This morning the intellectual activity in family circle will bring joy. A good day to take care of your home, as well as for short trips to buy household items and clothes. Harmonious relationships in the family and with lovers will lift your spirits.

Horoscope for signs for today – 03/25/19


Today you should pay attention to solving professional problems. The likelihood of exacerbation of chronic nervous diseases will increase. Entrepreneurship and trade are favorable.


Today is a good day for doing art, but not business - you are too absent-minded today. It is possible that you will be disappointed by the actions of loved ones. A romantic mood will not allow you to do boring work. Probably a romantic acquaintance with a person not in your circle.

Today you may have additional material benefits, money, and many ways to earn it. Your aggressive instinct is aroused; you try to acquire as much as possible and put it aside in reserve. You may become arrogant and start making money at the expense of others. In this case, weight gain is inevitable, since the desire to gain more extends to food, you lose moderation in everything.

Today you may become a victim of an obsession. There is no use trying to fight it, so relax. It is unlikely that she will be very bad.

Today the results of your efforts are summed up, you can receive rewards and the fruits of your activities, rise above others in some way, even if a short time. This could be a time of gaining power, a leadership position, or a career. A major patron may appear from those in power. But household chores and problems most often become abandoned on this day and remain unresolved. But this is impossible; on the contrary, the family must become a support, a rear on which you can rely. But for this, you, sitting at the top, should not neglect your roots, your parents, you should not forget them, leave them, you should not destroy your home and relationships with your family because of your career.

Today is a good day for putting your affairs in order and for organizational changes. Previous responsibilities and worries remind of themselves. You are careful and secretive, disciplined, inclined to avoid unnecessary expenses, and this will help you. A good day for successful contacts with superiors, representatives of official authorities, sponsors, and influential people.


It's going well today business conversation. You will also enjoy participating in social activities and public events. Representatives of the opposite sex tend to show you particular favor. Possible outgrowth of some business relations into romantic ones. The day is especially favorable for managers and clerks.


Today is a wonderful day that opens up a certain freedom, there is an opportunity to adjust your destiny within the limits that were initially given. Solid support from friends and like-minded people is possible; this is their time - the time of friends. Friends can play a fateful role. At the same time, you should not get too attached to anything on this day. The main condition of this day is selflessness. However, on this day you will spend less time with your loved ones or children. But, you still need to balance these poles, otherwise in the future lovers, mistresses or children may become a source of repayment of karmic debts.


Today you are cheerful and proactive, all things will work out. The distribution of income, payment of taxes and duties will become relevant. Communication with loved ones will bring pleasure. Feel free to make dates.


You have more than enough energy today. Auspicious day for scientific research, insights and discoveries are possible. A subtle vision of prospects appears, so it is good to devote this day to drawing up creative plans, exchanging opinions, press conferences, and organizing social events. Creative business trips, any trips are favorable. Visits to authorities and official bodies are going well. You have a chance to make a favorable impression on management. Avoid pressure and excessive persistence in communicating with your loved one. New connections with business partners can be very strong. In the evening, have a good workout in the gym.

Today is the day when there are opportunities for expansion in every sense. The knowledge that has been collected can be brought into a system where all sections of information will find their place. There is an opportunity to find your egregor, your religion, your teaching, your books, to be published, recognized thanks to your ideology or teaching, to establish connections abroad or with people from afar. Possible relocation. If you give your experience to your students, they will become a support, their relatives will support them, and they will respect them. If you do not use your experience to pass on to others, then critical situations may arise during travel, in the worst case, even disasters.

from March 25 to March 31, 2019

Since ancient times, this week has been fertile for various types of healing and healing spells.

On March 30, our ancestors said goodbye to the winter with treats prepared by their mother-in-law’s relatives. Regardless of what dishes were on the table, honey-birch infusion was considered obligatory.

The astrological forecast of the week favors reflection and contemplation, as well as strengthening family ties. It is undesirable to give in to the temptation to spend time away from home, away from loved ones.

Laziness and inertia are contraindicated in work. Professional activity promises not only busy everyday life, but also good financial income.

Aries (03/21-04/20) . Individual horoscope Aries draws attention to the importance of making independent decisions. Try not to give in to pressure from others, especially from a certain Gemini man. The business side of life will provide an opportunity to consolidate the success that you have been working towards for a long time. Don't miss this chance. In the sphere of love, strong emotional experiences are likely. The events taking place today will take your relationship with your partner to the next level. new level.

Taurus (20.04-20.05) . A great period to analyze your life and “work on mistakes.” You are able to learn good lessons from past episodes. The personal horoscope favors any start for Taurus: be it the start of a journey, a work project, or training in the gym. A representative of the Virgo zodiac sign will bring important information, do not ignore it. Your relationship with your other half is so harmonious that you will increasingly begin to think about conceiving children.

Gemini (21.05-20.06) . The end of the month will plunge you into a state of love excitement. However, you prefer to keep your feelings inside and spend time alone and thinking. The business horoscope advises Gemini not to make important decisions right away, take a break until tomorrow. The greatest pleasure on weekends will come from activities that require physical activity, as well as meeting with old friends. If there are Pisces among the latter, then you are guaranteed a fun time.

Cancer (21.06-22.07) . If you have debts, try to pay off your creditors this week. Otherwise, the financial responsibility will “hang” on you until the beginning of summer. Love horoscope indicates Cancer's attachment to a certain Scorpio. You single out this person and try to spend as much time as possible with him. You can count on good luck in your career matters. You have no equal in attracting new clients and conducting negotiations.

Leo (23.07-22.08) . A time of mercy and generosity. Give a helping hand to someone who needs it. Financial horoscope will require Leo to be cool in managing their assets. Despite the abundance of funds, buy only what is really necessary. The bright emotions that you experience in relation to Aquarius will give you strength, erase age and status boundaries, and make you simply happy man. Pay attention to your diet and stick to your diet.

Virgo (23.08-22.09) . The astrological forecast for the week mirrors your thoughts. If your soul is calm, then you are on the right path. And if problems arise every now and then, the feeling of anxiety and uselessness persists, it is worth reconsidering the guidelines. Surprises are not excluded in Virgo's cordial relationships. So, you will most likely bring back into your life someone who was once dismissed. Weekends are recommended for receiving guests, the most long-awaited of which is a certain Cancer.

Libra (23.09-22.10) . Be as careful as possible in your work. First of all, this applies to those representatives of the Libra sign who are financially responsible. If you feel that your professional potential has not been realized, look for a like-minded Taurus. The compatibility horoscope promises both new acquaintances and meetings with old friends whom you have not seen for several years. A good time to get yourself in order: visit a beauty salon, update your wardrobe.

Scorpio (23.10-21.11) . The best period to defend your principles and priorities. You are more convincing than ever and can become a kind of mouthpiece for justice. A business horoscope will require Scorpios to be able to work in a team. If your leader is a Leo woman, get ready for a difficult but incredibly exciting job. Relationships with your loved ones depend entirely on your mood. The stars advise you to refrain from impulsiveness.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) . If possible, try not to get nervous and devote all your time to professional activity. The personal horoscope of Sagittarius focuses on a relaxed lifestyle, savoring the moments and enjoying every day. It is possible that you will have to make several short trips related to family matters. Communication with a Capricorn friend will not only bring moral satisfaction, but will also provide answers to some questions that concern you.

Capricorn (12.22-19.01) . The things you start will be crowned with success if all your actions are planned and verified. Today it is better not to resort to spontaneity and improvisation. Zodiac horoscope this and next week will bring some kind of hobby to which you will devote everything free time and money. Relationships with the opposite sex, primarily with certain Libras, will require a sense of patience and tact from Capricorns. There is a high probability of “star fever”.

Aquarius (20.01-18.02) . Don’t go to extremes and look for a middle ground in everything. At work, Aquarius will experience relaxed and pleasant cooperation. In addition, you will be able to find leverage over your superiors, which will have a better impact on your position. At the end of the week you will have a new Aries admirer. Despite his charisma and sexuality, you prefer to keep your distance. The health horoscope favors practices of rejuvenation of the body.

Pisces (19.02-20.03) . A professional horoscope advises Pisces to look at things that are happening optimistically. Take any failure as another step towards your goal, do not allow yourself to get upset and give up. Some of your Sagittarius friends will spoil you with delicious gifts and intangible surprises. Favorable period for the establishment or restoration of warm family relations. On weekends, find time for passive rest and bliss.

Horoscope of Eva Klimentieva


Many printed publications publish both daily horoscopes and a weekly horoscope on their pages. It must be said that newspapers and magazines containing astrological forecasts are in much greater demand than others - this is explained by the never-ending interest of people in the opportunity to read about their near future. A weekly horoscope is not just a tribute to fashion, or a desire to increase the rating of horoscopes. A week, as a rather capacious unit of time, constitutes a cycle, which is commonly called working week, or seven days. This period of time has a beginning and an end; it is most convenient to plan things for a week, and analyze the results as time passes. In addition, the events planned for the week are easy to remember, as well as convenient to track them general pattern. To know about the events in the coming week means to gain time to think about your actions and maneuver, to act not blindly, but carefully checking your steps.

Life in harsh reality drives a person into a corner, forcing him to look for a way out of a difficult situation alone. The stone metropolis does not provide options for solving problems, does not leave a person time to think, ponder, analyze his actions and relationships with people around him. The world is full of signs that people have forgotten how to read, and in our century - the century of space technology - we suddenly started talking about loneliness in the crowd, when each of us is left alone with our problems and experiences.

A keen interest in astrological forecasts arose a long time ago, and at all times there have been attempts to introduce astrology into the circle of other sciences, to make them equal. Currently, the functions of astrology are so extensive that the data it provides is taken into account in almost all areas of human life, including science and education.

The weekly horoscope can now be read not only in a newspaper or magazine, but also on the Internet, and life shows how true these predictions are, as well as the high constant demand for a wide variety of astrological forecasts. Human modern world needs a travel companion and friend who will tactfully give advice and make comments that are not focused on his mood or personal preferences. The weekly horoscope, which is published at regular intervals at the beginning of each seven-day week, has become such a dispassionate but delicate advisor, and can become for almost each of us an individual diary of the near future. Weekly astrological forecast contains a characteristic common features the upcoming seven days, as well as information about peak events during this period that you should pay close attention to. A weekly horoscope may contain advice from a professional astrologer that will help you get out of particularly difficult situations and not fall into new traps of fate. An astrological weekly forecast is more than information: the horoscope talks to a person, convinces, advises, listens. The psychotherapeutic properties of this unique prediction are effectively used by many people on the path to achieving their own success.

People who do not believe horoscopes, just like people who are keen on astrological forecasts, periodically look at the astrological prediction page to see information about their zodiac sign and learn at least a little about their future. As a rule, people who do not believe in horoscopes read them only to refute them, but after they discover that most of the predictions come true, they soften the harsh categoricalness of their opinion and become regular readers of horoscopes. A weekly horoscope can be common for all zodiac signs - it reveals the main aspects of the upcoming seven days and the general trends in the development of the week. The weekly horoscope for each representative of the zodiac circle complements and clarifies the general astrological forecast, and is most preferable for a person who wants to know more about himself and his life.

Today the horoscope promises deceitfulness of feelings. Do not trust the apparent calm of those around you: on this day, elemental power can awaken suddenly and sharply, forcing people around you to do things that are unexpected even for themselves. Today, both you and those around you may experience rapid mood swings and transitions from a state of drowsiness to rapid activation. This means that any surprises are possible throughout the day. But today you should especially listen to your intuition - right now it can give you a lot of valuable ideas and advice.

Today, the horoscope stars call for maximum conservatism - those around you will not appreciate new projects and initiatives. It is better to conduct business in a “slow but sure” mode, calmly dealing with old rubble. Negotiations can be successful only if in them you do not need to achieve something, but stand firmly on your own. The day is also not inclined towards flirting and fleeting romances, but it is ideal for spending it with your loved one - in this case, the stars promise to fill your relationship with warm feelings.

Today guiding star desires and feelings will appear in your horoscope, so the day promises to be unpredictable, eventful, but overall successful. Even if you have planned this day in advance “from” to “to”, you are unlikely to be able to complete all the points of this plan. In any important matters, especially in matters of finance, you should check the information and not act on a whim - this tactic will bring good results. During the day, new promising acquaintances, concluding contracts, establishing or strengthening business connections are possible. Don’t hold back your desire to communicate, and then today you will have a chance to achieve from others what you have long been striving for.

Today, the horoscope stars suggest that in most cases the simple path is better than the difficult one, and a bird in the hand is not so bad. However, if you think that your boss at work underestimates you, do not hesitate to tell him this directly - the main thing is that your demands are specific, clear and justified. Believe me, in a couple of days it will be useless to talk about it. In general, the day is good for business and active people, the main thing is to avoid harshness in communication, which can negate all your endeavors by turning into a conflict. This conflict is unlikely to be protracted, however, it can pretty much fray your nerves.

Today's horoscope, due to its emotional background, promises, to put it mildly, not a very favorable day. Apathy, irritability, slow reaction - all this can have a negative impact on business activity. Making important decisions today is contraindicated, and “having your head in the clouds” can result in misunderstandings and even trauma. The stars recommend being more careful and collected so as not to make mistakes.

Today, the horoscope stars are not inclined to sit within four walls, so you will feel especially good away from your home - on a business trip, on the road, on vacation. The day is also conducive to communication, making acquaintances, and studying; however, there may be a temptation to take wishful thinking, so it is better to refrain from spontaneous radical steps. In your personal life, the day provides all the opportunities for new acquaintances and love - emotions today will be especially vivid.

The horoscope stars suggest that the well-known saying “your shirt is closer to your body” will be especially relevant today. No matter what actions and steps the situation requires, most people will be guided primarily by their personal interests and only a tenth by words such as “duty”, “obligation”, “professionalism”. The stars advise you to come to terms with this fact: today it is almost impossible to force someone to do something against their will. But it is quite possible to make this desire arise. So if you want to exploit someone, clearly formulate why he needs it and what he will get from it. In this case, his sincere inspiration will know no bounds.