Bibliographic description: Galitskaya A. A., Trofimova A. D., Gerasimov I. V., Kuznetsov A. A., Dmitrieva E. G., Ilyinich M. S. A thinking person has only one path - the path of literacy! // Young scientist. 2016. No. 2. P. 197-199..03.2019).

Literacy is the ability to read and write without making mistakes and following rules. Any person must be literate, as this shows the degree of his intelligence, education and intelligence. There is also professional literacy: knowledge of one’s field, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in the profession. Illiteracy can lead to serious consequences. For example, a doctor who incorrectly diagnosed a patient prescribed him the wrong medications, did not pay enough attention to the patient and did not conduct a competent examination, can cause very serious harm. An insufficiently competent teacher can also harm his students, who, through his fault, will not be able to pass final and entrance exams well, and the road to universities will be closed for them. Scientists would never have made their scientific discoveries or told the world about them if they had not become literate people.

You can give many more examples of the advantages of a literate person, but everyone is free to choose their own life path. Some people like to live without straining their mind, without trying to learn. It's more pleasant to walk with friends, play computer games, going to the cinema, rather than sitting through lessons, learning rules, solving problems. Such young people think: “Why deny yourself pleasure?” However, it seems to me that after many years they will understand that they were mistaken. They will see that literate people who have received good knowledge are more successful in life. Among educated people interesting life, stable job, decent salary, opportunity to provide for your family. Others, who did not receive a decent education because of their laziness, have low-paid jobs, and there is no peace in the family. What family would like a lack of funds, the inability to travel, to buy necessary, but sometimes expensive things? When children appear, a poorly educated person remembers that he could study better at school, enter a university, and get a more interesting and necessary profession. Children need to be taught to become literate people, but an illiterate father cannot help them. It seems to me that many adults regret that they did not pay enough attention to their studies.

I believe that you need to think about the future even in school years. A thinking person has only one path - the path of literacy!

Galitskaya A.

In Russia, almost everyone can read, but according to data from the UNESCO Institute of Statistics, there are 793 million illiterate adults in the world. Adults usually try to hide from others the shortcomings of their education and upbringing: inability, ignorance, insufficient level of information, because this interferes with success in modern society. An illiterate person really has a hard time even at the everyday level. It is difficult for him to be a buyer because he cannot choose the right product, determine its real price and quality. It is difficult for him to be a patient: when purchasing a medicine, he does not understand the instructions for use. It is difficult for an illiterate person to be a traveler: to navigate road signs, area plans, and other necessary information. Other problems include: paying bills, filling out tax and banking documents, processing postal items. Illiterate adults experience difficulties even in raising children: they cannot help their children with homework and are embarrassed to come to school. They often have problems with household appliances, plumbing, which even leads to injuries.

There are people who cannot be called completely illiterate; rather, they are semi-literate. Nowadays, such people cannot use computers, and this makes it difficult for them to find employment. main reason unemployment. It is difficult to imagine our life without computer technology.

Reading helps expand a person’s worldview, trains his brain and memory. The more we read, the fuller and more interesting our lives become. A reading person has an invaluable store of knowledge, knows how to communicate with other people, knows how to correctly express his thoughts, and is interesting to society. A well-read person has his own diverse spiritual world, developed imagination, imagination. Many people start writing themselves interesting books. After all, before you become a writer, you need to become a good reader.

A person learns to be literate from childhood. The child does not immediately understand the benefits of “good literature”; classical works do not immediately come into his life. Only towards the end of their schooling do students begin to realize that they need to improve their reading skills, because they will be very useful for further studies at a university and, in general, in life. There is, of course, a group of people who remain illiterate, but there are not very many of them. It becomes completely clear that in our modern times It's better to be educated. Modern the developed countries are taking a number of measures to solve the problem of education, because this problem (one of the most important) affects large sections of the population and concerns us all.

Trofimova A.

Every person from birth admires the beauty of nature and enjoys communicating with other people. He feels the need to strive for something beautiful and lofty. It can be assumed that a person who cannot read admires the world around him, because life is magnificent and diverse in its manifestations. But how to express your impressions? How to convey the experience of your soul to others? If you don't read, your language is poor, even if you have a lot in your soul.

Literacy acquired through reading helps us express our thoughts and feelings. A person who cannot read has a natural need to learn to read. But it’s not enough just to become literate and be able to read. You need to become a truly “good reader.” I think that an educated person should know classic literature and be interested in contemporary authors. This process cannot happen from time to time. A person who has read one or two books cannot be educated. The true modern reader needs new information. He has favorite authors, he imagines himself in the place of some literary heroes. The actions and thoughts of the characters, their relationships teach the reader to do the right thing, to value love and friendship, to do correct conclusions, experience life. IN works of art a lot of useful information not only for the soul, but also for the mind.

The mind of one who cannot read is undeveloped, his speech is primitive. As a rule, such a person is rude and selfish. He cannot fully understand the world, develop your mind, your language. It seems to me that such people should feel sorry for themselves. Gradually, with age, the realization will come that we all need books, that without them life is uninteresting. The great French writer of the Enlightenment, Denis Diderot, rightly said: “People stop thinking when they stop reading.”

Gerasimov I.

Reading fiction makes our lives richer, more varied and interesting. We explore the world, replenish our lexicon. By observing the actions of the heroes of the works, we learn to do the right thing, distinguish between good and evil, and be honest and fair. Unusual, mysterious, interesting world open books to us. A person who does not like and cannot read makes his life spiritually poor.

What if he can't read? Small child? How does he look at the world? What interests does he live by? I have a younger brother, Maxim, and he doesn’t know how to read yet. He learns the world from the words of his elders. Mom, dad and I tell Maxim a lot of interesting things: how things are made, what plants and animals there are, how people live in other countries and much more. When my brother gets older, he will learn to read. It seems to me that then he will learn even more new things. He will have favorite children's books, favorite characters from stories and fairy tales. If we in the family choose the right books for him to read, he himself will be interested in fiction and willingly visit the children's library.

One day I saw a program on TV about a country in which many people could not read (I didn’t understand if this was true because I didn’t watch it all the way). There are special people on the buses - conductors who read the names of stops for illiterate passengers. Conductors get out at stops and announce the bus number and where it is going. I think this is very inconvenient for the passengers themselves, because among them there may be people with poor hearing and inattentive people. A person may fall asleep on the bus and not hear the necessary information. Illiteracy can be very inconvenient in all areas of social life.

All people should definitely learn to read. Even in ancient times primitive people created drawings on the walls of their caves. In this way they showed their attitude to the world around them, shared their experiences with their fellow tribesmen, and called for good luck in the hunt. Ancient people knew how to “read” rock paintings and understood their meaning. Even in those distant times, they needed to share information with each other. In our modern 21st century, reading is even more necessary. Humanity cannot live without books.

A criminal case has been initiated against the teenager’s mother under Art. 166 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (malicious failure to fulfill obligations to care for a child or a person in respect of whom guardianship or trusteeship has been established).

Oleg Antipov, People's Deputy of Ukraine of the fifth convocation, reserve colonel:

Does a person have the right not to be able to read and write? Yes, he does, if he is an adult. But in this particular case we are talking about a child who early age cannot make a decision on his own, assess the need for certain skills and knowledge in the present and future. Therefore, parents must fulfill their direct responsibility - to give maximum amount knowledge for the formation of personality. And the organs public education must monitor the fulfillment of these parental responsibilities.

Alexander Belkovsky, journalist:

These questions can only arise from those who do not know Ukrainian reality. Stand for 10 minutes at the railway station in Kyiv, for example, and you will see at least a dozen absolutely illiterate tramps who do not study anywhere. But something else is much worse. After the criminal destruction of the Soviet education system, schools and universities began to produce tens of thousands of illiterate graduates and specialists. Today, a young man who can write without grammatical errors is a rarity. Recently, students at Lviv universities demanded the introduction of Russian language teaching, since they cannot communicate with their “European” peers. It turns out that in “Europe” Ukrainian language not in honor, but many people know Russian. “Does the state need this?” Where do you see the state?

Yuri Yuryev, political constructor:

The most interesting thing is that no one asked if the boy could count. Perhaps he believes that it is not profitable for him to read and write for free, and a matriculation certificate in Ukraine is a simple formality that does not actually give anything. As for the people who initiated the criminal case, they should have asked whether it is possible, without knowing how to read, to use a computer in the very computer club where the boy spends the night.

Sergey Slyusarenko, writer:

I wonder if a case will also be opened against the employees of the Ministry of Education who failed to ensure that the child did not attend school? What about the rural administration, which should also monitor this? Are the employees of the Internet club where the boy sits at night also innocent? And another question: when he plays with computer toys, he also can’t read?

Hrant Mikaelyan, political scientist, Researcher Institute of the Caucasus (Armenia):

The modern state differs from the historical forms of the state (before the 19th century) in that it penetrates much deeper into human society. Everyone has passports, everyone depends on social services in old age. Everyone must be literate. In many countries, everyone is required to serve in the army. And so on, now in many countries juvenile justice is being introduced, that is, the state is trying to get between children and parents. So the mother’s motives, if there were any at all, are of no interest to anyone. And if she tried to protect the child from the world in this way, I think this will only worsen her situation at trial.

Daniel Steisslinger, journalist and translator (Israel):

How to work? Parents must provide the child with the opportunity to adapt to society. Otherwise, we will end up with a physically and mentally healthy disabled person who is unable to earn his living.

WASHINGTON, December 15. /Corr. TASS Ivan Lebedev/. Literacy on the planet has been increasing at a low rate over the past two decades and is now only 84%.

This means that 781 million adults in different countries, or approximately every tenth inhabitant of the Earth, cannot read or write at all, reports the research center of the American online publication Globalist.

The Center prepared the report based on data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The eradication of illiteracy proceeded at a rapid pace after World War II, but has slowed down significantly in the current century, experts say. From 1950 to 1990, literacy increased from 56 to 76%, rising to 82% in the next ten years. However, since 2000, this figure has increased only 2%.

According to the report's authors, this is explained by the generally extremely low level of socio-economic development of the countries of Central Africa and Western Asia, where 597 million people live who cannot read and write. “They make up 76% of all illiterate people in the world,” the document says. The only encouraging fact is that the literacy rate among young people in South and West Asia is noticeably higher than that of the older generation.

Overall, literacy among boys and girls aged 15 to 24 worldwide is now 90%, according to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. “This figure seems high, but it still means that 126 million young people cannot read and write,” say experts from the Globalist research center.

They also note that overall literacy among boys is 6% higher than among girls, and the largest gap in this area is, naturally, in the poorest Muslim countries. Of the 781 million illiterate people on the planet, two thirds are women. More than 30% of them (187 million) live in India.

Statistics by country

In India, in general, there are the most a large number of illiterate residents - 286 million people. Next on the list are China (54 million), Pakistan (52 million), Bangladesh (44 million), Nigeria (41 million), Ethiopia (27 million), Egypt (15 million), Brazil (13 million), Indonesia (12 million ) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (12 million). These ten countries account for more than two-thirds of all illiterate inhabitants of the Earth.

American experts also emphasize that, despite the high absolute indicator, the relative illiteracy rate in China is only 5% of the population. The authors of the report are confident that “in the coming decades” illiteracy in China will be completely eliminated. In their opinion, this is evidenced by the fact that the literacy rate among Chinese youth is now 99.6%.

Find an illiterate person in modern world- not an easy task. Secondary general education is enshrined in the Constitution of Russia. Schools are literally fighting for children, because with students comes funding. The more children, the more money the school receives.

But even despite such government care, there are citizens who do not read and speak Russian well. Of course, we are not talking about foreigners or guest workers. Rather, it’s about the victims of so-called pedagogical neglect.


During his 43 years, Valera never learned to write or read correctly. Photo: From personal archive / House of Diligence

Valery Kucherenko 43 years old and homeless. Valera lives in the house of hard work “Noah” near Moscow.

“I skipped school, somehow they made it to the 8th grade,” the man recalls his school years. From a young age, Valera was a wanderer and, as he himself admits, did not think about the future: “I regret, of course, that I didn’t study,” he says, “sometimes I read something and I can’t make sense of it, I’m stupid.” Valera has no documents, no family, and now no job. He has arthrosis knee joints. “I could get some treatment, but who will take me,” Valera sighs, “I’m homeless.”

Valera is very afraid that one day she will not be able to walk. After all, then no one will need him at all. For now, he lives in a house of hard work with fellow undocumented Russians like himself. Here, no one is asked for a certificate or required to follow spelling rules.

Every 20th person is illiterate

Emelian Sosinsky helps compatriots without documents get back on their feet. Photo: AiF / Lyudmila Alekseeva

There are many people like Valery in the house of hard work. According to the director of the institution Emelian Sosinsky, every twentieth person who comes to him cannot read or write. “Most often I find out about this when we start restoring documents,” Emelian says, “we start filling out an application, but sometimes they can’t even write their last name correctly - they have to rewrite it several times.”

“Basically, the illiterate are the children of alcoholics,” says Emelian Sosinsky. Everyone's fate is like a carbon copy - Orphanage, correctional boarding school, alcoholism, prison. But in ordinary life, illiteracy does not hinder them in any way, the main thing is that the person knows how and loves to work and work, notes the director of the Noah home of industriousness. According to Sosinsky, in the modern world, literacy is not the main skill. Books have long been replaced by television, computers and the Internet. And if you want to read, then you can upload any work in audio format to the gadget.

Unlike ordinary people, the homeless have mastered computer literacy. Photo: From personal archive / House of Diligence

By the way, despite illiteracy, the guests of the house of hard work successfully use computer equipment, sitting in in social networks. And most importantly, they count well, especially money. “When it comes to salaries, everyone here is literate,” says Emelian, “they think it’s just excellent. Of course, I would like them to read, for example, spiritual scripture. But with the level of education that most homeless people have, this is useless, they simply won’t understand anything, so we tell them ourselves.”

Illiterate soldiers

Military registration and enlistment offices are also working to identify illiterate conscripts. Photo: AiF / Sergey Osipov

While the country is intensively creating scientific companies, military registration and enlistment offices are also working to identify illiterate conscripts every conscription. So, for example, according to the military registration and enlistment office of the Volgograd region, in 2014, 40 people without any education were registered. As it turned out, for the most part, these young people do not have the ability to learn due to their health.

“We would be happy to study,” says Vasily, the father of one of these conscripts, “but due to a birth injury, our son has a delay in psycho-speech development, and it is difficult for him to study. He, of course, tries, we invite special teachers, we study ourselves, but, according to the military commissariat, our son is illiterate, since he never attended school.”

Assistance in eliminating illiteracy

In the Soviet Union, enormous work was carried out to eliminate illiteracy. By 1939, almost 90% of people aged 16 to 50 had acquired at least some literacy skills. And by the end of the 60s, the USSR was even recognized as the most reading country in the world.

Poster from 1918. Photo:

“Older people still have this thirst for knowledge, they love and want to read,” says a specialist from the State Institution “Kirov Integrated Social Center for Assistance to Persons Without a Fixed Place of Residence” in Volgograd. Elena Novikova, - but we can’t offer them anything new. All the literature in institutions like ours is old, left over from Soviet times. People are interested in adventure, humor, so that a person can be distracted. Deep literature is beyond them.”

Today there is not a single literacy center in the country. But there are evening schools. Any person over 15 years of age who does not have school education and who wants to receive it. The age of the person wishing to study does not matter, but documents are required. Which the majority of modern illiterate people simply do not have.

You can help with literature at the State Institution “Kirov Integrated Social Center for Providing Assistance to Persons Without a Fixed Place of Residence” in Volgograd by donating books to the following address:

Volgograd, Borodinskaya, 18 or Volgograd, Vesyolaya Balka village, 46.

Help the Christian home of hard work “Noah”:

Yandex.Money account: 410011204559941

Bank of Moscow card: 4652 0687 4008 0536

Sberbank card: 6762 8038 8051 845 631

There is no definition for dyslexia as such, but International Association gives something like a decoding for this disease. In general, dyslaxia is the inability to recognize words and read. These disorders originate from congenital inferiority of the nervous system. Speaking in simple language, this is the inability to read (the brain simply does not recognize the information received).

General information about the disease

Despite the fact that dyslexia is the inability to read, this disease is not classified as mental retardation. Worth paying Special attention that this disease is extremely difficult to diagnose. Firstly, the professionalism of the doctor you contact is very important. Many factors will be taken into account when making a diagnosis. Your child will likely be given a text to read aloud. In this case, the doctor will not just look at the reading speed, but will also note those moments that were difficult. But this is just the first stage of diagnosis.

Almost all tests that a speech therapist will administer will be designed to measure hearing and speech production. The specialist will also look at what information the child learns better, orally or tactilely (when performing various types of tasks). As a result, the doctor will determine how effectively the 3 components of sensory speech operate.

Types of dyslexia

This disease has no specific symptoms. They manifest themselves differently in each patient. Dyslexia is sometimes also called “word blindness.” This occurs because one part of the brain decreases its activity. By the way, dyslexia is a fairly common disease; it is diagnosed in one form or another in 6-10% of the population. It's time to consider all the details of this disease.

Phonemic dyslexia

This type of dyslexia is most often diagnosed in primary school children. This is primarily due to the weak development of functions that are precisely characteristic of the phonetic system. The difference between one phoneme and another is a large number of different features (for example, deafness and voicedness). When at least one phoneme changes in a word, it takes on a completely different meaning, for example, dew-braid. As you can see, one letter has changed and the words began to have a different meaning. With phonemic dyslexia, the child is unable to recognize the difference between two words. He simply mixes up all the sounds in his head, they turn into “porridge”.

Semantic dyslexia

This type of dyslexia is also called “rote reading.” This means that the child absolutely does not understand what he read, while his reading itself is fine, it is completely correct. This deviation is caused by two factors, namely difficulties associated primarily with sound-syllable synthesis, as well as a lack of understanding of the syntactic connections that are located in sentences. In another way, we can say that the brain perceives all words separately, and not in sentences.

Dyslexia agrammatic

This is the most common type of dyslexia among children. It is characterized by partial underdevelopment of speech. This is well expressed when a child reads and talks. With this type of dyslaxia, the child constantly changes case endings(even in nouns), incorrectly agrees case, changes endings in all verbs that refer to the third person of the past tense.

Optical Dyslexia

With this type of disease, the brain does not recognize graphic symbols, including letters. Because of this, he cannot read.

Dyslexia mnestic

The child does not understand which sound this or that letter should correspond to. He cannot master or learn letters.

Symptoms of dyslexia

This disease, like all others, has special symptoms. Although it would be more accurate to call them problems that people with this disease constantly face. Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • There is a fairly large delay in the child’s development, which is especially evident in the ability to write and read;
  • disorganization;
  • great difficulties with the perception of various information;
  • difficulty remembering banal words.
  • complete misunderstanding of the text being read;
  • some coordination disorders:
  • Sometimes this disease can also manifest itself in hyperactivity.

Please note that all of the above symptoms are also symptoms of a disease such as disorientation. Unlike dyslexia, this disease can be diagnosed quite easily and does not take much time. Therefore, sometimes, in order to find out whether a child has dyslaxia, an orientation test is carried out, because it includes the accuracy of perception of the surrounding world, people, as well as the perception of graphic signs, words, sentences.

There are also other symptoms that a person with dyslaxia suffers from:

  • The child’s intelligence is at a fairly high level, but there are serious problems with reading;
  • constant, natural repetition of mistakes made, for example, missing a word.
  • the child absolutely does not have time to complete the task assigned to him in the required time;
  • great difficulty in writing;
  • in general for the child bad memory, he does not remember basic things;
  • Such children often have significant vision problems;
  • The baby cannot determine the top of the text.

Causes of a disease such as dyslexia

Many studies confirm that this disease occurs due to problems that are neurobiological in nature. In this case, some areas of the brain have much less activity. There are also some differences in the structure of the brain tissue itself. By the way, it has been scientifically proven that this disease can be transmitted hereditarily. Special genes have been discovered that are precisely responsible for the occurrence of this disease.

Can dyslexia be cured? If so, how?

This disease accompanies the sick person throughout his life, which creates a lot of trouble for him. Of course, there were cases when some people still managed to learn to read sooner or later. But this is rare. Typically, a person with dyslexia remains illiterate for the rest of their life.

The peculiarity of the treatment of this disease mainly lies in the fact that the entire educational process is corrected, this also includes direct and indirect training in recognizing words and sentences. They also teach the skill of highlighting certain components in words. In the case of direct teaching, the so-called special type of phonetics methods are used.

In general, a wide variety of teaching methods can be used. The main thing is that they include comprehensive training not only in reading some expressions and words, but also the entire text. You can also apply different approaches in which we are talking about acquiring many skills, starting with the most basic and ending with more high level. Additionally, many medical professionals recommend using approaches that aim to target multiple senses.