Since ancient times, jewelry has served as personal talismans and obregs. Our ancestors used spells to turn rings, bracelets and other jewelry into excellent protection against poverty, bad luck, enemies and failures.

You can speak to almost any thing, but rings are the most powerful talismans that can interact with human energy. The site's specialists have collected several for you effective conspiracies that will help you in life.

Spell for a wedding ring

To save your marriage and prevent quarrels with your partner, use the wedding ring spell. He will help you maintain a strong family and will not allow homebreakers and ill-wishers into your union.

Take both rings, place them in a glass of holy water and place them in front of your home iconostasis. The next day, carefully take out the rings, blot them with a towel, pick them up and say:

“The higher powers protect the ring and preserve our marriage. There is no place in it for quarrels and scandals, discord and squabbles. We'll put rings on our hands, strong love We'll split it between two."

After this, exchange rings with your partner and confess your love to each other in front of the icons. This will help you save your marriage for many years.

Plot for good luck

Wash your favorite ring under cold water to wash away negative energy from it. Thread a red woolen thread into it and, shaking the decoration, say the words of the spell:

“I speak a ring for good luck, I lure capricious Fortune. Just as a needle cannot sew without thread, so nothing I do goes without luck. Just as I put a ring on my finger, there will be a good outcome to any matter.”

Wear the ring without removing it for six months, then the ritual can be repeated again.

Money plot

For this plot, you need to take a ring made of a precious metal or an alloy of several metals. Pour spring water from a natural source into a glass and place your ring in it. After a few minutes, throw coins of different denominations into the glass one by one. Take a silver spoon, stir your riches in a glass and say:

“The spring water came from the depths of the earth and saw all the riches. I’ll remind her about the energy of money and put it in her ring. Just as waters endlessly make their way underground, so wealth will come to me, knowing no barriers.”

Place the ring on your finger and return one of the coins to natural spring, from which water was taken to perform the ritual.

Love spell

If you want to attract love into your life, you can speak the ring in such a way that it awakens your feminine energy. For this purpose, the site’s experts recommend using the simplest and most unpretentious decoration without stones or other foreign inclusions or inserts. Take the ring in left hand, clench your fist, bring it to your heart and say:

“I’m looking for love, I’m looking for it, I’m attracting my happiness. I am looking for my betrothed, destined for me by fate. Not drinking and not partying, loving and hard-working. I’m looking for a real husband.”

If you are not in the mood for a serious relationship, then simply put the ring under your pillow and say:

“Betrothed, come in a dream, show yourself. Look at me, come for me.”

Place the ring on your finger and do not remove it. It will contribute early recruitment real feelings into your life.

Plot for protection

To protect yourself from the negative energy of possible ill-wishers, the evil eye or damage, use a spell on a simple ring. Light a candle and hold your decoration over the flame. Then squeeze the ring in your right hand and say:

“I create all-round protection for myself, I burn out troubles with fire. I put on the ring, I gain an invisible shield. From thieves and the evil eye, envious people and offenders.”

Pay close attention to your decoration. If it starts to change color, it means you have been negatively affected. Experts on the site advise in such cases to carry out a ritual that will save you from unwanted influence.

Conspiracy to make wishes come true

You will need a new ring, preferably a gift from close relatives. However, you can purchase jewelry. Choose it carefully. “Your” ring will definitely resonate, and you will want to buy it. At home, place the decoration on your finger with the words:

“From distant countries, from beyond the mountains and seas, a ring came to me. I conjure him, I urge him to serve faithfully. The ring will fulfill a cherished desire, living in the soul, asking outward.”

After a day, whisper your deepest wish to the ring and wear it until your dream comes true.

Any of these conspiracies will only work if your thoughts are sincere. Do not wish harm to anyone, so that favorable Fortune does not turn on you. Experts on the site recommend taking a closer look at the Signs of the Universe so as not to miss the luck, love and prosperity that will definitely visit you. We wish you luck, health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Even the most ordinary ring can be made into a powerful talisman to attract wealth and success. Learn how to speak and wear a ring so that success awaits you in all life endeavors.

Money plot

Absolutely any piece of jewelry is suitable for a conspiracy: it is not necessary that the ring be made of precious metal or be a family heirloom. The main thing is that you really like it and that it is pleasant to wear on your hand. By choosing such decoration, you can make it strong money talisman. The funds will flow into your hands, and any financial difficulties will bypass you.
They spell the ring like this. At midnight, place it on a red cloth: red color is a symbol of wealth and enhances magical ritual. Then say the text of the conspiracy:
“I carry good luck on my hand, and put wealth in my pocket. Success is with me, prosperity is with me.
Money flows like a fast river. Only to me, only with me. The key, the lock, it is said - it will come true.” Leave the enchanted decoration to lie on the fabric throughout the night, and in the morning you can put a strong talisman on your hand. The ring should be worn on the index finger: it is under the auspices of Jupiter, a symbol of victory and leadership. You can also cast a ring for a man, but then it must be put on the thumb: it contains the powerful energy of Mars, which promotes success in life and helps in achieving goals. The conspiracy does not have to be carried out specifically by the future bearer of the money ring, so you can give a useful gift to your chosen one.

Ring for good luck

As in the first case, the main condition when choosing a ring is the fact that the jewelry should be pleasant to feel on your hand every day.
At the beginning of the ritual, the ring must be hung on a red thread to form a pendulum. Holding it in your right hand, read the words for good luck. This is done in dark time days, but provided that the weather is clear outside.
“Be, little ring, happy and successful. I will enclose fortune in a circle, it will never turn away from me, never leave me. Luck is always with me, forever and hand in hand.”
A magical talisman will bring success in every area of ​​life, no matter what it concerns - work or personal life. Wear jewelry on your middle finger: thanks to this, you will gain self-confidence. Its ruling planet, Saturn, contributes to this.

The essence of jewelry and various accessories that complement appearance person, can be significantly changed and translated into the form of serious assistants in life’s affairs and effective solution many problems. A ring spell can help turn luck around, stimulate the appearance of money, prosperity and love, and abundance in money.

In addition, such amulets help preserve the health of family members, save the family from splitting, and also provide powerful protection from external enemies who use strong spells to inflict evil. A ring on a finger or another amulet with a stone and jewelry play an important role when magical rituals are performed, since a silver ring can significantly increase the effect of magic.

The most suitable ring for carrying out conspiracies is the one that was donated or left as an inheritance by loved ones - your own. At the same time, the material of manufacture, as well as the number of precious or semi-precious stones, does not play a significant role in the effectiveness of the performance of ritual actions. In order to perform a magical ritual, bewitch someone, or remove the need for money without consequences, you need to carry it out competently, using the advice or services of experienced professionals. It must be remembered that strong magical actions can lead to serious consequences.

Conspiracies to make wishes come true

In order to carry out the ritual, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, which in this case consists of hiding your ring in yarn of any colors. The following text of the conspiracy must be read in conditions of maximum silence and concentration:

“Tit birds lived across the sea and built their nests, and they found a ring in them. They brought it to us, the Servants of God (names are pronounced), this ring will decorate us, we will dress up and be useful to people. All doors will open to us, All secrets will become known to us, Everything will be the way we want it. Amen!".

It is important that during the conspiracy, the person performing the ritual, or the one who wished to carry out such a ritual, was as focused as possible on his cherished desires. When you have finished reading the plot, you should put your ring on one of your fingers and go to bed with it. After this, leaving the ring on your finger becomes a powerful amulet that brings happiness and helps fulfill your desires: whatever you dream of - love or money. In addition, such rings are able to repel negative aspects, as well as attract the maximum amount of positive things into life.

Spells for good luck

Charming a ring for good luck is also quite simple. To do this, you need to wait until early morning, and at the moment when the sun has not yet risen, take your ring in your hands, and with the first rays, looking through the jewelry, read the following words:

“Mistress red dawn, Ogrofena, give me the servant of God (names are listed) good health, success and joy in everything, from all people respect and honor, heartfelt love day and night, as long as I live.”

To ensure success and good luck throughout your life, you need to wrap the ring in red cloth, and while moving around the room with it, say the following words:

“Like air clouds hover above the earth, helping those who believe and those who don’t - help me in the same way, bring good luck and may it remain with me until the end of my days.”

Carrying out such a ritual helps to turn luck and luck to your side, as well as peace of mind and self-confidence, since those who are lucky are not subject to destructive self-flagellation, and there will be no need for money.

Spells to help children

The vast majority of parents care about their children and want to help them in all matters, no matter how old they become. For many, a serious problem is the fact that their beloved children move to other cities or even countries, as a result of which it becomes almost impossible to provide physical assistance. That's why many loving parents turn to magical rituals for help, which can guarantee good luck and love in all life situations and beginnings.

For this purpose, you can also use a gold or silver ring, which was given by loved ones, which a person is used to always wearing on his finger, to perform a magical ritual. The ring with or without a stone needs to be clenched in a fist, and with a certain effort pressing it with one of the cheeks, read the spell:

“I am crying, dear mother, Raba “pronounce the name or names” in the native parental home. From dawn, looking into an open field, at the problems of my child, my beloved, my beloved sun, who is suffering and tormented. And I decided to eclipse my sadness. I go out into an open field, take the family cup, take out the wedding candles, wedding cards, and draw water from the well, which is behind the mountains. I’m standing in the middle of the forest, drawing a line and calling out in a pleading voice, I want to speak to my child (the name or names are pronounced) over the wedding cup, over fresh water, over wedding linens, over wedding candles. I want to wash my child clean, his mouth, forehead and eyes. I want to sanctify it completely, so that it becomes clear like the sun, bright like spring water, strong like hot metal. I want to take away from him the scary devils, the one-eyed goblins, other people’s brownies and other evil spirits that prevent him from living happily. May my child be happy and successful and may my maternal word be heard and perceived correctly. Amen. Amen. Amen.".

In addition to this spell, you can effectively help your child from a distance, when there is a premonition of trouble impending, by using an ancient spell that is cast with a ring lying in front of a person (you can look at it on your finger):

“Let Deren twitch, the earth strengthens, and you, the trouble of God’s servant (you should say the name), calm down!”

To achieve maximum effect, the ring must be wrapped in black linen or a piece of cloth and placed under the pillow before going to bed, after reading the following plot:

“I ask for blessings from the Heavenly Father. Let this ring help you in everything. Let all bad weather and problems go away, let go of all sorrows and leave nothing bad for myself or others.”

With the help of such simple but sincere words, you can bring your child closer to the happiness that fate has destined for him. It won’t be superfluous if you give the enchanted ring to your child and he will always wear it on his finger.

Love spells

Bewitch married man or a woman, and you can also solve problems in love with the help of conspiracies that have long been used by our ancestors. It is with the help of such conspiracies that you can return happiness to the family, revive relationships, so that your husband again has a desire to carry you in his arms. To conduct such a ceremony, you must first prepare:

  • buy twelve church candles;
  • quietly take the wedding ring from your spouse.

It is recommended to carry out the ceremony in complete privacy, since candles should only be lit at a time when neither the husband, nor other family members or strangers are in the house. To achieve results, you also need maximum concentration, while simultaneously imagining ideal family relations, since such visualization contributes to the materialization of what is desired. Strong positive emotions will also carry a certain positivity. In the same way, you can regain your lost happiness. The main elements of such a conspiracy are the ring, and, in fact, the text that needs to be read:

“I want to enchant my husband’s ring (name) to return his attraction to me. I want our love to be as endless as this ring, having neither end nor beginning. May our feelings never cool down. Let it be. Amen! (repeat three times).”

With the help of a ring and conspiracies, you can also solve the problems of an unsuccessful marriage and make your loved one want to be with you. At the same time, we should not forget that when performing rituals on someone else’s husband, you can stumble upon serious protection that will turn the conspiracy in a negative direction.

Solving financial problems with the help of a conspiracy

Love spells can be aimed not only at attracting loved ones, but also at finding luck, which will bring wealth into life, help establish trade, and also bring the moment of embodiment closer cherished desire- in other words, a person will have absolutely no need for money. Charming a ring for good luck in such a way as to improve your own well-being, or the condition of your loved ones, is quite simple.

At the same time, before carrying out rituals for wealth, it is necessary to find out why it is not possible to achieve the desired result in business or other areas that are chosen to achieve personal wealth. Among the very common causes of such problems are the evil eye and damage caused by ill-wishers. In addition to problems with money, such magical effects are manifested by the human body as weight loss or other ailments, the elimination of which also requires magical protection.

Only after the damage has been removed can you begin to carry out a ritual to marry a person with money, which will ultimately lead to him attracting financial success.

  1. Such rituals should be carried out during the periods of the new moon or during the waxing moon, while the full moon is not the best time for such rituals.
  2. According to the advice of experienced magicians, before charming a ring for money (it can be gold, silver or even wooden), it must undergo magical purification.
  3. In addition to the ring, you also need a coin, preferably an old one, made of any precious metal.
  4. After this, you need to go to church and buy two candles, place one on the altar with the words “I am married to wealth,” and the second should burn at home.
  5. It is advisable that the moment of visiting the church coincides with the wedding ritual of people, and the ring is put on the finger at the same time as the people getting married, who do not necessarily have to be your acquaintances. The most important thing is not to reveal to everyone the real reason your presence in the church.
  6. It is necessary to take into account that only professionals know for sure how to cast a ring for good luck in such a way that it brings maximum benefit, therefore, if there is the slightest doubt, it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist.

The ring spell for good luck and money is effective method solve financial problems, buy a new home, which for a long time remained just a distant dream. It is important not to lose your head and remember that you should not flirt with magic. Rituals must be performed in full accordance with the norms and must carry within them specific tasks and messages.

Even the most ordinary ring can be made into a powerful talisman to attract wealth and success. Learn how to speak and wear a ring so that success awaits you in all life endeavors.

Money plot

Absolutely any piece of jewelry is suitable for a conspiracy: it is not necessary that the ring be made of precious metal or be a family heirloom. The main thing is that you really like it and that it is pleasant to wear on your hand. By choosing such jewelry, you can make it a strong money talisman. The funds will flow into your hands, and any financial difficulties will bypass you.

They spell the ring like this. At midnight, place it on a red cloth: red color is a symbol of wealth and helps to enhance the magical ritual. Then say the text of the conspiracy:

“Our luck is in our hand, and we put our wealth in our pocket.
Success is with me, prosperity is with me.
Money flows like a fast river.
Only to me, only with me.
Key, lock, it’s said - it will come true.”

Leave the charmed decoration to lie on the fabric throughout the night, and in the morning you can put a strong talisman on your hand. The ring should be worn on the index finger: it is under the auspices of Jupiter, a symbol of victory and leadership. You can also cast a ring for a man, but then it must be put on the thumb: it contains the powerful energy of Mars, which promotes success in life and helps in achieving goals. The conspiracy does not have to be carried out specifically by the future bearer of the money ring, so you can give a useful gift to your chosen one.

Ring for good luck

As in the first case, the main condition when choosing a ring is the fact that the jewelry should be pleasant to feel on your hand every day.

At the beginning of the ritual, the ring must be hung on a red thread to form a pendulum. Holding it in your right hand, read the words for good luck. This is done in the dark, but provided that the weather is clear outside.

“Be happy and successful, little ring.
I will enclose fortune in a circle, it will never turn away from me, never leave me.
Luck is always with me, forever and hand in hand.”

A magical talisman will bring success in every area of ​​life, no matter what it concerns - work or personal life. Wear jewelry on your middle finger: thanks to this, you will gain self-confidence. Its ruling planet, Saturn, contributes to this.

Any ring has special energy and is potentially a strong talisman. Take advantage effective conspiracies, and even ordinary jewelry will bring you good luck and money. Follow all instructions and recommendations and you will achieve your final goal. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.09.2015 00:50

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In the practice of white magic, rituals are often used aimed at conjuring a personal object. The most powerful conductors of magical energy are products made of wood, metal and natural fabric. The more natural and closer to nature the product is, the easier it is for a white magician to conjure it.

But is it possible to cast a spell on your own ring? What conspiracies exist for such decorations? Is it possible to cast a spell on a ring that belongs to another person?
You can find answers to each of these questions in our article.

What are the conspiracies for the ring?

A ring is one of a person's most personal pieces of jewelry. Often the owners do not part with these products - especially wedding ones. Therefore, if a white magician wants his beneficial effect on a person to be long-lasting and practically life-long, of all the personal belongings of the person being charmed, he should give over to the ritual the ring.

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The following types of spells can be used for such decoration:

  • For luck and good fortune;
  • For wealth and money;
  • For love and marriage;
  • For health and longevity.

Important to remember, that none of the sacraments of white magic can be performed without physical and spiritual preparation. The list of preparatory procedures includes the following activities:

  • A week-long fast, accompanied by going to church, praying and washing with holy water;
  • Meditation and unity with nature. Hiking to various bodies of water, forests and mountains is recommended;
  • Inner calm and recharging with positive emotions.

Which rings are suitable for a white conspiracy?

Not every ring can be spoken. First of all, the materials from which the jewelry is made are important. Ideal for the ceremony:

  • Metal rings. Precious metals (gold, silver, platinum) are especially subject to magical effects. Only iron and tin are not suitable for white rituals. These metals are mainly used by adepts black magic and are practically impenetrable to light energy;
  • Wooden decorations. Any type of wood is suitable for a conspiracy. Alder, birch, aspen and oak are especially energy sensitive;
  • Products made from ornamental stones. Aventurine, agate, moonstone, carnelian and others semiprecious stones very susceptible to the spells of white magic.

You should not try to charm plastic and glass rings. While glass (especially mirror glass) is still capable of accumulating positive energy, plastic and other synthetic materials are not intended for this kind of practice.

How to spell a ring for good luck and luck

The spell for good luck on the ring is read at midnight. Recommended lunar phase- full moon or waxing moon. The ring is strung on a thick red thread. It is recommended to use woolen threads without synthetic impurities that prevent the absorption of magical impulses. You should take the thread with both hands, pinch the ends with your index fingers and thumbs, and begin to rhythmically rotate the ring using wave-like movements of your hands. In this case, you should read the following text:

“I’m spinning and spinning,
I want to attract good luck!
Turn around, little ring,
Comfort your heart!
Spin, don't get tired -
Bring good luck!”

After reading, you should put the ring on the index finger of your right hand and wear it like a talisman - without taking it off.

Another spell for luck is read on the river bank. To *spell the ring for good luck, and wealth, and luck* you should come to a pond during the waxing moon phase, put the ring on your palm, scoop up water from the river with your free hand and pour it on the jewelry, saying:

“I wash, I cleanse,
I return failure to the ground.
Let your wish come true!
Let my pain be a torment
Everything will go into the abyss,
The ring will be washed -
Luck will open up!
Let it be so!
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After this, you need to get up, bow to the river from the waist and slowly leave.

For money

The esoteric symbol of prosperity is red velvet. Therefore, it is recommended to read the spell for money on a ring by placing the decoration on a piece of similar fabric. In addition to the ring, a new lock (open) and a key to it should be placed on the velvet. The owner of the ring should read the following text:

Good luck - on your finger,
Prosperity is in your pocket.
Money is like a river
They run and run towards me.
What has been said is under lock and key,
Locked with a golden key.
The key is in the water
Castle - to freedom,
What was said behind the seal,
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

After reading the plot, the caster first puts on the ring, then goes to the body of water closest to the house, where there is a bridge. The lock should be snapped onto the bridge handrail, and the key should be thrown into the water.

For love

There are many love spells for a ring. Most of them are ancient pagan rituals. For example, a young girl who wants to protect herself from the crown of celibacy and quickly find her betrothed should put a wooden ring on the ring finger of her right hand, enchanted on the night of Ivan Kupala. This decoration is enchanted as follows:

  • The girl should, along with the rest of those celebrating the Day Summer Solstice participate in all common rituals. These include jumping over a fire, ritual bathing, weaving wreaths, and so on;
  • Exactly at midnight, the maiden must kneel near the festive fire (on its eastern side);
  • The fortune teller puts the ring in right hand and stretches it towards the flame, saying: “Lubo-Ladushka, Lel-baby! Through the pure flame, through the clear flame, kiss my ring! So that I don’t have to be alone, so that I don’t have to cut off my braids in the worst possible way. Oh, may the good fellow look at me, oh, how will he love my maiden beauty - for she was purified by fire, nurtured by Lada, blessed by Lelem!”;
  • Having strung the ring on a thin branch, the girl must immerse her jewelry in the flame three times. This must be done quickly - the wood should not char or become flaming. A girl should wear this ring until she meets her betrothed.
  • Take water into a small container;
  • Open window;
  • Light a medium church candle;
  • Place a handful of soil from a blooming garden on a piece of white fabric.

This action calls upon all 4 elements to witness the subsequent sacrament. Then you should read the following spell:

“God Vizardas, the great and powerful patron of ancient magicians! I appeal to you!
A fire that burns the past and reveals the future! I'm calling you!
Water, the source of life! I appeal to you!
Earth, mother of all things! I appeal to you!
The air that nurtures and envelops the world of the living! I appeal to you!
Come, listen to the voice of my heart, be a witness!
I spell these rings in the name of the mighty Vizardas, so that [the names of the bride and groom] will love each other in grief, and in joy, and in health, and in illness, and so that neither water, nor fire, nor an earthquake, nor a hurricane will separate them.
In the name of God Vizardas - I conjure!
May it be done according to my word, according to the plan of the great God!”

After this, you can carry out any wedding ceremony, including a Christian wedding.


Rings rarely talk about health. However, such conspiracies still exist. One of these is the ritual for the waning moon. The decoration (preferably silver) must be squeezed in the left palm, chanting it:

“Just as the Lord God created the earth and sky, our sun and stars and the moon of our life, so the owner of this ring will not have a fierce wound, no terrible illness, no black grief, no evil pain.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!”

The ring should be worn on the index finger of the left hand.

Mothers can also use a baby ring to encourage sound sleep and the health of their child. The product should be placed at the child’s head, having previously spoken to him: “Just as there is silence in the temple, so it is in the room. Just as nothing will disturb the Baby Jesus in the arms of the Virgin Mary, so nothing will wake up my baby today. Amen".

Is it possible to speak someone else's ring?

An adept of white magic can conjure both his own and someone else's ring. Moreover, a charmed ring can be given as a gift (if the spell was not read for a specific person). At the same time, the fact that the ring was enchanted can be kept secret from its new owner.

It should be noted that a charmed jewel cannot be given with bad intentions. This already applies to black rituals and threatens with a strong “boomerang effect.”