Are you, like most women, embarrassed to wear sleeveless clothes? You want to lose weight in your arms, but you don't like going to the gym and lifting heavy weights? Don’t worry, you can make them slim and fit only by doing them at home. effective exercises for losing weight on your arms without dumbbells. In fact, bodyweight training has many benefits - it reduces the risk of injury, it's easy to do, and it can be done anytime, anywhere. Just do these 15 simple exercises and very soon you will get rid of excess fat above the elbows and get the arms you have always dreamed of!

  1. Circular rotations

This is a simple warm-up exercise.


  1. Stand up straight, arms down;
  2. Raise your arms to shoulder level, palms down;
  3. Start making circular rotations with your arms without bending your elbows;
  4. Do 10 times in each direction.

Wall push-ups are great for working your arm muscles. They include shoulders, biceps, and triceps in the work.


  1. Stand opposite the wall at a distance of about 30-60 cm;
  2. Raise your arms and place your palms on the wall slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The tips of the fingers are pressed against the wall;
  3. Take a deep breath, exhale and bend your elbows, bringing your chest closer to the wall;
  4. Inhale and return to the starting position.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

Classic push-ups are a little more difficult, as you need to maintain balance.

How to do:

  1. Lie on your stomach;
  2. Place your palms on the floor at chest level, arms shoulder-width apart, elbows bent and pointing back, fingers pointing forward;
  3. Feet together, toes bent, chin on the floor;
  4. Count to 3 and lift your body off the floor, straightening your elbows. The gaze is directed to the floor. Do not relax your muscles; your head should be in line with your heels;
  5. Exhale, bend your elbows, and lower yourself to the starting position.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 7-10.

Execution options

You can do wide-arm push-ups or diamond push-ups to slim your arms and strengthen your pecs and shoulders.

This exercise aimed at working the triceps. Strengthening these muscles will prevent sagging arms.


  1. Sitting on the mat, bend your knees, legs together, feet pressed firmly to the floor, rest your hands on the floor behind you with your fingers facing you, elbows slightly bent;
  2. Lift your body off the floor with your arms completely straight;
  3. Stay in this position for a second and bend your elbows again and lower yourself to the starting position. Do not touch the floor with your hips until the end of the approach.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

This is a great exercise to do after doing a few arm exercises, especially reverse push-ups. It helps to work out the whole body.

How to do:

  1. Stand straight with your feet together. Bend down, place your palms on the floor. Keep your knees straight;
  2. Start moving forward with your hands without bending your legs;
  3. Move until you are in a plank position;
  4. Start taking small steps forward with your feet until your feet are near your palms.

Sets and reps – 3 sets.

  1. Triceps push-ups

This type of push-up is a more difficult version of the reverse push-up. You will need a bench, box or hard sofa. With this exercise you will strengthen your triceps, shoulders and wrist flexors.

  1. Sit on a bench with a straight back, rest your palms on the bench;
  2. Take a step forward with both feet and, holding only your hands and feet, lift your hips off the bench;
  3. Bend your elbows and lower your hips down. Don't touch the floor with your hips;
  4. Raise your hips to the level of the bench.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

  1. Transition bar

Planks help strengthen your core muscles. The transitional plank also works the arm muscles. It also works the biceps, triceps, shoulders and core muscles.

  1. Get on your knees with your palms on the floor, back straight, neck in a neutral position;
  2. Straighten your legs back. Keep your arms straight, head, spine and hips should be in line. This is the starting position;
  3. Holding the body on your left hand, squeeze right palm fist, bend your right elbow and lower your right forearm to the floor (as in an elbow plank). Bend your left elbow slightly to help;
  4. Squeeze left palm form a fist, bend your left elbow, lower your left forearm to the floor. Now you are in a plank position on your elbows;
  5. Return your hands to the starting position.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10;

  1. Shoulder touches in plank

This is an excellent exercise for strengthening muscles and drying your hands.

  1. Get into a plank position;
  2. Tighten your muscles, neck in a neutral position, gaze directed to the floor;
  3. With your right hand, touch your left shoulder and return to the starting position;
  4. Now touch your left hand to your right shoulder and return to the starting position.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

  1. Climber

This exercise helps strengthen your biceps and triceps, as well as get rid of excess fat on your shoulders.

How to do:

  1. Get into a plank position with your hands on the edge of the step platform;
  2. Lower right hand to the floor, then left;
  3. Return your hands one at a time to the step platform.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

This exercise is similar to the previous one, you should move to the side in a plank position.

How to do it:

  1. Get into a plank position;
  2. Tighten your muscles and move your right arm and leg to the right 15-20 cm;
  3. Place your left arm and left leg where your right arm and leg were originally;
  4. Repeat the same on the left side.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 2.

  1. Half-cobra

An amazing exercise that will get rid of sagging arms in no time.

  1. Lie on your stomach, place your hands on the floor at chest level with your elbows back;
  2. Push your hands up (squeezing your triceps) without lifting your belly button off the floor;
  3. Try to push off using only the strength of your arms, without engaging your body and hips;
  4. Hold at the top for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

One of best exercises for hands. Simple and effective.


  1. Using your hands and feet on the floor, lift your body high up until it is parallel with the floor;
  2. Lift one leg off the floor and straighten it. Pull the sock towards you;
  3. Lower your buttocks to the floor, bending your elbows and keeping your leg suspended;
  4. Do 10 reps and lower your leg. Change your leg.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

  1. Inverted Plank Leg Raises

This bodyweight exercise works your arms, glutes, and abs.


  1. Get into an inverted plank position. Your body should form a straight line, with only your palms and feet touching the floor;
  2. Place your hands firmly on the floor. Try to keep your balance. Don't relax your abdominal muscles;
  3. Lift one leg off the floor as far as flexibility allows, then lower it. Change leg;
  4. Repeat at least 10 times on each leg.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

  1. Plank rotations

The plank works your core, shoulders, and arms. Plank rotations are a more complicated version. Start with slow turns before picking up the pace.


  1. Stand in a plank position - your body is in one line, your abs and arms are tense, your elbows are fixed;
  2. Rotate your torso into a side plank position, extending one arm up and holding your torso with the other;

Rotations can be performed at either a fast or slow pace.

  • When performing slowly, you must stay in this position for at least 8 seconds. Try to reach your arm as far back as possible, stretching your chest and contracting your shoulder muscles. The slow version tones your muscles, makes you stronger, burns fat and speeds up your metabolism;
  • When performed quickly, the exercise acquires cardio status. Hold the side plank position for 5 seconds on each side.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 5.

This exercise works the biceps, triceps, and buttocks.


  1. Get into a plank position. Tighten your abdominal muscles;
  2. Extend one arm to the side as far as possible and lift your leg off the floor;
  3. Bend your elbows, do a push-up, bending your leg and touching your elbow with your knee;
  4. Beginners or those who have trouble keeping their balance can bend their knee and place their foot next to their hand and do a push-up;
  5. Return to the starting position and switch sides.

Approaches and repetitions – 3 to 10.

These exercises for losing weight at home do not require additional weights. There are a few things to keep in mind when performing these exercises.

Things to remember

  • Don't forget about proper breathing. Inhale each time you start the exercise, exhale when you finish;
  • Warming up and stretching are also important. Always start any workout with a warm-up. Do the following exercises:
  1. Hand rotations;
  2. Shoulder rotations;
  3. Rotation of the forearms clockwise and counterclockwise;
  4. Wrist rotations – make small circles in both directions;
  5. Complete your warm-up good exercise for stretching, for example, Gomukhasana;
  • No amount of exercise will help you lose weight locally. It is necessary to work the entire body to achieve the desired result. The above exercises are necessary as they will help you lose weight, give your muscles tone, relief and strength;
  • Progress. The above number of repetitions in the exercises is suitable for beginners. You can increase the numbers depending on your fitness level and endurance. The point is to constantly challenge your body;
  • It is important to maintain body position in all exercises. If you get tired doing spider push-ups, do not lie down completely on the floor. Rest in the plank position, breathe for a couple of minutes and continue with the exercise.

Now you have all the necessary information, you can safely take the mat and start getting rid of full hands. Good luck!

Every girl dreams of graceful, thin hands without sagging and sagging. And in order to achieve this, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym, slender hands You can also work at home. We are offering to you top most effective exercises for arms at home for women with dumbbells and without additional equipment, which will help you lose weight in the upper body and tighten muscles.

Rules for doing hand exercises

1. If you want to work on losing weight and burning fat on your arms without increasing muscle volume, then perform each exercise for 15-25 repetitions with light dumbbell weights. If you want increase arm muscles and give them volume, then perform exercises of 8-10 repetitions in 3-4 approaches with the maximum possible weight (the last repetition in the approach should be at maximum effort).

2. If you are a beginner, use dumbbell weights for arm exercises at home. 2-3 kg. If you are an experienced practitioner, then use dumbbell weights. 4-6 kg. Instead of dumbbells, you can use bottles filled with water or sand.

3. As an alternative to dumbbells, you can use a tubular expander or elastic band. These are very compact options for home fitness equipment, so you can take them with you on your travels.

4. Exercises for the arms involve working on the following muscle groups: biceps(flexor), triceps(extensor), brachial delta. Also, during many exercises, the chest muscles, back muscles and abdominal muscles are indirectly involved.

5. Exercises for arms with light dumbbells They won’t “pump up” your muscles or increase the size of your arms, so you don’t have to worry about that. High-repetition exercises with light weights are designed specifically for weight loss and fitness .

6. Perform the exercises slowly, trying to concentrate on the target muscles. Hand exercises should be performed not for speed, but for quality.

7. To tighten your arms at home, in addition to training, you need to monitor your diet. Try not to abuse fast food, sweet and flour products, fried and refined foods, and even better, start counting calories.

8. If you want to make arm exercises more challenging, use pulsating option execution. This will give a very high-quality load to the muscles even with a small weight of dumbbells. You can, for example, perform 15 classic repetitions and 15 pulsating repetitions.

Plan for doing hand exercises at home:

  • The workout should last 40-45 minutes
  • Perform each arm exercise for 15-20 repetitions, in 2 sets (if the exercise is static, then hold for 30-40 seconds).
  • Be sure to warm up before your workout: Pre-Workout Warm-Up Plan.
  • Don't stretch your muscles after your workout: Post-Workout Stretching Plan.
  • Repeat the set of exercises 1-2 times a week.

This arm exercise plan will help you lose weight and tone up. top part body, giving a slight tone to the muscles. For muscle growth and relief, you need to work with heavy weights.

20 best arm exercises at home

Below are the most popular and effective arm exercises at home or in the gym. The exercises are suitable for both women and men. You will be able to work all the main muscle groups of the arms: biceps, triceps, deltoids.

2. Front Raises for Shoulders

3. Raising your arms to the sides for your shoulders

5. Bicep and Shoulder Curls

6. Bent-over raises for arms and back

7. Lateral raises for shoulders and chest

8. Dumbbell Twists for Triceps and Shoulders

9. Biceps Curl

10. Lateral biceps curl

13. Triceps extension

14. Reverse triceps push-ups

15. Static bar

16. Static elbow bar

19. Dumbbell plank pull-ups

Thanks to the YouTube channel for the gifs Live Fit Girl.

5 video sets of arm exercises for women

If you like to train using ready-made sets of exercises for the arms, then watch our selection of video programs for the arms. They can be performed at home, the only equipment you need is dumbbells.

1. Ekaterina Kononova: Exercises for losing weight in your arms (10 minutes)

2. Exercises for arms without dumbbells (20 minutes)

3. XHIT Daily: How To Lose Arm Fat (12 minutes)

4. Blogilates: Arm Fat Blaster (15 minutes)

To achieve the best results, it is not enough just to do hand exercises; you also need to combine the work of the muscles with the work of the brain. Fitness enthusiasts of any gender want to have beautiful, elastic, strong arms. After all, this is the most visible part of our body. That's why it's impossible to enter Gym and then not see at least one visitor who trains them.

90 percent of beginners, having barely crossed the threshold of the gym, begin to do exercises on the arm muscles, without particularly thinking about the correct technique for doing them. Meanwhile, it is crucial for the result. You need to have basic knowledge about the structure of muscles, different types of grips, the pace of repetitions and the proper construction of a complex for the arms. And regularly apply this knowledge in practice. Then there will be a result. However, more than half of beginning athletes begin to wonder after a few months: why are there no good results? After all, many arm exercises in the gym have been tried. The arm muscles may have become stronger, stronger, but they are not growing! Let's figure this out.

Arm muscle anatomy

The arms have rather short and less massive muscles compared to the lower part of the body, so exercises for the arm muscles do not require large quantity approaches. The main muscles of the arm are the biceps, its flexor, and the triceps, its extensor. They do the opposite job and are called antagonists. Associated with them, performing a supporting function during all movements, are the muscles of the forearm: brachialis, brachyradialis, long flexor carpi radialis and coracoid muscle.

For a modern city dweller, all these muscles are not much involved in Everyday life and do not receive serious loads. Therefore, for those who do not regularly engage in sports or heavy physical labor, they retain a soft and pliable structure even under stress.

The biceps is a thick biceps muscle, both heads of which are attached to the upper arm at the top, to the forearm bone at the bottom, and unite in the middle. The triceps, a more massive triceps muscle than the biceps, also has two heads that begin on the shoulder, and the third on the shoulder blade. And they merge on the process of the ulna. The muscles of the forearm create supporting platforms for the biceps and triceps and, as it were, “push” them out when working.

In sports practice, when compiling a set of exercises for the arms, it is necessary to take into account such anatomical features. The development of the inner part of the biceps gives it height, and the outer part gives it width. The outer head is worked through exercises with a large amplitude and bending the arm to the shoulder. Internal - isolated exercises with a small amplitude and bends slightly across the body (as if the right arm is trying to bend towards the left shoulder).

In order to harmoniously develop the triceps, you also need to influence its three heads evenly and anatomically correctly. When working the middle head, you need to make sure that your elbows do not move apart when doing the exercises. The long head is activated when the hand with the load is placed behind the head. Medium – when the arms are along the body during the exercise, the elbows are close to the sides.

There are persistent misconceptions about training arm muscles. One of them is related to the point of view of how many times a week you need to pump your biceps and triceps - at every workout, or will once a week be enough? When you look at an experienced athlete with developed, massive arms, you might think that he pays special attention to them and pumps them up almost every day.

This is wrong. After all, the arm muscles are involved and receive load when performing many other exercises on other muscle groups. In all basic athletic exercises - deadlifts, presses - both biceps and triceps are involved in one way or another, receiving their portion of the load there too. Therefore, without messing with the basics, we can rightfully assume that the body performs physical exercises for the arms at every workout. The arm muscles are short, susceptible to stress and take a long time to recover. And, if you pump your arms often, they will really become stronger. But they won’t increase the volume.

Another misconception: “big hands require big weights.”

In fact, heavy weights for the arms are self-deception. In these cases, the technique of performing the exercise inevitably begins to “limp” and other, “helping” muscles become involved. The weight should be such that we can do repetitions without breaking correct technique, without cheating, “swinging”, etc. of things.

Another false belief: “an effective set of exercises for arm muscles can only be performed in the gym and only with a variety of equipment.”

There are a huge number of people with perfectly sculpted arms who did not use anything for this except their own weight, a horizontal bar with parallel bars and a pair of dumbbells.

If you turn to a “pro” for help, you will most often hear that you need:

  • Find the right load balance - without slacking, on the one hand, and without overwork, on the other. This is related to the already discussed question of how many times a week you can pump your biceps. In pursuit of massive arms, you shouldn’t regularly force your biceps and triceps to “work overtime”: there will be no progress in mass! And on arm training days, you don’t need to bring your muscles to exhaustion - this way you train their strength and endurance, but not mass and volume;
  • Return to the starting position slowly and under control. Get rid of jerking movements, “throwing weights” and the rocking effect. As you move down, you need to count to at least 3. This adds time under tension and work done by the muscles. And ultimately, it helps volume growth;
  • Maintain the following rhythm: lift the barbell or dumbbells twice as fast as lowering it. Each movement must be slow, controlled, with stable muscle tension and strict adherence to execution technique;
  • Arm training in the gym should be modified periodically. Both the exercises themselves and the order in which they are performed within the complex must change. In order for muscles to work at full strength, the body should not get used to the same movements and similar load. He needs to be “surprised” periodically;
  • Use supersets in arm training. Biceps and triceps are antagonistic muscles, and any exercises for developing arm muscle strength directly “ask” for their inclusion in a superset. Perform alternate sets of biceps and triceps, taking a short rest break not after each set, but after two sets of each of these antagonist muscles.

What are the best exercises for arm strength? Do they even exist? After all, if you ask different athletes, the answers to this question will be different. Exercises that make one athlete grow muscles and strength may be completely useless for another. Therefore, it is necessary not so much to identify the most effective exercises for the arms, but to regularly change your training program and sequence of exercises. For active progress, you need to create stress on the muscles.

The best exercises for the arms will be those that stretch the muscles more and make them tense more. That is why the list of arm exercises in the gym should be headed by those exercises that create greater stress on the muscles and bring maximum microtrauma to the muscle fibers. This means - in the gym for men, of course: we’ll talk about what arm exercises are good in the gym for women a little later. The list below is the basis of arm exercises from which you should start when creating your own complex.


The biceps is a superficial muscle, clearly visible. The entire general form muscles. We must understand that the shape of the biceps is genetically embedded in us. This muscle can be long, with short ligaments, or short, with long ends of the ligaments (like Arnold). In the second case, the volume and “peak” will, of course, look more profitable and impressive.

The best arm exercises are based on the fact that the movements in which the biceps are involved are lifting weights from the bottom up, bringing them to the chest. However, in general, the biceps makes up no more than a third of the muscle mass of the arms, making only a partial contribution to their appearance. No less important pumps up the triceps and forearms (including exercises for women).

Among the arm exercises included in the complex for performing in the gym, work on the Scott bench occupies a special place. It can be performed with both a straight and curved barbell, as well as dumbbells. The seat must be adjusted so that armpits touched the top of the bench.

Use a shoulder-width grip. The arms should be extended and the elbow joints should be slightly bent. We perform the fold while pressing against the bench. Don’t rush to lower the barbell or dumbbells to the starting position! This movement should take at least 3 seconds.

The barbell curl is a bodybuilding classic regularly used by both amateurs and professionals. This is a core exercise that provides a great range of motion and works the entire biceps well.

Thus, you can and should train your arms regardless of how many times a week you load your biceps.

The grip on the barbell from below should be slightly wider than shoulder width. Legs slightly bent at the knees; the shoulders do not slide forward or backward. If, when lifting the barbell upward, you have to swing or use the inertia of movement, it means that the weight taken is too heavy. It is necessary to reduce it so that the movements are performed only by the biceps, without outside help and with full amplitude.

This is also one of the best exercises for pumping up your biceps. When performing this elbow exercise, the arms with dumbbells should not move apart. You need to ensure that your elbows are close to your body. In the upper phases of the movement you need to linger, but literally for one second. After which the weight should be lowered, strictly observing the range of motion.

Among the guaranteed ways to pump up your arms in the gym, there is one that is also suitable for pumping up your biceps “in the fresh air”. These are pull-ups on a bar performed with a narrow reverse grip. During this exercise, you need to grab the bar with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder width and, straining your abs, pull yourself up so that your chin is above the level of the bar. Avoid swinging when climbing!

This exercise makes it possible to pump up the inner part of the arm, which is very important for anyone who wants to build voluminous and massive biceps. The bench should be set at an angle of 60 degrees. The dumbbells should be held in the starting position so that the palms “look at each other.” As you raise your arm, the dumbbell gradually rotates so that your palm faces your torso. It is important to keep your shoulders still: they should not move forward. The dumbbell is lowered until the arm is fully extended, after which the other arm begins the movement.

When using a block exercise machine, muscle groups are used that may remain somewhat “in the shadow” during arm training with conventional exercises. So, arm curls on a block are an isolating exercise that allows you to thoroughly stretch your biceps and thoroughly work out each of their bundles.

It is used not for building mass, but for working out muscles during relief work. This means it is intended for experienced athletes, not beginners.

Every arm workout should include space for both arm lifts with dumbbells and barbell exercises. Blocks and simulators are of secondary importance. Any arm training program includes lifting the barbell with a reverse biceps grip, performed with full amplitude.

In practice, this exercise is considered basic, although, strictly speaking, it is isolating. The main thing is to monitor the lowering of the barbell from the top position: do not throw it (this will turn off the tension in the biceps), but lower it slowly and under control.

The best exercise to work on inside biceps (and therefore the formation of its high “peak” is a “hammer” with dumbbells (by the way, this exercise for the arms, with the appropriate weight, is also suitable for women). It can be performed at home. The hands in this exercise are turned with the palms facing the body and extended downwards.You need to lift the dumbbells by pressing your elbows to your body and minimizing body sway.

The fashion for this exercise was once introduced by Arnold, who loved it and often used it. With his help, almost everyone has been rocking this way for half a century, and no matter what arm exercises are used in the rocking chair, this definitely has a place on their list. There is no doubt that it does not add mass to the biceps, and is aimed at working out its relief, the “peak”. In this regard, it makes sense to put it as the final one in the complex.

Technique tips: do not round your back, place your free hand on your free thigh, bend your arm in a smooth motion, with a pause and maximum tension on the biceps at the top point.


The triceps are designed to extend the arm and are located on both sides of the shoulder: along the back and the outer part of the arm. When the arms are bent, the triceps form "horseshoes" at the back of the shoulders. Many athletes, when choosing exercises for the arm muscles, take effective exercises for the biceps, but almost ignore the triceps. For the reason that this muscle “is also involved in exercises for other muscles,” or “it is not as effective and important as the biceps.” This is not true: without a well-developed triceps, there will be no spectacular “bank” of biceps.

Any strength exercise for the arms should not be complete without this version of the press. It perfectly tightens the back surface of the arms, removing the notorious “jelly” from there (which makes it a valuable exercise for women too).

The grip should be such that the distance between the hands does not exceed 30 cm. When lowering the barbell, the triceps should “slide” along the body. The lowest point is a light touch of the hands with the chest bar. Here you need to tense your triceps and chest, and after a second, energetically “push” the load up. At the top point, pause too.

Another useful exercise for the back of the arms, also suitable for women. Starting position: arms straightened, legs and torso strictly perpendicular to the floor.
When performing dips, lower yourself until your arms and shoulders are parallel to the floor, but not lower. Without jerking, but energetically return to the starting position.

If there is an exercise that is ideal for working certain muscle groups in the arms, it is the French press. Moreover, it is not so important in what position it is performed: standing, sitting or lying down: the triceps are always fully involved.

You need to take the barbell with an overhand grip, placing your hands narrower than your shoulders. Do not overdo the weight: otherwise the exercise will not only be beneficial for the triceps, but also harmful to the elbow joints. The main thing in the technique is that the elbows remain motionless when bending/extending the arms, without moving to the sides or “sliding” back and forth.

Among the most effective physical exercise For the development of strength and volume of the arms, extension of the arms on the block also takes pride of place. This exercise is for use specifically in the gym. It makes sense to perform it with a cable in one workout, and with a “stick” in another. It is important to maintain a constant body position when moving, and your elbows should be close to your sides.

When asked how to properly perform arm exercises, many people make a mistake in this exercise. This exercise is not basic, for the lower arms. It is better to do it towards the end of the training, to “finish off” the triceps. A common mistake is “floating” elbows. It is necessary to ensure that they maintain a constant position during extension.

An isolated exercise for “warming up” at the beginning of a workout, or for “finishing off” the triceps at the end of it. When pumping up your arms and wondering how often you need to pump up your biceps, you must not forget that the triceps should also be thoroughly worked out in each such workout. When extending your arms, place them with your palms facing up. Your shoulders should be kept motionless and your back straight. Starting position – the right hand with a dumbbell is raised above the head. Keeping your shoulders still and your elbows as close to your head as possible, begin to bend your right arm. Having fixed for a second at the bottom point, extend your arm to the top point, where you also take a short pause.

Bench extensions are a simpler version of dips. But no less effective. The body should be a smooth and flat “bridge”. When the arms are bent at the elbow joints, the arms and shoulders should eventually assume a position parallel to the floor. In this position it is important for 1-2 seconds. fixate, feeling the tension in the triceps.

Differences in training between men and women

The difference in men's and women's arm training is determined by the goals that athletes set for themselves. For men, it is important to build muscle mass, increase muscle strength and volume. For women, exercises for training the arm muscles serve as a means to tone them, get rid of looseness, and make the arms elastic. But a girl doesn’t need pumped up “cans”: it’s ugly and unnatural. But the answer to the question of how many times a week to pump biceps for women will be the same as for men.

Another significant difference is that for men, most of the arm exercises are performed with a barbell, while for women it is better to limit themselves to dumbbells and machines. Using only dumbbells, in just two months you can get rid of the “jelly” and give your arms excellent tone.

When creating your own complex, be it exercises to tighten your arms, or to develop strength and volume, you must keep in mind that it should be based on basic exercises - you can’t pump up your arms only by isolated ones. For a man wondering how to pump up his arms in the gym, it is important not to get hung up on one complex. And every 1.5 months. change it, and do not forget to rearrange the exercises within the complex. The correct answer to how to pump up your arms in the gym also lies in a conscientious attitude towards training, in the ability to train with dedication, “not to shirk.”


Start warming up before training your biceps and triceps with vigorous exercises for your hands: before each strength training session in the gym, you should definitely warm up. Including if your goal is simply toned arms, and you have to do exercises to tighten your arms with light weights.

As you rise higher, stretch your elbows and then your shoulder joints (required!). These joints are real risk areas, more susceptible to injuries and sprains than other places in the body.

For newbies

Beginners need to train their arms 1-2 times a week (the question of whether it is possible to train biceps daily can be answered in the affirmative; it’s just that the benefits of frequent training are questionable). The complex should be composed of basic exercises for arm mass; and isolated exercises for working out the relief in the gym for men are better left for later. Basic exercises involve more muscle fibers and create more stress for the muscles, stimulating them to grow.

After doing the first approach with a small warm-up weight, and making sure that you can stick to the correct technique, repeat the exercise for another 2-3 approaches with the working weight. The number of exercises should initially be 2 for each muscle group; then - 3, and no more. The main thing in these exercises is strict adherence to technique, controlled movements with constant muscle tension.

After completing the third approach, the exercise should be completed and, after a minute's rest, begin the exercise on the antagonist muscle. In total, the arm workout should last about 40 minutes.

A sample training plan for a beginner should look like this:

  • Standing biceps curls with W-shaped bar: 3x10-12;
  • French press with W-shaped bar from behind the head: 3x10-12;
  • Biceps curls on a Scott bench: 3x10-12;
  • Reverse push-ups from the bench: 3x8-10.

For advanced

Experienced athletes already know from their own experience how many times a week they need to pump their biceps, and they approach this without excessive fanaticism. For those who have already built up a certain muscle mass and are working on relief, it makes sense to perform exercises for the inner part of the arms for 12-15 repetitions without losing intensity. Some people also begin to additionally pump up their forearms - separately, using isolated exercises for these muscles, sometimes included in complexes for women. When performing arm strength exercises, you should remember the importance of the last 2 repetitions. That is, after you have already mentally said to yourself “enough,” you need to do it 2 more times, which is where the main benefit lies.

In training for advanced exercisers, exercises with dumbbells for the biceps and triceps are more widely used - for detailed study of the internal bundles of the biceps and triceps and polishing their relief. The following rules are also relevant: watch your breathing: it should be uniform, with an effortful exhalation; slowly lift the weight and lower it even more slowly, with brief fixation at the extreme points; When pumping arm muscles while standing, bend your knees slightly - for stability and to prevent cheating. Be sure to use supersets.

A sample training plan for advanced ones would look like this:

  • Reverse grip pull-ups: 2x8-10.
  • Concentrated raises on a Scott bench: 4x12-15;
  • French press with a dumbbell standing behind the head: 4x12-15;
  • Triceps extensions in a crossover with a rope: 4x15-20;
  • “Hammer” with gateel: 4x12-15;
  • Reverse push-ups from the bench: 4x12-15.

For girls

Sets of arm exercises for women have a different purpose. This is not about increasing muscle size. The goal is relief, fit and overall tone. Therefore, girls need to select a set of exercises for arms in the gym in such a way as to avoid exercises on mass.

The best exercises for strengthening women are exercises with dumbbells for the biceps, triceps and forearm muscles. When using dumbbells, in addition to the target muscles, stabilizer muscles also come into play. Part of the load is removed from the main muscle, but the arms are worked out comprehensively and harmoniously. In this way, you can give your muscles a consistently vigorous tone and get rid of both overly round and overly thin limbs.

A sample plan for girls would look like this:

  • Standing biceps curls with dumbbells: 4x12-15;
  • Triceps crossover extensions with a rope: 4x12-15;
  • Biceps crossover curls with V-shaped handle: 4x12-15;
  • Reverse push-ups from the bench: 4x8-10.

BONUS for advanced athletes! Arm workout from the Fit Magazine team!


By distributing the load, arm training can and should end with a small set of stretching exercises. It makes sense to start not only this, but most workouts with warm-up exercises and end with stretching. Then each movement of the main exercises will be performed with greater amplitude and more under control. Particular attention should be paid to stretching the muscle groups of the shoulder girdle.

The hand stretch can be seen in the picture below:

At home

Many people believe that main problem training at home, including when performing exercises for biceps, triceps and forearms for women, is a lack of equipment. In fact, the only problem with organizing homework is a lack of self-discipline.

Even the absence of dumbbells can be perfectly replaced with bottles of water or sand, performing the same exercises for the arms with them. It should be remembered when training arm strength that this indicator can generally be developed only using your own weight, without resorting to training in the gym. All types of push-ups and parallel bars will help; pull-ups on the bar.

You can also train your arms at home without weights. It is enough to do:

  • Push-ups with narrow arms (for triceps development);
  • Reverse push-ups (for triceps development);
  • Reverse grip pull-ups (for biceps development).

How to improve results with sports nutrition?

A healthy diet and a balanced diet are true allies in the development of arm muscles. An abundance of protein foods, slow carbohydrates, avoidance of sweets, fatty and fried foods - this is what you should focus on. Even more effective way Getting the most out of effective arm exercises is the proper use of sports nutrition.

The most difficult thing in doing arm exercises is maintaining high motivation and constant energy for quality training. You must always remember that missed workouts bring you back and force you to start all over again. And regular and targeted training will definitely give noticeable results and help you achieve your goal!

Which guy doesn't dream of big, ripped triceps and biceps?

Do you want to look fit and be in in great shape to stand out from the crowd? Then read on and you will learn how to pump up your arms at home.

I am a long-time bodybuilder, and I want to say that arm workouts are my favorite.

If you don't have enough time or desire to go to the gym, don't worry. You can pump up your arms at home.

Based on my experience, I can say that arm isolation exercises are in a great way build muscle mass. You just need to plan your diet wisely; it must contain sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats so that the overall muscle mass body, and with it the muscles of the arms.

Nowadays, you will find a wide variety of arm exercises at home to tone your biceps and triceps, but I want to tell you about the most productive ones. Thanks to them, I can show off the relief of my hands!

First of all, you will need Sports Equipment, these will be the most ordinary basic simulators, nothing supernatural.

  • Dumbbell set
  • Curved rod
  • Pull-up bar
  • Adjustable Press Bench

Fortunately, any equipment and exercise equipment can be bought in an online store with home delivery, you can find worthwhile things at a low price.

Training your arms takes time and dedication.

Exercises for training arm muscles are simple, they can be performed at home by anyone who wants to have beautiful, sculpted muscles. The main thing in this matter is to be patient and forget about laziness. Systematicity is very important: your training should become constant and should not be neglected.

If you are naturally thin, then you should exercise 4-5 times a week and eat heavily.

Be prepared that the result will not appear as quickly as you would like. 2 weeks is too much short term. I repeat, you will have to be patient.

But if you are persistent and consistent, your efforts will not be in vain. You will be proud of your hands!

Pump your arms 1-2 times a week

You shouldn’t stop at 1-2 simple biceps exercises and think that this will be enough. I recommend that you do 3-4 biceps and triceps exercises.

You must force your muscles to work at full strength.

I never tire of repeating that if you do not feel pain in your muscles after doing the exercises, then such training is ineffective.

Do you know the best way to do exercises? I'll tell you my secret now. One day I do biceps exercises and pectoral muscles, and the next - on the triceps and back.

Don’t be surprised, below I will explain what and how you will do.

If you have weak muscle mass, then you will need 6-8 weeks for more or less pronounced results.

Don't forget about other muscle groups: your body should develop proportionally. Otherwise, you'll look like Popeye the Sailor Man.

Hand exercises at home

Most beginners make one common and very stupid mistake - they train their biceps every day.

It is not at all surprising that such training does not bring them any results. Would-be bodybuilders get upset, quickly burn out and gradually reduce their physical activity to nothing.

Remember one important thing: In order for your muscles to grow, they need rest.

I can boldly tell you that both isolating and complex exercises give good results.

During the training process, I pay attention to both large and small muscle groups.

For example, as I already said, One day I work out my biceps and chest, and the next day I work out my triceps and back.

Of course, all people are different, but I’m talking about my experience, what helped me.

A set of exercises for hands at home

Biceps exercises

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Insulating arm bend on the block

4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Standing biceps curl

4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Seated dumbbell curls

4 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Triceps exercises

Video: a set of hand exercises at home

Results on how to pump up your arms at home

It is not at all necessary to visit the gym to have sculpted, pumped up arms. If you have a standard set of weights, then it is quite possible to pump your arms at home.

All you need are dumbbells, a barbell and a pull-up bar. The arm exercises are very simple and will be easy for you to do! Put your favorite music in the background and go!

Get your hands ready for summer sundresses! Are you embarrassed to wear T-shirts and open dresses because of your flabby arms? Don't rush to give up sexy outfits! You can restore beauty to your hands. Dumbbells, wraps and proper nutrition work wonders. Try it, it's easy!

After forty years, women gradually deny themselves the pleasure of wearing sleeveless clothes. The reason for this is sagging upper arms. But is it worth giving up beautiful sexy outfits if the problem can be dealt with? let's consider effective exercises, which will help strengthen the triceps and tighten loose skin.

Age and other troubles

Why do hands lose their attractiveness? The main reason is that With age, elasticity is lost as the body produces less elastin and collagen- substances that create a special framework that supports the skin. Muscle tissue also weakens.

But the skin on the hands can also sag in girls. A deficiency arises due to the absence physical activity, immediately after rapid weight loss, when the fat layer is rapidly decreasing, as well as with a large volume of adipose tissue.

Many women avoid putting stress on this part of the body because they are afraid of the “male” shape of their hands. But there is no such risk due to the characteristics of the female body and relatively small loads. In order to develop muscles like a bodybuilder, you will have to seriously engage in bodybuilding.

Don't be upset. not easy, but possible.

5 best exercises:

And again - about charging

No matter how trivial it may sound, physical education classes will come to the rescue. And yes, there is good news: It’s easier to “pump” your arms than the rest of your body.

However, there is one thing. Girls with curvaceous Before you start exercising, you should normalize your weight, otherwise you won’t achieve a beautiful relief - it will be hidden by a layer of fat.

There are about thirty muscles in the upper limbs. The emphasis is on the three main ones - deltoid (activates the upper limbs), biceps (responsible for bending the elbow), triceps (extending the limb).

Gymnastics for the arms for women consists of strength exercises, including the use of loads, as well as stretching. To avoid injuries to joints and tendons, you need to select the correct weight of dumbbells. For the first training, choose a projectile with the smallest weight - 1 kg.

Before the main block, do a warm-up. A few simple movements - arm swings, wrist rotations, jumping or walking in place will warm up the muscles, fill them with oxygen and reduce the risk of injury, as well as increase the effectiveness of the workout and prevent premature fatigue.

Hand exercises

First, a few rules that should be followed so that the result is predictable.

  1. Movements are made smoothly, without jerking. Then the muscle is not only pumped, but also stretched, resulting in a beautiful shape.
  2. It is important to control your breathing; exhale air simultaneously with muscle effort.
  3. Trainings are held 3-4 times a week.
  4. It is recommended to do two approaches with a break of 1 minute, 15–20 repetitions.

Now - the actual exercises.

Classic push-ups

This exercise will tone all the muscles in your arms. Starting position (IP): lying on your hands (shoulder-width apart, fingers pointing forward) and toes, elbows pressed to the body. On the count of “one” (exhale) they go down, “two” (inhale) - they return to the starting position.

Do not move your elbows to the side! First, push-ups are done in the first part of the workout, and later they are transferred to the final part, since they consolidate the results of the training.

If the arms are too weak and the exercise is not yet possible, start with a simplified version, when the emphasis is not on the toes, but on the knees with bent legs.

French press

IP - sitting, on a chair, knees bent, straight. Take the dumbbell with both hands and lift it, leaving your arms slightly bent. Bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbell behind your head until the bend angle at the elbow joint reaches 90 degrees. Then the hands are returned to the IP. While performing the exercise, your elbows remain pressed to your ears.

One-arm French press

Do the same as in exercise No. 2, but with one hand.

Bench press

IP - lying on a bench, feet on the floor, head not hanging. Hands with dumbbells, bent at the elbows at an angle of 90°, are raised so that the dumbbells are at the head. When exhaling, straighten your arms, and when inhaling, return them to the IP. Do not allow the joints to click when lifting dumbbells.

Reverse push-ups

Performed from a low bench. First you need to make sure that the support is stable and can support the weight of the athlete.

IP: with hands slightly pulled back, grasp the edge of the bench. Legs bent at the knees in front of the bench, pelvis at the level of the seat. As you inhale, slowly bend your arms while simultaneously lowering your torso vertically until your shoulders are parallel to the floor. At the lowest point, linger for a few seconds, and as you exhale, straighten your arms. Elbows are pressed to the body all the time.

Stretching exercise

The right arm is raised, bent at the elbow, palm behind the back. With the left hand, gently press the elbow towards the back. Stay in this position for 5 minutes. The same is repeated for the other hand.

Are there any contraindications?

Strength training is contraindicated for some women. Therefore, before starting training, you should consult your doctor and make sure that there are no diseases:

  • arrhythmias;
  • high blood pressure;
  • heart attack;
  • pregnancy.

Exercises should be chosen with extreme caution for scoliosis, osteochondrosis, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, genital diseases.

To prevent the skin from sagging

When losing weight, as mentioned above, the skin sags a lot. Here's what advice fitness trainers give on this matter.

  • You need to lose weight slowly(by 2–5% per month), fast weight loss is stress for the body, and then the production of collagen and elastin decreases.
  • The diet should have enough vitamins due to the greater number of free radicals when losing weight.
  • The body needs 2–2.5 liters of water daily to cleanse itself of waste and toxins.
  • It is necessary to give up alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.

To improve your skin condition, you can take advantage of the arsenal of services offered by beauty salons. These are mesotherapy, laser lifting, massages, wraps. However, there are many products for home use. For example, the same contrast shower.

Wraps are effective. The skin is first steamed and scrubbed.

  • Required: 2 tsp. fat cream, 1 tbsp. l. corn oil, a few drops essential oil(for example, grapefruit, orange). The components are mixed, slightly heated, until the mass becomes homogeneous. Apply a thick layer to the problem area, wrap cling film and a warm towel. In 20 minutes. excess cream is removed with a paper napkin, and what remains is rubbed into the skin.
  • You will need: honey - 3 tbsp. l., 3 drops each of mint and orange oil. Apply to the skin in the same way as in the previous case, leave for 1–1.5 hours. After the allotted time, the mixture is washed off.

Procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases, tendency to bleeding, skin diseases.

Also use force vegetable oils. Pour a lot of avocado oil into the palm (can be replaced with grape seed oil), add 2 drops of patchouli and juniper oils. The mixture is applied with massage movements to the skin after an evening shower or bath and left overnight.