IN various dream books to kill a person means to get rid of your fears. Although there are many other interpretations that depend on the circumstances and details of the dream.

Basic interpretations in dream books

Dreams about murder can hardly be called pleasant, so their interpretation may seem quite unexpected.

IN Family dream book killing can represent victory over enemies.

  • If you happen to see a duel with a fatal outcome, your competitors will be defeated.
  • Fighting in battle and winning means solving problems and overcoming obstacles.
  • Kill the bandit who attacked you, advance your career.
  • If you had to defend your home from thieves and kill them, you should prepare to fight for the interests of your relatives.
  • If you happen to shoot an enemy, you need to be attentive to the people around you; perhaps one of them is dishonest.
  • Stab your opponent - your enemies will have the opportunity to rejoice at your failures.
  • If you had to kill with some heavy object, it means that fate will bring not very pleasant surprises that you need to take for granted.
  • Murder by hanging - delaying the resolution of important issues.
  • It happened to deliberately poison a person - soon the feeling of your anger, which is hidden deep in your soul, will become noticeable to others. It’s worth calming down a little and looking at the circumstances with different eyes.
  • A dream in which you had to hit someone with a car promises destruction of hopes and obstacles along the way.
  • An unhappy life can be foreshadowed by a dream with unintentional murder.

Miller's dream book interprets vision as a symbol of an internal state. If a sleeping person takes someone’s life, it means that he is tormented by his conscience because of previously committed actions.

If you happen to witness a murder, you will have to suffer from loved ones. If the sleeping person was able to kill the person attacking him or protected loved ones, this is good sign, which symbolizes career growth and quick resolution of any problems.

The interpretation of the vision according to Zhou Gong’s dream book sounds a little different:

  • the sleeper himself became a killer - success and prosperity;
  • killed yourself - great happiness;
  • getting dirty in the blood of the person you killed is a big profit;
  • stab yourself to death with a knife - good luck and prosperity;
  • many stab wounds - joy or inheritance;
  • witnessing a brutal crime - find a method to solve problems.

It happens that a person wakes up noisily in the middle of the night, and when asked by his household what happened, he can only vaguely answer: “I was killed in my sleep.” The dream, I must admit, is not a pleasant one. But what can it really mean for a person’s life?

What if I dream I was killed in my sleep?

One’s own violent death is a possible sign of the imminent end of good old relationships with some people. Perhaps they even acted as a killer in their dreams. Whether this will be caused by dishonesty on their part, meanness or insidious betrayal, time will tell. In any case, increased vigilance in communicating with a close circle of acquaintances is simply necessary after such a dream.

Such a dream is an attempt by a person to escape from the negative realities of life, a desire to hide from problems behind the veil of imaginary death. It doesn’t add optimism, but in this case it doesn’t threaten anything fatal.

Disappointment in friends can cause depressed mood and depression. It is important to find the strength to overcome a decadent state. Time, as we know, is the best healer, which will soon put everything in its place.

A person who asks interpreters the question “Why do I dream that I was killed in a dream” risks being misunderstood if he cannot remember important details of the dream. The identity of the attacker is essential, as well as what feelings the dreamer experienced at his own “death.”

“Death” at the hands of friends has already been mentioned. “Murder” committed by someone in the household speaks of a critical mass of disagreements in the family, fraught with a serious explosion. It is urgent to understand the causes of the brewing conflict and do everything possible to resolve the current situation peacefully.

If the dreamer was hunted in a dream by a hired killer who achieved results, then there is a high probability of an external attack on the person’s abilities and individuality. Perhaps someone is trying to take advantage of the results of his long work, developments, and implementations. The ill-wisher will stop at nothing, perhaps even trying to tarnish the honest name and business reputation of the dreamer. Probably, this dream is “popular” among young talents in various fields of activity, to whom mediocre “senior comrades” are forced to become co-authors.

What does it portend?

It's funny that when a person cannot identify the "killer", it is possible that he is encroaching on his talents himself. One’s own laziness, indifference, and apathy lead to dulling of creativity, acute perception of problems and the speed of making extraordinary decisions. A person “dies” in a dream at the hands of an unknown person, but the culprit of the “death” of his capabilities is himself.

Remorse for one's own immoral actions, which one does not want to remember in real life, can also act as a “night killer”. One’s own “bodily death” is closely associated with the death (without quotes) of something good in a person’s soul. Only sincere repentance will help here.

Violent death in a dream, which brought joy and relief to the dreamer, may be a signal of the “dying away” of one of the oldest problems, which suddenly resolved positively beyond the will of man.

If a person kills himself in a dream (dreamed of suicide), he urgently needs to take care of himself. A recurring dream with a suicidal theme is an alarm signal; there is an internal imbalance of the psyche. In order not to lead to serious neuroses, you should talk frankly with people in whom you have complete trust, or consult a psychotherapist.

A dream with a picture of your own death at the hands of another person is an unpleasant night “guest”. However, this is only a warning about the presence of vulnerabilities in the mind. Careful introspection of thoughts and behavior, attention and tact in dealing with others, taking care of your own emotional and moral health are the main medicines in the fight against this phenomenon.

Surely you, dear reader, are pretty frightened by the plot of your dream, in which you take the life of some person. Why do you dream about killing a person? The dream book of Miller, Vanga and Freud will give you the answers.

First, you should calm down and stop considering this dream to be something terrible, supernatural. It’s better to remember the details of this dream: were you unarmed, or did you have, for example, a machine gun or a stone in your hands? It is very important to additionally remember who exactly had the unfortunate fate of becoming a follower of heaven.

Obviously, in your dream you felt a whole range of emotions: anger, fear, hatred for the murdered person. It is quite possible that in your dream you were tracking down a victim and could even experience some satisfaction from completing the mission. It is not uncommon to have dreams in which a murder occurs in the midst of self-defense, by accident.

How terrible is it to kill a person in your sleep? You should not feel like a cruel person, much less stop communicating with the “deceased”. According to most dream books, seeing how you managed to kill a person promises wealth and prosperity. However, the dream is about dead person is an unusual case and may be interpreted differently depending on the situation.

Concentrate and remember the events of that night (or, if you turned out to be a brave killer, day).

  1. When you had a dream
  2. Where did the murder take place?
  3. Who exactly did you carry out the sentence on?

Individual cases and their interpretation according to dream books.

Find your case from the following and find out what the subconscious was trying to warn you about in this dream:

  • Kill unknown person in a dream. The dream marks deliverance from internal anxieties and torments. But you should show cordiality and patience towards others, talk with friends and relatives, otherwise everything could turn into a scandal;
  • To take the life of a person of the opposite sex. Such a dream brings unexpected love in reality. The process itself also plays a role: if you were killed with a knife in the heart, passionate feelings will come from the person, and not from you. If you stabbed your victim, then the attraction will most likely be unrequited and suggests crazy actions on your part;
  • Send a person to the next world in his home. The dream is interpreted extremely positively if you do not hate the person. In reality, a good sacrifice awaits, prosperous life. And a single representative of the stronger sex, sent by you to heaven in his house, will be able to get a wife and lose the “honorary status” of a bachelor;
  • If in a dream you killed a loved one. The subconscious brings you news about an imminent trip, on a business trip or vacation from work. We advise you to remember your condition, because if you:
  1. If you were sad and grieved for a person who was unlucky enough to die at your hands, then the difficult long journey will bring you laurels and material benefits;
  2. They were sincerely happy and laughing. It is possible that your heart is restless, there are many questions and hidden emotions that you do not give way to;

After such a dream, gossip and evil conversations about you are not uncommon, and ill-wishers may also appear.

  • Murder of a man in the garden. Seeing the death of a person at your hands in the garden predicts good luck for that very victim, which acquaintances and friends can only envy;
  • Intentional or accidental murder of a girlfriend or boyfriend in a dream. The dream predicts the emergence of circumstances due to which you will have to part with him (her) for a while;
  • Kill a person in self-defense. Regardless of whether it is a stranger, a friend or an enemy, you will get rid of the fear of him for a long time after you have protected yourself from him in a dream;
  • Strangle a person in a dream. Extols the successful completion of a task, inner harmony. For a sick person, it means an inevitable recovery and relief from the signs of a boring illness.

The method of murder that you used at that fateful moment also plays an important role in the characteristics of the dream. No, now the caliber and model of, for example, the pistol from which you shot the offender is not very interesting. The very fact of firing a pistol is important. So, dear reader, plunge into your dreams again and find exactly your case:

  • A stick or hammer was used. If you dreamed that you killed a person on the head with a stick or a hammer, then this is a clear omen of deception or cunning intentions on the part of friends, work colleagues or a significant other. If you have lost heart, then rejoice - the deception will be revealed very soon, and in no case will you be left a fool;
  • Setting fire to or drowning a person in a dream. Symbolizes good health or recovery. Some dream books advise paying attention and smoothing out rough edges in relationships with specific people until a scandal occurred due to omissions;

  • Kill a man with a pistol. It is quite possible that a gun appeared in your hands after watching an action movie. But, in any case, dream books suggest that a person with a pistol keep passion under control and strong emotions. Your sincerity can be used for selfish purposes and directed against you;
  • The knife acted as a tool. The frantic swinging of the sword at the behest of your consciousness reminds you of unfulfilled dreams. Also this sure sign the fact that in life you are using forces in a completely wrong way.

Did you have a dream yesterday, the day before yesterday or a week ago? It is advisable to remember the day of the week on the night of which your subconscious presented you with an action movie with you in the leading role.

If the dream occurred on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Dreams with the presence of a crime or a fight on this day indicate a wide range of possibilities for the person who had the dream. You have many acquaintances and friends. Sleep in one of these three days weeks may portend the conclusion of a very profitable deal;

A dream that you had on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. A dream that came to you on one of these days should be treated with caution, since dreams these days often turn out to be prophetic. It is worth abandoning risky projects and forgetting about adventures. Invest carefully and don't rely on luck.

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities.

  1. Freud, as always, looks at the root and claims that you need to get rid of a boring relationship or job after such a dream. The psychoanalyst also advises to radically change the boring situation, and not to deceive yourself.
  2. Miller's dream book does not bring reassurance at all - you will be involved in a shameful situation or become a victim of an atrocity, as the psychologist predicts.
  3. Vanga speaks surprisingly optimistically about this, because when you kill a person, especially a stranger, you lose your fears and move forward.

  • Depending on who dies, why, and how, someone's DEATH as a result of homicide can be classified differently. It also depends on what is the most likely interpretation to explain the death. The changing ethics of death in our society also has an impact on death in dreams. IN lately Assisted suicide and euthanasia began to influence visions of death in dreams. In dreams, It often plays the role of a mass murderer. The reason for this is ANGER and aggression, which are not customary to show in public and which penetrate into dreams of wish fulfillment. Recently, such a phenomenon as stress is widely defined as “death by suffocation.” Fortunately, It can convey to you in a dream the sensations of what part of your Self strives for in reality. If you killed a stranger, it may mean that you are trying to attack the side of your own PERSONALITY that gives you the most problems, destroys you, or is ashamed of. By killing a stranger, you are fulfilling your desire to banish this unwanted aspect from your life. This may be helpful. Perhaps in a dream you killed yourself; Of course, you can try to kill not all of yourself, but only part of your personality. Positive aspect suicide in a dream is a desire to deal with pathological tendencies or eliminate some behavioral stereotypes of your personality that cause you concern. Since such tendencies or stereotypes are part of you as a person, the dream may try to eliminate them by projecting all the negative qualities onto the stranger you represent, whom you put to death. However, you should not try to kill part of yourself by trying to get rid of negative qualities. Everyone in their life has a shadow side, which they reliably hide from others. We often criticize those who in most cases resemble ourselves. These shadow moments in life must be accepted and constructively analyzed in order to prevent them from becoming pathological. Suicide in a dream is an object of serious thought. The act of suicide says a lot about your self-perception, about your assessment of yourself as a person. If such a dream is repeated and thoughts of suicide do not stop visiting your consciousness in real life, then this image of suicide can become something more than just a symbol. If this happens, be sure to talk about your life with someone close to whom you can completely trust.

Unlike some other dream books that interpret an attempt on life from a positive point of view, Miller’s dream book gives a negative assessment of such dreams. If they try to kill you in a dream, this is a reason to think about your behavior in the work team and in family circle, if you witnessed an attempt on someone’s life, then in real life you can become an outside observer of a big conflict playing out. When you yourself become a failed killer, this indicates the dreamer’s excessive cruelty towards other people, and is also a signal of unsuccessful future attempts to climb up the career ladder.

Why do you dream of a person who wants to kill you?

When I dream that they want to kill me

Unlike Miller's dream book, other books of dream interpretation are more joyful for dreamers who have survived an assassination attempt in a dream. Let's consider different situations.

  • Beast attack - you will soon meet good friend(for a man) or meet a admirer (for a woman), for a long time hiding his feelings. For those girls who are married, this dream motive is not happy. New love may destroy a strong marriage, but will not last long.
  • The attacker is a relative or close person- someone from your environment is trying to establish a relationship with you, but for some reason (perhaps because of your reluctance) he does not succeed.
  • A stranger attacks is a signal that the dreamer's future is uncertain. This is interpreted ambiguously and can be both a harbinger of positive and negative events.

Why do you dream when they try to kill you with a gun or knife?

Dream interpretation is a very specific and delicate work. The more details the dreamer managed to remember, the more accurate the forecast will be. In a dream where they are trying to kill you, important detail serves directly as a crime weapon, therefore it is recommended to remember this important attribute of the subconscious image.

  • If the attacker (friend or relative) has a pistol or other firearm (machine gun, shotgun, etc.) in his hands, this is a warning that you urgently need to pay attention to the one who wants to establish contact with you. If you continue to ignore this person, he may be offended for the rest of his life, becoming worst enemy.
  • When it threatens firearms stranger - a negative career-related event is more likely to happen in the future.
  • If a friend or relative has a bladed weapon (knife, sword) in their hands, be careful, someone you know holds a serious grudge against you and can put a spoke in your wheels.
  • If you dreamed that a stranger wanted to kill you with a knife, a positive event will happen to you in the future.

When you dream that they want to kill you, don’t be scared. In most cases this image not related to negative events, although they cannot be completely discarded.