"How many players are there in a football team?" - this is a very simple question. But it is worth noting that many people who do not understand this sport are often mistaken and do not know this.

Football and its “components”

So, eleven athletes from the starting lineup, as well as a reserve, is how many players are on the football team. Of course, each of them takes his own position. Everyone has their own role. The main positions are forward, defender and midfielder. And, of course, the goalkeeper. The composition of a football team always looks like this. But this is if we talk about the classic form of this sport. How many players play on one field in football? If there are 11 people playing on one team, then, accordingly, the match is played by 22 athletes in total. Ten from each team lead active game on the field, and one football player stands at the goal. But this is only a primitive consideration of such a deep game as football. So we should take a closer look at the positions and their significance, which is certainly great.


Perhaps, when talking about how many players are on a football team, the first thing we should mention is the striker. This is the attacking player who is closest to his opponent's goal. His main goal is to score a goal. This position also has other names: “forward”, “scorer” or “striker” (but the latter is used less often). The center forward is concerned with only one thing - sending the ball into the opponent's goal. Many forwards are in the penalty area or close to it. The striker is constantly looking for an opportunity to take the ball and score it. For him, high speed is not so important as the ability to appear at the right time in the right place. And, of course, a high-precision strike. But there is another type of forward - these are powerful athletes with high physical fitness who play excellently with their heads and know how to cover the ball in time. Other attackers are distinguished by incredible technique, amazing the audience with their dribbling and deceiving the opponent with it. With their deceptive movements, they are able to get as close as possible to the goal and score the ball into it.


Wing, free, central - a defender can occupy several positions. But his task is to defend. He operates between the midfielder and the goalkeeper, mainly in his own half of the field, near the penalty area. the main objective defender - to prevent the attacker of the other team from scoring a goal or getting close to the goal. The main position is central. Such a defender plays near the middle of the field, where there are often two players who are located between the penalty area and the center itself. This is an extremely important area and defensive strategies must be followed. Central defenders are often tall and well-built athletes who are excellent heading players. It is very important that this position be given to a competent player who not only makes good passes, but can also see the entire field. An immediate reaction is needed here.


Speaking about how many players in a football team act on the field, it should be noted special attention such a position as a midfielder. Perhaps we can call it the most popular. In many teams (for example, in the well-known “Bavaria”, Munich) three, four, or even more midfielders appear on the field in matches. It should be noted that the number that is used to calculate how many players in a football team occupy the position of midfielder is quite large. They operate between attack and defense. The main task is to help defensive and attacking players. There is a central midfielder, a holding midfielder, a playmaker, an attacking midfielder, a winger and a “penalty-to-penalty” player. So, the first one listed is the mainstay of the team. He creates scoring chances. This requires the art of passing, a powerful accurate shot and dribbling.


Regardless of how many players a team may have, the most important position remains the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is the one who determines how many goals the team will “save.” This requires extreme attentiveness and instant reaction. The goalkeeper must be in constant tension, since in most cases the number of goals conceded depends on him. In addition, he must have a powerful blow. After all, the goalkeeper’s task is not just to hit the ball or catch it. You also need to submit it back. And of course, he must be able to score. There are many cases in the history of football when a goalkeeper scored a penalty against a goalkeeper from the opposing team. Just remember how one of the greatest goalkeepers in the world, Manuel Neuer, scored an excellent penalty with a precise shot against Petr Cech.


English dictionary for football fans ‹ Inglex

All over the world, football is one of the most popular hobbies. Today you will learn the names of players, types of kicks and other football terms in English. Don't pass by if you want to know what offside is and why it's not your face that's involved in a cheek pass :-)

First half: names of football players and parts of the stadium in English

If you are a football fan and learning English, do not miss the opportunity to combine business with pleasure - watch matches of your favorite teams in English. So that you do not get confused in the terminology, in this article we will provide dictionaries that will help you correctly understand the commentator and understand all the intricacies of the maneuvers of football players. By the way, when searching for thematic videos or articles on the Internet, do not forget that in the USA and Canada ordinary football is called soccer, and the word football is more often used to refer to American football.

Let's first figure out who is who in football. Let's consider the composition of an ordinary football team (a team).

Word/Phrase Translation
a first team main cast
a captain/skipper captain of the football team
a center forward center forward whose job is to score goals
a winger flank (outer) striker
an attacker / a forward striker, forward - an attacking player who must score goals; in some cases it is also called a striker (to strike - to beat) - a striker who punches goals
a prolific goal scorer a player who successfully scores goals in many games
a defender defender - a player who prevents the opposing team's attackers from scoring goals
a midfielder/halfback (a little outdated) midfielder, midfielder, midfielder who defends the goal from enemy attacks
a center back central defender, center back, he plays near the center of the field
a fullback a defender who is close to his team's goal and protects it from attacks
a goalkeeper/goalie goalkeeper, goalkeeper
a substitute player (to substitute) substitute player (change players, make a substitution)

Interesting fact: a center forward who barely leaves the opponent's penalty area is sometimes called a fox in the box. As a rule, such forwards are traditionally given the number 9.

There is also a player called the “false 9”. He plays in a caged fox position but doesn't score goals. His task is to lead defenders away from the goal during an attack so that another forward can break through to the goal and score a goal.

Now let's look at the layout of the players on the field to better understand the material.

Now let's take a little break from terminology and watch a simple and very funny video about the types of football players.

Who else is present at the stadium during a football match? It is watched by numerous spectators. The game must be monitored by a referee, as well as two assistant referees. By the way, they were previously called a linesman - a line referee. In addition, there is also a reserve fourth official at the stadium. And, of course, each team has its own mascot, which is called a mascot.

Now let's learn what the different parts of the stadium and equipment are called in English. Agree, during a match it is important to understand whether the ball hit the post or the goal.

Word/Phrase Translation
a dugout bench
a goal goal/goal
a goal line goal line
a goalmouth / a six-yard box (6 yard box) "patch" in front of the goal, goalkeeper's area, goal area
a goalpost goal post/bar
a halfway line center line
a home end home sector of the stand
a home ground home field - the one where the team usually practices
a net goal net
a penalty box/area penalty area
a pitch football field
a pitch tunnel player exit tunnel
a score check
a scoreboard scoreboard displaying the score
a stand podium where spectators sit
a terrace standing podium
a touchline soccer field sideline
an away end guest section of the podium
an open goal empty goal (usually this is said when the goalkeeper moved away from the goal and a goal was scored in it)

Well, now let's decide how to correctly name the type of competition, because football players can play a friendly match on their own field, or they can fight for the world cup.

Word/Phrase Translation
a cup tie cup match, cup match
a cup cup
a derby competition between teams of the same city or region
a friendly (game) friendly match
a group stage group tournament
a qualifier qualifying match
a quarter-final quarterfinals
a semifinal semi-final
an away game away game, away match
a home game home game, home match

How does the match start? That's right, with a coin toss and the kick off, and it ends with a final whistle. Between these two milestones, the team plays the first and second half, between which they have about a 15-minute break (half-time). If at the end of the match the teams have an equal score, they are given extra time. There is also a special type of additional time called injury time - compensation for time spent helping injured players. If the game ends on time without additional time, then this situation is called full time.

Second half: maneuvers of football players, types of strikes and violations in football

And now the most interesting thing - we find out what they are called different kinds kicks in football and what maneuvers players make during a match.

Word/Phrase Translation
a backheel heel strike
a clinical finish a very accurate shot on goal that results in a clear goal
a clinical finisher player who scores clear goals
a corner kick corner kick (from one of the corners of the field)
a cross (to cross) cross, cross - high pass through the air from the flank to the center of the field (cross)
a dribbling (to dribble) dribbling, dribbling - the maneuver is to move the ball past opponents at high speed and not lose it (dribble)
an equalizer goal that equalizes the score between teams, return goal
a free kick free kick
a ghost goal phantom goal (term used when it is not certain whether the ball has crossed the goal line)
a goal clearance swipe from the goal, when a player clears the ball from the goal line to prevent the opponents from scoring a goal
a hat trick three goals scored in one match by one player
a header header, also called a football player who likes to head the ball
a nutmeg (to nutmeg) a football player's trick in which he throws the ball between his opponent's legs and picks it up on the other side
a one-touch shot one-touch hitting the ball occurs when players pass the ball quickly with one hit
a pass (to pass) pass (pass the ball to someone, pass)
a penalty kick / a spot kick penalty, penalty kick
a penalty shoot-out (shootout) penalty shootout, it is awarded if at the end of the match the teams have the same score
a punch (to punch) knocking the ball out with your fists, this is done by the goalkeeper so that the ball does not go into the goal (knock the ball out with your fists)
a slide tackle tackle - a technique used by defenders to take the ball away from opposing attackers
a scissor kick / a bicycle kick scissor kick, in which the player throws the ball over himself
an own goal own goal
half volley a half-volley shot taken by the player immediately after the ball has touched the ground and bounced off it
keepy-uppy chasing the ball, a football player prevents the ball from falling to the ground by hitting it with his foot, head, shoulder, etc.
toe punt toe kick
volley volley, that is, the player hits the ball before it touches the ground
to concede a goal miss a goal
to curl the ball spin the ball
to head (the ball) hit (the ball) with your head
to mark a player “lead” an opposing player in order to take the ball away from him
to save (a ball) catch the ball - the goalkeeper catches the ball and “saves” the team from a goal
to score a goal goal
to sell a dummy feint to confuse an opponent
to shoot “to punch”, to hit the ball in order to get into the goal
to side-foot hit with the cheek (inner side of the foot)
to tackle try to take the ball from your opponents
to throw in throw in the ball - bring it into play after it has been out of bounds

You've already figured out what players can do on the field, but we'd like to introduce you to a few more useful expressions to help describe the game or its outcome.

Word/Phrase Translation
a dead ball standard position, a situation in which the ball is stationary, for example, during a free kick, corner kick
a fixture a game scheduled in advance on the calendar
a relegation transfer of an unsuccessful team to a lower league
a wall / a defensive wall “wall” - formation of players during a penalty kick
an offside offside, offside position (at the moment when the attacker receives a pass from another player of his team, at least 2 players from the other team must be between the recipient of the ball and the opponent’s goal; if this rule is violated, an offside position is declared)
an underdog this is the name given to a team that, in the opinion of the audience, will lose, that is, it is a weaker team, a loser
the lead advantage, advantage in score
to boo boo (disgruntled fans do this)
to keep possession control the ball most of the time, play well (as they say about a team)
to kick off start the game (by kicking the ball into play in the center of the field) The game kicks off at 8.30. - The game started at 8:30.
to knock out defeat the opposing team, with defeated players eliminated from the tournament
to qualify for the final / World Cup reach the final/qualify for the World Championship
to suffer a defeat fail

During games, fans use a rattle to make loud noises in support of their team. There is a feeling of emotion in the stands (fever pitch), and fans loudly shout a football chant (a football chant) to encourage their team. Do you want to listen to the chants of fans of different teams around the world? Then go to fanchants.com, choose any team, read the text of the chants and listen to them. This will be a kind of listening practice in English.

Fans' emotions run high when one of the players commits a foul. In the table we have given the names of the main violations in football in English.

Word/Phrase Translation
a foul:
  • to commit a foul;
  • foul play;
  • disqualifying foul.
foul - violation of the rules of the game:
  • commit a foul;
  • break the rules, foul play;
  • removal until the end of the game.
a dangerous play dangerous game
a red card a red card shown to a player who has committed a serious offense, it indicates that the player must leave the field of play
a suspension disqualification
a yellow card / a booking / caution yellow card, it is given to a player as a warning for an offense
an early bath receiving a red card: when sent off the field, a player may be sent to an “early shower”, that is, released earlier than other players
an obstruction intentional blocking, covering the ball with the body
diving a violation in which a player pretends to fall from being tripped or pushed when he actually did not
foul throw incorrect release of the ball onto the field (for example, a player may step over the line)
handball handball, violation
pushing pushing a player to win the ball
time wasting deliberate delaying of time by the player (slowly getting up after falling, etc.)
tripping step
unsporting behavior unsportsmanlike conduct

Extra time: interesting expressions from the football players' dictionary

Football players and their fans, of course, have their own slang and interesting expressions, which are often used by commentators. Let's look at popular "football" phrases in English to understand the course of the game.

  1. Man on! - Behind! This is what football players usually shout at a player on their team when they see that an opponent is approaching him and is about to take the ball away.
  2. To draw = to tie the game = to end in a tie - end in a draw, play in a draw. This is how they describe a game that ends with a tied score. There is also an expression to tie the score, meaning “to even the score.”
  3. To have a sweet left/right foot - this is what they say about a player who plays well and scores goals with his left/right foot.
  4. To pull off a great/amazing save - the expression is used when the goalkeeper miraculously manages to catch the ball flying into the goal. Fans can simply shout What a save! (Excellent shot deflection!)
  5. To put eleven men behind the ball - to defend with the whole team. A situation in which players (usually the weaker team) do not attack, but only repel the enemy's attacks.
  6. To put it in the back of the net - score a goal, send the ball straight into the goal. Fans often shout: Back of the net! (Right to the gate!)
  7. We were robbed! - fans shout this phrase if the game was unfair.
  8. To hit the woodwork - hit the bar.
  9. The team got stuck in - the team led from the very beginning. This is how they characterize a team that shows a high level of play from the very first minutes.
  10. To run the defense ragged - bypass the defenders, smash the defenders to smithereens. This expression is used to describe a striker who has passed all the defenders and scored a goal.
  11. He has got a lot of pace - it is very fast.
  12. The goalkeeper made a howler - the goalkeeper made a mistake. This expression is used when the goalkeeper makes a mistake in a very simple situation, makes a blunder that costs the team a point.
  13. Good time to score - good time for a goal. It is believed that this is the “magic” time - between 40 and 45 minutes of the first half.
  14. To send the ball into row Z - send the ball to the other end of the field. This is what they say about a player who was aiming at the goal, but sent the ball too high and far from it (the last rows in the stadium are designated by the letter Z).
  15. They are dangerous on the counter-attack - they are dangerous in a counterattack. This phrase describes a team that masterfully transitions from defense to offense.
  16. Send the keeper the wrong way - send the goalkeeper the wrong way. This phrase is often said during a penalty kick in the case when a football player makes the goalkeeper think that he will shoot into one corner of the goal, but he himself shoots into the other.
  17. They are strong in the air - they are strong in the air. This is what they say about a team whose players head the ball very well.
  18. The goalkeeper is quick off his line - the goalkeeper acts quickly. The phrase describes a goalkeeper who easily guesses where the ball will fly and quickly catches it.
  19. The goalkeeper keeps a clean sheet - the goalkeeper did not miss a single ball.
  20. A long-ball game - a game with long passes. Usually a rather boring and unspectacular game.

Are you surprised by the amount of material about football in English? Of course, it’s not so easy to remember everything the first time, but don’t worry: if you regularly watch thematic videos and read articles about this popular sport, the words will easily be remembered. And to make this happen faster, take advantage of the special project of the famous British Council about football premierskillsenglish.britishcouncil.org. There you will find a football player's picture dictionary, short videos with thematic phrases, podcasts, texts and even games.

Now try our football vocabulary test.

Vocabulary knowledge test on the topic “Brief English dictionary football fan"

Well, if you want to quickly learn to understand commentators and watch interviews with English-speaking players, we invite you to an English course via Skype. Improve your knowledge with ours experienced teachers.

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Football roles, positions in football: defense, midfield, attack

High-quality placement of athletes in playing positions brings maximum results to matches due to the full disclosure of their advantages. Find the best place knowledge about the types of roles in football will help on the court. Forward, defender and goalkeeper are not all the concepts. Behind each of them lies a more precise division and specific skills, which not only the coach who regulates the tactics of the game, but also everyone who enters the field should know. There are 11 football roles in total, 10 of which are considered field players and a goalkeeper. In football, the goalkeeper is a permanent role, but the others must also have some versatility to change positions in football at the right time. You can read more about the principles of football in our article.

Goalkeeper (goalkeeper) of a football team

The first number on the team is traditionally given to the goalkeeper, because according to some sources, half the success of the entire team lies in the quality performance of his duties. The most famous football goalkeepers are Oliver Kahn and Lev Yashin. The goalkeeper's task (GK, GK, VRT) is to prevent the opponent from scoring a goal into the goal. Among the features is the fact that this is the only player on the court who is allowed to play with his hands, but is prohibited from catching passes from his teammates with them. For a football goalkeeper, it is mandatory to wear gloves that protect against injuries such as dislocations. The features also apply to the football goalkeeper uniform. She must be different from the rest of the team. To play in this position, you must have such qualities as jumping ability, high reaction speed, the ability to “read” the opponent’s actions and high physical strength to repel a flying ball. In addition, VRT has the ability to score a goal on its own. This is possible if he leaves the goal and enters the field. Rene Higuita, Manuel Neuer and Jorge Campos had a passion for such maneuvers. Or when making free kicks and long shots.

Defending players (defenders)

Regardless of the location on the field, a defender in football is a player whose task is to defend and maintain safety from opponent’s attacks. This category of players rarely move to the opposite part of the field and participate in attacks. Geographically, the backs are assigned a place on the field between the goalkeeper and the midfielders. A football defender is sometimes also called a fullback. Fullbacks have two defense strategies - personal defense, during which there is a pursuit of a specific attacker, and zonal, when everyone controls only their own zone. Right and left back. Athletes playing roles in football, who are number two and three in the team, are right (RB/DZ) and left (LB/LZ) defender, respectively. They spend most of their time on the side edge of the field or “edge”. For which they received variations of the name of their role - edge guard, side or full back, lateral. Most often, it is the full-backs in football who are the first to face the opponents' attack. Although they are also used in attacks, due to the possibility of expanding the defensive line, making accurate passes up and down into the enemy’s penalty area. For full-backs, it is mandatory to have physical stamina and high speed skills, as well as the ability to perform a large number of interceptions and tackles. Famous sides include Cafu, Ashley Cole, Harry Neville, Gareth Bale, Glen Johnson, Roberto Carlos da Silva. Wing defenders are also a type of defender. This is a kind of integration of the laterals with the extreme midfielder. Wingbacks, in addition to the qualities of LZ and PZ, have good dribbling skills and high agility, allowing them to go on the attack. It is worth noting that there are not many attacking defenders. Central defender. From the name of the role it follows that this player defends the central axis. The hottest attack is taking place in this zone, which means the center back (CB/CB) must be powerful, tall and strong, otherwise it will not survive. The central defender's skills include heading, jumping and tackles. Because of this, fives are actively used for corners and free kicks. The best backs include Thiago Silva and Leonardo Bonnucci. Due to the presence of high leadership qualities stoppers often become team captains. These are Carles Poyul, Nemanje Vidic, Rio Ferdinand. Since the mid-60s of the 20th century, a type of central defender has appeared in football - a free defender. He is also called libero, sweeper or cleaner. His task is to correct all defense mistakes. A free defender in football is an experienced player who knows how to predict the actions of opponents and members of his team. It got its name for its task of “cleaning up”, as well as for the lack of a fixed position on the site. Famous football defenders of this type include Franco Baresi and Franz Beckenbauer.

Midfielders in football

Next line in defense they are midfielders. Halfbacks are located between attackers and defenders, and their playing role changes depending on the situation and strategy towards attack and defense. Their traditional numbers are from 6 to 8. Central midfielder The central midfielder (CM) collects all the qualities characteristic of this role. These are endurance, strength, high speed characteristics, the ability to read the game, good interception, dribbling and passing skills. His main task is to intercept the ball and start an attack from the first movement. Due to the breadth of capabilities of this type of midfielder in football, they are divided into the following types: - Defensive midfielder (DC). It is also a breakwater, a shuttlecock, a helmsman or a lock. Its specificity is defense, namely blocking and pressing attacking players before meeting the defenders. They can also intercept the ball and organize a counterattack. All this requires the player to have incredible endurance, physical development and technical knowledge. The best defensive midfielders are Dunga, Gilberto Silva, Claude Makelele. - Attacking midfielder (AM). He creates chances to secure a goal, and can strike himself. In certain tactical schemes, the role of an attacking midfielder is combined with a drawn forward, which led to the emergence of the term "manager" and "number ten". Since the position on the court of this player allows for independent actions and extensive opportunities for making passes. The best midfielders in this position are Kaka, Zico, Pele, Michel Platini. There is also the concept of a false ten. This is a DAC that purposefully goes to the flank in an attack, moving enemy defense players there. - An out-and-out playmaker. A playmaker in football is the creator of the course of the game. His task on the field is to establish his team’s attacks, while playing as a defensive midfielder, but without intercepting the ball. Football midfielders playing in this role are Xabi Alonso, Andrea Pirlo, Josep Guardiola. Wing midfielder. There are right and left midfielders in football (PP and LP). These are the players who conduct their activities near the sideline. This role is the most versatile on the field. Because in some formations, the midfielder is integrated with the winger. Such players are called wingers. And above we already talked about combining with a flank defender (wingback). All this indicates the multitasking of the athlete on the sideline, and the need to be able to play well, both in defense and in attack. “Sevens” also have complex development in physical characteristics (strength, endurance, speed) and technical ones (dribbling, passing, passing). The best in this role are David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Robert Pires.

Attack players (forwards)

Forwards in football are attacking players located in close proximity to the penalty area. The goal of every football forward or striker is to hit the ball into the opponent's goal. In standard formations, two strikers are placed on the field. One takes over the defense and passes the ball, and the second directly scores a goal. The most effective strikers are called football scorers. Because of this function, they become the stars and faces of the sport. The best scorers in football are Cristiano Ronaldo, Jimmy Greaves, Lionel Messi, Delio Onnis. Just like in other roles, football forwards are divided depending on their goals and location on the court. Center forward For a center forward or nine, unlike other roles, the goal is only to attack. His responsibilities include blocking the opponent's defenders and helping his own, distracting defenders and causing fouls near the opponent's goal. Players of different constitutions can be center forwards. Each of them has its own peculiarity of conducting an attack. If he has good speed and tactical skills, he maintains a position on the verge of offside. This is the most common style of play for this type of football forward. If you are tall, have impressive dimensions and have a developed second floor, it is optimal to stay close to the midfielders. Almost all crosses are aimed at such a player. If the player is hardy and technically savvy, then his playing style shifts to organizing an attack and partly defense. This position is called a drawn forward or playmaker. An athlete in this role traditionally wears number 10. The most famous among them are Pele, Lionel Messi, Roberto Baggio. There is also a "false nine". This is a center who draws the defense to himself, while not making shots at the goal himself. Welterweight forward. Partially outdated role, since it is used only in some classic formations. Insiders or middle forwards in football are located between the center and flank attackers and perform assists. Increasingly, they are being replaced by wingers. Wing striker. Like other types of flank players, there are right and left strikers in football, located on the side of the field during attacks. The winger's main task is to dribble the ball down the flank and pass it to the center to complete the attack. This role can be performed by any other side, either a midfielder or a lateral. An experienced coach will help you choose the right ideal position during personal and team football training as part of the BallGames project.


Player positions in football

What positions are there in football? First of all, let's start with the components of this game? Of course, anyone who is at least a little familiar with football cannot help but know that there are 11 athletes in the starting lineup and a reserve.

Naturally, they all have their own position, which we will talk about in this article. If you know a little English, then you probably know that football is not just football, but specifically its classic manifestation. But association football or the same soccer is usually used in the USA. What is the purpose of this? And so that the border can be traced between traditional football and American football, for example.

Positions in football in English sound like this:

  • Fullback
  • Cornerback
  • Tackle
  • Halfback
  • Guard
  • Linebacker
  • Quarterback
  • Middle guard

To understand and know what positions there are in football, you should consider them in more detail.

An attacker is a player who attacks. A goal is the goal of such a player. In youth slang this is called a forward or goalscorer. What does the striker do? He is constantly searching for any opportunity to catch the ball and score it, of course, against the opponent. The striker does not have to be high-speed. It’s better to let him competently be in that place of the field where he is so needed at a specific moment in the game. Some attackers like to use original methods - deceptive maneuvers that provide them with the closest possible access to the opponent's goal.

But the defender’s task is to defend. The most important goal of such a player is not to allow the opponent to end up in a convenient place closer to the goal. Undoubtedly, the main thing in the position of a defender is excellent reaction and concentration.

The midfielder position can be occupied by 3 or even 4 players. The midfielder takes care of helping attacking players and those playing a defensive role.

Despite everything, no matter how many football positions exist in this world, the defining position that will always remain so is the goalkeeper. In English, goalkeeper, which means “keeping the ball.”

The positions of players in football always require some kind of qualities and some kind of strength, but the goalkeeper not only must constantly concentrate his attention so as not to miss the ball, but is also forced to constantly remain in suspense, since in 99 percent of cases the number of goals directly depends on him .

Based on the above, we can conclude that there are now and were previously very diverse positions in football, but the most responsible and nerve-wracking position remains the goalkeeper’s position.


Football terms and their meaning: find out what kind of fan you are

Maradona's Rabona and Zidane's snail In TV comments, football terms and entire phrases are increasingly encountered, which not everyone understands. We are holding a small educational program for novice fans.

Lateral is a fullback who actively goes on the attack. A striking example is the Real Madrid player, Brazilian Marcelo. Previously, Roberto Carlos shone in this position. A libero, or sweeper, is a free defender, or “cleaner”, who does not have a clear place on the field and “cleans up” after teammates who have missed their player.

Winger is a winger attacking midfielder. At one time he played excellently in this position David Beckham. The pillar is a tall and powerful striker. In the Russian national team this is Dzyuba.

False nine is a forward drawn back. Most often this term is applied to Lionel Messi.

The 12th player is a football player who comes on as a substitute and scores the decisive goals. This position was actually legitimized by Manchester United coach Alex Ferguson, who released Solskjaer at the end of the match, and he often decided the outcome of the meeting. Another 12th player is the fans who came to the stadium to support their team. Bus stop - a technique when all the players of one team retreat to defense and stand as if at a bus stop.

The dot is a mark on the field 11 meters from the goal, from where the penalty kick is taken.

Compensated time is 2 - 3, and sometimes 5 - 7 minutes, which the referee adds to the main time of the half if there were stoppages in the game or substitutions (30 seconds are added for each). Not to be confused with extra time, which is given in playoff matches, where it is necessary to determine the winner. At the 2018 World Cup this will be two extra halves of 15 minutes each. If after them the score is still a draw, a series of 11-meter kicks is carried out.

Cross - a pass on horseback, most often into the penalty area. A dive is the name for a simulation of a player who fell himself in order to beg a free kick from the referee. For obvious deception, the artist is shown a yellow card.

A rubber is a dangerous game when one player places his foot on top of the opponent's foot with which he hits the ball.

Snail - a feint with a 360 degree turn. Zidane did especially well. Passive offside is when at the moment of the pass there was a player who was not involved in the game episode who was offside. Now such an offside is not considered a violation of the rules. A hat-trick is three goals scored by a football player in one match. If there are four of them, then this is already poker.

Goal to the locker room - a goal scored on last minutes first half.

A dead ball is a difficult shot that is almost impossible to return.

Major victory - a victory with a difference of three or more goals - 3:0, 4:1, 5:2... Rabona - a blow that is struck at the ball behind the supporting foot. In the correct execution, the player's legs are crossed one after the other.

"How many players are there in a football team?" - this is a very simple question. But it is worth noting that many people who do not understand this sport are often mistaken and do not know this.

Football and its “components”

So, eleven athletes from the starting lineup, as well as a reserve - that's how many players are on the football team. Of course, each of them takes his own position. Everyone has their own role. The main positions are forward, defender and midfielder. And, of course, the goalkeeper. The composition of a football team always looks like this. But this is if we talk about the classic form of this sport. How many players play on one field in football? If there are 11 people playing on one team, then, accordingly, the match is played by 22 athletes in total. Ten of each team play actively on the field, and one player stands at the goal. But this is only a primitive consideration of such a deep game as football. So we should take a closer look at the positions and their significance, which is certainly great.


Perhaps, when talking about how many players are on a football team, the first thing we should mention is the striker. This is the attacking player who is closest to his opponent's goal. His main goal is to score a goal. This position also has other names: “forward”, “scorer” or “striker” (but the latter is used less often). The center forward is concerned with only one thing - sending the ball into the opponent's goal. Many forwards are in the penalty area or close to it. The striker is constantly looking for an opportunity to take the ball and score it. For him, high speed is not so important as the ability to appear at the right time in the right place. And, of course, a high-precision strike. But there is another type of forward - these are powerful athletes with high physical fitness who play excellently with their heads and know how to cover the ball in time. Other attackers are distinguished by incredible technique, amazing the audience with their dribbling and deceiving the opponent with it. With their deceptive movements, they are able to get as close as possible to the goal and score the ball into it.


Wing, free, central - a defender can occupy several positions. But his task is to defend. He operates between the midfielder and the goalkeeper, mainly in his own half of the field, near the penalty area. The main goal of a defender is to prevent the other team's attacker from scoring a goal or getting close to the goal. The main position is central. Such a defender plays near the middle of the field, where there are often two players who are located between the penalty area and the center itself. This is an extremely important area and defensive strategies must be followed. Central defenders are often tall and well-built athletes who are excellent heading players. It is very important that this position be given to a competent player who not only makes good passes, but can also see the entire field. An immediate reaction is needed here.


Speaking about how many players in a football team act on the field, special attention should be paid to such a position as a midfielder. Perhaps we can call it the most popular. In many teams (for example, in the well-known “Bavaria”, Munich) three, four, or even more midfielders appear on the field in matches. It should be noted that the number that is used to calculate how many players in a football team occupy the position of midfielder is quite large. They operate between attack and defense. The main task is to help defensive and attacking players. There is a central midfielder, a holding midfielder, a playmaker, an attacking midfielder, a winger and a “penalty-to-penalty” player. So, the first one listed is the mainstay of the team. He creates scoring chances. This requires the art of passing, a powerful accurate shot and dribbling.


Regardless of how many players a team may have, the most important position remains the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is the one who determines how many goals the team will “save.” This requires extreme attentiveness and instant reaction. The goalkeeper must be in constant tension, since in most cases the number of goals conceded depends on him. In addition, he must have a powerful blow. After all, the goalkeeper’s task is not just to hit the ball or catch it. You also need to submit it back. And of course, he must be able to score. There are many cases in the history of football when a goalkeeper scored a penalty against a goalkeeper from the opposing team. Just remember how one of the greatest goalkeepers in the world scored an excellent penalty with a precise shot to Petr Cech.

From the team modern games football is the most popular and widespread. This is due to fairly simple rules and the possibility of playing on various sites and with a wide variety of compositions.

Two teams are playing, they need to score more goals against the opponent. You cannot play with your hands; all other parts of the body can be involved in the game. This principle is used in any game: in a clearing, in a vacant lot, and so on.

Types of football.

Now, in parallel, there are various modifications of this game: beach soccer, futsal, mini-football, and so on. In each case, some rules, the size of the fields, the soccer ball and the amount of how many players are in a football team.

Futsal and mini-football.

Futsal and futsal are often confused, but there is a difference between them: futsal is closer to big football, tackles are allowed in it, and the ball is entered from touch with the hands, unlike futsal. Therefore, in futsal the game is based on combinations of passes, while futsal is a more contact game in which there is a lot of fighting for the ball.

If we talk about football as sports game, then the rules here are quite specific.

The game lasts two halves of forty-five minutes. The break between halves is fifteen minutes. For children and youth, the duration of the half may be reduced. At the beginning of the game, the teams' gates are determined by lot, and they are changed for the second half. The game is played on a grass field. Recently, synthetic surfaces for football fields have begun to be widely introduced. Nowadays, many tournaments do not prohibit synthetic surfaces.

If we talk about big football, then the team size is eleven people, of which one player can play with his hands near his own goal. This is a goalkeeper, he defends his own goal, usually his uniform is different from the uniform of the team for which he plays.

David Beckham is the best football player of the 2000s.

Years of experience in the game have made it necessary for players to specialize. The job of defenders in football is to prevent the opponent from kicking the ball into the goal. The goal of attackers in football is to score the ball into the opponents' goal. Midfielders are located in the middle of the field, whose functions are to assist attackers or defenders, depending on the game situation. Different playing schemes gave rise to more specific player functions: inside, libero, midfielder, back and so on. It must be said that the birthplace of this game is England, and distances in this case are measured in English measures. So a penalty kick is actually a kick from twelve yards away (1 yd–91.5 cm). The functions of players can also be called in the language of the original source: forward - forward, goalkeeper - goalkeeper.

Football is a contact game. One team is trying to score the ball into the opponents' goal, the other wants to do the same in exactly the opposite way. To ensure that the game is played within the rules, there are referees on the field and at the edges of the field, whose decisions the players must obey.

Russian national football team.

The goal of football.

The main goal of the game of football is to score more goals into the opponent's goal than the opposing team. Whoever solves this problem wins.

About how many people are on the team. If we talk about entering the field at the same time, the maximum number of players is eleven people per team, ten field players and one goalkeeper. There are a total of 23 people on the field during the game. Two teams of 11 people and a judge in the field. During the game, players may be ejected for serious violations of the rules. If the number of players on a team becomes less than seven, the game is interrupted. During the game, no more than three players can be substituted, including the goalkeeper. Substitutions are made from among the players announced in advance before the start of the game. More than 12 people can sit on the substitute bench during a match, including those not announced to participate in the match. Depending on the financial capabilities of the clubs and the rules of the football federations of various countries, the number of players contracted with the team can reach up to 40 people. Jersey numbers are assigned to each player and range from 1 to 99.

Watch until the end...

One of the most difficult tasks of a bettor is to analyze the condition of the players. To make a competent forecast, it is necessary to take into account the sports form of the key players and understand what tasks the coach sets for the players. How ready are they to implement all the mentor’s plans on the football field?

Usually, the readiness of the team and its individual performers to solve problems for the season can be judged after the first third of the season. During this period, strong and weak sides team. The role of the coach becomes clear, the pattern of the game is determined.

The role of a football goalkeeper is decisive. This person performs several functions. In addition to his main job - hitting balls and eliminating opponent threats, he manages the defenders. As a rule, coaches decide on the main and reserve goalkeepers before the start of the season. Defense plays more reliably when the players feel that there is a goalkeeper behind them who will give prompt advice and sometimes shout at critical moments.

The reliability of a goalkeeper is determined by several criteria. First of all, they pay attention to the game at the exits. During flank crosses and crosses, as well as when taking corners, the goalkeeper must choose the correct position and be able to calculate the trajectory of the ball. If he confidently hits or catches the ball after crosses, then playing on exits is his strong point.

A high-class goalkeeper confidently reflects shots from long and medium distances. In this case, the ball is hit not in front of you, but to the side, so that the attackers have no chance of finishing it off. This point should be taken into account when betting on football. If a goalkeeper hits the round player in front of him over and over again, this indicates his weak school.

You should pay attention not only to beautiful acrobatic jumps, but also to the choice of position when performing strikes from different positions and in standard positions. A goalkeeper who chooses the right position will not necessarily flutter around like a butterfly all the time. And vice versa, if he constantly jumps like a gymnast, but at the same time misses balls from far away, then the team will not benefit from such a game.

You shouldn't consider a goalkeeper bad if he misses goals from 10 meters into the corners. It is almost impossible to deflect even a lightly thrown ball under the bar or crossbar. When determining the skill of a goalkeeper, they pay attention to how he “holds” the near corner. If, when shooting from the left or right flank, he chooses the right position and does not miss goals into the near corner, then this element of the game has been fine-tuned.

When going one-on-one, a skilled goalkeeper tries to minimize the angle of fire and reduce the distance with the attacker to the limit. At such moments, he plans and makes such movements that provoke the attacker to make a mistake. You should also pay attention to how the goalkeeper introduces the ball and tells his teammates.


The organization of the game in the club can be judged by the defenders. These people are the conductors of coaching ideas. The interaction of central and extreme defencists is the foundation for a successful team game.

A simple way to determine the level of play of a defender is to see how he positions himself when the opponent attacks. A good player is not the one who constantly makes tackles, but who occupies the most inconvenient position for the attackers. A clear example of a well-organized defensive game is the Italian national team, even the current one. The players are positioned on the field in such a way that the number of threats from the opponent is minimal.

When analyzing the play of defenders, you should always look at how often they let the opposing forwards and midfielders get behind them. A good defender will always keep the forward in front of him.

The stable composition testifies to the good organization of the game in defense. Teamwork is achieved over many years. That’s why coaches really don’t like it when at least one of the defensemen drops out due to injury. The necessary level of mutual understanding between players is lost, and the team becomes more vulnerable.

In addition to the main task - to defend your goal, modern defenders must be able to connect to attacks. When assessing the team's chances, it is necessary to pay attention to how the full-backs go on the attack. If they make flank passes and make crosses without being cut off and manage to return home on time, then everything is in order with the footballers’ tactical and functional preparation.

It is necessary to pay attention to the play of the central defender in terms of his participation in the attack. We are talking about the first pass. If he has a good long vertical or diagonal pass that will allow him to develop a promising attack, this is a big plus for the team. Defenders with good passing are not so common, but if the coach finds one, he will put him in the starting lineup, all other things being equal.

We can summarize and say that great full-backs must have excellent physical speed and be able to insure each other. Central defencists must insure their partners well and be able to launch an attack. All players in this line must have good tactical training and understand the requirements of coaches with different views on football.

Midfielders (Halfbacks)

Football pundits have long said: “Show me your midfield and I’ll tell you what kind of team you have.” And it is right. Midfielders do the most work. This fact can be easily verified by counting the technical actions of midfielders (TTD). As a rule, midfielders have the highest rate among other players.

Depending on the formation, the halves may have different functions. If the team gravitates towards a defensive style, then it may have two supporting midfielders. The defensive player’s task is to disrupt the opponent’s attacks and be the link between defense and attack. If he also has a good pass and knows how to beat one on one, then he is considered top.

The central midfielder behind him must be able to make sharp passes to the forwards. In Italy, such players are called “Fantasista” (inventor, playmaker).

When choosing teams to bet on, you should definitely pay attention to midfielders. How many TTAs did they perform in previous fights? If the average number of TTD is more than 100, then this football player high level. The more midfielders have a similar indicator, the better the team’s results.

The profession of a central midfielder is multifaceted. Players in this role must be able to defend well, beat opponents, pass passes and shoot on goal.

The edges must have good speed, have excellent dribbling and endurance. If such a football player has a good shot and a pass, then he can be considered one of the best in his role.

In modern football, top midfielders cannot be “narrow specialists”. If earlier there were free artists and pure “defenders”, now it is irrational to keep such players on the team. This is a great luxury for a team that has players free from defensive duties, or who cannot make sharp passes or beat opponents.

Forwards (forwards)

The attackers must complete the attacks. The attacking potential of the team depends on their percentage of dangerous chances. The main qualities of a good striker are the ability to open up and make quick decisions in difficult situations. A great forward should have a so-called scoring instinct. This means that the football player is always in the right place at the right time. Many bounces, ricochets or balls hanging in the penalty area must be picked up by the attackers in order to carry out a smashing shot and catch the goalkeeper off guard.

There are so-called extended forwards who play between the attacking line and midfield. Examples of such football players were Maradona, Roberto Baggio, Denis Bergkamp, ​​Raul. These players can both assist and score goals. They have amazing dribbling ability, easily dribble through opponents, and often solve situations alone.

Outgoing attackers know how and love to act outside the box. If anyone is allowed to go beyond the limits of simulated combinations, it is first of all them. Coaches understand that these players often take risks, so they allow them to make more mistakes. The task of the midfielders in such cases is to timely insure the unsuccessful actions of their partner, and not allow the opponent to develop an attack.

How to analyze team compositions

Team lineups appear approximately 40 minutes before the game. Some bettors specifically wait for this moment to analyze the opponents’ lineups, and only then place a bet. The second category of players select as bets those teams that are not too susceptible to changes in the composition and bet on them a day or two before the start of the game, when they offer.

Here it is impossible to say unequivocally who is right and who is wrong. When the starting lineups are known, more can be done accurate forecast. For example, if the club does not have a main defensive player or a full-back, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that her potential will decrease. Naturally, other bettors understand this and make more correct bets. Bookmakers make timely adjustments to odds, reducing the possible profit for literate bookmaker clients.

After the lineups are announced, bets look more reasonable and balanced, but less profitable. Conversely, bets that are made before the lineups are announced will allow you to get higher profits, but the risks are slightly higher.

More experienced bettors try to get all the information about injured players a few days before the start of the match. Down to exactly how long their sick leave will last and how successful their rehabilitation is. After that, they monitor the performance of key players in practice matches and in matches for the second team. If a football player after an injury has reached at least 80% of his capabilities, then he can be perceived as a real fighting unit.

Let's look at specific examples of changes in the composition of opponents. How do they influence the potential of the team?

Main defensive midfielder missing

Let's say the defensive midfielder drops out. In his place, they produce a backup who is inferior in many respects. The main problem in this situation is the lack of the proper level of mutual understanding between the newcomer and partners. How does this affect play in the midfield? Obviously, in this case it is more difficult to carry out simulated combinations. You have to spend more time playing the ball. As a result, attacks slow down and the tempo decreases. The enemy manages to block promising directions. The number of dangerous moments is reduced.

When the opponent attacks, problems with backup appear. It is not always possible to stop attacks in the middle of the field. The defense has to expend more effort to eliminate breakthroughs. The likelihood of dangerous situations occurring increases.

Many teams know how to play on the verge of offside. This means that the attacker must receive the ball in line with the defenders. In this case, one of the midfielders makes a sharp pass. If there is good interaction between the players, the last pass is usually made by one of the central midfielders: a defensive midfielder or a playmaker. Here it is important to make a timely pass so that the opponent cannot create an artificial offside position. If the backup cannot make such passes, then the team's attacking capabilities are reduced. Competent bettors, seeing that the main midfielder's replacement does not have proper mutual understanding with his partners, will make bets with adjustments for this.

If the replacement player has the proper experience, then he does not need much time to find a common language with his partners. He may not be as fast, but his experience will allow him to always be in the right places on the field, and the replacement will not be too painful for the entire club.

The main striker is out

If the team's main forward, who scores the lion's share of goals, is injured, then the coach can change the formation. This happens when there is no proper alternative in the form of a reservist. If before this the team played with two strikers, then it is quite possible that there will be one forward at the forefront of the attack, and the number of midfielders will increase by one.

There will be five midfield players and one forward. During attacks, one of the midfielders will run into the attack line and act as a second forward. It doesn’t have to be just one hav. Depending on the characteristics of the development of the attack, one of the extreme or central halves may end up in this role.

This is approximately the style of play practiced by Deportivo in the late 90s and early 2000s. Javier Irureta's team played in a 4-5-1 formation. Moreover, this was not a forced measure due to the absence of the main forward, but the main strategy.

When the main striker drops out, this happens and the qualifications of the coach are tested. If he has several working schemes that the team knows how to implement in practice, then the attacking potential does not change.

Clients of bookmakers always monitor periods when the club is forced to do without its main forward. If performance does not drop during these intervals, then bets on individual totals, victories and handicaps for this team are made without adjustments.

If the team’s performance clearly decreases after an injury to the leading striker, it would be a sin not to take advantage of this. Prospective bets in this case will be on an opponent with a plus handicap, if he is an underdog. You can bet less on the individual total, especially in away matches.

When a full back or center back is injured

Injuries to the main defenders add gray hair to the head coach. If the bettor sees the absence of at least one of the defensive players, he immediately adjusts his bet. He can take an opponent with a handicap, or bet more on his goal or on an individual total.

How does the absence of a left and right midfielder affect the team's potential? If the reserve player is inferior to the main wing in speed and choice of position, then this will immediately manifest itself in the first 10 minutes of the match. The enemy, seeing this, will deliberately attack through the vulnerable flank.

As a result, scoring chances may arise. In such cases, an experienced bettor may decide to bet as the game progresses, taking into account what he sees. For example, if the opponent’s advantage on the problematic flank is clearly visible, crosses are coming with enviable regularity, and the backup can’t do anything about it, then you can carefully place it on the opponent.

If one of the central defenders drops out, it is an even bigger loss. The feigned ties in the defensive formations of the team are broken. A well-played defense is the foundation for a team’s successful performances.

Center backs are key to this foundation. It is not enough for the reservist to have the proper speed or be able to make good tackles. It is important that the understanding between him and the partners is very good. If this understanding is not there, then it will be more difficult to organize an artificial offside. Insurance may not be up to standard. When the main defender was on the field, the flank players clearly knew what positions they needed to take when taking corners, free kicks and during free kick crosses. When playing with a reservist, this may not be the case, and you have to intuitively determine the time and place of taking positions during the development of various attacks.

All these nuances are clearly visible to office clients. They notice changes in opposition play when one or more centre-backs are missing. In such situations, they bet on an opponent with a plus handicap or on the total over, or on an individual total online.

No main goalkeeper

When the first goalkeeper goes out, it affects the defense. Usually the goalkeeper not only performs his direct duties, but also leads the players. At dangerous situations A short exclamation from the goalkeeper is enough for the player to take the correct position. It is important to do this in a timely manner so that the enemy cannot carry out a dangerous attack.

The backup goalkeeper can do the same, but if the defenders are given instructions a little later, the number of dangerous moments will increase. The goalkeeper's skill level may not be lower than the basic one. However, the lack of the necessary mutual understanding reduces the defense potential of the team. Naturally, bookmaker clients take advantage of this when they bet against similar clubs online and offline.


Analysis of team compositions is very important. The player must understand how the game pattern changes in the absence of key players. This can be understood from latest games team, held in an updated composition, and during the match, during which you can make a profitable bet.

Quick answer: There are 11 players on a soccer team, including a goalkeeper.

And now we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the detailed answer to the question of how many people are on the field in a football team, and also consider how many substitutes should be present in a match, and how many substitutions can be made according to the rules.

Previously, football was not like it is now. The ball game has gone through a long evolution, and the days when the field for a football match was an ordinary street or market square are already over. A couple of hundred years ago there were no restrictions on the number of players on a team. The ball was being kicked by two crowds, one could have fewer people, the other more. Only about mid-19th century, it was officially established that there should be a certain number of football players on each side. This rule remains unchanged to this day.

How many people will make up the football team now?

The match is played by two teams, each consisting of a maximum of eleven players (10 field players + 1 goalkeeper). It turns out that 22 people are participating in a football match at the same time.

According to the current rules, a match cannot start or continue if at least one team has less than 7 players left. There are rare cases when a referee sends off as many as 5 players from one side during a match; in such a situation, it is prohibited to continue the match, since it is impossible to play with 6 players according to the rules. This situation is more relevant to amateur football; at the professional level in the leading tournaments in Europe and the world you will not see such cases.

If the rules of the competition state that before the match, the application must indicate the main players and substitutes, and a particular team enters the field with less than 11 players, then latecomers can enter during the match. This situation is also more relevant to amateur football.

Now you know that there are 11 players on a football team, let's go over the positions a little. The team includes:

  • Goalkeeper. One of the most important positions on the team. It is the goalkeeper who is responsible for saving the goal from scored goals. His work is very intense and responsible; he cannot make mistakes, since only the goal frame and the net remain behind. Unlike field players, goalkeepers do not cover huge distances during a match; they do not need to. The main thing for a goalkeeper is to have an excellent reaction, and in modern soccer, framers who can play well with their feet are still highly valued.
  • Defenders. They are divided into central and extreme (flank) ones. The main task of a defencist is to protect the goal from the enemy, using all possible acceptable methods. Often, coaches choose a tactical scheme with two central defenders and two flankers). The central ones must be tall and strong in martial arts, and the wingers must have good speed and endurance in order to have time to work in defense and attack.
  • Midfielders. They are midfield players, their number varies depending on the tactical structure of the team. There can be two, three, four or even five or six midfielders on the field at the same time. The classification of midfielders is very rich, they include: holding, flanking, wingers, playmakers. The functions of each are varied: supporting players are more focused on intercepting, tackling, and helping the defense; flankers and wingers participate in both attacks and defense; playmakers are closer to the attack; they launch attacks and often complete them themselves with shots from outside the penalty area. area. It is worth noting that all midfielders must be very durable, as they run the most in a match.
  • Forwards. How many forwards are there in a football team? Here, too, everything depends on tactics; clubs enter the match with one forward, two, or even three. The forwards are closest to the opponent's goal, their main goal is to score a goal. Attacking football players are divided into central and wing players. The central players are often tall, with a good shot and a sense of goal; they play in the penalty area, trying to close the passes of their partners. The wingers attack on the flanks, as a rule, these are technical players with a good shot and starting speed, they can shoot at goal themselves or load the central forward with passes.

We've sorted out the number of players and positions, now let's move on to substitutions.

Number of substitutions and substitutes in football

In any match of an official tournament held under the auspices of FIFA or national federations, each team is allowed to make no more than 3 substitutions in regular time, and 1 substitution is allowed in extra time. In national league matches, the number of substitutions can be increased to 6 (this mainly applies to the lower divisions of countries).

The number of substitute players on the bench also depends on the tournament. There are times when 12 people sit on the bench (for example, the World Cup), but there are also competitions where the regulations allow only 7 players on the bench.

On a note! Users are often interested in the question: is it possible for a substituted player to return to the field in place of another player after a while? The answer is yes, you can. But repeated substitutions are usually used in amateur football, friendly tournaments, youth games, veterans matches, etc.

How should a substitution be made in football?

Substitution in football is carried out as follows:

  • The chief referee of the match is informed about the substitution.
  • The substitute player must stand at the center touchline of the field, waiting for the player being replaced to approach him.
  • As soon as the player being replaced completely leaves the field, the substitute can safely enter, he automatically becomes a first-team player.

In football, coaches most often use substitutions to strengthen the game of their team, releasing midfielders or strikers. It is also often possible to see a situation where a team leads with a minimal score, and in order not to lose the advantage, the coach releases an additional defender, while removing, for example, a forward.