All people are different, adapt to the world around them differently, react to what is happening in their personal lives; in a critical situation, some rush to help, while others are paralyzed by fear. All this is the result of processes of excitation and inhibition occurring as a result of the development of higher nervous activity in humans.

Considering what processes predominate in a person, there are 4 main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic. The sanguine temperament is the strongest and most dynamic. A sanguine person is a very efficient, energetic person, he is distinguished by a stable psyche and a cheerful disposition, he easily and naturally switches from one type of activity to another, his hobbies are varied. He rarely gets depressed despite the fact that he is very attached to the opinions of the people around him.

The types of temperament were first described by Hippocrates back in the 5th century. Even then, he identified 4 main types associated with human physiology. He believed that the psychological type depends on the fluid that predominates in the human body: sanguine - blood, choleric - bile, melancholic - black bile, phlegmatic - mucus.

Characteristics of character accentuation

“Constant in its impermanence” - very correct characterization sanguine Such people are often guided in their actions by emotions, they quickly switch from one type of task to another, and can perform several tasks simultaneously. They are excellent workers, but only if the work really interests them; if not, they perform it superficially.

Such a person's mood is very changeable. A minute ago he was in a great mood, and a second later all the world’s sorrows are reflected on his face. Thanks to their stable psyche, sanguine people adapt well to any situation, quickly adapting to new conditions, work, and people.

By nature, sanguine people are materialists; they love goods that they can touch and taste. They enjoy expensive, high-quality things and delicious food with pleasure. Their homes are always very light and cozy, despite some chaos. Everyone has their pros and cons!

Sanguine is a strong type of temperament. The nervous processes of sanguine people are persistent, they are characterized by rapid excitability and rapid inhibition.

Sanguine and the people around him

In society such a person stands out good mood. He always smiles and loves to joke with others and himself. But, as a rule, his jokes are kind and harmless, and no one holds a grudge against him for them. A person with this type of temperament speaks very well, it is pleasant to listen to him, his speech is perfectly delivered, his story is accompanied by bright facial expressions and gestures. Each of his stories is rich in colorful images and experiences of the narrator himself. Such a person remains very truthful when telling a fairy tale and in a serious conversation. He knows how to provide convincing arguments to support his words. And thanks to his cheerful disposition and smile, he usually emerges victorious from any dispute, leaving a very pleasant opinion of himself.

However, he is very easy to read, all his emotions are reflected on his face. If a sanguine person is upset or excited about something, this will immediately affect him. appearance. He also does not know how to hide his attitude towards people.

Let's try to figure out who a sanguine person is. Since childhood, such people are distinguished by a large number of friends, they are always in the center of attention, and are good at making new acquaintances. A person with this type of temperament can easily find a topic for conversation in any company in a few seconds.

If you ask a person to describe a sanguine person, they will use the following words: friendly, talkative, easygoing, carefree, active, sociable, sensitive, helpful, impatient, fickle, hardworking, enthusiastic, the life of the party, superficial, extravagant, happy.

It is also worth noting that none of the 4 types of temperament occurs in its pure form. As a rule, the temperament of a sanguine person is combined with a melancholic or choleric person. Differences in the behavior of a woman and a man with this temperament are determined not so much by gender as by a combination of temperament types.

What to consider when choosing a profession

People with this type of temperament become excellent leaders and employees, regardless of the profession they have chosen for themselves. They will find their calling in any field of activity. Such a person quickly gets involved in work and easily combines several tasks. Difficulties may arise when performing monotonous actions. This quickly tires the sanguine person and becomes uninteresting for him. For a sanguine person, a profession that requires a lot of attention and active action is suitable.. He must constantly remain on his toes, planning several possible options developments of events. It is difficult to force a sanguine child to sit still; he prefers active, noisy games.

When choosing a profession, you should pay attention to:

  1. Acting.
  2. Pedagogical activity.
  3. Voice-over skills and recitation.
  4. Political career.
  5. Specialties related to social activities.

If you know someone with this type of temperament

How to communicate with a sanguine person? Yes, very simple. This is true, because they are always cheerful, joke and create some kind of farce around themselves. Such people are very self-centered; they put themselves first. This is also a significant disadvantage of a sanguine person. They are completely immersed in their experiences and interests. Sanguine people cannot be classified as introverts; it is worth studying more thoroughly the dual concept of “extrovert-introvert”.

A child with this type of character tries in every possible way to attract the attention of his parents and everyone around him. accessible ways. IN early age they have the qualities of extroverts.

The child is a bit boastful, he is ready to talk about his achievements to anyone who is willing to listen. This quality accompanies him in adult life.

Thanks to their character, these people quickly make acquaintances, but just acquaintances. Their relationship is very superficial and is unlikely to turn into friendship. Sanguine people have only a few true friends in their entire lives. The picture is the same in relationships with the opposite sex. These are romantics, they know how to give gifts, pleasant surprises, and create a festive atmosphere. But truly serious relationships and sanguine people are poorly compatible. They are afraid to take on any responsibility and run away before the relationship even becomes serious. If you want to build a relationship with a sanguine person, then it should always be bright with you. Constantly surprise him and keep him intrigued.

Like other types of temperament, sanguine people have their pros and cons. The great advantage of his character is his friendliness; he skillfully wins over those around him, practically without making any effort to do so. The disadvantages of a sanguine person are frequent mood swings, from which, first of all, his family and friends suffer.


The compatibility of temperament types should be taken into account. In this regard, it is a little easier for a sanguine woman, since many of her characteristics are forgiven only because she is a woman. In relationships, sanguine and choleric people are poorly compatible: these types do not get along well together. It is easier to build relationships for sanguine-melancholic couples, provided that the latter is tolerant of the partner’s frequent mood swings. A sanguine-phlegmatic pair is extremely rare, as is an extrovert-introvert pair.

Prominent people

Famous people with this type of temperament: Alexander Ivanovich Herzen, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Lionel Messi, Pierre Beaumarchais, Magic Johnson. The most famous of the sanguine extroverts is Napoleon Bonaparte.

Mixed temperament types

Phlegmatic person. Choleric. Sanguine. Melancholic


Stable, influential

Ant/Elephant (melancholic/phlegmatic)

Competent specialists

They tend to always be right. They like to do one thing and do it right the first time. Their stability and constancy towards the work they do makes them sensitive. They tend to be reserved and prudent. They are constant, cautious, but very rarely dare to risk trying something new. They don't like to talk in front of an audience, but behind the scenes they will do everything in their power to help the group move in the right direction. They are driven by the opportunity to serve others and do the right thing.

Monkey/Tiger/Elephant (sanguine/choleric/phlegmatic)

Encouraging, leading, humble

They attract attention, powerful and stabilizing at the same time. They are not as prudent as Ants and those who have predominant Ant-type tendencies. They are more active than passive. But they also have sensitivity and stability, balance. Appear to be more people- and relationship-oriented, but can be authoritative, dominant, and decisive when it comes to achieving goals. They need to be more reflective and conservative. The details turn out to be not so important compared to the ability to lead and work with people.

Tiger/Monkey (choleric/sanguine)

Leading influencers

They impress and dominate. They are pleased with the opportunity to complete the task and at the same time look in a good light. Powerful and captivating, they are the best influencers on large groups of people. They can be very strong and care about what others think. With good communication skills, they are interested in people. They need to be more sensitive and tolerant towards others. If they learn to slow down and think carefully about their work, it can make all the difference for them. But they are also driven by the ability to control and impress.

Tiger/Monkey/Ant (choleric/sanguine/melancholic)

Authoritative, encouraging, painstaking

They are powerful, impressive, and competent. Tend to be more goal-oriented, but in a situation where they are in front of people (audience), they can be focused on people and relationships. They need to be more sensitive and soft. They don't mind change. Active and goal-oriented, they are also compliant and cautious. They like to do things right, enticing others to follow them. They combine the ability to express themselves out loud with determination and competence in achieving their goals. Safety is not as important as completion of work and the ability to look good from the outside.

Tiger/Ant (choleric/melancholic)

Leading, competent

They are strong and capable students, as well as harsh critics. They love to be in charge, collecting information to successfully complete the job and achieve their goals. They are more concerned with getting things done and getting things done right than with what others think and feel about it. They are leaders in relation to themselves and others. They dominate and are ironically sarcastic. They need to improve in the field of human relations. They need to be more sensitive and understanding. They are driven by the ability to make choices and the ability to successfully complete a difficult job.

Monkey/Elephant (sanguine/phlegmatic)

Encouragers, specialists

They influence others and are stable. They love people and people love them back. They like to please people and serve them. They do not like time constraints and do not like difficult tasks. They love to look good, they love to encourage others, but they often lack organization. They go in the direction they are shown. They need to care more about what they do than who they do it with. They are driven by a sincere desire to help others when given the opportunity. Whether they are in front or behind the scenes, they will influence and support others. They - good friends and obedient, executive workers.


Leading, active

They bring the matter to an end. They prefer stable situations. Persistent in achieving goals. Essentially unassuming leaders, they function best in small groups. They do not like to speak in front of a large audience, but they like to have it under their control. They are satisfied when relationships are defined and stable, but often try to dominate these relationships. They can be soft and hard at the same time. They are prompted to action by truly difficult circumstances, which allow them to systematically demonstrate themselves in solving difficult problems. They prefer to be confident in someone or something, not being content with superficial impressions. On their way to achieving their goals, they are able to form strong friendships.

Monkey/Ant (sanguine/melancholic)

Encouragers, competent

They inspire, but they are also prudent and cautious. They assess the situation and then adjust it to fit existing rules to look good in the eyes of others. They succeed in finding ways to improve things, while involving many others in the work. Sometimes they can be too persuasive and too concerned with gaining the upper hand. They are often impatient and critical. They need to be more sensitive to individuals. They are often more concerned about what others think. They don't like to break established rules, do not like to take risks. They need to dare to try new things and sometimes go against the crowd. In relationships, they act carefully and thoughtfully.

Elephant/Ant (phlegmatic/melancholic)

Stable, competent

They are stable and reflective. They love to explore everything and find various facts. They like to weigh evidence in order to slowly come to a certain logical conclusion. They like to be in small groups. They don't like speaking in front of an audience. They are sensitive to the needs of others and consistent in helping them, but can be critical and sarcastic. They - true friends, but can be too picky. They need to be more enthusiastic and optimistic. What motivates them to action is the ability to do things slowly and surely.



Competent, influential specialists

They like to do everything right, impressing others and stabilizing the situation. They are not aggressive and do not put pressure on others. They do well in both large and small groups. They are kind to people and prefer quality. They are sensitive to what others think about them and their work. They need to be more direct and demanding. They can do everything well, but their disadvantage is their inability to make quick decisions. Capable of doing great things using other people, but need self-direction and more persistence. They are stimulated by sincere approval and logical explanations.

Ant/Elephant/Tiger (melancholic/phlegmatic/choleric)

Competent, stable, leading (active)

This is a combination of caution, stability and authority. They are more goal oriented than relationship oriented, but in each case they care about specific people. They don't like public speaking. They prefer to see things through to the end. They work best in small groups. Tend to be serious. People often misperceive them, accusing them of being insensitive, but they are very caring towards others. They just don't show it explicitly. They need to be more positive, show more enthusiasm. Achieving goals is their natural character trait, but they need to be more friendly and less critical.

As you know, there are four types of temperament, about which entire volumes of research have been written. Without going into details, we will list them.


Easily adapts to changes.
He has fast speech and lively facial expressions.
He speaks more willingly than listens.
Shallow in feelings.
Often does not complete things.

Phlegmatic person

Calm and cool.
Reliable and consistent.
Immune to other people's opinions.

Choleric is characterized by:

Hot temper.
Straightforwardness and sharpness.
Lack of stamina.
High penetration power.
Work in jerks.
Lively facial expressions.
Sudden movements.


High sensitivity.
Inexpressive movements and facial expressions.
Deep inner world.
Lack of stamina and performance.
Low rate of mental processes.
To be successful, he needs a calm environment.

It is worth mentioning that it is very difficult to meet a person who is a “pure” representative of any of these four temperaments, and in most cases people combine two, and more often three, types. Therefore, when considering the compatibility of different temperaments, this circumstance should be taken into account.


The main problem in relationships is the lack of common interests. If partners have different views, they will foam at the mouth to prove that they are right, regardless of each other.

Quarrels in a choleric + choleric alliance are common.

Even having a high culture and knowing about their quarrelsome temperament, it is very difficult for such people to control their impulses. Being united by common interests they can cooperate quite fruitfully. However, even here the world will be unstable.


This option is more stable than the previous one.

A sanguine person tolerates quarrels more easily and may not attach much importance to them.

Such a tandem of temperaments is more proactive and less prone to fanaticism.

It is very good if a sanguine person, rich in ideas, chooses promising goals and weighs the pros and cons, and a proactive choleric person manages their implementation.

In general, such an alliance is painted in positive tones and is quite successful.

Choleric + phlegmatic

In this case, it will be quite difficult for partners to achieve understanding. Everyone views the world from their own perspective and it will take extraordinary efforts to achieve it. A choleric person sees a tortoise in a phlegmatic person, while a phlegmatic person tends to look at a choleric person as a hare. Ideally, the choleric person should take the active role, and leave the routine to the hardy and disciplined phlegmatic person, who copes with this perfectly.


It's horrible. A union of strength and weakness, vulnerability and aggression, speed and slowness. A heavy burden for a melancholic person and an endless source of irritation for a choleric person.


A very cheerful union of two eternal optimists who are always ready to start new project, get new profession, passion, family... It’s easy to guess that the problem could be a lack of depth, consistency and the ability to finish what you started, with an excess of ideas. But spiritually, even in defeat, such a union plays with the rays of the Sun.


A very productive relationship. The abundance of ideas and breadth of views of a sanguine person are perfectly balanced by the stability and perseverance of a phlegmatic person and vice versa, without creating any special conflicts.


It will be much easier for the latter in such a union than with a choleric person, but one cannot expect much understanding here.

Too different life speeds make themselves felt. Such relationships can be somewhat softened if you choose a lifestyle with frequent and rather long separations.


The main difficulty is excessive restraint and lack of desire to understand your partner. This option is more suitable for collaboration in the archive than for relationships. However, marriages concluded by such a couple are almost always very stable.


Perhaps the best union for a melancholic person.

Phlegmatic people will strengthen melancholic people, and in return they will decorate their rigid mental organization with their rich inner world.

As in all cases with a melancholic person, it is better if the bearer of this temperament is a woman.

If a man is a bearer of a melancholic type of temperament, then, alas, it will be much more difficult to get a woman to understand him.


One cannot expect any special success in life from such a couple. There is more hope for a favorable combination of life circumstances than for the partners themselves. True, they can be very sensitive and caring towards each other. Life force passed over such an alliance. But what dreams!

The term “temperament” is of Latin origin and translated means “ratio”. The first scientist to define four types of temperament was Hippocrates, who lived in the fifth century BC. He believed that a person contains four fluids: sangius (blood), flegma (phlegm), chole and melas chole (yellow and black bile, respectively). The type of reactions of a particular person, according to Hippocrates, depends on which liquid predominates. In subsequent eras, temperament types were divided into strong and weak. The strong are phlegmatic, and the weak are melancholic.

Sanguine is sociable and active

It is not difficult to distinguish from owners of other types of temperament. This is usually a sociable person who easily adapts to the situation. He is active and has expressive facial expressions. In a sanguine person mental processes change easily and quickly, so he is almost never in danger of overwork. Sanguine people easily get along with people and calmly part with them. He copes well with any negotiations, but is much less successful in matters that require perseverance and constant effort. The processes of excitation and inhibition in sanguine people are balanced.

A phlegmatic person is not at all lazy

In a phlegmatic person, mental processes arise and change slowly. The owner of this type of temperament is generally characterized by low activity. He does not adapt too quickly and does not adapt well to the changed situation. For this he needs quite long time. Outwardly, his temperament is manifested in the fact that the phlegmatic is inactive, speaks slowly, and his facial expressions are inexpressive. It is not easy to get him out of patience, but the one who succeeds usually regrets it very much later, because stopping a phlegmatic person is just as difficult as rousing him. Characteristic feature all owners of this temperament - perseverance, perseverance, the desire to bring what they started to completion. A phlegmatic person is a reliable life partner and business partner who usually strictly complies with the terms of the agreement.

Choleric - a person who is addicted

In a choleric person, mental processes arise and change rapidly. This is a quick-tempered, but easy-going person. He gets carried away easily, but just as quickly loses interest if he fails to achieve immediate success. However, a choleric person, thanks to his assertiveness and desire to invest all his strength in what interests him, often achieves excellent results. He is sharp in communication, proactive, energetic, but a rapid burst of activity very quickly gives way to indifference. Excitement in a choleric person prevails over inhibition.

Melancholic is focused on experiences

Melancholic is weak psychological types. He is prone to excessively deep experiences even when there seems to be no reason for this. His feelings are stable, but they hardly appear outwardly. In the owner of this type of temperament, inhibition prevails over excitation. The slightest resistance unsettles you. He is characterized by timidity and indecisiveness, he is very vulnerable. Owners of this type of temperament prefer individual work collective.

The phlegmatic type of temperament is characterized by calmness, resistance to stress, peace of mind, as well as hard work, endurance, ability to make friends, natural modesty. These and other qualities help phlegmatic people easily get along with people of different temperaments.


A phlegmatic person is able to maintain equanimity in almost any situation. stressful situation. You need to try very hard to piss him off, however, if you succeed, then he will completely pour out all the accumulated anger. Therefore, it is better not to shake its inert external stimuli state, and instead just enjoy communication with a very calm person, which is rare.

He is characterized by passivity in various kinds of matters. A phlegmatic person will prefer routine work that can be done without unnecessary fuss. This has its advantages: phlegmatic people almost always achieve career growth, while representatives of others experience ups and downs. It can be assumed that in love they rarely show initiative due to their passivity. No, their self-esteem is fine, but at the same time they are childishly modest.

Representatives of this type of temperament have one of the rare qualities - the ability to listen to other people. They are excellent conversationalists because they rarely interrupt and are attentive to detail. Thanks to their calm character and ability to weigh the situation before taking or advising something, they find a common language with hot-tempered choleric people, fickle sanguine people, and sensitive melancholic people. At the same time, phlegmatic people do not strive to be the first to make contact, but they are able to easily maintain acquaintances that once took place.

Phlegmatic people have high intelligence, are diligent and efficient. They can easily spend one or more evenings carefully studying scientific work, or for complex embroidery. In general terms, phlegmatic people are similar to track and field athletes who choose endurance running rather than short sprint distances. In communication, encourage any of their attempts to offer initiative, pay due attention to their positive traits, from time to time offer participation in joint meetings, trips, as well as creative and business projects.

Video on the topic

Hippocrates divided humanity into 4 types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic. Choleric is a very energetic person. You can work and live peacefully with such a person, provided you obey him unquestioningly. To create a friendly atmosphere, it is better to fulfill all his requests and desires.


To determine the type of temperament, set some task for the subject. If he immediately began to carry it out, without thinking into the details and without making plans, you have a choleric person in front of you.

When achieving a goal, a choleric person will definitely find many allies, because... he has an innate ability to persuade and lead people.

Most likely, your manager at work is choleric, because... They are characterized by the desire to dominate, the ability to correctly assess the situation, and the ability to manipulate others.

Argue with a choleric person. When participating in debates, people of this temperament always defend their point of view to the end, even knowing that they are wrong. Cholerics will never compromise. Possessing great self-confidence, they are not able to hear others and accept other people's opinions. Sometimes they lack a sense of tact.

If you are already for a long time When you communicate with a person of this type of character, you have never seen him sad or indifferent. Invite him to participate in a charity event, for example, in saving people during disasters, or in holding a political rally; a choleric person will never refuse such an idea.

In any situation, choleric people take the reins of power into their own hands. They are often surprised that other people cannot find the right way to solve a problem. The main thing for this type of people is achieving their goals.

The character is complex in such a way that he does not need friends. He always remains independent of other people's opinions. When a group is needed to achieve goals, he will be happy to work in a team, but only on such conditions as to be the first and the first to achieve the goals.

Please note

Among the famous choleric people are people such as Alexander Suvorov, Peter I, Alexander Pushkin.

One of the four types of human temperament - sanguine, at first glance, is very positive. In fact, cheerfulness, sociability, goodwill, non-conflict - all these character traits are very attractive. But is everything really so good for a sanguine person?


A sanguine person is an incorrigible lover of life. And from this love of life come all the derived traits of his character.

He is energetic because he is constantly in search of new sensations and vivid impressions. And this energy manifests itself in everything. Even if he does some hard, unpleasant work, he does it energetically. If only in order to finish it quickly and start getting new, more pleasant impressions.