Oddly enough, one of the most common and quite favorable night visions is feces. The dream book will help you decipher its meaning.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of feces, Miller's dream book will help you interpret such a vision. So, according to this source, the values ​​can be as follows:

  • If in a dream you not only saw an object, but also felt it bad smell, the plot indicates tense relationships with others. There are people who constantly interfere in your affairs.
  • If the person who dreamed of feces is engaged in business or has recently made some serious financial investments, the vision promises him profit.

Interpretation according to Loff's dream book

Loff’s dream book explains why feces are seen in dreams in its own way. This is how you can interpret this ambiguous vision:

  • Usually this dream foreshadows the acquisition of wealth.
  • If a person does not have any prerequisites for making a profit, perhaps the dream conveys his desire to become more wealthy. It's probably time for some more active action in this direction.
  • You may also dream about this object if you this moment you are in dire need of money. Try to remember the plot of the dream in more detail. Perhaps it contains some hint for your enrichment.
  • If in a dream you had to get dirty in feces, this means that you should expect significant profits from the most unexpected sources.

Interpretation according to the modern dream book

Modern people Special attention pay attention to their night visions, and especially those in which feces are present. The dream book explains this as follows:

  • If there was a lot of feces, this means that there is a risk of quarreling with friends, family or colleagues.
  • To smell a smell in a dream means that you are not very a good relationship with others. For some reason you are not liked.
  • If you did any manipulations with feces (for example, removed it or tried to make something out of it), this symbolizes your dependence on someone. If in a dream there was a person who controlled your actions, it means that he is your oppressor.

Interpretation according to the Mayan dream book

The ancient Mayans had their own fairly accurate dream book. Why do you dream about feces? In this interpreter you will find the following answers:

  • If you dreamed of waste from your own life, this symbolizes quick and sudden profit. The Mayans believed that one should not eat salt for a week in order for this auspicious dream to come true.
  • A vision in which you stepped into someone else’s feces or got dirty in them has a completely different meaning. You risk losing your money and also ruining your reputation. To prevent this, the sages advised putting three coins and a lock of hair in a glass of salt water. All this needs to be placed under the bed for three days.

Interpretation according to the noble dream book

A unique answer to the question can be given by noble dream book. Seeing feces, according to his interpretation, means the following:

  • Seeing human feces means that you are quite a rich person. At the same time, there is inappropriate stinginess in you.
  • If you dreamed about yourself happily bathing in a cesspool, this promises you a fun, carefree pastime. However, there will be some excesses.
  • If you dream about defecating, it means losses. Moreover, they will be as significant as how much waste you see from your life.
  • A dream in which you hold feces in your hand means that in the near future life will bring you only pleasure.
  • If you dreamed that you were being given an enema, it means that you are in constant need of money. To change the situation, you need to take action.

Interpretation according to the Chinese dream book

  • If you are covered in them from head to toe, it means that you will soon become a very rich person. Moreover, your income will not be related in any way to your main job.
  • If you walk on the ground covered with excrement, it shows that you are respected in society.
  • If you are in the restroom, this means that a serious promotion awaits you soon.
  • When a person dreams that he is falling into a cesspool, the meaning can be twofold. If he was able to get out of it, it means that in real life he will cope with all problems and benefit from it. If you fail to get out, this means serious trouble.

Interpretation from a psychological dream book

Considering that a dream is a reflection of thoughts, it is worth turning to a psychological interpreter. Regarding feces, it states the following:

  • If you get dirty in excrement, unexpected profits await you. Perhaps it will be some kind of expensive and valuable gift.
  • Holding feces in your hands means getting some kind of pleasure in real life. Perhaps you will have a pleasant time with loved ones.
  • If you see excrement but have no contact with it, this means you are in dire need of money.

According to several popular dream books, human excrement is a harbinger of large incomes, prosperity and wealth. Seeing feces in a dream turns out to be good sign, which promises a lot of easy ways to make money. At the same time, it is important to remember all the circumstances of the dream in order to find out why human or animal feces are dreamed of.

Fate according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a toilet in a dream or stepping on human, cat or dog excrement is not so scary, says Miller in his works on dreams. All your actions in the near future will bring income. Even seemingly obviously losing cases and operations will become profitable for you.

A well-known psychologist explains in detail why feces are seen in dreams:

  • human - to replenish the wallet in any way;
  • feline - there will be a chance to improve matters by cunning;
  • dog - to a good deal with a friend;
  • mouse - for small bonuses and surprises;
  • cows - to a large monetary project.

If you dreamed that you had to clean up a lot of excrement after animals, rejoice - this means that every action you take will lead to dividends.

Be afraid of getting into an unsavory story

Seeing excrement in a dream, collecting it, preparing food from it is a double sign. Dream Interpretations do not reduce the interpretation of dreams only to profit and explain some aspects as bad changes. For example, cat, dog, mouse feces, especially when there are a lot of them, symbolize shame and disgrace according to Freud’s dream book.

In reality you will have to experience a feeling of awkwardness and embarrassment for your shameful actions - this is exactly what you dream of cleaning up and hiding the excrement of a cat, a cat, and sometimes a person too. This is what Vanga’s dream book says.

If you dreamed that you managed to step in animal feces, but you can’t clean them off your shoes - be prepared to listen to an impartial monologue addressed to you from your superiors or older relatives.

Luck and nothing more

To see a stranger getting into trouble by stepping into excrement in a dream, or to see oneself get dirty in excrement means becoming a witness to someone’s secrets. The details of someone else's correspondence will give you many trump cards that will make it easier to win any process.

To understand why a recovering person dreams of excrement, you need to remember your feelings when you see it. Dream books claim that the smell of sewage in a dream and a feeling of lightness in the body indicate that the body has independently coped with the disease and things will soon get better.

Get ready to spend your profits

Monetary well-being will grow if you dreamed that you managed to “get into” excrement against your will. Tsvetkov’s dream book promises a person income even without his knowledge. For example, an inheritance may unexpectedly arrive, or a nice gift from close relatives.

Very often, dreams that carry unpleasant and negative information mean and portend something good. Dreams about feces fall into this category. To receive advanced and more accurate interpretation, try to remember the features of the plot you saw, that is, under what circumstances everything happened, so that you felt it, etc.

Why do you dream about feces?

Most often, such a dream is a harbinger of receiving a large sum of money. For people involved in business, such a plot means the successful completion of all projects that are currently considered failures. Night vision, in which you not only see feces, but also feel their unpleasant smell, indicates a rather complex relationship with the people around you. Accidentally seeing feces in a dream is an indication that the dreamer often shows his weak character and relies on the opinions of other people in solving important issues. It's time to believe in yourself and push away obsessive people. If the dreamer tries to find a reason unpleasant odor, it means that someone from your environment wants to interfere in your personal life.

The interpretation of dreams about feces depends on the nature of the feces. If this was done by an animal, it means that soon you can count on starting a money business, or the dreamer will be able to successfully invest his capital. Human feces in a dream means that the people around him have a negative attitude towards the dreamer and different things await him ahead. Such a dream also has positive side, if you calculate your moves correctly, you can use your enemies for your own purposes. Seeing feces in a dream and getting dirty in it is a good sign that promises receiving a salary increase or you can count on a good bonus.

Night vision, where you had to take feces for analysis in a sick state, is an unfavorable symbol that promises problems in the material sphere. I dreamed of feces that had to be removed, which means that in reality the dreamer is highly dependent on another person. A dream in which you had to fall in feces indicates that you will soon find yourself in an unpleasant situation and disgrace yourself in front of a large crowd of people. If you had to eat feces in a dream, it means that you will soon have to reconsider your habits. For a woman, a dream in which she had to look at feces means that she will soon receive something important for herself.

It is simply impossible to call dreams in which feces were dreamed pleasant. But despite this, their meaning is favorable. Such a dream promises financial profit and rapid career. To find out more precisely what feces are dreamed of, you need to consult a dream book, but only after the entire night scenario has been reproduced in your memory.

Dreams in which feces were dreamed are simply impossible to call pleasant

To accurately interpret night dreams in which you dreamed of fecal excrement, it is necessary to take into account many details. The meaning of what they see depends on them:

  • smell them - relationships with people around you are quite complex;
  • seeing feces by accident - the dreamer experiences certain difficulties in solving problems and relies more on others than on himself;
  • look for where the unpleasant smell is coming from - soon one of close circle will unceremoniously interfere in the life of the sleeping person;
  • calla lilies of an animal - the new business will be as profitable as possible. A favorable period for investment is coming;
  • human feces - will arise conflict situations, others treat the sleeping person poorly;
  • get dirty - promotion wages, receiving a bonus;
  • submit for analysis - financial problems arise;
  • removing them means dependence on another person;
  • fall into them - you will soon find yourself in a very unpleasant situation and even disgrace yourself.

Eating poop in a dream means you should think about your own habits, maybe something needs to be changed.

Feces in the dream book (video)

Seeing human feces in a dream: what does it mean?

A person can dream of anything, but those night dreams in which one sees human feces have a special meaning.

Their meaning can be as follows:

  • a large pile - a large monetary replenishment is expected. Perhaps you will soon be lucky enough to win the lottery or find a well-paid job;
  • falling into a street toilet is a difficult period in life. The dreamer will not be able to influence the development of events, no matter what efforts he makes;
  • to smear yourself in them - the goal that was set will soon be achieved;
  • on the bed - meeting a very influential person, thanks to whom all financial problems will be solved;
  • in the toilet - you will be able to make a very easy profit;
  • for children, in a pot - a good investment;
  • on the floor - the dreamer is very naive, for this reason he may soon experience financial difficulties. To save his finances, he needs to look at life realistically.

A person can dream of anything, but those night dreams in which one sees human feces have a special meaning

Getting dirty in your own feces in a dream

Night visions in which a person gets into his own excrement or gets dirty have a favorable meaning. Most often, such a dream promises wealth, but besides this, the dream book also gives slightly different meanings of the dream:

  • You should be more vigilant in solving problems. Due to carelessness or rash decisions, many failures are possible;
  • worth paying attention to own health. Problems in the gastrointestinal tract cannot be ruled out;
  • big profit;
  • revelry.

Night visions in which a person gets into his own excrement or gets dirty have a favorable meaning.

Seeing animal excrement in a dream

Often in dreams one may see not human feces, but animals. Naturally, such night dreams will mean something else. Depending on who owns the excrement, the dream may portend the following:

  • canine - cooperation with a partner will be fruitful;
  • cow - the harvest this year will be very high;
  • mouse - one of the important objects for the dreamer will soon break, but this breakage can be easily fixed;
  • feline - significant changes are possible in the financial environment. They will not necessarily be positive;
  • avian - a significant improvement in financial situation, it is possible to receive an inheritance or a significant increase in wages.

If the excrement in a dream is dog excrement, cooperation with a partner will be fruitful

Defecate, go to the village toilet or toilet for a long time

Even those dreams in which you have to defecate have a special meaning. They cannot be ignored, but when interpreting, it is imperative to take into account all the details without exception. Absolutely everything matters, even what the toilet looked like and what actions were performed in it:

  • defecate, but get pretty dirty - a considerable amount of money will be received. The income will be easy, the dreamer will not even have to make the slightest effort;
  • a wooden toilet in the village into which the sleeper fell - all business will be as successful as possible, the dreamer will have good luck in all his endeavors, it is possible that a deal will be concluded on very favorable terms;
  • constraint due to the lack of partitions - in the past a person had an unpleasant experience and because of this he cannot confidently move towards his goal to this day. You should get rid of the shame that has been tormenting you for many years and try to express yourself with the best side, to realize yourself as a person;
  • looking for a place to defecate there later - a person is trying to implement plans that will subsequently bring considerable profit;
  • walking around and at the same time talking with someone - in order to realize your plans, you will need the help of others, you should not refuse it;
  • the process of defecation on the toilet - you will be able to show your natural talents. It is thanks to them that they will be able to get maximum profit;
  • defecate when large cluster people and not feel embarrassed at the same time - the dreamer has earned authority, has a fairly high position, others listen to his opinion;
  • suffer from constipation - the sleeper cannot easily express his opinion;
  • diarrhea - before expressing your opinion and acting, you need to think carefully about everything;
  • walk around in public toilet– you may soon receive a cash bonus;
  • a village toilet already overflowing with feces - in order to achieve financial well-being and achieve maximum success, you will have to make titanic efforts;
  • look at a village toilet from the outside - it’s worth seeing a doctor and conducting a full examination, it’s possible serious problems with health.

Even those dreams in which you have to defecate have a special meaning

Sitting in such a toilet for a long time means a person lacks vital space.

Feces in Miller's dream book

One of the most popular dream books says that such night dreams promise financial profit. Everything planned will soon be realized without much effort. Success in all matters will certainly accompany the dreamer.

Such a vision is of particular significance if it is seen by a businessman or major investor. All investments will bring him maximum profit, bonuses will also be awarded, and the interest rate will be increased.

Why do you dream about feces (video)

Night dreams in which feces are seen are most often described in dream books as harbingers of financial well-being and unexpected profits. But this is far from the only meaning of such unpleasant, disgusting night visions. To obtain an accurate answer, it is necessary to take into account whose feces it was, where it was seen, what emotions were accompanied by the dream and many related details. Only after a full analysis of what you saw can you learn about the true meaning of night visions. If you react to them in time, interpret them correctly and begin to act actively, then you can expect only favorable changes in life. Despite the mass negative emotions from such a dream, its meaning is very positive. All problems will remain in the past, and your future life will be prosperous and happy.

Attention, TODAY only!

A person who had a dream with feces appearing in it may call such a sight unpleasant. However, the decoding of such a plot itself evokes more positive emotions.

The thing is that excrement in night visions is a very good sign, foreshadowing favorable changes in life. More detailed information about what feces means in dreams can be obtained by studying dream books.

Dreams with a delicate plot, in which there is feces, in most cases promise an improvement in material condition. Just like in real life, stepping into a pile of excrement in a dream means gaining money. The same applies to stories in which you dream about clothes stained with feces. If a person sees such pictures, he will soon receive a bonus or salary increase.

If a person sees a dream where feces are in the form of a large heap, a more significant sum of money awaits him.. This can be either a one-time reward (winning) or permanent profit (highly paid work). The same meaning is conveyed by visions where the dreamer sees huge manure heaps or street latrines.

However, when you dreamed that a person had fallen into and was plunging into the slurry, this is a warning. This means that in the near future the dreamer will face a tense period, the events of which depend on the decisions of the main character. Therefore, you should be especially careful about others and monitor your own actions so as not to get into unpleasant situations.

At the same time, the dream book considers it a favorable sign when you dream about feces if a person smears himself with them in a dream. In this case, the substances promise to achieve the goal. The same version applies to dreams in which a person feels the unpleasant smell of excrement smeared on his clothes. Moreover, the stronger the smell of feces in a dream, the higher the peak achieved.

Some dream books interpret the plots of night visions, in which the dreamer manages to smell a bad smell as a signal of possible illegal manipulations. Therefore, before making an important decision, be sure to check whether there are any pitfalls.

Very often we dream of feces that a person carries in for analysis. Collect, carry and hand over similar biological material in a dream means the need for support. This means that at this stage of life the dreamer needs the help and advice of a close friend or relative. If substances intended for analysis are lost on the way to the hospital, such a dream may indicate a missed opportunity.

When studying interpretations of what feces mean in dreams, it is worth highlighting the importance of their location:

  • Excrement does not dream of the appearance of a rich sponsor in life. If a girl sees such a dream, there is a chance that her relationship with her sponsor will develop into something more.
  • Your own feces appear in a dream as a harbinger of easy profit. Perhaps soon the dreamer will be able to win a prize or receive a monetary reward.
  • Baby feces in a potty are a sign of a good investment. The dream book interprets such a phenomenon as evidence that a new endeavor will bring unexpectedly good results.
  • A pile on the floor will indicate excessive naivety of a person, which may cause the loss of a sum of money. Therefore, if the plot shows such a picture, the dreamer should become a realist if he does not want to lose part of his financial fortune.

When you dream about non-human excrement

The fact that explains the origin of feces is also very important point when interpreting dreams. A dream in which there is non-human excrement can be interpreted in different ways.