Some people are used to thinking that during sleep the brain completely switches off. But this opinion is erroneous and has scientific justification. At night, the human brain continues to function, but with the least intensity.

Almost all people have the ability to see certain events, nature, new interlocutors, friends and relatives in their dreams. Many people are interested in this question: “Why do you dream about mom? ex-boyfriend? What could this mean? There is no need to immediately worry or panic because of such an unusual dream. You need to carefully understand this issue and read the article below.

A dream is a kind of embodiment of the subconscious. The thoughts, fantasies and events that a particular person lives by are demonstrated as pictures. That is, during a dream, a specific picture with a special meaning emerges. Sometimes she can predict the future or warn against serious mistakes.
Not everyone is able to remember all the details of their dream, but thanks to them you can find out further events that occur.

For what reasons do girls dream about their ex-boyfriend's mothers?

This dream is direct evidence of the fact that in their subconscious the fair sex has fantasies about past relationships. That is, they have not forgotten their beloved and often think about him. Even when a new prince appears on the horizon, the girls find it difficult to forget their failed past relationships. Sad and bad moments will gradually be erased, but joy and other positive emotions will be remembered long time.
You can muffle the longing for past times with a new one strong love, various sensations and other pleasant moments. Mom is the main person in the life of every child. After birth, a strong and unbreakable bond appears. It is for these reasons that the ex-boyfriend’s mother is his direct representative in dreams. Not in all situations, complete mutual understanding is established between sons and parents.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller's dream book

If you need to figure out why your ex-boyfriend’s mother dreams, then Miller’s dream book will become an assistant in this matter. If you see your parents in your dreams, this promises the emergence of minor disagreements in your own family. In the very near future, changes will occur to a person, and they may not be entirely good. Seeing a guy's mother in a dream means that the ex-lover is very worried about the breakup. Sometimes it is necessary to pacify your ardor and try to improve relationships with loved ones. In some cases, the mother of an ex-boyfriend warns young girls that a scandal or disagreement may arise with older women.

Why do you dream about your ex-mother-in-law?

Sometimes representatives of the fair sex dream about their mother ex-husband. Every girl and woman has a hard time going through a divorce, as well as parting with a past familiar life. Such dreams may indicate that there is still a strong connection that cannot be broken so quickly and all the positive moments can be forgotten.
Such regular dreams mean that spouses who have divorced still find it difficult to break off their relationship completely and irrevocably. It can be assumed that in everyone’s soul there lives a small hope that everything will work out.
That’s why you don’t need to worry and constantly look for what your ex-boyfriend’s mother dreams about. This dream does not mean anything bad, but you just need to be more attentive to relationships in the family and to older people. All these tips will help you avoid making mistakes that you can later regret and ask for forgiveness from your loved ones.

There are dreams that are not only a reflection of the surrounding reality, but can also be special. Such dreams are popularly called prophetic, since they are able to warn a person about what he should be wary of in life.

On the other hand, such dreams can predict some joyful event in life. You just need to pay close attention to each such dream, or even better, write down your dreams and then find analogies with the dream in real life. For example, if a girl had a fight or quarrel with a guy, and a few days later she dreams of this guy’s mother, then such a dream foreshadows the improvement of relationships and reconciliation. If in a dream a girl meets a guy’s mother, in reality it can mean the fulfillment of a long-cherished desire.

Why does a guy’s mother dream - if a girl in a dream sees how she is calmly discussing something and talking with her mother, then such a dream promises pleasant worries and troubles and, perhaps, some good news. But if a girl dreams that she is arguing with the guy’s mother about something and is trying to prove something to her, then in real life strained relationships with parents and relatives are possible young man.

And the dream in which the guy’s mother does minor mischief It’s hard for a girl or her to see a guy’s mom next to her in a dream; in real life, a girl should be careful when communicating with a guy’s mom, show restraint and not show outwardly that she doesn’t like something, otherwise a conflict is inevitable.

A dream about trying to do something good for the guy’s mother, giving her gifts, helping with something, symbolizes that all the girl’s attempts to improve relations with the guy’s mother will not lead to anything good. And relationships can become quite tense and difficult. The same thing can be symbolized by a dream about a girl living in the same apartment with a guy’s mother. But if in a dream you don’t feel any tension when living with your mother in the same living space, then in reality the girl will be able to overcome all the troubles, but this will require a long time, endurance and tact. If in a dream a girl tries to hide or run away from a guy’s mother, then in reality this threatens that the girl is trying to avoid troubles and tries not to pay attention to them, instead of solving them. Also, troubles and problems in real life can be symbolized by a dream about the death of a guy’s mother.

See in a dream crying mother a guy or hearing her cry can in reality mean that the girl may be worried about something in life, but these problems can be safely resolved practically and without her participation.

If a girl in a dream sees a guy’s mother in an excellent and joyful mood, such a dream can predict that the guy’s mother will be more important for him when living together with the guy. But she will not interfere in the relationship. But if a girl dreamed that the guy’s mother was in bad mood, then such a dream can symbolize the girl’s hidden fears when she first meets her and the fear of how the guy’s mother will perceive his chosen one.

If you see a guy’s mother in a dream exactly the same as she is in reality, then you can’t count on quick changes in your relationship with the guy, everything will go very smoothly, safely and completely calmly.

If a girl in a dream sees how the guy’s mother and she are preparing something together in the kitchen, helping each other, then such a dream symbolizes a good relationship with her in real life and complete mutual understanding and trust. Everything will turn out well.

If a girl, for some reason, broke up with a guy, and in a dream after that she often dreams of his mother, then this dream may symbolize that the girl still has some feelings for the guy, and she wants to either try to restore the relationship, or occasionally wants communicate with him.

Dream Interpretation Mom of Ex-Boyfriend

Why does the Mom of an ex-boyfriend dream in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book considers the mother of an ex-boyfriend as a sign of the dreamer’s suppression of her own femininity. You don't feel attractive in reality.

A conversation with an ex-boyfriend's mother indicates nostalgic feelings for a previous relationship. You still haven't forgotten your ex-lover.

Dream interpretation of ex's mother

The dream in which you see your ex's mother has a special meaning. If, in general, all dreams in which a former loved one appears in one way or another are only an inevitable consequence of a breakup, then a dream in which your ex’s mother comes to you, on the contrary, means a lot - and exact interpretation Such dreams always depend on the details of what happens in the dream.

Pay special attention to your dream if you dreamed that your ex’s mother is trying to somehow reconcile you, justify the actions of her offspring and generally takes your side and supports you in this breakup. This may mean that your “other half,” with whom the romance ended so unsuccessfully, is gradually realizing his mistake and, perhaps, is looking forward to renewing the relationship.

But if you dreamed that your ex’s mother was scolding you, blaming you for the breakup, pay attention not to the dream itself, but to your psychological state. The interpretation of such dreams lies, rather, in the field of psychology - they may mean that subconsciously you consider yourself to be to blame for the breakup, perhaps you regret that you did not do enough to save the relationship and, in general, that you deserve such an attitude towards you. In this case, you should work hard on yourself and your way of thinking - the breakup is definitely not your fault, and subconscious blaming yourself will only make your waking life worse.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about exes mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see your ex in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Find out why you dreamed about your ex's mother! All meanings are in the dream book

A dream about an ex-boyfriend's mother is not difficult to remember, especially if the woman behaves strangely. What to expect from life if you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend’s mother, and whether you should be afraid of meeting this woman soon in real life - these are the key questions raised in this article.

The mother of a former lover in a vision is definitely a bright symbol, and it is perhaps impossible not to remember it. If the mother of the ex behaves kindly in a dream, hugs the girl and talks nicely to her, then in real life the owner of the vision will have a meeting with the past. It is quite possible that feelings for her former lover have not cooled down, and now the girl has the opportunity to resurrect the relationship.

If in the vision the woman, on the contrary, is extremely aggressive, it means that someone is pitting her former lover against the owner of the dream. Perhaps the spiteful critic is hiding behind the guise of a friend, and it is better to immediately bring him out clean water. Perhaps the relationship between the two lovers was upset because of other people’s machinations and gossip. That is why the dreamer should bring the gossiper to clean water.

A vision in which the mother of an ex-boyfriend walks past a girl, pretending that they do not know each other, does not have the best interpretation. Such a dream means that it will not be possible to resurrect old feelings, despite all the efforts of the owner of the vision. Most likely, your beloved is about to plunge into the abyss of a new relationship, and it is worth allowing him to be happy.

Meeting your ex’s mother in a dream rarely speaks of contact with this woman in real life, or of their imminent meeting. Usually such a vision hints that the girl’s feelings for her lover are not a thing of the past, and she still dreams of the couple’s reunion.

Seeing an unfamiliar woman posing as the mother of an ex-boyfriend means the emergence of competitors in your personal life. Perhaps the owner of the vision will have to face an enemy who is ready to do anything to ruin the dreamer’s life. In the fight against such a person, you will have to use all available means.

Not best interpretation has a vision in which the ex's mother dies or suffers due to manifestations of an unknown illness. Usually this dream means that the girl herself will have to face defeats on all fronts. Sudden failures that befall the girl will force her to enter into a real struggle for her future happiness.

Seeing in a dream how the mother of an ex shows aggression, beats someone or quarrels with others - means serious conflicts in your personal life. If the mother of an ex-boyfriend quarrels with the owner of the vision, then she will have to face condemnation and misunderstanding from others. It is quite possible that the owner of the vision will suffer greatly due to a wave of rumors about her personal life, and this, in turn, will spoil the person’s already imperfect reputation.

Seeing the mother of a former lover giving something to a girl is a sign of success in her personal life. It is unlikely that a relationship with a former lover will be established, but this experience will give a person a chance to find happiness in the future. Perhaps the owner of the vision is about to cross paths with his ideal soul mate.

A vision in which the owner of the vision sees the ex’s mother, himself and his entire family in a crowd of people has a good interpretation. Usually this dream means that the relationship is in the past, like everything that was connected with this person. Now the girl can breathe freely and start new stage In my life.

If a girl sees own wedding, at which the ex-boyfriend’s mother is present, it means that the sympathies existing in her life will not bring any personal benefit. The girl still can't get rid of hers former feelings, therefore, the beginning of a new relationship is unlikely to be promising. In such a situation, it is recommended to first deal with the past, and only then begin to build new relationships, otherwise the person will only cause suffering to those who are truly close and dear to him.

If in a vision the mother of an ex is caring for a girl during an illness, it means that the relationship with her lover will be resurrected.

The mother of an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a symbol of feelings for a lover, a connection between the past and the present. The girl needs to sort out her feelings for her ex-boyfriend, otherwise the new relationship will not bring any benefit and no pleasure.

Why do you dream about a guy's ex-girlfriend?

Living beings in dreams have important meanings. Especially if they are of the same sex as the sleeping person. In this case, they are a reflection of one of the aspects of the sleeper’s personality. Therefore the action and appearance character is of particular importance for the interpretation of a dream.

If a young woman dreams of the ex-girlfriend of a guy she is currently dating, this may be because the night before the dreamer’s thoughts were occupied with this person for too long. In this case, the dream will not be a prediction of any important changes in the dreamer’s life. However, this is not always the case. If the situation in reality is tense, the guy’s ex-girlfriend interferes in his new relationship and tries in every possible way to harm them, the dream will give important clues that will help the sleeping woman understand her rival’s intentions. In this case, the smallest details of the dream should be analyzed. It is important to consider in which room the meeting with the character takes place. If it is of a basement type and the lighting in it is gloomy, and the situation in the dream is alarming, it means that in real life an event from the sleeper’s past will soon emerge, which will in one way or another affect her fate. This may be her unsightly act, which her rival will find out about and try to discredit the sleeping woman in the eyes of her lover. If a guy's ex-girlfriend attacks the dreamer in a dream, this sure sign that she wants to talk to her.

The appearance of a character can tell a lot about what the sleeper can expect in the near future. For example, if a guy’s ex-girlfriend is dressed unkemptly and has a noticeable bald spot on her head, it means that she will soon commit a great stupidity and will feel defenseless.

A good sign is a dream in which the sleeping woman rode on horseback past her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. This dream indicates that the dreamer will win an unconditional victory over her rival. Moreover, their disagreements will come to an end from this day on, as the enemy will reconcile and abandon her intentions to separate the couple. If a sleeping woman sees in a dream how her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend is planting or digging up potatoes in a large field, it means that in real life this person often cries. The field in the kingdom of Hypnos symbolizes the fate of the sleeper. Therefore, everything that is on it is important for understanding the future of the person who sees this dream. If a rival works in the field in a dream, it means that she will have a significant influence on the life of the sleeping woman for some time. Seeing a guy’s ex-girlfriend kissing and hugging him, which causes a storm of emotions in the sleeping woman, means that in real life everything will turn out exactly the opposite. That is, hostile relations will be established between the guy and the sleeping rival. If a guy’s ex-girlfriend breaks chicken eggs in a dream, it means that soon she will come to the sleeping woman’s house and a quarrel will take place between them.

If a young woman often sees her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend in her dreams, this may indicate that. that the sleeping woman doubts the strength of her relationship with her loved one, and she has fears that he will return to her rival. The dream also reports that in real life the dreamer often compares herself to her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend, which makes her even more anxious about their future together. Seeing your boyfriend's wedding with his ex-girlfriend in a dream means that you can expect serious changes in your destiny in the near future. If the person sleeping in such a dream experiences pain and disappointment, it means that changes in life will not be possible. better side. If she rejoices and wishes the young people happiness - to positive changes. Seeing your boyfriend walking with a sleeping rival in a dream means that in real life you should think about the sincerity of the relationship in a couple. Perhaps the young man began to regret breaking up with his ex-girlfriend. If the woman sleeping in such a dream does not experience jealousy and anger, this is a sign that in the near future she will be convinced of the truth of her assumptions about her boyfriend’s insincerity.

To understand why a guy’s ex-girlfriend dreams, you should pay attention not only to every detail of such a dream, but also to how often in real life this woman comes across the sleeping woman’s path. If this happens regularly, such a dream may be “empty”.

If the youngest man dreams of his ex-girlfriend, this may mean that he has not yet let her go and hopes to restore the relationship. If a guy sees in a dream how he marries his ex-girlfriend, it means that in reality there will be a final separation between them.

Hello Everyone) Why do I often dream about my ex-boyfriend’s mother, whom I don’t know at all?


Rita Vladimirskaja

She probably knew about you and is asking the guy about you

Why does the Mom of an ex-boyfriend dream in a dream according to the dream book?

The dream book considers the mother of an ex-boyfriend as a sign of the dreamer’s suppression of her own femininity. You don't feel attractive in reality.

A conversation with an ex-boyfriend's mother indicates nostalgic feelings for a previous relationship. You still haven't forgotten your ex-lover.

I dreamed about my ex’s mother: find out the meaning in the dream book!

A vision associated with an ex-boyfriend or his relatives can upset a girl a lot, especially if her feelings for this person are still alive. Why did the ex-boyfriend’s mother dream about it, and should you worry about the interpretation of what you saw?

The mother of an ex-boyfriend in a dream is essentially a bridge to a girl’s true desires. Most likely, she still has not forgotten her lover, and the dream directly indicates how much she missed her.

If in a dream the mother of an ex is sobbing, crying bitterly, it means that in real life it is her lover who may need help. Perhaps he is in terrible trouble, and in such a situation he should forget about past grievances and try to help a loved one.

A dream in which the mother of an ex-boyfriend hugs the dreamer and rejoices at their meeting means that in real life the girl really misses her lover. Most likely, her feelings have not yet cooled down, and the girl dreams of restoring the relationship, returning the old romance and trust to them. Such a dream may also mean that in the near future the girl will face trials in her personal life. Her past is trying to warn the dreamer that it is too early to start a new relationship, and before that she needs to say goodbye to previous feelings, trying to free her heart.

A vision in which an ex-boyfriend’s mother dies in front of a girl has a bad interpretation. Most likely, your ex-lover will be in danger, so you need to warn him about your dream, that the guy will face continuous problems in the future.

A dream in which a girl and her lover are trying to be separated by his mother has a special interpretation. The image of the mother in this vision does not necessarily have to be associated with a relative, and usually it has to do with a rival. Perhaps the dreamer and her lover will want to be together again, but some envious person will not allow them to find almost lost happiness. The owner of the vision will have to play by vague rules, because her rival is ready to go to any lengths in order to get a man.

If in a vision the mother leads her former lover away from the girl by the hand, then this relationship is in the distant past, and it is impossible to resurrect it. No matter how the girl tries to resume dating with her ex-boyfriend and resurrect their feelings, nothing good will come of it. Between two lovers there will always be some invisible obstacle that, for some reason, will prevent them from being together.

Seeing in a dream how the mother of an ex-boyfriend shouts at a girl or even hits her - to serious problems in personal life. Perhaps some mistakes from the past will come to the surface, as a result of which the girl’s reputation will suffer a lot. In such a situation, you should prepare for future problems so that it will be impossible to prevent them.

Seeing in a dream how the mother of an ex attacks the owner of the vision, tries to strangle or stab her - to the appearance of some envious person from the past. One of the dreamer’s former rivals will again go on the warpath with her, but this time, their confrontation will be even more dangerous and serious.

If in a vision the dreamer is trying to hide from her lover’s mother, it means that in real life the girl still retains the memory of the ended relationship. Because of this, her personal life simply cannot turn out well, and the girl herself has to experience one love failure after another. The girl should let go of her past, because in this case, in her future there will be a place for happy and mutual love.

Meeting your ex's mother in a dream does not necessarily foreshadow a similar rendezvous in real life. Often, this vision tries to hint to the girl that her past still remains real and present, preventing the lady from building a full-fledged relationship and starting a new stage in her own life.

Dream Interpretation Boy's Parents

Why do the guy’s parents dream in a dream according to the dream book?

For a girl to see a guy's parents in a dream is a good sign. It means that your relationship is not in danger and, most likely, they will tie you with the knot of Hymen. If the mother and father of your loved one were glad to see you, this vision enhances the positive meaning.

Otherwise, if you parted in upset feelings, there is, albeit small, the possibility of disagreements in the union or a break in the relationship. To prevent this from happening, try to match the ideas of your chosen one’s relatives about your future daughter-in-law.

What did you do with your boyfriend's parents?

Why talk to a guy's parents in a dream?

If a girl dreamed that she was talking to a guy’s parents, it means that she earned their love and trust in reality. They treat her like a member of the family and will be happy if her relationship with their son leads to marriage. They may not admit it, but they have already chosen the names of your children.

What kind of relationship were you in with the guy in the dream?

If you dreamed about the parents of a guy you like

According to Felomena’s dream book, the parents of the guy you like are a reflection of your unbridled desire to win his heart. You may not even know his family, but they already appear to you in a dream.

This happens due to constant thoughts about the object of one’s sympathy and the presentation of various options for the development of further events, right up to meeting his mother and father. Most likely, in your dreams you are already married and have two or three children.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's parents?

You dream of your ex-boyfriend’s parents if you just can’t forget about your past relationship and get thoughts of your once loved one out of your head. It is possible that your failed father-in-law and mother-in-law also regret that you broke up with their son, and constantly remind him of you with the intention of reconciling.

Dream Interpretation Mom of Ex-Girlfriend

Why does the Mom of an ex-girlfriend dream in a dream according to the dream book?

A dream about an ex-girlfriend's mother foretells receiving news from the past that can have a significant impact on the future. Before taking decisive action, it is necessary to think carefully about it.

Ex-boyfriend's mom

Dream Interpretation Mom of Ex-Boyfriend dreamed of why the ex-boyfriend’s mother dreams in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your ex-boyfriend’s Mom in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mom

Mom - you dream about your mother - your plans will come true. Dreaming of a deceased mother means well-being; dreaming of joy; dreaming of a mother means a warning about danger; listen to her voice.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; ex-love doesn't want to give in to love real place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Mom

Mom in this dream personifies worldly wisdom, understanding of life.

This is the mature part of the girl herself that we talked about above.

The presence of a mother in a dream shows that the girl is intelligent enough to actually move towards her goal.

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

A dream in which yours appeared ex-lover, suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may studiously avoid memories of it.

You wait for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming of the return of bygone bright, joyful days and doing nothing.

The dream tells you: stop waiting for the weather from the sea, be more active, and luck will certainly smile on you.

If you dreamed that your ex died, this means that a new period will begin in your life very soon.

It is difficult to say how favorable it will be.

However, it is absolutely certain that you will not be bored; you will simply have no time to indulge in memories, no matter what they are - pleasant or vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Mom

Mom - it will happen happy event.

Dream Interpretation - Mom is crying

Mom is crying - you will be called to the school principal.

Dream Interpretation - Mom is sick

Mom is sick - you will be unlucky.

Dream Interpretation - Mom laughs

Mom laughs - soon someone you know will make you happy.

Dream Interpretation - Mom

Seeing your mother if she is alive means you are doing something wrong.

If it is deceased, it means a change in the weather.

Dream Interpretation - Paired Dream

Sometimes dreams in some surprising way coincide with the phenomena of real life.

We are not talking about prophetic dreams. For a prophetic dream warns the dreamer about important event, which ends a period of a person’s life or life in general.

A dream paired with an event, as a rule, opens a chain of phenomena going into the future.

Why do I dream about my boyfriend’s mother?


Dreams come true

Seeing your boyfriend's mother in a dream means serious disagreements with your family, which will be followed by a loud reconciliation and family reunion.
If you argue with a guy's mother in a dream, it means that you will soon expect favorable news about matters in which you are interested.
In a dream, a dialogue takes place with the guy’s mother, this means pleasant chores and news from a forgotten friend.
Seeing the death of your boyfriend's mother in a dream means unresolved problems at work, a broken contract and an unexpected illness.
Hearing a guy’s mother cry in a dream means quarrels and empty worries that can soon be resolved without your intervention.
Living in the same apartment with a guy’s mother in a dream, such a dream promises you a meeting with troubles that you will be able to overcome, but this will take a lot of time. But it’s worth listening to the advice of a close older relative, it will help you in the fight against difficulties.
If you dreamed that you were running away from your boyfriend’s mother, it means that in real life you are also running away from problems. To change the situation, it is worth taking drastic measures, perhaps changing jobs.

Alina Melikoganova

You need to get to know her, this is your subconscious desire. I think his mother herself really wants to see you

Why do I dream about my ex-boyfriend's mother?



I don’t agree with Alexey (supposedly a magician) His mother regrets that you are not together! I'd love to see you!

Magician Alexey

his mom might die. Very bad dream In fact

The guy's late mother in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Boyfriend's deceased mother. By clicking on the link Interpretation of sleep under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations, written free of charge by the dream interpreters of our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a guy’s deceased mother mean, or what it means to see a guy’s deceased mother in a dream.

New boots in a dream

I ask for help in interpreting a dream. Today I dreamed that my mother and I went into a shoe store. My mother has been gone for 5 years now ((We looked at the shoes, but there was nothing particularly interesting, and then my mother suggested that I look at the boots, like there are discounts on them now, she says: choose which ones you like and I’ll buy them for you. Well, I started choosing. Just like that fit well, silver and black, high, without heels. And my mother suggested that I try on others, she said these silver ones would get wet, they were impractical. I tried on others, and they also fit, they were so comfortable, they seemed to be a light color... In the end I don’t remember which ones we bought, but I woke up with the feeling that I had new boots))

I understand that this is some kind of choice or new way. Now I really need to choose between two job offers, I don’t know which choice will ultimately be the best for me, and in the winter or closer to spring I want to change my place of residence, temporarily with the prospect of moving. And there, too, you need to choose between two roads... And now this dream... And I don’t understand what it should be attributed to

Dead rose search in a dream

I dream about my late dad, I see him as if alive, in his usual state, clothes, in a good mood, sitting at home, on the sofa - his favorite place.

Then I look for a gift for his birthday, supposedly. I want to buy beautiful red roses, I walk along the flower rows, and in the windows there are only withered, wilted, ugly flowers, I am nervous, angry, swearing that the merchants do not have good flowers.

Then I decide to give a bottle of good cognac, I go into the store, look at the bottles in the windows, and I don’t like anything, I don’t see anything worthy or good. And again I'm upset...

Friends in a dream

I dream about how I came to my boyfriend’s friends and I want to talk to them and then my late boyfriend appears and tells me “only me and no one else.” I see my friends humble themselves but they can’t come to me.

The gift of clairvoyance in a dream

From Thursday to Friday in the morning I dreamed of my late grandparents, my relatives: my uncle and aunt (whom I had not seen for 15 years), my mother and father, and Fyodor Bondarchuk the actor. We are in my grandmother’s yard and suddenly I straighten my arms in front of me with my palms up and I begin to rise, as if in weightlessness, very easily to the top. Everyone is surprised. Except for my late grandmother: she said that a gift came to you earlier than it should have.

Then I wanted to get to my feet, but I couldn’t. Grandmother said: put your palms down and stand on your entire foot. I managed. Then grandfather put a deck of cards in front of me like a fan, but instead of cards I saw many small photos that disappeared and new ones appeared, then through the cards I saw a vision. The premises are from the 1930s. Semi-basement residential, two boys aged 5 and 2 are running away from a dog while playing.....

Then I’m again in my grandmother’s yard, trying to test myself if I can fly and I succeed, but at that moment people come into our yard and F. Bondarchuk seemed to cover me. So that no one can see. What do you think this is for? I remember the dream as real as it actually happened.

The anger of the deceased in a dream

I dreamed about my husband who died 5 years ago. Events develop at the farewell ceremony with the body of the late husband in the funeral home. An impressive number of fresh flowers, open coffin Relatives were seated, whose faces were easily recognizable. This whole prelude is permeated with the thought that torments me that I did not buy flowers for the coffin lid. She stepped aside to listen to some suggestions from a man of respectable age (in the dream there was a clear resemblance to a famous artist). Returning and again sitting down by the coffin, I saw that the deceased (husband) had stood up and, gesticulating with displeasure, was saying something to me indignantly. It only dawned on me that he was dissatisfied with something and it seemed precisely because I was negotiating with this man and was inclined to accept his proposals. (To tell the truth, I still can’t shake the feeling that the dead man is warning me about something). Then, in his anger, he eloquently and hopelessly waved his hand in my direction, as if saying *what should I talk to you about* and lay down again.

We lived with my husband happy life, was a smart joker and a good-natured person. All these years I have been living with subconscious communication with him and the belief that even now he is taking part in solving vitally important issues for me. It is not without reason that I strongly believe in the connection between the two worlds. His closest relative also had an unkind and memorable dream about the deceased.

The dead and the guy with whom there was once love, sick in a dream

The details are like this.

At first I see this scene. My mother and I are sitting on the sofa in my late grandmother’s apartment. My dad's mom is sitting next to her, and my mom's mom (i.e., my grandmothers) is sitting next to me, from the realization that they were sitting next to us dead people, which in general, in theory, should no longer exist, it was a bit scary.

Then another scene like this. My mother and I were walking down the street and my father (my late father) was chasing us and trying to drag me away. As a result, I meet him in some tunnel, I say that I love him and try to make him fall behind, and he says that he found some kind of toy dog ​​that grandma was looking for at first, but when she found it, she got confused with the path, according to who I wanted to go to. Then I go to my mother’s work, it was difficult for me to go to her office, because there were a lot of plants in pots, normal ones, by the door. I told her all this.

Then there was this fragment. For some reason I somehow ran into my ex-lover, he was sick and tired, he had a fever, we talked, I hugged and stroked him and asked about his life.

Church in a dream

I dreamed that I was with my late grandmother. Her name was also the same as mine. (she died at 93) came to church (I go there often now).

In reality, there is a guy there who really wants to talk to me, and always looks at me. So in my dream, I stood next to my grandmother, he saw me and looked at me intently. I started to hide behind it so that he wouldn’t see me, and I asked my grandmother if he was looking at me.

And she said yes. Then my grandmother and I drove ahead, from there we could see better. Grandma got up and left and said to me: “don’t move.” I was kneeling there and looking to the left, and he was with right side from me. And I felt that he was looking at me. That's how I woke up.

What does it mean if in a dream the Church is staring at you?

Shirt in a dream

I dream about how my late boyfriend’s mother and her daughter-in-law are sitting at home and he is standing next to them and looking at them with anger and telling them “why did you take my shirt from my Alyonka, you know I don’t feel sorry for anything for her”!

And before that, his mother gave me a shirt and a day later she took it away!

White dog in a dream

I dreamed of my late grandmother, who died not long ago and whom I love very much. In the dream, my grandmother and I were walking a cute little white dog. And suddenly this dog sits down and starts doing something (a lot, a huge pile).

And yet, in a dream I said - look what a fashionista my grandmother is - she was well dressed and looked great. Please analyze my dream!

Analyze the dream: A little white dog in a dream!

Ghosts in dreams

I dreamed that I was in a clearing with two friends, and a hooded ghost was riding quickly past on a bicycle, but it seemed like there was no face, but his eyes and mouth were glowing green. I start swearing heavily at him, screaming at him to get out of here and that I’m not afraid of him!

He drives by, and I go to the house where lived before my late grandmother, we went into the yard, and the door was closed, while I was standing, I opened the locks, but I myself knew that there were also perfumes or something like that there, and again I cursed heavily, I myself am very brave. The friend cries a lot, is afraid, and says that she will not go there.

I reassure her that there is no need to be afraid of them. And I myself shout and threaten that I’ll give them a hard time now! I'll disperse everyone! And I swear a lot. Tell me what this could mean. This is the first time I have dreamed about this.

Many events in a dream One dream continues another

I dreamed that I was in my ex-husband’s house, I saw my father-in-law, who was just waiting for my return.. The ex-husband is silent and walks with his tail.. The father-in-law shows that he has already decided to allocate us a plot of land for the construction of a new house for us, shows me it, a house project.. I’m shocked.. I understand that it’s unrealistic - I have a different life, my ex new family.. My husband tells me that before my father-in-law would have suggested all this, everything would have been fine and there would have been no divorce.. And now.. It seems like everything depends on me... But I can only give birth from him... I have thoughts in my head about his second wife.. I have the feeling that he no longer lives with her, but for some reason I don’t ask the question directly.. I know for sure there is no contact with my husband and there cannot be.. But I see myself pregnant.. I’m giving birth to a girl.. Beautiful , healthy.. I give her a name - Katya.. As if she is from my ex-husband... But I want to raise her myself without him.. He wants to see the baby and I hide him from him on my chest.. I don’t let him out of my hands , as if they will take her away.. I’m going to breastfeed her.. I see my breasts.. How beautiful they are.. Supple with milk and I think about my current man, how he would like these breasts.. I knead my breasts to feed my daughter.. I see droplets milk.. But I don’t find Katya... I’m worriedly looking for her.. A larva crawls out of a mole on my left shoulder, like a leech with only hairs and as if it’s my child and who do I need to feed.. An insect sucks on my breast... I’m in shocked.. How Katya has changed so much.. But I understand and accept that this is my child!!!.. Having fed me, I put her to bed.. I am sure that while taking care of this creature, I will see Katya again...

In the same dream, I move to the house of my aunt, whose husband died a month ago.. My cousin and I are there.. She tells me that the daughters of her late husband, the aunt, want to take away her apartment.. But they still don’t know what the aunt ordered and gave part of the apartment (to my sister).. My sister is worried that my aunt’s husband’s daughters will “devour” her.. I answered, we need to remember first.. And then decide the matter.. Everything is fair in court and everything will be fine.. We won’t leave the aunt without housing. . That we will call her son from Voronezh.., we are preparing the table.. I understand that my sister lied and is doing it out of self-interest.. Slowly taking things from her aunt’s house for herself.. My aunt gave me some thing as a keepsake.. I don’t remember what.. And I also gave him a basket of fruit.. There are a lot of them there.. I am his sweetheart delicious grapes from this basket and something else..

The dream is long with details, color and sensations of taste... Etc.

Wash floors in a dream

Today I dreamed about my late dad, in my dream he was somehow not feeling well, my mom and I came home and he seemed to be feeling better already and brought him a beautiful black suit. And somehow it seemed through the dream that someone might die.

Then I started washing the floors in the apartment. At first, in one room, I lifted the rug and washed everything, then in the second. Then my friend came, we went into the room, and she told me you didn’t wash here. And I understand. I somehow forgot this apartment, I don’t know my way around it and it has 3 rooms and it’s very large.

I say, okay, I’ll wash the floor in this room now. Tell me what this dream is about: Washing floors?

Cat in a dream

I dreamed that I went out into the hallway of the house and saw my late cat (he died a couple of months ago) sitting as before in his usual place on a chair. I picked him up and brought him into the kitchen to my parents, and they started talking about what to do now with two cats (we already got a kitten)!

Why this dream Cat?

Living corpse in a dream

Someone else's wedding of complete strangers to me. There are a lot of people. All this happened outside the city. The main point: after the holiday, everyone decided to swim in the pool. I’m already standing in a swimsuit and see. that all the people in bright colors. Oh, my grandmother, who died during her lifetime, is black and white and is already swimming along the side and calling me.

Grandmother died 5 years ago. We weren’t particularly close to her!

Then we swam with her. WE HUGED RIGHT IN THE POOL AND KISSED..

EVERYTHING, I woke up!

Why do you dream of a Living Corpse in a dream?


Today I dreamed that I had a fight with my late father, after which he asked for forgiveness, and then I.

Please tell me what this is for.

Meanwhile, this dream is very common, which is why almost no one pays attention to it, and completely in vain, because it is very significant. The only exception, perhaps, can be the situation when you see your boyfriend’s mother in a dream only after a conversation or meeting with her, since there is most likely a banal reproduction of previously seen or heard information, and not a prophetic dream at all. The guy’s mother, who suddenly appeared to the sleeping girl’s attention, on the contrary, will conceal a hidden message, which will be deciphered by such nuances as the behavioral manner of all the characters in the night’s plot, as well as the personal feelings experienced by the dreamer from everything that happens in her dream.

Of great importance is the moment how good the relationship is between the sleeping woman and her future mother-in-law in real life, since this factor is also capable of having a certain impact on storyline dreams. In addition, we should not forget that there are a kind of “reversal” dreams, which are recommended to be interpreted exactly the opposite. So, don’t panic if in a dream you see a guy and his mother behaving very badly towards a girl, scolding her in every possible way or even attacking her with their fists, since most often these visions either do not portend anything bad, or, on the contrary , promise warm, strong relationships between these people in their real lives. On the other hand, excessively affectionate and tender treatment from the mother of the future husband in a night vision may indicate that in reality this woman does not neglect pretense, trying to gain the trust of her own son’s chosen one.

What if you dream about a guy's mom?

Whatever the reality, it is recommended to focus on your own feelings from what you see, which often speak much more eloquently than any dream book. Therefore, if the dreamer experienced the kindest and best feelings from the communication with her future mother-in-law that was happening in the dream, then she is unlikely to be in any serious danger. But the situation when in a dream the ex-mother’s mother appeared to the dreamer’s attention, on the contrary, should be regarded as a very alarming sign, regardless of how cheerful or, on the contrary, sad mood the ex-mother-in-law was in. The girl who is currently going through the stage of building a new relationship in her real life should be especially wary if she dreamed about the mother of her ex-boyfriend. In this case, it is more likely to be argued that the stars in such an unusual way are trying to point out to the sleeping woman her previous negative experience, again foreshadowing the collapse of all illusions and aspirations.

Moreover, the vision in which the mother of a former man appears to the sleeping person cheerful and cheerful is considered equally bad, and when she appears before her gloomy and sad. In the first case, the dreamer will most likely expect some kind of family squabbles and showdowns, and in the second, conflicts with the people around her (both acquaintances and complete strangers). In addition, the ex-mother-in-law’s sobs in a dream may indicate that she very much regrets her ex-daughter-in-law and would give a lot for the children to reconcile and live together again. Sometimes visions of this kind are a harbinger of a terrible misfortune that will soon happen or has already happened to the dreamer’s former lover. Scandals with ex-mother-in-law are sometimes evidence that a young woman experiences very strong remorse for breaking up with her significant other, completely blaming herself.

What does the guy's mother portend?

In general, the mother-in-law, according to the interpretations given in the interpreters secret symbols and signs, is a symbol of hidden resentment and some terrible injustice, the victim of which in the very near future will be the sleeping woman. This signal should be taken into account when deciphering what it means to dream about meeting a guy’s mother, especially if this meeting has not yet happened in reality. It is quite possible that a real meeting, on which the dreamer has high hopes, will make her very disappointed, since her new mother-in-law will beat her with cold indifference. If a married lady dreams of such a vision, then it is likely that her house will be visited in the foreseeable future by uninvited guests, with whom she will not be very happy, to put it mildly. Very often, the result of this kind of vision is serious conflicts, and this time they may be caused by uninvited visitors.

The decoding of what the husband’s mother dreams about will be completely different if by that moment she is no longer alive. So, to see her crying bitterly in a dream means getting major material problems in reality. Some dreamers explain this vision as a harbinger of a change in weather, however, this is only appropriate if the sleeper sees some stranger appearing in the form of a deceased person. Burying your husband's mother and seeing how she is resurrected right in the coffin indicates that the memory of the mother-in-law will not give rest to the spouses for a long time and this topic will forever remain a conflict for them. Sometimes the tears of a deceased woman in a dream predict trouble for her son in reality, and this point should also be taken into account. If the dreamer watches how her late mother-in-law came to visit her and reaches out to her in order to embrace her, then this is definitely a bad dream, which is a harbinger of a protracted illness or mortal danger.

There are dreams that are not only a reflection of the surrounding reality, but can also be special. Such dreams are popularly called prophetic, since they are able to warn a person about what he should be wary of in life.

On the other hand, such dreams can predict some joyful event in life. You just need to pay close attention to each such dream, or even better, write down your dreams and then find analogies with the dream in real life. For example, if a girl had a fight or quarrel with a guy, and a few days later she dreams of this guy’s mother, then such a dream foreshadows the improvement of relationships and reconciliation. If in a dream a girl meets a guy’s mother, in reality it can mean the fulfillment of a long-cherished desire.

Why does a guy’s mother dream - if a girl in a dream sees how she is calmly discussing something and talking with her mother, then such a dream promises pleasant worries and troubles and, perhaps, some good news. But if a girl dreams that she is arguing with the guy’s mother about something and is trying to prove something to her, then in real life strained relationships with the young man’s parents and relatives are possible.

And a dream in which a guy’s mother does minor dirty tricks to a girl or in a dream it’s hard for her to see the guy’s mother next to her, in real life a girl should be careful when communicating with the guy’s mother, show restraint and not show outwardly that she doesn’t like something otherwise conflict is inevitable.

A dream about trying to do something good for the guy’s mother, giving her gifts, helping with something, symbolizes that all the girl’s attempts to improve relations with the guy’s mother will not lead to anything good. And relationships can become quite tense and difficult. The same thing can be symbolized by a dream about a girl living in the same apartment with a guy’s mother. But if in a dream you don’t feel any tension when living with your mother in the same living space, then in reality the girl will be able to overcome all the troubles, but this will require a long time, endurance and tact. If in a dream a girl tries to hide or run away from a guy’s mother, then in reality this threatens that the girl is trying to avoid troubles and tries not to pay attention to them, instead of solving them. Also, troubles and problems in real life can be symbolized by a dream about the death of a guy’s mother.

Seeing a guy's mother crying in a dream or hearing her cry may in reality mean that the girl may be worried about something in life, but these problems can be successfully resolved practically and without her participation.

If a girl in a dream sees a guy’s mother in an excellent and joyful mood, such a dream can predict that the guy’s mother will be more important for him when living together with the guy. But she will not interfere in the relationship. But if a girl dreamed that the guy’s mother was in a bad mood, then such a dream could symbolize the girl’s hidden fears when they first met and the fear of how the guy’s mother would perceive his chosen one.

If you see a guy’s mother in a dream exactly the same as she is in reality, then you can’t count on quick changes in your relationship with the guy, everything will go very smoothly, safely and completely calmly.

If a girl in a dream sees a guy’s mother and her cooking something together in the kitchen, helping each other, then such a dream symbolizes a good relationship with her in real life and complete mutual understanding and trust. Everything will turn out well.

If a girl, for some reason, broke up with a guy, and in a dream after that she often dreams of his mother, then this dream may symbolize that the girl still has some feelings for the guy, and she wants to either try to restore the relationship, or occasionally wants communicate with him.

Dream Interpretation Boyfriend's Mom

Why does a guy’s Mom dream about him in a dream according to the dream book?

Seeing a guy’s mother in a dream means everything will be fine in your relationship with your lover. Seeing the mother of a guy you like means you are in awe of your lover’s relatives. Perhaps this is how your upcoming acquaintance with them affects you.

The mother of the beloved guy indicates a successful acquaintance with the parents of the beloved. you produced good impression, expect a marriage proposal.

What actions did you take with your boyfriend's mother?

Why do you dream about meeting a guy’s mother?

Why do you dream about meeting a guy’s mother? The dream suggests that now is a wonderful time for new beginnings, and existing projects can be successfully completed.

I dreamed of a conversation with the guy’s mother

I dreamed of a conversation with the guy’s mother - no best sign, especially if you are quarreling. Such a plot means that you will have to end up in an unpleasant group, in which it will be impossible to feel comfortable.

A guy's mom can serve as both a source of problems (for example, if she opposes your relationship) and your supporter, even defender. Therefore, there cannot be an unambiguous interpretation of a dream; much in this case depends on its details and details.

So, if in this moment you are in a quarrel with a guy, such a dream can serve as a signal that a sincere reconciliation for a long time will soon come. However, when in a dream you disagree with the guy’s mother about something, argue with her, then you can expect that you will soon find yourself in a very unpleasant environment, among scandalous and unsympathetic people.

Dream Interpretation Mom

Mom, Mom is pregnant, Mom is sick, Mom of an ex, Mom beats, Mom is in the hospital, Mom is bleeding, Mom is in wedding dress, Lover's mom, Mom is getting married, Mom got married, Girl's mom, Friend's mom, Groom's mom, Mom's sick, Mom and dad, Beautiful mom, Mom screams, Mom smokes, Lover's mom, Young mom, Husband's mom, Boyfriend's mom, Mom crying, Mom is dead, Mom is drunk, Mom gave birth, Mom gave birth to a girl, Mom gave birth to a boy, Mom gave birth to a child, Mom scolds, Mom swears, Mom has gone crazy, Mom has a quarrel, Mom cuts her hair, Mom has left, Mom has died, Mom is dead, Mom dies, Evil mother, Someone else's mother, Someone else's mother, Mother, Pregnant mother, Beat mother, Sick mother, Ex-boyfriend's mother, Girl's mother, Friend's mother, Groom's mother, Mother and stepmother, Lover's mother, Stepmother's mother, Single mother, Mother boyfriend, Mother is crying, Mother is dead, Mother is drunk, Mother gave birth to a child, Mother with a child, Mother is dead, Mother is dead, Mother is black, Stepmother, Kissing a dead mother, Kissing a mother, Burying a mother, Surrogate mother, Resentment towards mother, Shouting at mother , Nursing mother, Seeing mother naked, Seeing living mother dead, Sick mother, Mother of God, mother of god

If in a dream you dreamed of your Mother or you saw that your Mother is Scolding you, Dream Interpretations claim that now is the time to put things in order in your life and affairs. A mother in a dream is a symbolic image that hints at what problems and questions are troubling you at the moment. So, if the Mother in your dream was covered in Blood or got sick, it means that in reality you cannot avoid troubles and problems. In general, Dream Interpretations believe that one’s own Mother in a dream is a rather favorable sign, but only if she was cheerful and healthy.

I dreamed about my own mother, my mother is healthy, young and beautiful, kissing my mother in a dream or talking to her, I dreamed about my mother and father as they are at the moment - happiness, well-being, a calm family life.

The image of Mom, now alive in reality, is considered one of the bright and positive ones. Mother may appear in your dream as a response to daytime experiences and emotions (you recently communicated with Mom). However, in any case, the dream in which your Mom was cheerful and healthy indicates moral health and the right psycho-emotional attitude - now in reality nothing can overshadow your family life.

I dreamed that my mother was sick or bleeding, my mother was sick and was in the hospital, my mother was sick in a dream- troubles and problems.

The image of the Mother may appear in a dream as a signal of troubles that threaten you in real life. The fact that Mom was sick in a dream warns you against rash actions and rash steps in reality - be careful and careful.

I dreamed that my mother was dying or died, I dreamed that my mother was dead, I saw my living mother dead- fears for the mother.

Burying a mother in a dream, Dreamed that the mother died, The mother died- to the illness or death of the mother.

A dream about your Mother’s illness or death could have appeared to you at that moment in life, when in reality in the recent past you experienced serious worries about your Mother’s well-being. Perhaps the parent had a different kind of problem, which your subconscious outlined as a serious illness. And in more rare cases, dreams of this kind are indeed a prediction - your Mother is threatened with illness and trouble. There is a subtle, Invisible connection between close people and they can pick up signals from the Universe about each other’s problems or illnesses.

I dreamed that my mother was pregnant, Pregnant mother in a dream- jealousy, lack of maternal affection and love.

Analyze what the plot of this dream may be connected with. Perhaps in reality you acutely feel the lack of maternal affection and love (Mom has begun to devote little time to you or rarely pays attention to you). One way or another, the dream indicates that you are very afraid of competition regarding maternal love in real life.

I dreamed that a mother gave birth to a child, a girl or a boy, I dreamed of a mother with a child, a mother gave birth to a child in a dream - to wealth and prosperity; major life changes.

In the traditional interpretation, it is generally accepted that the Birth of a Baby in a dream symbolizes the emergence of a new promising idea or plan in reality. Perhaps dramatic changes will really happen in the life of your family soon, which will ultimately significantly increase your well-being and replenish the family budget.

I dreamed that my mother was getting married in a wedding dress, Mom got married in a dream- jealousy, To a long separation.

In reality, in the near future you will probably face a long separation from your Mom, the fact of which your subconscious has “reborn” into the strange plot of this dream. If your Mother in real life is currently really dating some man (not your Father), the prognosis is different - you are jealous of your Mom and are very afraid of losing her love. For you, Mom’s wedding is an extremely undesirable phenomenon, which you are extremely unacceptable and which, for some reason, really scares you.

I dreamed of an angry mother, Mom scolds, Beats or screams, Mom scolds in a dream- make a mistake; repentance and pangs of conscience.

The image of the Mother in a dream warns you about committing some unseemly acts and steps in reality. Perhaps you have already done something for which you are now experiencing pangs of conscience and repentance. Mom in a dream is another proof for you that a perfect action or deed in reality would be met with condemnation from the Mother.

I dreamed that my mother was crying, my mother was crying in my sleep- to troubles, Quarrel with a loved one.

If in a dream Mom was unwell or cried, this is a very disturbing dream. You are probably really in danger of serious trouble in reality. However, this kind of dream could have appeared at that moment in life, when in reality you had a big quarrel with your Mother. Subconsciously, you understand that you caused Mom suffering and pain - all that remains is to correct the situation in reality.

Dreamed of a deceased mother, Kissing a deceased mother, Deceased mother in a dream- nostalgia, It is necessary to remember the deceased.

The image of the Dead Mother in a dream is iconic. Even if the dream is generated by your own nostalgia and longing for the Dead Mother, it is necessary to remember all the actions and words spoken by the Mother in the dream. Perhaps She wants to convey something to you, warn you about something or convey some information to you. After what you saw in reality, you should remember the deceased, order a funeral prayer service in her honor.

I dreamed that my mother smoked- misunderstanding and alienation with a loved one.

If your Mom smokes in reality, the dream could appear under the impression last days- you shouldn’t look for deep meaning or prophetic prediction in it. If your Mother does not smoke and has never smoked, the Dream gives an alarming forecast - when smoking cigarettes, a light Smoke is formed, which symbolically means a streak of misunderstanding or alienation that has arisen between you in reality.

I dreamed about the mother of my ex, the mother of my ex-boyfriend in a dream- longing for the past; receive news from afar.

The Ex's Mother could appear in your dream after a real meeting with a woman who outwardly very much resembles the Ex's Mother - this provoked such a dream. In general, dreams about the Former are considered to be a manifestation of longing and nostalgia for days gone by. Sometimes such dreams prophesy a meeting with once close and dear people in real life.

I dreamed about the mother of a lover or groom, the mother of a loved one, a husband or boyfriend praising you- to good news; receive a gift.

I dreamed about a friend's mother, a guy's mother, a friend or fiance scolding you- receive bad news; quarrels and conflicts in reality.

You are subconsciously conducting a dialogue with the Mother of your Husband or Boyfriend. Probably, in reality you still have a rather complicated relationship, but the opinion of your Beloved’s Mother is very, very important to you.

I dreamed about the girl’s mother, The girl’s mother in a dream- receive a blessing; otherwise - a lack of maternal affection and love.

At the moment, it is very important for you to know the opinion of your Beloved’s Mother (perhaps She was against your relationship or did not give consent to your marriage). Or, as a child, you were so deprived of maternal love and care that now, as an adult, you find the missing emotions in your relationship with your Girlfriend’s Mom (if your Beloved’s Mother surrounds you with truly maternal warmth and care).

I dreamed about my mother and a quarrel with her, resentment towards my mother, hitting my mother or yelling at my mother in a dream- family discord; loneliness and depression.

The dream is evidence of either a recent conflict and quarrel with your mother in reality, or the origins of the dream are rooted in your long past. There are probably unresolved issues, misunderstandings or conflicts in your relationship with the Mother, which you subconsciously “play out” again and again in your dreams. It is necessary to clarify and resolve the existing misunderstanding in real life.

I dreamed of a drunk mother, Drunk mother in a dream- weakness and helplessness.

If your Mother often drinks in reality, the Dream is provoked by your extreme concern about Mother's alcoholism - the dream only reflects your real concerns and fears. In a symbolic interpretation, this dream makes it clear that your Mother will soon fall under someone’s harmful influence, as a result of which you may lose your Mother ( we're talking about about Mother’s new hobby, Hobby, Business, Work, or about the appearance of some new male admirer in her life).

I dreamed that my mother had gone crazy- misunderstandings and conflict.

Mother's madness in a dream- this is evidence that in reality there is a complete and catastrophic misunderstanding between you. Mom does not want to accept your point of view, and you, in turn, have ceased to understand your Mother.

I dreamed that my mother was cutting her hair- to mother's illness.

In the traditional interpretation, Hair symbolizes vitality. Haircut or Hair Loss in a Dream- an alarming sign that foretells a deterioration in health, weakness or loss of life guidelines.

I dreamed that my mother left- separation; parting with a loved one.

The dream could appear on the eve of the upcoming separation not only from Mom herself, but also from any person who is very dear to you in reality (husband, Brother, Friend, etc.). Having experienced separation from Mom in a dream, you mentally “rehearsed” the situation with a painful separation that awaits you in real life.

I dreamed about someone else's mother (for women)- lack of maternal affection and love.

The image of someone else's Mother in a dream indicates that in reality you sorely lack understanding and sympathy from a woman who, due to her age, could be your Mother.

I dreamed about someone else's mother (for men)- interest in the woman he saw.

Analyze - what emotions does Alien Mother evoke in you? There may be two reasons for the appearance of this dream. Perhaps in childhood (or right now) you were deprived of maternal affection and love, and therefore you are trying to subconsciously compensate for the missing and incomplete feelings. Either the Alien Mother subconsciously attracts you as a woman (sexual object) and arouses interest and physical attraction in you.

Dreamed about mother and stepmother- the struggle of two selves; difficulties in making an important decision; jealousy.

If both Mother and Stepmother are really present in your life, the Dream once again proves that subconsciously you constantly compare them, analyze their actions and behavior. For those who do not have a Stepmother (or Mother) in a dream, the dream gives a different forecast. Mother and Stepmother are two sides, Two aspects of your Self, Which are currently competing and in conflict.

I dreamed about my mother in black- to mourning, to tears.

In the traditional interpretation, Black Color symbolizes sadness, Mourning and tears. However, now the Black Color has become so widespread that it will lose its primary meaning. In order to accurately understand that the dream carries an alarming forecast, it is necessary to analyze in detail what was seen (was the Mother sad or cheerful in the dream, what symbolism was present in the dream).

Dreamed of a nursing mother- to abundance and prosperity.

Traditionally, a Nursing Mother in a dream (whoever this woman is for you in reality) foreshadows only the brightest and most positive changes in life.

I dreamed about a single mother- you will lose support and protection.

Symbolically, the dream indicates that in reality you feel that you have taken on too much of a load, that the overwhelming share of responsibility has been assigned to you (for example, you have been entrusted with some complex project or task).

I dreamed about a surrogate mother- someone's help in implementing a new idea.

Become a surrogate mother in a dream- help someone implement a new project.

Motherhood in a dream symbolically means a willingness to completely devote oneself to some idea, project or idea. Surrogacy is a sign that in reality someone will help you with the implementation of your plans.

I dreamed about the Mother of God, the Mother of God in a dream- receive a blessing; high spirituality.

In all respects a very favorable dream. You're either high spiritual person, Or they received a blessing from above through such a dream.

Seeing your mother naked in a dream (for women)- to material losses.

Seeing your mother naked in a dream (for men)- sexual fantasies.

A Naked Mother in a dream, in the traditional interpretation, portends losses and financial losses for all family members - in the near future, in work and affairs, prefer careful and balanced behavior. However, the Image of a Naked Mother in a dream for men can symbolize secret sexual desires and fantasies. Dreams in which sex with members of your family takes place is not uncommon for absolutely normal people. If you don't focus on such fantasies Special attention, They will go away on their own very soon.

Dream Interpretation Mother, why do you dream about seeing a Mother in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

Seeing a dying mother in a dream - for a man, such a dream means the appearance of new prospects in life on the horizon. It is important not to miss your chance.

In general, a dying mother dreams of worrying about her loved ones; you will have to worry a lot about them, but all this will be in vain, because real reasons there will be no worries.

Dreaming of a deceased mother alive means good events, especially if she is cheerful and talks to you.

Why do you dream about your dead mother being alive? On your way you may meet an extraordinary person who will change your entire destiny.

A living mother in a dream can show you the way; if you hear her advice in a dream, listen to it.

Why do you dream living mother- treat such a dream with concern if your mother died a long time ago, and someone close to you is now sick. This is an unfavorable sign.

Why do you dream that living mother died - to troubles, but they will concern you, not your mother.

A living mother has died and is lying in a coffin in a dream - this is one of its important stages in your life. What this completion will be like and what changes it will bring - negative or positive - is still unknown, but nothing depends on you except drawing conclusions for yourself.

A guy’s mother is a pleasant chore and worry for a girl if she calmly talks to the guy’s mother in a dream.

Why do you dream about a guy’s mother? - quarreling with her means that you will have strained relations with the guy’s relatives. Giving gifts to a guy's mother means that you want to improve your relationship with her, but you just can't do it.

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

To see Mother in a dream - “Mother Earth”, “Motherland”, “mother’s heart”, “checkmate” - a loss in chess, and an abusive mate - “went to such and such a damn mother.”

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

Mother - Seeing your mother in a dream means writing, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

  • Mother - Mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future of your family.
  • If you dreamed of your mother as she is in reality at the moment, it means that you should not expect serious changes in the near future; your family affairs are under control.
  • A dream in which your mother is young and sings a lullaby to you means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the home, while your family needs special attention at the moment.
  • Talking to your mother in a dream means you will soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested.
  • If a woman sees her mother in a dream, it means pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness.
  • Hearing your mother calling you in a dream means that you feel abandoned by everyone or have chosen the wrong path.
  • Seeing a crying mother in a dream is a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, a scandal, or even the breakup of a family. You still have time to prevent or correct all this.
  • If in a dream you quarrel with your mother or she hits you, this means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no guilty parties in this event, everyone will suffer.

Small Velesov dream book Why does Mother dream in a dream:

Why do you dream about a mother - For good, profit, plans will come true // will die soon, warning of danger, worries; to see dead is labor; deceased mother - joy, prosperity, change for the better // you yourself will die, change of housing, loss, misfortune.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream about Mother:

Mother - Seeing marks great prosperity and profit; talking to her is a sign of good news; Living with her portends great happiness and perfect success in business; Seeing your mother dead portends misfortune and loss.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream about Mother in a dream?

According to the dream book, seeing Mother - If you dreamed about your mother, there is a chance that she will soon find out about your secret love meetings with a person whom you have long hidden from your family. For a woman, a dream in which her mother is present promises quick bliss and great pleasure from intimacy with her loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does Mother mean?

Why do you dream about a mother - Premonition, country; luck and recognition.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

Mother - If your mother is alive, she misses you. If the mother is dead, you will suffer for your children.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Mother is a fateful force. For a man, based on appearance and behavior, this is a responsible period of life, aspirations, and achievements. For a woman - responsibilities, reproaches, warnings, premonitions. Young, beautiful - a happy event; successful marriage(for woman). Sex with mother - knowledge of demonic secrets black magic, too high aspirations.

Big dream book Why do you dream about Mother:

Seeing a mother in a dream is a premonition; deceased - illness; a patient is a nuisance.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Mother according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Mother in a dream - Symbolizes wisdom, feminine essence, a sense of compassion. The image of a healthy mother promises you help and protection. If your mother is in difficulty in a dream, it means you will have difficulties in life.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Mother in a dream:

Mother - Seeing your mother appearing in the house in a dream foretells encouraging results in any business. Conversing with her in a dream means that you will soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested. If a woman sees her mother in a dream, it means pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness. Seeing someone's mother sick or dead portends sadness. Hearing in a dream that your mother is calling you means that you are abandoned by everyone and that you have chosen the wrong direction in your affairs. Hearing her cry in a dream is a sign of her illness or misfortune that threatens you.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see a mother in a dream - Dreams about a mother, depending on the nature of the relationship between you, can vary greatly in their meaning. At a certain stage of your development, did you perceive your mother as the all-knowing embodiment of love? Did your relationship with your mother include elements of a struggle for POWER, were there any cases of inappropriate intrusion on her part into your personal life? Have you lost contact with your mother (through DEATH or at will), as a result of which a number of problems remained unresolved? The answers to these questions will allow you to decipher the meanings of the many images that are present next to your mother in the plot of the dream.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about Mother:

  • Why do you dream about a mother? A mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future for your family.
  • If you dreamed of your mother as she currently is in reality, it means that you do not expect serious changes in the near future; your family affairs are under control.
  • Seeing a crying mother in a dream is a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, scandal or even family breakdown, but since you received a warning, you have time to prevent and correct all this.
  • If in a dream you quarrel with your mother or she hits you, then this means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no one to blame for this event, everyone will be victims.
  • A dream in which your mother is young and sings you a lullaby means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the family, while she needs you. constant attention. Don't miss the moment - now you can still maintain warm and trusting relationships with your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Mother in a Dream

Why do you dream about a mother - Seeing or talking - they will reveal their intentions to you; to see the deceased - long life; dying - sadness and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Mother in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream of Mother? Why do you dream - Alive - worries - dead - long life; work and well-being

Vedic dream book Dream book: Seeing mother in a dream

Why do you dream about a mother - If in a dream you are talking to your mother, then this dream predicts your future prosperity. If you dreamed that you lost your mother, then this speaks of her illness.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing mother in a dream

Why do you dream about Mother (alive) – Worries

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about Mother?

As the dream book interprets: Seeing a mother in a dream means well-being.

Intelligent dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book?

Why see Mother in a dream - Prosperity; deceased - illness; sick - a nuisance.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

Mother (mother) - To see your mother, who has already died, in a dream - you need to remember her.

Ex-boyfriend's parents dream

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend's parents.

I don’t remember specifically, but they did something for me. It was somewhere in the country. They shared something saying take take... My ex-boyfriend was there too, he surprised me with flowers and gave me a car...

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's parents in a dream? Thanks in advance for your interpretation.

Meeting the guy's mom

Dream Interpretation - A guy dreams of a blooming garden

Dream Interpretation - Meet, acquaintance, acquaintance

Getting to know someone you already know: means that you will soon get to know this person from a new side.

This will be a complete discovery for you, because you did not even suspect that a person has such traits, although it is quite difficult to deceive or mislead you.

Meeting a celebrity: means that in reality you are often seized by the desire to meet an artist or musician, but this desire is not destined to come true.

Meet a person of the opposite sex: it’s time for you to do this in reality, and the sooner the better.

Your dream indicates that you are still living without your “soul mate”, a chance to meet good man great in the first week after the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk, crying deceased mother of a guy

There is a person in your environment who behaves very strangely, inappropriately, and you learn some news about him.

Dream Interpretation - Meeting Parents

You and your parents will have some misunderstandings about the young man, but in the end, you will live with him, not him... Together you will overcome any obstacles in your way, including some kind of disapproval from your parents... These are just minor ones disagreements... And by the way, the dream is possibly direct - if you have not yet introduced your boyfriend to your parents, then the meeting will take place in the near future...

Dream Interpretation - Mom and girlfriend

Perhaps you or your friend will get into serious trouble life situation. Such a nuisance will unite you and at the same time have an adverse effect on your friend’s health.

Dream Interpretation - Mom

The dream reflects accumulated disappointments and grievances. The brain is freed from unnecessary garbage. Stop thinking about what you dreamed about, otherwise it will go back into your subconscious. It is best to work on forgiving everyone and everything, including yourself. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Mom of an ex-girlfriend

A dream is a hint that it’s time to finally meet.. A postcard - perhaps some news will come from a friend and she herself will be the first to contact you

Dream Interpretation - Mom of an ex-girlfriend

You dream of a postcard for a nice gift in real life, since the entire narrative of the dream is with people with whom you are not communicating now for some reason, then you will receive a gift from a person from your past, from whom you do not even expect it at all

Dream Interpretation - Mom and a severed leg

Your dream suggests that events in the family will also require renewal and some sacrifices. Attention should be paid to protecting property. Willpower and energy, combined with endurance and perseverance, help resolve many family and personal problems.

Dream Interpretation - Mom had a strange dream about me

It is possible that you need to remember this deceased relative, and not only her. Maybe the soul of this deceased relative is now you. Maybe this relative is watching over you and protecting and caring for you. You decide. Are you OK!

Guy's dick in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Guy's dick. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of a Guy’s Dick mean, or what it means to see a Guy’s Dick in a dream.

Girl dick in a dream

I dreamed that my boyfriend’s penis turned out to be me (a girl), and I was putting condoms (2 pieces) on it.

What could this mean?

Penis in a dream

I'm a girl. And I dreamed that I had a huge penis! Here I am sitting in my room, suddenly I look - I have gigantic size an erect penis grew out of nowhere.

I’m sitting and thinking, what should I do with him now, with him so big?? I can’t even put it on anyone :) and for some reason the house is full of people, someone is coming to my room.

Well, I somehow hid this huge penis under my T-shirt. That's all.

I'm a girl with a dick in my sleep

Hello. I had a nasty dream. I feel like a girl, I’m just 100% sure that I’m a girl. But at the same time, when I lower my eyes, I see that I have a male physique and a penis has appeared.

I have an erection. Sits in front of me best friend with her legs already spread and she's on her period. I didn’t feel any excitement, there was only disgust.

In real life, this friend and I live together. I love her, but only as a friend. I’m straight, I don’t have a boyfriend, and at that time I was on my period.

Visiting an ex-boyfriend in a dream

I dreamed that I was visiting my ex-boyfriend, my companion was an unfamiliar young woman. There are many other guests in the house, but the same woman is in contact with me, no one else shows interest in me.

Suddenly I saw my ex-boyfriend and realized that I was visiting him, we looked at each other in silence, then he smiled and left, I am very excited and hope that he will come up to me again and at least talk to me, in fact I expected warmth.

I begin to feel like a stranger in this house and am about to leave, looking for shoes, I found one boot, but not the other, I start walking around the house looking for it and finally find it. And oh trouble! Someone put some papers in my boot, that is, garbage, but the papers were clean.

I am also offended by this reception. I leave and am accompanied by the same woman who was visiting with me there. We are walking along the road, she told me a story about how she and my boyfriend fell asleep, I didn’t hear anything else, although she continued to talk because she was fixated on jealousy, even though we broke up.

Suddenly I saw my former cat, he was white, but in the dream he was somehow dirty, thin and sickly. I was happy and took him in my arms.

My boyfriend's dead mother in a dream

At the beginning of my relationship with my boyfriend, I dreamed of his dead mother. In the dream, everything was flooded with light, she came up to me and seemed to hold out my boyfriend in her arms, he was a child in the dream, but I didn’t see him, I just felt him... She smiled at me and said: “Take care of him.”

The next day I described her to my boyfriend (I had never seen her), everything coincided!

We dated for 2 years, and I have the following dream.

In a dream, I suddenly became pregnant! My belly grew in literally a week and I gave birth to a boy, who also grew very quickly into an adult, in about 3 days!

After this dream, my boyfriend’s behavior changed for the worse without any reason!

A week later, on the night from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that my boyfriend had died.

What do these dreams mean?

I can say for sure that they are all connected with him and are dreamed of in those moments when something is not going well for us.

Separation from a guy, why would it be in a dream?

I dreamed that some guys beat me, and my boyfriend stood and watched.

Then I went to my mother’s work and saw there unknown guy, which I liked, and he liked me.

I also dreamed that I had some kind of black worm in my left eye.

And I also ate scrambled eggs and sausage (I never eat that in my life)

Then my mother bought me some cheap boots, but they were very shaky and I was indignant.

I dreamed about all this on the eve of 6 months since my boyfriend and I were together.

Please help me understand what all this means.

My boyfriend's deceased mother in a dream

Today I dreamed about my boyfriend's deceased mother, whom I didn't know personally! I dreamed that she walked into the room with my boyfriend’s (living) brother and started asking me how old I was, etc. And then she looked straight into my eyes and her eyes were clear blue color! Here I look out the window, and there are 2 shops nearby, one has wedding dresses, and the second has 2 coffins in the window!

It’s very interesting what it could mean if I dreamed about my boyfriend’s deceased mother?!

Boyfriend's girlfriend and a call in a dream

Today I dreamed that I was at the school where I studied (at school there was love with a guy, although we didn’t meet. I still love him. In this dream we were talking about his current girlfriend and him. His girlfriend doesn’t know me)

I, his girlfriend and many other people are at school. This girl has a separate large office with leather furniture, more like an office (she rented it as a hotel room). She is wearing blue jeans and a blue sweater. She has blue shadows and black hair that doesn't reach her shoulders (the hair is actually long), and dark hairs above her upper lip (like a woman's mustache). She annoys me and I want to do something nasty to her. I find out that she received some kind of package from a magic store. And I volunteer to give it to her. I unfold it and see 2 boxes - one contains shaped candles ( different colors) and the second is eggs. Regular chicken yellow eggs. I decided to break some eggs. And she broke two. I also received a package of sedatives from this store (as a gift, I did not order it). I brought her her package. She didn’t notice anything, greeted me friendly, asked my name. I wanted to say Masha, but then I said my real name. She really wanted to communicate with me. I went into her office, which looked like an office; she was painting her eyelashes with expensive mascara. To tease me, I asked (I’m conveying everything verbatim, I remembered everything) - Do you even have voluminous eyelashes? She answers no. And he looks at me, really sparsely. Then we sit in class, it’s like, she’s in front of me, her jeans are unbuttoned and put on backwards.. And her legs are tucked up (that is, not down). Then after class we all sit in her office, and my mother is also somewhere there - I’m sitting on the table. Suddenly someone pushes me (one of my friends) and says, look, she’s calling the guy. And I see her. She leaves the classroom with a large white pipe to talk to him.

And then he comes back and gives the phone to me. (The following is verbatim) I say Hello. This guy's voice is Hello Christine. I say, hello, who is this? -This is Oleg. I say, hi Oleg, how are you? (and I feel like I can’t hear him well, his voice is weak, quiet, I leave the audience, but it doesn’t change anything). He is silent. I repeat: Oleg, how are you, how are you studying? He is silent. Then he asks, Kristin, when will you go to Lydia Fedorovna? (this is my grandmother, she lives in another city and he doesn’t know about her) I say, I don’t know... Probably on some Sunday, I say, on Saturday I work until 4. So on Sunday, there and back.

Three guys in a dream

In real life, I like 3 guys - I’m talking to 2 of them now, I haven’t seen one for a long time (2 years). So, today I dreamed that I found out that something I had not seen for a long time and one of those with whom I am now communicating was shot (I did not see this). Only 1 survived. And I thought that I should go to church to light candles for the repose of those two. And I clearly saw the name of a guy whom I had not seen for a long time on a piece of paper (for the rest)

Guy's parents in a dream

And I dreamed that I was in the house of a guy I knew. In reality I was not there. The house was one room. I sat on his parents' bed. The guy's mother stood behind me. I turned around from time to time, and she said something. It seems that she was unhappy and outraged. Also right behind me was the bed of my friend. I also heard his dad's voice. His tone was calmer than his mother's. For a split second I saw his face. Why did I dream this? What does it mean?

The dream is as if the guy I like has a girlfriend

Today I had a dream (from Fri to Saturday), as if I was walking in the park, my friends were there too. Good weather and mood. Then a guy I like appears. I am very happy about this, and I walk next to him, we talk, joke... I become bolder and take him by the arm, as if I were my boyfriend. One girl notices this (for some reason, one of my old classmates, whom I never talked to but saw in class) (they don’t know each other in real life). She is next to me, chooses a convenient moment and tells me: “There’s no point in looking at other people’s guys.” Then the whole crowd approaches the bridge over the stream, I let her go ahead, she goes onto the bridge, becomes doggy style and shows her butt - it’s all like a joke. This guy wants to climb the bridge, but I put my hand on the handrail, blocking his way. He understands what this means and is upset.. He says sadly: “I can’t...”. Then I seriously tell him: “I love you, let’s be together.” He, as if facing a choice, after thinking, exhaustedly answers: “... I don’t even know...” then I, realizing that he is ashamed that he has a girlfriend and he started a relationship with me, I answer: “just tell me... If necessary, I’ll wait.” And I wake up.

Basically, that's all I've been thinking about for the last week and a half. Maybe that’s why I saw it in a dream. It seems he doesn’t have a girlfriend, but he said he would come, but he didn’t, tel. Was turned off for a while. 3 days (I don’t want to call him so as not to bother him). I want to be with him, find out if he wants a permanent relationship. Only I’m shy... And I want him to speak first, I’m afraid that he won’t speak. We have a wonderful relationship... I told him on the phone. That I miss him, he said: now we will see each other more often... He promised me to come, I was waiting for him and did not wait. Maybe he’s ashamed that he got drunk at a party with friends and didn’t come, but a week has passed and I don’t know what to do. On the 1st hand, I don’t want to impose myself, on the 2nd, maybe I should call him first because he might be shy? What do i do? And does this dream mean that he has a girlfriend? Hard to tell. Plizzz... Advise me what to do.

Ex-boyfriends in dreams

We stand with best friend at the crossroads, waiting for my ex, chatting. Then he appears, we start arguing about where to go and suddenly we go into the entrance of the house next to which we were standing. We go up to the 6th floor and ring the doorbell. And from there comes another of my ex-MCH (we broke up with him 2 years ago)... I was surprised at how fat he got (he got a big beer belly). We stood there, chatted, said goodbye to him... I pressed the elevator button, we entered and I pressed the 1st, formerly the 3rd. The doors were almost closed, but then 4 musicians run in, press number 10 and we all go upstairs.

Lately I’ve often been dreaming about my ex-boyfriend (I’m already tired of it). And then there are two at once. I myself decided to break up with both of them, but with the last one everything was difficult, sheer disappointments and he didn’t want to let me go for a long time. I start to miss him after every dream.

Why do I keep having ex-boyfriends in my dreams?

I've been running away from guys in my sleep for 2 nights in a row.

I had my first dream on Christmas night and before going to bed I conspired with Samson for a prophetic dream (whatever I dream will come true). I had a lot of dreams that night, but I remember one of them very much, since I had the same plot the next night. It’s as if I’m running away from some guy, running very fast, and someone keeps telling him where I am. The next night I dreamed that I was trying on dresses in some store and I really liked one thing - a white cocktail dress. I went out and showed it off to my friends. When I was in the locker room again, 2 guys in the next booth started peeking at me. And then I remember how I ran from them, through some kind of market, then a straight narrow sidewalk. She also ran very fast. Moreover, I didn’t feel any fatigue.

There was an intoxicating feeling of danger and perhaps even pleasure from the chase itself and the fact that I finally ran away from them.

Meeting with ex-boyfriend's father Heart-to-heart conversation in a dream

We were walking with our friends and suddenly we found ourselves in my ex-boyfriend’s apartment, as if he had forcibly brought me there, but then he was no longer in the apartment, as if we had come there ourselves. I knew that his dad was coming for lunch soon, I was very afraid that he would see me, it was not clear what I was doing here and how I got there. He came, I was alone in the room, he went into the bathroom and saw me, he was very unhappy and did not want to talk to me (we have a very good relationship in life). He asked what I was doing here, I said I don’t know how I got here. I saw that he somehow thought badly of me, suddenly he began to put on his shoes, I went into the corridor, sat on my knees, my friend was sitting on a chair next to me. I realized that he thought that it was I who had acted badly, that because of me we broke up. I started telling: “Yes, I know that it’s my fault too, that it’s also my fault, but I didn’t want to part with him, he left me on his own, he chose someone else. And when we made up and got together for the second time, then I had to break up again. Because he began to treat me badly, as if I were some kind of thing. I was very worried about this. "I began to cry, and so did he, he hugged me and began to calm me down, began to apologize. My friend was crying too. Then she went downstairs, we were left alone, he said that he would eat now and take me home, I said that there was no need, but he insisted. Then I started walking around their apartment, remembering that I used to visit them often, and said that Nikita (that’s the name of the ex-boyfriend) has photographs of me, they are probably lying somewhere, or maybe he threw them out. My father ate and began to get ready, and I went to wash the dishes, and then Nikita appeared and said that why shouldn’t I fall in love with someone, I began to scream and say that I don’t care about them. I never saw his mother, although I really wanted to. Then I got dressed, he wanted to take me, I went downstairs and began to wait for him, but he never came down, I lost him and went on foot, looked for his car, there was some kind of supermarket at the entrance, I left the house and went looking car, I met a guy who wanted to meet me, asked my address and left.

A dream about a guy who dreams and dreams

In a dream, I dreamed that I was sitting at school and this guy came to me and started openly pestering me, but I brushed him off, although I love him very much, all this is strange and funny, then it’s as if the second part of my dream is happening, as if I I see this guy at home and we are together with him, my parents are also present in the dream, there is a dialogue between us, as if I were introducing the guy to my parents. What does this dream mean?