The words spoken on the Cross do not give reason to talk about the feeling of loneliness and abandonment of God on the Crucified One. At the moment of the greatest event world history– Atonement – ​​The Savior, who took upon himself the sins of the world, pronounces these words on behalf of all humanity. This is how the holy fathers explain this verse. “This is what the Savior says on behalf of humanity, and in order to put an end to the oath and turn the Father’s face to us, he asks the Father to look upon us, applying our need to Himself; because we were rejected and abandoned for the crime of Adam, but now we have been accepted and saved” (St. Athanasius the Great).

18. How did Jesus Christ take upon himself the sins of all mankind?

Question: How did Jesus Christ take upon himself the sins of all mankind?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

Our Lord Jesus Christ accepted the sins of all humanity because the Incarnation took place. Taking upon Himself human nature, Christ took upon Himself everything that is characteristic of man in his sinful state. Being completely sinless, He took upon Himself all the consequences of sin in order to free and redeem humanity through His suffering and death.

19. Where in Holy Scripture is it said about the Savior’s descent into hell?

Question:Where in the Holy Scriptures is it said about the Savior’s descent into hell?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

St. Apostle Peter speaks about the Savior’s descent into hell: Christ, in order to lead us to God, once suffered for our sins, the righteous for the unjust, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit, by which He came down and preached to the spirits in prison, once disobedient to God's long-suffering waiting upon them (1 Pet. 3:18-20). The same St. talks about this in other words. The apostle writes in the next chapter of the Council Epistle: For for this purpose the gospel was preached even to the dead, so that they, having been judged according to man in the flesh, might live according to God in the spirit (1 Pet. 4:6). Some ancient and modern exegetes also see an indication of the Savior’s descent into hell in the Epistle of St. Apostle Paul to the Ephesians: Therefore it is said, He ascended on high, and took captivity captive, and gave gifts to men. And what does “ascended” mean, if not that He had previously descended into the nether regions of the earth? He who descended, He also ascended above all heavens, in order to fill everything (Eph. 4: 8-10). The dogmatic teaching of the Church about the descent of Jesus Christ after death and before resurrection into hell (the netherworld) for the preaching of the Gospel is based on these testimonies of Holy Scripture pre-Christian humanity. The Holy Apostle conveys the state of the Savior after death on the Cross with the words: having been killed in the flesh, but revived in spirit. This exactly corresponds to the Easter hymn: “In the grave carnally, in hell with the soul like God, in paradise with the thief, and on the Throne you were, Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, fulfilling everything, indescribable.” According to the belief of the Church, the preaching of the Savior in hell was preceded by a sermon about Him there by the great Prophet and Forerunner John. This is expressed in the troparion to the Forerunner: “... Having suffered for the truth, rejoicing, you preached the good news to those in hell of God, revealed in the flesh, taking away the sin of the world and giving us great mercy.”

20. How did Christ defeat death through what, at what exact moment of his descent into hell?

Question:Through death on the cross and then by his resurrection, Jesus Christ delivered us from the power of sin and reunited us with God. How did Christ defeat death through what, at what exact moment of his descent into hell? What is victory over death (death in sin)?

Answered by priest Afanasy Gumerov, resident of Sretensky Monastery:

1. There is a law in the spiritual world - sin removes a person from God and makes him a captive of the devil. “For the wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Our salvation, which Jesus Christ accomplished, lies in the fact that He, God incarnate, without even a shadow of sin, took upon Himself the sins of all people and for them offered an atoning Sacrifice on the Cross. Victory over death occurred at the moment when the Savior of the world died on the Cross. “When Jesus tasted the vinegar, he said, “It is finished!” And he bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (John 19:30). St. also says that it was through death that the Lord gained victory over death. Apostle Paul: “And just as the children share in flesh and blood, He also took part in the same, so that by death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil” (Heb. 2:14). This dogmatic truth is expressed in the Paschal troparion: “trampling death upon death.”

2. Before the Redemption, all people went to the underworld (Heb. - Sheol) and became inhabitants of the kingdom of death. Everyone went to hell, both sinners and righteous. The psalmist David prophesies on behalf of the Messiah: “Keep me, O God, for I trust in You ‹…› for You will not leave my soul in hell, neither will You allow Your holy one to see corruption” (Ps. 15:1, 10). Christ's death on the cross deprived the devil of power over the souls of all the departed. “I will redeem them from the power of hell, I will deliver them from death. Death! where is your sting? hell! where is your victory? I will have no repentance for that” (Hos. 13:14). In reality, hell remains, but now people drive themselves there voluntarily with their mortal sins.

After His death on the cross, the Lord descended into hell and brought out the souls of the righteous and those who responded to His preaching: “Christ, in order to lead us to God, once suffered for our sins, the righteous for the unjust, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit, to whom He went and preached to the spirits that were in prison” (1 Pet. 3:18-19). The same thought is in another chapter of the same Council Epistle: “For this is why the gospel was preached to the dead, so that they, having been judged according to man in the flesh, might live according to God in the spirit” (4:6). Through the Resurrection and Ascension, Jesus Christ gave to those who believed in him eternal life: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy hath begotten us again by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to a living hope, to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and unfading, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed V Lately"(1 Peter 1:3).

21. Why did Jesus Christ sacrifice himself and endure such terrible torment on the cross?

Question:Why did Jesus Christ sacrifice himself and endure such terrible torment on the cross?

Answered by priest Alexander Men:

The suffering of Christ is not only crucifixion. The human race needed to join higher life. For this, the highest, sacred, divine Origin had to come as close as possible to man. Now think, if the Beginning, free from evil, unites with an element saturated with evil, then what suffering this causes Him! Jesus' entry into the world was suffering in itself, not just the cross, not just Calvary. And what was all this for? - you ask. Only in order to become one of us, only in order to get closer to us, only in order to lift a person out of this hell, together with us to reach the same level - human. As one of the ancient teachers of the Church says, “God became man so that we could become gods.” Therefore, it was not at all about His suffering and courage proving something, as was the case with Jan Hus, Giordano Bruno, who died at the stake, and with numerous martyrs of the faith. No, this is completely different.

Christ was aware of the fatal conditions of His union with human existence. “The world lies in evil,” says the evangelist. And into such a world He comes. And when a person, recognizing the truth, cries out: “Where are you, who created this hard world? - He replies: “After all, you, man, created this world this way. It was you who planted hatred, murder, anger, intolerance here. It’s you who trample on your own image.” And in order for man to understand his task, God approaches us and enters into the flesh and blood of history. And all history becomes a dialogue between Christ and humanity, between His call and our response. We must abandon once and for all the model of God, who pulls the human race by a string and controls us like puppets. We must understand that we have the highest responsibility, that a person must be the hands and eyes of God, and the heart of God, and sow good.

Dear Father! Thanks for the previous answers.
More questions please:
1. In the Holy Scriptures, individual words (few) are written in italics. What does it mean?
2. What does (who is) the term key operator mean?
3. What do the names of our Savior - Jesus Christ - mean (or how are they translated) separately?
4. In the Bible, in the middle of the text there is a vertical column with some notes. Tell me, what is this?
Thank you in advance.

03/23/2004, Vladimir, St. Petersburg

Dear Vladimir!

Thank you for your attention to us.

1. Apparently, you are reading one of the editions of the Holy Scriptures in Russian. This translation is from Slavic language. The Slavic translation is a translation from the Greek. And the Russian translation was made while preserving the meaning and Greek translation, and Slavic, because a literal translation would be less clear because the grammar of these languages ​​has changed. Thus, words were added to the Russian translation that are not in the literal text, but which are necessary to understand the meaning.

For example, the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 3, verse 15 at the end:
Slav: Then leave him.
Rus.: Then John allows him.

Or: ibid., chapter 13, verse 18:
Slav.: You will hear the parable of the sower.
Rus.: Listen to the meaning of the parable of the sower.

The words “John” and “meaning” are absent in the direct text, but they are introduced in the Russian translation for a correct understanding of the meaning of what is written.

It is better to read Russian translations of the Bible in the Synodal translation or where it is written that this translation has been blessed for use in Orthodox Church. Now in the West there have appeared a lot of distorted translations of the Holy Scriptures, which are very dangerous and harmful to read because of the distortions introduced there by the authors of the translations.

2. The term “klyuchary” according to the dictionary of Church Slavonic owls, Archpriest. G. Dyachenko means “key holder who has the keys to something.” This is the position of a caretaker, a temple manager.

3. “Jesus” means Savior, “Christ” means the Anointed One, this is the name of the Savior.

4. About the marked column. A more saturated font indicates the verse of the chapter to which there are expressions or verses similar in meaning in other places of Holy Scripture. They are listed under this number.

For example: Gospel of Matthew, chapter 1 “Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.” This is verse 1 of chapter 1, to which there are parallel passages indicated under No. 1: Luke. 3:24, where the genealogy of Jesus Christ is also given. Thus, these marks are called “parallel places”. Look carefully at these footnotes and you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself. Moreover, these footnotes suggest that Holy Bible written under the influence of the Holy Spirit and, despite the fact that the authors of many of His texts are different people, in its entirety it is an integral work and does not contradict itself in any of its parts.

Asked by: Alexander


Dear Alexander,

We present to you a short essay about icons.

About icons in general and their holiness

An icon is an image of God and His Saints. On iconsGod is depicted in the Holy Trinity, i.e. all three faces togetherthose, and sometimes especially. God the Father (1st person of the Holy Trinity) depictedis an old man, God the Son (2nd person) is young, and God the Holy Spirit (3rd person) is in the form of a dove.

In addition to God, the icons depict the Holy Virgin Mary -Mother of God, Holy Saints of God, Angels and life eventsno Savior Mother of God and St. Pleasants. Icons witherect a shrine, which they worship with reverence andOrthodox Christians worship. Who honors and lovesbit the face depicted in the picture, he takes care of this pictureWell, he treasures it and decorates it. More than once, I think, it happenedyou see how another son or daughter, passionately loving theirparents, wear their images (portraits) on their chests,They rush them and kiss them.

If we value the image of our parents, then how can we not value the image of God and His Saints! To the non-Fortunately, we can meet, and even often, that St.The icons are covered with dust, cobwebs, insects, orthe growths have deteriorated to such an extent that it is hardly possible to tell whether they areThere are some images on the boards, and if there are, then the face is spoiled.

Such negligence deserves extreme condemnation!Every morning we clean our head, wash our sinfulface, we clean the dust from the dress, but do not care about the decoration of the Holy Icons. Are our faces and our clothes more precious to us?the face of God and His Saints.Who is dear to us, whom we love and respect, those depictedwe try to fix them when they go bad, and who should wedoes more good than God and His Saints, our moves -Thais and prayer books?

About the holiness of icons of St. Athos the Great tells the following:due: “In the city of Virite, in a small house, locatednom opposite the Jewish synagogue, there lived a Christian. In the housethere was an icon hanging on his wall - the crucifixion of the Savior on the crossthose. Some time passed, Christian bought another houseand moved into it with all his property, and the icon, vi- hanging on the wall and forgot to take it. He got his previous houseto a Jew. One day a friend was having lunch with a Jew and,Looking at the wall, I saw an icon. He immediately ran to histeachers and elders and told them about it. Next daythey gathered in the Jew’s apartment, took down the icon and began tohover over her. They spat on the icon of the Crucifixion, hit the the forehead and cheeks of the Lord Jesus Christ depicted on it. Then they took nails and drove them into the hands and feet of the Holy Face; put a sponge soaked in vinegar on the cane and brought it to the lips of the Savior. Moreover, they brought a spear, and one of Jews thrust it into the rib of the Savior, depicted on the icon Not. As soon as the villain hit the icon with a spear, water began to flow from it.blood and water in such abundance that the wholevessel. Seeing this miracle, the Jews wanted to experience, not a healingAre these blood and water real? For this purpose they brought the blind, the lame, the possessed and began to anoint them with this blood. Anointedone lame from birth - and he jumped up and became perfect but healthy; they anointed the blind and they received their sight; anointed possessed - and were healed; lepers - and were cleansed.

Then fear fell upon everyone and, repenting, they exclaimed:“Glory to You, Christ, Son of God!” They believed in Him andwere busy” (Thurs. Min., October 11).

Let me give you another example: a Saracen warrior came with histheir comrades to the Church of St. Great Martyr Georgejust out of curiosity. One of them, seeing the priest,praying on his knees before the image of the Saint, with mockery said to his comrades: “Here is a madman who worships the board!” - and shot an arrow at the icon. But the arrow flew in the wrong direction her direction, but rushed upward and, falling from there,she struck the hand of the barbarian who shot the arrow. Unbearable pain formade him leave the temple for his home; the disease intensifiedthe tumor enveloped the entire arm. The barbarian was scared. Fortunately, he hasthere were Christian servants. Upon learning about the incident in the church,the servants told the barbarian that his illness was a clear punishmentGod's reproach for the desecration of St. icons, what if he wishes to usehealing, then I would invite a priest who would saytells him how to get the desired healing.

The Saracen, no matter how bitter he was against Christianity,but, threatened with the danger of death, he invited the priest.

- What power does the icon before which you prayed have?
when did we come to church? - asked the Saracen.

- This is the image of St. Great Martyr George, to whom I
prayed as our intercessor before God - the saint answered

- Who is this George, if he is not your God?

Beloved servant of God. He was the same personlike us, but for the name of Christ he endured torment and death andfor this he received the grace to work miracles. For the love of please-to the nickname of God we venerate his icon and, looking at it, it is as ifon the Holy One himself, we worship her, we kiss her. Your insolenceso clearly punished, testifies that we are with tendernessWe are not falling to a simple tree.

- What do you advise me to do? My hand is terribly big
Lit and I'm afraid of death?

- If you want to stay alive, then order to bring the image
St. George to your house, place it over your bed and light it
burn a lamp that would burn all night, and in the morning from this
take oil lamps and anoint your hand with full faith that
you will receive healing.

The patient did everything on the priest’s advice, and immediatelythe swelling went down and the wound closed.

Surprised and grateful, the Saracen asked to readto him the life and sufferings of St. Great Martyr George, and whenYes, he read, the Saracen, kissing the icon of the saint, spoke with the followingzami: “Oh, Saint George! You were young, but wise and Godkind, but I am old, stupid and indecent in the eyes of God: pray forme Lord, let him make me his servant!” Then the Saracenaccepted Christian faith(Thurs. Min., April 23rd).So, Christians, read the sacred images like this,like St. the church teaches to honor them, and how they have been respected until nowtheirs are your fathers and grandfathers, true believers, - and do not be embarrassed at-measures and reproaches of bad people!

To be convinced of the orthodoxy of our honoring, it is enoughbut also some miracles of the power of God that are performed throughSt. icons for the healing of our illnesses and for the affirmation ofour faith and hope in God.

God does not confirm by the miracles of His Omnipotence thatwhich is unworthy of His greatness and holiness. But you will find under-strengthening one’s faith and feeling of love for those depictedon the icons to persons, and in the consciousness of the spiritual benefit from these imagesdiseases (priest N. Uspensky).

Use and veneration of St. icons is based on scripture

God Himself, having forbidden the creation of idols, nevertheless commandedMoses built the Irk of the Covenant, which was a visibleat once the gracious presence of the Invisible God, commandedmake Cherubim over the Ark on the church curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the Sanctuary, and on the curtains that covered the Tabernacle and served for it instead of walls.

Angels are incorporeal creatures, and their images havewhether a human species with wings; but despite this, Godordered to arrange such likenesses of the Cherubim. By God's command, Moses raised a copper serpent in the desert to destroyhealing those bitten by snakes; and the serpent was the image of the Crucifiedon the cross of the Savior, who healed us, bitten by heaven,the serpent of the sky (John 3:14-15). Solomon portrayed Cherubimon all the walls of the temple he built. And this temple, filled withfilled with images, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself visitedtos with his Apostles, and the Holy Apostles, having already separated-originating from the Synagogue and the Old Testament rites, did not ceasehowever, go to prayer in this temple and worshipto him. So, we ourselves did not invent the venerable icons, but they are prescribed in the law.

God Himself, after forbidding Israel to make sculptures,ideas of false gods, images and similarities to what is in heavenand on earth, He Himself commands Moses to make imagesCherubim. Likewise, Solomon, taking a model from the law, fulfillednile temple, which he built, with images of Cherubim, andGod did not condemn him for this. So, if you want to kill me too,to fight for icons, then judge first God, who commanded them to usto do so that we always have Him in mind (from the words of John.Damascene about icons. “Chr. Thu,” part 30). In human formGod Himself appeared to Adam in paradise; He appeared in the form of a manAbraham and received worship from him; in the form of a manappeared to Jacob and fought with him; and the prophets Isaiah and DanielGod appeared to silt, now in the form of a King, now in the form of the Ancient of Days -me, in royal attire, sitting on a throne, and Angels, approx.those who attacked His throne were in the form of royal servants(Gen. 3, 8; 32, 24; Isaiah 6,1; Dan. 7,13). Joshua sawAngel in human form fell with his face to the ground and bowed to him(5,13-14).

“No one has seen the nature of the Divine, but one likeness andthe image of Him who was about to appear on earth.”

Thus, everyone bowed, seeing one likeness andthe image of Him who was to come... So, can’t I doimages of the One who became visible to me in natureflesh? Am I really unable to worship and honor Him, honoring Him?and worshiping His image? Joshua saw not natureAn angel, but an image; for the nature of an angel is for the eyes of the bodyinvisible, and He fell with his face to the ground and bowed to him. Daniel did the same (8:18), an angel is not God, but a creature, servingpresent and standing before God; that's why he bowed to him, not likeGod, but as the primate and servant of God. Why shouldn’t I depict Christ’s friends on icons, and for Him?not to worship them, not as gods, but as images of othersGod's sons? For both Jesus and Daniel worshiped those who appearedI worship them as Angels, not as gods: and I worship the icon, not asGod; but through the worship of icons and those depicted on themto the saints I bring worship and honor to God, and for God it is goodI reverently honor His friends (“Chronicles Reading,” part 11, from the Word of John. Damascene).

The veneration of icons, according to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, isbrought about by worship before them, burning incense,burning candles and oil, also based on the example of Vetkhozsacred Church, in which the former sacred images were venerated in exactly the same way by order of Sa- my God. We worship icons. The Jews also worshiped Ki-the behold of the Covenant, which served as an image of the presence of God; bow-and worshiped the temple of God, image and shadow of heaven(Heb. 8:5), inwhich had images of Cherubim on all the walls.This is what it says about Moses and Aaron: and Moses and Aaron went from the people to the door of the tabernacle of meeting, and they fell on their faces, and the glory of the Lord appeared to them (Numbers 20:6); and about David: got up from earth and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his clothes, and went to the house of the Lord and prayed (2 Kings 12:20); and about Solomo-not when he is in a newly built church before the altar of the Stateraised up and prayed to God, kneeling and raising his hands to heaven (3 Kings 8:54). We honor holy icons by burning incense before them.ama. The same honoring took place in the Church of the Old Testamentveterinary by the command of God. On him(i.e. altar) Aaron will smoke fragrant incense; Every morning, when he prepares the lamps, he will smoke cabbage soup. And when Aaron burns lamps in the evening, he will smoke with them (Ex. 30:7-8). They also burned censers over the censer altar, which was located oppositecurtain on which Cherubim were depicted (Ex. 10:27).We honor holy icons by lighting a light before them.whose and oil. Lamps were also lit in the Old TestamentChurches. And (Moses) set up a lamp in the tabernacle of meeting opposite the table... And he placed the lamps before the Lord, as the Lord commanded Moses (Ex. 40, 24-25). And the Lord said to Moses, Command the children of Israel that they They brought you pure oil, beaten for illumination, so that the lamp would continually burn. Outside the veil of the ark is opened Venition in the Tent of Meeting Aaron (and his sons) must become live it before the Lord from evening to morning always. This is the ever- new decree throughout your generations. On a clean candlestick they must always set up a lamp before the Lord (Lev. 24.1-4; priest N. Uspensky).

On the use and veneration of St. iconsin the Christian Church from its earliest timessays Holy Tradition

The first image in the Christian Church was the One Not Made by HandsImage of the Savior.

The Lord Jesus Christ himself deigned to depict miracles -in a certain way, His Face on the cloth and sent this image to Edes-King Abgar. Then the Evangelist Luke wrote threeicons of the Mother of God and St. Apostle. Peter and Paul (Even Min.,16 Aug., 18 Oct.). About the Sacred Image of the Savior Not Made by HandsThe legend tells the following.

When the Divine power of the miracles of the Lord Jesus Christbecame known to everyone, the hope of recovery attracted countless sick people to Christ, evenfrom countries far from Judea. So did Abgar, king of Edessa,exhausted by a serious illness, having learned about the miracles of Jesus Christ,she humbly asked Him in a letter to come to himto Edessa and healed him of his illness. But not quite sure,does the Lord want to come to him, sent a letter with a skillfulthe painter Ananias, who was commissioned to depictke the Face of the Savior, so that at least from the vision of the FaceIt is a consolation to illnesses. Ananias came to Jerusalem atthat time when Jesus Christ, surrounded by multitudespeople, taught His Divine teaching.

Wanting to take this opportunity to portray the Face of Saviorcalf, Ananias stood on a stone that slightly raisedrising from the surface of the earth, and, peering into the Face of the Savior,I tried to depict it on the board. But all the efforts of paintingthe words were in vain; the features of the Face of Christ were elusive.Meanwhile, the Heartbreaker, who saw the stranger and his vaingreat work, ordered him to be presented to Himself and graciously talked with him about the assignment entrusted to him. Among the be-The gray-haired Savior demanded water, washed himself, took the ubrus (towel) given to Him, dried himself with it, and suddenly on this ubrusthe likeness of His Face was reflected, His image, created by God, was outlined. The Lord gave the payment to Ananias, saying: “Go andgive this to the one who sent you.” Avgar provided deepreverence for the Image. Having written on it the inscription: “ChristGod, everyone who trusts in You will not be ashamed,” - Avgar ordered -hall to place it in Edessa above the city gates with that everyone passing through this gate will pay homage totion to the Image. This commandment was observed under him, under his son and grandson; but one of the great-grandsons, a devoted idolater,love, I wanted to remove the image and put in its placeidol. The Bishop of Edessa, having learned about this by the revelation of Vo-Zhiyu, came at night to the gate where the image stood, placeda lit lamp in front of him and covered it with a brick andthe news was such that the place became completely inconspicuous. Much time passed after that, and they forgot about the icon of the Savior.

During the reign of Justinian, in 574, during the siegeEdessa to Chozroes of Persia, to Bishop Eulabius in a visionThe Mother of God appeared, reminded of the hidden Image and pointed out the very place where it was hidden. According to this instruction, Evlaviyopened the icon, found it intact in all its features,the lamp not extinguished, but on the brick with which it was laidAn image, another completely accurate image of the Prototype.

The bishop and the people, in a feeling of reverent joy, walked along the city walls procession with Not Made by Hands-In a different way, and the entire Persian army fled.

In 944, the Image Not Made by Hands was transferred to Constantinople.Tinople, - and this transfer is celebrated by the Church on the 16th of Augustthick (Thurs. Min., Aug. 16).

About the icons of the Mother of God painted by Evangelist Lu-which, the following is known. Satisfying the desire of believers,Evangelist Luke depicted the face of the Most Holy Ones with a brush on a boardMother of God, carrying in her arms Her Eternal Childtsa; then he painted two more similar icons, and all threecarried to the Lady Ever-Virgin Mary Herself. She, seeing the imagethe appearance of His Face on the icons, remembered and repeated the previoushis prophecy: “From now on, all generations will please Me,” and to thisadded: “The grace of him who was born of Me and Mine withLet it be with these icons!” Soon this will be the blessing of the Most Holyyou have shown your mighty power in reality: for, by gooddate Her, from these holy icons began to come countlesslasting miracles. One of them Evangelist Luke as a signsent the apostolic blessing to the sovereign FeofiLu to Antioch, where she was piously revered by all Christians with due worship.

After many years it was transferred to Jeru-Salim, and during the reign of Theodosius the Younger - to Constantinople, and placed in the Blachernae Temple. Piety-the great inhabitants of Constantinople, having been honored to seemany miracles from this Holy Icon, they called it digitalrieyu, i.e. guidebook (Thurs. Min., June 26).

On the use of icons in christian church in the after-apostolic times, church writings testifywhether. Thus, Tertullian, who lived between 160-245, in his co-rites speaks of the image of the Savior on churchchalices and veneration of the image of the Cross. Eusebius Ep.Caesarea, who lived between 267-338, speaks in churchstory, that the woman with the issue of blood was healed by the Lord,in gratitude for this healing, with the permission of Herod, she placed a copper image of the Savior in the city of Paneada nearhis home, from where it was later moved to the house of the fashionableLithuania He says that he himself saw the picturesque imagesof the Savior and the Holy Apostle Peter and Paul, preserved fromancient Christians, who, therefore, had them inreverent use.

St. Gregory the Theologian (331-389) mentions the imageyah on the vaults of the temple built by his parent in Nazianza.

St. Gregory, Bp. Nyssa (331-400), describing the churchSt. martyred. Theodora, says that all the walls of this church were decorated with images of his sufferings along with imagesnyami of the Savior. About such decoration of temples, privatehouses, squares and witness to worship before iconsSt. Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and other Saints Church IV and V tiles centuries (Orthodox. Dogma. TheologyVie Reverend Makaria, vol. 5, pp. 142-146; “Christ. Thu,” part 30).Seventh Ecumenical Council(787), after a cruel and continuedresidential persecution from iconoclasts against admirers of icons,forever established the veneration of Holy icons, and not those who veneratecursed (Priest N. Uspensky).

The answer to this question was read by 2724 visitors

Father, tell me, where in Scripture can we find the lines that the Savior brought all the righteous and repentant from hell? Save me, God.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

St. speaks about the Savior's descent into hell. Apostle Peter: Christ, in order to lead us to God, once suffered for our sins, the righteous for the unjust, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the Spirit, by which He came down and preached to the spirits in prison, who had once been disobedient to God’s long-suffering that awaited them.(1 Peter 3:18-20). The same St. talks about this in other words. the apostle writes in the next chapter of the Council Epistle: For this is why the gospel was preached to the dead, so that they, having been judged according to man in the flesh, might live according to God in the Spirit.(1 Peter 4:6). Some ancient and modern exegetes also see an indication of the Savior’s descent into hell in the Epistle of St. Apostle Paul to the Ephesians: Therefore it is said: He ascended on high, took captivity captive and gave gifts to men. And what does “ascended” mean, if not that He had previously descended into the nether regions of the earth? He who descended is also He who ascended above all the heavens, to fill all(Eph.4:8-10).The dogmatic teaching of the Church about the descent of Jesus Christ after death and before resurrection into hell (the underworld) to preach the Gospel to pre-Christian humanity is based on these testimonies of Holy Scripture. The Holy Apostle conveys the state of the Savior after death on the Cross with the words having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit. This exactly corresponds to the Easter hymn: “In the grave carnally, in hell with the soul like God, in paradise with the thief, and on the Throne you were, Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, fulfilling everything, indescribable.” According to the belief of the Church, the preaching of the Savior in hell was preceded by a sermon about Him there by the great Prophet and Forerunner John. This is expressed in the troparion to the Forerunner: “... Having suffered for the truth, rejoicing, you preached the good news to those in hell of God, revealed in the flesh, taking away the sin of the world and giving us great mercy.”

Let me remind you that when talking about the Trinity, no one talks about the triune body. The Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are three persons, but acting in unity.

The Bible clearly shows us the Holy Spirit as a person with character. Very often, when people study the Bible, they are not looking for the message contained in it so much as for confirmation of their own opinion. And of course, then they find this confirmation. But at the same time, they close their eyes to other texts of Scripture that directly contradict their views. The same situation is with the Holy Spirit. A number of believers who do not want to consider the Holy Spirit a person find texts in the Holy Scriptures where the word “spirit” is used but in a different meaning - wind, life, human character, personality, including under the influence of God, etc. Thus they calm down, having confirmed for themselves own position. However, it is not difficult to guess that many words have several meanings. In particular, read about the meaning of the word “spirit” in the chapter of the book “Returning to the Origins of Christian Doctrine.” Likewise, other words of the same root, similar and even identical in spelling, used in the Bible, have several meanings: the Living God and pagan gods, Lord and Master, etc. Therefore, any biblical text must be analyzed solely taking into account the context of the story, and in no case should one turn a blind eye to “disliked” verses of the Holy Scriptures.

The Bible repeatedly shows us clearly the Holy Spirit as the person of the Godhead.

Let's look at these texts:

The Spirit, together with the Father, sends Christ to earthly ministry:

My hand founded the earth, and My right hand stretched out the heavens... Come to Me, listen to this: I was there; and now sent me Lord God and His Spirit ” (Isa. 48:13-16).

The Spirit is the Creator. Look, it is not written here that God flew over the earth, but it was the Spirit that hovered. It’s hard to believe that the word “Spirit” was there by accident, given that all Scripture is inspired by God, and also that it was not so easy for scribes to write down every “extra” word compared to today’s printing technology.

The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the abyss, and The Spirit of God rushed over the water”(Gen. 1:2).

The Holy Spirit is equated with God in the Bible and is called Him. Ananias’ sin was trying to lie to God the Holy Spirit. In the book of the prophet Isaiah, we also see God, who is called either the Lord or the Spirit:

Peter said: Ananias! Why did you allow Satan to put a thought into your heart? lie to the Holy Spirit and withhold from the price of the land? ...You did not lie to people, and to God ” (Acts 5:3-4).

He was their (Israelites) Savior. In all their sorrow He did not abandon them... But they were indignant and grieved His Holy Spirit; That's why He turned into their enemy: He himself fought against them... Then His people remembered the ancient days... How... The Spirit of the Lord led them to rest. That's how he led You Your people... Only... You, Lord, Our Father, from everlasting your name: "Our Redeemer"” (Isa. 63:8-16).

The Spirit communicates with people and helps select missionaries:

While they served the Lord and fasted, The Holy Spirit said: Separate for me Barnabas and Saul for the work for which I called them ” (Acts 13:2).

The Spirit is directly involved in missionary work:

Having reached Mysia, they decided to go to Bithynia; But The spirit did not allow their” (Acts 16:7).

The Spirit comes, convicts, comforts, instructs, speaks, announces the future, glorifies Christ:

I tell you the truth: it is better for you that I go; for if I do not go, The Comforter will not come to you; and if I go, I will send Him to you, and when He comes, will expose the world about sin and about righteousness and about judgment: about rowing... When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, then will instruct you into all truth: for not from Himself speak will be, but he will say what he hears, and the future will announce to you. He will glorify Me because from Mine will take it and tell you ”(John 16:7-14).

The Spirit strengthens us and intercedes for us before God:

Spirit reinforces us in our weaknesses; for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself petitions for us with unspeakable sighs” (Rom. 8:26).

The Holy Spirit thinks:

He who searches the hearts knows what thought by the Spirit, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Rom. 8:27).

The Spirit has His own position:

For whatever The Holy Spirit and we should not place any more burden on you than this necessary...” (Acts 15:28).

The spirit stays where it wants:

All of the above qualities are in no way suitable for weak-willed energy.

In addition, the Bible describes to us the bodily descent of the Spirit on Jesus after baptism:

The Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove”(Luke 3:22).

We see that Jesus calls to baptize in His NAME, the Father and the Holy Spirit:

Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of Father and Son and Holy Spirit ” (Matt. 28:19).

Is it possible to do anything in the NAME of faceless ephemeral energy, and in the list with God the Father and the Son. Moreover, baptism is a covenant - an agreement (read section) with God. Is it possible to make a covenant with energy?!

Also remember the words of the Apostle Paul, who specifically pointed to the intelligent help of the Holy Spirit:

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and communication of the Holy Spirit with all of you. Amen” (2 Cor. 13:13).

Thus, all attempts to turn the Holy Spirit into faceless energy are not based on the Bible, but are built on wishful thinking, ignoring a number of direct Biblical texts and giving some “controversial” verses a message that the author did not intend in it, which is immediately obvious when analyzing the context.

So, analyzing all the above arguments and quotes from the Bible, we can draw only ONE conclusion: God is One - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is how God presented Himself in the Bible, whether we like it or not. If we reject the direct Words of the Lord, then we must be wary of the warning expressed by the Apostle Paul:

“The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth through unrighteousness. For, what can be known about God is obvious to them, because God has revealed it to them(Rom. 1:18,19).

Valery Tatarkin