Good afternoon I had the following situation: for 5 years I studied under a target agreement from the district central district hospital in medical university. In the terms of the target agreement it was said that they would give me “good” and “excellent” grades...

20 February 2019, 17:19, question No. 2267564 Inna, St. Petersburg

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Payment of state scholarships and social benefits

Hello. The question is this: I studied at a medical institute in a targeted area, graduated and am working at the place of residence where they gave me this contract, I worked for some time and now I want to terminate the targeted contract, which is...

01 February 2019, 19:23, question No. 2245531 Natalia, Leningradskaya

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Target direction, termination of the contract without payment of a fine

Hello, I am studying at a pedagogical university in my fourth year in the target field. The agreement was concluded with a rural school. I don’t plan to work off it, and I don’t want to pay a fine either. Are there any workarounds and will the fact that...

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Is it possible not to pay the target?

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Is it possible to terminate a targeted training agreement without payment?

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Termination of the target direction agreement if the scholarship is not paid

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Termination of the Targeted Training Agreement. How to avoid fines?

1. In the standard form of an agreement on targeted training, dated November 27, 2013. N 1076 does not specify sanctions in case of expulsion from educational organization. In my contract this is clause 5e. How legal is this? If you draw up an additional agreement to replace clause 5 f...

August 21, 2017, 12:58, question No. 1729953 Diana, St. Petersburg

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What is the compensation payment to the organization for termination of the target contract?

Good afternoon. I study under a target contract for one year. The cost of training for the year is 120 thousand, I did not receive a scholarship. I want to stop studying. The contract itself states that if the conditions are not met, the party is liable accordingly...

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What payments will I have to make after terminating the targeted training agreement?

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Responsibility under the agreement on targeted training with the prosecutor's office

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Tuition at universities on a paid basis has become the norm today, but the problem is that many truly talented and capable young people cannot afford to get higher education. There are very few budget places, so only a few can study for free. But there is another way to get a higher education diploma and not pay a penny out of your own pocket - this is a targeted direction.

What is it and how to get it? A targeted direction is a direction from a specific organization that undertakes to pay for the education of a specific student. In return, the company requires the student to undergo compulsory work after graduation for a period of 3 years. If for some reason the target is unable to return to work, he undertakes to return all the money spent on his training.

The target direction has both advantages and disadvantages. If we consider the good side, then first of all it should be noted that after graduating from university there is no need to look for a job, there is already an organization that has prepared for yesterday’s student workplace. The student studies on a budget basis and receives a scholarship. He has no problem finding a place to pass pre-graduate practice. In addition, all materials for scientific and coursework, and will also be collected at the enterprise that issued the target direction.

But such training also has its drawbacks. As a rule, students do not really want to repay the debt to the company that paid for their education, so they look for roundabout ways, so as not to work off, but also not to return the money. Not always the organization sending students can provide highly paid and prestigious work with the possibility of further career growth. In addition, a student will not be able to change his major unless it is very closely related to another. It goes without saying that it is necessary to study well, because organizations regularly make inquiries to universities, checking the academic performance of target students.

It is known that the target direction is much lower than the budget places, so even C students can get here. On the other hand, there are few target places, so passing the competition is quite problematic. First you need to be selected at the enterprise, and then at the university, where enrollment will be carried out on the basis Unified State Exam results. Anyone who did not get into the target places can enroll on a general basis, since the order for the enrollment of “targeted students” appears before the order for the enrollment of other students.

Mostly “our own” people enroll in targeted training. These could be children whose parents work at the enterprise, or applicants who, while still in school, managed to stand out by participating in thematic Olympiads organized by the enterprise. Also, more efficient young people who have rushed in time and collected the necessary documents can become targets.

In principle, it is not so difficult to become a target - if only you have the desire. It is necessary to find out in advance about enterprises holding relevant competitions and determine which universities they cooperate with. If everything fits, then you need to quickly collect documents and participate in competitive selections.

What is targeted learning? Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of this method of obtaining education.


In order to become the happy owner of a coveted higher education diploma for free, you can use different options.

A targeted referral for training can be obtained from an institution, as well as from an enterprise. Let us identify the main nuances associated with this option of obtaining higher education.

general characteristics

What is targeted learning? Its pros and cons are related to employment after completion of the course. This option of obtaining a diploma is similar to studying during the existence of the Soviet state. Having signed an agreement on targeted training, future specialists were confident that after graduation they would be employed in their specialty and also receive housing. Some enterprises provided young staff with comfortable apartments, others limited themselves to placing them in a dormitory, but in any case, all newly minted specialists were provided with housing.

Considering how difficult it is currently for young people to become owners of their own square meters, an agreement on targeted training would become in a great way solutions to the housing problem.

Among the main disadvantages, we note the need for many years of work after graduating from a university or academy in a certain locality, and only at the enterprise that will be determined in the contract.

Not all modern students are ready to travel to remote villages and small towns to work out their target area of ​​study.

Modern realities

Despite the fact that quite serious changes have occurred in our country, the very essence of targeted training has remained virtually unchanged. The applicant enters into an agreement with an organization or institution, according to which he undertakes to work for a certain period of time in the locality chosen by the organization. Issue related to provision young specialist housing during service is decided differently in each specific case.

The only similarity remains in the requirement to work for many years after graduating from a higher educational institution, that is, there remains a guarantee of providing the young specialist with a job.

Admission to medical institutions

Targeted training at a medical university is especially popular among graduates of lyceums and educational schools. What is the reason for such a stir? Behind Lately Competition for budget-funded places in academies training doctors of various specializations has increased significantly. How does targeted training help solve this problem? How to get a “pass” to medicine?

An applicant who has reached the age of majority applies to a medical institution (at the place of registration) with a request to receive a targeted referral. Minor schoolchildren come to a hospital or clinic with their parents (legal representatives), since they themselves do not yet have the right to enter into legal contracts.

The signed agreement specifies many details related to medical targeted training. Pros and cons of such training:

  • mandatory internship at a specific medical institution;
  • the student has no academic debt in all disciplines;
  • mandatory minimum service after graduation from the academy in one of the hospitals specified in the contract, not less than three years.

Obligations of the enterprise (organization)

What else characterizes targeted learning? Its pros and cons are associated not only with the responsibilities of the applicant, but also with the obligations that the organization (enterprise) entering into the agreement undertakes under the contract.

As a rule, the enterprise undertakes:

  • pay for the target student’s education, provide him with certain types of social support in the form of a scholarship, payment for accommodation during his studies;
  • organize conditions for annual practical training;
  • provide, after graduating from a higher educational institution, a job that corresponds to the qualifications of a young specialist;
  • provide a deferment in the fulfillment of obligations, for example, in the event of a deterioration in health, illness or pregnancy.

If an applicant who entered the academy under a target agreement violates its terms, he will have to compensate the injured party for the losses incurred.

Finding a company that provides targeted training

The system for recruiting target students operates in various sectoral higher education institutions: architectural, pedagogical, medical, energy.

The search for an enterprise that is interested in guaranteed qualified personnel must be done while still studying at your home school.

Currently, many companies that are willing to pay for targeted training are trying to find potential employees themselves. They organize various competitions using the company’s brand, organize meetings with high school students, act as sponsors for specialized subject Olympiads, and also inform about their services educational institution senior management.

The essence of the target set

An applicant who applies for the role of a target student must, upon admission, prepare for the admissions committee not only a classic package of documents:

  • original or copy of a document on complete general education;
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • original or copy of the Unified State Examination certificate;
  • original or copy of a document that proves identity and citizenship.

To this list the applicant also attaches a referral from private company or a government department. This document gives the right to participate in a special (targeted) competition, which is held separately from the general recruitment.

Specifics of training and work

The learning process itself has no target distinctive features compared to ordinary students. If the concluded agreement provides for an additional scholarship from potential employer, such a student is the happy owner of two scholarships at once.

In addition, he is obliged to undergo all production practices only at “his” enterprise.


It would seem that such wonderful prospects open up when choosing a targeted admission option. Why are many applicants, especially to medical academies, often disappointed after becoming participants in such programs?

The fact is that many of them, having received the coveted diploma, immediately strive to find themselves in some private clinic where they offer high wages.

But the targeted agreement that they entered into in order to become students does not give them such an opportunity. Other certified doctors understand that it is within the framework of compulsory training that they have a real chance to gain practical skills and improve their qualifications.

After working for the period specified in the agreement, they will, of course, be able to apply for a prestigious position in any private clinic. For those schoolchildren who want to have a guaranteed job in their specialty after completing their studies, targeted admission is an ideal option.

Free higher education for students exists not only in the form of a budgetary form. The opportunity to study under direction from an enterprise or institution provides targeted training. How to get the target direction? What advantages and disadvantages does it have? We will tell you in detail about all the nuances of this method of obtaining higher education.

What is targeted learning?

Targeted training is somewhat similar to Soviet state distribution - a referral from an enterprise, a contract, many years of work after graduation. However, the only thing that remained common was the guarantee of a job after receiving a diploma. What's the difference? Firstly, the choice of the organization with which, in the event of a targeted competition, an agreement is concluded lies solely with the applicant. Secondly, such a contract is previously discussed by three parties (student, employer, university representative).

Typically, the main conditions for the student in the contract are:

  • annual internship at this enterprise;
  • absence of academic debts (studies without tails);
  • After training, the minimum period of work in this enterprise is three years.

The enterprise, as a rule, undertakes:

  • pay for the student’s education, and in some cases, provide certain types of social support (for example, payment for commercial educational services, scholarships, payment or provision of housing during the period of study);
  • provide the opportunity to undergo practical training, and upon completion of training, provide a workplace in accordance with the qualifications obtained;
  • take into account the grounds for releasing or postponing the fulfillment of obligations. This, for example, could be a change in health status, pregnancy, etc.

But it is worth remembering that in the event of a breach of contract, compensation to the injured party may reach double the amount of costs or damages.

How to find a company willing to pay for your training?

The system for recruiting students in the target field has been established primarily in industry universities - energy, medical, pedagogical, and architectural. You need to find a company that needs guaranteed future personnel while still in school. A company that is ready to pay for targeted training, as a rule, looks for future employees itself: it holds competitions under the company’s brand, meetings with schoolchildren, sponsors thematic Olympiads, and offers its services through a university.

“My exam scores were small,” he says about his admission. target student of ChSPU Veronica Pavlova. - The admissions committee immediately offered to go to targeted training, I agreed. In the future I will teach physics or English at one of the schools Central region. But still, I would advise applicants to look for an employer in advance, for example, go to the city education department and get a referral.”

Second-year target student of South Ural State Medical University Dmitry Lomovtsev he himself took the initiative in choosing the form of education: “My parents advised me to take the target, they say, anyway, for the first time you will work in your city. There is only one hospital there, so I went and took a referral from her. Now the target new program“After graduating from the academy, we must work as a regular therapist for three years, after completing this period we need to enter an internship to study a certain specialty - a surgeon, an obstetrician, an ophthalmologist.”

How does target recruitment work?

Unlike the “regular” admission, an applicant applying for the title of target student must provide the admissions committee with not only a standard set of documents upon admission:

  • statement;
  • document on complete general education (original or copy);
  • original or photocopy of identification documents, citizenship;
  • Unified State Examination certificate (original or copy),

but also a referral either from a government department or from a private enterprise. Such an applicant is not automatically admitted to the university, but participates in a special competition, separate from the general one.

Study and work

The training of a target student is no different from the training of “regular” students. True, such a student usually does not receive a scholarship or receives it from his future employer, and he is also required to undergo practical training at “his” enterprise.

“A targeted direction gives a good start for a doctor,” says Dmitry, “You’ll suffer for three years, get good at it, and then go abroad, or to a private clinic.”

However, many target students become disappointed in their choice during their studies.

“Some of the guys who study with me regret that they went to targeted training, since it later turned out that they could have gone to university on a budget with the second wave,” says Veronica, “But the real regret will be the one who, having studied some time at the university, he will understand that the teaching profession is not for him, but he will still have to work at school!”

It turns out that targeted training is a good chance only for those who are sure of their choice of profession and are ready to stay in hometown in order to repay the trust shown in advance.

New initiative The Ministry of Education states that a student must find an employer before entering a university if he wants to receive an increased scholarship during his studies.

Initiative of Nikolai Bulaev

Payments will depend not on academic performance, but on the future employment of students. We will learn more from the author of the initiative, member of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture Nikolai Ivanovich Bulaev. The official offered a benefit - an increased scholarship for students admitted through targeted admissions.

Today in Russian universities Many target students are trained. Moreover, they entered without competition, for budget places. The agreements concluded with them have almost no legal consequences. In Nikolai Bulaev’s opinion, this is wrong. He proposes introducing another payment that would motivate a young person to spend some time after completing his studies in the interests of municipal bodies, regional bodies, and the state as a whole. And, perhaps, students of the target enrollment of 2019 will already be able to choose their future employer in advance in order to receive increased benefits.

With whom should the student have an agreement?

With an organization, with regional, municipal or federal authorities. Some propose introducing mandatory distribution. According to Bulaev, this is impossible to implement. The state actually offers young man make a choice - either you want to study and not have any consequences in the form of obligations to the state, or you want to help the state - and it, in turn, will provide you with a benefit in the form of an increased allowance.

Doesn’t it matter what grades this person will study for?

All this will be provided for in the contract. Moreover, it is proposed to introduce scholarships on a competitive basis, including for extra-budgetary employees who pay for their studies. They will have to go to work where the state needs them. A similar agreement is concluded with them, an allowance is paid, which allows, in principle, to compensate for the costs of training.

“I don’t think there are graduate students today who don’t know about targeted admissions or targeted training. I suspect that targeted admission without legal consequences is often used as a form of “criminal” admission for “our own people.” This program will help reduce the number of “thieves” receipts, because real penalties arise. After graduation, the graduate will either have to pay a fine or go to the place of employment stipulated in the contract,” the official notes.

Do you want to study without consequences for yourself in the form of being assigned to a specific place of work - or do you want to study, receive an increased scholarship, and not only that, you will have a job offer, which is very important in the current crisis situation in the country?

As for increasing scholarships, Nikolai Bulaev is convinced that it is certainly possible and necessary to increase payments to students. But today to say that tomorrow the scholarship will be equal to the living wage is “madness.” The state does not have that kind of money. And the official believes that there will never be.

About scholarship amounts

The Russian government has proposed increasing the amount of student scholarships by 4.3% in 2019. The initiative was formed within the framework of the draft federal budget for 2019–2021. “The draft federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period 2020 and 2021 proposes an increase in budget allocations in connection with the indexation of the scholarship fund for students from September 1,” says the explanatory materials for the project.

In 2019, the Cabinet proposes to index scholarships by 4.3%, in 2020 by 3.8% and in 2021 by 4.0%. In 2018, the volume of the scholarship fund was indexed by 4%. At the beginning of 2019, the average stipend for a first-year student was 1,484 rubles. Payments are assigned to full-time students studying on a budget basis and who completed the last semester with “good” and “excellent” marks. Increased scholarships for success in education and social activities is 8,755 rubles.

There is a state social payment, which disabled people of groups 1 and 2 and combat activities, orphans left without parental care, as well as students whose family income per person is below the regional subsistence level are entitled to receive. The amount of social benefits is 2,000 rubles for universities and 730 rubles for institutions of secondary vocational education.

Personalized scholarships

Don't forget also about the possibility of getting the following types additional payments:

  • Presidential (1400-2200 rubles, for graduate students 3600-4500)
  • Solzhenitsynskaya (1500 rubles)
  • Potaninskaya
  • Tumanovskaya (2000 rubles)
  • Voznesensky scholarship - for students studying in journalism and literature (1500 rubles)
  • Scholarship for students studying in economics and modernization (5000-7000 rubles, for graduate students - 11-14 thousand)

As we can see, the state provides enough opportunities for students to receive decent monthly payments and actively encourages those who demonstrate a genuine interest in studying, good academic performance and a serious attitude towards the future. The new initiative of the Russian government is another confirmation of this.