The biography of Irina Reznik, the wife of Ilya Reznik, began to interest fans after the maestro formalized his relationship with his future wife. It is known that in 2012, Ilya Reznik seriously changed his personal life and officially divorced his second wife, despite a marriage that lasted almost 15 years. He performed this action for the sake of his new chosen one, Irina Romanova. Their age difference surprised fans of the singer’s work, since it is almost three decades, but, apparently, this is not a problem for the spouses.

Read also:

  • Loud divorce for the sake of a new wife

    In 2012, Ilya Reznik filed for divorce for Irina’s sake. He was married to his previous wife, Murina, for almost a quarter of a century, but they lived in various places– for most of the couple’s marriage, Munira lived in the United States of America with her son, and Ilya Reznik lived in Russia. The decision to file for divorce occurred when the singer decided to officially marry his woman Irina. The woman is 27 years younger than her husband, however, age is not an obstacle to their marriage.

    After Ilya Reznik’s second wife found out that her husband had started a new relationship, she arrived from America to Russia, and a loud incident occurred, as Munira called her husband a polygamist. However, she later found out that she was divorced from her husband without knowledge or warning.

    After this, lengthy legal proceedings began, the purpose of which was to annul the previous court decision. This process did not bring results. One of the episodes of the TV show “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to this news. The show's participants were ex-wife Reznik. According to some reports, due to strong excitement after this TV show, the maestro suffered a stroke.

    As a result, all the proceedings ended, the personal life of Ilya Reznik was no longer discussed so vigorously, he became the official husband of Irina Romanova, who is not only his wife, but also the director of the theater named after him.

    He filed for divorce because he has been living with Irina for several years and loves her. In his opinion, it is indecent to live with a woman who does not have the status of a spouse. The singer was in no hurry to get a divorce, as he waited until his son turned 18; after the child became an adult, the divorce was filed. At the same time, he and Munira did not have a common household, they did not communicate for several years even by phone, and the singer sent money to his son.

    Argumbayeva’s attempts to challenge the court’s decision were in vain; she did not appear at the first court hearing. Subsequently, she hired lawyers, but even with their help she was unable to challenge the decision and receive half of the jointly acquired property.

    Meeting Ilya Reznik and Irina

    In an interview with I. Reznik, they asked how he manages to always be cheerful and optimistic. According to media reports, he replied that his main support is his wife Irina, without whom he cannot imagine his condition now, as well as all the difficulties that were experienced earlier, allow him to enjoy life and appreciate everything that is in life.

    The singer met his wife in the company of friends while celebrating his birthday. According to the maestro, he immediately liked the woman, as she was not only beautiful, but also pleasant to talk to. They exchanged phone numbers, but did not call immediately, but subsequently their relationship developed at lightning speed.

    When asked whether Ilya Reznik conquered Irina, he answered the media that there was no carrying bouquets of flowers or cakes, for them something else was important. They liked each other at first sight, despite the fact that such cases occur extremely rarely. The couple have been together for more than 17 years, and they still enjoy being together as in the first years of their relationship.

    Journalists wondered how it happened that Irina and the singer have been dating for many years, but they officially married only recently. The maestro explained this situation. According to him, both spouses were confident that the presence of a stamp in the passport or its absence did not affect the relationship, but was a formality. He decided to marry to protect his woman, to protect her from insults and the emergence of rumors.

    He explained that they said a lot about her offensive words, and they were connected with the fact that she is not the singer’s wife. Despite the fact that the spouses do not care about the opinions of others about their personal lives, the decision was made to paint.

    Journalists were interested to know what Reznik thought about the scandal that arose in connection with his divorce from his wife Murina. This news became a reason for discussion on the talk show “Let Them Talk,” as a result of which the maestro suffered a stroke. Ilya Reznik does not deny this information, calling everything his second wife said a lie.

    To restore his health, he goes to a sanatorium, where he does healing procedures. His wife Irina and his comrades, as well as doctors, helped him recover. According to him, it is only thanks to his environment that he believes in people. Reznik’s wife is almost 30 years younger than the artist. This couple has no children together.
    Children of Ilya Reznik

    It is known that the singer has children from previous marriages, but in his joint marriage with Irina he does not have them. From his first wife he has a son Maxim and a daughter Alisa, as well as a grandson Ilya.

    In 1981, according to media reports, he gave birth to illegitimate son Evgeniy, who lives in Odessa. From his second wife he has a son, Arthur, from his third marriage, in which the artist is now, there are no children.

    Information about Irina Reznik

    Irina Romanova is the third wife of Ilya Reznik. She is a master of sports in athletics Soviet Union, holds the position of General Director at the Ilya Reznik Musical Theater. Born in 1965, no children.

    Judging by the photos on the Internet of her, she looks great - most likely, this is due to the lifestyle that she leads, since she devoted herself to professional sports.

    Fans of the singer noted what kind of legs Ilya Reznik’s wife has - they are fit and slender, despite the woman’s age. By latest news In 2018, the marriage of Irina and Ilya Reznik was successful and still exists.

    Did Ilya Reznik have any marriages before Irina?

    Born on April 4, 1938 in Leningrad. Wife - Munira. Sons: Maxim, journalist, CEO"Dynamo-Media", head of the press service of the "Dynamo" society; Evgeniy, 2nd year student at the Moscow Law Academy; Arthur, schoolboy. Daughter - Alice, a student at the Faculty of Art History at the University of Berlin.

    All people use words, but only a few know how to weave them into a bizarre pattern that forms one of the most sophisticated phenomena of human culture - poetry.

    The life of Ilya Reznik, having begun like that of most compatriots, turned in such a way that it turned the “ugly duckling” - a blockade “runaway”, into a “beautiful swan” - a poet, a man and a citizen of his country, in love with his native language, with his people, with his Homeland.

    Siege childhood, evacuation to the Urals along the Road of Life through Ladoga, the death of his father from wounds in the hospital, his mother’s new marriage upon returning from evacuation, her departure to Riga - this is how the life of the future poet began. An abandoned boy is adopted by his father's elderly adoptive parents, essentially strangers, but very kind people. Then the breadwinner-grandfather, who was a wonderful shoemaker and supported the whole family, dies. Half-starved childhood and youth could not dislodge the dreams of theater from Ilya’s heart. WITH light hand Irakli Andronikov, who blessed him, although not on the first try, in 1957 he entered the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema.

    Since 1965, Reznik has been working in the troupe of the V.F. Theater. Komissarzhevskaya. He gets roles big and small, interesting and not so interesting. The entire period of studenthood and the first years in the theater is a constant work on the word, writing songs for student and theater performances, writing reprises, participating in all theatrical skits. This is a constant search for oneself, dissatisfaction with what has been achieved...

    And then there was the song “Cinderella” - the first song by Ilya Reznik. Having flown around the whole country, it brought the poet all-Union popularity and decided to future fate. In 1972, feeling the strength, calling and demand, Ilya Reznik left the theater and began to engage in song poetry professionally.

    The Bratislava "Lyras", numerous prizes and awards, a personalized star on the Square of Stars at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" in Moscow and a star in the sky in the constellation Orion were still far ahead. The motto of his entire life became the words:

    My god is work, menial work.

    I pray for her, I adore her.

    I hate idle yawns

    It makes me feel like I'm on fire.

    In 1975, Ilya Reznik achieved his first international success. He was awarded the Golden Lyre prize at the Bratislava Lyre song competition (Czechoslovakia) for the song “Apple Trees in Blossom” to the music of E. Martynov performed by the composer. This is the first time that a Soviet song has been awarded such a high rating.

    Next year - new awards: for the song "Elegy" to the music of V. Feltsman performed by A. Gradsky, the poet was awarded the "Silver Lyre" award, and for the song "Prayer" to the verses of I. Reznik and music by A. Zhurbin, singer Irina Ponarovskaya was awarded Grand Prix at the song competition in Sopot.

    So, step by step, year after year, the poet rose to the heights of skill and popularity. There is, perhaps, not a single serious performer on the Russian stage whose repertoire does not include songs based on the poems of Ilya Reznik. His work represents an entire song era of the late 20th century. Suffice it to name the main songs that became hits: “Cinderella”, “Apple Trees in Blossom”, “Maestro”, It’s Not Evening Yet”, “Antique Clock”, “Starry Summer”, “Crane”, “Charlie”, “Edith Piaf”, “Verooka”, “Without me, my beloved...”, “Return”, “Convertible”, “Carlson”, “Grandmother Next to Grandfather”, “Serve Russia”, “Anxious Waltz”, “My Army”. ..

    Mansion in creative biography Ilya Reznik is worth his many years of collaboration with Alla Pugacheva. It began in 1979 and continues to this day. In 1980, the poet wrote songs for the author’s program “Monologues of the Singer,” which brought her deafening popularity. These are “Maestro”, “Antique Clock”, “Return”, “Anxious Path”, etc. Ilya Reznik was also the author of the script for the film “I Came and Say” (1984), in which leading role starred A. Pugacheva.

    In 1986, collaboration began with composer Raymond Pauls to create a program for Laima Vaikule. The most popular songs were: “Vernissage”, “It’s not evening yet”, “Fiddler on the Roof”, “Charlie”, “I’m praying for you”, etc.

    In 1984, I. Reznik and composer R. Pauls initiated annual competitions for young performers in Jurmala.

    Ilya Reznik’s songwriting has received well-deserved recognition not only in the country, but also abroad. This, in addition to those mentioned, is evidenced by the following awards: “Bronze Lyre” (1977, for the song “Sing, Earth” to the music of A. Kalvarsky performed by A. Troitsky), “Golden Lyre” (1986, for the song “Vernissage” to the music of R. Pauls performed by L. Vaikule), Grand Prix at the international competition "Orpheus" (1990, for the song "Edith Piaf" performed by T. Gverdtsiteli), National Russian Music Award "Ovation" (1995), Literary Prize named after R. Rozhdestvensky (1996) for the best achievements in the field of song poetry, as well as the Russian television award "Golden Star" in California (1996). The poet became a laureate of the television competition "Song of the Year" 22 times.

    In addition to songs, the poet wrote many poems, several scripts, and plays.

    In 1978, the premiere of his mystery opera “Black Bridle on a White Mare” (music and production by Yu. Sherling) took place on the stage of the Film Actor Theater in Moscow. In 1980, he wrote the script "Olympic Moscow" for the Leningrad Music Hall (directed by I. Rakhlin). In 2001, the premiere of the fairy tale-musical “Little Country” took place at the Grand Sports Arena of the Luzhniki Sports Palace with great success.

    In 1991, Ilya Reznik created his own theater, the first premiere of which was the musical play “The Game of Rasputin, or Nostalgia for Russia” at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. In 1992-1994, the Ilya Reznik Theater successfully toured the USA. In Russia, the author's Vernissages of Ilya Reznik on the stage of the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" have become traditional.

    Back in 1969, the poet’s first book for children, “Tyapa Doesn’t Want to Be a Clown,” was published in Riga. Poems and fairy tales, funny fables and instructive stories, very musical in rhythm, filled with gentle humor, love and tenderness for young readers. Moreover, all these works were written in the best traditions of Russian children's classical literature. IN last years 5 books from the “Cuckoo” series were published, as well as the books “A Fidget Named Luke”, “King Arthur”, “Why Are There Golden Clouds in the Blue Sky?”, a collection of poems and fairy tales “Here!”. Books have been published in the "Small Country" series " Forest Tales", "Cow from Komarovo", "Multi-colored alphabet", "Our Dunyasha", "Sperm Whale".

    Assessing the work of Ilya Reznik, Sergei Mikhalkov, a classic of children's literature, said: “If I were asked to name the names of poets whose work is organically connected with music and at the same time can exist separately, I would name only three names: Vladimir Vysotsky, Bulat Okudzhava, Ilya Reznik.

    In 1999, I.R. Reznik becomes a member of the Moscow Writers' Union. He is the author of the books: “Monologues of the Singer”, “Two Over the City”, “Favorites”, “My Life is a Carnival”, “Alla Pugacheva and Others”, “The Man”. In 2000, Ilya Reznik opened his own publishing house - “Ilya Reznik Library”.

    I.R. Reznik - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, holder of the Order of Honor, member of the Board of Directors of the ORT television channel, full member of the Academy of Social Sciences, member of the public Council for Children's Rights, headed by the wife of the President of the Russian Federation L.A. Putina. In 1998, on the Square of Stars at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" for his outstanding contribution to national culture, a personalized star slab was laid for Ilya Reznik. By decision of the American astronomical society "International Star Registry", a star in the constellation Orion was named after him.

    Ilya Rakhmielevich is not used to being sick and resting. The most disgusting of human feelings considers envy, and the most attractive thing is decency.

    He loves literature, music, theater, cinema. Of the Russian classics, he especially appreciates the poets A. Pushkin and A. Blok, the writer A.P. Chekhov, composer S. Rachmaninov. He is a fan of singer Maria Callas. He enjoys billiards and backgammon.

    Lives and works in Moscow.

    Ilya Reznik spoke about the betrayal of loved ones, the mistakes of youth and those who...

    The legendary poet Ilya Reznik turned 77 years old. You can easily make a series about his difficult life. In an exclusive interview, Ilya Rakhmielevich openly spoke about loves that forced him to make mistakes, a family tragedy that took place in childhood, and Masha Rasputina, because of whose song he was subjected to serious criticism.

    Ilya Rakhmielevich, 77 is a beautiful number. What do you think about this?

    - I think nothing. I’m sitting in a cafe in the center of Moscow with my beloved woman and looking out the window (smiles). At first I didn't want to celebrate my birthday at all. But our family friend, the great doctor, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Leila Adamyan insisted and said that she would organize everything herself. And indeed! She took charge of the luxurious feast, and my Irochka was in charge of the creative part of the evening. We had a warm, family gathering. All the guests' eyes sparkled with happiness: we sang and danced in chorus, there were wonderful performances and improvisations. In the best Soviet traditions, I would say.

    Ilya Reznik with his wife Irina / Press service of Ilya Reznik

    For example, my friend Andrei Karaulov sang Mussorgsky amazingly. Joseph Kobzon performed the song “My Way”. I had Zinaida Kiriyenko, Emmanuel Vitorgan, Aziza, Anna Shatilova, doctors and military personnel... Kai Metov sang my new song! There were a lot of greetings and congratulations. From the heads of law enforcement agencies and departments, State Duma deputies, senators... I also received a postcard from Svetlana Medvedeva - in general, the atmosphere was amazing. The next day the guests called: “We haven’t experienced this for a long time!” I also tried: I presented new books to everyone, and I also wrote separate quatrains of dedication to everyone. I had to stay awake for a couple of nights. I tried for my loved ones, they appreciated it. It will remain with them for a long time.

    – What are you dreaming about now, Ilya Rakhmielevich?

    – I dream of having a job. Thank God everything is fine so far. I finished writing the rock opera “Mozart” and the book “Fables”. Now I'm cooking a lot interesting book: “Culinary sonnets.” I have already written about thirty-five sonnets: “About potato pancakes,” about vegetarianism, about snacking...

    – Looking back, do you regret anything?

    – I regret that I am very gullible. He made many mistakes because of his “falls in love” with performers. Then they betrayed me. Although, on the other hand, if there were no creative loves, there probably would not have been such compositions. It’s a vicious circle: one cannot exist without the other. It is unlikely that I would have revised or changed anything if I had such an opportunity. This is how life happened: step by step, like pieces of stained glass glass folded into one large canvas...

    Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva / Ruslan Roshchupkin

    There were indeed many betrayals in the life of Ilya Reznik. It was his own mother who betrayed him first. Returning from school, the future poet saw a parent who, together with a nanny, was pushing a stroller with triplets. Ilya called out to his mother, and she crossed to the other side of the road. From then on he was raised by his grandmother.

    “I forgave her,” Reznik sighs. “I thought a lot about why she did this.” Life was like this: difficult post-war times... Left alone. Dad died from his wounds in the hospital. Surely she wanted well-being, so she got married... I can understand this now, but then it was very difficult for me. Sometimes I dreamed about her. But more often I dream about my grandparents, who raised me and to whom I am very grateful. They supported me and taught me kindness all my life. That’s why my wife Irina and I have four dogs, picked up on the street, two cats... This comes from Ira’s mother and my grandmother. Now another one, Lizochka, has been picked up, already the fourth. Irochka, dogs and cats are the only ones who have never betrayed me. They are our happiness!

    Few people know, but Reznik regularly helps homeless animals. And sometimes he involves other performers in this. For example, several years ago Anzhelika Agurbash transferred a thousand dollars to a kennel for homeless dogs.

    “Yes, there was such a story,” the maestro did not deny. – She asked permission to use one song in concerts in a duet with Borey Moiseev. She named the price herself: “A thousand dollars.” We said that we didn’t need this money and asked her to transfer it to a dog shelter. Ilona Bronevitskaya organized her own shelter. We gave his details, and this singer sent money there to feed the dogs. Ilona is a great guy. Her mother, Edita Piekha, also loves dogs very much. We have known Edita for more than forty years. I was very friendly with her husband, Shurochka Bronevitsky, they were the first to introduce me to a large public, and I wrote many songs for her: “Birch Land”, “I Love This World”, “Smile, People!” He performed at her concerts and read poetry. Edita is generally very kind and touching. By the way, she is the first singer who began to pronounce my name from the stage. Unlike other artists who owe me more, but who have never done this.

    Ilya Reznik with his wife Irina / Personal archive of Ilya Reznik

    Ilya Reznik doesn’t like to talk about how songs are written.

    – You can write a good song in an hour, or you can sit and write all your life! – Ilya Rakhmielevich smiles. - It's all in the soul. For example, “Little Country” by Natasha Koroleva was born as soon as Igor Nikolaev showed me wonderful music.

    – Did you immediately understand that this was a future hit?

    - I didn’t understand anything. If only I understood how hits are made (smiles). You write to the best of your ability and ability. And then the viewer decides.

    – Many people don’t know, but one of the business cards Allegrova - “I will part the clouds with my hands” - you also wrote!

    – Yes, to the music of Igor Krutoy. But for me, the song “Curtain”, which Allegrova also sang, is more valuable. The song is powerful, but I think it's underrated. In a new interpretation, it is sung by Eteri Beriashvili, one of the most prominent participants in “The Voice”.

    – Allegrova won’t be offended?

    - Why? Irina did her job. The way she sang was wonderful. Now there is a different interpretation. It’s not only “Curtain” that Eteri sings. Now a new reading of “The Wanderer” has appeared. This song is sung by a unique musician and arranger, Michael Knight. If the whole country sings “Cabriolet,” what will I do? Or “Starry Summer”, or “Antique Clock”, “Vernissage”? Am I really going to run around the halls and corporate events and ban them? Of course not. I have spoken and written many times on this topic. In our country, copyrights are not protected. That's why I took my songs away from the control of RAO and wrote open letter Prime Minister Medvedev. Do you think anything has moved? No. They call from radio stations and TV channels and ask: what will we do without your songs? Who do I get permission from? Whom to pay? And I don’t have the answer to these questions. There is also a new intrigue with the 5% fee from Internet users. In general, all this is sad. The state must make a decision and protect the authors.

    – By the way, a couple of years ago you officially banned Uspenskaya from performing “Cabriolet” and were even planning to sue her. And she still sings it everywhere. Why?

    “I don’t even want to hear that name.” Of course, I know that he sings and earns money. But I don’t want to promote it. I have forgotten this name forever. She sings all my songs at corporate events. How can I get copyrights from this money? Funny and sad.

    Ilya and Munira Reznik / Personal archive of Ilya Reznik

    – Ilya Rakhmielevich, have you never made peace with your muse – Alla Pugacheva?

    “I didn’t quarrel with her.” Each of us has our own road and path! We had a great past, but no future. She doesn't sing anymore. And I write “Mozart” and “Fables”. Each of us has our own life. Pauls and I wrote not only for Alla, but also for Laima and Valera Leontiev. They are still in my soul. But we rarely communicate. They don't ask for new songs, they don't need them. They hardly sing anything new at all. Basically the luggage that you have.

    – Now, as I understand it, Masha Rasputina has become your muse?

    – Masha is not a muse, she is a brilliant performer. Masha has a happy marriage. You should have seen how her husband Vitya talks about her. With what loving eyes he looks at her. I haven't seen this for a long time! I wrote several songs for Masha. At my recent “Serve Russia” concert in the Kremlin, she sang a song about our president. She did it very talentedly, by the way.

    Joseph Kobzon and Ilya Reznik with his wife / Press service of Ilya Reznik

    – Have you heard that Rasputin is already being criticized for this hit?

    – Those who do not respect our president criticize him. Fifth column of traitors. Thank God that we have such a big personality. Russia deserves such a president. She begged. And we must pray for his health. Because, most importantly, he did not allow the Maidan on Bolotnaya, that in Russia there is no war, bombings, like in Ukraine. “The unhealed wound of war threatens you and me with disaster again. That war will have no veterans. The Third World War will not have them...” This is from my song. I know what war is. I'm a blockade child...

    Reznik himself was often criticized. Two years ago, real persecution began around Ilya Rakhmielevich. First, Munir's ex-wife, who for a long time lived in the USA, returned to Russia and began to sue the poet. And then Ilya Rakhmielevich was fined for driving along the median. A terrible scandal broke out.

    “It was a big disgusting thing,” the poet sighs. – 160 media outlets wrote about my violation. Just recently Nikas Safronov broke the rules by crossing double line, turned around, and that’s it. I paid a fine of one and a half thousand rubles, and there was no scandal, everything was fine. And I was driving at a speed of 60 km along the median! It turns out that one person really wanted to become the chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I found out about this later. And then I didn’t understand what was happening. Why such persecution? If the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops congratulates me on my birthday and sends me an award, this probably says something? As for Munira. They told me that she bought an apartment in Moscow. A car. And I still live in a rented house. I don’t want to talk about it and find out where and whose money came from... Thank God that I don’t hear or see her and they left me alone.

    – Ilya Rakhmielevich, then you said: “If the persecution does not end, I will leave Russia forever.” I hope you've changed your mind?

    – In fact, it was practically a provocation. My “Confession” was filmed on one of the channels. The journalist, nimble and not very pleasant, always wanted some kind of sensation. She said that I am so positive, but how will we take our viewer? We need a scandal. And they asked me to play along with them. We came up with a trip to Kyiv. Ira left the office where the interview was being written, and she asked to write down this phrase. "I'd like to check out. This is bullying...” When Ira found out, she was shocked. They promised not to insert this phrase... But it was too late... You know your colleagues better than me. It is done. And I also helped her arrange an interview with Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov. Because of this interview, she in perfect order. I told my boss that I found him myself and got him exclusive. Although this channel brought him a lot of trouble, he agreed because of me. This is the story of leaving.

    Ilya Reznik with a dog / Personal archive of Ilya Reznik

    Now the poet lives happily with his wife Irina. He calls her his guardian angel. Although he admits that sometimes they argue.

    – If we argue, it’s about work issues. When she prepared for three months to “Serve Russia,” she gave a lot of effort. There were sleepless nights. It's better not to disturb her at this time. She is a great organizer. My Irochka is not only my beloved woman, she is also a brilliant assistant and generator of all my ideas! I was just lucky! I pulled out a lucky ticket. And I thank God every day for this...

    Ilya Reznik is an amazing man whose interesting biography and her colorful personal life delights fans. The gallant and charming poet married several times, and in each marriage he had children who this moment are adults and accomplished individuals.

    The personal life of the songwriter did not develop immediately. For a long time, the artist was in search of a woman who would accept him as he is and would not want to change anything in his habits and character.

    Born on April 4, 1938 into a Jewish family, Ilya Reznik experienced the most terrible event that befell the population of his hometown. In the winter of 1941-1942, Leningrad was surrounded by the Germans, who forced its inhabitants to surrender.

    But the brave Leningraders did not let the Nazis in, surviving the blockade and waiting Soviet soldiers who liberated the lands from the advancing fascists. The war brought Ilya not only unpleasant memories of the blockade, but also took away his father, who died in 1944 after being seriously wounded in the city of Sverdlovsk, which was later renamed Yekaterinburg.

    At the end of the war, Ilya’s mother married a second time, and gave her son from his first marriage to be raised by the older generation on his father’s side. Pure-blooded Jews not only adopted their grandson, but also gave him his grandfather's middle name. So Ilya received the Jewish patronymic Rakhmiel, and began to call his grandmother Riva mom.

    Path to fame

    A gifted boy from a Jewish family back in school years began to develop his talent for poetry. He found it easy to write songs and poems on various topics, which he later told to his many relatives. None of the relatives doubted that Ilya Rakhmielevich would later become the most famous author of numerous collections. Therefore, when in 1958 the young man decided to enroll in State Institute theater, music and cinema in hometown, his grandparents not only supported his decision, but also helped him prepare for the exams.

    While studying to become an artist, Ilya worked part-time as a laboratory assistant at a medical institute, and after receiving a diploma, he was assigned to the troupe of the theater. V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, where he performed from 1965 to 1972. For the next three years, the artist devoted himself exclusively to song poetry and already in 1975 received the Golden Lyre award at a song competition. And in 1978, a mystery opera based on Reznik’s script was staged at the musical theater.

    In the future, Ilya Reznik continues to actively write songs for famous show business stars. His creations are performed by the gallant Mikhail Boyarsky, the spectacular Alla Pugacheva, the magical Sofia Rotaru, the famous Laima Vaikule and other stars of the big stage. And the music for the poems and songs is written by the most famous composers of the USSR.

    From 1972 until almost the beginning of the 2000s, the songwriter regularly wrote lyrics for the prima donna Alla Pugacheva, who every year gains a huge number of fans. Her songs are memorable, sink deep into the soul and do not leave many residents of the USSR indifferent. For this, the artist repeatedly expressed gratitude to Ilya Reznikov, who easily wrote on popular topics.

    Life abroad

    From 1990 to 1992, Ilya Reznik lives in the USA, enjoying stories about terrible and all-powerful Russians who are capable of performing incredible acts that frighten their overseas neighbors. While living in Los Angeles, the songwriter became acquainted with American culture and made many useful contacts.

    The man also fearlessly went to the national districts of the city to meet the terrible compatriots who run “Russian business” there. This concept of the mafia arises in the minds of Americans every time they see behavior that does not fit into their usual rhythm of conducting relationships. Ilya Reznik repeatedly spoke about his adventures in the USA on television and show programs, appearing as a guest of famous people.

    New career

    From 2006 to 2009, Ilya Reznik, who received the title of People’s Artist of the Russian Federation three years earlier, takes part in the “Two Stars” show as a jury. His presence in the program became so familiar to viewers that they could not immediately get used to the fact that he did not appear in the next season in 2012.

    Since 2007 Ilya Reznikov began political career, heading the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and since 2011 he was elected chairman. But since February 2013, the songwriter’s career as a politician stopped due to the fact that he violated the rules traffic and became the main figure in the unfolding scandal. In those years, many programs were based on controversial facts personal life of the famous Ilya Reznikov, which touched the artist’s heartstrings. Then the poet again violated the traffic rules by driving onto the median strip Kutuzovsky Prospekt. This attracted public attention as the video was posted on YouTube. After this, the man wrote a letter of resignation from his post.

    Currently, Ilya Reznik continues to collaborate with show business stars, and writes beautiful songs, which are then performed on the big stage. Periodically, the poet appears in films at the invitation of directors and screenwriters:

    • in the three-part adventure film “The Suicide Club, or The Adventures of the Titled Person” (1979) as a criminal in a wheelchair;
    • in an episode of the biographical film “I Came and Say” (1985), telling the story of the life and work of Alla Pugacheva, acting both as a director and a cameo actor;
    • in the melodrama “Diamonds for Juliet” in the image of the oligarch Igor Leonidovich.

    Ilya Reznik also periodically takes part in filming, performing in minor roles if he considers the film worthy. His texts are heard not only on stage, but also in films. From the pen of the brilliant author came many songs, numbering in the hundreds, as well as children's poems and many popular books.

    In the present, the author and songwriter, passionate about creativity, continues to create and is the owner of the theater that bears his name. The monastery of art puts on wonderful performances written by famous authors, as well as Ilya Reznikov himself.

    Beautiful Regina

    Ilya Reznik met student Regina while studying at the institute. Soon the lovers decided to legalize their relationship and celebrated their wedding in family circle. Some time later, the first child appeared in the young family. The parents decided to name their firstborn Maxim, wanting their son to have a successful future.

    Reznik Maxim Ilyich (05/17/1969) grew up ambitious and strong man. Currently he works as a journalist and is successfully moving up the career ladder. He may be familiar to viewers from the program “Sharks of the Feather” on channel TV-6, in which he took an active part. After his parents' divorce, the son decided to stay with his father and never regretted it.

    And daughter Alice, born in 1976, was her mother’s little girl and decided to stay with the person closest to her. Since she is not a public figure, nothing is currently known about the girl’s profession and field of activity. Ilya Reznik himself does not seek to expand on his relationship with his daughter and former first wife. Regina currently works at the Variety Theater, serving as deputy director.

    Graceful Munira

    The famous Uzbek dancer Munira Argumbayeva left an indelible mark on the poet’s soul. Seeing her in the Tashkent theater, Ilya Reznik realized that love had burst into his soul again. He very effectively and tastefully courted the oriental beauty, achieving her favor. And after a short romance, he invited the fabulous Munira to marry.

    Initially unapproachable Oriental beauty shattered all the stereotypes of a self-confident macho. When they met, Ilya wrote down his phone number in Munira’s phone book. He was convinced that the woman would not only call him in the evening, but also come to his hotel room. But the oriental beauty considered Reznik’s behavior obscene and ignored his invitation. This is what prompted Ilya Reznik to courtship and marked the beginning romantic relationships which grew into a strong marriage for many years.

    Already in 1989, the wife gave birth to Ilya Reznik’s son Arthur, which made the man in love very happy. The birth of a boy marked a sharp turn in the life of the popular poet. He was offered a contract in the United States of America, which lasted several years. Wanting to become famous not only in the USSR, but also abroad, Ilya Reznik, whose biography and personal life were developing as well as possible, decided to accept the offer.

    Munira, like a true wife, followed her husband, believing that their biography and personal life were connected by one thread, for which Ilya Reznik was immensely grateful to the woman he loved. IN THE USA creative people lived from 1990 to 1992, after which the poet returned home alone. The artist left his wife and son Arthur in Los Angeles because the boy was seriously ill and American medicine could help him recover. The couple maintained a relationship for a long time, remaining the most interesting and colorful couple in the world of show business. And then the incredible happened.

    In 2012, Ilya Reznik, whose biography and personal life interests fans, filed for divorce without notifying Munira. At a certain point, the poet realized that a family where a husband and wife live, separated by an ocean, becomes alienated over time. This divorce caused a lot of gossip from fans, work colleagues and journalists.

    The reason for the scandal that broke out was that Ilya Reznik, whose biography and personal life was constantly discussed in the press, not only did not warn his wife about the divorce, but also contributed to the dissolution of the marriage without her participation. Munira, who flew to Moscow from Los Angeles, learned that she was late for the hearing and the trial was held without her. According to the offended woman, the culprit of this event was her husband. After all, when he told her that he was filing for divorce and would send alimony to his son, she took it as a joke. Eastern woman for a long time she believed that their divorce was illegal and demanded a review of the case, because she had not done anything that could have caused the divorce.

    Ilya Reznik, whose biography and personal life in the past were the most discussed topics among fans of show business stars, still attracts the attention of new and old admirers of the poet. In the year of his divorce from Munira and several years later, the artist was often criticized among his colleagues. His friends were divided into two factions: the first supported the opinion of Ilya, who denied his guilt to his wife, and the second sought to condemn him for his unworthy behavior towards his wife.

    However, nowadays few people remember this scandalous story. Ilya Reznik has been living with new woman and raises his children. They maintain friendly relations with Munira, and the poet actively participates in the life of his son Arthur.

    Athlete Irina

    Ilya Reznik, whose biography and personal life worries fans, was inspired to file a divorce from his previous wife by his relationship with another woman. The songwriter did not hide his affair with Irina Alekseevna Romanova from his work colleagues. With the USSR master of sports in athletics, who later became his legal wife, he appeared at banquets and festivals, made joint purchases and established everyday life.

    For several years, Irina had to listen to unflattering statements from Reznik’s ex-wife and his supporters. Returning Munira, who was late for the court where they were divorced, long time tried to annul the divorce. But her efforts were unsuccessful. The marriage, which broke up many years before the poet Irina appeared in the life, was impossible to put back together.

    After in Once again Ilya Reznik, whose biography, personal life and nationality was of interest to a large audience, came to the program “Let Them Talk” and left with a massive stroke; all talk about divorce stopped. It was at that moment that Munira realized that she had gone to the extreme and crossed a line that should not have been crossed. Then she left ex-spouse in peace, and Romanova lived a full life in a happy marriage.

    Irina and Ilya have been together for 6 years, but despite the fact that the athlete is 27 years younger than the artist and may well give birth to a child, they do not have children. Currently, Romanova is not only the wife of a famous poet, but also holds the post of director in his theater.

    In her second marriage, Ilya’s mother immediately gave birth to triplets: Vera, Marina, Vova. Her stepfather set a condition under which she had to choose either him or her son. Mom made a choice in favor new family, leaving the boy. Then little Ilya was only six years old. Reznik was adopted by his paternal grandparents. By the way, they were not blood relatives for Reznik, since they were adoptive parents for his father.

    Reznik recalls how his mother crossed the road to the other side as soon as she saw her son. The past of Ilya Rakhmielevich still evokes a lot of emotions in him. Instead, the story of past years is told by him faithful wife Irina Reznik: “This story is difficult for me too. Ilya and a friend were returning from school. It was a sunny day. For boys - good mood. And suddenly he saw a mother with a nanny and a stroller in which the triplets were lying. Ilya was delighted: finally, mom! And when she saw him, she abruptly went over to the other side.”

    Later, Reznik’s mother and her entire family moved to Riga and they did not see each other for a long time. Only when Ilya Rakhmielevich became a famous poet did his relatives remember him. Reznik admitted that he was able to forgive his mother and her children, who were not guilty of anything. He even started helping them. “My sisters and brother, they are good. So funny and noisy. We talked, I helped them as best I could. They also had a difficult childhood - with such and such a father,” said Ilya Reznik on the air of the “When Everyone is Home” program.

    I wonder if Ilya Reznik’s mother knew that her son would become an outstanding person, would she have been able to abandon him in childhood?