Many have probably noticed such a figure in guys, when on top he is all such a machine, and his legs are so thin that when he pumps his biceps, his legs shake so much that the crunching and knocking of his knees can be heard at the other end of the hall.

Such people are usually they think everything is fine that this is not a problem at all. They may have many excuses like: “Yes, I can pump up my legs at any time,” “My grandfather didn’t pump up his legs and lived to be 95 years old,” or “I’m just going through a difficult period in my life.”

But in fact, this problem is very global. Such people are in society, children see them, and the young, fragile psyche suffers. We need to stop child abuse.

There can be many reasons for thin legs in men, and this does not always happen due to the fault of the owner of the feet.

Here is a list of the most common reasons for thin legs in guys:

  1. Features of genetics.
  2. Incorrectly selected training program.
  3. Problems with the spine or knees.
  4. Problems with the head or “I’m already powerful, but I can’t see my legs in my pants.”


Often thin legs go to their owner by inheritance. And in this case, pumping them up is oh so difficult.

But difficult does not mean impossible. You will have to work harder in the gym than those who are a little luckier with their legs. If you don’t whine and don’t give up, then everything will work out.

Inappropriate training program

An important factor in growing your legs wider is your training program.

We have two types of muscle fibers, and each need to be trained differently.

One type responds to high-repetition training with Not large scales, the other - for a strength version with a large weight and a small number of repetitions.

The predominance of one type over another in various muscles depends on genetics.

If you train with heavy weights and do 4-10 repetitions, but your legs are still thin and don’t grow, then try to lose weight and start doing sets of 12-20 reps.

If you trained in a multi-repetition mode, then do it the other way around.

Health problems

If you have problems with the spine, you can pump up your legs, but you should do it carefully. In this case, a standard training program will not work.

You will have to completely eliminate the axial load on the spine. You will do the exercises sitting or lying down. I'll have to give up squats.

yours with a magic wand in the world of iron, the “leg press” will be the guide to big legs. You can perform any of its variations; both horizontal and vertical simulators are suitable.

Focus on lower back and pelvis. They are under no circumstances should not come off the back of the machine, this can lead to injury to even a healthy spine.

With knee problems, everything is much more complicated. Putting any stress on your knees without a doctor's permission is extremely dangerous. First you need to heal your injuries (if possible), and then gradually begin training your legs.

Male without legs - my favorite

And finally, the highlight of the program - a kind of centaur, with the torso of a jock and the legs of a chicken.

These people have their own philosophy. They don't need to pump up their skinny legs because they can't be seen in their pants. By squeezing the clutch pedal of your grandfather's Muscovite, you can pump up more massive legs than those of these guys. What’s interesting is that they are not ashamed of their thin legs.

What advice can you give here? Stop hammer your bitsukha and abs from day to day. If you're hoping to get washboard abs for girls to wash their wet panties on, then I have bad news for you. The only thing that will make their eyes wet is when they see your skinny legs.


If only your legs are lagging behind, and the rest of the muscles are gradually progressing, then the problem is clearly not in nutrition. It cannot be that the protein selectively reaches each muscle. And when it comes to his feet, he, before reaching his destination, goes into the sunset through the sewer pipes.

How to train to make your legs thicker?

First, understand that it will be very difficult. Leg workouts are usually the killer ones. If you do not have the health restrictions that I wrote about above, then sit back and write down.

The base is the basis of the basics, only heavy basic exercises will most effectively affect muscle growth.

There are a lot of different exercises and options for doing them. But the most important thing is the correct technique.

You no need to strive for weight at the expense of technique, First of all, you must feel the working muscle group.

If you do the exercise incorrectly, you risk not only wasting time and being left with thin legs, but also getting injured. There is also no need to stagnate on one weight for months.

As I said before, give priority to the basic movements:

  • squat;
  • deadlift;
  • lunges;
  • leg press.

You can also add some isolation exercises to squeeze every last drop from your branches.

It can be:

  • extension;
  • flexion;
  • intelligence.

You can also do leg raises in the machine if you want a butt like a nut. I like it better here.

Be a man - avoid exercise equipment. Only free weight, only hardcore. This will use more muscles.

For example, you can squat with a barbell on your shoulders, or in a Smith machine. But Smith won't give you the same sensations that a barbell will, so leave it to the girls.

If you want to gain muscle mass, then it's better avoid supersets, dropsets and other gadgets. At the initial stage they are of no use.

The number of repetitions can be completely different; it is better to find it experimentally. For some, 20 repetitions work, for some, five are enough. You can also cycle the load to give your muscles stress and thus encourage them to grow.


There can be a lot of them, depending on your imagination, but we will look at the most basic ones.

You can do these exercises in any gym:

  • squats;
  • deadlift;
  • lunges;
  • leg press;
  • leg extension and bending in the simulator;
  • lowering and spreading legs in the simulator.

Perhaps the coolest exercise for growing legs. There are a million variations of its implementation.

The most effective of them:

  • classic squats (barbell on back);
  • front squats (barbell in front of you on your shoulders);
  • squats in a Smith machine with a fixed barbell;
  • Hack squats.

The movement is essentially the same, but the muscles can work differently; when any angle in the body position changes, the emphasis of the load on the muscle shifts. But they are involved absolutely all leg muscles that are known to science.


There are also a lot of options for implementation:

  • classic deadlift;
  • sumo deadlift;
  • deadlift;
  • Romanian cravings.

If all muscles work in squats, then in this case all muscles are included only in the first two exercises, but the load shift is very obvious.

In deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts, the quadriceps receives virtually no load; the work is performed mainly by the thigh biceps, buttocks and back extensors.

There are also a huge number of options; they all work according to the same principle. You can do it both while moving and standing in one place, or even use a simulator.

Load at correct technique mainly goes to the buttock, the quadriceps and hamstrings are also worked.

Leg press

It could be classified as squats, because the principle is almost the same, but I want to talk about it separately.

This exercise will help to work out the leg muscles well for people who have problems with the spine, since in this exercise he does not receive an axial load.

With this simulator you can work out all the muscles of the legs; the emphasis of the load also depends on the placement of the legs on the plate. But squats, of course this exercise will not replace.

Leg bending and extension in the simulator

Extension. It will help finish off our quadriceps at the end of the workout, or warm them up before starting.

Flexion. Designed to destroy the hamstrings of all daredevils. Also involved calf muscles. Similar to extensions, they can either finish off or warm up the muscles.

This exercise is not mandatory for guys. It includes the adductor muscles, which already work enough in basic exercises. But if these muscles are lagging behind, then why not? Take everything from life.

Very thin calves of the legs - what to do?

What would I like to say about calves? A very stubborn thing. Very hardy, as it is involved in Everyday life much more than others. Only the most desperate or genetically gifted will be able to break through these babies.

And yet, very thin calves are not a death sentence. They can be pumped up, and the main thing in this matter is persistence.

Too thin and skinny.

After all, losing weight is sometimes easier than gaining weight, especially in the thighs and calves.

Skinny girls often make a lot of efforts to correct appearance legs, which will allow them to wear short skirts and tight-fitting trousers. The most effective remedy To correct thin legs is to pump up the muscles in the legs, hips and buttocks.

How to help thin legs become beautiful?

Thin legs due to lack of muscle may appear crooked, as the bones are bent, converging at the knees and ankles. As muscle volume increases, the visual curvature is leveled, and the legs look straight and slender.

You can achieve pumped up muscles with daily leg exercises performed according to a gradually more complex program. In addition, pumped up legs are less tired and sore and allow their owner to feel much better.

Experienced trainers recommend starting classes with 10 repetitions of each exercise and doing them every other day, since the muscles may ache very much at first. As you adapt to the load, move on to daily training or even training twice a day - morning and evening.

Before starting your workout

Always warm up before classes - walk in a circle, sit down a couple of times, or shake your legs. This will increase blood circulation and improve muscle condition. If muscles are not warmed up properly, they will hurt more and the likelihood of injury to ligaments and muscle fibers will be higher.

Do the exercises at an average pace - haste can lead to injuries, and long training will tire you. After each exercise, shake your legs to relax your muscles.

If initially the muscles get tired quickly, you can relax your legs. This is done like this - lie on your back, slowly raise your legs up, shake your legs to relax the muscles and improve their blood circulation. You can give the muscles a light manual massage.

A set of exercises for beautiful legs

Exercise 1

We stand on our toes. Take the starting position with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. In this position, we smoothly and leisurely rise on our toes, inhaling, fixating in the maximum raised position, then just as slowly lower ourselves, exhaling. We repeat the lifts 10 times.

Exercise 2

Let's walk on our toes. When rising, as in the previous exercise, you need to walk around the room from 60 to 100 steps, trying not to bend your knees. At the same time, we breathe smoothly and evenly.

Exercise 3

We squat with and without weights. Let’s take the starting position with our feet approximately shoulder-width apart, with our toes slightly turned outward. We squat smoothly with our buttocks to knee level, fixing ourselves in the lowest possible position, and inhale. Then we straighten up to the starting position as we exhale. Take dumbbells weighing about 2 kg for weights (you can replace them with 1.5 liter plastic containers) and squat with them in your hands in the same way. Initially, we do 3 sets of 10 squats, increasing as we practice.

Exercise 4

We freeze in a half-squat. Let’s take the starting position with our feet approximately shoulder-width apart, with our toes slightly turned outward. Bend your knees approximately 45 degrees and fix your body with an absolutely straight back in this position. We count slowly from 1 to 20, then straighten our legs. Gradually increase the duration of the count to 50.

Exercise 5

We jump like frogs. Take the starting position with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned outward. We squat into a deep position, lowering the pelvis as much as possible almost to the floor. From a deep squat we jump as high and forward as possible, like frogs. We start with 10 repetitions, gradually reaching 30.

Exercise 6

We move the wall. We lie on our backs, with our torso perpendicular to the free wall. We rest our feet against the wall, trying to move it, maximizing the pressure of our feet, while breathing deeply and freely. We hold the emphasis for 15 to 30 seconds, then relax the muscles. We do up to 10 repetitions in one approach.

Exercise 7

We move the wall with each foot. We lie down on our back again, repeating the previous exercise, but now we alternately rest our left and right legs against the wall, trying to move it with each leg, making maximum pressure from our legs, while breathing deeply and freely. We hold the emphasis for 15 to 30 seconds, then relax the muscles. We do up to 10 repetitions for each leg per approach, reports

Exercise 8

Let's play cowgirl. For this exercise you will need a chair with a back: sit on it facing the back, with your feet on the floor. Now we raise our legs and feet as high as possible, holding the back of the chair with our hands - inhale, fix the raised legs - exhale. We hold our legs in a raised state for as long as possible, inhaling. When we get tired, we lower it while exhaling.

Exercise 9

Heavy scissors. We put on heavy boots or put weights on our ankles. We lie on our backs, placing our hands behind our heads. We raise our legs approximately 30-50 degrees from the floor and make crossing movements with our legs up and down or to the sides, as if imitating the movement of scissors. It is necessary to keep your legs suspended for as long as possible, performing the exercise intensively. This is especially beneficial for the thighs. If you pull your toe forward, your shins will also be actively strained.

Exercise 10

On fitball. if you have gymnastic ball- This is an excellent leg trainer. We squeeze it between our legs, trying to burst it. We make every effort. Then, holding the ball between our legs, we try to walk around the room with it, moving our foot along the floor. You can hold the ball between your shins and, lying with your back on the floor, raise your legs with the ball clamped up, to a height of 20-30 cm from the floor, this actively trains your hips and shins.

Exercise 11

Let's dance the twist. Remember to dance the twist where necessary, without lifting the front of the foot and raising the heel, as if “putting out a cigarette.” At the same time, you can move your feet on the floor, and if you turn on energetic music, you can dance fully. We do as much as we want, but no less than the duration of one song.

Cycling and an exercise bike, walking on the floor from heel to toe with a high hip lift is also a great way to train thin legs. All these exercises will allow you to actively load the leg muscles and increase their volume, giving your legs beautiful shape and relief.

Most modern girls are very careful about their figure, because overweight, of course, no one is painted. However, there are also those who, on the contrary, are worried about being too thin, for example, too thin. What should you do in this case, and is it possible to give them a more seductive shape?

Special diet

Many people believe that excessive thinness cannot be a disadvantage, and even strive for it. However, it can bring no less problems than being overweight. Most girls are upset by too thin legs. What to do about this problem? Firstly, it is necessary to completely review the diet and, most likely, change it radically. You should not assume that in order for very thin legs to increase in volume, you just need to eat a lot. The quality of the food consumed plays an important role. Legs should increase due to muscle mass, not fat, since in the latter case there is a risk of cellulite, sagging and unsightly appearance. Increasing muscle volume for girls is not an easy task. Therefore, in this case, you cannot do without special nutrition. How to create a menu in this case? The basis of the diet should be low-fat protein products: chicken breasts, cottage cheese, fish, seafood, eggs. Fiber: vegetables, bread. rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Sometimes it can be consumed in the form of fruits or harmless sweets. You should definitely eat small meals (every 3 - 4 hours) in order to speed up your metabolism as much as possible.


Of course, nutrition alone will not help solve the problem of thin legs. Must be connected physical exercise, and with weights. This is the kind of sport that will help radically transform thin legs. What should girls do who have always been far from sports and don’t know where to start? Of course, the best solution would be to contact a trainer who will definitely suggest options on how to pump up thin legs. But if this is not possible, you can choose the exercises yourself. Why are they needed? The answer is simple: they are the ones who build muscle. Cardio exercises such as running and cycling are aimed at burning fat. They will make your legs look slimmer! Therefore, the emphasis is on weight training. Many girls are afraid to “pump up” when working out with dumbbells and barbells. They have absolutely nothing to fear, since women are designed in such a way that muscle mass is very difficult to increase, so they are not in danger of becoming a mountain of muscles, especially if they have extremely thin legs. What to do with sports equipment and where to start training?

Various lunges and squats are suitable for increasing. You can do them with both dumbbells and a barbell. You should start with the weight at which you are comfortable doing approaches, gradually increasing. The most important thing is to do the technique exercises, otherwise they will not be beneficial. To learn how to squat correctly technically, you can first practice doing it without weights. Basic principles: when squatting, your knees should not go beyond your toes, and your back should always be straight. These exercises will not only help increase the volume of your hips, but will also work your gluteal muscles, which is also important for a beautiful and toned body.

Thin legs are not always the result of driving yourself to the point of anorexia - some girls have such a high metabolism that they simply cannot put off anything, no matter how much they try. And it’s twice as difficult for such girls to look in the mirror at their matchstick legs, not knowing what to do with them. The answer is so simple that it’s even funny, although it will require time and patience. There is no need to change your diet, except to increase the amount of protein, which helps muscle growth; just pumping up your legs is enough. And you can do this at home, even without the help of a fitness instructor. Although, of course, the best way would be to enroll in a dance studio, which will make not only your legs, but the rest of your body sculpted and feminine.

If it is not possible to join any group, you can give yourself an hour or an hour and a half at any time that is convenient for you and try a few simple exercises from classical choreography. The reason why the choice fell on it, and not on running or similar activity, is that it is ballet that gives definition to the muscles of the legs; just look at the ballerinas to be convinced of this statement.

First of all, you need to warm up the ligaments and joints for five minutes so as not to damage them during the exercise, and you should start with the Sahilles tendon. Initially, you should twist each foot for a minute, and then move on to the most basic figures.

Starting position for batman tandu: standing in front of the mirror, stomach tucked, back straight, shoulders down, look clearly forward, legs brought together and in the first position - feet on the same line, heels touching each other, toes in different sides. One foot slowly slides to the side, the toe does not come off the floor, stretching to the maximum limit, after which it returns to its original position and from there also moves forward and backward. Then the action is repeated with the other leg. The figure is performed from eight to twenty repetitions on each leg. During this exercise, you need to make sure that the leg comes out from the hip and the knee is as “off” as possible.

The following is a relevé, aimed mainly at the calves. The starting position is the same, but it is better to start with your feet in the sixth position - heels and toes together. The essence of the movement is to rise to the half toes and then lower back to the full foot. But it is important to ensure that when returning to the starting position, the body weight does not fall on the heel with all its strength, but moves smoothly and carefully. Ideally, when you touch the floor with your heel, you should immediately push yourself up, which results in the lifting happening quickly and the lowering happening slowly. If performed correctly, after the twentieth repetition, the calves of untrained people will begin to burn.

If desired, you can repeat the same in the first, second and third positions. Twenty repetitions for each.

Another important exercise is plie. To perform it, it is best to first have support: for example, the back of a chair, since it is always difficult for beginners to maintain balance and load the right muscles. The starting position is the same, the feet are in the second position - first with a distance between them. You can start with a demi plie - a half squat for eight counts and the same return to the IP. And then after ten to fifteen repetitions you should move on to the grand plie. Slowly, in eight counts, you need to lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, making sure that your buttocks do not protrude back and your back does not arch in the lower back. The heel does not come off the floor. You need to stay in this position for three hits, and then return to the starting position for eight counts. Repeat twenty times. For those who have mastered plie, you can complicate it by performing plie relevé - the same thing, only on half fingers. Here, beginners cannot do without support, otherwise the body will collapse, causing the load to go to the wrong muscles.

The final elements of the exercise at the support will be a series of batmans - releve liang, tandu jete and grand.

Batman releve liang is a slow, careful raising of the leg by sliding along the floor until it is parallel to it. It can be performed both forward and backward, and to the side. It is necessary to ensure that during the exercise the back remains straight, the buttocks do not protrude, the legs work, and the head does not fall down. The position of the upper body should be clearly fixed throughout the lesson, but there is no need to confuse “fixed” and “tense”.

Batman tandu jeté differs from the usual tandu jeté, with which the class began, in that when performing it, the toe comes off the floor and the leg is thrown up. In this case, the height of the rise should not be decisive; it can be either thirty degrees or forty-five.

The Grand Batman is designed for warmed muscles, since in this case the leg is actively raised into the air maximum height, which your own stretch allows, and just as quickly returns to its original position. Here it is worth remembering not only about the position of the body, but also that when lowering you should not throw your leg, but smoothly place it on the floor, controlling its movements with your muscles. As, indeed, when performing absolutely any element.

It is best to complete a simple exercise with a ten-minute stretch, which will help you relax and restore your breathing. Bends to the legs in a standing and sitting position, bending back, pulling up the knees, warming up the feet. This will all help the muscles return to normal and will also have a beneficial effect on the ligaments.

The main thing is, if you set yourself the goal of pumping up thin legs, do not give up halfway without noticing the results in a week. This process, like everything that has the character of “transforming from a caterpillar into a butterfly,” is quite long and labor-intensive, but at the same time, you just need to get involved and time will stop dragging on so mockingly. Systematicity and regularity, a thoughtful approach and a positive attitude are important - doing exercises just to finish them quickly, you will not be able to get desired result. And, of course, although homework is in some ways more attractive, it is best to get under the wing of a good, competent teacher who will not only be able to show by example, but will immediately determine where something is wrong, managing to protect you from incorrect memorization and hitting the wrong muscles.

After the columns “Do I have bikini data?” (and) Zozhnik’s readers bombarded me with questions about how to train thin legs. I answer all slender-legged people in one fell swoop.

1. You most likely have a normal, rather than low, body fat percentage.

At my master classes, at the end I always measure the percentage with a caliper subcutaneous fat participants, everyone is interested to know. Girls vary in build; those who come to “lose weight” most often have 33-36% body fat.

But “skinny fat”, oddly enough for those gathered, shows the norm at 23-25% (sometimes higher), and not the expected 15-18%. Thinness does not equal “low fat.”

2. Don't overeat to gain weight

If there is no critical “underfeeding,” you should not get carried away with the rule “I eat what I want and don’t gain weight.” Now you just don’t notice, but time is playing against you, and after 30 you suddenly wake up completely out of shape, with a flabby body that shows your age. Muscle mass little, fat – enough. And it only grows over time, replacing the muscle one. 50 kg at 18 years old and 50 kg at 40 years old are completely different kilograms. Thin does not equal emaciated.

3. There are no special programs for thin legs

They will certainly promise you “ individual program for only 1000 rubles,” however, in truth, your workouts will be no different from the workouts of those who have excess fat deposits on their hips. You need to deadlift and squat while trying to increase the weight on the bar. Often ectomorphs are very weak, they cannot sit down and stand up correctly even without any additional weight. Skinny guys, you'll have to get stronger if you want to look fit, healthy and toned.

4. Train the whole body, not just “problem areas”

No splits from the “chemists” from the eighties. Only full-length, only hardcore. “Full body” - translated as “whole body”. An example of such a program for beginners. And remember: you need to rest well, do not do more than 2-3 strength exercises per week. You need to become stronger and more resilient. Weakness is the most important step into old age.

5. You need to watch your diet

Many ectomorphs with whom I worked lost weight very quickly due to nervousness - this is their peculiarity. Forget about night parties and smoky clubs, office hunger strikes “because we didn’t have time to eat.” Buy a convenient 6-pack bag and carry all your food with you. And yes, be sure to check your gastrointestinal tract. Often there is already some kind of problem that threatens to become even bigger in the future if you don’t deal with it now.

5. Change the way you feel about your body

You are actually very lucky, because those whose legs are not thin, but tend to accumulate fat, have to plow a hundred times more than you. At the same time, it’s not a fact that without, say, powerful fat burners and you know what special medications, dense legs will look lean even with an ideal diet. And yours will be. Isn't that cool?

6. Fashion is still on your side

“Thin legs” is still popular in society. Where I come from, there are very few girls like me – tall and big. Since childhood, I was a stately “filly” against the backdrop of small women - I was teased as an ostrich precisely for my legs.

This is now Gina Carano with her sexually brutal, muscular thighs painfully hitting the men on the screen and handsome special agents in love are stacked in front of her. Only when I got to the USA and Germany I was suddenly surprised to discover how thin and graceful I seemed compared to the same German women, self-confident feminists with thick, pumped calves and developed shoulders.

7. Wear stockings

Girls with thin legs, what do you know about stockings, which are not always possible to pull on voluminous thighs? I don't wear stockings because they just roll off my quads. Or what do you know about dresses that fit on canes but don't fit on muscular girls? Enjoy your options.

8. And love your “giant quadriceps.”

I repeat – not squatting or deadlifting is not an option. You probably already know anatomy, which means you will understand that all the fairy tales about “disabling the quadriceps” in global exercises are just a “phytonishka” fantasy. The only way to “disable” a muscle is by cutting it off. Well-developed, convex buttocks are impossible without developed hips.

9. Belly

Now, regarding a voluminous belly in women who are slim at the same time, long legs and narrow hips. Indeed, this is one of the types of addition “by male type" (or "apple") when top part looks more massive and shorter than the lower one, due to the fact that fat accumulates in the upper part - arms, back, chest and abdomen.

Don’t listen to anything about “hormonal characteristics” from great experts. For you, the solution is the same - you squat and pull. Gradually, the distribution of fat becomes more uniform, and the bottom receives the desired volume and curves.