The Bombay cat is the blackest black cat in existence; she looks like a mini panther, gracefully moving through a city apartment in search of prey. They say that in the dark it is not visible at all, its color is so dark, and only its eyes glowing in the darkness can reveal the presence of a panther at home. Despite unusual name, which breeder Nikki Horner gave to her puma-like hybrid, the Bombay breed has no connection with the city of Bombay in India. A panther-like cat was bred by breeders in the USA by crossing Burmese cats with black American shorthairs and registered the new breed in 1976.

The Bombay cat is the blackest black cat in existence.

The crossing experiment turned out to be very successful: the domestic panther does not have a single light spot on its fur, even its nose and pads on its paws are deep black, which emphasizes its resemblance to a puma. Bright golden eyes sparkling against a dark background only highlight the night beauty of her coloring. Nikki Horner, an American breeder who dreamed of seeing a black panther in her home, spent more than 18 years making this dream a reality. And finally, the first Bombay in the CIS was brought from the USA to Minsk, to the Bagilis nursery, in 2006.

A distinctive property of the domestic panther is the glossy, shiny, light-reflecting surface of the coat, sparkling with every movement of the animal. Because Nikki Horner wanted to bring the desired cat shape closer to that of a jaguar or puma living in the jungle, the Bombay cat's body took on a strong, muscular shape, strong muscles which make it suitable for deft jumps and swift throws. At the same time, the body remains very graceful and well balanced: the tail is of medium length and straight, and the paws are proportional to the body.

The weight of an adult cat ranges from 3.6 kg to 4.6 kg; females are smaller creatures and weigh from 2.6 to 3.6 kg. The cat's head is completely devoid of any angles, the muzzle is round, and the eyes are widely spaced. The medium rounded ears are sensitive to all sounds that reach them. The short, shiny coat completely matches the color of the nose and paw pads. The eyes can range in color from bright yellow to juicy orange and produce a very strong impression against the backdrop of the iridescent darkness of the fur, complementing the illusion of a panther stalking in the night. These cats are created to follow the witch or wizard into their magical worlds or even serve as guides to them.

Bombay cat (video)

Gallery: Bombay cat (25 photos)

Character and behavior

The character of this cat is very similar to that of a dog: the animal becomes so attached to a person that it follows him everywhere and wants to be constantly with his friend. Therefore, for those who do not like affectionate animals, who would like an independent and distant pet, it is better not to get such an animal. On the other hand, these cats can sit on laps for hours, but are willing to jump into play as soon as the owner wants to give them attention. They easily get along with other pets, even dogs, and adopt their habits, for example, they can learn to bring an abandoned ball to their owner. In the same way, they rejoice at people coming into the house and happily run to the door when they hear the bell.

Cats are smart, playful and affectionate. They can purr for hours and love to sleep in the same bed with people. This should be taken into account before bringing a kitten into the house. They love to play and always do it when they are not sleeping or being petted. Moreover, anything is suitable for fun: it can even be a roll of paper, a carrot or a potato, if the animal can reach it with its paw. They are able to watch television programs for a long time and even learn to turn on the TV on their own. Like panthers, the Bombay cat will defend its property, that is, what has fallen into its paws, with heavy growls and threats. The same actions are performed even by small kittens who do not want to share a piece of meat, a toy, or their beloved owner with anyone.

Separately, it should be noted that Bombays are extremely talkative. They have a wide vocal range and intonation and are capable of producing a variety of sounds - from a gentle purr to a threatening growl. At the same time, they are also excellent conversationalists and quickly respond to every word spoken to them by their owner. So the lonely owner will never be left without an answer, asking rhetorical questions into space: from there a supportive “meow” will always sound.

Pet care

The black panther does not require much expense, effort or time to take care of itself. On the contrary, it can be done casually, for example, when the cat is lying on your lap, you can use a special rubber glove, caress it, and at the same time comb and remove excess dead hair. This should be done for any animal, since licking fur contributes to the formation of a hairball in its stomach, which can negatively affect the health of the pet.

Therefore, to prevent the formation of such lumps, you should promptly comb out all the hairs that the cat has not yet begun to lick.

Considering that the Bombay panther's coat is short, smooth and shiny, it can be washed no more than once a month, using special wool shampoos and conditioners. About once a week you should examine your eyes and ears and wipe them with a cotton swab if necessary. In the same way, you need to trim your nails once a week. The scratching post, of course, should be in the most visible and favorite place for the cat, so that she does not have the urge to scratch with her claws any other thing other than the one specifically designated for this.

One of the rarest cat breeds in Russia (video)

Bombay cat kittens

Small kittens sometimes have light hairs on the surface of the coat, and the eyes are bluish or of an indeterminate color. Therefore in early age It is quite difficult to say definitely what an adult animal will look like, that is, whether it will be show class or remain just a pet. To be sure of the purity of the breed of the kitten you are purchasing, you should make a purchase only from trusted breeders, having previously examined the parents of a potential family member and familiarized yourself not only with them, but also with their pedigrees.

It is better to take a kitten into your home no earlier than he is 4 months old. Children of this breed develop slowly, and there is no need to rush to tear them away from their mother; it is better to reserve the baby you like and calmly wait for him to be taught everything, vaccinated and socialized. It should be taken into account that Bombay kittens love to eat, and nature has not built into them a limiter on the amount of food consumed.

Therefore, if you do not want to see a black bun instead of a graceful cat in your house, you will have to limit your pet’s food yourself, which a veterinarian can help with by developing a special diet and recommending a diet.

You need to raise a kitten gently, but strictly, using a spray bottle as punishment. Under no circumstances should you shout at the cat or spank it with your hand. If an animal does something that seems unacceptable to you, immediately spray it with a spray bottle and firmly tell it “ugh” or “no”. No angry emotions, screams or yelling!

No assault! Otherwise, instead of a friend, you will have an enemy in the house. Let him feel that despite all your love, the power in the house also belongs to you. Gently but firmly do what you think needs to be done. You will have more than 16 years of marriage ahead of you, and the more careful and attentive you are with your kitten from the very beginning, the better the results will be in the future.

Representatives of the Bombay breed are very clean and quite unpretentious in their choice of litter and litter box. They can use either wood, bentonite or synthetic filler. They will be satisfied even with the complete absence of one or with a newspaper placed in the tray. With some effort on the part of the owner, Bombay cats can easily master using the toilet.

Attention, TODAY only!

“Hide, live in chains and never love anyone”! - let's remember the paraphrase of an old Hollywood film. To the modern, sophisticated eye, this cinematic story from thirty years ago resembles a hamburger - a simple and unpretentious dish of American cuisine.

But in 1982, when Paul Schrader made his film "Cat People", the film's 18 million budget, special effects and great game Nastassja Kinski and Malcolm McDowell captured the imagination of the audience.

"Cat People": the basis of the film

A fantastic plot about a tribe of werewolf people - descendants of girls who were once sacrificed to leopards - grows in Schroeder's work into a psychological thriller with elements of Freudianism.

It's like incest required condition maintaining a closed population of cat people, and the inevitable murder to return human appearance, and, of course, love between an ordinary person, the director of the zoo, Oliver, and Irena, a girl who for the time being knows nothing about her animal nature. Despite the simple plot, the film still attracts the attention of viewers.

Paul Schrader made a win-win move: without considering the costs, he included real, and not “special effects”, black leopards in the film as actors, undoubtedly among the most beautiful animals on earth.

And even Nastassja Kinski, who brilliantly conveyed the feline’s plastic movements and, at every suitable occasion, as befits a half-animal, freed herself from clothes, could not outplay them.

Probably, the descendants of monkeys have an ineradicable dream of being, at least for a short time, as magnificent as the black leopard in one of the scenes of the film, when, being locked on a bridge by police cars, he first looks for a way out with nervous, but smooth and refined movements, and then makes an amazingly beautiful move. jump into the water.

And if so, then the choice of the heroine, who decided to spend her whole life in captivity, but at the same time remain a black leopard forever, does not seem far-fetched.

Bombay Panther: the origins of the cat breed

Paul Schrader, like fans of his film Cat People, were not original in their admiration for the black leopard.

In the 1950s in Kentucky, USA, Burmese cat breeder Nicky Horner decided that a mini-panther would look good in an ordinary apartment and set herself the goal of breeding a breed of cats that exactly resembled a black leopard.

Selection work turned out to be difficult and lasted for 20 years. Of course, Horner did not cross domestic cats with any wild species - the Bombay cat, this black domestic leopard, was created on the basis of Burmese and American Shorthairs. The result was an animal with amber eyes and shiny black fur.

In the 1970s, the breed was registered under the name “Bombay”, since India, in which the city of Bombay is located (since 1995 - Mumbai), is the natural habitat of black leopards. To be fair, it is worth saying that they are found both in Africa and in Asia - that is, in all the places where ordinary spotted leopards live.

Why are Bombays a rare breed?

The Bombay cat remains a rare breed even in its homeland, America, but in Russia, the nurseries involved in its breeding can be counted on one hand. It's hard to say why. On resources where inexperienced people go, the idea of ​​a black domestic leopard is not taken seriously.

Bombays are called either “ordinary black cats” or “ordinary Burmese, only black.” This is a superficial description: Bombay cats, of course, have a unique charm and specificity. The websites of some nurseries indicate breeding difficulties associated with the low fertility of Bombays. And the point is not only in the small number of kittens, but also in the absence of a strong need for reproduction in these cats.

Natural phenomenon: leopard or panther?

For a long time, black leopards were considered a separate species of large cats and were called black panthers. However, scientists have proven that these animals are genetically no different from their spotted counterparts except for coat color. Spectacular color determined by the production of the pigment melanin and occurs as a result genetic mutations, by the way, not only among leopards.

If the black color turns out to be advantageous from the point of view of natural selection, then it is fixed, and such animals are found in some species more often than in others. This is what happened with leopards. IN South-East Asia where dense forest thickets prevail, it is easier for black animals, with a lack of lighting, to hide and lie in wait for prey.

Therefore, for example, in India and on the island of Java, black leopards are very widespread, and in Malaysia and on the Malacca Peninsula they generally make up almost half of the population.

Recessive gene

Black and spotted leopards easily interbreed with each other, and since the gene responsible for melanism is recessive, not all kittens from such pairs are born dark-colored.

True, the opposite cases, when black kittens are born from “normally” colored animals, are also not uncommon. There is also such an interesting phenomenon as abundism, that is, incomplete melanism, in which the animal’s fur is “colored” unevenly: some parts of the body are black, on others yellow spots clearly appear on a black background, etc.

In ancient times, people ignorant of genetics attributed mystical properties to black panthers; they were feared and even deified, as evidenced by the legend from the movie “Cat People.” However, fear also had quite natural causes: It has long been noted that black leopards are much more aggressive than their spotted relatives. What is the reason - science does not know.

Bombay cat: breed standard

According to the CFA standard, the Bombay cat has a medium size, dense build and well-developed muscles. If you pick it up in your hands, it will be heavier than you can estimate at first glance. The body and tail of the Bombay are of medium length, the head is rounded, of medium size, the ears are set wide apart, small and slightly tilted forward.

The muzzle is rounded with smooth contours; in profile, a small stop on the nose is noticeable. The eyes are large, round, gold or copper in color. The main advantage of the Bombay cat is its hair - short, close-lying, coal-black in color from roots to tips. With every movement of the purebred Bombay, it shines and shimmers like silk.

According to the breeders, a real Bombay cat is “the blackest creature in the world, a real clot of darkness without a single bright spot.” In addition to her fur, she has a black nose, black mustache and paw pads, only her claws are white, and her eyes resemble the color of a copper coin polished to a shine.

In general, this bombay panther She could well have been in the service of some witch - but she didn’t have the character. The beauty of the Bombay cat does not require any care at all on the part of the owners, say fans of the breed - it is enough just to brush it a couple of times a year, during molting, and there is no need to wash it at all - the Bombay's coat shines without any grooming.

For all its beauty, the purebred Bombay cat can only be seen at major exhibitions. Bombays still remain a rare breed, and reviews about them on the Internet are full of statements like: “I took my cat, Bombay, from the market where a stray cat gave birth to four kittens...”

Black pearl and black diamond

Not only for their beauty, but also for their rarity, Bombays are often called black pearls or black diamonds. Indeed, black pearls are valued much higher than even completely flawless white or pink ones. The most expensive pearl necklace in the world consists of 150 large black pearls and belongs to American actress Elizabeth Taylor.

Although legends attribute the appearance of black pearls to the tears of Adam, which are masculinely stingy and therefore more valuable, in fact this rare color gives rise to a special type of mollusk - Pinctada Margaritifera, or black pearl oyster. It lives in the waters of French Polynesia and naturally produces a dark pigment, which gives pearls their color from gray to black.

Even more amazing is the black diamond. This gem has a structure different from that of the transparent one - not monolithic, but consisting of crystalline nests stuck together. It is very difficult to cut, since the jeweler essentially has to cut several stones inside one.

Black Orlov

Black diamonds are extremely rare, cost incredible amounts of money and are surrounded by a whole trail of ominous legends. Just look at the history of the Black Orlov diamond, which according to legend was once the eye of a sacred idol in one of the ancient temples of India and, after being stolen, brought misfortune to all its owners.

Once in the USA, Black Orlov immediately came under the close attention of the media, which diligently fanned ominous rumors about him. As a result, the black beauty - not the largest, but without a single flaw, which is rare for this type of mineral - changed many owners until it was sold at Christie's auction for $360,000 to a man whose name remained unknown.

They say that Black Orlov returned to the continent, and all this hype was intended only to bring down the price of a rare jewel.

Character of Bombays

“He loves not you, but the panther in you”

In contrast to its prototypes, the Bombay cat has a meek and unforgiving character. According to the owners, this is a real angel in the flesh, distinguished by great friendliness and love not only for its owner, but also for all humanity in general.

Bombays and children

You can safely leave your guests in the care of a Bombay - he will entertain them according to all the rules of etiquette. No one will be left without attention and affection. Naturally, with his loved ones, the mini-panther is all tenderness.

They also say that they love children very much, but this statement should be treated with caution - not all cats, even very affectionate ones, are ready to tolerate unceremonious treatment.

But you can safely get animals of other breeds and species - with complete absence Despite their aggression, these cats easily tolerate a companion and even become friends with him. Bombays are extremely attached to their owner and constantly need his attention; they cannot be called independent and it is better not to leave them at home alone for a long time.

Despite their dense build, Bombay cats love to run and frolic, so they need to be provided with enough sports equipment to expend energy. At the same time, these cats also love to eat; the owner’s task is to carefully monitor their diet and prevent excess weight.

What Bombay Breeders Should Know

In general, the breed is quite healthy; only from mating with Burmese they can inherit severe genetic disease associated with skull deformation - Burmese head defect.

When purchasing an animal for breeding, you should carefully study the pedigrees of the parents - there are lines free from this defect. Those who do not plan to breed do not have to worry - the pathology appears in kittens immediately after birth and is not compatible with life.

Fear or optical illusion?

Despite the desire to breed a domestic “black leopard,” fear of this formidable predator is apparently genetically embedded in humans. How else can you explain that people see panthers regularly and in the most incredible places? Such cases are especially frequent in Europe, where these animals became extinct several hundred years ago.

However, since the early 2000s, in England alone, there have been dozens of reports of people seeing large black wild cats near residential buildings, and some even in their gardens. The latest case occurred in Staffordshire.

The schoolteacher was walking with her dog when a huge black animal appeared literally a few meters from her, looked at her and, according to her, walked off into the thicket with the gait of a wild animal. The police involved in the search found neither the panther itself nor its traces.

But there were cases when the troublemaker was discovered. For several weeks, residents of the French Riviera were in panic: reports that a black leopard was seen here and there in the vicinity of Marseille multiplied like a snowball.

At first, authorities ordered the area of ​​coastal bays where the animal was spotted to be closed to tourism. Marseille police then began preparing a raid involving 150 people and military equipment. Fortunately, it didn’t come to the point of using it.

The “black leopard” was found and turned out to be an ordinary cat, although, indeed, absolutely black and very large - about 60 cm in length. However, the cat had no bloodthirsty intentions, but, like all stray animals, walked on its own, unaware of the panic caused by its appearance.

When creating her mini-panther, Nicky Horner strove for external similarity, but at the same time a complete opposite in character, which is very complex in real black leopards. Therefore, some people would do well to take an example from the Bombays, and not from their wild brothers.

Black Panther of Modeling

« Black Panther"- this nickname is firmly attached to the top model Naomi Campbell, not only for the color of her skin and the extraordinary grace of movements with which she walks along the catwalk, but also for her extremely aggressive disposition stars. If a real panther's main weapons are claws and teeth, then the beautiful Naomi has a mobile phone.

It was with his help that she repeatedly dealt painful blows to maids, dressers and other assistants. It even got to the point of causing significant harm to health, for which Naomi was sentenced to public works and spent five days scrubbing floors in a garbage truck garage.

Campbell herself cites the reason for such incontinence in her character as the divorce of her parents, which she experienced in early childhood and which became a tragedy for her. The press blames Naomi’s “star fever” for everything, because she appeared on the podium at the age of 15, and since then she has always been successful. How can you not get spoiled here?

Well, doctors call the cause of the breakdowns an addiction to alcohol and drugs, for which Campbell was repeatedly treated. One way or another, one can only sympathize with Naomi: her bad character caused not only the breaking of several contracts, but also the difficult personal life of the star, who, despite her many fans, still has not managed to get married and have children.

Larisa Solodovnikova

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Panther (from the Latin Panthera) is a genus of mammals from the large cat family.

This genus includes several extinct species and four living ones, as well as their subspecies:

  • Tiger (Latin Panthera tigris)
  • Lion (Latin Panthera leo)
  • Leopard (Latin Panthera pardus)
  • Jaguar (Latin Panthera onca)

Black Panther- this is an animal with a body color of black colors and shades, it is not a separate species of the genus, most often it is or. Black coat color is a manifestation of melanism, that is, a genetic color variant associated with a gene mutation.

A panther is considered to be a jaguar or leopard that has acquired a black color as a result of a gene mutation

The panther does not always have a pronounced black coat; often, if you look closely, the coat is covered with spots of various dark shades, which ultimately creates the visible impression of a black color.

Representatives of the genus of these cats are large predators; their weight can exceed 40-50 kg. The body is oblong (elongated), its size can reach two meters.

It moves on four very large and powerful limbs, ending in paws with long, very sharp claws that are completely retracted into the fingers. The height at the withers is slightly higher than at the sacrum and averages 50-70 centimeters.

The head is large and somewhat elongated, with ears located on the top of the head. small size. The eyes are medium in size with round pupils. Complete dental system with very powerful canines, jaws are very well developed.

Hairline all over the body. The tail is quite long, sometimes reaching half the length of the animal itself. Individuals have pronounced sexual dimorphism - males are approximately 20% larger than females in size and weight.

Animal panther has a special structure of the larynx and vocal cords, which allow it to roar, but at the same time this species cannot purr.

Listen to the roar of the black panther

The habitat is the warm, even hot climate of the southern part of Asia, south-eastern Europe and the entire territory except the North. They live mainly in wooded areas, both on the plains and in the mountains.

The character and lifestyle of the black panther

Black Panthers They lead an active lifestyle mainly at night, although they are sometimes active in daytime days. Basically, representatives of the genus are solitary animals and only occasionally can live and hunt in pairs.

Like many felines, they are territorial animals, the size of their residence and hunting greatly depends on the landscape of the area and the number of animals (game) living on it, and can vary from 20 to 180 square kilometers.

Thanks to its dark color, the panther is easily camouflaged in the jungle

The black color of the animal helps to camouflage very well in the jungle, and the ability to move not only on the ground, but also through trees makes this animal practically invisible to other animals and humans, which makes it a super predator.

Panthers are one of the most bloodthirsty and dangerous animals on the planet; there are many cases where these animals killed people in their homes, often at night, when a person is sleeping.

In forests, too, often a panther can attack a person, especially if the animal is hungry, and given that panthers are one of the fastest animals on the planet and few can compete with them in running speed, it is almost impossible to escape from them.

The danger, waywardness and aggressive nature of these predators makes them difficult to train and therefore it is almost impossible to see these cats in circuses, but zoological parks around the world are ready with great pleasure buy animals like black Panther.

The presence of such a predator among pets attracts a huge number of animal lovers to the zoo. In our country, there are black panthers in the zoos of Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

An aura of something mythical has always shrouded black panthers. This animal is very unusual and attracts with its originality. It is because of this that man has repeatedly used the black panther in his epic and life, for example, the well-known “Bagheera” from the cartoon “Mowgli” is precisely the black panther, and since 1966 the Americans have been publishing comics with a fictional superhero under this name same name.

The military also uses such a brand as the black panther, for example, the South Koreans developed and produced a tank called “K2 Black Panther,” but everyone probably remembers the German tanks called “Panther” during the Second World War.

In the near future, namely in 2017, the same Americans promise to release a full-length science fiction movie entitled " Black Panther" Many organizations around the world use in their logos pictures of black panthers.

One of these companies is PUMA, whose logo is a black panther, because scientists have not confirmed that pumas from the cat family are black.

Eating a black panther

Animal black panther is a carnivorous predator. It hunts both small animals and large ones, several times its size, for example, antelope, and so on.

Given their remarkable ability to move through trees, panthers also find food here, for example in the form of monkeys. Sometimes they attack domestic animals, such as horses and sheep.

They hunt mainly from ambush, creeping up to the prey at a close distance, jumping out sharply and quickly catching up with their future food. Panthers immobilize and kill a hunted animal by biting its neck, and then lying down, with their front paws on the ground, they begin to slowly eat the meat, tearing it away from the victim’s carcass with sharp jerks of the head up and to the side.

The prey that the black panther does not eat is hidden in a tree as a reserve.

Often, in order to preserve food for the future, panthers lift the remains of an animal into trees, where they cannot be reached by predators that live exclusively on the ground. Adults feed their young offspring by dragging the carcass to them, but they never help small panthers tear off meat from a dead animal.

Reproduction and lifespan

Sexual maturity in panthers is reached at 2.5-3 years of age. Due to being in a constantly warm climate, black panthers reproduce all year round. After fertilization, the female looks for a cozy and safe place, most often these are holes, gorges and caves.

Pregnancy lasts about 3-3.5 months. She usually gives birth to one or two, less often three or four, small blind kittens. For ten days after giving birth, the female does not leave her offspring at all, feeding them with milk.

Pictured are black panther cubs

To do this, she first stocks up on food so that during this period she can feed herself or eats food that the male brings. Panthers are very caring towards their offspring, even when the kittens become sighted and can move independently, the mother does not leave them, teaching them everything, including hunting.

By the age of one year, the offspring usually leave their mother and begin to live independently. Little kittens are very charming and beautiful.

Average duration The lifespan of a black panther is 10-12 years. Oddly enough, in captivity these unique animals live much longer - up to 20 years.

In conditions wildlife Panthers after the 8-10th year of life become inactive, look for easy prey, do not disdain carrion at all, at this age it becomes very difficult for them to hunt strong, fast and hardy animals.

Panthers (lat. Panthera) are a genus of large animals in the cat family, consisting of four well-known species: tiger (Panthera tigris), lion (Panthera leo), leopard (Panthera pardus) and jaguar (Panthera onca).
They have a special structure of the larynx that allows them to produce a roar. The fact is that in representatives of the genus the hyoid apparatus is not completely ossified - in place of one of the bones there is a flexible ligament that allows the larynx to swell. Additionally, their vocal cords are undivided and form a tubular structure that functions as a very efficient sound-producing device.
Regarding the snow leopard, scientists have not come to a common conclusion; some believe that it can be classified as a member of the “panther” genus, while others classify it as a separate genus. The fact is that Snow Leopard Although it does not have a completely ossified hyoid apparatus, it cannot roar due to the peculiarities of the larynx.

IN North America The panther is often called the puma.
The black panther is not a separate species, but is a genetic variant of the coloration (melanism) of some species of cats - most often, a leopard or a jaguar. There have been isolated cases of the existence of black lions and black tigers. Last time An all-black lion was seen in the 19th century, and it was the now extinct Persian lion. And then we saw only partially black lions. The situation with tigers is similar; completely black tigers were seen in Asia a long time ago, but only cases of partial pigmentation have been documented. The existence of black pumas has not been confirmed.
The leopard and jaguar are nocturnal predators, so the black coloration that appears as a result of mutation does not harm them at all; on the contrary, it allows them to be even more invisible at night.
The most famous black panther is Bagheera in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. In Kipling it is a male, but in the Russian translation by N. Daruzes and in the domestic cartoon Bagheera is a female; such translation difficulties are due to the fact that in Russian “panther” is feminine.

Maria Eliferova in the article “Bagheera said...” writes: “In general, the name Bageerah is masculine. Much more often it is found in the form “Bagheera” (including among some peoples of Russia). In the original, the image of Bagheera is completely unambiguous - it is a hero-warrior , equipped with an aura of romantic oriental flavor. He is contrasted with Shere Khan as a noble hero to a robber. The model of behavior of the aristocratic horseman fits both his initiative to reconcile the warring parties with the help of a ransom for Mowgli, and his retrospectively told story about captivity and escape (the latter is the topos of Orientalist literature The relationship between Bagheera and Mowgli in the original is a relationship of male friendship, and not motherhood/sonship at all. The transformation of Bagheera into a female makes the clear and transparent Kipling plot difficult to understand: why, for example, doubling maternal care - isn’t the She-Wolf coping with the responsibilities of Mowgli's upbringing? The true nature of the relationship between Bagheera and Shere Khan (hero - anti-hero) is obscured."

Graceful, visible, extremely beautiful and, one might even say, elegant. This is a slightly unusual breed of cat, which, of course, will leave few people indifferent. Even those who generally don’t like cats. Let's take a closer look at this breed together.

An incredibly graceful cat that has the look of a real predator and, at the same time, has an easy-going character. This is a Bombay cat or, as it is also called, Bombay.

  • This breed was bred by man. For this purpose, an American smooth-haired black cat and a brown Burmese cat were crossed.
  • The official date of registration of this breed is considered to be 1958. But it took another 23 years for this species to be recognized and released into the big world.
  • Thanks should be given to the American Nicky Horner. It was she who dealt with this issue. By the way, it took four generations of cats to obtain the required appearance. And only then did the so-called pure breed appear.
  • Now the question arises - why is the breed called Bombay? This aspect has become a mystery. There are only assumptions that the breeder wanted to create a small and domestic copy of the panther that lives in India. Perhaps it was the appearance that prompted this cat breed to be given such a name.
  • There is also a humorous suggestion that the "mother" of this breed loved Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. After all, the image is very similar to Bagheera, in particular in character.
  • It's relative rare breed, and therefore expensive. Therefore, mating of Burmese and American smooth-haired cats was allowed.

What does a Bombay cat and kittens look like?

The first thing you notice is the eyes. They have an incredibly beautiful amber color. And against the background of black wool, they become even more expressive. It really resembles a panther, only smaller in size.


  • I would like to note right away that the most important thing is color. It must be exclusively black. Moreover, it is believed that no one has a blacker color. Even a wild panther. If there is even one single hair of a different color, or, moreover, a spot, then such a cat will be disqualified.
  • Kittens, by the way, are born with spots. Not always, however, but this happens often. Over time, these spots go away on their own. Sometimes it even happens that a kitten is born with light hair, as if with gray hair. This too will pass with age.

Bombay kittens
  • The very same The coat should be short, fairly stiff and close to the body. The greatest pride of this breed is the varnish shine of the coat and satin smoothness.
  • Kittens' fur is naturally soft and slightly fluffy. This is probably what makes little kittens so cute. By the age of one, they will already be wearing an adult fur coat.


  • It’s not for nothing that this cat is called “black treasure”. Just look at the eyes. They are also compared to a copper coin. After all, in a Bombay cat they are round, large, but not convex, and set wide apart.
  • The standard eye color is copper-amber. But since it is difficult to obtain, therefore golden is allowed. The look, although that of a cat, is full of wisdom and thoughtfulness. And how hard it is to take your eyes off them. They seem to fascinate and attract.
  • Kittens, of course, are an exception. They are born, like other animals, with blue eyes, which over time acquire a gray tint and only adult become amber in color.

Bombay cat


  • This is a real predator. She has very graceful and smooth curves of her body, but at the same time, powerful and strong muscles. The body itself is slightly elongated, which, in principle, is normal for cats.
  • These cats are medium in size. Those who are too thin or overweight are not allowed. Usually the weight ranges from 3 to 6 kg, the height at the withers is no more than 30 cm.
  • The tail of such a cat is moderately long, mobile and flexible. It also looks graceful but is also very strong. The main criterion is that it must be proportional to the body of the cat itself.
  • The limbs are also of medium length, rounded, slender and refined. As expected, there are five toes on the front paws and four on the hind paws.


  • The main criterion is that the head is proportional to the entire theme. She has round shape, smooth bends and transitions. The muzzle itself is a little wide.
  • The nose of some representatives of this breed may be flattened.
  • The ears are small, straight and rounded at the ends. Wide apart and slightly tilted forward. The stance is alert and high.

Bombay shorthair cat, similar to a panther: character, description, features of the breed

This cat is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has the same beautiful and golden soul. Such a pet will be a real find for a family with children. And how affectionate she can be when the day is not going well. It is these qualities, in addition to appearance, that her owners value.


  • Most of all, the Bombay cat is famous for its ability to “sing” beautifully. Yes, it sounds a little strange. But this cat really seems to love to talk. She meows and purrs, especially on her owner’s lap. But her meow is quiet, unobtrusive and pleasant.
  • It is also worth noting that this is very active and mobile animal. Especially little kittens. Remember, small panthers must be nimble and agile. However, not only kittens, but also other animals in childhood often have a lot of energy.
  • This cat simply cannot stand being alone. No, this does not mean that you need to take it with you to work or sit at home all the time. This cat loves to be petted, cuddled and played with. It's like she Small child, unobtrusively asks for attention. Therefore, put aside your business for a while and spend time with your pet. Play with it or stroke it on your lap.
  • They love children. But those who will torture them or strangers basically tries to avoid it. If a baby appears in your family, she will sing lullabies to him. Will definitely say goodbye to him before going to bed. She will really become a kind of nanny for the kids. She will happily run and play with older children.

  • These cats They are distinguished by great intelligence and intelligence. Compared to other animals and, in particular, cats. Even before the age of one year, they already know how to turn on the TV and other equipment. Therefore, when leaving the house, do not forget to turn off everything from the sockets. This cat also knows how to open the refrigerator.
  • By the way, the cat has loved watching TV since childhood. Sometimes, it seems that this animal really understands. After all, she watches the change of pictures with such a smart and serious face.
  • These are also very clean and obedient pets. She will not climb on the table or hang on the curtain. Especially if this cannot be done. And this cat understands you perfectly. The only thing new owners may encounter is the wrong location for the toilet. Small kittens may go on the sofa or bed. There is no need to scold him, he will only get scared and offended.
  • I would also like to note that such a cat masters various tricks well, even complex ones. If you practice with her regularly, then soon the Bombayka will even be able to perform a somersault in a jump.
  • You should also know that the cat gets along well with other animals. Particularly with dogs.

Features and care:

  • In terms of leaving, she cannot be called whimsical, but her nutrition needs to be monitored. But this does not mean that she needs to be fed exotic dishes or served raw meat. Simply, you need to take into account the fact that the diet should contain at least 80% protein. And don't forget about fiber. In general, the diet is not very different from ordinary cat food. By the way, it’s better not to get carried away with dry food. You won't eat sandwiches all the time. And this is about the same thing.
  • Eyes in the Bombay cat - this is what requires careful care. The main thing is that there are no drafts at home. In principle, the cat takes care of its ears and eyes itself. But, if tearfulness is observed, then you need to wipe them with cotton swabs.

  • The cat does not like to bathe, which is natural. But this needs to be done periodically. The main thing in this matter is not to scare off the animal. You also need to get a special brush or mitten. Although their fur is short, it needs to be combed, especially during the molting period.
  • You also need to monitor her claws to prevent them from becoming ingrown. You need to be prepared to visit a veterinarian this issue. Because you may not be able to cope with this problem on your own.
  • Before you bring your cat home, you need to take care of its corner. It should be quiet and cozy, and most importantly - no drafts. You should also provide your pet with various educational toys, including: And you should take into account the fact that the Bombay cat does not sleep curled up. Therefore, the sleeping area should be spacious.

Bombay cat care
  • Don't forget about the toilet either. It was already written above that kittens can start walking in the wrong place. To do this, you need to be patient. At first the tray will stand in this place, and then gradually move it one centimeter. And thus move in the right direction. In general, these are very smart animals. Therefore, it is easy to accustom such a cat even to the toilet.
  • Also, talk to your pet. She loves it. She also very sensitively senses the mood of the owner. Sometimes it will even help you relax and calm down.
  • An important nuance - this is a domestic cat. She doesn't have to walk outside. Yes, and treat her with caution.

Bombay shorthair cat, similar to a panther: positive and negative reviews from owners

They say that nothing and no one is perfect. But the Bombay cat does not apply to this rule. Or you simply haven’t found a negative review yet. After all, you can only hear words of delight from the owners of such a cat!

Alina, 29 years old, mathematics teacher:

“My boyfriend gave me this miracle kitten. Now a husband. He has lived with us for more than three years. To tell the truth, we didn’t even know about his breed. I bought it like an ordinary kitten. And in appearance he looked nothing like a Bombay cat. They named him Barsik. He was a little gray, slightly fluffy. The eyes were so blue. But not even a year had passed since he exchanged his fluff for a shiny black fur coat. And the eyes became an unusual copper color. We were always amazed at how smart and friendly he was. Until our friends told us about his breed. Indeed, after reading the information on the Internet, we realized that our cat is not an ordinary breed. They began to train him. Also on the advice of these friends. And a miracle! Six months later he followed commands to sit and lie down. And this is taking into account the fact that we did not take this seriously. Very affectionate and sociable. He loves to bask on your lap, especially if you also pet him. And when I became pregnant, it was as if he was worried about me. Constantly rubs around and purrs. And there will be me every morning. But not in the usual way, cats begin to meow heartbreakingly. Hinting that it's time to let him eat. It’s as if he wants to ask how I’m feeling. Or so it seems to me. We are worried about how he will react to the arrival of the baby. But I think he definitely won’t be jealous.”

Svetlana, 31 years old, on maternity leave:

Nikita, 32 years old, lawyer:

“I read the reviews and think why I was so unlucky to accidentally buy a cat of this breed. The fact is that my wife wanted this particular breed. When she saw it, and even read the characteristics and reviews about it, she didn’t want any other. Oh, we have been looking for such a breed for a long time. Naturally, price also played a role. Because with all the documents and vaccinations, it is very expensive. Chose, buy. We also bought a kitten. You can’t immediately tell that this is a Bombay breed. And then our cat turned into a real beauty. They called it, of course, Bagheera. The most interesting thing is that the cat loves me more. Yes, I adore her too. I don’t regret one bit that I chose this breed. We once read that this cat is more sympathetic to men. But they didn’t attach much importance to this. If I'm sitting at the computer, then favorite place on my shoulders. I sometimes joke that we either have a parrot, or a monkey, or a dog. He loves to play terribly. He jumps, climbs, and runs around like a monkey. And sometimes, like a dog, he brings toys in his teeth. This is the best cat. What he loves most about food is meat. Like a real predator. But basically he eats everything. There were no problems with the toilet. She actually goes to the toilet with us. I didn't believe before that this was possible. This is truly a Bombay cat. Only not from the word Bombay, but from the word bomb.”

Video: Bombay cat: description of the breed, characteristics, pet care