Founder theoretical foundations the science of equipment can be called Generalissimo Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. It was during the rapid transitions that the imperial army demonstrated to the whole world its amazing mobility, which led to numerous victories of the Russian Army. Suvorov's soldier carried a lot on himself, but the degree of feasibility of the ammunition was a great commander, not having athletic figure However, I checked it on myself. If he could walk with a backpack and a rifle like any soldier, then everything was in order. New combat equipment"Ratnik", adopted by the Russian Army at the beginning of the 20th century, most likely would have been approved by Alexander Vasilyevich.

A Brief History of Military Fashion

The principle of protecting the vital organs of the human body was abandoned by the armies of almost all countries of the world during the First World War. The exception was the head - it was still covered with a helmet. The field military uniform was a variant of ordinary textile clothing, adapted for war and having a camouflage coloring. In our country this gray-green color was usually called protective; in other countries it was defined as “khaki”, regardless of the shade. They tried to make the cut as comfortable as possible, equipping the jacket with pockets, while each state sought to give the appearance of its warriors a certain dashingness and aggressiveness. This tradition has been preserved since the times when the military had in fashion braids, epaulettes and other decorations that became unnecessary in the utilitarian twentieth century. And even earlier, soldiers wore armor that protected them from arrows, spears and other sharp objects, with which the enemy tried to hit them. In the 60s, humanity returned to the idea of ​​​​protecting the torso - body armor appeared. But they did not solve all the problems, even in combination with helmets.

Russian military uniform: classic and modern

In our country for a long time equipment was not given due attention. The Soviet soldier of the era of “mature socialism” was, in general, dressed the same as his great-grandfather, who fought somewhere in Galicia in 1915. The overcoat became shorter, the style of the tunic underwent some changes, the hat received “ears,” but basically the traditions of the Russian military uniform of tsarist times were preserved. Serious metamorphoses occurred in the mid-eighties, during Afghan war. At the same time, the same body armor tested by the Americans in Vietnam came into military use. And yet our equipment remained one of the simplest in the world. But Russia has always been able to surprise with unexpected successes in those areas of activity in which rivals and competitors do not expect it. Even the recognized leaders - the Americans - did not expect us to wear "Ratnik" combat equipment.

Ideology of "Warrior"

Yes, it was the Americans who always sought to make even such an obviously unpleasant, dangerous and dirty activity as war comfortable. The developers of the Pentagon ammunition tried to apply a scientific approach to every little detail, from special ones to diet. The “Ratnik” combat equipment has incorporated into its ideology all the experience accumulated by the armies of the world over a long time. It was intended to become not just a military uniform, but an integral, functionally rich complex, ensuring the performance of several tasks at once. Having put it on, a soldier should become more protected, receive information support and gain the ability to survive in those situations in which he could have died if he were wearing ordinary ammunition. The “Ratnik” combat equipment set also includes instruments and devices created on the basis of the latest advances in electronics. These gadgets are designed to help detect the enemy, not lose orientation, fire from the safest position, and much more.

Functional blocks of the system

The “Ratnik” combat equipment is a set of wearable equipment and clothing, functionally divided into groups:

1. Means of destruction. This is the most important functional group. The main purpose of any warrior is to inflict the greatest damage on the enemy in the event of an armed conflict. To do this, the fighter has firearms and bladed weapons.

2. Protective equipment. The possibility of effective counteraction exists as long as the soldier is alive and well. The enemy, in turn, seeks to injure the warrior. Body armor, helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, shields and other devices protect the soldier’s body from hostile influences and accidental injuries.

3. Energy supply system. The soldier experiences danger not only from enemy bullets and shells: he can simply freeze if he has to stay in the cold for a long time. The Ratnik combat equipment complex is equipped with a source of thermal energy for heating if necessary.

4. Communication and control facilities. Victory depends on the successful interaction of soldiers during combat operations.

5. Intelligence means. The ability to see in the dark, look out from behind an obstacle and transmit collected information linked to terrain coordinates is created by a network-centric information system, which is equipped with each set of “Ratnik” combat equipment.


To implement the functional blocks, specialists from the Central Research Institute "Tochmash" developed a number of items necessary for a soldier (59 in total). To ensure conditions for active combat viability, there are two types of backpacks (raid and patrol), a vest with quick-detachable elements, a tent, armored helmets, overalls made of special material, and much more. The “Ratnik” combat equipment weighs from 20 to 24 kilograms, depending on the configuration. For comparison: American soldier forced to carry ammunition with a total weight of 34 kg. To provide this advantage, Russian designers created 21 pieces of unique design and modernized 17 previously existing pieces of military equipment. Some of them are worth paying attention to.

Body armor

Famous historical fact mass death knights of the Teutonic Order in Lake Peipsi during the Battle of the Ice (1242) Indeed, heavy armor can not only protect a warrior from damaging elements, but also become dangerous under certain circumstances. An interesting approach to this problem is that of General Designer V.N. Lepin, under whose leadership “Ratnik” was developed. If a soldier gets into the water, Russian combat equipment can be discarded, and instantly. At the same time, the body armor of a unique design serves as a life-saving device, automatically obtaining positive buoyancy. It also has attachment points for pouches, various devices and technical means.


An ordinary iron helmet not only does not protect against modern weapons of fire - it is dangerous. When it hits it, a bullet with a displaced axis of rotation begins to move along an unpredictable trajectory inside the space limited by the helmet. Thus, even a tangential shot becomes a cause of death. The multi-layer lightweight helmet included in the “Warrior” kit behaves completely differently. Russian combat equipment is designed to take into account many situations that may arise on the battlefield. The helmet has a combined structure in which the bullet “gets stuck.” It can withstand a pistol hit from a five-meter distance, and in addition, it is equipped with mounts for accessories, including a portable infrared video camera, communications and navigation equipment.

Special textiles

Designing special materials for sewing soldiers' clothing is a task so complex that entire branches of the chemical and textile industries are engaged in it. The requirements for military clothing are very specific and sometimes contradictory. It must be durable and not burn, much less melt. The fighter should feel comfortable in it, in other words, the fabric should be “breathable” and hygroscopic. But she can’t get wet either. The “Ratnik” combat equipment is made of special materials, including membrane materials (having the property of one-way moisture permeability), light, durable and best suited to the situation of almost any complexity.

Other important things

A soldier in combat and during preparation for it may require different ammunition. There are no trifles here, each element must have maximum reliability, compactness and at the same time be lightweight. Here are just some of the items that make up the “Ratnik” combat equipment: 2 backpacks of different sizes, an autonomous heater, insulation, camouflage kits, a water filter, a signal light, a watch, a special knife, a tent, a first aid kit, chemical and radiation control equipment, binoculars.

An important element of equipment is a special hearing protection device, which artificially narrows the dynamic range of acoustic waves. Loud sounds are muffled, while quiet ones, on the contrary, are amplified.


The overall Russian Army is changing. Numerous “mass” armed forces will soon be replaced by compact, mobile and highly professional combat units. This will ultimately contribute to both increasing combat effectiveness and reducing defense costs. The most popular assault rifle in the history of mankind, the AK, may in this case lose its main advantage - simplicity. The Russian soldier of the future is a person with above average intelligence, he will be able to understand more complex things small arms. Although there is a possibility that the Kalashnikov will still serve if its characteristics can be brought up to the level of modern requirements. Whether the soldiers will be armed with AK-12 or Degtyarev (AEK-971) is still unknown. Shooting models are constantly being developed, and time will tell which one the customer (MO) will choose.

So when?

For whom is the “Ratnik” combat equipment intended and when will it be adopted, a photo of which became available after its demonstration at the MAKS-2011 air show? Maybe some elite military units, special forces of the GRU, Marine Corps, Airborne Forces will dress in this technological miracle, and the rest of the soldiers will get by for now?

No, this uniform will become a combined arms uniform - by the end of the decade every Russian soldier will receive it, despite high cost set (up to a million rubles). By the way, American ammunition is heavier and worse, and costs US taxpayers several times more. The process of rearmament and re-dressing has already begun. "Ratnik" combat equipment is coming.

Completely new combat equipment of the latest generation. Currently, the “Ratnik” equipment has already passed a series of military tests in various climatic zones of Russia.

Those times when a motorized rifleman went into battle, at best having only a bulletproof vest, and at worst without any protection at all, are a thing of the past. The equipment of modern military personnel increasingly makes them look like characters from science fiction films. Modern soldier- this is not an ordinary shooter, but a full-fledged combat unit that has modern means of protection and an individual control system. The combat equipment of a modern war includes structurally and functionally interconnected elements of 5 main systems: means of destruction, means of protection, means of reconnaissance and control, life support and even energy supply.

"Ratnik" is a second generation combat equipment system. As part of the development work on this project, more than 50 domestic industrial enterprises, as well as more than 10 training grounds and military units of the Ministry of Defense, worked together. Especially for the “Warrior,” 21 elements of military equipment were newly created, and another 17 elements were modernized. Thanks to the work done, it was possible to increase the efficiency of military personnel in performing combat missions by 1.5 times compared to the use of equipment of the previous generation. The general designer of the “Ratnik” equipment is Vladimir Nikolaevich Lepin.

In appearance, the new Russian combat equipment is quite aesthetic; it is no worse, and in some ways even prettier than modern American equipment. "Ratnik" is distinguished by differentiated and combined protection of the serviceman. All vital organs of a soldier are covered either with metal-ceramics, or special armor, or protective fabrics such as Kevlar - depending on the assigned tasks. Synthetic protection is widely used in new equipment. The familiar helmet has been replaced by helmets of various configurations, which also change depending on the tasks at hand. Helmets can also be made from a variety of materials: steel, composites, titanium. They are able to save a soldier’s head in situations where the old helmet definitely broke through.

“Ratnik” introduced such an innovation as an instant reset of all equipment when a soldier gets into the water. That is, equipment with considerable weight will not drag a soldier to the bottom. And the body armor created for the Navy is generally know-how. Russian specialists managed to combine both body armor and a life jacket. In the event that a sailor who is on watch suddenly finds himself overboard the ship, he will not drown, but will remain floating on the surface thanks to such body armor.

The "Ratnik" combat equipment is literally crammed with a variety of electronics. Electronic terrain maps, satellite positioning, individual communications for each soldier, night vision systems and lighting devices, as well as much more, will make the Russian soldier an integral part of a unified combat system, which will be controlled by the most modern network-centric technologies.

New generations of small arms are also being developed specifically for Ratnik. A thermal imaging targeting system has already been developed, which has no analogues in the world, as well as a special video module that allows you to fire from around a corner or from behind suitable cover. In this case, the transmission of information from the weapon sight to the soldier’s eyecup screen occurs wirelessly. Currently, in many foreign analogues of the “soldier of the future” combat equipment, data transfer from the small arms sight to the eye indicator is implemented in wired mode.

In addition to the equipment that is being created in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense, samples of equipment that is already being produced for fighters and employees of anti-terrorist special forces were demonstrated. These are “Gladiator”, “Legionnaire”, “Centurion”, “Sherpa”. According to the creators of this equipment, they are significantly better than those used by foreign special forces.

Currently, the “Ratnik” equipment is being tested in motorized rifle troops. State tests of the “Ratnik” kits, which are intended for military personnel of various specialties of the Ground Forces (GF), are carried out on the basis of a separate motorized rifle brigade of the Western Military District (ZVO) under the leadership of the Main Command of the Ground Forces. In February 2014, at the Alabino training ground in the Moscow region, military personnel of the brigade’s reconnaissance unit began intensive use of “Ratnik” equipment sets during combat training.

The basis of the “Ratnik” kits consists of body armor, body armor, combat overalls, goggles, a headset with an active hearing protection system, a set of elbow and knee joints fighter, machine guns, sniper rifles, a grenade launcher, ammunition for them, a new combat knife, as well as a day-night sighting system, all-day reconnaissance devices, unified optical and thermal imaging sights, small-sized binoculars and other samples. In total, the “Ratnik” combat equipment sets include 59 elements of equipment for military personnel: a shooter, a driver, a reconnaissance officer and soldiers of other specialties. All of them are conventionally divided into elements of the destruction system, protection, life support, energy supply and control, communications and reconnaissance systems.

In addition, the “Ratnik” combat equipment set includes a multifunctional knife, a watch, a flashlight, a universal shelter, an autonomous heat source, double-sided camouflage kits, a raid backpack, a small infantry blade, an individual water filter, respiratory protection equipment, and equipment intended for chemical and radiation control, special treatment means and first medical care, filter clothing. As part of the ongoing testing and modification of the equipment, it was possible to reduce the total weight of the kit to 24 kg, which allows the soldier to remain mobile when solving combat missions. At the same time, the level of protection was increased, the accuracy and accuracy of fire was improved, the target detection range was increased both at night and in rather difficult weather conditions, and the overall ergonomics of the kit was improved.

The main goal The development of the "Ratnik" combat equipment is to increase the efficiency of soldiers performing assigned combat missions while reducing the number of losses among unit personnel. The Ratnik should be put into service in the summer of 2014. According to available information, this year 5-7 units will switch to the new set of combat equipment; over the next 5 years, all other units will have to switch to “Ratnik”.

As part of the work on the “Ratnik” combat equipment set, more than 100 different elements of equipment were tested during a series of preliminary tests. Only the best of the created samples were admitted to state tests. The state defense order for 2014 involves the supply of several tens of thousands of sets of “Ratnik” combat equipment to the ground forces, naval marine units and airborne troops.

The average warranty period for the Ratnik kit is 5 years. In this case, this kit will be transferred from one serviceman to another until it falls under the decommissioning procedure. For example, if only one soldier will wear a T-shirt with flaps, then the summer uniform is designed for two, and the winter uniform will have more wearers. Body armor, helmets, knives and small arms will last much longer.

While working on “Ratnik”, as part of preliminary tests, more than 100 individual elements equipment, including helmets, body armor and various protective equipment. The 40 samples that were best in their tactical and technical characteristics were admitted to state tests.

The 2014 state defense order plans to supply several tens of thousands of sets of combat equipment for military personnel of the Ground Forces, Airborne Forces and Marine Corps of the Navy.

The average warranty period for using the Ratnik is five years; the kit will be transferred from one serviceman to another until it is written off. And let’s say, if only one soldier wears a T-shirt with flaps, then the summer uniform is designed for two. Winter uniforms will have more owners; helmets, body armor, small arms and knives will last longer.

The current field uniform is noticeably different from the “Warrior” uniform in color, cut and structure of materials. According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, by 2015 the Russian army will switch to a new unified uniform designed for everyday wear. To use the combat kit, military personnel will not need to change into “ratnik” clothing - it will be the same for everyone.

When creating a new uniform, we did without fashion designers and couturiers,” says Colonel Romanyuta, hinting at Yudashkin’s uniform, which was not liked in the army. - We did it on our own, which did not prevent it from becoming significantly better than many foreign analogues in appearance and ease of use.

Once upon a time, to control the actions of troops on the battlefield and on campaigns, commanders had to use drums, bugles, whistles and special flags. Today, coordination between individual combat units is achieved by fundamentally different methods and means, within the framework of the concept of the so-called “network-centric war.” It involves a constant active exchange of information flows, thanks to which each soldier has the opportunity to maximize efficiency own actions, while the command monitors the constantly changing situation in real time. As part of the practical implementation of this concept, the “Ratnik” combat equipment was created in Russia, which has already passed all the necessary tests and is supplied to various army units.

What is the “Ratnik” equipment?

Military equipment at all times consisted of many elements. They were most often produced and purchased separately and without any coordination, and the “matching” was carried out either by the fighter himself or by some department in the Ministry of Defense. Modern combat equipment is created according to a different principle - “Ratnik” is a set of elements that are not simply fitted to one another, but initially form a single whole.

No less important feature began to use the modular principle. In other words, “Ratnik” is a kind of construction set, from the parts of which you can create several equipment options. The included elements are grouped into several systems, each of which carries its own functional load:

  1. Electricity supply facilities;
  2. Control and intelligence modules;
  3. Means of destruction;
  4. Life supporting system;
  5. Means of protection.

Similar kits are being developed today in many countries around the world as part of projects that have received the general name “soldier of the future.”


The list of tasks for which combat equipment was created is as follows:

  1. Maximizing the survivability of a soldier on the battlefield, providing him with reliable protection from bullets, shrapnel, edged weapons and accidental injuries;
  2. Constant coordination of the actions of all fighters;
  3. Free orientation on the ground, providing maximum complete information about the enemy;
  4. Increasing the efficiency of using your own weapons.

Already today, the possibility of including a so-called exoskeleton in combat equipment is being considered, the task of which is to dramatically increase physical strength, speed of movement and supply of ammunition. However, achieving this goal is a matter of the future.

Equipment set

A general list of all the elements that make up Ratnik would be too long, so it makes sense to consider each of the systems included in it sequentially.

It’s best to start with protective equipment, since they account for the bulk of the equipment’s weight:

  1. Overalls that look similar to regular field uniforms. Sewn from fabric based on aramid threads, which stops fragments weighing up to 1 gram flying at a speed of 250 m/s. In addition, such clothing can withstand open flames for 10-15 seconds (up to 28 seconds in the version for drivers of armored vehicles). The overalls can be reinforced with additional panels to protect the hips;
  2. Armored helmet. With its own weight of 1.04 kg, it is capable of stopping a bullet from an army pistol fired from a distance of 5 meters;
  3. Protective glasses. Withstands direct hits from small (up to 6 mm in diameter) fragments if their speed does not exceed 350 m/s;
  4. Body armor. The main element of protection. In the maximum (“assault”) configuration, its weight reaches 15 kg. Such a vest protects the fighter from the front, back, sides and bottom, and can withstand numerous hits from rifle bullets from close (up to 10 meters) distances. Weight in the minimum configuration – 8 kg;
  5. Shields for knee and elbow joints (they are also called reinforcement screens). Effectively prevent injuries from falls and impacts, are able to stop bullets fired from a pistol, as well as small fragments;
  6. Protective face shield. Made from reinforced aramid fabric. Stops fragments flying at speeds up to 550 m/s;
  7. Anti-splinter gloves.

Together, all these elements form a real armored suit, covering at least 90% of the body surface.

It is possible to use additional funds, protecting the fighter from toxic substances, as well as the main types of non-lethal weapons. In addition, a special camouflage coat can be used that is impenetrable to infrared radiation and renders thermal imaging sights useless.

The control and reconnaissance system included in the Ratnik kit consists of the following main elements:

  1. Wireless headset (phone and microphone);
  2. Communicator of the Glonass system. Allows you to determine the location of a soldier with maximum accuracy;
  3. Soldier individual communication module;
  4. Two control panels - operational and multifunctional. The first one is used tactilely, there is no screen provided. The second is capable of sending graphic and text messages. An additional feature is injury notification;
  5. Module "Fara-VR". Designed to recognize, track and determine the coordinates of targets, representing a tactical reconnaissance tool. Range – up to 10 km;
  6. Rangefinder and goniometer module. Measures distances to various objects, determines ballistic trajectories, gives coordinates of targets;
  7. Personal tablet. Designed for the unit commander, who receives comprehensive information about each of his subordinates, down to the remaining ammunition in the “unloading”. Using the tablet, in addition, orders are given and graphic information is exchanged.

The energy supply system includes two main elements:

  1. Charging station. Can be connected to a car generator, to the main types of armored vehicles, as well as to various types of household outlets;
  2. Accumulator battery. Made to special order, ensuring operability in any temperature condition. Ensures soldier autonomy for 14 hours with communication and information transmission systems always on.

The characteristics of rechargeable batteries today are considered not high enough: in the future, manufacturers promise to significantly improve them.

The life support system developed for the Ratnik combat equipment was created taking into account the experience accumulated by the army during various operations over the past decades.

It includes:

  1. Universal backpack. Volume – 50 liters, which allows you to carry other elements necessary for life support during hikes;
  2. Raid backpack. Volume - 10 liters (according to other sources - 18). Designed for use directly during combat “exits”;
  3. Means for providing medical care and disinfection;
  4. Insect protection net;
  5. Water filter;
  6. Tent and sleeping bag;
  7. Small sapper shovel;
  8. Thermal insulating mat for short stops;
  9. Camouflage means that complement standard camouflage.

In the cold season, insulation elements are added to this list. There is also a “marine” version of the equipment, characterized in that the body armor included in it, if necessary, turns into a life-saving one. This suit allows you to stay on the surface of the water for quite a long time.

The main weapon that is supposed to be used as part of the “Ratnik” combat equipment is the AK-12 assault rifle. Its main difference from previous modifications of the Kalashnikov assault rifle is the presence of a Picatinny rail, which allows it to be mounted on a weapon different kinds additional equipment.

To provide accurate shooting against the enemy, the Ratnik is equipped with numerous variants of sighting systems, as well as a helmet-mounted video module, with which you can fire from behind cover, “from the hip,” without putting the weapon to the shoulder.

Ammunition, including grenades, is placed in the pockets of a special vest, the so-called “unloader”.

Advantages and disadvantages of "Ratnik"

Despite the fact that the new combat equipment has already been tested in the Russian army, including during the war in Syria, the accumulated experience is relatively small and allows us to talk about only a few main pros and cons of the equipment.

The advantages, in particular, include:

  1. Light weight of electronic systems included in the equipment;
  2. Convenience of wearing a bulletproof vest, including in the “maximum” configuration. The fighters especially liked the compatibility with parachutes during landing;
  3. Light helmet weight high level protection. The previous helmet did not have such properties;
  4. Easy “switching” of equipment from an AK-12 to a Pecheneg machine gun or sniper rifle, including the T-5000, which was never accepted into service in the army.

The most obvious disadvantages were:

  1. The size and ill-conceived shape of the heat-insulating mat are too large;
  2. Inconvenience of aiming when firing at short distances;
  3. “Cold” sleeping bag;
  4. Unfinished interface in control panels;
  5. Periodic equipment glitches.

In addition, there is still no complete clarity regarding how they will behave various elements"Ratnik" in the context of the use of electronic countermeasures.

Equipment analogues

The United States was the first to begin the practical implementation of the concept of “network-centric warfare,” long before the Russian Federation. In this country, combat equipment was developed under the name Project Manager Soldier Warrior, abbreviated as PM SWAR. At the same time, from the very beginning it was planned to create separate equipment options for ground forces, Marine Corps and aviation personnel.

In general, both in purpose and in configuration, the PM SWAR equipment is quite close to the “Warrior”. Apparently, operational and protective properties The body armor and helmet of this equipment are somewhat inferior to their Russian counterparts. At the same time, American equipment has some advantage in terms of the quantity and quality of sighting systems and reconnaissance equipment. However, the most important advantage of PM SWAR is its very extensive experience in its practical use.

Almost simultaneously with the Americans, the development of combat equipment began in Germany. The corresponding program received the designation IdZ (short for the full German name “infantryman of the future”), later – IdZ-ES. For various reasons, the implementation of this plan was delayed, and even today it is not fully completed. It should be noted that the creation of many elements of German equipment was entrusted to American companies. As a result, the characteristics of the IdZ-ES soldier’s equipment are in many ways inferior to both the PM SWAR and the Ratnik. In particular, the armor of this equipment corresponds only to the 4th protection class.

According to official information, in the near future the Russian army will receive the latest combat equipment, which will this moment undergoes a cycle of testing and testing. What’s most interesting is that the new equipment not only looks very aesthetically pleasing, but it is also very practical and safe. I suggest you read more detailed information.

More than 50 industrial enterprises, more than 10 military units and training grounds of the Ministry of Defense are involved in the creation of second-generation equipment as part of the Ratnik development work. 21 pieces of equipment were newly developed, 17 pieces were modernized. The tasks of increasing the efficiency of military personnel in performing combat missions by one and a half times compared to the equipment of the previous generation have been solved. General designer equipment - Vladimir Nikolaevich Lepin.
What, first of all, distinguishes the new domestic combat ammunition?
In appearance, it is very aesthetically pleasing, no worse, and in some ways prettier than American equipment.
Combined and differentiated protection. Vital organs are covered either with special steel armor, either metal-ceramics or Kevlar-type fabrics - depending on the functional tasks. Synthetic protection is widely used. The usual helmet was replaced by helmets of various configurations - again for specific functional tasks. They will also be made from various materials: composites, titanium and steel. They will save your life in those situations when the old helmet definitely breaks through.
An innovation was used such as instant release of generally difficult ammunition when falling into water, that is, it will not drag the fighter to the bottom. And body armor for the Navy is generally know-how. Experts managed to combine body armor and a life jacket. If a sailor on a watch that requires wearing body armor suddenly finds himself overboard, he will not drown, but will float on the surface like a float.
"Ratnik" is literally crammed with electronics. Satellite positioning, electronic terrain maps, individual radio communications, lighting devices and night vision systems, as well as much more, will make the warrior Russian army part of a unified combat system controlled using the latest network-centric technologies.
For the new equipment, a new generation of small arms are also being created, specially adapted to this equipment. A thermal imaging targeting system has been created, which has no analogues in the world, as well as a video module that allows shooting from behind cover or from around a corner. In this case, data is transferred from the sight to the eyecup screen wirelessly. Abroad, by the way, data is transferred from the machine gun sight to the eye indicator via wires.
In addition to the equipment being developed in the interests of the Ministry of Defense, Dmitry Rogozin was shown that which is already being produced to protect fighters of anti-terrorist special forces. These are "Centurion", "Sherpa", "Legionnaire", "Gladiator". According to the developers, it is much better than what is in service with similar units abroad.
The Deputy Prime Minister was satisfied with what he saw. And the protocol that will be drawn up following the meeting will, without a doubt, speed up the process of finalizing the equipment and adopting it for service with the Russian army.

To begin with, it should be noted that “Warrior” is a large set of equipment, including a wide variety of equipment. Therefore, the set can look completely different from part to part. In addition, issuance is carried out through various services - communications service, RAV, clothing, etc. In addition, the “Ratnik” kit is constantly being modernized, new samples are delivered, and replacements are made from time to time.

Another problem with “Ratnik” is that the management is not eager to give it away, so as not to be lost/snatched/resold/broken, and also to have something to please at the “show off”. Unit commanders don’t want to receive all this stuff, so that it doesn’t weigh on them with financial responsibility - and so for each officer, millions of rubles, if anything, will be deducted from their salary. It’s even more difficult to ask a contract soldier than an officer, and even more so from a conscript.
That’s why “Ratniks” are lying in warehouses, waiting for power supply or ostentatious exercises, to please the new and beautiful appearance. It is cheaper and easier to buy Ratnik elements on various Internet sites (where they apparently end up from these very warehouses) than to receive them.

Question 1: Some time ago there was a negative article about “Warrior: 92.html (we recommend reading it so that below you can understand what it’s about)
I would like to know your opinion.
a) Doesn’t the “Warrior” kit apply exclusively to the Ministry of Defense?
b) Does the Defense Ministry really send you on business trips to the North Caucasus? Isn’t this a job for the FSB/Rosgvardia, who don’t get out of there anyway?

1. There are a lot of emotions in the article, but there are also many sensible comments. I'll explain it below. In principle, one can even guess from which department the colleague wrote.
2. “Ratnik” and “Sagittarius” are used by units of the Defense Ministry in the North Caucasus Region.

According to the nuances in the article:
If the author does not see the shortcomings being corrected, this does not mean that work is not being done. It’s unfortunate that we, who operate the equipment, are hard to hear, but there are progress. There are units where Ratnik is supplied first and they work with them. Unfortunately, this is not us.

Zippers on clothes. I didn’t notice that the fabric was torn because of them. Yes, the Velcro on the demi-season uniform was completely destroyed in two years; I had to sew it on with thread. It happens when zippers break. But it never happened that many people had their fabric torn constantly.

— Velcro for stripes. This is not a problem with the mold manufacturer.

- “Small assault backpack”...which doesn’t exist. There are only RP and RS from the 6B46 kit, there is RR from the 6B38 kit (poor quality, I agree). But there is a common problem here: they don’t want to read the instructions, they wear them the way the factory packaged them.

Personal Armor Protection Equipment. Read the instructions! There is no need to carry out breeding experiments on crossing. An extended set of SIBZ is needed for short assault operations, and not for long-term marches on vehicles, which is why it is inconvenient to sit in an infantry fighting vehicle!

"Sugarka". Can't you hang it on your back? So there is no place for it there - back, read the instructions. Its place is on the belt, under the RP, which is located in the place where there are no slings (that’s why they are absent). Then the RP can be reset and left with what is needed in the “cooker”.

Understand - the instructions were invented for a reason, you need to read them! Let me also remind you that "COMBENCH ARMS" kit! That is, it is universal for all tasks and specialties. For this purpose, the TTZ MO was drawn up, which often does not coincide with your desires. Yes, specialists need more choice; fortunately, they can purchase additional ones according to need and purpose.

Question 2: Is all the equipment used? How did the knife, watch and other small items perform in the case?

Set 6B38:
Watch. They lie and stop. It's better to use something simple like a Casio.

Flashlight. It works, but there is no head mount like the original, and the IR mode is replaced by green. Often you have to take it upon yourself.

Multitool. Big and heavy. Whoever needs it uses Leathermans or cheap Chinese ones. It would be nice to get the NS-2 engineer, but it is prohibited even to buy it on your own.

Spatula. Worker, let's go.

Filters. Rarely used, Aquatabs tablets from the Individual Diet are enough.

Active headphones 6M2. Polarman has already gone through it, everything is to the point. “The stone flower did not come out” (c) from our manufacturers, i.e. it is acceptable to make a copy from "Pelthora" and "Sordina". There is not enough 6M2-1 in the kit for "Excitement", but these are sold only at flea markets.

Universal shelter. You can’t figure it out without instructions, but the instructions are such that you need something strong inside in order to understand. Most people also don’t know that you should look for instructions on the inside of the case. A poncho would be much better.

Knee and elbow pads. They look cool, especially for “show off” and photo shoots “I Serve the Fatherland!” 🙂 Made from a fabric base, like the Bijan, and cups, like the X-Tac. The arms and legs are therefore closed large area, sweating. It’s better to switch to integrated ones - they’re already doing this all over the world.

Raid backpack. Poor quality, excessive volume. It happened that the straps of an unfilled backpack came off when you jumped from the back of a truck.

Question 3: Are there any problems with glasses, lenses, or eyepieces fogging?

We need replaceable dark lenses, like foreigners have on anti-fragmentation glasses. After all, the helmet doesn’t have a visor to protect it from sunlight, right?

You also need simple anti-fragmentation glasses, like foreign ESS Crossbow, Oakley M Frame, etc. from the APEL list. Unfortunately, the anti-fragmentation mask has a limited area of ​​application.

Question 4: Hydration pack or flask?

A flask and a one and a half bottle in the vast majority of cases.

Young people buy cheap goods from China through Ali, having watched enough cool videos about foreign warriors. This junk quickly breaks down. Because of this, fighters who have not heard of Camelback are switching to flasks.
And where to hang it? There are no slings on the back of the 6B45 for this, and wearing a vest over a bulletproof vest is stupid.

A soldier of B Company, 2 Royal Anglian Battle Group, is shown wearing new kit issued to the Army including a Camelbak hydration pack and helmet mounted camera. Exercise Saffron Sands, Jordan.

Question 5: What kind of backpacks are used?

Basically, the crews have a patrol backpack from the 6Sh112-6Sh117 and RD-54 kits.

Question 6: Have you seen the 6B45 in full configuration? How reliable is the protection in your opinion (specifically in terms of coverage area)?
Why was 6B46 created - under what conditions is it used?
How often are external mounts used on the 6B47?
6B45, as in a sock, how many plates are actually worn?

6B45. A very good general-arms body armor. Almost ideal for an ordinary motorized rifleman. Especially if there is no hassle with putting on 6Sh117 over a bulletproof vest with the MOLLE system and quick release, as is often the case. I've heard about the extended kit, but haven't seen it - we don't need it. Here the 6B45 has not yet provided for everyone. Two plates are normally worn.

6B46: They are in the warehouse, they were not issued, but I tried to use them, they are good for scouts.

6B47. Decent helmet. I only replaced the ribbon suspension with a foreign one.

Question 7: Are 6b45 body armor vests of old batches, which had problems with the strength of fastex fasteners, threads, and without IR remission, replaced with body armor vests of new batches, or are there already not enough of them?

For such reasons, armor is not replaced; it is used until it is worn out and changed when there is something to replace it from the warehouse. 90% of employees in the Airborne Forces (and in other armed forces) are completely unaware of IR remission - why and how?

Question 8: Have you tried Sagittarius in practice? Impression?
Tell us about the target designation, communication and control system.

Communication is provided by KRUS, Azart and the Aqueduct series.



KRUS has many shortcomings, but we won’t talk about that. The control center system is working. It is not known when it will be new complex KRUS with corrected shortcomings

The “excitement” is wonderful, I want to get more of them! And we need a radio station, like Bussoli, that is, more powerful than Azart, but with its capabilities for the platoon-company-battalion level.

About navigation. With KRUS, everyone has navigation. There are also regular standard navigators. But the work of military topographers, who should provide all this splendor with content, is not visible.

Question 9: Does KO at least have a connection?

From division to division it is divided into “CO has it” and “everyone has it.”

Question 10: Please tell us about the “usability” (adequacy of settings, polished interfaces, ease of use, etc.) of various electronic devices.

It's a mess here. Especially with KRUS and navigators. In addition, our eternal problem is that they don’t want to read instructions.

Question 11: How are batteries charged in the fields? Do they throw out the old ones and put in new ones, or something else?

Great question, thank you. This is bad. There are a lot of electronics, but generators are issued only at the battalion level and above. Particularly pleasing are some electronic elements, which come with only one battery and charging at only 220 volts! Those who can, chip in and buy diesel or gasoline (they are cheaper, but gasoline is more problematic in the fields) generators, or inverters for the equipment’s on-board network. Those who cannot do so imitate their performance.
The provision of work in the fields is frankly weak and ill-conceived. There are not enough modern lightweight mobile tents, field furniture (just like 50 years ago, we put together wooden bunks and floors), quickly deployable mobile toilets, washbasins, showers, and power supply systems.

Question 12: What are the most convenient batteries for equipment?

AA batteries are the best. But not that 0.9 mA crap, usually already dead, which most often comes with the kit.

Question 13: What have you heard about the thermal imaging sight or monocular included in the kit? How do you rate it?

Question 14: What would you like to replace with other elements?

What was needed has long been replaced. The only difficulties are with a good (and domestic) night vision device and thermal imager.

Question 15: Is the “Warrior” issued in full or, as in the 9th company, is the new stuff sent to the storehouse and the junk sold to the store?

There is plenty in stores, what we use.

Question 16: What have you heard about “Ratnik-2”?

There are shifts in the right direction. If only they didn’t get carried away with futurism, but were closer to reality and users.

Question 17: Do you use Ratnik constantly or only at the training ground, and do you take what you purchased at your own expense to work?

I take my own to work to save what I was given. Fortunately, almost everything is already normal domestic.

Question 18: What problems are there with the quality of tailoring of the elements?

Quality varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, from element to element.

Question 19: Is it possible to relieve a major need in a complete set?)

Maybe yes)

Question 20: Are weapon upgrades allowed?

Modernization is completely prohibited; this is the position of the authorities.

Question 21: Did you use the body kit? How's the belt and flash arrester?

Have you tried a 96-round drum magazine? And what can you say about the four-row magazine with a ratcheting mechanism?
It’s interesting to hear about the NVD monocular, especially about the bracket and mount to the 6B47 helmet.
Well, a combination of a collimator with a magnifying monocular.

The body kit has been tested. But none of us are given them. It’s funny that those from whom I tried them were given these machine guns without the standard covers for the picatinny rails (so that they wouldn’t get lost!), and therefore they were infuriated that the rails were being torn on the body and equipment. The belt is rubbish. A sighting bar with two sight settings will do, that’s enough. In general, it will work, but it must be used skillfully, otherwise I saw a company of conscripts with machine guns in the “Kobves”, but with sights and other removable elements locked in the safe of their company commander, out of harm’s way.
We did not have enlarged stores.

Question 22: What can you say about the 1P87 collimator; telescope 1P90; night monocular 1PN138; laser target designator 1K241. What about the superiority of world analogues Aimpoint and Eotech?

Collimator 1P87

Telescope 1p90

Night monocular 1PN138

All the 1P87 collimators that I saw had different types of reticles and different performance characteristics in their passports. One has 15 hours of operation, the other, it seems, 60. A normal collimator, much better than 1P63. With Aimpoint And They cannot compete with Eotech, although I still won’t say anything about the second one.

I only saw the 1PN138 monocular in the picture, it costs a hellish 100,000, I can’t afford it. We only have sights 1PN93 of various variants and BN-3.

Question 23: Do small arms have optics?

Yes, it is present throughout the rifle range.

Question 24: Is there any envy of any foreign analogues? What would you like?

They have higher and much better equipment with night vision devices and thermal imagers. The procedure for issuing and writing off uniforms and equipment is much more advanced, and the standards for issuing them are better. The equipment for field conditions is much better thought out and modern (I answered above about tents, field furniture, etc.).

Question 25: Any complaints about the basic uniform set?
How good is it in extreme heat/humidity/cold? Did it happen to be supplemented/replaced with other things, if so, what and why?

Summer part of the VKPO kit very hot ( nothing has changed since the days of “digital” - approx. editor Bjorngrim1036). We take the uniform of one local manufacturer: the color is an exact copy of the statutory one, but it is light, durable and breathes well, there is mesh in the armpits and in the groin. You need a Panama hat and a combat shirt; there are no normal “combat” pants. They are in the new mountain kits, but they are not given to us.

Summer suit VKPO

Demi-season part. It will do, but the Velcro wears out over the course of a year and does not hold up pockets and sleeves. It is better to make a zipper on the hip pockets and reinforce the bottom of the legs.

In general, there is a problem with issuing the form. Even getting a vest once every 2 years is good. If the VKPO set has expired, there is no replacement. We haven’t received boots for years, we have to buy copies of the standard boots, they are not allowed to buy any “lightweight” or “tactical” ones. We cannot wear thermal underwear tops even in the fields, because the vest is a tradition, sacred.

We wear peacoats with a belt, the old-fashioned way, although we were going to give up the belt, and we tuck the summer suit back into trousers. “Beautiful in formation, strong in battle”? Well, yes, yes.

The most the main problem with the form is the timing of wear. Only 1 set is issued, you have to wear it everywhere. Let me explain: in the first set you go to the training ground to crawl through the mud, and in the evening in the same set, but clean and tidy, you get into your outfit. And so on for 2-3 years. If a new one is issued, then the old one must be handed over, since it is inventory property. If previously the old uniform was used as a replacement, in which we worked in the park/trained at the training ground, now we have to buy a second set ourselves.
It would be convenient if 6Sh122 mask suits were issued for training, in place of this very replacement. And they were issued for a short period of time or replaced upon wear and tear with new ones.

Mask suit 6Ш122

By the way, there are also comments on the cut and pockets for 6Sh122. Although the SSO "Partisans" from which they were copied have no such problems. Both of its colors are better than the standard “number”, especially the brown side.

Question 26: What shoes are worn in the summer and mid-season?

At the moment, our army still has only two seasons when it comes to footwear – winter and summer. So, until the order is issued, we walk around the garrison in summer or winter boots, respectively. They only give them out. All. And then, if there are sizes, and they are in stock. Winter temperatures are near zero and the rooms are hot. The old-style summer ones were destroyed in 2-3 months, but the new ones are not yet clear; they were issued to few people and only recently.

Old style summer boots (2015)

Question 27: Is equipment used “rationally” or only with instructions from management? I mean wearing layers of VKPO according to the actual weather, and repositioning the pouches on the unload to fit yourself, as convenient.

Everything is regulated. Everyone's pouches are the same, regardless of their specialty. The form is similar: “Winter and not...”.

Question 28: How are Ratnik elements repaired/replaced in the event of a breakdown? Is it deducted from your salary? How?

It’s easier to buy it with your own at a flea market, otherwise they’ll charge the commander for the shortage.

Question 29: How are things going with washing clothes? I heard that if you take it to the laundromat, you won’t see it again. There are no washing machines.
And what about the opportunity to take a shower?

There are absolutely no problems with washing and washing in PPD. The issued washing machines sit in the washbasin, after classes and in the evening they are loaded with work. Showers are also available.

P.S. This post is a rewrite from this magazine:

In addition, our version contains the maximum number of photographs and illustrations.