Popeye the sailor became known to many from cartoons that began airing in the 1930s. However, few people know that this was originally a comic book character. Naturally, the book hero has his own story. So, the sailor Popeye lived in the fictional town of Sweethaven. Have cartoon character and family: nephews with the same funny names as their uncle - Pipai, Pupai, Paipai and Pyupay. Meanwhile, appearance Popeye's is very colorful. The strongman himself, despite his powerful muscles, is very vertically challenged- only 165 cm. By the way, despite the fact that Popeye was drawn according to his build real person, it turned out to be not entirely proportional. His legs are too short and his arms are large up to his forearms. A tattoo in the form of two anchors flaunts on his hands, and in his mouth he holds the constant smoking pipe. Popeye often squints one eye, and in different episodes it is different. The sailor's name is derived from English word pop-eyed, which means "pop-eyed". Popeye has a special way of speaking; he constantly “swallows” sounds or distorts words. Popeye is unusually strong, but difficult situation he eats a can of spinach and becomes simply invulnerable.

Sailor Jerry tattoos Popeye the Sailor.

Popeye the Sailor in a modern interpretation by the artist

Popeye the sailor tattoo on the forearm, photo from: https://www.instagram.com/tv/B3kuqLvIWbZ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

In the twentieth century, tattoos depicting pumped-up Hollywood actors (Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger) were very popular. In the period from the 50s to the 60s, Popeye the sailor was very popular. This character has been popular among young people for many years and has not lost it to this day.

The meaning of Popeye the sailor tattoo

Popeye the Sailor was created by cartoonist Elsie Chrysler Segar, and the birth of this character occurs in the thirties of the last century. That's when he appeared in comic book daily prints. Popeye the Sailor later became a film character in the series. Also, after the invention of computers, he became a hero of computer games.

The sailor's appearance is very interesting - his body parts are disproportionately developed (forearms, calves). There are tattoos on his arms with images of anchors, and in his mouth there is a smoking pipe made from a corncob.

He distorts words when speaking and eats spinach to gain enormous strength in critical situations. He also always has one eye squinted, apparently this means some kind of injury or its complete absence.

For the use of spinach as a product that gives a lot of strength in comics and cartoons, as well as for the high popularity of the hero among children, several monuments were erected in US cities. This is the result of promoting the consumption of spinach, which contains many proteins and vitamins.

Meaning for men

We can say with complete confidence that a sailor tattoo is not for the female half. And of course, not everyone dares to get such a tattoo. This is a pretty big step.

A person with such a tattoo usually dilutes the image with other marine attributes, such as a ship, anchor or smoking pipe.

This is all done to make the drawing more attractive. In most cases, such a tattoo is acquired by people of the maritime profession and with a thick, pumped-up physique, although in general they do not belong to the carriers of “tattoo culture”. The image of Popeye the sailor symbolizes:

  • good luck;
  • success;
  • courage;
  • power;
  • courage.

Places of application

The main places on the body for tattooing are the back and shoulder blade. Also, pumped up large men make drawings with a sailor in their arms.

The images where the sailor’s hand passes into the hand of the tattoo bearer turn out to be very unique. The rarest is the image of the hero on the head. Only very brave tattoo owners can do this.

It is advisable to apply a Popeye sailor tattoo using a different color spectrum. Also, for a better combination of the design, it is advisable to use additional elements in ships or other marine paraphernalia.

Popeye the sailor tattoo - video

Surely, everyone in childhood wanted to have a tattoo. We looked at the big, muscular guys and were amazed at their coolness. That coolness was given to them by a tattoo on the shoulder or another part of the body.

The idols for the youth of the last century were Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris or someone else. For the 50s and 60s, such an idol was the navigator Popeye. Today it has not lost its popularity, which is why this moment Many people want to get a tattoo with the sailor Popeye.

Who is Popeye and why does everyone like him?

Popeye is a sailor who first appeared in comics in the 1930s. Closer to the 40s, he moved to cartoons, where many immediately liked him. He squints his own one eye, most likely injured. He has disproportionate shoulders and calves, and has two anchors tattooed on his shoulders. In his mouth he has a smoking pipe made from an ear of corn, which he uses, as we all know, as a whistle.

The youth were attracted by his tremendous power and strength. He can simply lift an elephant, a piano, or an entire airplane. Eating just one can of spinach makes it much stronger. This helps him in a critical situation. And this made it possible to increase the enthusiasm of children and teenagers for healthy food and, namely, spinach itself.

In the USA, in the town of Crystal City, which is located in Texas, local peasants erected a fairly large monument dedicated to the navigator Popeye. This, own kind, thanks for your help in selling spinach.

As you have already realized, there are many advantages to a Popeye tattoo. First of all, it's wonderful. Many friends will treat you with respect, knowing that you have such a tattoo. Do you also want to capture it on your own body? Then you just need to look at photos of Popeye the sailor tattoo on the Internet and choose a picture that suits you more.

Who is this tattoo suitable for?

Of course, Popeye the sailor is not a tattoo for ladies. Well, not every young man dares to make such a sketch on his body. In most cases, this tattoo can be found on men with a heavy build.

And especially popular is a tattoo like the navigator Popeye among our sailors. Although, the sailors themselves, most likely, are unlikely to consider themselves representatives of some special “tattoo culture.”

The fact is that the tattoo was only considered an element of their existence. When making a Popeye tattoo on the body, many people complement this image with an anchor, a grip, or a ship, so that the picture looks more fascinating. And it is clear that “sea” tattoos were previously perceived by people not only as a reflection of involvement in one or another profession, but also served as a specific protection for a person during shipwrecks. And to this day, many sailors tattoo Popeye on their bodies, which personifies strength, courage and fortune.

Where can you get a tattoo like this?

Popeye tattoo looks great on the back and shoulder blade. But in most cases, such a picture is painted by male representatives specifically on their hands. A tattoo in which the hero’s hand moves into the person’s hand looks especially beautiful and original.

Usually, Popeye is printed in colored versions and can be complemented with the most various elements. Starting from sea attributes, and ending with the well-known spinach.

Should you get a tattoo?

Everyone decides for himself, because every person is an individual with his own worldview. It’s immediately clear that a person who gets tattoos for himself will certainly creative person. A common person It is unlikely that he will be able to draw any sketch on paper, and even more so, nothing will work out on his body. Tattooists are creative people. Their tattoo is a complete reflection of their inner world.

Don't be afraid that it will hurt. It will hurt or not, it depends on the body and the mood of the person. Practice indicates that the procedure is painless, but if the tattoo is applied to the ankle, ribs or elbows, you will have to endure a little.