Djungarian hamster very kind and sociable rodent. Usually this furry animal is kept for children. Dzhungarik quickly gets used to people and instantly becomes tame. But, despite its small size, the hamster must be carefully looked after and monitored for its health. What do you need for care? You will learn this and much more in our article.

General information about the Djungarian hamster

Djungarian hamsters have the following characteristic features:

  • length adult usually no more than 10 cm, and weight about 35-40 grams;
  • the tail is very short, it is almost invisible under the fur;
  • a dark stripe runs along the entire surface of the back (it is this feature that distinguishes dwarf hamsters from other hamsters);
  • hamsters of this breed have a gray or dark gray coat;
  • in nature they can be found in the steppes of Western and Eastern Siberia, Kazakhstan, as well as Mongolia;
  • the eyes are round and coal-black;
  • The dzhungarik hamster is a crepuscular animal, therefore daytime he will sleep, and becomes active closer to night;
  • The lifespan of such a hamster is no more than 2-3 years, subject to proper and timely care.
hamsters are cute, unpretentious and take up little space in the apartment

How to choose a hamster in a pet store?

If you want to buy a Djungarian hamster, but don’t know what criteria to choose, then the following tips can help you:

  • pay attention to the age, it is best to buy a 1-month-old or 2-month-old baby, since it is the babies who quickly become tame and easily get used to a new home and owner;
  • Find out the sex of the hamster from the seller, because males are considered more friendly, so you should pay attention to them (females are very aggressive, especially during molting or pregnancy);
  • take a closer look at the activity of this or that hamster, choose the most nimble, cheerful and curious animal;
  • take an interest in the health status of the dzhungarik that you liked the most, namely, examine its eyes (they should be shiny), the coat cannot be bald or bald, the nose is dry, without any discharge;
  • Be sure to find out about your vaccinations.

proper nutrition hamsters are the key to good health, vigor and beautiful fur

Necessary for care

To care for your Djungarian hamster you will need the following accessories:

Each owner decides for himself what kind of housing to buy for a dwarf hamster. Usually a cage or aquarium is purchased for hamsters. Let's find out about them in more detail.


In order to choose a comfortable and high-quality cage for your pet, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not forget that hamsters move quite a lot, so the cage must be spacious and free for the rodent to move;
  • for one animal a cage measuring 40x40 cm will be enough, and if 2, 3 or more animals live, then it is necessary to choose a more spacious “room”;
  • It is not recommended to put the hamster in a cage with plastic or wooden rods that the hamster can easily chew through; the best option in this case would be a metal cage;
  • it is possible to purchase a home with 2 or more floors; in such a cage it will be interesting for the hamster to run and play;
  • pay attention to the distance between the rods, it should not be more than 5-10 mm, since dzhungarikas are quite dexterous animals and can easily get out through the wide rods;
  • make sure that the door fits tightly and does not have any gaps;
  • At the base of the cage there must be a plastic tray on which you will pour bedding and place various accessories.

Now let's decide on the location. It is strictly forbidden to place the cage in places where:

  • direct sunlight passes through;
  • there are batteries and heaters;
  • there are household appliances;
  • noisy devices are located such as a TV, computer, radio, stereo system, etc.;
  • strong draft.



It is believed that sometimes an aquarium is much more convenient to use than a cage. Despite the fact that the bars of the cage are made of metal, they are still covered with enamel on the outside, which the hamster will gnaw on over time. Moreover, the exposed steel part gradually begins to become covered with rust over time. When choosing an aquarium, you must consider the following criteria:

  • the aquarium should be much larger than the cage, because air circulation in such a closed space is much worse;
  • the minimum dimensions of an aquarium for one hamster are 40x100 cm;
  • a special mesh lid must be placed on top;
  • At the bottom of the aquarium you should install everything you need: a ladder, a wheel, a feeder, a drinker, etc.


As mentioned above, hamsters mostly sleep during the day, so for this they need a small house, which you install in a cage or aquarium. Typically, such houses are made of wood or plastic and have a round hole in the middle through which the animal gets inside. The bedding for such a house can be sawdust, a soft flannel cloth or hay.


For a dwarf hamster you will need 2 separate feeders: for natural food and for dry food. The food container should be made of ceramic or stainless steel so that the animal cannot knock it over or chew it. Floor feeders are usually placed in an aquarium, since they cannot be attached to the wall. For the cage, hanging bowls are usually chosen, which are attached with special hooks to the rods.

Drinking bowl

For a cage, in most cases, they purchase a drip-type drinker, which is quite simply attached to the rods, but with an aquarium everything is much more difficult. For an aquarium, you can purchase a heavy ceramic bowl, and its depth should be at least 5 cm so that the hamster cannot knock it over. There is also a suction cup drinker that can be attached to the wall of the aquarium.

drinking bowl


Special sawdust is used as filler, which softens the lower part of the cage or aquarium and makes the dzhungarik's movement more comfortable. Hamsters also love to bury themselves in sawdust or build small burrows out of them.


Djungarian hamsters are very active animals. It is extremely necessary to purchase a special running wheel on which your pet will do “exercises”. When choosing a wheel, pay attention to its diameter. Usually it is at least 18 cm. The path along which the animal will run must be rubberized, which is important for ease of use.


Mineral stone

Mineral stone is necessary for grinding teeth, as well as obtaining important microelements and vitamins. Typically, such a stone is attached using a special clothespin, which comes with the kit. Among the useful substances that make up the mineral stone are calcium, zinc, iodine, cobalt and much more.

Tunnel and ladder

To prevent your pet from getting bored, install a small ladder and tunnel in the cage or aquarium, along which the hamster will be happy to climb. These accessories are usually made of durable plastic, which will be quite difficult to chew.

Sand bath

Djungarian hamsters love to wallow in mineral or quartz sand. To do this, install a small container in his home in which the hamster will “bathe”. This bath is considered an excellent alternative to water procedures. After all, the owner does not need to think about how to properly bathe the animal in water. In a sand container, the rodent will do everything himself, following his natural instincts.

  • "Shustrik" - anthelmintic suspension for rodents;
  • "BioVax" - spray lotion against fleas for rodents;
  • "Dirofen" - suspension for deworming rodents;
  • "Bars" - spray against fleas, scabies mites and lice mites.

How to feed your pet correctly?

In order for your pet to be healthy and cheerful, it is important to follow the rules of feeding it. A hamster's diet, despite its tiny size, must be balanced, of high quality, and also contain many useful substances, vitamins and minerals.

Basic dietary requirements

The Djungarian hamster's diet should include both natural products and dry granular food. Under no circumstances should you overfeed your pet; for dwarfs, 2-3 teaspoons of food a couple of times a day is enough; also, do not forget to constantly give your pet fresh herbs, fruits, vegetables and water, which needs to be changed daily.

Pelleted feed

Dry food for hamsters and other rodents is usually available in the form of granules consisting of various herbs; pumpkin and sunflower seeds, dried vegetables, fruits and much more can also be found in the mixture. The following foods for hamsters are considered the most popular and high-quality:

  • "Little one";
  • "Waka";
  • "Zhorka";
  • "Fiory";
  • «Сriceti Grandmix;
  • "Vitacraft Menu".

Natural products

  • cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • green salad;
  • carrots, zucchini;
  • corn;
  • apples, bananas;
  • apricots, peaches;
  • once a week it is allowed to give boiled chicken or turkey;
  • boiled chicken egg;
  • cherries, currants, cherries;
  • beets, celery;
  • clover, nettle;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • plantain leaves;
  • parsley.

Prohibited Products

  • onion garlic;
  • citrus fruits of all types;
  • watermelon, melon;
  • acorns;
  • cabbage of all kinds;
  • mint;
  • eggplant;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • spicy, salty, fried;
  • pasta;
  • bread;
  • sweets;
  • juices;
  • potatoes and potato peelings;
  • rose hip;
  • Red beans;
  • muesli;
  • Brazilian nut.

All of the above products are prohibited for Djungarian hamsters for the following reasons:

  • may cause constipation;
  • injure the cheek pouches;
  • cause severe poisoning;
  • have high fat content;
  • provoke an allergic reaction.

The Djungarian hamster is a pet that will not cause any unnecessary trouble to its owner. The most important thing is to monitor your pet’s nutrition, care for it, and in case of any illness, immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Many are convinced that Djungarian hamsters are ideal pets. This opinion is explained by the fact that jungarians are completely unpretentious in food and care, children really like them and do not require significant maintenance costs. And even adults will enjoy watching funny kids and studying their unusual habits and behavior.

If you want a pet for a long time made you happy good health And great mood, approach his choice responsibly. Determining whether an animal is healthy is not at all difficult. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • The animal's fur should be shiny and free from bald spots.
  • Clear eyes, absence of suppuration and spots are an important indicator of the animal’s condition.
  • Be sure to inspect the animal's anus and the fur around it. They shouldn't be dirty. Diarrhea often indicates an infectious disease.
  • The nose should be clean and pinkish in color.
  • If the dwarf is sleeping, be sure to wake him up and observe his behavior. Hamsters are very active by nature. Lethargy may be caused by illness or severe stress, which often happens in crowded and stuffy cages of a pet store. Animals are known to be more susceptible to illness during times of stress, so avoid purchasing.

Djungarian hamster

Many people can't decide if it's an animal what gender choose. If you do not plan to engage in breeding, then the issue of gender is not important for you. It is known that the character, habits and behavior of Djungarians do not depend on this factor.

Don't forget to think about the question transporting the pet home. To transport a hamster, veterinarians recommend purchasing a special carrier. At the bottom you should put a little sawdust, as well as a few pieces of carrots. If transportation will take more than 2 hours, be sure to provide the animal with access to water by hanging a drinking bowl.

You can carry a hamster in your arms only if it is not afraid of you and the journey will take no more than half an hour. This method is completely unsuitable for the first transportation of dzhungarika home.

What do you need for a dzhungarik?

Minimum set

In order for the Djungarian hamster to live at least some time in your house, he will need a cage (even the smallest one, in extreme cases an aquarium or 3-5 liter jar) for living, food (it can be placed directly on the bottom of the cage) and a drinking bowl. That is, the minimum Spartan set of dzhungarik looks like this:

  • mini cage
  • drinking bowl

Optimal set

For a normal life for a hamster, it is advisable to buy a larger cage. It would be convenient to feed him from a special feeder. For physical development buy him a wheel and a house for relaxation. It is advisable to place filler at the bottom of the cage to keep the hamster’s home clean longer and soften its falls.

Therefore, the standard list of necessary things for Djungarian hamsters looks like this:

  • Medium cage
  • Feeder
  • Drinking bowl
  • House
  • Wheel
  • Cage filler

With such a set, the hamster will feel quite comfortable and cozy.

Ideal option - all inclusive

If you spare no expense and want to create excellent living conditions for your hamster, then you will need to purchase everything from the previous option. But it is advisable to buy a larger cage: a two-story one with special pipes that replace underground burrows for the hamster.

In addition, the dwarf will happily chew on a special chalk stone for grinding down teeth, eat special treats in addition to the main food, occasionally walk around the apartment in a special ball and bathe in fine sand.

Here is our ideal list of things to keep a Djungarian hamster:

  • Spacious and comfortable cage
  • House
  • Feeder (preferably divided into two compartments);
  • Drinking bowl
  • Wheel (necessarily solid or with a fine mesh);
  • Cage filler
  • Chalk stone
  • Swimming bath and sand
  • Walking ball
  • Goodies

Additional chips

Sometimes bring tree branches to your dwarf. Hamsters love to chew on them. And also sometimes pamper him with special toys for hamsters, including edible ones.

  • Twigs
  • Toys

Djungarian hamster cage

To adaptation period passed easily and calmly for your pet, be sure to equip him with a comfortable home. Now in a pet store you can buy any kind of cages for dzhungarikas, from the simplest and most budget ones, to “palaces”, which are not cheap. Let's look at the pros and cons of various cells.

Traditional cage with bars

This option is good because the hamster can actively exercise by climbing the rods. He will also be provided comfortable temperature and constant fresh air.

The main disadvantages are the noise that the pet will make in it at night, and dirt. Be prepared for the fact that while running and playing, the hamster will spread the filler all over the floor surrounding the cage.

Also, the cage is not suitable for those who have other pets. A cat or dog can easily get to the dungeon through the bars.


Many readers ask: “Is it possible to keep a dwarf in an aquarium?” We answer: “It’s possible. But there are also disadvantages to this option.”

In the case of an aquarium, the night noise of your pet will practically not bother you. But there are a lot of disadvantages: difficulty in cleaning, difficult flow of fresh air and lack of exercise.

Plastic house

Such a cage will become a real paradise for your dwarf! Many pipes, manholes and secluded corners will provide him with an active and fun pastime. The only disadvantage of such a house is its high price. Remember that you can equip a simple cage yourself - it is much cheaper.

Be sure to buy your pet a small house. He will be able to sleep, relax and hide in it, which will make his life much more comfortable. It is worth giving preference to a wooden house. They are less durable than plastic ones, but chewing on them is harmless.

Some hamsters happily live in hanging houses. They are perfect if the cage is small or very crowded.
There are also thatched houses. It is not suitable as a main home. But if you are looking for something to pamper your dwarf, think about this purchase.


The key to your pet's health is proper nutrition. Try to feed the dwarf at the same time. 7-8 am and 8 pm are ideal when the hamster starts to wake up.

Morning feeding should include succulent food, protein and boiled vegetables. In the evening, you should give the dzhungarik dry food, cereal and some kind of treat.

If you are caring for a pregnant female, feed her 4 times a day at regular intervals.

Main menu

The basis of the Djungarian diet should be:

  • dry food designed specifically for Djungarian hamsters;
  • nuts (except almonds) and seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • grain sprouts;
  • cereals;
  • seedless berries (grapes are allowed in small quantities);
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • non-starchy vegetables, cooked without salt;
  • fresh herbs, lettuce leaves;
  • leaves and dried twigs of deciduous and fruit trees;
  • rose petals (purchased from flower shop are not suitable because they have been treated with pesticides);
  • carob and homemade crackers as a treat.

Extra menu

Protein component of the menu (several times a week in small quantities):

  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • lean boiled fish;
  • natural yogurt, kefir and cottage cheese;
  • boiled egg white.

As complementary food for sick, thin or pregnant hamsters, you can use baby food without salt and sugar, porridge cooked in water.

For constipation, you can give a drop vegetable oil, and sticky rice will help with diarrhea.

What should you not give to the dwarf?

List of prohibited products:

  • spices, sugar and salt;
  • kozinaki;
  • ice cream;
  • cookies, chocolate;
  • citrus;
  • watermelon;
  • mint;
  • garlic and onion;
  • mushrooms;
  • potato;
  • fruit seeds;
  • butter;
  • milk, cream, sour cream;
  • sausages, sausages;
  • coniferous branches.


Cleaning the cage

The unpleasant smell of the cage will not bother you if you regularly clean it once every 1-1.5 weeks. Place the hamster in the carrier. Remove the dirty litter, leaving a small amount (this will make the hamster feel more comfortable), and add fresh litter. Once a month, carry out wet cleaning, washing the bottom of the cage with water and laundry soap.


Never wash your hamster in water! If you notice that your pet's coat is matted and not shiny, give him a sand bath. To do this, purchase a special bathing suit (a three-liter jar will do) and sand for chinchillas. Pour some sand into the bathing suit and throw in the dzhungarika. Soon you will be watching him wallow in the sand and clean his skin.

As you can see, caring for dzhungarikas is not very difficult. Clean the cage regularly, provide your hamster with access to water and fresh food and, of course, play with him regularly. These simple measures will ensure your pet has a happy and healthy life!

Dzhungarik is one of the smallest representatives of the hamster family. Thanks funny appearance, cleanliness and lack of unpleasant odor, it has become a popular pet. If you decide to get this funny animal, carefully read the information on its contents.


Suitable home



Houses with several compartments and passages between them resemble burrows. Mazes are usually more expensive than cages and aquariums, but they can be built gradually. Buy the main compartment first and then the top "room" and join them together.

Please note that for dwarf hamsters it is necessary that the compartments be connected by ladders. Little kids don't know how to climb up tunnels.

If you decide to assemble such a house yourself from scrap materials, do not forget to make slits in the walls and ceiling. They will provide a constant flow of fresh air.

Aquarium house

Special plastic aquariums for rodents are great for dwarfs. Small sizes allow them to make do with one-story dwellings. The main thing is that all the necessary accessories are there.

Where to put the cage?

Rodents feel good at the same air temperature as people. Do not place the cage in drafts or on a sunny windowsill. In addition, you should keep the cage away from:

  • working battery;
  • places with high humidity;
  • TV;
  • audio systems;
  • other animals.

Do not place the house on the balcony (temperature changes, sun), in a draft (risk of colds), in the kitchen (not hygienic) and in the bedroom (rodents are active at night and make noise).

Cage equipment

What else will you need? The animal definitely needs:

  • drinking bowl;
  • Bowl;
  • chalk stones or branches;
  • nest (house);
  • wheel;
  • toys.

The ideal drinking bowl is the so-called dropper bottle. It needs to be hung away from the nest so that accidental drops do not wet it. Don't forget to change the water every day. Fresh water is the key to animal health.

It is better to place food in a heavy clay bowl so that the animal cannot turn it over. A hanging metal bowl will also work.

Chalk stones or branches are needed to point the teeth. Rodents' teeth grow throughout their lives, and if they are not taken care of, serious problems will begin.

IN natural environment habitat, rodents sleep in a separate compartment of their burrow. Try to create maximum comfort for him at home with the help of a small nest. Small wooden or plastic houses are suitable for this.

The wheel will help your pet get enough physical activity. Buy a solid wheel without slots or protrusions to protect the feet from fractures. Attach the wheel almost flush to the wall, otherwise the hamster may crawl between them and get stuck.

There are many toys for rodents at pet stores, but you can make many of them yourself. Excellent holes are made from cardboard toilet paper cylinders. Plastic toys For rolling, whole walnuts or hazelnuts can be successfully replaced. You shouldn’t fill the entire cage with toys – 1-2 is enough.

Caring for a Djungarian hamster

Caring for a Djungarian hamster is not at all difficult, as it is unpretentious.


In order for the dwarf to be healthy, it needs to be fed properly and variedly. If you have not yet purchased an animal, we recommend that you acquire everything you need in advance in order to organize proper nutrition from the first day. The food list for a hamster includes basic food, fresh food, dairy products, and vitamins.

The basis of the diet is dry food. It is a mixture of various grains, seeds and pressed herbs. Due to the fact that jungarians are prone to diabetes, make sure that the food contains less sweets (dried fruits and carob).

Do not store food open, as it may dry out and become unpalatable. You can pour it into an airtight jar or zip bag.

Give some fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Each animal has its own tastes. Soon you will understand what you like best. He simply won’t eat anything that tastes bad.

They usually like:

  • apples;
  • tomatoes;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • grape;
  • melon;
  • watermelon.

Don't forget to rinse and dry the fruits first. There is no need to peel the skin or remove the seeds.

Homa should be given fresh low-fat milk or unsweetened natural yogurt. Pour them into a small bowl.

After 2 years it is time for additional vitamins and minerals. Pet stores have special liquid complexes that can be dripped into the drinking bowl.

The daily diet should look like this:
  • 1 tbsp. dry food;
  • 10-20 g of fresh vegetables or fruits (for example, ½ grape and ¼ carrot);
  • 1 tsp dairy product.

What tasty things can you feed your Djungarian hamster? Once a week you can hang special treats on sticks in his cage. Or you can buy carob and dried berries. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity. 1 piece every 3-4 days is enough.

If there is uneaten food left in the morning, throw it away and add new food. Wash the bowl if necessary.

What can't you feed?
  1. Garlic.
  2. Oranges and other citrus fruits.
  3. Eggs.
  4. Candies.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Meat products.
  7. Salted nuts and chips.
  8. Spicy food.

Cleaning the cage

Wood shavings are best suited as cage filler. The bottom of the cage is covered with a layer of at least 2.5 cm. The shavings should not be too small and sharp, as this will lead to eye problems.

For bedding in the house, use scraps of soft paper (sold at a pet store). This paper should not be lint-free. You can use regular toilet paper without dyes or fragrances. Cut it into small pieces and put it in the house.

The frequency of cleaning depends on the characteristics of the animal, but on average they are cleaned once a week. If you are concerned bad smell within a week, simply remove the sawdust from the toilet and replace it with fresh ones.

Some animals get very nervous in a clean cage. If you see that Homa is rubbing his sides against the walls, running around the cage with sawdust in his mouth, or does not enter the house for a long time, change the cleaning process. Set aside some of the dirty sawdust and litter from the house, and return them to their place after cleaning. A familiar smell will reduce adaptation time and relieve stress.

Bathing and cleaning your fur coat

Djungarians are very clean. They wash themselves several times a day and try to keep their home clean. To keep their coat in perfect condition, give them sand baths 1-2 times a week.

Buy sand for bathing chinchillas and pour it into three-liter jar or a special bathing suit. Place the animal there for 30 minutes. Tossing and turning in the sand, he will perfectly clean his fur coat.

If the fur is very dirty, try combing it or just cut it off. The use of water is highly discouraged. As a last resort, use a spray bottle. Gently spray the fur and comb it with a fine comb.

Make sure that water does not get into the ears, this may result in inflammation. Be sure to dry the wet animal with a towel so that it does not catch a cold.


IN wildlife rodents make supplies in their burrows in case they cannot find food. Pets also love to hide food in cages. You can see them diligently stuffing their cheek pouches and quickly carrying food to the pantry. Usually a sleeping house is used as a storage room.

How to react to such reserves? Firstly, you should not limit the amount of food. The animal will remain hungry, but will still put aside some of the food for a rainy day. Secondly, there is no need to completely throw away supplies when cleaning. This can cause a lot of stress.

Despite the fact that the Dzhunagr hamster is an unpretentious pet, caring for it has a number of features. Before buying an animal, think about where it will live and what it will eat.

The Djungarian hamster is the most popular rodent that can be kept in apartments. In addition, it is also the most studied species. This hamster lives in the steppes of Kazakhstan and in Central Asia. Life expectancy is on average three years. Although everything here depends on the conditions in which the rodent lives.

Djungarian hamsters are very tamed. Caring for them is quite simple; they are not picky about food. To raise a healthy rodent, you need to follow good hygiene and feed a variety of foods. If you decide that you want to have such a rodent, then read the article further.

Buying an animal. Is it worth getting several hamsters?

First, decide how many rodents you want to keep. Some people think that you need to buy two dzhungarikas at once to make their life more fun. But experienced breeders say differently on this matter. They believe that each rodent should have its own cage. Why do they have this point of view?

This is because Djungarian hamsters are solitary by nature, so if there is no “friend” in the cage with them, they will not get bored. In 95% of cases, living together with such rodents leads to bad consequences. Fights occur between hamsters, after which the rodents develop injuries. Although there were times when they still lived very peacefully. Therefore, before you decide to buy two rodents, think carefully.

Determining the sex of the Djungarian hamster

How to do it? Of course, the seller can volunteer to help, but, unfortunately, he can also make a simple mistake. It's actually very easy to figure this out. How? First, place the back of the rodent on your palm, with your thumbs you should hold it top part hamster bodies.

The back part is now in a free position, so you can easily examine the sexual characteristics of the animal with your second hand. During this procedure, do not hurt the rodent, do not squeeze the body, and be extremely careful.

So, now about the differences... If the animal has a distance of about one centimeter between the anus and genitals, and in the center of the tummy you can see a formed gland that looks like a navel, then you know that this is a male hamster.

How to understand that you are holding a female in your hands? The distance between the anus and genitals is small, and the gland is almost invisible. Another difference between the female is two rows of papillae running from the chest to the bottom of the abdomen.

Djungarian hamsters: care and maintenance

Now we move on to choosing housing, because the baby needs somewhere to live. Of course, the best option is a cage. It is desirable that it be larger than 50x30 cm in size. This way the rodent will have enough space for jogging and warming up. Choose a cage with horizontal bars, it will be better. The rodent will be able to climb on them.

What to do when a home is purchased? Next you need to fill the cell correctly. The first thing you need is a house. Pay attention to the material. Eat different types houses made of plastic, ceramics, cardboard or wood. Cardboard products, as you understand, are not particularly practical. It is better to choose ceramic and wooden ones. But such houses will cost more. Plastic products are the best option for price/quality ratio.

What size should the house be? Spacious. It is important that the Djungarian hamster walks freely through the door with its cheeks stuffed. In the house itself there should be enough space for storage rooms. If the rodent feels uncomfortable in the home, then it needs to be changed. After all, the pet should be comfortable.

food feeder

Rather, the feeder is needed by the owner rather than by the rodent. As a rule, hamsters very quickly empty the feeder, taking the grain mixture into the pantries.

When you pick up a bowl, remember that rodents love to turn plates onto the “ground.” The ideal option is a ceramic product. It is difficult for a small hamster to move such plates. Glass bowls should not be placed in a rodent's cage, as it may get hurt.

Rodent drinking bowl

There are several types of drinking bowls. The pet store may advise you to buy a regular bowl. But this is not the best option. The advantage of such a purchase is the price. In a cage, a rodent will simply turn a plastic bowl over or cover it with sawdust.

The best option is automatic drinkers. They are also called “nipple”. The design of this product is quite simple: a plastic container with a metal spout is used for water. The drinking bowl is easily attached to the cage. To get water, the Djungarian hamster must press the valve with its nose. The advantage of this type is that the rodent will not be able to pour out or spoil the liquid.

Some necessary items that can be put in the cage

You will also need a wheel. After all, the rodent needs to spend its accumulated energy somewhere.

To grind teeth you need a mineral or chalk stone.

If you wish, you can purchase a special bathing suit that you fill with sand. Rodents will take a bath with great pleasure in this product. Of course, sand.

For rodents, pet stores also sell special tunnels, ladders, sections, and more.

Cage filler: which one is better to choose?

You can use different fillers. But best option- this is sawdust. Some people recommend using cat litter as bedding. This is acceptable, but anything is better than sawdust. They are cheaper and safer for animals.

Never put cotton wool in your hamster's cage. It is contraindicated for rodents. Cotton fibers can wrap around your hamster's legs and body, causing poor circulation. There are cases when rodents eat pieces of this material, which leads to intestinal problems.

Where to put the cage

You should not place your home next to noisy objects (TV, radios, etc.) or a hot radiator. Make sure that the rodent's cage is not exposed to sunlight. Also, you should not place it in a draft, as Djungarian hamsters will often get sick.

Rodent care

This animal is very clean. Caring for him is a pleasure. This animal does not smell, so cleaning can be done infrequently. The ideal option is once every three days. How to clean?

First, remove the rodent from the cage, then all objects. Next, pour out the sawdust, wash the tray and add new ones.

Should you bathe your hamster? You can bathe, but you need to use either a special or dry shampoo. Soap is in no way suitable for these purposes. The hygienic procedure should be carried out only when soiled. You just shouldn’t bathe a rodent, as it’s stressful for him. In addition, the animal may catch a cold.

As a rule, the Djungarian hamster carries out all hygiene procedures itself. He carefully cleans the body using his tongue and paws.

In its natural environment, the hamster lives in burrows. But even there the animal manages to maintain perfect cleanliness. There they make a toilet in special holes. At the genetic level, the property was passed on to domestic hamsters. In a free corner, as a rule, these rodents arrange a latrine for themselves.

Rodent feeding at home

What to feed Djungarian hamsters? This topic needs attention Special attention. The simplest option is feed mixtures. You can buy them at a pet store. Typically, ready-made meals include peas, oats, seeds, corn and nuts.

What do Djungarian hamsters eat? Fresh vegetables and fruits. The Djungarian hamster, the photo of which you see in our article, will enjoy lettuce, plantain, dried fruits (dates, prunes and dried apricots), carrots or zucchini with great pleasure. He also won't give up corn. remember, that onion harmful to rodents. If we talk about fruits, hamsters love apples, peaches, apricots and bananas. Citrus fruits should not be given to rodents.

A hamster's diet should also include protein. You can give your rodent a couple of times a week skim cheese, boiled chicken meat or boiled eggs(chicken and quail). In addition, boiled shrimp, dried gammarus and earthworms should be added to the diet. Watch what the hamster hides in his pantries; there should be no perishable food there, otherwise it can lead to bad consequences.

If you put hay in the cage, then don’t be surprised; the dwarf will eat it too. Sometimes rodents need extra vitamins. When selecting such products, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

List of prohibited products

  1. Spices.
  2. Salt.
  3. Avocado.
  4. Lemons.
  5. Milk.
  6. Twigs coniferous species trees (pine, larch and others).
  7. Oranges and grapefruits.
  8. Sugar.
  9. Sour cream.
  10. Cabbage (Brussels sprouts, white and red cabbage).
  11. Cream.
  12. Pasta.
  13. Watermelon.
  14. Cookie.
  15. Almond.
  16. Bakery.
  17. Pomegranate.
  18. A pineapple.
  19. Candies.
  20. Mint.
  21. Chocolate.
  22. Apricot and cherry pits.
  23. Cakes.
  24. Muesli.
  25. Kiwi.
  26. Butter.
  27. Sorrel.
  28. Sausages.
  29. Bread (black).
  30. Mint.
  31. Mushrooms.
  32. Sausages.

There is an opinion that drinking water not needed by dwarf rodents. This is an erroneous statement. Djungarian hamsters cannot live without water at home, so it is best to keep a special drinking bowl in the cage for these purposes. The water needs to be changed twice a week unless the rodent empties the container first.


Everyone gets sick, Djungarian hamsters are no exception. Most diseases can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian. Now let's look at the main diseases of Djungarian hamsters.

Cold or flu

If your animal has significantly decreased activity, it sneezes and sniffles, then there is a chance that it has caught some kind of infection. The disease progresses exactly the same as in humans. By the way, humans can also transmit the virus to animals. There is no treatment as such, but during the period of illness, provide the rodent with fruits and vegetables. This way you can increase his immunity.

Blows, fractures and dislocations

As a rule, Djungarians receive similar injuries from an unsuccessful fall. Main symptoms:

  • problems in movement;
  • curvature of the limbs;
  • shock (sometimes can also accompany a sick rodent).

If you notice that something is wrong with your pet, you should contact your veterinarian. He will give you appropriate recommendations depending on the severity of the injury.

Eye diseases

Have you noticed that your pet has sticky eyelids? Then it is most likely that the animal contracted a bacterial infection, which developed into conjunctivitis. The rodent's eyes should be washed with salted water or strong tea.

How can you tell if your hamster has cataracts? The lens is cloudy and the pupil area is gray. As a rule, this disease manifests itself in old age. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be treated. Therefore, you need to accept your pet as such.

Dental problems

If a Djungarian hamster suddenly refuses food, this may be due to dental trauma. Check if everything is in order with the incisors. There are cases when rodents have teeth that are too long. To straighten, you need to use special nail clippers.

Skin and coat problems

Hair loss and peeling skin are symptoms of diseases such as eczema or dermatophytosis. As a rule, such diseases are associated with stress or allergies.

If your pet has red spots and wounds on its body, it is likely that it has mites.

Rodent intestinal diseases

Loud gurgling in the stomach, severe diarrhea, copious discharge with an unpleasant odor - all these are signs intestinal diseases. Bacterial infections of this kind must be treated with special medications. With such problems you should contact your veterinarian.


This is the most problematic area among all diseases of Djungarian hamsters. This is because it is very difficult to diagnose and errors are possible. Sometimes people mistake an ordinary lump for a brain tumor.

There is no need to see a fatal diagnosis in everything. If you have any suspicions, consult a doctor immediately. He will be able to conduct qualified diagnostics.

A little conclusion

Now you know who the Djungarian hamster is, the maintenance and care of which, as you understand, is quite simple. This rodent may become good friend for kids and adults. If you have forgotten what a Djungarian hamster looks like, the photos presented in our article will help you remember. Did you like the animal? Then remember the information provided here, it will help you in raising and maintaining a rodent.

Djungarian hamsters - incredible funny kids, due to their appearance, are very popular. Caring for these animals is not burdensome and is considered quite simple. Despite the minimum care requirements that animals need, you should know and take into account certain rules caring for these pets. Djungarian hamsters are a very playful animal that will appeal not only to adults, but also to children, since they quickly get used to being handled.

Djungarian hamsters: what do you need to know about them?

If, before purchasing a hamster, you want to create the most optimal living conditions for it, then you should take note of the following rules:

Djungarian hamster: care and maintenance

How to care for a dwarf hamster?

An essential part of caring for a hamster is regularly cleaning its cage. If you do not clean it, the smell of urine will acquire a rather strong and specific odor.

How to clean properly?

  1. Regular replacement of the filler in the cage should be carried out at least once a week;
  2. To prevent a small but extremely sneaky animal from running away, it must be place in a carrier or any container;
  3. Used It is not recommended to remove the filler completely, you should leave the jungarika a little;
  4. Every month You need to wash your hamster's cage, but at the same time, without destroying the nest. You can limit yourself to washing the bottom of the cage with ordinary laundry soap.

It is also worth noting that the Djungarian hamster does not require water treatments. The animal cleans its fur on its own, and a bathing suit filled with sand helps it with this. In addition, the dzhungarika's cage must be equipped with a stick for teeth. To grind down his teeth, an ordinary stone of mineral origin will be enough. The animal will not refuse a stick that was made from a branch of a fruit tree, with the exception of apricot and cherry.

Djungarian hamster: photo

Djungarian hamster: what to feed him?

A hamster's diet at home should not differ much from its natural diet in the wild. The simplest and optimal way to feed an animal is to purchase ready-made, specially designed ready-made mixtures.

The composition of such feeds includes oats, corn, seeds, nuts and peas. Djungarian hamsters are very fond of each of these products. But what else can you feed the animal?

How many times should you feed dwarfs? They should be fed no more than twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening time. The remaining food does not need to be removed from the cage, but as for perishable foods, it is better to remove them so that the animal does not get poisoned by the spoiled product.

Djungarian hamster cage

At home, dzhungarikas are recommended to live in large cages, as they move a lot and love to run. If you deprive an animal of space, it will not be able to live for long. Most the best option when choosing cages, cages with narrow bars are used so that the animal does not have the opportunity to escape. To provide the rodent with maximum space, it is recommended to purchase two or three-tier cages.

A hamster will live a long time if it feels confident and safe in its home. Therefore, it is necessary to equip it with everything necessary, namely:

  • food utensils;
  • game wheel;
  • a house where there will be an opportunity to hide;
  • drinking bowl;
  • sand bathing suit

The drinking bowl should be attached to the rods, or rather between them, and the food dishes should be placed on the bottom of the cage. Djungarians do not need large volumes of water, but they should always have access to it. The bathing suit, as we said earlier, should be filled with sand, not water, since water is not suitable for them.

As a filler, it is best to use sawdust, which is sold in every pet store. If you clean the cage as expected, once a week, then the filler consumption is quite economical. In addition to the filler, the bottom of the cage can be supplemented with wet wipes or toilet paper. Hamsters make their nests from pieces of paper. It is better not to use cotton wool, since rodents stuff their cheeks with it, and it also sticks to their paws, slowing down and disrupting blood circulation processes.

How long does a Djungarian hamster live? In the wild, their lifespan is usually no more than a year, but at home they can live from two to three years. There have been cases where Djungarian hamsters lived up to 4 years, but this is the exception rather than the rule.