Over the past few years, the interest of young people in the military profession has increased sharply, but even today there are many who consider military service a waste of time. The law on replacing military service with civilian service has been in force for several years now, but the share of draft dodgers is not decreasing at the same rate as we would like.

Patriotic education, instilled from school, implies the development of a sense of love for the Motherland and a sense of duty to ensure its security. Conversations are constantly held with young people, organized through the military registration and enlistment office, during which the topic of popularizing military service runs through a thin line. Approaching his majority, the young man begins to understand that the army means true friends, combat training, possession of weapons, and the cultivation of courage. But the statistics continue to give sad results; draft dodgers are only increasing their chances of avoiding service.

In the Russian Federation, since 1993, it has been possible to undergo ACS (alternative civilian service) instead of serving in military units. By definition, this type of service is interpreted as work for the benefit of others, which is counted in return for military activity.

To whom is it available?

Anyone who dreams of an alternative to army life needs to understand one simple fact: none of the commission members will offer such an option. In order for the military registration and enlistment office to send you to work, you will have to justify your decision and write a corresponding application. The legislative aspect for the selection of citizens has not been fully developed, therefore, although there are certain conditions for the civil service to be available, nothing needs to be documented.

The reason may be belonging to a particular religion. Many teachings completely deny the use of weapons and warfare. No one is going to check adherence to a particular religion, since this is not provided for by law.

The next group of people who enter public works cite denial of any violence as a motivation. Such ideas are called beliefs, and they are also available to any citizen. The third group of people is formed from small nationalities who are engaged in a trade that is characteristic only of them.

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At first glance, it seems that alternative service in the army is a tasty morsel for draft dodgers, because before getting there, you just need to declare your convictions, but this activity has not gained much popularity.

In addition to the requirements described above, there are general requirements for a conscript.

  • Citizen of military age.
  • Not in stock.
  • Based on the results of a medical examination, he was found fit.
  • Confirmed by a military commission.

Civil everyday life of the ACS

Finally, the time has come to reveal the secret of such low popularity of AGS. Many young people choose to evade the army, despite the severe penalties they face. The reason lies in the fact that the period of alternative service significantly exceeds the period of conventional service.

If a conscript is sent to an organization under the Ministry of Defense, then he will have to work for 18 months, otherwise, instead of the army, he will have to fulfill his civil duty for 21 months. Such information makes the conscript think again about the advisability of avoiding the “school of life.” Do we need to remind you that in Russia the duration of military service is only 12 months?

After the application for transfer to ACS is granted, surely every applicant will want to know what the vacancies are? The conscript does not have the right to choose his place of work. Employees of the military registration and enlistment office and representatives of the administration will take care of this for him. Data on vacancies where alternative service can be performed is collected into a single database. According to the law, the young man must be sent to another region, but in reality everything is different. Considering the fact that the state must pay for travel and accommodation, there is an unspoken order to provide a person with the opportunity to undergo the ACS in his hometown.

Public service involves working at socially significant enterprises, organizations, and facilities. The full list of in-demand professions is quite large. It can be noted that young men are usually in demand in medical institutions, in construction, in the service sector, and in the office. There are more than a hundred professions on the list, so you can’t expect a vacancy. All types of activities are absolutely identical in the legal aspect and do not give citizens additional privileges.

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Positive points

Another good reason for the low popularity of the ACS lies in the prevailing stereotypes that after its completion, citizens are infringed on the rights of former military personnel. It is safe to say that this is just a human opinion, which the law cannot influence. But from a legal point of view, persons performing alternative service are considered equal to military personnel. In addition, AGS provides a number of advantages:

  • Throughout the entire period, young men receive at least a low, but stable salary.
  • The work provided is considered official, and the length of service will be added to the total work record.
  • Official employment implies a social package, which means that the citizen receives the right to vacation and sick pay.
  • A work week with five working days.

Some young men refused alternative service under the oppressive influence of widespread rumors, the content of which was that with such a track record it would be impossible to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other law enforcement agencies.

After analyzing various sources, we came across quite logical reasoning from some experts. The bottom line is that when submitting an application, the citizen referred to his opposition to weapons, force, and violence. Structures such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB clearly contradict the internal beliefs of citizens, and therefore are considered inaccessible. However, the law does not specify any restrictions, so police service is quite accessible to a citizen who has passed the ACS. Let’s not lie, the choice always remains with the employer, and it is much easier for a man with an army behind him to get a job.

1. The term of alternative civil service is 1.75 times longer than established by Federal Law

for citizens sent to undergo it before January 1, 2007, with the exception of citizens specified in paragraph four of this paragraph - 42 months;

for citizens sent to undergo it from January 1 to December 31, 2007 inclusive, with the exception of citizens specified in paragraph four of this paragraph - 31.5 months;

for citizens who graduated from state, municipal or have state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) from non-state educational institutions of higher professional education and were sent to undergo it before January 1, 2008 - 21 months;

for citizens sent to undergo it after January 1, 2008 - 21 months.

2. The period of alternative civil service for citizens serving in organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies is 1.5 times greater than the period of conscription military service established by the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and is:

for citizens sent to undergo it before January 1, 2007, with the exception of citizens specified in paragraph four of this paragraph - 36 months;

for citizens sent to undergo it from January 1 to December 31, 2007 inclusive, with the exception of citizens specified in paragraph four of this paragraph - 27 months;

for citizens who graduated from state, municipal or have state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) from non-state educational institutions of higher professional education and were sent to undergo it before January 1, 2008 - 18 months;

for citizens sent to undergo it after January 1, 2008 - 18 months.

(see text in the previous edition)

3. The beginning of a citizen’s alternative civil service is the day of his departure to the place of alternative civil service, specified in the order of the military commissariat.

4. The end of a citizen’s alternative civil service is considered to be the day the employer terminates the fixed-term employment contract with the citizen upon termination of the alternative civil service. In this case, a fixed-term employment contract with a citizen performing alternative civil service must be terminated by the employer on the day of expiration of his alternative civil service.

(see text in the previous edition)

"Alternative civil service, sometimes called alternative military service- this is a special type of labor activity in the interests of society and the state, carried out by citizens in exchange for military service under conscription.” Federal Law “On Alternative Civil Service”, Article 1, Part 1.

A citizen of the Russian Federation, if performing military service is contrary to his beliefs or religion, has the right to replace it with alternative civilian service.” Constitution of the Russian Federation, article 59, part 3.

Alternative civil service (abbreviated as AGS) is the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to replace military service, which is guaranteed by Part 3, Article 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. ACS is a peaceful service without weapons in hands for the benefit of society and the state, which is practically no different from ordinary work.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 113-FZ “On Alternative Civil Service” dated July 25, 2002 was developed and put into effect. The law provides a list of persons who have the right to replace military service with alternative service.

The Federal Law on Alternative Service explains who can be sent to alternative civilian service:

  • Since the ACS is a substitute for military service, the requirements for conscripts are the same: the conscript must be an adult and fall within the conscription age range from 18 to 27 years.
  • The conscript must be fit for military service, i.e. have a fitness category “A” or “B”. With fitness category “B”, a conscript is exempt from conscription and enlisted in the reserves. By the way, our company “PrizyvaNet.ru” provides assistance in release from the army for health reasons and seeks to assign the conscript this particular fitness category.
  • If a conscript has a valid deferment from the army, then he cannot be called up for either military service or alternative service.
  • A citizen can be sent to the ACS if he or she submits an application in person or by post to replace conscript military service with alternative civilian service within the period established by law.
  • Conscripts who have been decided by the draft commission to be sent to the ACS are sent to alternative service.

Right to alternative civil service

The following conscripts have the right to AGS:

  • for whom activities related to military service go against the moral principles and beliefs of a citizen or his religion/faith, for example, a conscript does not want to hold military weapons that can cause harm to other people;
  • who belong to a small indigenous people living and conducting traditional activities or farming.

It is worth noting that the second category of conscripts who have the right to replace military service with alternative service by conscription, one can include only a small part of people, and the first - almost all persons of military age, for one reason or another, who do not want to live in a barracks and learn to shoot weapons. True, today, about 3% of conscripts undergoing ACS belong to small indigenous peoples and about 80% of conscripts chose ACS for religious reasons. But only 17% of the remaining conscripts succeeded in replacing military service with an alternative one, although many more applications for ACS were submitted - the military registration and enlistment office is not particularly interested in “alternatives by conviction” and many conscripts have to seek referral to ACS through the courts.

Replacing military service with an alternative one

If we look at the situation in detail, replace military service with AGS possible based on two factors such as religious faith and personal beliefs. In order to enroll in alternative service for religious reasons, it is advisable to provide the military registration and enlistment office with a document confirming your affiliation with a religious organization that prohibits holding weapons in your hands. The law does not oblige you to provide such documents, but in this case, the military registration and enlistment office will approve the replacement of military service with AGS without any problems and you will not have to waste your time proving your religion. But it is much more difficult to prove to the military registration and enlistment office the fact that you do not want to do military service due to personal convictions and do not accept even potential thoughts of destroying the enemy or violence and everything connected with it. It is very difficult to provide objective evidence of your convictions, other than an application to the ACS stating why you want to enroll in alternative service in the Russian Federation.

Application for alternative service

In order to exercise your right to replace military service with AGS, you must submit an application to the military registration and enlistment office. The Federal Law on Alternative Civil Service regulates the filing of an application 6 months before conscription into the army. Usually, application for AGS submitted in one call. For example, if you are being drafted this fall, then you should have applied for the last draft in the spring.

For the most part, this is a norm created for the convenience of the work of draft boards and military registration and enlistment offices. According to the law, a citizen’s right to AGS is constitutional, guaranteed by the state and cannot be left unsatisfied due to procedural norms. The application can be submitted at any time, with the exception of cases of taking the oath in a military unit. That is, until you are drafted, even if you have already passed a medical examination, you have a chance to get into alternative civilian service. But it’s better to take care of the application for the ACS in advance, you will save your nerves and time for hassles with the military registration and enlistment office.

If you have submitted an application for the ACS, the military registration and enlistment office changes the procedure for conscription activities in accordance with Federal Law No. 113, Article 10:

  • attendance at the meeting of the draft commission, at which your application for the ACS will be considered;
  • appearing for a medical examination;
  • appearing at a meeting of the draft commission, at which, taking into account your degree of suitability, a decision will be made as to whether you are suitable for passing the ACS;
  • appearing at the military registration and enlistment office and receiving an order to leave for the place of passing the ACS.

If you are summoned to the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination before a decision is made on your application to replace military service with an alternative one, this is a gross violation law on AGS.

Alternative service period

The term of alternative service in the Russian Federation is 21 months for citizens undergoing ACS in organizations subordinate to federal executive authorities, as well as executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 18 months - for citizens undergoing ACS in organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies as civilian personnel.

Such large lines of alternative service are due to other conditions of service, we will discuss this below.

Conditions of alternative service

The conditions of alternative service are much softer than conscript military service.

  • Despite the fact that the duration of service is longer than military service, those undergoing alternative service are entitled to paid vacation and days off.
  • If a citizen serves in his hometown, he continues to live at home. No barracks! If a citizen was sent to ACS in another region, he is provided with a hostel.
  • The salary of a conscript soldier is about 2,000 rubles per month, and a citizen’s income from the ACS is more than 6,000 rubles, and in some cases even an order of magnitude higher.
  • A simple conscript does not have such a concept as leave, but under the AGS, annual paid leave is provided, during which the citizen is free to do whatever he wants.
  • Among the disadvantages of the ACS: you cannot resign before the end of your civil service, but conscript soldiers have a strict daily routine, a ban on leaving the military unit and, in some cases, a ban on leaving the country after the end of their service.
  • ACS can be combined with studies!

Lists of alternative service professions

Alternative service in the army has a limited list of professions. The list of professions for conscripts who have chosen alternative civilian service is as follows:

  1. Car driver
  2. Loader
  3. Street cleaner
  4. Disinfector
  5. Livestock breeder
  6. Storekeeper
  7. Kitchen worker
  8. Elevator operator
  9. Painter
  10. Boiler room operator (stoker)
  11. Motor grader operator
  12. Bulldozer driver
  13. Workwear washing and repair operator
  14. Stage operator
  15. Mechanic for technical sports
  16. dishwasher
  17. Fitter path
  18. Scene maker
  19. Reindeer herder
  20. Operator of livestock complexes and mechanized farms
  21. Telecommunications operator
  22. Washing machine operator
  23. Operator of electronic computers and computers
  24. Illuminator
  25. Waiter
  26. Hairdresser
  27. Baker
  28. A carpenter
  29. Cook
  30. Helper worker
  31. Firefighter
  32. Assistant teacher
  33. Postman
  34. Green farm worker
  35. Worker for complex maintenance and repair of buildings
  36. Animal Care Worker
  37. Coastal fisherman
  38. Gardener
  39. Orderly
  40. Emergency repair mechanic
  41. Car repair mechanic
  42. Rolling stock repairman
  43. Agricultural machinery and equipment repair mechanic
  44. Repairman
  45. Plumber
  46. Electrician repairing electrical equipment
  47. Sorter
  48. Sorter for mail and printed products
  49. Carpenter
  50. Construction carpenter
  51. Watchman (watchman)
  52. Turner
  53. Tractor driver
  54. Cleaner of industrial and office premises
  55. Territory cleaner
  56. Decorator
  57. Plasterer
  58. Electric and gas welder
  59. Electrician for lighting and lighting networks
  60. Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
  61. Electric welder manual connection
  62. Electrical mechanic (fitter) on duty and equipment repair

Most often, conscripts undergoing alternative service work as hospital orderlies or postmen. True, if a citizen has the appropriate education and experience, he can be sent to a special specialty. It is not uncommon for citizens to undergo AGS while working as surgeons who received a normal salary.

Avoidance of alternative service

Evasion from alternative service - Part 2 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, occur in Russia in isolated cases. Not so long ago, in 2009, only 4 people were convicted for this (three received fines, and one was sent to compulsory labor), in 2014 - 7 people (three were fined, including two up to 25 thousand rubles ., and four have mandatory work).

As a rule, conscripts who want to join the ACS are not inclined to evade alternative service. They spent quite a lot of time receiving a referral to the ACS from the military registration and enlistment office and do not intend to hide from service.

Myths about alternative service

Unfortunately, the military registration and enlistment office does not particularly advertise information about the right to AGS, and the media do not disseminate this information. Because of this, many speculations and myths arise about alternative service. Let's dispel some of them.

MYTH: Only believers of certain denominations have the right to AGS.

In fact, not only a deeply religious person, but also any citizen subject to conscription, whose beliefs are contrary to military service, can replace military service with an alternative one (Article 59, Part 3 of the Constitution of Russia, Article 2 of the Federal Law on the ACS).

MYTH: Only those whose religious or pacifist beliefs do not allow them to take up arms have the right to apply for AGS.

The law does not establish any connection between the right to alternative service and refusal to carry weapons. Religious or other prohibition on carrying weapons may in fact be one of the grounds for refusing military service.

MYTH: You must provide “certificate” of affiliation with a specific religious or pacifist organization.

An autobiography and a reference from the place of work or study are attached to the application for alternative service. The military registration and enlistment office has no right to demand any other documents; a citizen has the right to attach other documents only at his own discretion (Article 11 of the Federal Law on AGS).

MYTH: A citizen’s statements about the impossibility of performing military service due to his convictions or religion must be confirmed by witnesses.

In the application, a citizen has the right to indicate persons who agree to confirm the reliability of his arguments that military service contradicts his beliefs or religion (Article 11 of the Federal Law on the ACS).

MYTH: A citizen must prove that military service is contrary to his beliefs or religion. The draft commission has the right to refuse a citizen if it comes to the conclusion that he does not have the relevant convictions.

Proof of belief or religion is not required. Beliefs cannot be proven. You just need to justify your choice. The statement should not set out factual evidence of conviction, but the reasons for choosing civilian service instead of military service. It is very difficult to refuse a citizen applying for an AGS: as a rule, the draft commission cannot have any legal grounds for refusal if the application is submitted in compliance with deadlines and other formalities. The burden of proving the unreliability of a citizen’s arguments that military service contradicts his beliefs or religion lies with the draft commission (Article 12 of the Federal Law on the ACS).

MYTH: An application for alternative service cannot be accepted without the sanction of the regional (territorial, republican) military commissar.

The application is submitted to the military registration and enlistment office, where the citizen is registered without any sanctions or approvals (Article 11 of the Federal Law on ACS).

As a conclusion

If for some reason you do not want to do conscription military service, you have the right to replace it with alternative civilian service. The length of service will increase, but the conditions of service will change; you will even be able to combine completing the ACS with obtaining education through correspondence or evening courses. But it is worth noting that if you are not fit for service due to health reasons, then you have no right to be called up for the ACS. If you are in doubt about whether to undergo AGS or try to find a disease that is not contagious, read the following. Based on our work experience since 2009, the majority of conscripts may have diseases that exempt them from conscription, but not all guys have a sufficient medical history to be written off to the reserve for health reasons, and only a few seek medical help, only in extremely severe cases cases. For example, a story from one of our consultants. A 17-year-old boy was riding a scooter, fell and injured his knee, but did not go to the doctors and thought that nothing bad had happened. Such a conscript did not have documents about his injury, therefore, the military registration and enlistment office considered him completely healthy and were already preparing to send him to serve in the Far East. But as soon as the conscript underwent several independent examinations, did the necessary tests and enlisted the support of lawyers, it turned out that the damage was so serious that the conscript was not accepted into the army and was written off to the reserve.

Vladimir Mozhaisky

Vladimir Mozhaisky is the author of articles and, perhaps, the best online consultant of the PrizyvaNet company. For more than 9 years, she has been advising conscripts and their parents on issues of legal exemption from the army in accordance with the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service.”

Service in the armed forces is considered compulsory for all able-bodied men in almost every country in the world. The difficult situation in the international arena does not allow us to abandon this situation in our time.

However, many states, including Russia, have decided to meet the wishes of some of those liable for military service and allow them to serve in the alternative civilian service. Such orders are now preserved in our country.


Alternative civil service (ACS) is a specific form of labor activity in the interests of the entire country. It takes place instead of conscription in the Russian army. The replacement of military service with alternative civilian service is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and a number of legal and by-laws. This is how the right of citizens to refuse military service for personal reasons is exercised. The regulations formulate the basic concepts of service, categories of citizens entitled to serve in this way, and the duration of alternative civil service.

Right to service

You cannot simply refuse to serve in the army. A Russian citizen is given the right to alternative civil service in a number of specific, clearly verified cases:

  • service in the army contradicts his views or religion;
  • he is a representative of an indigenous nation with a small number of people, whose traditions have not changed for hundreds of years, the economy is predominantly subsistence in nature - agriculture, animal husbandry, extractive industries and handicrafts.

Other reasons for avoiding service in the Russian army are not recognized.

Summoning procedure

To perform alternative civilian service, you must, firstly, bring an application to the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence at the specified time:

  • until April 1 - for men who are required to join the army in October - December of the current year;
  • until October 1 - for men who are required to join the army in April - June of the current year.


The features of the alternative civil service are visible even from the conscription procedure. Unlike regular military service, you need to write a written application in free form. At the same time, the application must provide reasons why military service is impermissible due to one’s beliefs or professed religion.

A number of required documents must be added to the application. In addition, you can bring other materials that will help strengthen the conscript’s arguments. These documents are not mandatory; they are submitted at the request of the conscript. Typically, conscripts bring educational diplomas and statements of family size. In the application, you can submit a list of people who can testify to the reasons why military service is inadmissible due to convictions or professed religion.

When submitting an application and accompanying papers, you must provide the military registration and enlistment office with a receipt indicating acceptance of the application. As a rule, this is a mark from a military registration and enlistment office employee on the second copy of the application for its acceptance, or a document confirming the registration of the application.

Consideration of the application

Since the conditions of alternative civilian service are considered to be much easier than in the army, all applications are carefully considered. A written request to replace military conscription service with another, alternative service is dealt with during the period of activity of the conscription commission and only when a citizen appears. The Russian is notified in writing of the details of the application consideration process by a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, received against his signature.

At a meeting of the draft commission, the conscript needs to be prepared to present his arguments and convincingly state the reasons why he is applying to replace the army service with another, alternative one. People who can confirm the applicant’s position should also be invited to the commission meeting.

Based on the results of studying the application, the draft commission writes a conclusion on the Russian’s transfer from military conscription service to another, alternative one, or agrees on a convincing decision on disagreement with the application.

The resolution of the draft commission is adopted within 30 days from the end of the period for submitting requests to the military commissariat, that is, for the autumn draft the deadline for studying applications is May 1 of the current year, for the spring draft - until November 1.

If it becomes necessary for the draft commission to request additional data, the time for submitting a decision may be extended, but not more than 30 days.


Alternative civilian service is not just an easy evasion of military service. In the legal framework of the Russian Federation, there are clear reasons why citizens are prohibited from performing alternative service instead of army service:

  • late submission of documents;
  • mandatory documents and other data contradict the Russian’s arguments that military service does not correspond to his views or professed religion;
  • the application and required documents contain deliberately false data;
  • the Russian was twice invited by summons to meetings of the draft commission and did not appear at them without a good reason;
  • Previously, the Russian had the opportunity to undergo the AGS, but he refused it.

Good reasons

Typically, valid reasons for absence include:

  • serious illness or injury resulting in loss of ability to work;
  • serious health problems of close relatives or participation in the burial of relatives;
  • other valid reasons that do not depend on the citizen himself;
  • other circumstances that the draft commission or court considered valid.

Admissions committee decision

The selection committee must make one of two decisions:

  1. On the replacement of conscription service in the army with another, alternative civilian service with the parallel issuance of a summons with a clear indication of the time of arrival for a medical examination and for the work of the draft commission to consider the issue of sending a citizen to the ACS.
  2. On a negative decision on an application to replace conscription service in the army with another, alternative service. Such a decision can be challenged in court, for which you need to take a copy of the draft commission’s protocol, which must be handed over to the conscript within seventy-two hours from the time the decision was made.

Order of service

At the AGS, the recruitment procedure is similar to typical military service. In this regard, there is no great feature of the alternative civil service. Men aged 18 to 27 years old who meet the following requirements are recruited to serve in it: they are not in the reserves, they have the right to replace army conscription service with a similar civilian service, have written an application to the military registration and enlistment office about their desire to replace army conscription service with a similar civilian one service. The responsible authorities had to make a positive decision.

Conscripts who are not required to serve for health reasons, have received a temporary deferment, are studying at universities and colleges, have two children, disabled parents, or are breadwinners in the family are not allowed to serve.

Place of duty

After conscription, citizens are sent to their place of duty. Alternative civilian service is the same service as military service. So the military registration and enlistment office usually sends conscripts to another subject of the Russian Federation, not the one where they permanently reside.

Citizens can perform alternative service:

  • in bodies subordinate to the federal structure;
  • in bodies subordinate to the departmental structure of the constituent entities of our country;
  • in the Russian Army, other law enforcement agencies, and army units as full-time employees.

Vacancies for conscripts

What will those called for alternative civil service do? This is determined by education, previous work experience, qualifications, health status of the conscript and the need of Russian structures for workers. Representatives of indigenous peoples, as a rule, are sent as reindeer herders or workers to enterprises that engage in traditional crafts. The rest usually work as orderlies or postmen.

Being sent to work in the construction industry can be considered great luck. Of course, the work there will be harder, but the salary will be higher. In regular service, the salary is limited to the minimum, but in construction it can reach 20,000 rubles.

Conscripts work in educational institutions, the social sphere, and agricultural organizations. A small part of young people (those who have the appropriate specialty) are sent to Roscosmos, Spetsstroy, the Federal Communications Agency or the Federal Medical and Biological Agency.

Life time

Since service in the ACS is considered easier, the term of alternative civilian service is longer than conscription. Now this period is 1.75 times longer. For Russians (including those who studied in institutions of higher and secondary education), the period of alternative service in federal structures is 21 months. When the ACS is defined in the army structures of the Russian Federation, the time of such service increases only 1.5 times and reaches one and a half years.

Service Features

Russians undergoing ACS are not particularly different from the typical hard workers of the organizations to which they are sent. The requirements of the alternative civil service are quite mild. Citizens receive a salary, have the right to regular leave, the working day for such workers is adopted by law and usually reaches forty hours a week. Such conditions of alternative civil service bring it closer to ordinary civilian service. Unless a conscript cannot resign of his own free will.

Responsibility for evasion

Avoiding alternative civilian service is considered the same violation of the law as ignoring military service. The only difference is that the punishment for this category of those called up is somewhat lighter.

As stated in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Russians who evade another, alternative service by court order may be subject to a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles. or in the amount of salary or other income. Other punishment: arrest for up to six months or compulsory community service (up to 480 hours).

In legal practice, service dodgers are considered to be Russians who have received a decree to serve in an alternative structure, but due to unexcusable circumstances, have not reported to their duty station at a certain time. In addition, there is unauthorized flight from the place of service, disagreement with the implementation of the functions of the alternative civil service, including refusal to sign a fixed-term employment contract, and early dismissal for false reasons.

No matter how the ACS is viewed, alternative civil service is also an obligation, evasion of which is punishable, like other violations of laws.