Everyone's attitude towards tattoos is different. Some are against them, others, on the contrary, are for them. Some people don't like women with tattoos, others find such women more attractive. Everyone has their own opinion about tattoos, because everyone has their own opinion. Well, the opinions of others are mixed, so if you want to get a tattoo, then get it!

Tattoos are not only big and bulky, but also small and stylish.

Lettering tattoo

IN last years The fashion for tattoos is moving from abstract paintings and images to inscriptions and famous quotes. As an inscription you can use both famous expressions and catchphrases, and come up with your own to highlight your individuality.

The most popular languages ​​for inscriptions:

Choosing a place for a tattoo is another big challenge. important point. The size of the phrase and the phrase itself will depend on where you want to get the tattoo. So, for example, you are unlikely to be able to do it on the ankle. large inscription, and for example, you can pin a whole poem on your back. When choosing a place, you should remember that your body does not get younger with age, which means that if you get a tattoo in a place that is prone to lose its shape, such a tattoo will not look very attractive later.

Popular places for tattoos:

  1. The hips are the most favorable place; a tattoo on a woman’s arm is not only very sexy and can emphasize and highlight attractive curves, but is also easy to disguise if it is necessary to hide it.
  2. Shoulder blades, back - for a tattoo on the back or shoulder blade there is a lot of room for maneuver, but it is on the back that the tattoo will become blurred over time.
  3. The neck is a very attractive place for a tattoo, and it looks quite impressive, but it cannot be hidden;
  4. Belly - very often tattoos are made on this part of the body to hide scars or stretch marks after childbirth;
  5. Hands, shins - ideal for inscriptions in the form of bracelets;
  6. The ankle is a very good place from the point of view of convenience, but it is suitable for short phrases;
  7. The chest is a popular, but not the most successful place.

Latin inscriptions

  • Amor Vincit Omnia (love conquers all)
  • Vincit qui se vincit (the most difficult victory is victory over yourself)
  • Faber est quisque fortunae suae (man is the creator of his own destiny)
  • Esto quod es (be who you really are)
  • Vita est speciosa (life is beautiful)
  • Vivere in momento (life is made up of moments)
  • Minima maxima sunt (the smallest things are the most important in life)
  • Quis Attero Mihi Tantum Planto Mihi Validus (what doesn't kill me makes me stronger)
  • Si vis amari ama (if you want to be loved, love yourself)
  • Actum ne agas (What is finished, do not return to it)
  • Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant (Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them)
  • Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare (I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not listen)
  • Certum voto pete finem (Set only achievable goals for yourself)
  • Damant, quod non intelegunt (They condemn because they do not understand)
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo (As long as I breathe, I love and believe)
  • Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas (You must eat to live, not live to eat)
  • Esse quam videri (To be, not to seem)
  • Facta sunt potentiora verbis (Actions are stronger than words)
  • Fidelis et forfis (Faithful and brave) Finis vitae, sed non amoris (Life ends, but not love)
  • Fortunam suam quisque parat (Everyone finds his own destiny)
  • Gustus legibus non subiacet (Taste is not subject to laws)
  • Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi (Farewell to others often, never to yourself)
  • Imago animi vultus est (The face is the mirror of the soul)
  • Imperare sibi maximum imperium est (To command oneself is the greatest power)
  • Potius sero quam nunquam (Better late than never)
  • Procul negotiis (Get out of trouble)
  • Qui sine peccato est (He who is without sin)
  • Suum cuique (To each his own)
  • Trahit sua quemque voluptas (Everyone is attracted by his passion)
  • Vale et me ama (Farewell and love me)
  • Vita sene libertate nlhil (Life without freedom is nothing)
  • Bene vobis (may everything be fine)

Awesome fonts for tattoos:

Photos of tattoo inscriptions for girls:

Side tattoo

Side tattoo

Side tattoo

Forearm tattoo

Back tattoo

Tattoo on shoulder blade

Back tattoo

Ankle tattoo

Neck tattoo

Tattoo on thigh

Back tattoo

Tattoo near chest

Tattoo on thighs

Back tattoo

Tattoo on arm

Tattoo on hips photo

Tattoo near chest

Tattoo on chest photo

Tattoo on hips photo

Tattoo on chest photo

Tattoo on hand photo

Tattoo on hips photo

Tattoo on finger photo

Back tattoo photo

Tattoo on hips photo

Back tattoo photo

Tattoo on hand photo

Other tattoos

  • Tattoo with an image of an alluring rose. This flower is most often used as a symbol of expressing love. The color and shape of the flower has great importance! If a rose is just growing and beginning to bloom, then its owner is in a relationship, and they are blooming! If a rose is painted purple, then its owner has a very strong love. Black wilted roses mean a sign that a woman has lost someone close and dear to her, without whom it is very difficult for her.
  • The “dreamy butterfly” tattoo is considered a very popular tattoo. These cute creatures have always attracted and will continue to attract the human eye. This pattern can be tattooed on any part of the body. If a girl is the owner of such a tattoo, then this means that she has closed the door to the past and started a new life.
  • Tattoo depicting cute and beautiful ladybug. These creatures will make anyone smile! Most often, such tattoos are done so that you can understand your mood in a sad moment!
  • Some girls tattoo images of angels on themselves, thereby showing that the girl is under the protection of her guardian angel.
  • An image of a lotus, this flower was respected by the ancient Egyptians and other peoples. Most often, this flower symbolizes some achievement on the way to a goal. Such a tattoo, according to palmists, can protect against adversity and danger.
  • Tattoos of small hummingbird birds are very popular! These are small, but very beautiful and fast birds. They work hard. If a girl has such an image, then most likely she has a stubborn and impulsive character.
  • An image of a dandelion, a warm and beautiful flower! These flowers are reminiscent of childhood and joyful moments! If a person has such a tattoo, then most likely he is dreamy and purposeful.
  • Current in Lately and an anchor tattoo. This small tattoo speaks of a person who has a balanced character and makes decisions quickly, but at the same time thinks everything through well. Such people most often know in advance what they want to get from life.
  • A luxurious diamond, such tattoos indicate that a person has a strong and strong-willed character!
  • Tattoos with the image of swallows are most often made by girls who devote themselves completely to their family. As you can already understand, the swallow signifies loyalty and devotion to the family.


The girl is getting ready to get a tattoo

The art of applying body patterns and inscriptions came to us from afar. Also in ancient world such a tattoo was of great importance and spoke not only of the artist’s dexterity, but also of social status its owner.

Today it is quite difficult to surprise someone with a tattoo, but despite this, the popularity not only does not decrease, but on the contrary, it increases. One of the non-standard ones is the tattoo inscription on the leg. Many girls choose this tattoo as a fashionable and original decoration.

What kind of tattoo inscriptions can be made on the leg?

One can hardly argue with the fact that female legs- some of the sexiest parts of the body. A tattoo on a leg will definitely not go without male attention. Recently, tattoo inscriptions have become very popular, which body images in the form of animals, plants, ornaments and patterns are more understandable to the public. Such tattoos for girls are becoming more and more common since many of them do not require special explanation and it is easier for other people to understand the meaning assigned to them. Having agreed to get a tattoo, the girl wants to show her attitude towards the environment, and by applying an inscription to an area that is already beautiful, the owner of the tattoo seeks to draw attention to this part of the body with a successful image.

A lettering tattoo looks good on the thighs, ankles and feet. It is best to place laconic and uncomplicated phrases and words with meaning on your feet. But before you tattoo yourself with an inscription, you need to choose a suitable sketch. You need to approach this matter very responsibly, because you will have to live with this tattoo for the rest of your life.

Tattoos in the form of an inscription on the ankle

The favorite place for tattoos among girls is the ankles. Images in the form of inscriptions look very attractive, attract attention to the legs, emphasizing their slimness. If you want to highlight your graceful and beautiful ankles, become the queen of the beach and become the envy of many women, then choose this tattoo.
Small inscriptions are usually applied to the ankles using thin lines. The tattoo seems to wrap around the lower part of the leg, repeating its shape and contours.

On the hip

The upper thigh area is a very delicate area that can be exposed on the beach, in the pool or in front of a lover. It is better to select for this part of the body short phrases, which will “catch” not with length, but with meaning. The inscription tattoo can be combined with a small tattoo in the form of a pattern or design; this design will look cute and at the same time extravagant. Such a tattoo should have a special meaning, carry a unique message, understandable only to a circle of “selected” people.

There is enough space in the lower thigh to show your imagination. A quotation from a book or wise sayings famous people. You can decorate your favorite phrase with an original weave, flowers, etc.

On the calf

Girls, unlike men, rarely decorate their calves with tattoos. However, a tattoo on this area looks special, and all because the calves are mobile muscles with a protrusion, so any tattoo on this part of the body looks voluminous and expressive. Without deciding on the contours of the design, it is best to opt for a small image; in the future, if you wish, you can always expand the boundaries of the tattoo.

On the foot

Last fashion trend Among the fair sex there is a small tattoo on the foot. Most often they are located on the side and top surfaces. Such inscriptions are easily visible to others and go well with open shoes. Recently, girls are increasingly choosing Latin and Arabic letters for tattoos on their feet, thereby pushing into the background the once popular Japanese and Chinese characters. Such inscriptions look very gentle and rarely carry any meaning.

On the ankle

An inscription tattoo on the ankle is a traditionally female version of a tattoo. This is one of the most feminine parts of the body and by applying a design to this area, girls strive to draw attention to their slender and beautiful legs, denoting their sexuality and attractiveness. When agreeing to such a tattoo, you need to take into account that the process of pricking the inscription can be very painful, since there are many nerve endings in this area.

An ankle tattoo should be concise and delicate. Often girls draw an inscription in the form of a bracelet, which adds uniqueness and effectiveness to the image. It is very easy to hide such a tattoo; you just need to wear socks, tights or fashionable sneakers.

On your feet from behind

Women often choose the back of their thighs for tattoo inscriptions. However, such tattoos are not suitable for every girl. After all, if there are even the smallest flaws on the body (cellulite, etc.), then thanks to a tattoo it will be very difficult to hide them from others. Therefore, in order to avoid barbs and ridicule, you need to get your body in order. The inscription on the front should be clear, so it is best to make a large and easily readable drawing. In this area, symmetrical tattoos look very beautiful, which means this point can also be taken into account.

Women's and men's inscriptions for tattoos with translation

Very often foreign languages ​​are used to depict tattoos. The most popular inscriptions are in Latin, French, Spanish, Arabic, and English. Japanese and Chinese are no less in demand.

When choosing an inscription, you need to pay attention Special attention accurate translation. In order to correctly translate or clarify the translation of a particular phrase or word, it is best to contact a specialist - a translator of foreign languages ​​or a person who is fluent in the language and deserves your trust.

Who doesn’t strive to emphasize their individuality and look different from everyone else? Some people seek self-expression in bright outfits, some in makeup, piercings, and others prefer tattoos. Have you been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time and are you looking for a phrase with meaning that is worthy of you? Then our selection is just what you need. We offer you sayings for tattoos with translation. Here you will find various beautiful phrases and quotes for tattoos on different languages: in English, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French and others.

There are many types of tattoos: they can be made in the form of a drawing, abstraction, or portrait. But the most popular are tattoo inscriptions, especially on foreign language. This type of body art has a certain secret. You can choose your life credo as phrases for a tattoo, you can write short and words of wisdom love, gratitude to parents, family. It is not uncommon for tattoos to symbolize the past or an important moment in life.

Remember who you are. (Remember who you are).

And never imagine yourself to be anything more.

Everyone has one's own path. (Everyone has their own path).

Everyone should follow their own path, and not look at someone else’s.

Now or never. (Now or never).

Of course, now!

Life is beautiful. (Life is Beautiful).

Does anyone doubt this?)

My guardian is always with me. (My guardian is always with me).

Let him protect my every step.

One lifelong love. (One love for life).

If you fall in love, then once and for all your life!

The best thing in our life is love. (The best thing in our life is love).

The worst thing is losing her.

While I’m breathing – I love and believe. (As long as I breathe, I love and believe).

Love and faith give strength to live.

I will get everything I want. (I'll get everything I want)

He who believes in himself will succeed.

My dreams come true. (My dreams are coming true).

That's why they are dreams, to come true.

My angel is always with me. (My angel is always with me).

No one sees a guardian angel, but everyone has one.

The love of my life. (Love of my life).

He (she) is my whole life.

Jamais perdre l'espoir. (Never lose hope).

Hope gives you strength to move forward.

Live without regrets. (Live without regrets).

Don’t regret anything, since it happened, then it’s necessary.

Jouis de chaque moment. (Enjoy every moment).

Life is given to enjoy it.

Les rêves se realisent. (Dreams Come True).

Dreams come true for those who believe in them.

La vie est belle. (Life is Beautiful).

Whatever one may say, that’s the way it is!

Amor Vincit Omnia. (Love conquers all).

Everything, even hatred.

Amor et honor. (Love and Honor).

These are important characteristics of a person.

Vincit qui se vincit. (The most difficult victory is victory over yourself.)

He who has conquered himself will conquer any challenge.

Faber est quisque fortunae suae. (Man is the creator of his own destiny.)

Everything is in your hands, remember this.

Esto quod es. (Be who you really are).

Be yourself and don't try to imitate anyone.

Ut Amem Et Foveam. (This is what I love and idolize).

If you love it, then this is the meaning of your life.

Verba volant, scripta manent. (Words fly away, what is written remains).

Words do not remain in sight like written words, but they remain in memory.

Luctor et emergo. (I'm struggling but I'll survive)

Don't be afraid, you just need to live and move forward.

Veritas vos liberabit. (The truth will set you free)

Nothing makes life easier than the truth.

Vita est speciosa. (Life is Beautiful).

Life is beautiful, no matter how you look at it!

Vivere in momento. (Life is made up of moments).

Life is a picture, every moment is the puzzle that makes it up.

Minima maxima sun. (The smallest things are the most important in life).

Little things make a big difference.

Quis Attero Mihi Tantum Planto Mihi Validus. (What doesn't kill me makes me stronger).

Tests are given to make us stronger.

Si vis amari ama. (If you want to be loved, love yourself).

He who loves himself cannot be unloved.

Veritas lux mea. (The truth is the light in my life).

While lies are real darkness.

Vive ut vivas. (Life is what you make it).

You live the way you deserve.

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris. (Expect from another what you yourself did to another).

Treat others the way you would want them to treat you.

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit. (Take advantage of life, it is so fleeting).

Life should be appreciated in youth, while there is still time to live!

Actum ne agas. (What you're done with, don't come back to).

Know how to part with things, with people.

Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant. (Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them).

Friends are known in adversity, as life has proven.

Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit. (Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart).

Love lives in the heart.

Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare. (I’m ready to listen to stupidity, but I won’t listen).

Listen, listen, and act in your own way.

Aut vincere, aut mori. (Either win or die).

Win and win again!

Carpe diem. (Seize the moment).

Don't let go of luck.

Certum voto pete finem. (Set only achievable goals for yourself.)

Don't set unattainable goals, otherwise you will lose faith in yourself.

Consultor homini tempus utilissimus. (Time is the most useful adviser to a person).

Only time can put everything in its place.

Vita sene libertate nlhil. (Life without freedom is nothing).

Life and freedom are one.

Audaces fortuna juvat. (Fate helps the brave).

Fate senses everyone’s weaknesses, so it takes advantage of them.

Bene vobis. (Let everythnig will be alright).

Each of us…

Amar hasta el último suspiro, hasta el último latido del corazón. (Love until the last breath, until the last heartbeat).

Love until the end!

Yo mismo me hago la vida. (I build my own life).

Aunque no tengas nada, tienes la vida, donde lo hay todo. (Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything).

Before you complain that you have nothing, look carefully and maybe you will see that you have everything.

Un día todo irá bien: he aquí nuestra esperanza. (One day everything will be fine: that is our hope.)

The main thing in this life is to believe...

Cada paso con Dios. (Every step is with God).

Lucky is the one who lives with God.

Tú dejaste a mi lado una parte de ti, voy a amarla y cuidarla, por si no querrás quedarte. (You left a part of yourself next to me, I will love it and protect it if you don’t want to stay).

When people love a friend of a friend, they give a part of themselves to their loved ones.

Casi desde el cielo. (Almost from heaven).

Heaven bless your every step.

Todo es para ti, mamá. (Everything for you, mom).

Mom is the person to whom we owe everything.

Cuando las personas se van – déjales ir. (When people leave, let them go).

If someone decides to leave you, don't hold them back.

Sueña sin miedo. (Dream without fear).

Dreams should feel like you are confident in them.

Eres mi fuerza. (You are my strength)

We all have someone who inspires us and gives us strength.

Salvame y guárdame. (Bless and save).

Faith in God is the meaning of life.

Felicidad es estar en armonía con la vida. (Happiness is harmony with life).

Happiness is the ability to appreciate life.

Cum deo. (With God blessing).

Life is easier with faith!

A mother's heart is an abyss, in the depths of which there is always forgiveness. (Balzac)

There is one person in the world who will always forgive everything, and that is mom.

What a person owes to his mother, he will never return.

But he can give it back to his children.

Every mother is a guardian angel.

But mother, we feel wings behind our backs.

Mother is the name of the Lord in the heart of every child.

A child is God's reward for faith.

The mother's heart beats faster.

No one's heart worries more often than a mother's.

Everyone has a God and his name is mother. (Georgy Alexandrov)

Mom is a sacred word.

Honor to the gods, honor to parents.

One who honors God and parents lives righteously.

The heart of a mother is a universal abyss of love, care and forgiveness.

A mother's heart is a storehouse of kindness.

Descendants atone for the guilt of their ancestors.

Live righteously so that your children do not have to pay for your sins.

Love that is not reborn daily dies daily. (Khalil Gibran)

Love, like fire, needs to be kindled regularly.

Where they love us is the only place where we are born. (J. Byron)

We always want to return to where we are loved.

In minutes true love you love everyone. (I.I. Lazhechnikov)

And only after insight do you realize that only a few are worthy of love.

Falling in love does not mean loving... You can fall in love while hating. (F.M. Dostoevsky)

Love often follows hate.

Love cannot rule over people, but it can change them. (I.V. Goethe)

Love can change you so much that you won't even recognize yourself.

To deserve love, beauty alone is not enough. (Ovid)

To deserve love, you need to have a pure soul.

To love means to see a miracle invisible to others. (Francois Mauriac)

To love is to receive someone's heart.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other. (Cyril Connolly)

Love is painful when it is not reciprocated.

It's easier to live without love. But without her there's no point . (Lev Tolstoy)

The meaning of life is to love and do good.

Love hurts even the gods. (Petronius)

Cupid's arrow can hit anyone.

Love cannot be cured with herbs. (Ovid)

Even time has a hard time healing love's wounds.

My tattoos are like notes from life. Sometimes you don't feel comfortable in your own skin, so you cover it with drawings. (Frank Iero)

A tattoo is a reason to change something about yourself.

If I got a tattoo, it would be “Mom.” (Woody Allen)

There is no point in carrying other words on yourself.

Lettering tattoos for girls are a popular tattoo theme due to their simplicity and uniqueness. The inscription most succinctly conveys the main idea of ​​the tattoo. In addition, a tattoo does not take much time to prepare, is considered a budget option, eliminates the painful application process and takes up little space on the skin.

All these advantages allow quote tattoos to maintain their position of popularity among girls for many years now. The inscription can be chosen as the first tattoo when you are overwhelmed with doubts about the choice and fear of. We have prepared optimal options placement of the inscriptions so that they look attractive, sexy and interesting. And in the second part of the review you will find examples of phrases and quotes with translation.

Most Popular Tattoo Places Lettering for Girls

Tattoo Inscription for Girls on Thigh

A beautiful quote looks extremely attractive. I want to carefully examine the small inscription, read it and think about its meaning.

Tattoo Inscription for Girls on the foot

Lettering on the foot is mainly done in such a way as to be visible in beautiful shoes. This tattoo looks sophisticated and stylish.

Tattoo Inscription for Girls on Hand

An inscription or quote on the hand is considered a popular, universal tattoo. Motivation or lifestyle reflected in the text will always be in fashion.

Lettering Tattoo on Fingers for Girls

Small , usually located on the side of the finger. Do not forget that this part is subject to deformation and the quote tattoo will have to be adjusted and updated from time to time.

Tattoo Inscription for Girls on Ribs

The inscription tattoo is almost always hidden from prying eyes. This is a kind of talisman for its owner, a reminder or motto that is important to remember, but it doesn’t matter whether other people see it.

Tattoo Inscription for Girls on the Chest

Women's Tattoos Inscription in English

  • Freedom - Freedom.
  • Love yourself - Love yourself.
  • Be brave and kind - Be brave and kind.
  • Clever ain't wise - Smart does not mean wise.
  • Stay Wild - Stay wild.
  • No fear - Without fear.
  • Never say never - Never say never.
  • Everyone has one's own path - Everyone has their own path.
  • Never look back - I never look back.
  • Follow your heart - Follow your heart.
  • Only my dream keeps me alive - Only my dream warms me.
  • Love is the movement — Love is a movement.
  • Never stop dreaming - Never stop dreaming.
  • Forever young - Forever young.

More quotes can be found here.

The English language is very harmonious and beautiful to write.

Nowadays, tattooing has become fashionable decoration bodies. Tattoos are made in the most unexpected places - both in the most visible and hidden places. Tattoos are not just inscriptions, say, in English - they are experiences, emotions and vision of a person at that moment, or a memory of the past, or a reminder of the future, captured in the form of text on the body.

People emphasize through a tattoo your individuality .

Inscription in the form English word or phrases often convey more than a picture, which is why inscriptions are very popular.

The inscription can mean a life motto, a life goal, the name of a daughter, son, wife - in general, everything that is important to a person.

The most popular tattoo inscriptions in English with translation into Russian

Below are the inscriptions that you can put in the form of a tattoo. You can also see photos.

  • Remember who you are - Remember who you are.
  • It is useful sometimes to recall your past in order to stronger value of your present. — Sometimes it is useful to remember the past in order to appreciate the present more.
  • Here and now - Here and now.
  • God never makes errors - God does not make mistakes.
  • Onelifelong live - The only love that lasts a lifetime.
  • Everyone has one’s own path - Everyone has their own path.
  • Only my dream keeps me alive - Only my dream warms me.
  • Never look back - never look back.
  • Respect the past, create the future! - Respect the past, create the future!
  • Love is my religion - Love is my religion.
  • Never give up - never give up.
  • Be strong - Be strong.
  • Wait and see - Let's wait and see.
  • Free your mind - Free your mind.
  • Now or never - Now or never.
  • Help yourself - Help yourself.
  • All we need is love - All we need is love.
  • Everyone sees the world in one’s own way - Everyone sees the world in their own way.
  • Follow you heart - Follow your heart.
  • Life is beautiful - Life is beautiful.
  • I’ll get everything I want - I’ll get everything I want.
  • A life is a moment - Life is just a moment.
  • I shall not live in vain - I will not live in vain
  • Forever young - Forever young.
  • Let it be - Let it be.

One-word captions:

  • Free - Freedom, free.
  • Angel - Angel.
  • Demon - Demon.
  • Hope - Hope.
  • Love - Love.
  • Mother - Mom.

Beautiful phrases about love and not only in English for tattoos

Beautiful phrases for tattoos

  • Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worth. “Not knowing is bad, not wanting to know is even worse.”
  • My angel always with me - My angel is always with me.
  • Success doesn't come to you. You go to it - Success does not come to you on its own. You go to him.
  • The earth is my body. My head is in the stars - The Earth is my body. My head is in the stars.
  • Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything - Those who cannot change their views cannot change anything.
  • It’s better to have ideals and dreams than nothing - Better dreams and ideals than nothing.
  • Don’t let your mind kill your heart and soul - Don’t let your mind kill your heart and soul.

Thus, tattoo inscriptions in English are beautiful and inspiring. You can choose any font and, if desired, any inscription to express your feelings, thoughts, desires and aspirations.

Useful materials:

beautiful words in English

most popular english words