Each of us has had the opportunity to see an elephant figurine at least once in our lives in interior design or in a souvenir shop. Properly placed in your apartment, elephants attract all sorts of benefits into your life. We often ask ourselves: what do elephant figurines mean? ?
Elephant - symbol harmony, longevity, the personification of spiritual knowledge and health. Since ancient times, Asian countries have had a special relationship with the elephant. They were loved, respected, revered, and in some cases even feared.
The quality of a leader was manifested in the elephant in its power - general physical and moral. It is not for nothing that they were revered as a manifestation of omnipotence and reason, depicted on state signs and wished upon the rulers for all their properties: thinking abilities, rationality, tolerance, integrity, iron will, peace-lovingness. IN eastern religions and art, the elephant is a sacred animal, a symbol of indestructible strength and intelligence. Elephants- amazing creatures. Strong and resilient, overcoming all obstacles in their path, in nature they live up to a century, thanks to restraint in food and healthy food. If an elephant loses its teeth, it dies of starvation, but not from age.

In Feng Shui, elephants are given a place of honor. They themselves, as well as their images and sculptures, are popular in teaching. Not only are bronze, wooden, glass, ceramic and other elephant figurines very attractive, they are distinguished by certain magical abilities. Ancient beliefs say that elephants help suffering women become pregnant and safely give birth to a child. But remember that, according to Feng Shui, you should never buy elephant figurines made of ivory, as they are charged with the energy of death.
One day a guy came to a Feng Shui interpreter complaining about his wife’s extravagance. As a result of her careless attitude towards money, the couple was unable to save anything. The master recommended buy an elephant figurine. My wife liked the baby elephant. She often took him in her hands, admired him and even talked to him. And gradually the stable and stable nature of the figurine influenced the woman. She became more thrifty, financial reserves began to appear in the family, scandals stopped, and harmony was restored. A pair of white ceramic elephants in the bedroom will protect the house from various negativity and keep a happy family.
The trunk has a special meaning in the elephant sculpture. The raised one will bring constant material wealth and prosperity into your life, thanks to an aversion to waste and prudence in financial matters. Therefore, an elephant is an excellent gift for bosses, managers and heads of families. If the trunk is lowered, then, according to Feng Shui, this elephant is the patron of abundance, fertility and motherhood, or symbolizes longevity. The elephant will be a powerful talisman for your children. To attract well-being, it is not enough to purchase an elephant figurine; the main point is its proper location in the home. According to Feng Shui, elephants feel great everywhere. When placing the figurine in the northwestern part so that it looks out the window, in this case the elephant with its trunk will suck good luck from the star of happiness directly into the place where it stands. This means that the head of the family will acquire strong patrons. To protect against the negativity of unkind people you need to place a couple of elephants on both sides front door so that they look at those who enter the house. In places where negative energy accumulates (piles of unnecessary things, the kitchen, empty corners), it is enough to place an elephant, and the atmosphere in the house will improve and will only be positive. But the most effective placement is in the southeastern sector of the house, to represent the elephant as a stable base in financial well-being owners.
Elephant - very powerful talisman, which actually requires nothing to activate. You can appease him a little by hanging beads made of amber or cypress or sandalwood, or a chain of gold and silver, around his neck. The elephant will definitely like it. But in no case - made of ivory. Your patron will be angry! By purchasing an elephant statue, you have the opportunity to gain strong support and get a powerful protector!

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The elephant represents wisdom, strength and prudence. It serves in India, China and Africa as an emblem of royal power and symbolizes the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, insight, intelligence, patience, as well as loyalty, peacefulness, longevity, prosperity, happiness. In the countries of Asia and Africa, the elephant as an emblem plays the same role as the eagle or lion in the countries of Europe and America.

IN Ancient India elephant is a symbol of sacred wisdom, royal dignity, invincible power and prudence. The mighty Indra, the head of the pantheon, travels around his domain on the beautiful white elephant Airavata, which was born from the churning of the ocean. This elephant is the main one of the world's elephants, dignags, guardians of the countries of the world. Huge as mountains, with four fangs each, the Dignags support the earth on four sides.

Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of happiness, is the leader of the ganas, the lower deities who formed the retinue of Shiva, the father of Ganesha. He is called the Remover of Obstacles (Vignesvara) and is the god of wisdom and literature. According to legend, the great epic “Mahabharata” was written with the tusk of Ganesha.

IN Buddhism The elephant is the most revered sacred animal, a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. It is dedicated to Buddha, since a white elephant appeared to Queen Maya in a dream, announcing the birth of the royal ruler of the world, Buddha Gautama. The white elephant is a symbol of the bodhisattva, the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. It is a symbol of compassion, love, kindness and prudence. He is also one of the Jewels of the Law, the mount, "vahana", of the bodhisattva. Akshobhya sits on a white elephant.

U Chinese The elephant represents strength, prudence, insight, energy, supreme power, and also symbolizes longevity and overcoming death.

IN Greco-Roman tradition The elephant is an attribute of Mercury, an emblem of wisdom. Pliny calls the elephant a religious animal, worshiping the Sun and the stars, purifying itself at the new moon, when, bathing in the river, it calls on Heaven. In the ideas of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory and fine arts personified Glory, and also meant longevity, immortality, victory over death.

These ideas were later reflected in Christian tradition, where the elephant became a symbol of Christ’s victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake.

IN medieval Europe The elephant, along with the unicorn, was classified as a mythical animal found only in fairy tales. The elephant is often found in paintings of paradise, and since the Crusades its image has appeared on coats of arms. In depth psychology, the elephant serves as the embodiment of wisdom and non-aggressive power.

Porcelain elephant for good luck. How cute it is, some will say. Others will consider elephant figurines an element of kitsch. Porcelain figurines have survived more than one era of sudden changes in mood to the fashion of interior accessories. There were also times when seven elephants began to be considered a shade of bourgeois trend.
Currently, antique porcelain in the form of squirrels, peasant women, children, swans, etc. - one of the most beloved items of collectors. And cute porcelain elephants gradually began to return to houses and apartments. They fit perfectly next to each other on chests of drawers or shelves, symbolizing happiness and good luck in this home.

Modern magicians have learned to process different materials, giving them the opportunity to choose “their” lucky elephant. You can purchase elephant figurines made of wood, bone, stone, plastic, metal, glass, textiles and leather, clay, and a combination of materials. The main thing is to believe in the power of the elephant symbol.

How many elephants should there be?

In fact, this is a secondary issue. The main thing is to buy it, at least one. The main wish is a raised trunk. An elephant with its trunk down and bent inward slows things down and takes away good luck. This is what those who believe in this think. You need to take this into account when you are given such an elephant. Don't accept this

You yourself are free to buy any elephant figurine.

The most powerful symbol is considered string of seven elephants, small small less. It is in this composition that they personify eternity.

There are a lot of myths, legends, and fairy tales associated with this number. They all came from the East, India, like the tradition of giving seven elephants for good luck.

What color should elephants be?

At one time, white porcelain elephants were considered especially fashionable and popular. Was this due to the easiest and simplest mass production of white porcelain figurines?

Currently, you can buy an elephant figurine at any store. It is best to buy an elephant with a natural color. Elephants, depending on where they are in the wild, may have different color, and even pink. The color also depends on the color of the earth dust in which the animals may lie.

If we talk about white elephants, they have always been considered a solar symbol, i.e. solar divine being.

Moreover, Buddhists believe that White elephant symbolizes the removal of the shackles of dependence on earthly goods and worldly existence. This means that the Buddhist symbol of the white elephant, i.e. The Bodhisattva literally awakens the consciousness of people and the desire to save all life in the world. The white elephant symbolizes love and kindness, prudence and compassion.

Elephant for good luck or good luck?

What does the elephant symbol mean besides those listed above? The elephant symbol is described in different cultures, but for a European the first associations come specifically with India.

Elephants on coats of arms and coins, photo. These are just two examples of thousands of other variants of images of elephants on state heraldry.

Where is the best place to place the elephant figurine?

If we take into account everything that the elephant symbolizes, then its figurine can be placed in any place.

For a more accurate entry of positive energy, resort to Feng Shui tips.


  • Assistants sector. What can be improved with an elephant figurine? Support the head of the family, or attract if there is no reliable husband (patron, father) in the house. The elephant, as a symbol of powerful and indestructible force, will help to attract a real owner to the house.
  • Wealth sector. The elephant is a symbol of energy, it will help
    And so on, in accordance with the value of each sector
  • You can simply put the elephant on your desktop (in the office or at home). Stability in business and protection from all kinds of risks will be ensured.

Thanks to the long trunk, many objects become accessible to the elephant. Use this and place the elephant figurine on the windowsill, turning its trunk towards the glass (towards a good water star). It is believed that in this way he will attract prosperity into the house with his trunk.

If you can independently determine the geopathogenic zone in the house, then place seven elephants there. Feng Shui experts say that this will help neutralize the negative effects of such areas.

How to activate the elephant talisman?

Decorate your elephant with beads and chains. Put it on beautiful rug, cover the back of the elephant with a velvet blanket embroidered with gold threads or beads. Beads can be made from any material, but preferably from amber or gems. If you are decorating an elephant with rosaries, use wooden ones, but not ivory ones.

The talisman can be one with the image of an elephant. All the same meanings and placement conditions apply to it.

Porcelain elephant bringing happiness can fit into any interior. If for some reason you don’t like porcelain figurines, choose leather or wood. Some decorative elephant figurines look like a real work of art and do not require additional decorations.

WITH eat elephants for luck do not require additional shine. The main thing is to believe in the power of this talisman. Contact him for help, and don’t forget to thank him.

Discard all ignorant arguments that the porcelain elephant is a relic of the past. People have been using this method of bringing happiness into the home for more than one millennium. So is it worth discussing further - why do we need an elephant in the house?

Since ancient times, almost every country has had an animal that is its symbol. Like many other representatives of the fauna, our distant ancestors endowed the elephant with extraordinary magical power. Talismans in the form of figurines of this animal can now be seen in almost every apartment. What is it for different nations elephant, a symbol of what does this royal hero represent?

Feng Shui meaning of an elephant figurine

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the elephant is one of the most striking symbols. According to this teaching, there must be a figurine in the house depicting this amazingly majestic and very beautiful animal. The elephant is credited with a number of very valuable qualities which he gives to a person, namely:

  • well-being and stability;
  • wisdom and kindness;
  • reliability and strength;
  • luck and endurance.

It is believed that the figure of an elephant attracts good luck to the house, just as a living elephant draws in water with its trunk. A very small souvenir elephant has the ability to fill your home with warmth and love. To protect household members from negative energy, the elephant must be in a visible place. What does an elephant mean as a symbol of reliability? The point is that, due to its big size, he is an animal that stands firmly on its own two feet. By this analogy, an elephant figurine is believed to have the power to create a strong foundation for a prosperous and sustainable lifestyle.

What is the elephant for Chinese culture?

What is an elephant in China? What does it symbolize there? This majestic animal in the Celestial Empire is the emblem of the highest power, symbolizing power and enormous strength. A gift of an elephant figurine is considered very valuable in China, as it gives its owner good health and long life. In addition to power, the elephant for the residents of this country is a symbol of such valuable qualities as:

  • prudence;
  • insight;
  • strength and energy.

In China, the elephant is considered a sacred animal, and therefore the attitude towards it in this country is special.

The meaning of the elephant in Indian culture

In the Indian pantheon of gods, the elephant is still revered as deeply as in ancient times. In this country he is given a special, honorable place. In Buddhism, a white elephant is dedicated to Buddha, because it was precisely such an elephant that appeared to Queen Maya with the news that the royal ruler of the world had been born. In India it is also generally accepted that the existence of humanity is possible only as long as these great and calm animals hold the world on their tusks. The elephant in India is a symbol of deity. The god of happiness, Ganesha, is depicted as a man with the head of an elephant. Young girls turn to him asking for love, and married women- about preserving the family. Therefore, the elephant here represents love and marital fidelity. Indians decorate not only houses and temples, but also public institutions with figurines of this giant. In addition to figurines, in India there are many images of him in the form of drawings, both in temples and in homes. The inhabitants of this country endow the elephant with the noblest qualities, such as:

  • prudence;
  • the personification of calm;
  • extraordinary deep wisdom;
  • dignity.

In India, as in China, the elephant is a sacred animal. In addition, in India, the elephant is a symbol of the country, as it is depicted on its coat of arms.

What does the elephant symbolize in African culture?

IN African culture, as well as in others, a special place was given to the animal world. The inhabitants of ancient Africa not only used in their Everyday life various witchcraft and magical rituals, but also endowed animals living nearby with such abilities. In their opinion, the elephant also had mystical powers. What is this royal creature a symbol of for Africans? First of all, the inhabitants of this continent associated the elephant exclusively with positive traits:

  • strong character;
  • deep mind;
  • developed intelligence;
  • logic and intuition;
  • peacefulness and patience;
  • integrity.

It was also a symbol of longevity and prosperity. There is evidence that an elephant standing on its hind legs was an adornment of the banners under which warriors went into battle. But an elephant with its trunk raised was a symbol of victory in Africa. Many frescoes that have survived and survived to this day depict the direct participation of these strong animals in battles.

What does the symbol of an elephant with its trunk raised mean?

Almost all feng shui elephant figurines are made with a raised trunk. Even in ancient times, this beautiful large animal was the personification of strength. The trumpet sound of the voice made by its trunk was considered a victory cry. The elephant is depicted in this form in ancient paintings and frescoes. The trunk raised up symbolizes victory over evil. But if an elephant figurine standing in a house has its trunk raised up, this is a sign of the following signs:

  • material wealth will appear in your life;
  • you can avoid unreasonable spending;
  • it will help you to be prudent and prudent in financial matters.

In a word, such a figurine can bring stability to your financial situation. An elephant will also help you avoid troubles at work. To do this, place a small elephant in your workplace or hang a picture of this animal next to it.

What does an elephant with its trunk down symbolize?

We figured out a little about what an elephant represents: the symbol of what is with a raised trunk, we found out. But there are figures depicting these giants with their trunks down. There are several versions of what such an elephant symbolizes, namely:

  • motherhood;
  • fertility and abundance;
  • longevity.

Some do not accept a figurine depicting an elephant with its trunk down as a talisman, considering its meaning unfavorable. But this is a wrong assumption. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, if after the appearance of such a figurine, troubles began in your family, it is not because the elephant’s trunk is down, but because you have placed it incorrectly in your home.

An elephant figurine is a good gift

Nowadays, elephant figurines are not only confidently returning to our apartments, but it is also customary to give them as gifts. But before you buy such a gift, you need to decide what you want the souvenir elephant to be, a symbol of what? If you give such a figurine, you need to know exactly what you want to wish for its new owner.

  • If you want to please a woman in a leadership position with such a souvenir, then she needs to buy a silver elephant. Being responsible in her position for the work of her subordinates, it is very important for her to have wisdom in making certain decisions. It is the figurine of a silver elephant that can endow her with such quality.
  • A malachite elephant as a gift is ideal for people who want to start new stage in your life (find new job, get an education, open your own business), but are too indecisive for this.
  • A figurine of an elephant made of white marble is an excellent gift for hot-tempered and unbalanced people. This will help them become calmer and more resilient, resistant to life’s adversities.
  • A crystal elephant figurine would be very beautiful as a gift. It must be treated very carefully, since such an elephant is able to take away all adversity from its owner and protect it from the blows of fate.
  • It is customary to give a golden elephant (or a figurine made of another yellow metal) as a talisman to athletes. He helps them get together during the competition and achieve the coveted victory.
  • But the amber elephant is good gift for a jealous husband or jealous wife. It will definitely help its new owner get rid of this negative quality.


We learned a little about what good qualities people endowed with such a cute animal as the elephant, a symbol of what it represents. Now everyone is starting to believe in again miraculous properties their figurines. Small elephants made by skilled craftsmen have long been no longer considered a sign of philistinism, and collectors pay a lot of money for antique porcelain figurines depicting these and other animals. True, for many, small figurines of elephants in the house made of porcelain, metal, glass or other materials are a decorative element. But the majority still believe in their power and try to place them in their homes, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. The strongest symbol is seven elephants in a row, one smaller than the other. They harmonize perfectly with the decoration of modern apartments, symbolizing good luck and happiness in the house.

Symbols | Elephant. What does the elephant symbolize?

What are the meanings of the Elephant symbol?

The elephant is a symbol of strength, patience, wisdom, fidelity and marital fidelity. The white elephant in India, in Buddhism, is dedicated to Buddha, since a white elephant appeared to Queen Maya and notified her of the birth of the royal ruler of the world.

The white elephant is also a symbol of compassion, kindness and love.

In China, the elephant is a symbol of insight, prudence and strength, symbolizing energy and power.

In Christianity, the elephant symbolizes Christ, means chastity, goodwill, immortality, victory over death.


The elephant is an extremely positive symbol. it is one of the main animals in Judaism, depicted on the coats of arms of many families, orders and even states (for example, Siam - ancient Thailand).

now it is a symbol of intelligence and strength. and because elephants reproduce only secretly, the elephant is also a symbol of chastity and marital happiness. Therefore, a married couple is often given a pair of elephants so that everything is fine in the house.

Moreover, due to the fact that the elephant often escapes and defeats the snake, it is considered a symbol of overcoming death


Even externally, at first glance, it is clear that the elephant is a regal animal that impresses with its size, strength and calmness.

This may be why in many countries the elephant symbolizes strength, power, intelligence, wisdom, greatness, and friendliness. In Buddhism, the elephant is a sacred animal. In many countries, elephant figurines are placed in offices and homes as a talisman that brings positive energy, friendliness, wisdom, luck, and prosperity to the home. In Africa, the talisman looks something like this:

And in China it’s like this:

And in India like this:


The elephant was especially revered in countries such as China, India and Africa, and therefore this animal became one of the symbols of these countries.

In India, even today, elephants are not ordinary animals, but sacred ones. The elephant is the personification of the most best qualities person: wisdom, intelligence, strength. This animal is depicted on the coat of arms of India (below the lions on the wheel, see picture).

In China, the elephant is also revered as a sacred animal and is a symbol of longevity, strength, and power.


In Hinduism and Buddhism, which are the main religions of India, the elephant occupies an important place. It was the elephant that announced the birth of Buddha. God Ganesha is depicted with an elephant head - the god of wisdom. The elephant is wisdom and power, but not aggressive. For the Chinese, for example, the elephant is a symbol of strength and intelligence, longevity, energy, supreme power, and also overcoming death.

Elephant is the personification of wisdom, prudence and strength.

In China, India and Africa, the elephant is the emblem of royal power, a symbol of patience, fidelity, dignity, peacefulness, longevity, happiness and prosperity. In Africa and Asia, the elephant symbolizes the same thing as the eagle and lion for Europeans and Americans.

Big and strong Elephant in China it is symbol of supreme power; this is incredible strength and power. It was believed that elephant figurines, given as a gift, prolong life and give health owner.

And in Buddhism Elephant means stability in everything and wisdom.

Chipenko Anton

Well, first of all it occurred to me that the Elephant is a symbol of the US Republican Party that represents power.

And its main competitor, the US Democratic Party, has a symbol: a donkey - a symbol of stubborn overcoming obstacles

And in fact, now in the USA there is a confrontation between the Elephant and the Donkey, a lot depends on who wins.

What is the elephant a symbol of?


Seven elephants symbolize strong and friendly family, are a symbol of family happiness.
Whose aunt or grandmother didn’t have seven elephants on her chest of drawers - small or small? Seven marble or porcelain elephants, which were said to bring happiness and good fortune to the home. An element of philistinism or a sweet retro? Or maybe it really is an object of power that attracts positive energy?
Oh, elephants, lovely elephants!
You are our idols, we are your fans.
(chorus of one famous song from the 50s)
In Buddhist services, the number seven is completely sacred. And the elephant is revered by Buddhists as a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. The white elephant is a symbol of the bodhisattva, the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. It is a symbol of compassion, love, kindness and prudence.
For the Chinese, the elephant represents strength, prudence, insight, energy, supreme power, and also symbolizes longevity and overcoming death.
In India, the white elephant is considered the incarnation of Ganesha - the god of wisdom, happiness and literature, and symbolizes the taming of passions, as Ganesha holds his own trunk in his hand, and also symbolizes strength, insight and longevity. It was from India that the custom came to give seven elephants - figurines made of bone, wood or other material - for good luck. Due to its longevity, the elephant symbolizes overcoming death, and a string of seven elephants, like bamboo stalks, represents eternity.
Feng Shui uses elephant figurines as powerful symbols of good luck and happiness, wisdom, prudence, royal dignity, invincible power, longevity and intelligence. These animals are able to bring peace, stability, prosperity and a bountiful “harvest” to your home or office, as well as protect against all risks and dangers.
Thanks to its trunk, the elephant can reach something from afar. Feng Shui recommends using this ability to draw the luck of the auspicious water star of prosperity into your home.
Elephants are placed on the windowsill, with their trunks in the direction of a good water star, and they draw in good luck from the street through the window.

In addition, a string of seven elephants can be successfully used to neutralize geopathogenic zones in your home. It has been established that they, like shells and pyramids, harmonize and cleanse the surrounding space.

It is believed that if there is an image of an elephant at home, then good luck comes there, and if there are seven images, then it remains for a long time.


There are symbols different levels: personal, historical and cultural, archetypal (same for all people). On the archetypal level - strength and wisdom, on the historical and cultural level - aggressiveness and hard work, rancor. Well, on a personal level - everyone has their own.

Irina Datsenko

The elephant is a symbol of moderation, compassion, eternity, and supreme power.


In the east, the Elephant is a symbol of wisdom, health and great strength. The presence of an Elephant figurine in the house will endow you with these qualities, but first of all, your Elephant will take care of your children! The elephant is a good talisman in terms of education and study

Do you know what an elephant symbolizes? What are your associations with him?

The elephant is a symbol of moderation, compassion, eternity, and supreme power.
In India, the white elephant is considered the incarnation of Ganesha (the elephant-headed god), the god of wisdom, happiness and literature, and symbolizes the taming of passions, as Ganesha holds his own trunk in his hand.
In addition, the elephant symbolizes strength, insight and longevity. The elephant is the mount of Indian rulers and the Hindu god of thunder and rain, Indra. The elephant symbolized the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, prudence, intelligence and peacefulness.
In Thailand, Cambodia and Burma, the white elephant has become a symbol of fertility and rainfall.
For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. Queen Maya learned of the imminent birth of her son, the future Buddha, in a prophetic dream in which a charming little white elephant entered her.
As a symbol of wisdom, the elephant was an attribute of the ancient Roman god Mercury.
An elephant trampling a snake is a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil.
It was believed that the elephant abstains from sex during the female's long pregnancy, so in Europe it was made a symbol of chastity and devotion in love.
Hindu legend says that elephants once flew, but were cursed and lost this gift. Another legend (described by R. Kipling) says that the elephant used to have a short trunk. Once a crocodile grabbed an elephant by the trunk, the elephant managed to escape, but the trunk stretched and remained that way forever.
Strength, insight, longevity, prosperity, happiness; symbol of royal power in India, China and Africa. The elephant was a majestic mount not only of Indian rulers, but also of the Hindu god of thunder and rain, Indra. Ga-nesha, the elephant-headed god of happiness, was also considered the patron of wisdom and literature. The elephant symbolized not only the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, intelligence, prudence, but also peace, abundant harvests, fruitful showers, that is, everything good and positive that was in the life of Hindus. In Thailand, Cambodia and Burma, the white elephant became a similar symbol of fertility and rainfall. The white elephant had a sacred meaning in Buddhism. Queen Maya learned about her imminent birth
son, the future Buddha, in a prophetic dream in which a charming little white elephant entered her. For Buddhists, the elephant is a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability.
The elephant was an attribute of the ancient Roman god Mercury, as an emblem of wisdom. In the ideas of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory (in the visual arts it personified Glory); this was later reflected in the Christian tradition, in which the elephant became a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake. Medieval beliefs that the elephant abstained from sex during the long period of its mate's pregnancy made it a symbol of chastity, devotion and love in Europe. The elephant's enormous bulk and clumsiness have now become metaphorical, but there is a wonderful Hindu legend that elephants once flew, but lost this gift after they were cursed by a hermit whose home, built in the trunk of a banyan tree, they accidentally destroyed upon landing.

The elephant represents wisdom, strength and prudence. It serves in India, China and Africa as an emblem of royal power and symbolizes the qualities necessary for a good ruler - dignity, insight, intelligence, patience, as well as loyalty, peacefulness, longevity, prosperity, happiness. In the countries of Asia and Africa, the elephant as an emblem plays the same role as the eagle or lion in the countries of Europe and America.
In Ancient India, the elephant was a symbol of sacred wisdom, royal dignity, invincible power and prudence. The mighty Indra, the head of the pantheon, travels around his domain on the beautiful white elephant Airavata, which was born from the churning of the ocean. This elephant is the main one of the world's elephants, dignags, guardians of the countries of the world. Huge as mountains, with four fangs each, the Dignags support the earth on four sides.
Ganesha, the elephant-headed god of happiness, is the leader of the ganas, the lower deities who formed the retinue of Shiva, the father of Ganesha. He is called the Remover of Obstacles (Vignesvara) and is the god of wisdom and literature. According to legend, the great epic "Mahabharata" was written with the tusk of Ganesha.
In Buddhism, the elephant is the most revered sacred animal, a symbol of spiritual knowledge and stability. It is dedicated to Buddha, since a white elephant appeared to Queen Maya in a dream, announcing the birth of the royal ruler of the world, Buddha Gautama. The white elephant is a symbol of the bodhisattva, the liberator of people from the shackles of earthly existence. It is a symbol of compassion, love, kindness and prudence. He is also one of the Jewels of the Law, the mount, "vahana", of the bodhisattva. Akshobhya sits on a white elephant.
For the Chinese, the elephant represents strength, prudence, insight, energy, supreme power, and also symbolizes longevity and overcoming death.
In the Greco-Roman tradition, the elephant is an attribute of Mercury, an emblem of wisdom. Pliny calls the elephant a religious animal, worshiping the Sun and the stars, purifying itself at the new moon, when, bathing in the river, it calls on Heaven. In the ideas of the ancient Romans, the elephant was associated with victory and in the visual arts it personified Glory, and also meant longevity, immortality, and victory over death.
Later, these ideas were reflected in the Christian tradition, where the elephant became a symbol of Christ's victory over death and evil - in this case, the elephant is depicted trampling a snake.
In medieval Europe, the elephant, along with the unicorn, was classified as a mythical animal found only in fairy tales. The elephant is often found in paintings of paradise, and since the Crusades its image has appeared on coats of arms. In depth psychology, the elephant serves as the embodiment of wisdom and non-aggressive power.

A sacred animal that is a strong talisman is the elephant. It will bring prosperity, wisdom, longevity and make a person more peaceful. The animal combines many positive qualities and endows them with the owner. In order for the elephant amulet to bring what you want, you should consider in detail all its possibilities.

The meaning of the animal for Indians

The elephant is a holy animal. He is the Indian king of beasts, so the talisman has many meanings and can be used in many areas and for different purposes. Often its impact depends on what the owner needs.

An amulet in the shape of an elephant promotes longevity, so it is often purchased with a request for continued life. An animal will make a person calm and thrifty - this will help to live a happy life without experiencing negative emotions.

The elephant mascot also develops analytical thinking. Thanks to new abilities, achieving well-being and increasing income will not be difficult at all.

Several animals are a symbol of fertility. Such an amulet will help improve relationships between a married couple and have children. The elephant will change the character of the owner, will seriously set him up to achieve his goals, will not allow him to give up over trifles, and will contribute to rapid career growth.

Types of amulets

The elephant amulet carries only positive meaning, but it is worth delving into the aspects of its impact. Types of amulet influence a person’s life in different ways and stimulate his ability to conquer mountains. To get what you want, pay attention to the details and shape of the amulet.

Elephant with trunk raised

Feng Shui meaning

According to Chinese teaching, the elephant attracts good luck to its owner and has a beneficial effect on his life. He is a symbol of peace and harmony. The main task of the mascot is to create a warm atmosphere.

The image of the animal can be seen on symbolic objects of the country, coins and attributes of religion.

The elephant has an amulet different meanings depending on its location. The presence of a figurine of this animal means that the atmosphere in the house will become warmer and cleaner from negative energy, and the mood of the residents will be consistently positive.

To ensure that the amulets bring what you want, place them like this:

  1. Place the elephant with its trunk raised on the windowsill. It will attract magical energy from the sky and redirect it to the benefit of the owner.
  2. An animal located at the entrance to the apartment blocks the entrance to evil spirits and protects the family from uninvited guests.
  3. The southeast side of the house promotes financial gain.
  4. An amulet placed on the bedside table will add fire and passion to the couple’s sex life and will return the lost spark.
  5. Place the amulet in the nursery - good idea. So, he stimulates the child and prevents him from getting into bad company.
  6. The northwestern location of the talisman has a special effect on the head of the family. A man's life changes better side, he gets rid of aggression, and success accompanies him in all matters.
  7. The south-eastern and north-western sides of the room are a sign of imminent pleasant changes.
  8. The elephant talisman will promote calm and productivity if placed on your desk.

Materials for production

The figurines are made from different materials- they also have an influence, but only slightly. All species are equal in their powers. The following raw materials are usually used:

  • plastic;
  • ceramics;
  • metal.

For kids, buy soft toys in the shape of an elephant. They will serve as a reliable talisman and will always be with the child. If parents want to give magic item more power, you can make a talisman with your own hands, putting both love and care into it.

When purchasing, do not overdo it with quantity. Many identical images or figures look inharmonious and can cause harm.

Activation of magical properties

This animal is one of those talismans that do not require activation. Magical influence begins without any rites or rituals, but first you need to appease the elephant.

As a gift to the amulet, hang a silver or gold chain on it. Other jewelry is also permitted. If the amulet is an image, then decorate it with rhinestones or sparkles.

When choosing surprises, beware of buying ivory material. Such a gift will anger the king of beasts and lead to negative consequences: deterioration of health, failure, serious problems at work and in personal life.

Having understood all aspects of using the amulet, you can use it magical powers 100% and get a strong defender.