front with the wind, with a whirlwind, with God's mercy from now on and forever. From whom it came, go to that.

Morning conspiracy-defense before an important matter

This plot is read only after getting out of bed in the morning before an important task.

I will stand, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself. In an open field, a blue sea, a blue sea - a blue stone. A girl sits on this stone and says: “All slander, ghosts, human slander, move away from the servant of God (name) from bones, from blood, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Cross yourself three times and boldly get down to business.

Protection from an evil person

If you feel during a conversation that evil is coming from your interlocutor, cross your arms over your chest, and when he leaves, quietly say after him:

What you came with, leave with what you brought, take away.

So everything bad that a person unleashes on you will follow him.

Food spell so that no one jinxes it

I will become a servant of God, I will go from doors to doors, from hallways to hallways, I will go out into an open field and I will come to the ocean-sea. In the ocean-sea lies the Zlatyr-stone. Under this stone there is a swallow pike. As this swallow pike devours and robs rivers and lakes and small springs - I, the servant of God (name), would rob and devour the urchenik and the spoiled one, and so there would be no diseases or lessons in distant joints, no winners. And so there would be neither in the zealous heart, nor in the clear eyes, neither illness, nor lessons, nor prizes. In the name of the Father and the Son. To my words - amen.

Protective spells from Alevtina Krasnova

So that competitors don’t put a spell on things

Read this conspiracy if you know that you have strong envious competitors. You need to read the conspiracy on all business papers that you sign. If this is difficult to do (for example, there is someone nearby), then you need to cast a spell on the pen with which you sign these papers. Speak to your hand every day, in the morning.

Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, Angelic and Archangelic forces, I pray, protect me, protect me from the damage of the sorcerer. I take up the holy cross, renounce, dissuade myself from the sorcerer and the sorceress, from the black and red, from the white and blond, from the simple-haired girl, from the rolling woman, from every sorcerer's villain. Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, through the prayers of the holy saint of God Diodorus, Lord, save and protect me. O Reverend and Blessed Diodorus, Our Father! Help us, the servants of God (names), to walk the path of life salutarily: enlighten our darkened souls with the dawn of your God-given grace, drive away passions, loosen us from sinful chains, deliver us from present sorrow and from all evil, and grant us salvation, so that we may fully call upon you for salvation : Rejoice, Venerable Diodorus, our father; Rejoice, strong adamante and terrible demon of the exorcist and conqueror; Rejoice at our coming (home), bright kindness. Grant us therefore all joy and to be partakers of the Heavenly Kingdom, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

To prevent competitors from jinxing the matter

Before meeting your competitors, read this conspiracy:

Behind the mountains of Zion lies the Gericho desert, in it stand people of salt, their mouths do not open, their eyes do not see, their ears do not hear. These salt people can neither speak, nor lie, nor see, nor hear. So my envious enemies would not be able to say anything bad about me or lie, and they would not see or hear my deeds. And just as no person can bite off his own nose and suck out his eyes, so I (name) cannot be mutilated and spoiled, and neither a wind-borne ulcer nor a pestilent sting could infect me. Be, my words, strong and molded, and be united not in agreements and negotiations. To my words, lips and teeth are the lock, tongue is my key. And I will throw the key into the sea, the lock will remain in the company. I threw the key into the blue sea, and a beluga pike came up, picked up the key, went into the depths of the sea and took the key away. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cross protection from damage and all harm

If you suspect that someone is very jealous of you and can spoil or harm you in some way, stand in front of the icon in the morning, cross yourself as often as possible and read the spell:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Give me, Lord, for this day of the Lord a great defense - the Life-giving Cross. I am afraid of the cross and I will preserve myself by the cross, I will wash myself with spring holy water, I will dry myself with the towel of the cross, I will be swaddled in the shroud of the Lord. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! In ancient times you were a shameful instrument of execution, but now you are a sign of our salvation, ever revered and glorified! How worthily can I, the unworthy, sing to You and how dare I bend the knees of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! In that shroud of God I am swaddling, in which Mother the Most Holy Theotokos swaddled Christ the True God and rocked her in a cradle. In that shroud I will be completely swaddled, in that cradle I will remain forever. For this reason, morning, evening, and noon, I glorify Thee, blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of the One who has been crucified on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of more perfect love and may all my deeds and paths be overshadowed by Thee May I take out and magnify Him who is Nailed to You, for my sin, the Lord my Savior. Amen. Lock me up, Lord, and seal my body and my lips from evil deeds, from evil people, from the heretic, from the heretic, from the sorcerer, from the sorceress, from the quick eater, from the creeping snake, from boiling fire, from a sharp knife, from a toothed sickle , from fire, from flames and from evil people. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protective plot against other people's anger and envy

This plot is read in a strong east wind. You need to stand in the wind and read the plot from a piece of paper:

On the holy land, in the city of Jerusalem, the Holy Archangel Gabriel walks with twelve angels, twelve cherubim, and twelve seraphim. And the holy Archangel Gabriel sings with twelve angels, with twelve cherubim, with twelve seraphim, they sing the glory of God. From that voice of the Archangel, the voice of the angel, the cherub, the seraphim, demons fall, devils fall, all unclean words fall. So from the servant of God (name) all the enemies-enemies would retreat, calm down, fall silent and wither, and dry up, and extinguish, calm down during the day when the sun is red, calm down at night during the clear month, and frequent stars, during a storm, during a whirlwind, during the morning dawn of Mary, during the evening dawn of Maremyan. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then tear the paper with the spell into small pieces and throw it into the wind.

A conspiracy to prevent your work from being jinxed

This plot is read at work. You need to stand next to the door. The condition is that no one should see or hear you. To do this, come to work before everyone else or wait until everyone has left. Stand in the doorway, facing the exit and read the plot three times:

I, a servant of God, will stand with my face to the world of God, with my back to work. I will cross myself, pray, and defend myself from enemies. I went to the Palestinian countries, to the holy city of Jerusalem, to the holy Mount of Olives. Under the holy Mount of Olives flows the Jordan River, it flows into the Ocean Sea. On the Okiyan Sea stands an iron bull - copper horns, tin eyes. You, iron bull - copper horns - tin eyes - take away from the servant of God (name) all damage and the riding evil eye. Pick it up on your horns, throw it into the ocean sea, into small white pearls, into yellow sand, into a printed fathom. Trample it down so that she can neither get out nor swim out. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Protective spells from Natalia Sytina

Conspiracy on the cross for protection

Make a cross from two hairs tied crosswise. Read the plot on it 4 times and wrap it in a piece of paper. Then this piece of paper must be stuffed into a shoe, walked like this until dark, and then burned over an open fire.

Cross cross cross. Man was born, the cross was erected, and Satan was bound, God was glorified. We will be alive, healthy, with God's protection. In the name of the Trisagion Trinity, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

How to avoid being jinxed

It happens that envious people start praising you. Such praise can easily jinx it and take away happiness. Therefore, in order for the evil eye not to work, when someone begins to praise, you must bite your tongue and mentally send his words back. And it’s even better to say this to yourself:

Mind you, my thought, mind you, my flesh, mind you, my wild, dashing thought. Forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to cross line

You can protect yourself from the evil eye and unkind words by mentally drawing a line between you and the ill-wisher. So you separate yourself and him and don’t let him (her) do his dirty work. It should be said like this:

And as you, the threshold, lie across, so their words will go across, take me away from me.

Protective spell on the beam

If you come to the house of an envious friend or to visit where such a woman may be present, be sure to say the following spell, best of all while you are drinking something. At this time, you need to look at any transverse strip that separates you from the envious person: a beam on the ceiling (matitsa), a pattern on the carpet, floor, the back of a chair, armchair, sofa, closet, etc.

Mother mother, run across, help save my happiness, save me from the adversary and the evil word.


There are situations when you need to personally meet and communicate closely with people who are unpleasant to you and, as you think, can cause harm, jinx them in word or deed.

The most effective and simple defense against someone else’s unkind eye is to separate yourself from the unpleasant person. The best way to do this is a plot wall. Imagine a wall, for example, made of thick glass. Your task is to imagine what it is like: matte or shiny, somewhere the sun shines on it, and you hear the person talking to you somehow muffled, as if from another room.

In a word, draw this wall in your imagination as realistically as possible.

As soon as a clear picture has formed in your head, say the words of the conspiracy:

White eye, gray eye, ore eye, black eye! Joyful children, envious children, go to the clean fields, to the green meadows. In the clean fields, in the green meadows, there is a bell-shaped oak tree: on that oak tree the bright birds sit and sing the songs of the Lord. If you don’t go and listen to the Lord’s songs, Jesus Christ himself will come. Most Holy Lady Theotokos. He will take (your name) curses from me and carry them into stumps, into swamps, into rotten logs. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book 7777 conspiracies from the best healers in Russia (M. Astapova, 2015) provided by our book partner -

1. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will become a servant of God (name), having blessed myself, I will cross myself, go to God’s works, to God’s path, from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates - into the open field. Like in the open field of Akiyan, the Holy Blue Sea; in Akiyan the holy blue sea was Zlatar's stone. As in the white Zlatar stone there is a golden chair, on a golden chair sits Saint Mary on a golden chair; Saint Mary holds golden scissors; she, Saint Mary, circumcises, the Holy Spirit shears and circumcises the servant of God's (name) hair, prisms, lessons, wind and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight, pinch and other internal illness; bone and alluvial hernia, and circumferential hernia, umbilical and inguinal hernia, supramudunal and submudal hernia, and chipped, and khomudtsy, keel and vered, and edema; heart hernia, dashing damage, deafness, hiccups, chattering, panting, yawning and laughing - from the bones, from the brain, from the eyes, from the eyelashes, from the face, from the reactive heart, from the black liver, from hot blood, from the hip joints, from from the joints, from the veins, from the arms, from the legs, from everything I will. From the servant of God (name), Saint Mary and from me, the servant of God (name), damage and touches, prizes, lessons in wind and morning, afternoon and midday, evening and midnight - in dark forests and dry forests, in mosses and swamps , and puts it on the rotten logs, on the lying vyskiri, she herself sentences: just as those rotten logs and lying vyskiri on the stage are not green, there will not be on me, on the servant of God (name), there will be no parables and damage, sights and touches, and lessons, window and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight, witchcraft and witchcraft from now on and forever, the servant of God (name) confesses the century, the most pure Mother of God, the Mother of God on the throne. And I forgot a certain word, servant of God, and put that word in front of everyone. Amen.

2. Peter and Paul, supreme apostles, cover and protect me, the servant of God (the name of the rivers), with your incorruptible robe from the evil of man, from reckless thoughts, from rough, from black, from white, from russian, from priest, from priest, from a monk, from a monk, from a simple-haired girl, from his own thoughts, a servant of God (name), from his own thoughts. And to my words the key and the lock. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

3. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. From the Prayer of the Mother of God, from the Cross of Jesus, from the Seal of Christ, from the saints of help, from my word, go away, unclean demon, cursed spirit, to dry trees, to mosses and swamps, and there is your place, life, stay and will, and there shout , and not in the servant of God (name) be self-willed. The Lord Jesus Christ himself, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, all the heavenly power, Michael the Archangel, and all the holy wonderworkers: Niphon and Marof, Cyprian, Justinia, Konon, Isaurian, Dmitry of Rostov, Elijah the Prophet, Nicholas the Wonderworker, George the Victorious, and King David, John the Baptist and Blasius, Istopher and Nikita the Great Martyr, and my word is terrible and the conspiracy is strong; I forbid you, cursed demon, unclean spirit, do not live anywhere and do not be a servant of God (name), get out now, and this very minute, with all the damage and enchantments and get away from this slave and go to your place where you were and where the Lord God, Jesus Christ, sent you and where he ordered you to live, into the abyss and the underworld, into an empty unmade land, go there, live there, and leave this to the servant forever, from now on and forever. Amen, amen, amen.

Instead of going to the doctor when sick, or to a lawyer with legal problems, many use as an alternative spells against damage: salt, water, wind, and other objects of animate and inanimate nature. Some people even today believe that illnesses and troubles do not arise on their own; the cause of troubles is negative magical intervention.

In the article:

Spells against damage - rules

The term “damage” is interpreted as harm, a magical program with negative energy aimed at programming a person’s illness, trouble, or death.

Even 50 years ago, only sorcerers, healers, and witches could remove it. In the 21st century, through new technologies, magic books have become available, in which you can learn how to read to remove damage at home, what additional items are needed for the ritual.

In order for the conspiracy to help solve the problem, and not vice versa, you need to follow the rules and precautions.

Experienced sorcerers and healers advise performing the ritual according to the following rules:

  1. Monitor the phase of the moon. Damage is removed during the waning lunar phase.
  2. Before performing the ritual, refuse to eat and drink (4-5 hours before).
  3. Correct, effective removal of damage must begin at midnight, without saying a word before sunrise.
  4. Items for the ritual must be new, recently purchased (unless there are special requirements for the conspiracy).

It is better to perform a magical action alone, with faith in a positive outcome. If desired, you can involve an assistant if he is not skeptical.

For salt

Most often, ill-wishers direct negative thoughts towards creating trouble for the enemy. A spell against corruption will help here, which is read on salt at night under the open starry sky.

At midnight you need to put a frying pan on the stove (ideally a stove surface). When the surface is warm, add three handfuls of salt with your left hand. From the moment you pick up the frying pan until the salt burns out, you need to read the plot:

Seventy-seven grains, seventy-seven spirits! I feed you food and give you water! You will help me, point out my enemy! Who famously let loose on the slave (the name of the reader of the conspiracy)? Not with the roar of an animal, not with the chirping of a bird, not with the gurgling of a fish, but with a quiet word, whisper his name to me. Tell me, what kind of person is this?

If the salt starts to hiss, shoot, there is damage to a person, you need to perform one more magical action: go outside (the first plot could be read in open window, on the balcony, veranda), count 21 stars to your right and say:

Star princesses, turn away all the evil that has come to me from the evil side! I forgive his tricks with a pure heart, I return his deeds back to him!

After these words, you cannot lend anything to anyone for 1-2 days, give even small things to loved ones, sell livestock or lend money. If you do this, the damage will return.

Unlike damage to troubles, damage done to death is more difficult to remove. If a person is subjected to a fatal verbal crime, sudden weight loss begins and develops serious illness(in the form of asthmatic attacks, hemorrhages).

For coins

You can get rid of the curse like this: before Parents' Saturday(more current names - Radunitsa, Radonitsa) exchange small things (coins yellow color) and go with them to the burial site. Find a grave with a buried namesake (if the plot is read for yourself, mention the name given at baptism), who suffered from damage.

Near the monument you need to scatter a handful of coins and read the magic words:

I buy off, I buy off, I buy off from a sore, from a sad tear, from a fatal illness. You are here to stir up the earth, but I have my own peace. Amen.

On the water

There are conspiracies that need to be read on the water. They are often used to remove the magical effect on a child. In the evening, in the rays of sunset, you need to fill a basin or bath (a vessel in which the child bathes daily) with warm water, reading the words:

A rain cloud thundered over the clearing, and a swamp man came out of that cloud. His beard is sharp; if he shakes it, he will ruin all his villainous plans. The bearded man shook his coat, and all the demonic plans were disrupted. The old snakes crawled into holes, the younger ones into the bushes. The cursed mother earth and life (child’s name) got rid of the disease.

It is necessary to bathe the child and pour the water where no human foot has gone. Despite the availability and popularity of conspiracies in modern society, their power is lost if the accuracy of their implementation is not observed.

What to consider before starting the ritual

For the effect of the spell to be directed to the right person, the following points should be taken into account:

  • when reading mystical word forms, you need to indicate only the name given at baptism;
  • conspiracies can be read on water, given to a sick person and sprinkled on the face.
  • The more times healing words are spoken, the greater the chance of a positive result.

You can get rid of the evil deeds of ill-wishers with the help of a lighter, in a safe way- prayers. The clergy who you need to contact during your visit to the temple will help with this. Depending on the problem, they may be advised to read the following prayers: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice”, “Jesus Prayer” and others.

Most magicians and healers assure that the more a person believes in what has been created and what is happening, the better the outcome will be. Spells should be cast by a person who has magical power, otherwise actions may not give the desired result, but will result in illnesses and troubles for loved ones.