Sergei Kravtsov's first statements as Minister of Education of the Russian Federation turned out to be cautious. In particular, he announced continuity in the work of the ministry, which, apparently, does not apply to the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standards for general education, which were actively promoted by the previous leadership. Sergei Kravtsov believes that in this regard “we need to take a break.” How did the professional community react to this? We publish the opinions of experts and teachers!

For the first time, physics teacher Sergei Ivanov encountered penalty points at school in Kemerovo in the year the resolution on new system wages. Then, at a new place of work in Tyumen, he discovered several criteria in the evaluation sheets with penalty points - for example, for the presence of underachieving students or justified complaints from parents. “Doesn’t this system give rise to negligence and is it psychological pressure on the teacher?” – the teacher asks.

According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by 154 countries, the exploitation of child labor is prohibited. Despite the bans, this shameful phenomenon for the 21st century is thriving. Moreover, there is still no single legally verified and socially justified concept of “child labor” in the world. Arseny Rykov understood the problem on an international scale.

Terry Gilliam has been repeatedly called "the most imaginative director in the history of cinema." His films include 12 Monkeys, The Fisher King, The Brothers Grimm and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. In an exclusive interview with Teacher's Newspaper, the British director spoke about his works of the nineties, since it was during this period that the master’s unmistakable style took final shape.

Ecological dictation dedicated to the year of ecology – 2017

Exercise 1.

(correct answer – 1 point)

1. “Ecology” translated from Greek means:

a) “warmth and light”;

b) “plants and animals”;

c) “the science of home, housing”;

d) “nature conservation”.

2. Photoperiodism is the reaction of living organisms to change:

a) temperature regime;

b) air humidity;

c) the duration of daylight hours;

G) atmospheric pressure.

3. The part of nature that surrounds the organism and with which it directly interacts is:

b) ecological niche;

c) habitat;

d) environmental factor.

4. A loose thin layer of the land surface in contact with air environment characterized by fertility is:

a) lithosphere;

b) parent rock;

c) the earth's crust;

5.The habitat consists of:

a) predators affecting organisms;

b) light affecting organisms;

c) moisture affecting organisms;

d) alive and inanimate nature, affecting organisms.

6.According to the ability to populate any climatic zones has no equal:

a) sparrow;

c) person; d) bear.

7.Birds actively mark their territories:

a) excrement;

b) sounds;

c) feathers;

d) nests.

a) dung beetle;

c) gray mouse;

d) locusts.

a) limited living space;

b) abundant food supply;

c) the complexity of spread from one host individual to another;

d) protective reactions of the host body

10.Can't be found in one community next pairs plants:

a) medium plantain - acrid buttercup;

b) blueberry - blueberry;

c) cranberry - wild rosemary;

d) cornflower - sphagnum.

11.In one natural community with duckweed you can find:

b) lark;

c) frog;

d) gopher.

12.An individual is:

A) biological species;

b) a single living organism;

c) animal community;

d) family of living organisms.

13.Produce organic substances from inorganic:

a) viruses;

b) plants;

d) animals.

14.Green plants are called lungs of the planet", because they:

a) produce starch and cellulose; b) absorb starch and cellulose

c) absorb oxygen and produce carbon dioxide;

d) absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

15.The biological nature of man is manifested:

a) in the use of tools;

b) in articulate speech;

c) in food relations;

d) in submission to the laws of society.

    The recreational value of reservoirs lies in the fact that they:

a) are used as places of rest for people;

b) serve to receive drinking water;

c) used for watering livestock;

d) are used to irrigate fields.

    Urban growth and development, transformation rural areas to the city is:

a) agglomeration;

b) urbanization;

c) nationalization;

d) eutrophication.

    IN major cities As a rule, the main sources of air pollution are:

a) airplanes;

b) cars;

c) trains;

d) pedestrians.

    Acid rain is formed:

a) in the atmosphere;

b) in rivers, seas and oceans;

c) in the earth's crust;

d) in the soil.

    General name for chemicals used in agriculture for the destruction of weeds, pathogenic fungi and insect pests:

a) antibiotics;

b) pesticides;

c) phytoncides;

d) vitamins.

    Protection against noise pollution environment, as a rule, is carried out by:

a) zoning the territory of a populated area and moving noise sources outside the residential area;

b) organizing a transport network with highways passing through residential areas;

c) laying highways on high embankments;

d) cutting down green spaces along highways.

    An animal that can be used as a bioindicator of a reservoir is:

a) water lily;

c) caddisfly;

d) earthworm.

    The result of uncontrolled spread from other territories was the appearance in the European part of our country:

a) Canadian Elodea;

b) buttercup;

c) duckweed trilobed;

d) tansy.

    Specially protected natural areas in our country include:

a) a park of culture and recreation;

b) natural Park;

c) children's park;

d) zoological park.

    Profession of a person working with animals in nature reserves:

b) forester;

c) poacher;

d) inspector.

26The limiting factor for gray crows living in cities can be:

b) spruce seed harvest;

c) the number of foxes and owls;

d) the number and size of garbage dumps.

    A reasonable judgment is:

a) “the city has a bad environment”;

b) “the environment must be protected”;

c) “in our region the entire ecology is ruined”;

d) “ecology is the basis for rational environmental management.”

Task 2

Choose one correct answer out of four possible and justify in writing why you think this answer is correct (choosing the correct answer - 2 points; justification - from 0 to 2 points; total for the task - 4 points).

    In large cities, attempts have been made repeatedly to exterminate crows as “harmful” birds. From an environmental point of view, the most effective way regulation of the number of crows is:

a) catching and shooting;

b) breeding them natural enemies– stray dogs, cats;

c) destruction of nests and clutches;

d) elimination of unauthorized dumps.


    Forest fires are an extremely common occurrence. The average annual area of ​​forest fires on Earth is approximately 1% of forested area. Fire danger depends on the nature of the forest. For example, in summer in deciduous forests it is much lower than in coniferous forests. This is due to the fact that deciduous forests are characterized by:

a) less dense undergrowth and undergrowth;

b) high content in the air essential oils;

c) less attendance by tourists, hunters, mushroom pickers;

d) higher air humidity.


3. The development of cities is determined by the influence of a wide variety of environmental factors, among which the main ones are NOT:

A) geographical position;

b) hydrogeological and climatic conditions;

c) relief features;

d) species diversity


4. From meteorological phenomena most often have an impact on the health of Oboyans Negative influence:

a) dry winds;

b) earthquakes;

c) increase and decrease in temperature);

d) floods.


Task No. 3

Choose two correct answers out of six proposed answers (correct answer – 1 point; the correct answer is considered to be the choice of both correct options).

1. These sciences study different types of living beings, as well as their relationships with each other and with the environment:

1. History; 2) ecology;

4) geology;

5) biology;

6) physics.

2. Among the dangerous atmospheric phenomena, relate:

4) rainbows;

3. The levels of organization of living nature include:

1) biosphere;

2) noosphere;

3) hydrosphere;

4) atmosphere;

5) lithosphere;

6) ecosystem.

4. Removal of dead, windfall, windfall trees, as well as dead wood in city parks is carried out for the purpose of:

1) providing fuel to city boiler houses;

2) providing fuel to the local population;

3) fire prevention;

4) prevention infectious diseases plants;

5) improving the food supply of wood-boring beetles;

6) expansion of habitats for cavity-nesting birds.

5. Of the plants presented, indicators of acidic soils are:

1) common sorrel;

2) alfalfa;

3) common heather;

4) stinging nettle;

5) Sosnovsky's hogweed;

6) creeping wheatgrass.

6. Of the presented plants, indicators of air pollution are:

1) yellow capsule;

2) acrid buttercup;

3) bushy lichen;

4) creeping buttercup;

5) white water lily;

6) foliose lichen.

7. Were destroyed by man:

1) Steller's cows;

3) dodos;

4) malaria mosquitoes;

5) platypuses;

6) kangaroo.

8. Which of the following plants are listed in the Red Book of the Kursk Region:

1) Sosnovsky's hogweed

2) dandelion officinalis

3) big plantain

4) thin-leaved peony

5) meadow bluegrass

6) feather grass


Exercise 1.

Choose one correct answer out of four possible

(correct answer – 1 point)

Maximum amount points – 27

Task 2

(12 points)

    Answer d

In a number of large cities in Russia, attempts have been made repeatedly to regulate the number of crows: trapping, shooting, using pesticides, destroying nests and clutches. As a rule, these expensive measures, not to mention their inhumanity, did not produce a tangible effect and, at best, made it possible to reduce the number of crows for some time. The main way to combat this is to reduce the number of unauthorized landfills in the city, which are the main sources of food for birds.

    Answer d

The higher the air humidity, the less likely it is to ignite and spread fire. Deciduous forests are characterized by higher humidity due to a larger area of ​​evaporation of water from the surface of the leaves.

    Answer d

since high species diversity is not an environmental factor influencing urban development. On the contrary, as a rule, areas characterized by high species diversity, such as rainforests, are difficult to reach for people and, therefore, for the emergence of cities.

    Answer in

Sharp rises and falls in temperature can often lead to various diseases, including colds, as well as discomfort in people with cardiovascular diseases. Such temperature changes are not uncommon, especially in spring and autumn. We have quite a lot of dry winds, earthquakes and floods.

Task 3 (max. 8 points)

Choose two correct answers out of six proposed answers (correct answer – 1 point; the correct answer is considered to be the choice of both correct options).



Ecological dictation dedicated to the year of ecology – 2017

Exercise 1.

(correct answer – 1 point)

"Ecology" translated from Greek means:

a) “warmth and light”;

b) “plants and animals”;

c) “the science of home, housing”;

d) “nature conservation”.

Photoperiodism is the reaction of living organisms to change:

a) temperature regime;

b) air humidity;

c) the duration of daylight hours;

d) atmospheric pressure.

The part of nature that surrounds the organism and with which it directly interacts is:

a) area;

b) ecological niche;

c) habitat;

G)environmental factor.

A loose thin layer of the land surface in contact with the air, characterized by fertility, is:

a) lithosphere;

b) parent rock;

c) the earth's crust;

d) soil.

The habitat consists of:

a) predators affecting organisms;

b) light affecting organisms;

c) moisture affecting organisms;

d) living and inanimate nature that influence organisms.

It has no equal in its ability to populate any climatic zone:

a) sparrow;

b) tiger;

c) person;

d) bear.

Birds actively mark their territories:

a) excrement;

b) sounds;

c) feathers;

d) nests.

a) dung beetle;

b) louse;

c) gray mouse;

d) locusts.

a) limited living space;

b) abundant food supply;

c) the complexity of spread from one host individual to another;

d) protective reactions of the host organism.

The following pairs of plants cannot be found in one community:

a) medium plantain - acrid buttercup;

b) blueberry - blueberry;

c) cranberry - wild rosemary;

d) cornflower - sphagnum.

In one In the natural community with duckweed you can find:

a) wolf;

b) lark;

c) frog ku;

d) gopher.

An individual is:

a) biological species;

b) a single living organism;

c) animal community;

d) family of living organisms.

Produce organic substances from inorganic:

a) viruses;

b) plants;

c) mushrooms;

d) animals.

Green plants are called the “lungs of the planet” because they:

a) produce starch and cellulose;

b) absorb starch and cellulose;

c) absorb oxygen and produce carbon dioxide;

d) absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.

The biological nature of man is manifested:

a) in the use of tools;

b) in articulate speech;

c) in food relations;

d) in submission to the laws of society.

The recreational value of reservoirs lies in the fact that they:

a) are used as places of rest for people;

b) serve to obtain drinking water;

c) used for watering livestock;

d) are used to irrigate fields.

The growth and development of cities, the transformation of rural areas into urban areas is:

a) agglomeration;

b) urbanization;

c) nationalization;

d) eutrophication.

In large cities, as a rule, the main sources of air pollution are:

a) airplanes;

b) cars;

c) trains;

d) pedestrians.

Acid rain is formed:

a) in the atmosphere;

b) in rivers, seas and oceans;

c) in the earth's crust;

d) in the soil.

The general name of chemicals used in agriculture to destroy weeds, pathogenic fungi and insect pests:

a) antibiotics;

b) pesticides;

c) phytoncides;

d) vitamins.

Protection from noise pollution of the environment is usually carried out by:

a) zoning the territory of a populated area and moving noise sources outside the residential area;

b) organizing a transport network with highways passing through residential areas;

c) laying highways on high embankments;

d) cutting down green spaces along highways.

An animal that can be used as a bioindicator of a reservoir is:

a) water lily;

b) duckweed;

c) caddisfly;

d) earthworm.

The result of uncontrolled spread from other territories was the appearance in the European part of our country:

a) Canadian Elodea;

b) buttercup;

c) duckweed trilobed;

d) tansy.

Specially protected natural areas in our country include:

a) a park of culture and recreation;

b) natural park;

c) children's park;

d) zoological park.

Profession of a person working with animals in nature reserves:

a) e ger;

b) forester;

c) poacher;

d) inspector.

The limiting factor for gray crows living in cities can be:

a) carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere;

b) spruce seed harvest;

c) the number of foxes and owls;

d) the number and size of garbage dumps.

A reasonable judgment is:

a) “the city has a bad environment”;

b) “the environment must be protected”;

c) “in our region the entire ecology is ruined”;

d) “ecology is the basis for rational environmental management.”

Task 2

Choose one correct answer out of four possible and justify in writing why you think this answer is correct (choosing the correct answer - 2 points; justification - from 0 to 2 points; total for the task - 4 points).

  1. In large cities, attempts have been made repeatedly to exterminate crows as “harmful” birds. From an ecological point of view, the most effective way to regulate the number of crows is:

a) catching and shooting;

b) breeding their natural enemies - stray dogs, cats;

c) destruction of nests and clutches;

d) elimination of unauthorized dumps.



    Forest fires are an extremely common occurrence. The average annual area of ​​forest fires on Earth is approximately 1% of forested area. Fire danger depends on the nature of the forest. For example, in summer in deciduous forests it is much lower than in coniferous forests. This is due to the fact that deciduous forests are characterized by:

a) less dense undergrowth and undergrowth;

b) high content of essential oils in the air;

c) less attendance by tourists, hunters, mushroom pickers;

d) higher air humidity.


    The development of cities is determined by the influence of a wide variety of environmental factors, among which the main ones are NOT:

A)geographical position;

b)hydrogeological and climatic conditions;

V)relief features;

G)species diversity


4. Of the meteorological phenomena that most often have a negative impact on the health of Ooyan residents:

a) dry winds;

b) earthquakes;

c) increase and decrease in temperature);

d) floods.


Task No. 3

1. These sciences study different types of living beings, as well as their relationships with each other and with the environment:

1. History; 2) ecology;

3) ethics;

4) geology;

5) biology;

6) physics.

2. Dangerous atmospheric phenomena include:

1) hail;

2) thunderstorms;

3) thunder;

4) rainbows;

5) rains;

6) winds.

3. The levels of organization of living nature include:

1) biosphere;

2) noosphere;

3) hydrosphere;

4) atmosphere;

5) lithosphere;

6) ecosystem.

4. Removal of dead, windfall, windfall trees, as well as dead wood in city parks is carried out for the purpose of:

1) providing fuel to city boiler houses;

2) providing fuel to the local population;

3) fire prevention;

4) prevention of infectious plant diseases;

5) improving the food supply of wood-boring beetles;

6) expansion of habitats for cavity-nesting birds.

5. Of the plants presented, indicators of acidic soils are:

1) common sorrel;

2) alfalfa;

3) common heather;

4) stinging nettle;

5) Sosnovsky's hogweed;

6) creeping wheatgrass.

6. Of the presented plants, indicators of air pollution are:

1) yellow capsule;

2) acrid buttercup;

3) bushy lichen;

4) creeping buttercup;

5) white water lily;

6) foliose lichen.

7. Were destroyed by man:

1) Steller's cows;

2) beavers;

3) dodos;

4) malaria mosquitoes;

5) platypuses;

6) kangaroo.

8. Which of the following plants are listed in the Red Book of the Kursk Region:

1) Sosnovsky's hogweed

2) dandelion officinalis

3) big plantain

4) thin-leaved peony

5) meadow bluegrass

6) feather grass


Exercise 1.

Choose one correct answer out of four possible

(correct answer – 1 point)

Maximum number of points – 27

Task 2

(12 points)

    Answer d

In a number of large cities in Russia, attempts have been made repeatedly to regulate the number of crows: trapping, shooting, using pesticides, destroying nests and clutches. As a rule, these expensive measures, not to mention their inhumanity, did not produce a tangible effect and, at best, made it possible to reduce the number of crows for some time. The main way to combat this is to reduce the number of unauthorized landfills in the city, which are the main sources of food for birds.

    Answer d

The higher the air humidity, the less likely it is to ignite and spread fire. Deciduous forests are characterized by higher humidity due to a larger area of ​​evaporation of water from the surface of the leaves.

    Answer d

since high species diversity is not an environmental factor influencing urban development. On the contrary, as a rule, areas characterized by high species diversity, such as tropical forests, are difficult to access for people and, therefore, for the emergence of cities.

    Answer in

Sharp rises and falls in temperature can often lead to various diseases, including colds, as well as discomfort in people with cardiovascular diseases. Such temperature changes are not uncommon, especially in spring and autumn. We have quite a lot of dry winds, earthquakes and floods.

Task 3 (max. 8 points)

Choose two correct answers out of six proposed answers (correct answer – 1 point; the correct answer is considered to be the choice of both correct options).










1, 2


3, 4

1, 3





“The biosphere has more than once passed into a new evolutionary state... We are experiencing this even now, over the last 10-20 thousand years, when man, having developed a scientific thought in the social environment, creates in the biosphere a new geological force that has never been seen before. The biosphere has moved, or rather, is moving into a new evolutionary state, being processed by the scientific thought of social man.”









11. This natural monument is





















Questions of the educational campaign “Ecological dictation”

1. Who and when was the term “Ecology” introduced?


2. Name 4 laws (axioms) that B. Commoner formulated in 1974


3. Who does this statement belong to and what is it about?

« Biosphere more than once passed into a new evolutionary state... We are experiencing this even now, over the last 10-20 thousand years, when a person, having developed scientific thought in the social environment, creates a new geological force in the biosphere, never seen before.Biosphere has passed, or rather is moving into a new evolutionary state, being processed by the scientific thought of social man.”


4. Can an excess of territory in which a population lives hinder the growth of its population? What populations can this happen to?


5. Acclimatization, from an environmental point of view, is a very dangerous process. What is dangerous about it for the organism itself brought to its new place of residence?


6. What is an invasive species? Give examples of such species on Lake Baikal.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Why do gophers settle in disturbed biotopes?


8. What is the most common substance in the biosphere?


9. The system of repeated observations, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors is called


10. How many reserves of regional significance are there in Buryatia?


11. This natural monument is


12. List specially protected natural areas (SPNA) federal significance around Baikal


13. What is the name of the only natural park in Buryatia?


14. What is the largest fish in Baikal?


15. Lake Baikal is under the protection of an international intergovernmental organization, specialized institution UN. What is it called?


16. Baikal is the only fresh water body where gas hydrates have been found. What are they and what do they mean for the future?


17. In the literature about Baikal, the phrases “Baikal region” and “Baikal region” are used natural area" What is meant by these terms?


18. What gas is dissolved in the entire thickness of Baikal water to the very bottom?


19. What features of growth and development are characteristic of plants growing around Lake Baikal?


20. What is the reason for the pronounced local endemism of the fauna of the Ushkany Islands?


21. When and who first depicted Baikal on the map?


22. What was the subject of study of G.G. Doppelmair’s expedition, and how did this expedition end? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. The boundaries of which protected area in the Republic of Buryatia completely coincide with the administrative boundaries of the region?


  1. How many districts of the Republic of Buryatia are located in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory?


  1. Which department in the Republic of Buryatia was created for the functioning of protected areas of regional significance?


Biological dictations

1. Instead of dots, choose the appropriate terms.

a) The science of the patterns of relationships between organisms, species, communities and their environment is...(ecology) .

b) The body’s reaction to the length of the day is ...(photoperiodism) .

c) There are three groups of environmental factors: …, …, …(abiotic, biotic, anthropogenic) .

d) Relief, soil, climate, air - these are ... factors(abiotic) .

e) Producers of organic matter are...(producers).

f) A community of organisms inhabiting the same territory, interconnected by food chains and influencing each other - ...(biocenosis) .

g) Plants use energy to synthesize organic substances...(sun).

h) A temporary state of the body in which life processes are slowed down to a minimum and all visible signs of life are absent - ...(anabiosis) .

i) A stable self-regulating system in which organic components are inextricably linked with inorganic ones - ...(biogeocenosis) .

j) Destroyers of organic residues are...(decomposers).

k) Herbivorous and carnivorous animals - ...(consumers).

m) The length of the food chain is characterized by...(loss of E).

n) The biological productivity of biocenoses is determined by...(biomass).

o) All types of plants and animals that form a given biogeocenosis are its...(species composition).

o) The number of individuals of a given species per unit area or volume – ...(population density).

p) The replacement of one type of community by another over a certain period of time - ...(succession).

2. Fill in the gaps in the text.

Producers of organic matter in the biocenosis are...(green plants). They use …(solar) energy in the process...(photosynthesis). Organisms that consume finished organic substances are called...(consumers). The main role in the mineralization of organic matter belongs to...(to decomposers) , whose representatives may be...(mushrooms) And …(bacteria) .

3. Fill in the gaps by choosing one word from the pair in brackets.

Key: a) does not threaten; b) weak; c) aggressive; d) have; e) do not have; f) do not have; g) do not have; h) big.

4. Give an explanation of the terms:

ecological system, biogeocenosis, biocenosis, producers, consumers, decomposers, abiotic factors, biotic factors, anthropogenic factors, optimal factor, limiting factor, endurance limit, photoperiodism, seasonal rhythm, biological clock, anabiosis, agrocenosis, food chains, food networks, rule ecological pyramid, change of biogeocenoses, restoration of biocenosis, self-regulation in biogeocenosis.

5. Digital dictation.

Decide whether a given proposition is correct or incorrect; write down the numbers of the correct judgments.

1. Biocenosis is a community of organisms in their relationship with the environment.

2. Ecosystems consist of living and nonliving components, called biotic and abiotic, respectively.

3. Relief, climate, soil, air - abiotic factors of the external environment.

4. The signal for seasonal changes for plants and animals is the ambient temperature.

5. All the energy supplied to plants from the Sun is spent on the synthesis of organic substances.

6. The intensity of the factor that is most favorable for the life of the organism is called the optimum.

7. Some bacteria use energy released during chemical reactions to create the food they need.

8. Consumers decompose organic residues into inorganic compounds.

9. The role of producers is the synthesis of organic substances.

10. Most ecosystems include herbivores and carnivores.

11. Fungi and microorganisms are consumers.

12. The length of the food chain of living organisms is limited by the loss of energy at each trophic level.

13. Secondary consumers are herbivorous animals.

14. Length daylight hours plays a leading role in seasonal changes.

15. The food chain has no more than 3–5 links.

16. In the desert, the limiting factor in ecosystem productivity is temperature.

17. The productivity of the oceans depends on nutrients, sunlight and heat.

18. Nutrients undergo a continuous cycle in the ecosystem.

19. In a food web that includes herbaceous plants, locusts, dung beetles, spiders, sparrows, and hawks, the first-order consumer is the hawk.

20. The population size of any species of animal or plant depends on the balance of birth and death of individuals.

22. In nature, a change in biogeocenosis occurs in the direction from more stable to less stable.

23. Distribution various types plants is determined by climatic and soil factors.

6. Distributive dictation.

Which of the following provisions apply to agrocenoses? (A) , and which ones - to biogeocenoses (B) .

1. Consist of large number species.

2. Capable of self-regulation.

3. Incapable of self-regulation.

4. Consist of a small number of species.

5. All nutrients absorbed by plants are returned to the soil over time.

6. A significant part of the nutrients is removed from the soil.

7. The only source of energy is sunlight.

8. Basic driving force evolution is artificial selection.

9. The main driving force of evolution is natural selection.

10. Prosperity, conservation and high productivity are linked to human activity.

Key: A – 3, 4, 6, 8, 10; B – 1, 2, 5, 7, 9.

7. Distributive dictation.

Classify the factors listed below as abiotic (A) and biotic (B) .

a) Chemical composition of water;

b) plankton diversity;

c) humidity, soil temperature;

d) the presence of nodule bacteria on the roots of legumes;

e) water flow speed;

f) soil salinity;

g) plant diversity;

h) chemical composition air;

i) the presence of bacteria in the air.

Key: A – a, c, d, f, h;B – b, d, g, i.

8. * Digital dictation.

1. The biosphere is the shell of the Earth inhabited by living organisms.

2. The ozone layer is located in the troposphere.

3. The outer hard shell of the globe is called the mantle.

4. The reproduction of organisms determines the pressure of life and the density of life.

5. The efficiency of plants using solar energy in the process of photosynthesis is 0.1–0.5%.

6. Boron is one of the universal biogenic elements.

7. The speed of reproduction and the wide distribution of microorganisms determine their colossal role in the biosphere.

8. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are chemosynthetic bacteria.

9. The noosphere is the “intelligent shell of the Earth.”

9. Letter dictation.

From the information provided for each question, select those letter designations after which the correct answers are given.

1. The founder of the doctrine of the biosphere is:

a) Dokuchaev;

b) Vernadsky;

c) Liebig.

2. The ozone layer is located:

a) in the troposphere;

b) stratosphere;

c) ionosphere.

3. Biogenic migration is a cycle:

a) organic substances;

b) energy;

c) elements that make up organisms.

4. Universal nutrients include:

a) boron;

b) carbon;

c) vanadium.

5. The highest density of life on land is observed:

a) in the tundra;

b) broad-leaved forest;

c) tropical forest.

6. The most important role in the evolution of the biosphere was played by the appearance in the Earth’s atmosphere:

a) oxygen;

b) carbon dioxide;

c) nitrogen.

7. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as a result of anthropogenic impact can cause:

a) climate changes;

b) formation of fossil remains;

c) the appearance of ozone holes.

8. Non-renewable energy resources include:

a) peat;

b) oil;

in the forest.

9. The main reason for the demographic explosion is:

a) increasing the birth rate;

b) occupation of new habitat areas;

c) reduction in mortality.

10. Letter dictation.

1. The term “biosphere” was first used by:

a) K. Linnaeus;

b) E. Suess;

c) J.-B. Lamarck;

d) V.I. Vernadsky.

2. The doctrine of the biosphere was created:

a) C. Darwin;

b) E. Suess;

c) V. I. Vernadsky;

d) A.I. Oparin.

3. Living matter is called:

a) biomass of producers moving to the second level in the food chain;

b) mass, formed by bodies dead organisms;

c) the totality of all living organisms on Earth;

G) minerals formed during the decomposition of living organisms.

4. At an altitude of 16–20 m in the atmosphere there are:

a) animals;

b) plants;

c) spores, pollen, bacteria;

d) there is no correct answer.

5. Inert substance is:

a) animals, plants, mushrooms;

b) gas, peat;

c) rocks formed as a result of volcanic eruptions;

d) soil, silt.