Currently a popular entertainment for children of different ages becomes a quest game. Today, this form of organizing events is often used in kindergarten, and at school, and in holiday camps, and in companies specializing in organizing holidays. What is the secret to the success of this form of leisure? In our material we will talk about what children's quests are and share ideas for holding such an event for kids preschool age.



Quest game for preschool children

Currently, quest games are becoming a popular entertainment for children of all ages. Today, this form of organizing events is often used in kindergartens, schools, holiday camps, and companies specializing in organizing holidays. What is the secret to the success of this form of leisure? In our material we will talk about what children's quests are and share ideas for holding such an event for preschool children.

What is a quest?

The word "Quest" is translated from in English as "search". In a general sense, this concept denotes any plot that involves achieving a goal by overcoming any obstacles.

In a game of this genre, there is always a task in which you need to find something - an object, a hint, a message, so that you can move on. The player’s task is to think carefully in order to solve the proposed problem, as well as show ingenuity and skills to cope with the task, and then move on.

IN Lately quests in the form of team games have gained great popularity. They are held not only among children, but also among adults. During such a game, participants have the opportunity to communicate, learn a lot of new and interesting things, and realize the craving for adventure and mysteries inherent in every person. Teams follow a given route, perform tasks that require intelligence, erudition, endurance and the ability to think outside the box.

If we talk about quests as a form of organizing children's events, then this team game, which includes various competitive tasks and has a specific plot. Children's quests are distinguished by the presence of tasks that affect the most different areas knowledge and skills - these can be both physical competitions (for example, relay races) and intellectual quizzes. In addition, the script of such a game allows the use of complex decorations, musical accompaniment, and the involvement of animators.

What problems are solved in the quest game?

The main advantage of the quest is that this form of organizing leisure time unobtrusively, in a playful, entertaining way contributes to the activation of cognitive and thought processes participants. With the help of such a game you can achieve educational goals: implement project and play activity, introduce new information, consolidate existing knowledge, practice children’s skills.

In addition, competitive activity teaches children to interact in a group of peers, increases the atmosphere of cohesion and friendship, and develops independence, activity and initiative.

Thus, children's quests help to achieve the following tasks:

  • educational (participants learn new knowledge and consolidate existing knowledge);
  • developing (during the game there is an increase in educational motivation, development creativity and individual positive psychological qualities, the formation of research skills, self-realization of children);
  • educational (skills of interaction with peers, tolerance, mutual assistance and others are formed).

Principles of organizing quests

In order to effectively organize children's quests, you should adhere to certain principles and conditions:

  • all games and tasks must be safe (children should not be asked to jump over a fire or climb a tree);
  • the tasks assigned to children must correspond to the age of the participants and their individual characteristics;
  • under no circumstances should the dignity of a child be violated in any way;
  • needs to be implemented into the content of the script different types activities, since children of this age, according to their psychological and age characteristics, cannot perform monotonous tasks;
  • tasks must be thought out in such a way that they are consistent and logically interconnected;
  • if necessary, the game can be emotionally colored with the help of scenery, music, costumes, and equipment;
  • preschoolers must clearly understand the goal of the game they are striving for (for example, find a treasure or save a good character from an evil one);
  • you should consider time intervals during which children will be able to complete the task, but will not lose interest in it;
  • The role of the teacher in the game is to guide children, “push” correct solution, but children must make their own final conclusions.

Quest tasks

Quests for preschoolers in kindergarten should not only perform an entertaining function, but also implement educational objectives. Therefore, tasks must correspond to the chosen topic and in their content correspond to the level of knowledge and skills of the children. To do this, the teacher should clearly define the purpose of the upcoming game and take into account the technical capabilities of organizing the event. Tasks for a children's quest can be very diverse: riddles; puzzles; games “Find the differences”, “What’s extra?”; puzzles; creative tasks; sand games; labyrinths; sports relay races

Quest ideas for preschoolers

Preschool children take part in quests with great pleasure. For such kids, games based on a fairy tale plot are suitable. For example, you can create a quest script for children junior group kindergarten based on the fairy tale "Kolobok". This fairy-tale character unexpectedly comes to visit the kids and asks the kids for help - he is lost in the forest, and he needs to find his way home to his grandparents. Children, together with Kolobok, go on a journey, where various obstacles await them in the form of sports and intellectual tasks. You can introduce other characters into the script: Wolf, Bear, Fox. For preschoolers, middle and senior group It’s better to choose characters from popular cartoons - meeting your favorite character will increase educational interest, activate cognitive processes and simply leave an unforgettable positive impression on the kids.

Thus, it is more effective for preschoolers to organize story-based, colorful children's quests. Scenarios are developed taking into account the goals set, the number of participants and many other factors.

We have clarified general principles, according to which children's quests are organized. Scenarios for such events are drawn up taking into account various factors: the age of the participants, the assigned tasks and goals of the game, material and technical capabilities, location, as well as the individual inclinations and wishes of the children themselves. The main thing is that it is fun, educational and memorable for a long time!


Municipal preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 8 “Cherry”, Rtishchevo, Saratov region.


Quest - a game for the older group

"On the roads of fairy tales."

Prepared by the teacher:

Balashova O.V.

2015-2016 academic year G.

Play for preschoolers is a way of learning about the environment; games have great pedagogical value - they develop children’s ingenuity, endurance, self-control, sense of humor, and organization.”

N. K. Krupskaya

Games occupy the most important place in a child’s life.

Quest is an adventure game in which you need to solve problems to advance through the plot. The point is that, as a rule, there is a certain goal, which can be reached by consistently solving riddles. Each riddle is the key to the next point and the next task. And the tasks can be very different: active, creative, intellectual. Games are built on communication interaction between players. Without communicating with other players it is impossible to achieve individual goals, which stimulates communication and serves in a good way to unite the players. Immersion in the atmosphere of the game would be incomplete without unexpected encounters. A quest is an adventure game that requires the player to solve mental problems to advance through the plot, and implies the activity of each participant. This is a game that simultaneously uses the participants' intellect, their physical abilities and imagination. In the game you need to be resourceful, train your own memory and attentiveness, show ingenuity and intelligence. Quests help them cope well with team building, help them establish successful interaction in a team, experience and form mutual assistance, division of responsibilities and interchangeability, and, if necessary, learn to mobilize without panic and very quickly solve non-standard problems that participants are unlikely to encounter in ordinary life. Each quest for children necessarily combines elements of learning and relaxation.


Comprehensive development of children in various areas (physical, cognitive and social-communicative);


creating a positive emotional mood;

development of social and communicative qualities through

collective decision common tasks;

  • solving problem situations;
  • ability to perform various game tasks;
  • broadening one's horizons;
  • development logical thinking, fantasy, imagination;
  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • instilling in children an interest in reading;
  • fostering respect for fairy tales, a sense of admiration, and belief in miracles;
  • improvement of movement coordination;
  • fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Presenter ( enters in Baba Yaga costume):

I smell it, I smell it, it smells of the human spirit. Hello, hello, my freckled ones. Why are you quiet? They were probably very happy to see me. Do you even know who I am? That's right, Baba Yaga. Where am I from? (from a fairy tale) That’s also true. Do you like fairy tales? Do you know many of them? Fine….

Today I was asked (as the smartest and most beautiful) to take you along the roads of fairy tales. But these roads are not easy. You will have to try very hard, remember a lot of fairy tales, answer tricky questions, help fairy-tale heroes. And for this you will receive a surprise from me at the end of the journey: a magic book.

– In order to get into the fairy tale and not get lost, you, killer whales, need to guess the riddles of the Guardian of the Gate - two from the casket, identical in appearance. Only now they are afraid to show themselves to you, so they have become invisible and are standing here next to me, waiting for their turn. But they haven’t lost their voices, so listen carefully and guess correctly. For correct guesses, I will give you a hint: a map with a route.

(Recording of riddles is turned on)

Almost became the mole's wife
And a mustachioed beetle!
I flew with the swallow
High under the clouds. (Thumbelina)

The granddaughter went to her grandmother,
I brought the pies to her.
The gray wolf was watching her,
Deceived and swallowed! (Little Red Riding Hood)

It was baked from flour,
It was freezing at the window.
Ran away from my grandparents
And he became lunch for the fox. (Kolobok)

Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess. (Emelya)

Stands in front of the forest,
And it smokes through a crooked pipe.
There Yaga - the forest grandmother -
He yawns sweetly on the stove. (A hut on chicken legs)

(Magical music sounds)

  • So you have completed the first task, my yachts. I’ll tell you a secret: it was Vasilisa the Wise who sent me to you so that I could test you, and if I don’t like you, then the cards are in my hands: I love some, my berries, to plant on a shovel, and to plant in the oven... .Well, take my hint (gives the card).

Let's look at the map.

Guys, do you like to travel? Then you and I will go on a journey, but first we need to check your readiness for it.

Exercise “We have good posture.”

We have good posture - Stand up straight, arms along the body.

We brought our shoulder blades together - Bring our shoulder blades together. (Put your hands to your belt). - 2 times.

We walk on our toes - Turn around on your toes.

We'll walk on our heels. - Turn to reverse side on the heels.

We are cheerful and cheerful, starting our journey.

Our path is not close: we will go through a meadow, a field, through a dense forest. (Regular walking in pairs).

Here we are in nature. Let's look around with binoculars - how beautiful it is here. (Turns the head left and right).

And what fresh air. You need to breathe (Take a few deep breaths in and out).

Here the road goes through a meadow with mown grass. (Walking alternately: now on your toes, now on your heels).

Look, the grass here hasn’t been mowed yet, it’s very tall. (Walking with a high hip lift).

We almost reached the forest, but huge bushes grew in our way. We need to jump over them and we will find ourselves in the forest. Here we are in the forest.

Finding a task “Whose things are these?”

- Let's see how you canrecognize one bully, whom I bewitched for bragging and disrespect for elders: he, you see, comes up with nicknames for decent people.

(On the board there is a poster with a drawn Carlson, decorated with Dunno’s hat, Baba Yaga’s nose, Cheburashka’s ears, Leopold the Cat’s bow, Puss in Boots’ boots, with a basket from Little Red Riding Hood)

The task is this: you need to remove one object at a time, guessing it from my stories and songs of fairy-tale characters.

1) “The miller had three sons, and when he died he left them only a mill, a donkey and a cat.”

– Which fairy tale did you read the excerpt from? ("Puss in Boots")

– What thing helped Puss in Boots perform heroic deeds? (boots)

(Baba Yaga removes boots from the poster)

2) Cheburashka’s song is playing.

– Which hero sang this song to himself? (Cheburashka)

– What is Cheburashka famous for? (ears)

(Baba Yaga removes ears from the poster)

3) The song of Leopold the Cat “If you are kind” is playing

- And who is this kind one here, my sweeties? (Leopold the Cat)

- Well, by what item of clothing can you always recognize Leopold the Cat? (by bow)

(Baba Yaga removes the bow from the poster)

4) The song of Little Red Riding Hood is playing

- The girl sang in dark forest:
- I’ll bring some pies for grandma!
The hat is like a raspberry!
Perhaps this is Malvina? (No, this is Little Red Riding Hood)

- And what item is here from Little Red Riding Hood? (basket)

(Baba Yaga removes the basket from the poster)

5) - And this hero, if he starts singing, it will be bad for everyone. I’ve been saying for a long time that a bear stepped on his ear! Therefore, I’d better tell you about him:

– In one fairy-tale city there lived short people. They were called shorties because they were very small. One kid was the most famous, and they called him that because he didn’t know anything.

- Can you guess who it is? (Dunno).

– And the most outstanding part of his clothing? (hat)

(Baba Yaga takes off her hat from the poster)

6) A verse of ditties from Babok-Yozhek sounds.

- This is one of my favorites... Answer, who is singing? (Grandmothers-Hedgehogs)

– What gives us such grace and beauty? (nose)

(Baba Yaga removes the nose from the poster)

- So, who did we get?

The Kid has known him for a long time,
He flew into his window. (Carlson)

– What is Carlson missing? (propeller)

(Baba Yaga attaches the propeller)

And you coped with this test, my attentive ones. It will continue like this, and I will remain completely hungry...

And we meet a bear.

We put our hands behind our heads

And we waddle.

(Walking on the outer sides of the feet)

Bunnies jump quickly in the field

It's a lot of fun in the wild.

We imitate bunnies

Fidgety kids.

(Jumping on two legs while moving forward).

Ahead from behind a bush

The red fox is watching.

We'll outwit the fox

Let's run on our toes.

(Easy running).

There is a pond in front of us.

Where have we ended up? What is this? (children's answers) Yes, guys, we came to the swamp. Look, frog. What Russian folk tale do you think this frog is from? (Princess Frog).

Baba Yaga: The frog princess has prepared a task for you. Game "Find your fairy tale." Here are illustrations from Russian folk tales. Name them. Now I will give you cards with images of fairy tale heroes. While the music is playing, you are walking. The music stops, go to the illustration of the fairy tale from which your hero is from. Be careful!

(Kids are playing).

We're walking, we're walking

We raise our hands higher

We don't lower our heads.

Oh, a stream flows on our way.

A stream runs in the forest,

And he’s in a hurry to get somewhere.

Faster and faster

Glug-glug-glug - the water is gurgling.

(Jumping from island to island).

(Children approach the oak tree).

Baba Yaga: What kind of tree is this? (children's answers) Let's come up to see who is waiting for us here.

(Children go to a tree; a learned cat sits on an oak tree and reads a poem).

Cat: “Lukomorye has a green oak tree,

Golden chain on the oak tree

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain..."

Baba Yaga: Guys, how interesting. This is a scientist cat.

Cat: Mrr! Yes, I am a learned cat, but where are you from and where are you going?

(Children's answers).

Cat: Mrr! But the road there is not close, it is useful to rest before it. Sit down on the grass and relax a little, and I’ll sing you a song or tell you a fairy tale.

(The children sit in the clearing, and the cat sings the Russian folk lullaby “Bayu-bayushki, bayu”).

Educator: No, no, we can’t fall asleep, we have a lot of tasks ahead.

Cat: Well, then complete my task.

Educator: What, cat?

d/game "Fairytale Lotto"

Cat: I say the first word of the fairy tale title, and you guess the full name of the fairy tale.


Children: (Snow Queen)


Children: (Scarlet Flower)


Children: (Zayushkina's hut)


Children: (Ugly duckling)


Children: (Little Red Riding Hood)

Boy. ..

Children: (Boy with Thumb)


Children: (Doctor Aibolit)


Children: (Little Khavroshechka)

Cat: Okay, you completed the task, well done! You can continue on your way.

We are now walking up the hill,

Let's spread our wings.

We breathe evenly, deeply,

We walk straight and easy.

(Walking up the stairs). We reach an intersection.

Baba Yaga: You and I have reached an intersection, there are signs on the pillars. Let's read them: “If you go to the left, you will find a beautiful toy,” “If you go to the right, you will separate from your friend,” “If you go straight, you will do a good deed.”

Baba Yaga: R Fuck, which road do you suggest choosing? Why? I have Magic wand. If it lights up, it means you have chosen the right path. (the stick lights up). You have chosen the right road.

We reach Baba Yaga's hut.

Baba Yaga: And Vanyushka is sitting in my house, the swan geese brought him to me. He was walking alone along the roadway. Can I walk along the road? If you want to free him, you need to complete my tasks. Do you agree?

Game "Confusion". N You need to remember and give the correct names of fairy tales.

  1. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka”;
  2. "Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf";
  3. "At the dog's command";
  4. "The Wolf and the Seven Tiger Cubs";
  5. "Pashenka and the Bear";
  6. "Geese-crows."

Well done, you did it! And now I will test you, how strong and dexterous you are.

(They play the game "Baba - Yozhka").

Baba Yaga : Well, of course! Did not expect! You are truly brave and dexterous! Well, you will never win the last competition with me.

(Game "Tug of War").

Baba Yaga : Certainly! We were delighted! We defeated the old woman and are happy! You are young, strong, dexterous, and I am old, unfortunate Granny - Yagusya!

You have completed all the tasks, take the boy, I hope he will not walk along the road alone, much less play there. Get my magic book.

Baba Yaga gives a magic book, and in it there are sweets and treats for children.

We return to kindergarten.

The so-called quest game is becoming a popular entertainment for modern children. Today, events are held in this way in kindergartens, schools, and holidays are organized. What is the secret to the success of this form of leisure? In our material we will talk about what children's quests are and share non-standard ideas for holding such an event for preschool children.

First you should find out what the word “quest” actually means. It is translated from English as “search”. In a general sense, this concept denotes any plot that involves achieving a goal by overcoming any obstacles.

If we talk about a quest as a form of organizing children's events, then it is a game, most often a team one, including various tasks of a competitive nature and having a certain plot. Children's quests are distinguished by the presence of tasks that touch on a variety of areas of knowledge and skills - these can be both physical competitions (for example, relay races) and intellectual quizzes. In addition, the scenario of such a game involves the use of complex decorations, musical accompaniment, and the involvement of animators.


The main advantage of the quest is that this form of organizing a holiday unobtrusively, in a playful, entertaining way helps to activate the cognitive and thought processes of the participants.

With the help of such a game, you can achieve educational goals: implement project and game activities, introduce new information, consolidate existing knowledge, practice children’s skills.

In addition, competitive activity teaches children to interact in a group of peers, increases the atmosphere of cohesion and friendship, and develops independence, activity and initiative.

Thus, children's quests help to achieve the following tasks:

  • educational (participants learn new knowledge and consolidate existing knowledge);
  • developmental (during the game there is an increase in educational motivation and individual positive psychological qualities, the formation of research skills, and self-realization of children);
  • educational (skills of interaction with peers, tolerance, mutual assistance and others are formed).

The essence of a children's quest

Children's quest games are a form of entertainment that represents a set of problematic tasks set for a specific purpose. Such a holiday resembles a theatrical performance: an “adventure” plot is drawn up with the participation of fairy-tale or cartoon characters. Decorations and materials for tasks are being thought through. Often held outdoors. Preschoolers take an active part in the game process; they become “seekers”, heroes of fairy tales.

Principles of organizing quests

In order to effectively organize children's quests, you should adhere to certain principles and conditions:

  • all games and tasks must be safe (children should not be asked to jump over a fire or climb a tree);
  • the tasks assigned to children must correspond to the age of the participants and their individual characteristics;
  • under no circumstances should the dignity of a child be violated in any way;
  • It is necessary to introduce different types of activities into the content of the scenario, since children of the specified age, according to their psychological and age characteristics, cannot perform monotonous tasks;
  • tasks must be thought out in such a way that they are consistent and logically interconnected;
  • the game should be emotionally charged with the help of scenery, music, costumes, and equipment;
  • preschoolers must clearly understand the goal of the game they are striving for (for example, find a treasure or save a good character from an evil one);
  • you should consider time intervals during which children will be able to complete the task, but will not lose interest in it;
  • The role of the teacher in the game is to guide the children, “push” them to the right decision, but the children must make the final conclusions on their own.

Quest ideas for preschoolers

They take part in quests with great pleasure. For such kids, games based on a fairy tale plot are suitable. For example, you can create a junior group in a kindergarten based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”. This fairy-tale character unexpectedly comes to visit the kids and asks the kids for help - he is lost in the forest, and he needs to find his way home to his grandparents. Children, together with Kolobok, go on a journey, where various obstacles await them in the form of sports and intellectual tasks. You can introduce other characters into the script: Wolf, Bear, Fox.

For preschoolers of the middle and older groups, it is better to choose characters from popular cartoons - meeting your favorite character will increase educational interest, activate cognitive processes and simply leave an unforgettable positive impression on the kids.

Thus, it is more effective for preschoolers to organize story-based, colorful children's quests. Scenarios are developed taking into account the goals set, the number of participants and many other factors.

Quest tasks

Quests for preschoolers in kindergarten should not only serve an entertainment function, but also implement educational goals. Therefore, tasks must correspond to the chosen topic and in their content correspond to the level of knowledge and skills of the children. To do this, the teacher should clearly define the purpose of the upcoming game and take into account the technical capabilities of organizing the event.

Tasks for a children's quest can be very diverse:

  • puzzles;
  • puzzles;
  • games “Find the differences”, “What’s extra?”;
  • puzzles;
  • creative tasks;
  • sand games;
  • labyrinths;
  • sports relay races.

Quests for children's birthday

Recently, companies involved in organizing holidays have been offering a service such as a children's holiday. You can organize such a holiday yourself. You just need to approach writing the script responsibly and creatively.

The peculiarity of this type of quest is that the birthday boy is the main character of the plot. The purpose of such an event is the positive emotions of the participants. This quest includes various pleasant moments and gifts, for example, you can use a large balloon in which sweets are hidden, or cookies with wishes.

We have explained the general principles by which children's quests are organized. Scenarios for such events are drawn up taking into account various factors: the age of the participants, the assigned tasks and goals of the game, material and technical capabilities, location, as well as the individual inclinations and wishes of the children themselves. The main thing is that it is fun, educational and memorable for a long time!

Quest “Space Travel”

for children of senior preschool age

Novozhilova N.V.

teacher of GBDOU kindergarten No. 65


What is a “quest”, relevance and features of conducting it with children

Play plays a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child. the most important species activities. She happens to be effective means formation of the child's personality. Play is an independent activity in which children first interact with peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common interests and experiences. Now in modern world a new type of game has appeared - QUEST, very interesting and educational. What is a quest? The concept of "quest" comes from English word"quest", that is, search. You can also remember the English “question” - question. A quest is a game in which, according to the rules, participants find and complete a series of tasks. The goal of the game is to get maximum amount tasks, find clues in them, go through all the obstacles, find the solution and earn a prize. It’s better to think through the script in advance, prepare the props, involve everyone in role-playing game. Every quest must have a goal. Moreover, you need to talk about it at the beginning of the game, otherwise the guys will not have the motivation to achieve the goal. You can hint that the winners have the opportunity to receive a valuable gift. A prize in the game is a must! And participants must perform all tasks strictly according to the rules (they also need to be announced before the start of the game) and in a certain sequence. All tasks must be written down on separate pieces of paper and hidden in certain hiding places, the so-called “stations”. It is imperative to explain how to search for and complete tasks on specific example, quite simple. Organizational issues will take 5-10 minutes, but the children will be in the right mood and will not be afraid. On the eve of the anniversary season of 55 years of human space flight, we offer a quest dedicated to this topic.

Login to the game.

Children are divided into 2 teams, they announce that now we will start space trip. Everyone is given positions or names of items: ship commander, first officer, on-board computer, etc. Next, you need to approve the route. But the on-board computer lost all the cards with the coordinates of the planets. And here the first tasks appear.

  1. Find 8 hidden cards depicting the planets of the solar system.
  2. Arrange the found planets in order of distance from the Sun (such a task plan can be given if this was discussed in classes dedicated to Cosmonautics Day).
  3. Task "Labyrinth"

This is an old technique, but always interesting and emotional. One person (captain spaceship) are blindfolded and launched into a labyrinth, which is drawn with chalk on the asphalt (or laid out on the ground with ropes). The rest of the team must guide the captain through the entire maze so that he does not go beyond. Any step beyond the line and you will have to go through the labyrinth from the very beginning. While guiding him through the maze, each team member can say only one word and only in his turn. If the guides get confused, saying two words or not in turn, the blind person begins the passage of the labyrinth all over again. Thus, children soon begin to say something like this: “Go 1 step forward”, “2 steps to the right”, “3 left”, “Stop”... etc.

  1. Task "Cobweb"

For this task you need a long rope, and hang letters along the entire length of the web. So, following the route of the rope, children will collect the word: a simple option - ROCKET or SPACE, a more difficult option, for children who read well: SPACESHIP or ASTRONAUT.

  1. Quest "Treasures from the chest"

All children love to look for treasures and treasures, and we will not disappoint them. We are hiding a chest that must not only be found, but also opened. But to open it, you need to find a code. Children are given sheets of paper with examples to solve.

  1. Task "Accuracy competition". It is required to launch space reconnaissance probes (balls rolled out of foil) and study the rings of Saturn. The rings represent a gymnastic hoop. The children's task is to hit the hoop.
  2. Memory test task

Developing visual memory is very useful for children, so such tasks should definitely be included in the quest. We will need a lined board and a dozen different items. Children study the arrangement of objects on the board for a couple of minutes, and then try to put the objects in their places. Simple and useful.

  1. Quest "Secret message from space"

Children are given a phrase with rearranged letters; they need to put it in the right order and find out what is written. For example: “HELLO EARTHLANDS - V R I P T E L E M N Y E Z”

  1. You can and should complete the quest brightly general action. For example, all participants in the game write in large hot-air balloon their desires, and the winner sends this ball into the air like a rocket.

Return to Earth, awards, gifts.Congratulations to the children on successfully completing their mission. We award them the title of space heroes.


Summary of a winter walk in the preparatory group

“Organization of motor activity while walking”

Quest: “Visiting the Snow Queen”

Prepared by: teacher Zhukova A.N.

Target : Form the need for physical activity.Creating conditions for the consolidation of signs of winter.


  • systematize children's ideas about characteristic features winters;
  • create conditions for exploratory research activities;
  • create conditions to encourage children to engage in speech activity;
  • create conditions for organizing motor activity;
  • consolidate the main types of movements in outdoor games;
  • evoke an emotional response to exercise.

Materials and equipment:an envelope with a letter, snowflakes, a chest, a New Year's cracker toy. For research (pieces of ice for each child, strips of red cardboard, sticks for loosening snow). Buckets – 2 pcs. + 1 bucket that will hang on a birch tree, a large piece of ice with a letter from the Snow Queen frozen inside, emoticons

Walking progress:

Children and their teacher go for a walk. The postman meets them at the door and hands them a letter from the Snow Queen.

Educator: - guys, let's read and find out what the Snow Queen is writing to us about?

"Dear Guys! I invite you to visit my snowy kingdom"

Educator: Well, guys, do you want to go visit the Snow Queen? But I want to warn you that to get to the snowy kingdom you will need to go through a difficult path and complete all the tasks that the Snow Queen has prepared for you. Well, let's hit the road? (children's answers).

Educator: Oh wait, there's something else in the letter. Yes, this is a snowflake, and there is a riddle on it:

I'm standing in the taiga on one leg

Pine cones on top, bears below

Green in winter and summer

The dress is covered in needles, but my name is..... (Christmas tree)

Educator: That's right, a Christmas tree. I wonder why the Snow Queen asked us a riddle. Let's go up to the tree and look (the children find another chest under the tree)

Educator: What an interesting chest. What do you think might be in it? Look here another snowflake, and there are riddles in it:

1 riddle (1 task – conversation with children about winter)

Troika, troika has arrived

The horses in that trio are white

And the queen sits in the sleigh

White-haired, white-faced

How she waved her sleeve

Everything is covered in silver

Educator: Who is this riddle about? (about winter)

Do you like winter? Why?

Name the winter months (December, January and February)

What does "snowfall" mean?

Find signs of winter in our garden area (snow, frost, blizzard)

Why is snow loose (layer after layer of snow falls on the ground, and each layer is loose at first, because there is a lot of air between the snowflakes).

Educator: What a great fellow you are. And here on our snowflake there is another riddle:

Riddle 2 (task 2 – research activity)

What a tree! Needles

longer than a Christmas tree!

But it looks like a Christmas tree -

green all the time too.

Round cones stick out -

Here's some fun for the guys! (pine)

Educator: That's right, guys, you guessed right. Where does pine grow on our site? (they are looking for a pine tree, there is a New Year’s toy hanging on the pine tree, inside which is a task from the Snow Queen). They find a pine tree, the teacher asks:

Educator: Guys, what’s so unusual about this pine tree? But New Year It's already over, but the New Year's toy is hanging. I think this is a message to us from the Snow Queen. (they take off the toy, and there is a letter with a task)

Educator: Guys, the Snow Queen invites us to conduct one small but interesting study.

Research activity “Comparison of ice and snow.”Children find ice and snow.


  1. Take a little snow in one palm and a piece of ice in the other.

What do you feel? What do you have left on your palm? What can be concluded?

Conclusion : snow and ice are cold, composed of water

  1. What color is the snow? (white)

Does ice have color? So what is he like? (colorless)

Conclusion: Snow - white, ice is colorless.

  1. Take a strip of red cardboard and place it under the snow. Can we see what color the stripe is? - So what kind of snow? (Opaque).

Now put the strip under the ice. Do we see the color? So what kind of ice? (Transparent).

Conclusion: Snow is opaque, ice is transparent.

  1. Take the chopsticks. Try loosening the snow. It turns out? What kind of snow? (The snow is loose).

We cannot say the same about ice. But we can break the ice. So what is he like? (Ice is fragile).

Conclusion: Snow is loose, ice is fragile.

Educator: Well done guys, we completed this task. And here in the letter there is a riddle:

Painted in spring and summer

Green hair.

But apparently she overdid it;

I was left without hair in the winter.

Only white sundress

Fits a slender figure.

Educator: That's right, birch. Where do we grow birch? We have a lot of birch trees on our property, I wonder which birch the Snow Queen had in mind? I think there must be something unusual on it. Let's go look for such a birch. They find a birch tree on which a bucket hangs, and in the bucket there is a task:

It is necessary to fill these two buckets with snow, but not with a shovel and at a long distance.

Outdoor game “Hit the target”

Game description: Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in front of its bucket. At the signal, the children fill the buckets with snow using snowballs. The first team to fill the bucket with snow wins (while the children are playing, the teacher hangs a message from the Snow Queen on the birch tree).

Educator: Guys, haven’t you noticed that it’s somehow become very cold outside? This is probably very close to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. What can you do to avoid freezing? The game “Two Frosts” is being played

Outdoor game “Two Frosts”

Game description: The game takes place on two sites. “Kindergarten” and “house” are marked on opposite sides of the site. Two Frosts are selected - the drivers, and the rest of the guys are located behind the house line in one line. In the middle of the site - on the street - there are two Frosts. Frosts appeal to children:

We are two young brothers

Two Frosts are daring

I am Frost - Blue Nose

I'm Frost the Red Nose

Which one of you will decide

Should we hit the road?

Children (in chorus)

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

After these words, the children run from home to kindergarten. The frosts are hardening and freezing the boys. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed all the tasks and quietly reached the land of the Snow Queen. Oh, look, do you notice anything unusual? Look, there is some unprecedented bird up ahead. And she holds something in her beak. Let's come closer and see what it is. What an interesting piece of ice, and there is a letter in it. Yes, this is a letter from the Snow Queen. She writes that you are so good at coping with all her tasks, not being afraid of the frost and reaching the snowy kingdom. Unfortunately, she cannot meet you, but the Snow Queen has prepared a gift for you (the teacher treats the children with candy on behalf of the Snow Queen).

Educator: Well, guys, this is where our journey ends. Did you enjoy the trip? What do you remember about it? Now I suggest you take emoticons. If you liked the trip to the kingdom of the Snow Queen, then take a smile, and if you didn’t like something, then you can take another emoticon. Let's leave our smiles for the snow queen. Do you agree? It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.



Subject: "Road Trip"

Target : Repeat and consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules traffic.

Integration of educational areas:speech development, cognitive development, social and communicative development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.


Arouse a positive emotional response and a desire to take part in thematic entertainment.

Continue to learn to differentiate road signs, their classification.

Reinforce the idea that cars drive on the roadway, and people only walk on the sidewalk.

Cognitive development: secure knowledge of road signs and ability to follow them.

Social and communicative development:develop skills for safe behavior on the street, cultivate a sense of responsibility and careful behavior on the streets; foster friendly relationships between children during games.

Speech development:train children in expressive reading poems about road signs, develop dialogical speech, the ability to clearly and correctly name a road sign.

Artistic and aesthetic development:develop auditory attention.

Physical development:develop motor activity, speed of reaction, ability to correctly pass the baton.

Preliminary work with children:excursions around the village, conversations about children’s behavior on the street, tabletop didactic games, viewing illustrations, pictures depicting road signs, individually learning poems about road signs, viewing the presentation “Road Rules for Older Preschool Children.”

Methods: visual, reproductive.

Techniques: game situations, encouragement, speech stimulation, reminder, clarification, motivation, examination of illustrations.

Activities:gaming, communicative, productive, motor.

Equipment: road signs, a sign with a note, cut-out pictures of 2 signs, small traffic lights 3 pcs., a large electric traffic light, large cars, medals for each child, music "Train", songs "I am a little zebra" and "Remember the traffic rules" .

Form: entertainment.

Progress of entertainment.

The group includes a teacher dressed in a traffic light costume.

Traffic light: - Hello guys! Guess who came to visit you?

Children: - Traffic light.

Traffic light: - Correct.

I am the great Traffic Light,

Everyone has known it for a long time.

So that I don't get angry,

Know my rules.

Listen and remember

And always follow them.

The RED light came on

Stop, baby, there's no way through.

YELLOW light, look, it's on

Get ready says.

And the light turned on GREEN

Come in, my scientist friend.

Remember the traffic rules

Like a multiplication table!

But I wanted to bring my friends, the little traffic lights, with me, but they went for a walk and got lost. I am very upset, because we were going to visit our uncle Svetofor Ivanovich in the country of Traffic Lights. Everything is lost?! Will you help me find my friends?

Children : - Of course we will help.

Traffic light: - Waiting for us long road, you are ready?

Children: - Yes.

Traffic light: - Then we take the train and go on a road trip.

1st station. Kitchen.

In front of the kitchen there is a road sign "Food station", and opposite the sign "Recreation place"

Traffic light: Guys, what are these signs called?

Children: These are the signs “Food station” and “Recreation place”.

Traffic light: That's right, let's relax, and I have prepared riddles for you.

“Crossroads of Mysteries”

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and race on it.

Just drive better. (Bike)

What a miracle this house is!

There are a lot of passengers in it.

Shoes worn from rubber

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

Rushes and shoots

He grumbles quickly.

Can't keep up with the tram

Behind this chatter. (Motorbike)

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz -

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights. (Automobile)

To help you, my friend,

The path is dangerous

Lights burn day and night -

Green, yellow, red.

(Traffic light)

Four brothers are running -

They won't catch up with each other. (Wheels)

He will oblige us to go quietly,

Turning close will show

And it will remind you what and how,

You are on your way... (Road sign).

What is this zebra crossing on the road?

Everyone stands with their mouths open.

Waiting for the green light to flash

So this is... (Transition).

Four wheels

rubber tires,

Engine and brakes...

And what is it? (Car)

Like a multiplication table

Know the rules... (movements).

There are no clouds on the horizon,

But an umbrella opened in the sky.

In a few minutes

Got down…


Traffic light: Well done. It's time to refresh yourself.

Juice is poured for the children.

2nd station. Music hall.

At the entrance to the hall there is a sign with a note.

Traffic light: Guys, do you know this road sign?

Children : No, such a sign does not exist.

Children enter the music room.

Reading poems about road signs.

Give way sign

If you see this sign,

Know that he is there for a reason.

To avoid problems,

Make way for everyone!

No traffic sign

This sign is very strict,

Since he is standing on the road.

He tells us: “Friends,

You can’t drive here at all!”

No entry sign

The driver's sign is scary

Cars are prohibited from entering!

Don't try rashly

Drive past the brick!

No overtaking sign

Overtaking sign


In this place, it is immediately clear

Overtaking others is dangerous!

Pedestrian crossing sign

There's a land crossing here

People walk around all day.

You, driver, don't be sad,

Let the pedestrian pass!

Sign “No stopping without stopping”

You, driver, take your time,

See the sign, stop!

Before you continue on your way,

Don't forget to look around.

Sign "Pedestrian traffic prohibited"

In rain or shine

There are no pedestrians here.

The sign tells them one thing:

“You are not allowed to go!”

No Stopping Sign

Don't load the car here,

Don't park, don't brake.

This sign tells everyone:

“He who stands here is wrong!”

"Children" sign

There are children in the middle of the road,

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry,

Be careful, driver!

Sign "Feed" sound signal prohibited"

Hey driver, don't honk your horn

Don't wake up the sleeping ones with noise.

Don't scare passers-by with your horn,

After all, you yourself will go deaf too.

Road Works Sign

Road works sign.

Someone is fixing the road here.

You will need to slow down the speed

There are people on the road.

Wild Animals Sign

They wander here in the middle of the road

Moose, wolves, rhinoceroses.

You, driver, don't rush,

Let the hedgehogs pass first!

Hospital sign

If you need treatment,

The sign will tell you where the hospital is.

One Hundred Serious Doctors

There they will tell you: “Be healthy!”

Telephone sign

If you need to call

Whether home or abroad,

The sign will help, he will say,

Where to look for your phone!

Sign "Food station"

When you need food,

Then come here.

Hey driver, pay attention!

Food station coming soon!

If you're tired on the road,

If you go far,

Rest a little driver

A place has been reserved here. (Resting-place)

Traffic light: The poems were well told. What is the name of the path on the road along which pedestrians cross the street?

Children: Zebra.

The song "I am a baby zebra" is playing.

Traffic light: I hope you will only cross the road at the zebra crossing. Guys, who is this?

Behind the curtain, the children find a small traffic light.

Traffic light: Well, one of my friends was found. Let's move on.

On the way, children come across signs “Main road”, “Move straight ahead”, and a sign “Sharp turn”.

3rd station. Gym.

Game “Allowed - prohibited”

Crossing streets when the traffic light is green...(allowed)

Crossing the street in front of nearby vehicles...(prohibited)

Walking in a crowd along the sidewalk...(allowed)

Crossing the street using an underground passage...(allowed)

Crossing the street when the traffic light is yellow...(prohibited)

Helping old men and women cross the street...(allowed)

Cyclists clinging to passing cars...(prohibited)

Walking around vehicles parked on the sidewalk from the front...(prohibited)

Walk on the sidewalk on the left...(prohibited)

Running onto the roadway...(prohibited)

Riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars...(prohibited)

Chatting and laughing loudly in public transport...(prohibited)

Respect traffic rules...(allowed)

Game "Yes and no"

Are you crossing the road at a red traffic light? (No)

Do you only cross the road where there is a pedestrian crossing? (Yes)

Do you walk to kindergarten along the sidewalk? (Yes)

Are you playing on the road? (No)

Are you walking around the front of the bus? (No)

Should you give up your seat to older people on public transport? (Yes)

Outdoor game "Cars".

Children move, holding hoops, around the hall following traffic lights.

“Red” - we are standing in the garage (or going to the garage).

“Yellow” - getting ready for the trip.

"Green" - let's go.

Relay race "Collect a road sign"

Children are divided into two teams. They take turns running to the hoop, taking one puzzle at a time and returning. Then they collect the sign and say what it is called.

Traffic light: Well done guys, you did a great job with this task. But what is it?

The children find another small traffic light.

Traffic light: How great, all that’s left to find is just one little friend. Let's hit the road.

On the way there is a sign "Road works" and "Turn left"

4th station.

There is a small traffic light on the opposite side of the road.

Traffic light: Guys, we need to cross the road correctly to save the little traffic light from trouble.».

Target : Form in children senior preschool age basics of safe behavior on the street.

Tasks :

Educational objectives:

To consolidate children's knowledge about traffic rules, traffic signals and the need for them compliance for security;

Strengthen children's knowledge about the sidewalk and roadway;

Systematize children's knowledge about road signs and rules for crossing the street;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the police profession and its functions;

Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in public transport;

Give an idea of ​​the compass and how to use it;

Developmental tasks:

Develop children’s speech and motor activity, the ability to answer questions in complete sentences, and use explanatory speech;

Develop attentiveness when performing tasks, visual memory, caution and caution on the roads;

Educational tasks:

To foster in children a sense of collectivism and the ability to achieve their goals;

Foster a desire to know and follow traffic rules and observe them in everyday life.

Corrective tasks:

Development of children's visual attention;

Development of navigation skills in a large space.

Integration of educational areas: “Security”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”

Equipment : area with traffic rules markings, bottle with map, black mark, treasure chest, road signs, traffic police inspector costume, baton, steering wheel, bus tickets, compass.

Progress of the lesson:

Adults Children

Part I.

Pirate (jumps out of ambush):

Hello guys! I've been waiting for you here for a long time!

I have great grief! My"friends" are pirates They dropped me off on this island and sailed away on a ship. They said that they would take me back to the team if I found treasures... But how can I find them if I am used to walking on the seas, and not on land. And I don’t have a card? Oh, woe is me, woe!(crying)


Guys, what should I do?

Let's help pirate , not to leave him in trouble?


Really, can you help? Oh, thank you very much! What kind of island is this? Where did I end up?

Part II:


Pirates left me black mark. It tells you where look for a map.

(The word is encrypted"swing" ).

ABOUT! Map! I know this! Now let's see what seas you need to sail to find treasures!(looks at the map)

... I don’t understand anything... Where are the seas? Where are the oceans? Some lines and icons. There is no such thing in my maps, there are no such signs in the seas. What to do?

A! Understood! Thank you!

(crosses the road in the wrong place).

As in inappropriate? Here's the map. I need to come here...(shows).


So thank you guys.

Explained to me, Pirate,

How to cross the road

Find the path to the treasure!

(looks at the map)

There is some strange sign drawn here. What is this?


What other tickets?


Now it is clear!

Pirate (looks at the map):

We should go out here.

Look, there's a sign here again. What does it mean?

Hooray! The treasure is very close! All that remains is to overcome the obstacle course.

I know this, it's easy! Now I will teach you. I have a compass. He shows the sides Sveta : north (shows south, west and east. The blue compass needle always points north, and the red needle always points south. Which way do we need to walk 5 steps?

Thank you guys! Helped me find treasures, taught me observe Traffic Laws. For this I will share with you! Code Pirate!


Children's answers.

We will help, of course.

This is not an island, but the city of St. Petersburg.

They solve the encryption and find a bottle with a map.

We will help you Pirate . Do not worry! This is a map of roads in the city. Cars drive on them - it's called"roadway". And people walk on the sidewalks.

Traffic police inspector's whistle.


I wish you good health! What's the matter, citizen? Why are you crossing the road in the wrong place?


You can't cross the road like that. The guys will now tell you and show you how to cross the road correctly.

Children approach the pedestrian crossing, point to the traffic light and explain Pirate that you can only cross the road when the traffic light is green and at a pedestrian crossing.

It's a sign "Bus stop". So you need to take a bus and travel far.

Look. Here's the sign! This is a bus stop. Now the bus will arrive, let's sit down and go.

(A child approaches, the steering wheel is in his hands -"bus" )

The children and the Pirate “enter” the bus (stand in pairs) and “ride.”

Conductor approaches:

Buy tickets.

In transport you need to purchase tickets and pay for travel. You can’t make noise or push, you need to hold on to the handrails. These are the rules of behavior in transport.


Next stop"The quieter you go, the further you'll get".

They get off the bus.

This is an overpass.

We need to cross the road.(They go up the hill and slide down).

Built for the game"The quieter you go, the further you'll get".

Before starting mobile games two lines are drawn in the yard at a distance of 5-7 meters from each other. The driver stands at one line, and all the other children stand at the other. The players' task is to get close to the driver and touch his shoulder. The driver turns his back to the other players and speaks : "The quieter you go, the further you'll get! Stop!"

While driving pronounces the words, children can move. After the word"Stop!" everyone should freeze. The driver turns and looks to see if any of the children have moved. If someone moves, he must return back beyond the line from which he began to move. Then the driver turns away and everything repeats all over again. As soon as one of the players managed to get to the driver, he takes his place. Everyone else goes back over the line and the game repeats.

This "underground crossing".

You need to go underground.

(go under the slide to the obstacle course).

Children with Pirate go through an obstacle course, observing traffic rules.

What is this designation: Walk 5 steps south. How to determine this?

Towards the red arrow.

They find a treasure chest.

Nomination: quest games in kindergarten for senior and preparatory groups.

Game scenario - quest “My native land”

Goal: To foster love for the Motherland. Teach children to value and protect their native land, native land, cultivate a civic position, a sense of pride in one’s republic. Teach children to recognize the symbols and head of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Progress of the game
Host: Hello guys! Do you love to travel?
Children: Yes!

Then I am glad to welcome you to our game “Travel to the Native Land! You are ready?
Children: Yes!

Host: Oh, what are those sounds? It looks like someone is flying towards us!
(music sounds. Carlson flies in to the music)

Carlson: Wait, where are you going? And without me?
Host: Hello Carlson, the guys and I are going on a trip to our native land.
Carlson: What native land? I do not know what is this?
Host: What are you talking about, Carlson! Your native land is the place where you were born and live.
Carlson: What happens? I live Wo-o-o-n on that roof, is this my native land? You have completely confused me, I don’t understand anything!
Host: Don’t worry, Carlson, now the guys and I will explain everything to you! Get on the locomotive with us! We're hitting the road!
(children take each other and move to the first stop to the music)

Also Interesting games in preschool educational institution:

(At Pogovorkina Stop, children tell sayings about their native land)
Carlson: Wow! How many sayings do you know? And I can’t wait to find out what’s at the next stop?
Host: So what are we waiting for? Let's get on the locomotive!
(To the music, the children and Carlson move to the second stop.)

Voice: “Stop Flagkovaya”

Carlson: What's in the box here? (pours out rectangular pieces of cardboard from the box in three colors: black, red, blue)
Carlson: Oh! What have I done?!
Host: No problem, now the guys will help you put everything together! But you need to not only collect, but put each color in its own cell.
Host: Guys, do you recognize the flag of our republic?
Children: Yes!
Carlson: What do these colors mean?
(Children's answers)
Presenter: Hurry up and get on the locomotive! Our next stop awaits!
(children move to stop number 3)

Game scenario - quest for children of senior preschool age “My native land”

Voice "Zagadkin's Stop"

Carlson: How I love riddles!
(The presenter asks riddles on the topic native land)
Presenter: Our locomotive is leaving! Let's sit down quickly!

Voice: “Razukrashkin’s Stop”

Carlson: Wow! What a huge ball!
Host: This is not just a ball! This is our planet Earth.
Carlson: No, I saw our planet! It has a lot of green forests and blue oceans! But yours is not like that!
Host: Now we’ll decorate it!
(Children color the planet with crayons)
Presenter: The locomotive is leaving!
(Children move to the fourth stop)

Voice: “Stop Poetic”

Carlson: How I love poetry!
Host: Guys, do you know poems about our region?
Children: Yes!
(children recite poems)
Carlson: What wonderful poems!
Host: And the last stop awaits us!
(children move to the sixth stop)

Voice: “Stop Dancevalkin”

Carlson: Stop dancing? But I can't dance!
Presenter: And now we’ll teach you!
(Children dance flash mob).

Host: Our journey has come to an end. Carlson, now do you understand what your native land is?
Carlson: Yes, now I understand that there is nothing more valuable than the Motherland and native land! Thanks guys, I flew to my homeland. Goodbye!
Host: Have a nice trip!
Children: Goodbye!

Name: Game scenario - quest for children of senior preschool age
Nomination: quest tasks for children in preschool educational institutions

Position: teacher of the 8th tariff category
Place of work: preschool educational institution (nursery - kindergarten) No. 20 "Kalinka"
Location: Donetsk region, Kirovskoe city