The second one is called Apple, the third and last one is called Nut. The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is popularly called the Apple Savior. Orthodox believers celebrate it on August 19. MirSovetov will tell you about the traditions and features of this holiday.

Why is Spas called Yablochny?

Many are dedicated to the Apple Savior folk customs and traditions. But first of all, it is associated with the beginning of autumn, as well as significant changes in nature. This savior even has another name - autumn. And in church calendar This day is a holiday. This day is dedicated to remembering the transfiguration of Christ to his disciples. This event took place on Mount Tabor. Christian and pagan traditions are very interconnected, so the Transfiguration of the Lord among the people became better known as the Apple Savior.

This holiday borrows many folk traditions. For example, it got its name because it was at this time that the new grape harvest was ripening. In the same areas where it was not grown, people blessed apples. Before the onset of the Savior, it was not allowed to eat apples or any dishes made from them. But on the holiday itself, they harvested the harvest, blessed the apples in the church, and then broke their fast with them.

One of the main purposes of the Savior has been preserved to this day - the spiritual transformation of man.

What is another name for the holiday?

Apple Spas has other names. For example, it is also popularly known as Sredny Spas, as it is celebrated between Medov and Orekhov. Due to the fact that the mass harvest of peas began on this day, Apple Spas received another name - “pea”. By the way, sometimes people organized “Pea Day” for this occasion. People also used names such as “autumn” (associated with the arrival of autumn), “the second meeting of autumn.”

About the history of the holiday

For the first time, church sources remember the holiday at the beginning of the fourth century. The Gospel contains a description of the transfiguration of the Lord. It happened on the mountain in the presence of Christ’s closest disciples. At this time they all prayed intensely.

Orthodox believers celebrate this day on August 19th. The place where the Transfiguration took place is called the mountain in Galilee - Tabor. According to the Gospel descriptions, Christ climbed the mountain with his disciples to pray. At this time, His face shone brighter than the sun, His clothes became white and glowed. Two prophets from Old Testament. They talked with the Lord for a long time about the Exodus. Christ did not allow his disciples to talk about everything until he was resurrected.

Church significance of the event

For Orthodox Christians, the Transfiguration refers to the twelve feasts. In all churches, prayer services are held and canons are sung. The clergy wear ceremonial attire. The holiday is celebrated during the Dormition Fast. According to the regulations, the consumption of fish products, wine and oil is permitted. At the same time, the ban on eggs, meat and milk remains.

Folk traditions

People associate many interesting customs and signs with apple savior. People firmly believed in them, they believed that thanks to them they could stay healthy and achieve well-being for the whole family.

It is traditional to treat people to blessed apples in memory of all those who died. People believed that the more generously you feed them with delicious fruits, the better the Lord will treat their deceased loved ones.

If the parents of deceased children do not eat apples before the holiday, angels in heaven distribute them. Mothers who have lost their children are blessed on the day of the holiday and taken to their graves.

People also believed that on the day of salvation, apples acquired miraculous powers. If you take a bite of the fruit and at the same time make a wish, it will certainly come true.

People knew one more sign: it was a hot day - don’t expect snow in winter, but rainy weather foreshadowed the snowy winter months.

People believed that if a fly lands twice on this day, the person will be successful throughout the year. That’s why they said: “Be patient on the Savior, even with flies, so as not to miss your luck!”

A hot time for the villagers began with Apple Savior. The fruits are prepared for future use: all kinds of preserves and jams are made from apples, they are dried and soaked. And for the holiday itself, the hostesses prepared many dishes, which were then distributed to the poor and sick.

It was from this holiday that the harvest of spring crops began in the fields, as well as the sowing of winter crops. And folk healers at this time were preparing medicinal herbs. Among the people, these days were marked by mass celebrations.

Love bulk apples - expect excellent health

It is known that even in the diet of cavemen, apples were constantly present. And these wonderful fruits came to Europe thanks to the Romans. Today apples are one of the most famous fruits around the world. They can be consumed both fresh and in the preparation of many dishes. Today, housewives prepare all kinds of jams from them, make compotes and ciders, bake cakes and pies.

Doctors recommend eating at least one apple a day, as they contain a huge amount of all necessary for a person substances. In addition, they are very easily absorbed by the body and help maintain excellent health.

What can you make from tasty and healthy fruits?

Fruit dumplings.


  • 200 ml milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 170 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 500 grams of flour;
  • 30 grams of butter (butter);
  • 300 grams of sour cream;
  • 1 kilogram of fresh apples;
  • salt.

How to cook:

From milk, flour, one egg, butter, twenty grams of sugar and salt you need to knead the dough. Apples must be peeled. Remove the core. After this, cut the apples into small pieces, add 150 grams of sugar and a little water. Cook over low heat until the fruits soften, after which the apples need to be cooled.

The dough needs to be rolled out thinly. Place filling on each circle cut out of it. Form dumplings.

Cook the dumplings in boiling salted water over low heat for about 6-8 minutes.

Can be served with sour cream or any other sauce.

Apple charlotte “Gourmand”.


  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 3 large apples;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 8 eggs;
  • lemon;
  • butter.

How to cook:

Wash the apples and cut them into several pieces. Take out the core. Cut the apple pulp even finer, put it in a saucepan and pour in lemon juice. While the mixture is infusing, beat the eggs until foamy. Without stopping, add sugar in a small stream. Gradually add flour to this mixture. Stir carefully.

The baking tray or baking dish must be greased butter and sprinkle lightly with flour. Place the dough, apples and the remaining dough on it.

Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Apple soufflé.


  • sugar – 150 grams;
  • apples – 250 grams;
  • egg whites – 12 pieces;
  • butter – 10 grams;
  • powdered sugar – 20 grams.

How to cook:

Wash the apples, cut into several pieces and remove the core. Place the fruits on a baking sheet after adding a little water. Bake until done.

After the apples are cooled, they should be rubbed through a sieve. Add sugar to the apples in a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. When the mass becomes viscous and thick, add the whites, whipped into foam.

Grease a baking dish with butter.

Using a pastry syringe, pour the egg white mixture into the pan. Bake in the oven at 200°C. The finished soufflé can be decorated with powdered sugar if desired.

When is Apple and Honey Spas in 2017?

Remember, if you don’t know what date Apple Spas 2017 is, it is always the same date - August 19. Honey Spas comes before Yablochny on August 14th. Before the adoption of Christianity, there was paganism in Rus'. But when Vladimir Svyatoslavovich came to power, everything changed. During his reign the baptism of Rus' and the proclamation of Christian faith. But people did not want to give up pagan customs, and therefore some of them were included in the Christian calendar. Among them, - pagan holiday dedicated to the apple harvest.

History of Apple Spas

In ancient times there were many such holidays. People celebrated bread, mushroom, honey, berry and other Spas. On these days, festive rituals were organized that were dedicated to the Gods of the Savior. All of them were related to the yield of a particular fruit. Before eating the crop, its fruits were necessarily consecrated. Also on the Feast of the Savior, the souls of fallen soldiers were remembered.

Currently, Christians celebrate three Saviors - Honey, Nut and Apple. The latter began to be celebrated in the 4th century. On Mount Tabor, on August 19, Saint Helena erected a temple in honor of the Transfiguration. Lied to the Gospel The Transfiguration occurred on the 40th day after Easter. But the Orthodox Church moved the holiday to August 19 so that it would not coincide with the period of Lent.

After the Apple Feast, Orthodox people are allowed to eat apples and other fruits that were consecrated at the Divine Liturgy. On this day, Catholics celebrate the victory of the Christian people over the Turks near Belgrade.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is described by all the evangelists except John. Three of them convey the events of the past in the same words.

“Jesus invited Peter, John and James to pray on the mountain. While reading the prayer, the face of Christ was transformed: it was illuminated with light; and the clothes He was wearing became snow-white. A few minutes later the disciples saw 2 prophets: Moses and Elijah. They told Jesus about the events that would soon take place in Jerusalem. The disciples were very surprised by what they saw, but Christ forbade them to tell about this story until he was resurrected.”

August 19 at Orthodox churches is being done Divine Liturgy, during which proverbs are read and canons dedicated to the Great Transfiguration are sung. According to tradition, believers on this day should dress in white.

Rituals for Apple Spas are performed for 9 days. The main one is the lighting of apple fruits. There is a belief that fruits sprinkled with holy water have the aroma of apples that grew in the Garden of Eden.

Miracle fruit - apple

In ancient times, people used apple peels to tell fortunes. It was believed that in this way one could “see” the name of the future husband.

The modern word “pomade” comes from the French name for the apple variety “pomme”.

In America, the apple is considered a very popular fruit. Rockefeller started his business by trading apples, and later earned a decent fortune.

English doctors claim that if you eat at least one apple fruit a day, illnesses will go away.

In Rus', during the period of paganism and at present, believers celebrate. But if housewives used to bake apple pies and treated each other to apple jam, now everything is limited to the ritual of lighting fruits. Tradition says that every fruit grown on earth must be dedicated to God.

Many people attribute the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord magical powers. It is believed that a wish made on this day must certainly come true.

Apple Spas in 2019 is celebrated on August 19. This is a folk Christian holiday, the second of the three Spas. Its official church name is the Transfiguration of the Lord. People also call this day the Second Savior.

history of the holiday

Apple Spas replaced the pagan apple harvest festival. The first celebrations took place in the 4th century.

IN Orthodox Church The Apple Savior is dedicated to the transfiguration of Jesus Christ before the apostles Peter, John and James on Mount Tabor. When the Savior began to read the prayer, his face was illuminated by light, and his clothes became white. Descending from Tabor, he ordered his disciples to collect apples so that the Lord would consecrate them.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

Apple Spas has established church and folk traditions celebrations.

On this day, services are held in churches. Parishioners try to wear clothes to the service white. They bless baskets of fruits and berries in the church: apples, pears, plums, grapes.

In Apple Spas it is customary to show generosity and mercy. People make donations and provide fruit to the poor.

On this day, housewives begin to make preparations for the winter from apples: they make jams and compotes, and dry them. They bake pies and pancakes with fruit filling from lean dough.

Before the holiday, they try to harvest grain crops. On August 19, the grape and pea harvest begins.

On Yablochny Spas, people remember the memory of deceased relatives. It is customary to bring fruits blessed in the temple to the cemetery and leave them on the graves.

In Rus', autumn was celebrated on this day. People went out into the field and said goodbye to the sun. They believed that with its sunset, summer was leaving.

Before the holiday, parents whose children died did not eat apples. They believed that in the next world they would be given gifts for this - apples of paradise.

What not to do in Yablochny Spas

On this holiday, it is forbidden to engage in heavy physical labor, cleaning, sewing and knitting. From homework Only gardening and kitchen chores can be performed.

On this day you should not kill insects - this can scare away good luck. If a fly or wasp lands on any part of the body, you should not drive it away. It's worth waiting until she flies away on her own.

Signs and beliefs on Apple Spas

  • The weather is clear - autumn will be dry, rainy - wet.
  • The last piece of apple eaten that day has magical power. If you make a wish immediately after consuming it, it will come true.
  • If you treat a beggar with an apple on a holiday, then the next year will pass in abundance.
  • If a fly lands on your hand twice, then the person will have good luck all year.
  • Picking unripe apples on this day is a bad omen.


    So the Apple Savior came to us,
    You can taste the ripe apples now.
    Please accept my congratulations on this holiday,
    I wish you divine favor.
    So that apple trees give birth in your garden,
    And may everyone in your family be healthy.

What date is Apple Spas in 2020, 2021, 2022

2020 2021 2022
19 August Wed19 August Thu19 August Fri

Christians of the Eastern Rite celebrate the Second, or Apple Savior, on August 19. For consecration on this day, believers bring apples, pears and other fruits to church in a basket. This is one of the 12 largest church holidays.

When is Apple Savior celebrated:

Apple Spas traditions:

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, or more popularly known as the Second Savior or Apple Savior Eastern Slavs, has been known since ancient Russian times and the dead are usually commemorated on this day. The traditional dish on this day is baked apples, and they also make pies and strudels with apple filling.

The whole family was treated to blessed apples brought from the church.

Also, in some places, a tradition has been preserved among women whose children have died not to eat apples until the Apple Savior.

What is sacred on Apple Savior:



Ears of rye or wheat.

What not to do at Apple Spas:

On this day you cannot do anything around the house except cooking. Leave cleaning, sewing, washing, etc. for another day. It is also believed that insects should not be killed on this day.

Signs for Apple Spas:

Apple Spas means the onset of autumn and the transformation of nature. It is believed that the nights become colder after the Savior. In central Ukraine, from this day on the nights can be noticeably cold, which is why they say: “The Savior has come, prepare mittens in reserve!”

It is also believed that if the weather is dry and warm on this day, then it will be autumn, and vice versa, if it rains, it will be rich in precipitation.

From the conversation of Archpriest Maxim Kozlov in the program “Looking into Traditions,” you will learn what the Apple Savior is and what date it falls on in 2019.

What is Apple Spas?

Certificate from the editors of the portal “Orthodoxy and Peace”

What date is Apple Spas in 2019?

History of Apple Spas

Apple Spas is celebrated at the height of the summer harvest. Apples these days become ripe and juicy. People make preparations for the winter, cook apple jam, next to the calendar is the Feast of the Honey Savior.

Apple Spas is celebrated every year on the same day - August 19. The appearance of Jesus Christ before the apostles, His disciples, in the Divine nature is celebrated. On Mount Tabor, Jesus was with His close disciples when they saw the beautiful transfigured face of Christ, and a voice from heaven told them that before them was the Son of God. Thanks to this event, the Apple Savior is also called the Savior on the Mountain.

On this day, Orthodox Christians try to transform themselves internally, and although we are not given the opportunity to get closer to Divine holiness and purity, people try to change their lives, get rid of bad habits, and correlate their actions and thoughts with the Holy Scriptures.

Traditions of Apple Spas

On the evening before the holiday there is a big church service, and in the morning - liturgy with procession. Temples are decorated with lamps, and priests serve in festive white vestments on this day. Parishioners often bring with them baskets of apples, grapes and other tree fruits, as well as ears of wheat. After consecration, the fruits can be eaten.

On this day, believers ask to bless their crops. The main symbol of the holiday remains the apple, which is not eaten until it is consecrated. During the holiday, the Assumption Fast continues, so other restrictions on eating food also remain in force.

Previously, it was believed that on this day Angels treated the souls of dead children with apples in heaven, so it was customary to leave an apple on the grave of a deceased child. But this is nothing more than a secular belief that has nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Poems about the Apple Savior

Alexander Blok – Transfiguration

The mists open up,
Petrel on the wave,
Hurricanes fly by
In the endless heights.
On the bright day of Transfiguration
The madman's spirit is struck:
Out of bondage, out of confusion
He heard Your voice.
Now mournful, now poor,
In the bosom of the Eternal Father,
Close to You, in the pale azure
Longing for a new end...
Only one country in the fog
(Petrel on the wave) –
Restless desire
Together with God - on high.

Sergei Yesenin – Transfiguration