Communication plays an important role in human life. Pleasure from it affects the psychological comfort of the participants in the communicative process, and constant dissatisfaction with social contacts and interpersonal relationships gives rise to Bad mood, depression, decreased activity, deteriorating health, make it difficult to achieve your goals.

Communication as a phenomenon of social psychology

Social and psychological specifics of communication

Communication is an integral aspect of human existence, an important prerequisite for its formation as a social being, interaction with various communities, as well as

a necessary condition for the existence of society. In the process of communication, intellectual and emotional-sensual interaction of individuals occurs, unity and coherence of their actions are achieved, which determines the formation of common moods and views, mutual understanding, cohesion and solidarity. They are necessary in collective activities because they represent the cultural and communicative basis social life society. During the development of an individual, the need for communication has a socially selective nature.

In parallel with the need for communication, there is a need for solitude (here - communication with oneself), which is clearly expressed in some people, and barely noticeable in others. It depends both on the specific individual and on the social environment.

Solitude is being alone, isolated, apart, without communicating with anyone.

The activation and tension of social contacts and interpersonal relationships increasingly actualizes the individual’s desire to isolate himself and maintain his independence. It is realized as a need to relax, to understand oneself. If there is no friend nearby with whom one can discuss problems, the individual begins to communicate with himself, as if dividing his own “I”. The ability to conduct internal reflections-dialogues, “talk”, “advisers” with one’s own conscience is extremely important not only for making informed decisions and avoiding mistakes, but also for the spiritual and professional development of a person, maintaining his inner harmony.

The phenomenon of communication is manifested in numerous relationships between people, in the exchange of activities, information, experience, skills, and results of work. Communication is one of the manifestations of human essence, a personal form of existence and functioning of social relations. It reflects the objective need of people to live in society, unite and work with each other. Joint activities cannot occur without coordination of actions, agreement on goals, exchange of opinions, formation inner world a person, his consciousness, feelings, knowledge. And this is only possible thanks to communication.

Communication covers various relationships, interpersonal relationships, is carried out in various forms and through various means, which, being an integral factor of culture, are constantly being improved and enriched.

Communication is the entire spectrum of connections and interactions of people in the process of spiritual and material production, a way of formation, development, implementation and regulation of social relations and psychological characteristics of an individual, which is carried out through direct or indirect contacts between individuals and groups.

A narrow interpretation of this concept is associated with human interpersonal relationships.

Interpersonal communication is a process of substantive and information interaction between people, in which their interpersonal relationships(mutual influence, perception of each other, etc.) and manifest themselves psychological characteristics communicative potential of each individual.

Interpersonal communication is the interaction of people in which each participant realizes certain goals, while simultaneously learning and changing himself and his interlocutor.

For social psychology, the relationship between communication and activity is fundamental. Based on the idea of ​​their unity, it interprets communication as the reality of human relationships, which cover all forms of joint human activity. This means that any form of communication refers to specific forms of joint activity. That is, people always communicate in relevant activities. Among scientists there are many supporters of a broader view of the connection between activity and communication, according to which communication is interpreted both as an aspect of joint activity and as its product; their opponents consider communication to be an independent phenomenon, unrelated to activity, proving that the process of communication is not only a means for a person , but also a goal. According to this understanding, communication is not necessarily predetermined by the need for joint activity; it can also be realized as a self-motivation process.

So, communication in social psychology is interpreted as a special type of activity; specific social form information communications; form of interaction between subjects; a category that is independent and unknown to activity; process of interpersonal interaction; exchange of thoughts, feelings and experiences; an essential aspect of human activity; the reality of human relations, which presupposes any forms of joint activity of people; the universal reality of human existence is generated and maintained in different forms human relations, etc. It is obvious that human activity; her communication with others is interconnected and cannot exist in isolation. Any type, form of human activity (play, leadership, education, etc.) is realized through communication, and communication through them. Even communication with oneself occurs in such a way that a person mentally continues the conversation with his partner.

Communication is a social phenomenon; its nature is manifested in society. Being an act of transfer social experience, norms of behavior, traditions, it helps to enrich the knowledge, skills and abilities of participants in joint activities that satisfy the need for psychological contact, is a mechanism for reproducing events, moods, coordinates the efforts of people, contributes to the objective identification of the characteristics of the behavior of partners, their manners, character traits, emotional volitional and motivational spheres. Its socio-psychological specificity lies in the fact that in the process of interaction the subjective world of one individual is revealed to another, an exchange of opinions, interests, feelings, activities, and information occurs. As a result of communication, certain contacts and interpersonal relationships are realized, people are united (disengaged), rules and norms of behavior are developed. The success of any contacts depends on mutual understanding between communication partners. In interpersonal contacts, the entire spectrum of qualities, communicative potential, social significance of the individual is revealed, human likes and dislikes, love and friendship, compatibility and incompatibility are revealed. This indicates the need to know the relationships between the participants in the contact group, because the communication system of an individual, the development of his communicative potential, and the means used in interaction depend on them.

Social psychology studies not only the form and methods of communication, but also its content - what a person enters into interpersonal relationships about.

Communication is one of the three main areas of life human society along with work activity and cognition. Acting as a necessary element labor activity people and the real existence of their consciousness. communication permeates the entire material and spiritual life of society, organizes and ensures the normal functioning of the social organism. In other words, it represents one of the necessary prerequisites for the existence of human society. Subsequently, it becomes a necessary and essential aspect of any type of human activity. With the development of society, material and spiritual culture, communication turns into an independent type of human activity, occupying an important place in people’s lives and satisfying their increasingly complex emotional and moral needs.

In addition, communication is a necessary condition and an important factor in the existence and socialization of a person as an individual. In the process of communication, each individual is simultaneously both a subject and an object of interaction. Since one of the communicating becomes the object of influence of another person, he becomes to the same extent an objective circumstance of the life of this individual, the second - a circumstance of the life of the first. This means that communication itself, being a circumstance of life for individuals, along with work activity, turns into a decisive factor in the development of society as a whole and the formation of each individual. K. Marx and F. Engels in “German Ideology” call communication one of the main factors of social development.

What place does communication occupy in the system of social relations?

Social relations are the basis and express the essence of direct and indirect interaction of people, specific communication relations between them. K. Marx and F. Engels, creating scientific sociology, reduced the actions and relations of individual individuals to the relations of large social groups, to class relations, and in the endless chaos of social relations they revealed deep recurring phenomena, dividing all social relations into material and ideological, highlighting production in as basic, primary. This, of course, does not mean that direct personal and all other relationships and forms of communication between people did not exist for the classics of Marxism-Leninism and did not deserve attention and study. In the theory of Marxism, the approach to man has always been different from the economic, political, ideological and from the point of view of direct human, psychological, personal relationships. V.I. Lenin drew attention to the need to study specific relationships, since they form real personalities. K. Marx and F. Engels in “German Ideology”, along with communication in its universal meaning as the totality of all objective social relations, also talk about individual communication between people as their specific connections and relationships that develop in practical life. Individuals enter into communication with each other not as pure selves, but as individuals who are at a certain stage of development of their productive forces and needs, and since this communication, in turn, determined production and needs, it is the personal, individual attitude of individuals to each other to each other, their mutual relationship as individuals created - and daily recreates - existing relationships." That is, in reality, in Everyday life Only personal relationships between individuals take place. But this is only the visible side of social relations, the essence of which is hidden from direct observation. In them and through them, objective social, material and ideal relationship, which constitute the real essence of individual relationships between individuals. Where the real objective interests of people intersect, where they are objectively placed in mutual relations with each other, there they necessarily enter into relations of communication - this is real reality. Specific individual relationships between people are necessary, inevitable and have a universal character. Through them there is a direct connection between the individual and society. They constitute communication relationships. Consequently, communication in the sociological aspect is a specific individual relationship of universal communication and interaction, which is a form of existence of objective social relations.

Communication relations are individually selective in nature, depend on the subjective aspirations of individuals, express their will, their personal attachments, likes and dislikes.

In socio-psychological terms, communication is a complex and multifaceted process. First of all, it acts as an information process, that is, as a process of transmission and perception of information by participants in communication, not only verbal, but also emotional. Communication is also the psychological relationship of people to each other, relationships of affection, trust, sympathy, antipathy. This is also emotional contact, which is expressed in the emotional consonance of communicating people - empathy, sympathy, complicity. Communication is at the same time an act of expression of will; this is expressed in the desire of the participants in communication to influence each other and manifests itself in the form of suggestion, persuasion, request, order, etc. Communication is also the establishment of mutual understanding between those communicating. The internal basis and necessary prerequisite for mutual understanding is the possibility of identification, mutual similarity of communicating people to each other, the ability to imagine oneself in the place of another. On this basis, empathy and complicity grow. We can talk about a high level of mutual understanding, which is characterized by the adequacy of mutual assessment and the coincidence of the system of social and individual meanings, and about a low level of mutual understanding, when the systems of social and individual meanings of those communicating are sharply different or there is no coincidence in the level of mutual assessment. Mutual understanding is especially necessary in interpersonal communication.

Thus, communication between people in the socio-psychological aspect is a complex, complex phenomenon. Starting with mental contact, communication develops into a complex psychological process of interaction, which has its own psychological prerequisites and conditions, dynamics of development and a certain result. In its essence, it represents the concrete implementation of social connections between people, as a real manifestation of a system of social relations. In other words, communication, arising on the basis of social relations of people and being in its essence a form of their implementation, practically, concretely acts as a complex psychological interaction, as a unique psychological process of establishing relationships between people. The content of the communication process itself is objectively determined by the grounds and situation of communication and at the same time depends on the subjective goals, desires, and ideas of its participants. The nature and results of communication are also influenced by the individual psychological properties of communicating people. Therefore, the study of communication between people cannot be conducted without taking into account its objective social content and at the same time involves an analysis of the specific psychological characteristics of its subject, nature and results.

Social psychology: lecture notes Melnikova Nadezhda Anatolyevna

1. The concept of communication

1. The concept of communication

In all group activities, participants act simultaneously in two capacities: as performers of conventional roles and as unique human individuals.

When conventional roles are played, people act as units of social structure.

There is agreement on the contribution that each role holder must make.

The behavior of each participant is limited by expectations determined by cultural norms.

By engaging in such enterprises, people remain unique living beings.

The reactions of each of them turn out to be dependent on certain qualities of those with whom they come into contact.

The nature of mutual attraction or repulsion is different in each case.

The pattern of interpersonal relationships that develop between people involved in a joint action creates another matrix that places further restrictions on what each person can or cannot do.

Even in the most fleeting interactions, interpersonal reactions occur.

In most contacts that occur, such reactions do not occur. of great importance and are soon forgotten.

As people continue to communicate with each other, more stable orientations emerge.

The nature of these relationships in each case will depend on the personality traits included in the interaction of individuals.

Because man is waiting special attention from his closest friends and is not inclined to wait good attitude from those whom he does not love, each party in the system of interpersonal relations is bound by a number of special rights and responsibilities.

Conventional roles are standardized and impersonal.

But the rights and responsibilities that are established in interpersonal roles depend entirely on individual characteristics participants and their preferences.

Unlike conventional roles, most interpersonal roles are not specifically taught.

Everyone develops their own type of appeal.

Although no systems of interpersonal relationships are exactly alike, there are repeated situations and similar individuals react in the same way to the same type of treatment.

Typical patterns of interpersonal relationships are observed and typical interpersonal roles can be named.

Interpersonal roles that arise when people compete over similar interests include rival, enemy, conspirator, and ally.

In every organized group there is a common understanding of how members are supposed to feel towards each other.

In a family, for example, the relationship between mother and sons is conventionally defined.

People participating in a coordinated action simultaneously interact in the language of two sign systems.

As performers of conventional roles, they use conventional symbols, which are the object of social control.

At the same time, the special personal orientation of each character is manifested in the style of his performance, in what he does when the situation is not sufficiently defined and he has some freedom of choice.

The manifestation of personality traits, in turn, causes responses, often unconscious.

These two forms of interaction imperceptibly transform into one another.

Communication– the process of interrelation and interaction of social subjects (individuals, groups), characterized by the exchange of activities, information, experience, abilities, skills and abilities, as well as the results of activities, which is one of the necessary and universal conditions for the formation and development of society and the individual.

At the social level, communication is a necessary condition for the transmission of social experience and cultural heritage from one generation to another.

In a psychological sense, communication is understood as the process and result of establishing contacts between people or the interaction of subjects through various sign systems.

There are three aspects of communication, such as the transfer of information ( communicative aspect of communication); interaction ( interactive aspect of communication); people's understanding and knowledge of each other ( perceptual aspect of communication).

The key words in understanding the essence of communication are: contact, communication, interaction, exchange, method of unification.

There are various types of communication, which are most often determined by the specifics of feedback.

Communication can be direct and indirect, interpersonal and mass.

Direct communication– this is direct natural communication face to face, when the subjects of interaction are nearby and not only verbal communication occurs, but also communication using non-verbal means.

Direct communication is the most complete type of interaction because individuals receive maximum information.

Direct communication can be formal And interpersonal.

It can also be carried out between subjects and simultaneously between several subjects in a group.

However, direct communication is only possible for a small group, i.e., one in which all subjects of interaction personally know each other.

Direct face-to-face communication is two-way and characterized by complete and immediate feedback.

Indirect or indirect communication occurs in situations where individuals are separated from each other by time or distance, for example, if subjects talk on the phone or write letters to each other.

A special type of communication is mass communication, which determines social communication processes.

Mass communication represents multiple contacts strangers, as well as communication mediated various types mass media.

Mass communication can be direct and indirect.

Direct mass communication occurs at various rallies, in all large social groups: crowd, public, audience.

Indirect mass communication is most often one-sided in nature and is associated with popular culture and mass media.

Since many media convey information a large number people at the same time, feedback is very difficult, but still exists.

People, under the influence of the content of information transmitted by such sources, form motives and attitudes that subsequently determine their social actions.

Levels of communication are determined by the general culture of interacting subjects, their individual and personal characteristics, features of the situation, social control and many other factors.

Turn out to be dominant value orientations communicating and their attitude towards each other.

The most primitive level of communication is phatic(from Latin fatuus - “stupid”), involving a simple exchange of remarks to maintain a conversation in conditions where the communicants are not particularly interested in interaction, but are forced to communicate.

Its primitiveness lies not in the fact that the remarks are simple, but in the fact that there is no deep meaning or content behind them.

Sometimes this level is designated as conventional(convention – “agreement”).

The next level of communication is informational.

There is an exchange of information that is interesting to the interlocutors, which is the source of some type of human activity (mental, emotional, behavioral).

The information level of communication is usually stimulating in nature and prevails in conditions of joint activities or when old friends meet.

Personal the level of communication characterizes such interaction in which subjects are capable of the deepest self-disclosure and comprehension of the essence of another person.

The personal, or spiritual, level characterizes only such communication that is aimed at activating the positive attitude of the subjects of interaction themselves towards themselves, other people and the world around them as a whole.

The functions of communication are determined according to various criteria: emotional, informational, socializing, connecting, self-knowledge ( A. V. Mudrik ); establishment of community, instrumental, awareness, self-determination ( A. B. Dobrovich ); cohesion, instrumental, translational, self-expression ( A. A. Brudny ); contact, information, incentive, coordination, understanding, emotive, establishing relationships, influencing ( L. A. Karpenko ) and etc.

If we consider communication in a certain system of relations, we can identify a set of groups of functions.

1. Psychological functions determine the development of man as an individual and personality.

In conditions of communication, many mental processes proceed differently than in conditions of isolated individual activity.

Communication stimulates development thought processes(cognitive activity), volitional processes (activity), emotional processes (efficiency).

2. Social features determine the development of society as a social system and the development of groups as constituent units of this system.

Integration of society is possible only if there is communication in all its types, types and forms.

3. Instrumental functions define numerous connections between man and the world in the broadest sense of the word; between different social groups.

The conceptual idea of ​​such a division of functions lies in the idea of ​​the relationship between man and society and the world in accordance with a simple model of relations: man – activity – society.

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Whatever the person was called: and homosapiens(reasonable person) homofaber(producing person), and homohabilis(skillful person) homoludens(person playing). I think with no less justification it can be called homocommunications- person communicating.

The need for communication, according to psychologists, is one of the basic (basic) human needs. The importance of communication as a basic need is determined by the fact that “it dictates the behavior of people with no less power than, for example, the so-called vital (life) needs.” Communication is a necessary condition for the normal development of a person as a member of society, as an individual, a condition for his spiritual and physical health, a way of knowing other people and oneself. Although human communication has always been the basis of people’s social existence, it became a direct object of psychological and socio-psychological analysis only in the 20th century.

Category of communication in psychology: content, structure and functions

Social contacts between people are represented by activity and communication.

There are differences between communication and activity as types of human activity. The result of the activity is the creation of any material or ideal product. The result of communication is mutual influence people at each other. Activity and communication, despite their differences, are interconnected aspects of human social activity. Activity can neither arise nor be carried out without intensive communication. Communication is a specific type of human activity. In real human life, communication and activity as forms of social activity appear in unity, but in a certain situation they can be realized independently of each other.

  • formation of certain patterns and patterns of behavior;
  • human interaction;
  • mutual influence of people on each other;
  • information exchange;
  • formation of relationships between people;
  • mutual experience and understanding of each other;
  • formation of an image of a person’s inner “I”.

In psychology, communication is defined as a process of interaction between people, consisting in the exchange of information between them of a cognitive or emotional-evaluative nature, during which interpersonal relationships arise, manifest themselves and are formed. Communication involves the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

When studying communication, it is distinguished: content, purpose, means, structure, functions and forms of communication.

  • material - exchange of products and objects of activity;
  • cognitive - knowledge Exchange;
  • active - exchange of actions, operations, skills;
  • conditioned - exchange of psychological or physiological states;
  • motivational - exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs.

Purpose of communication

People enter into communication in pursuit of certain goals. Target communication - This that is why a person has this type of activity. The goals of communication can be very diverse.

The purpose of communication may lie in itself, then communication is an end in itself, a means of satisfying the need for communication.

The purpose of communication may be outside the interaction of subjects itself, then we are dealing with business communication , serving as a way to organize and optimize one or another type of objective activity: production, scientific, commercial, etc.

The purpose of communication can also be to introduce communication partners to each other’s values ​​and experiences, as presented in personal communication, which is mainly centered around psychological problems internal character, those interests and needs that deeply affect a person’s personality.

It is difficult to give an exhaustive classification according to the purposes of communication, taking into account the diversity of human needs (social, cultural, cognitive, creative, aesthetic, needs for intellectual growth, moral development, biological, etc.), for the sake of satisfying which people enter into communication.

Communication means

Communication means are ways of encoding, transmitting, processing and decoding information transmitted in the process of communication.

Means of communication are divided into verbal (verbal), represented by speech, and nonverbal (non-verbal), represented by gestures, facial expressions, sound of voice, gaze, touch, etc.

Communication structure

Communication structure can be characterized by identifying three interrelated aspects in it: perceptual, communicative and interactive (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Communication structure

Perceptual side communication is the process of perception, cognition and understanding by people of each other with the subsequent establishment of certain interpersonal relationships on this basis.

Communication side communication consists of the mutual exchange of information between people, the transfer and reception of knowledge, ideas, opinions, feelings.

Interactive side communication consists of the exchange of actions, i.e. in the organization of interpersonal

Communication functions

Acting as a powerful consumer of human energy, communication is at the same time an invaluable biostimulator of human life and spiritual aspirations.

In accordance with this, affective-communicative, information-communicative and regulatory-communicative communication functions.

Affective-communicative (perceptual) function, which is based on the perception and understanding of another person, a communication partner, is associated with the regulation of a person’s emotional sphere, since communication is the most important determinant emotional states person. The entire spectrum of specifically human emotions arises and develops in the conditions of human communication - either a rapprochement of emotional states occurs, or their polarization, mutual strengthening or weakening.

Information and communication function communication consists of any type of exchange of information between interacting individuals. The exchange of information in human communication has its own specifics:

  • firstly, the exchange of information takes place between two individuals, each of whom is an active subject (as opposed to a technical device);
  • secondly, the exchange of information necessarily involves the interaction of thoughts, feelings and behavior of partners.

Regulatory-communicative (interactive) function communication is the regulation of behavior and the direct organization of joint activities of people in the process of their interaction. In this process, a person can influence motives, goals, programs, decision-making, execution and control of actions, i.e. on all components of their partner’s activities, including mutual stimulation and behavior correction.

The role and intensity of communication in modern society are increasing: the number of people employed in professional activity related to communication. At one time, the pragmatic J. Rockefeller, well understanding the importance of communication for business activities, said: “The ability to communicate with people is the same commodity bought for money, like sugar or coffee. And I am willing to pay more for this skill than for any other product in this world.”

But what does it mean to be able to communicate? This means being able to understand people and build your relationships with them on this basis, which presupposes knowledge of the psychology of communication.

The essence of communication and its forms

The source of the need for communication is the collectivist, social nature of man, his inherent need not only for individual, but also for joint activity. It was this generic feature given to man by nature that helped him survive and establish himself among other animals more physically stronger than humans.

It is admitted that one of the national characteristics Russian people are just high level development of this quality in them. Russian thinkers called him community, conciliarity, squad, brotherhood(A.S. Khomyakov, B.S. Soloviev, N.F. Fedorov, etc.). It was this national trait of the Russian spirit that helped Russia survive in the most tragic moments of its history. In this spirit of collectivism, figures of Russian culture saw one of the main differences between Russian self-awareness and Western culture, the basis of which is the spirit of individualism. Of course, at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries, during the years of post-Soviet reforms, this feature of Russian spirituality weakened significantly, although, apparently, it did not disappear completely.

- a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between individuals and their groups. This process is generated by the needs of people for joint activities, which multiply their strength many times over. There are three components to communication:

  • communication side or exchange of information;
  • interactions or exchange of actions:
  • mutual perception or perception and evaluation of a partner.

All three aspects of communication help optimize the joint activities of people, lead to rapprochement, as well as the development and improvement of their personal qualities.

However, this rapprochement has its limits and boundaries. It cannot be unlimited, because no matter how close people become to each other in the process of their interaction, they nevertheless always remain separate systems both in their interests and in their forms of behavior.

Each personality, no matter how close contact with other people it may be, retains its physical and spiritual autonomy, originality, remaining, as the ancients said. " microcosm." those. a whole world of unique thoughts, feelings, interests.

Therefore, any contacts or communication between people rarely proceed without difficulties, problems, and conflicts. These problems arise both in small social groups, families, in work collectives, and at the level of society as a whole, between large social groups, classes and ethnic groups. And these problems and difficulties are resolved, again, only in the process of the same communication, in which management structures of various levels can participate.

Due to the many difficulties and conflicts that arise in the course of human interactions, the forms of human communication turn out to be infinitely diverse.

Forms of communication are classified based on different criteria. So, if we take as the basis for classification criterion for the direction of communication, then it can be divided into two types:

  • vertical communication, for example, between parents and children, boss and subordinates;
  • horizontal communication an example of which is the communication of brothers close in age; communication between work colleagues of equal status.

If we take as the basis for the classification of types of communication the nature of his goals, then its forms can be distinguished:

  • communication as an end in itself. for example, communication between friends, relatives;
  • communication as a means achieving some goal external to him: this is exactly what any business, including managerial, pedagogical communication is. Here the goal is beyond the communication process itself: it is to achieve the goals of the organization, enterprise, educational institution etc. And finally, we can distinguish types of communication according to the criterion composition of its participants.

Then the main types of communication will look like this:

  • communication according to the scheme "man-nature", an example of which could be activities such as hunting, fishing, tourism, relaxing in the country, communicating with pets, etc.
  • communication according to the scheme man-thing" typical examples of which are performing activities in the field of material production, trade, and activities such as collecting; this form of communication can take painful forms in the form of excessive passion for acquiring and accumulating things, the so-called “materialism”:
  • communication according to the scheme man-man”, which is the most psychologically intense and complex. Since this form of communication is distinguished by its special spirituality, dynamism, liveliness, it is sometimes spoken of as the highest luxury, accessible to people. But the greatest difficulties of communication are associated with this same form of communication.

Many different problems arise in the process of family communication, as well as in the course of relationships between people in work collectives. It is known that the “end-to-end” function of managers labor collectives is the psychological impact on individual employees and the group as a whole, their motivation to actively work to achieve the goals of the organization in the process of constant and diverse management communication with people.

Communication is a necessary condition for any joint activity and is the process of establishing and developing contact between people, the exchange of information, the participants’ perception of each other and their interaction.

Communication research has a long tradition in Russian psychology.

Sechenov also spoke about the importance of this issue for the study of moral feelings. Bekhterev was the first in Russia to conduct experiments to study certain aspects of communication. Lazursky, Vygotsky, Myasishchev contributed to the development of communication problems. Considering the question of psychological structure of a person as a subject of activity (that is, producing material and spiritual values), Ananyev emphasized the role of communication. He noted that communication is the most important activity that arose on the basis of labor and in the process of socio-historical development became an independent type of activity.

Currently, communication problems are the focus of attention of many domestic psychologists. Communication in ontogenesis is considered as one of the factors mental development personality, the connection between the need for communication and other human needs, the importance of communication for the regulation of personal behavior, the relationship between communication and the emotional sphere of the individual, features of mental processes in conditions of communication, etc.

Basic aspects of the transmission and perception of information in the process of communication. Any joint activity of people is inseparable from their communication. Communication is based on the communicative process of transmitting information from one person to another or a group of people and the perception of this information by these persons. In any single act of transmitting and perceiving information, at least two people are needed - the sender of information (communicator) and its recipient (communicator or addressee).

Approaching the problem of communication from the point of view of information theory, we can distinguish, in accordance with the works of the classics of this theory, Shannon and Weaver, the following three problems of communication (transmission - reception of information).

1. Technical problem. How accurately can communication symbols be conveyed?

2. Semantic problem. How accurately do the rendered symbols express the desired meaning?

3. The problem of efficiency. How effectively does perceived meaning influence people in the desired direction?

All these problems are closely interconnected. Thus, technical interference in a transmission device or inaccuracy in the concepts used may reduce the effectiveness of a particular communication. At scientific analysis communications are usually based on the Shannon model, according to which the following main elements of the communication chain can be distinguished:

1) source of information (its sender, communicator);

2) transmitter;

3) receiver;

4) recipient of information (communicator, recipient of communication).

The role of the sender of information can be any individual who has the intention of communicating something to another person or group of people, as well as influencing them accordingly. The sender of information is often at the same time the source of information, but these two roles should not be completely identified. For example, when at a lecture a teacher talks about the research of other scientists, he acts more as a communicator than as a source of this information.

This or that information is encoded by its sender based on a system of signs for transmission to the communication recipient. The conversion of information into signals is carried out by the communicator through a transmitter, which can be biological organs (for example, vocal cords) or technical devices (for example, an automatic electrical display). The communicator can say or write something, demonstrate a diagram or drawing, and finally, express his thoughts with facial expressions and gestures. Thus, when transmitting information, a number of specific signs are always used.

The communicator signals arrive at the receiver, which, like the transmitter, is a biological organ or technical device with the function of decoding the received message. The communication chain is completed by the recipient (addressee) of information - the person who perceives and interprets this information.

The entire path of information, from its sender to the recipient, is called a communication channel (meaning both the physical and social environment). It is necessary to distinguish channels from the various means used in transmitting information. Such means are written documents, telephone, radio, television, etc. Information can also be transmitted directly when communication participants interact face to face based on oral speech or using non-verbal signs.

The roles of communication participants cannot be divided into active (senders of information) and passive (receivers of information). The latter must also show some activity in order to adequately interpret the information. In addition, the sender of information and its recipient can change their roles during communication. One of the first problems that every communicator faces is the need to attract the attention of the recipient of information to the upcoming message.

There are two obvious characteristics of communication that allow you to hold the attention of the recipient of information. This is the novelty and significance of this message for him. Therefore, it is important for the communicator to have a clear idea of ​​the range of information that the future addressee of information has at his disposal, and of the hierarchy of his value orientations.

For an adequate understanding of any message, a certain commonality of “thesauruses” between the sender of information and the addressee is necessary. Translated from ancient Greek, “thesaurus” means treasure. In this case, the thesaurus is understood as the entire body of information available to this person. Large differences in the supply and nature of information make communication difficult. It is known that members of each professional group have their own specific language, widely used in the practice of their work. On the one hand, the presence of such a language helps specialists quickly exchange information with each other; on the other hand, their use of elements of their professional jargon when communicating with representatives of other professional groups negatively affects their mutual understanding.

The effectiveness of communication depends on many socio-psychological factors accompanying the process of transmission and perception of information. These factors are the subject of research in domestic and foreign social psychology. For example, the features social roles communication participants, prestige of communicators, social attitudes the recipient of information, the peculiarities of the course of his mental processes. There is experimental data indicating that age, professional and role characteristics communication participants significantly influence the processes of transmission and perception of information.

Successful interpersonal communication can be hampered by various obstacles. Sometimes the sender of information encodes it incorrectly, for example, expressing his message in inappropriate words. In this case, we can assume that the semantic problem of communication is not being solved. Thus, sometimes one or another careless word or thoughtless phrase can painfully offend the recipient of communication and cause in him an acute emotional reaction of objection and opposition. The situation may turn into a conflict. Often the communicator then has to convince the recipient of the communication for a long time that he misunderstood him, that he did not want to offend him, that he did not mean at all what the recipient of the information thought, etc.

The process of transmitting information can also be accompanied by interference, due to which the information reaches the recipient in a distorted form. This happens, for example, when information passes through big number individuals or hierarchical levels of an organization. According to American authors, in oral communication, about 30% of information is lost with each subsequent transmission. Note that the person to whom the information is addressed may simply interpret it incorrectly.

Western researchers pay a lot of attention to the consideration of various barriers to interpersonal communications (Rogers, Roethlisberger). The main barrier is the tendency to prematurely evaluate the message, its approval or disapproval, rather than maintaining a neutral position during the exchange of opinions. Possible barriers to effective communication include differences in education, experience, motivation, and others.

In the process of transmitting information, various sign systems are used. On this basis, verbal and nonverbal communications are usually distinguished.

Verbal communication uses messages expressed in words (orally, written or printed). The most important means of such communication is oral speech, if only for the reason that it does not require special material costs in interpersonal communication. In addition, by turning to oral speech, you can convey information not only in words or sentences. In such speech, people also use paralinguistic means, which can also carry a certain meaning. This is the degree of volume of speech, its rhythm, the distribution of pauses, as well as vocalization - laughter, crying, yawning, sighs. For example, if someone laughingly tells us: “Get out of here!”, without putting the literal meaning into his words at all, then we understand the subtext of this phrase. Or, if a person increases the pace of his speech, then by this he wants to tell us about his anxiety or excitement. Thus, there is a huge variety of different linguistic and paralinguistic forms of information transmission. However, along with verbal forms of communication, people also use nonverbal forms, which sometimes support verbal messages and sometimes contradict them. Sometimes nonverbal forms of communication even surpass verbal forms in their effectiveness. Nonverbal communication involves the transfer of information without the use of words. At the same time, we receive information through vision, recording such expressive elements of behavior as facial expression, gestures, posture, facial expressions, appearance generally.