Lesson notes for 1st grade.
"Live and inanimate nature»

Target: generalize children's knowledge about living and inanimate nature, promote the development of cognitive interests.


Develop curiosity, memory, and the ability to draw conclusions about the development of nature;

Develop creative imagination, ability to fantasize;

Expand knowledge about living and inanimate nature, show their interdependence;

Learn to solve riddles;

Learn to quickly find the correct answer to a question;

Learn to solve problem problems;

Talk about plant respiration and conditions for growth.

Teach ways of independent knowledge;

Continue to foster a love of nature and careful attitude To her;

Methods and materials: gaming, practical, verbal

Individual work: activate inactive children

Progress of the lesson:

Teacher .You guys will be young ecologists today. Who is this young ecologist?

(children’s answers - “this is a child who loves nature, always and everywhere takes care of it”) .

What do you think - how can one become a young ecologist?(children’s answer is “do good deeds towards each other and towards nature”)

Game "Three words"

Teacher Young ecologists know a lot about nature. Let's play the game "Three words"(the teacher names the concepts, and the children say what is included in this concept)

    Vegetables...(cabbage, cucumber, tomato)

    Fruits...(banana, orange, apple)

    Wintering birds...(sparrow, dove, owl)

    Migratory birds...(cranes, swallow, cuckoo)

    Pets...(cow, horse, dog)

    Wild animals...(wolf, fox, hare)

    Animals of the Far North(polar bear, seal, fur seal)

    Animals of the tropics(lion, lynx, gorilla)

    Marine life(fish, whale, dolphin)

    Insects...(mosquito, fly, butterfly)

    Waterfowl...(goose, duck, swan)

    Berries(raspberry, strawberry, cherry)

Teacher - Well done, you named everything correctly.

How many of you know what living and inanimate nature is?

1: The world of wildlife is plants, animals, insects, birds, fish(shows pictures) . Both humans and all living organisms cannot live without air, without water, without sun, without food. Live nature- this is everything that grows, breathes, eats, develops

2: Inanimate nature is everything that does not breathe, does not grow, does not develop. This is everything that surrounds us - stars, moon, planets, sun, mountains, water, stones, air, etc. Both humans and all living organisms cannot live without inanimate nature.

Game "Finish the sentence"

Teacher Of course, you remember what my young colleagues were talking about. Finish my sentence.

    Inanimate nature is...(stars, moon, wind, water, air, etc.)

    Wildlife is...(plants, animals, insects, fish)

    All living organisms cannot live without...(inanimate nature) .

Competition of riddles and problematic questions

Teacher - Well done, now for some riddles and questions for the mind. Let's test your intelligence.

    Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, but flies over flowers(butterfly) .

    Eight legs like eight arms, silk embroider a circle(spider) .

    From a branch to a blade of grass, from a blade of grass to a blade of grass a spring jumps, a green back(grasshopper) .

    Flies, buzzes, eats in summer, sleeps in winter(bug) .

    They fly without wings, they run without legs, they sail without sails.(clouds) .

    Why do you need a nose?(breathe and smell the smells) .

    How to see air?(weathervane, windmill, kite) .

    How will you reach the sky?(look)

    What can you see with your eyes closed?(dream) .

Well done, you answered correctly.

Game "Guess whose ad"

Teacher (takes the newspaper) Look, a newspaper of forest advertisements, but without signatures. Let's guess whose ads these are.

    Come visit me. I don't have an address. I carry my house on myself(snail, turtle)

    Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend the wings(caterpillar, snake, worm) .

    I am the most charming and attractive! I'll fool anyone you want to deceive(fox) .

    I've been waiting for a friend for 150 years. I have a positive character, but I'm very slow(turtle) .

Well done, you guessed it right.

Physical exercise “Droplets”

(audio recording “Sounds of Nature” is played)

Teacher: Stand up, I'm turning you into droplets(waves his hand) , jump on the spot, water the ground, flowers, grass, trees.

(children jump, “water” the ground)

That's it, the rain is over, the plants thank you.

Teacher: How does all living things grow and develop?

Game “How all living things grow”

Teacher: Look(shows a picture) - we talked about how a child grows and develops(small child, preschooler, schoolchild, youth, man, old man) . To do this you need...(warmth + nutrition + water + air + love)

Teacher: What does a chicken need to grow and develop?

(You need to feed him grain, take a walk, bask in the sun, breathe fresh air, bask under his mother’s wing)

Teacher: It turns out that a chicken needs the same things as a human to grow and develop:

Children: warmth + food + water + air + care

Teacher: As we see, all living organisms need the same things to grow and develop: warmth, food, water, air, care.

Teacher: How do plants grow and develop? Plants are...(herbs, trees, bushes, flowers) . Guys, are plants living or non-living?(live plants)

Why do you say that plants are alive?(grow, eat, breathe, live, reproduce, die...)

It turns out that plants eat differently from animals. Under the warm rays of the sun, they absorb carbon dioxide from the air that people and animals exhale. And they turn it into starch and sugar. Plants definitely need water. They take it from the ground, from the soil along with nutrients to grow and develop. Without water, carbon dioxide and sunlight, plants cannot eat. When plants feed, they release oxygen into the air. Oxygen is necessary for all living things to breathe and live. In a forest, where there are many trees, flowers, grass, the air is cleaner - there is more oxygen in the air. What should we do in the city so that the air is the same as in the forest?(plant trees, flowers, lawns, care for plants, do not tear them)

Teacher: Guys, I'll give you small beans. Why do you think the seeds do not germinate during storage?(no water, light)

Our beans want to become alive and grow. Let's conduct an experiment and plant them in the ground, we will love them, look after them, water them, fertilize them, and they will enjoy life and make us happy.

The apple represents temptation, seduction. According to the Bible, the apple symbolizes the forbidden fruit, because of which Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. But also in ancient mythology and Russians folk tales apples are associated with health and vitality. Remember how in one of the fairy tales the king sent his sons for rejuvenating apples, which returned him strength and health.

To dream of being treated to apples means that someone will try to involve you in a risky enterprise that will significantly damage your reputation.

A dream in which you eat an apple indicates that you need to take care of your health in the near future.

If in a dream you saw an apple lying on a plate or saucer, you will become a participant in interesting events.

To see in a dream how you roll an apple on a plate - in reality you will accidentally learn someone’s secret.

Cooking apple jam in a dream means that you will become a participant or witness to a sad event.

To hold in hand Golden Apple– in reality you will receive universal love and recognition.

Collecting fallen apples is evidence that real life You are hoping to get something that is not available to you.

An unripe apple means bad news.

If in a dream you pick a green apple, then remember one folk wisdom: “Don’t pick an apple while it’s green: when it’s ripe, it will fall on its own.” Don't rush things, let everything take its course.

A dream in which you eat a wormy or rotten apple means illness and loss of vital energy.

Seeing a huge mountain of red and ripe apples in a dream means success and complete well-being.

If in a dream you saw an apple rolling along the path, it means that in the near future you will be hosting your relatives.

To see one rotten apple among ripe apples in a dream is a sign that all your failures and problems are connected with a person close to you. “One spoiled apple causes a whole cart to rot.”

Interpretation of dreams from Ancient dream book

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Ripe apples at the top of the tree warn you not to get too high in your desires. Apples on the ground mean that you will be harmed by false friends and flatterers. Rotten apples promise fruitless efforts. Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Apples

Apple tree in bloom - sign sincere love and good deeds.

An apple tree with ripe apples - you will receive a reproach for your ambitions and will encounter disapproval of your initiatives.

If you dreamed of a broken and crooked apple tree, it means an undeserved reproach, a quarrel.

Baked apples - for self-interest.

Delicious apples mean prosperity.

Apple jam is a sign of joy.

Eating an apple in a dream and not feeling the taste is a warning against a false friend.

The fall of two apples from an apple tree in a dream means the birth of twins.

Nature is everything that surrounds us and pleases the eye. Since ancient times, it has become an object of research. It was thanks to her that people were able to comprehend the basic principles of the universe, as well as make an unimaginable number of discoveries for humanity. Today, nature can be conditionally divided into living and non-living with all the elements and features inherent only to these types.

Inanimate nature is a kind of symbiosis of the simplest elements, all kinds of substances and energies. This includes resources, stones, natural phenomena, planets and stars. Inanimate nature often becomes a subject of study by chemists, physicists, geologists and other scientists.

Microorganisms are able to survive in almost any environment where there is water. They are present even in hard rocks. A feature of microorganisms is the ability to reproduce quickly and intensively. All microorganisms have horizontal gene transfer, that is, in order to spread its influence, a microorganism does not have to pass on genes to its descendants. They can develop with the help of plants, animals and other living organisms. It is this factor that allows them to survive in any environment. Some microorganisms can survive even in space.

It is necessary to distinguish between beneficial microorganisms and harmful ones. Beneficial ones contribute to the development of life on the planet, while harmful ones are created to destroy it. But in some cases, harmful microorganisms can become beneficial. For example, some viruses are used to treat serious diseases.

Vegetable world

The plant world today is large and multifaceted. Nowadays there are many natural parks that collect a large number of amazing plants. Without plants there can be no life on Earth, because thanks to them, oxygen is produced, which is necessary for most living organisms. Plants also absorb carbon dioxide, which harms the planet's climate and human health.

Plants are multicellular organisms. Today, no ecosystem can be imagined without them. Plants not only serve as an element of beauty on Earth, but they are also very beneficial for humans. In addition to producing fresh air, plants serve as a valuable source of food.

Conventionally, plants can be divided according to food characteristics: those that can be eaten and those that cannot. Edible plants include various herbs, nuts, fruits, vegetables, grains, and some algae. Inedible plants include trees, many ornamental grasses, and shrubs. The same plant can contain both an edible and inedible element at the same time. For example, apple tree and apple, currant bush and currant berry.

Animal world

The fauna is amazing and diverse. It represents the entire fauna of our planet. The characteristics of animals are the ability to move, breathe, eat, and reproduce. During the existence of our planet, many animals disappeared, many evolved, and some simply appeared. Today, animals are divided into different classifications. Depending on their habitat and method of survival, they are waterfowl or amphibians, carnivores or herbivores, etc. Animals are also classified depending on the degree of domestication: wild and domestic.

Wild animals are distinguished by their free behavior. Among them there are both herbivores and carnivores that feed on meat. A wide variety of animal species live in different parts of the planet. They all try to adapt to the place in which they live. If these are glaciers and high mountains, then the coloring of the animals will be light. In the desert and steppe, ocher color predominates. Every animal tries to survive by any means necessary, and the change in color of their fur or feathers is the main evidence of adaptation.

Domestic animals were once wild too. But man tamed them for his needs. He began to raise pigs, cows and sheep. He began to use dogs as protection. For entertainment, he tamed cats, parrots and other animals. The importance of pets in a person's life is very high if he is not a vegetarian. From animals he receives meat, milk, eggs, and wool for clothing.

Living and inanimate nature in art

Man has always respected and appreciated nature. He understands that his existence is possible only in harmony with her. Therefore, there are many works of great artists, musicians and poets about nature. Some artists, depending on their adherence to one or another element of nature, created their own movements in art. Such directions as landscape and still life appeared. The great Italian composer Vivaldi dedicated many of his works to nature. One of his outstanding concerts is “The Seasons”.

Nature is very important for humans. The more he takes care of her, the more he receives in return. You need to love and respect her, and then life on the planet will be much better!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

A very simple recipe for apple jam that does not require any special skill, no labor costs, with minimum quantity ingredients. Thanks to the short cooking process, the jam has the taste of natural apples - sweet and sour, aromatic and unobtrusive in summer. The whole secret is that apples can be cooked for a maximum of 15 minutes, while languishing in own juice more than a day. Having time to soak and be saturated with juices and acids, the fruits become soft and pliable, and cooking only completes the process, sterilizing the jam for long-term storage.

Quick and lively apple jam prepared according to this recipe can be used for filling, charlottes, pancakes, puff pastries and oven pies. Any baked goods will be simply excellent with aromatic quick jam that tastes like living apples. Another quick dessert option for “quick apple jam” is to generously coat a thin sheet of pita bread with jam, sprinkle with cinnamon and wrap in an envelope. Fry on both sides on lightly greased butter frying pan until crispy. Very tasty, and most importantly, it can be prepared instantly!

- apples of any variety – 3 kg;
- granulated sugar – 0.5 kg.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Selecting ripe apples. Fill them with water and rinse, removing cuttings and leaves.
Cut clean apples into 4 pieces, removing the core.

Then cut the apples into thin slices.

We transfer the slices into a wide bowl for quick cooking of live apple jam, or another suitable container and fill it with sugar.

Shake the contents of the bowl a little so that the sugar is well distributed.

Leave the apples in a cool place for 24-48 hours. Stir the apple slices in their own juice several times.
Apple juice should come out.

Place the basin on low heat and cook for 15 minutes, starting from the moment of boiling. If you have hard apples, the cooking time can be increased by 5 minutes.

Live apple jam prepared according to this quick recipe, while still hot, place in half-liter sterilized jars and roll up with tin lids; you can use Euro jars with screws. The lids for them must be steamed and tightened immediately before seaming.
For additional sterilization, we turn the jars over, placing them on the lids, and wrap them in something warm for a day.

After the banks apple jam completely cooled down, they must be returned to their normal position and stored at room temperature.
Bon appetit!

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