Do you think , winter means clumsy boots, icy wind and swamp on the roads? But it’s not necessary! Our heroines have deceived nature and at this moment are enjoying the warm sun, dressed up in light clothes. You just have to want and go to a country with a dream climate! For example… Singapore

I was living in Moscow when I first decided to leave. The last straw was that the owner of the apartment in Once again raised the cost of rent - up to half my salary. I went to Egypt, to Hurghada. An employer from Russia provided a room at the Hilton hotel. What's bad about living on the shores of the Red Sea? I'm 25, nothing kept me at home. Difficulties? There wasn’t enough borscht, because you couldn’t cook it at the hotel, and I started dreaming about rain at night.

Things didn't work out in Egypt, so I returned. At home I realized that I was bored and wanted to be warm. After all, winter in Moscow means dirt, slush, chemicals on the roads, cold buses, expensive warm clothes and other “delights.”


I again started looking for somewhere to go to be warmer. Found a job in Morocco. Africa, but Europe is nearby. I traveled a lot, mainly in winter and autumn, and in the summer I swam in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. She lived there for 6 years, then left, realizing that the Arab way of life restricts the freedom of women who were not raised in the Muslim tradition.

I'm in Singapore now. It's almost the equator. Around thirty degrees Celsius all year round. It suits me very well! You can swim and sunbathe every day if there is no rain. I plan to travel to Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and will try to visit Australia, Japan, Macau and China.

“You can wear a fur coat just for beauty!”

Was it scary to leave? For the first time yes! I heard a lot about how girls are taken into slavery and forced into prostitution. But I had a return ticket, I was not going to give my passport to anyone, and I spoke fluent English. The employer was from Russia, and I knew exactly what I would do. In Morocco and Singapore there were no such problems. Now, in addition to English, I know a little French and Spanish, and this makes me feel even more confident.

There were difficulties in Morocco due to the difference in cultures: for the sake of theater, cinema, shopping, the opportunity to relax in a bar with girls and walk along the embankment in shorts, you have to go to Europe. It's easier in Singapore. I am an easy person, it is not a problem for me to adapt to a different environment. I like getting to know people, learning languages, traveling. And thanks to the Internet, I am always aware of what is happening in Russia, in touch with friends, books and films, television are available to me. By the way, I received my second degree remotely. I am very happy with my life, although it is different from the life of my classmates.

In Singapore, I like the cleanliness (the streets are simply washed!), safety, cosmopolitanism, diverse cultural life, shopping, the combination of ultra-modern urban infrastructure and nature - the cities are surrounded by greenery!

I am not drawn to Russia. First of all, it's cold. You need to buy winter clothes, warm up and clear the snow from your car in the morning, barely see the sun, and drive a day and a half to the sea to see that people on the beach are packed like herring in a barrel. And you may also be unlucky with the weather! Second: the quality of life will drop significantly. With my salary in Singapore I can afford much more than with the same money at home.

And one more thing: in a warm climate you can dress beautifully - sandals, shoes, dresses, skirts, tops! You can forget about shapeless coats, practical boots with stable soles, hats that spoil your hair, and jeans over tights, brrr! I remember how, as a child, I wondered why in glossy magazines women were wearing coats and had shoes on their feet. Now I know: because warm countries a fur coat can be worn just for beauty!

TEMPERATURE IN WINTER: from 26º to 30º C (however, as in summer).

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…to Spain

I can't stand winter. And in Moscow she is in last years harsh. But I spontaneously decided to wait out the frosts abroad. I first thought about this when my daughter was ill in the fall, winter, and in the spring she was admitted to the hospital with croup.

My grandfather was Spanish. I speak Spanish and previously worked for Spanish companies in Moscow. I wanted to stay warm longer so that the sun and good weather tempered the child.

Until the last moment, I didn’t know whether to go or not. But I was offered a job, which seemed like a miracle, because in Spain it’s difficult now. I do almost the same things I do at home. I work for a large chain of schools. Spanish for foreigners, in the marketing department.

"I wanted so that good weather will strengthen the child.”

At first there was a lot of bureaucratic hassle. It is difficult to find housing for six months; they usually rent for a year. But everything worked out, now I live in a nice apartment in the center of Madrid. There were difficulties with school for my daughter - the enrollment process here takes place in March, and I decided on everything in July. Places in schools were filled, and we had to choose from private and expensive ones. But at the last moment I was advised to join a Catholic monastic colegio. With a pleasant atmosphere, close to work.

I always felt good in Spain, I didn’t have to adapt to anything. All worries related to documents and a child’s education are troublesome things in Moscow, too. I plan to return because I miss my friends and family. I want Sasha to go to a Russian school. It's sad to leave though. Firstly, the climate, and secondly, I have good job. But there are proposals in Moscow too, I think for now.

But after this experience, I know that forays into Europe are real! And I plan to wait out next winter in France. I have already started looking for a job!

TEMPERATURE IN WINTER differs depending on the region, on average it ranges from +8º to +14º C. Serbia

I lived in Samara and worked as a radio DJ for five years. It was interesting, but then I got bored. I had a lot of free time left, and I decided to learn some language to keep myself busy. For some reason I chose Serbian. Maybe because the Serbs love Russians and consider them brothers. In general, at work I did exercises and read books, and at home I watched films in the language. Mastering Serbian took about a year. When I realized that there was nowhere to go on radio, I decided to leave. Five years on air seemed like enough time to me. There were no prospects for growth, and I decided: I need to become a translator!

I moved to Moscow, worked a little with language and translations. And then I thought, why not go to Serbia. I've been there several times and really liked it. Belgrade is beautiful, it has friendly people and, most importantly, warmth! I went there in the fall, and every time it seemed to me that I was cheating the weather and ending up in summer!

In general, I began to prepare for the move. Mainly financially. In Serbia there are not many jobs; I understood that I would be without money for several months. But fate decreed otherwise, and a month before I was supposed to leave for Belgrade, I was offered a job on the Croatian coast. I wasn’t scared, I had a rough idea of ​​what awaited me. After all, I had a job and a place to live. It is important. I remember my first impressions of Croatia: February, warm and sunny, air temperature +15º. And the smell of the sea...

“The sky here is such that you want to look at it.”

I spent my second “foreign” winter in Zagreb, and my third in Belgrade. Everything started from scratch. I rented an apartment on the outskirts and spent a long time looking for work. But it wasn’t scary, I had long dreamed of living here and I understood that there are no ideal stories. Then somehow everything got better. Friends appeared, then a boyfriend. Now I live in the center of Belgrade. And things turned out unexpectedly with work. I was both a translator and a journalist, and in the end I opened my own company, and now I am engaged in youth employment. I work almost in my specialty, but now for some reason I became interested in it!

My mother often asks me if I would like to return. I don't know the answer to this question. Maybe someday I’ll want to go back, or maybe I’ll decide to go somewhere else... I’m here, and here I’m happy.

And I say to my mother: “How can I get back, it’s so cold in Samara?!” And she objects: “You just have to put on a hat!” But that's the problem! I hate hats! I don't have them now. As well as winter shoes and sheepskin coats! Only jackets, autumn boots, light scarves.

Snow falls here infrequently and does not last long. Warm and early spring, late autumn. And the sky is such that you always want to look at it. This is probably why I have accumulated a huge number of photographs of the Belgrade sky.

TEMPERATURE IN WINTER almost always the same: from +3º to +7º C. C

We moved to Thailand from Moscow. But before that I lived in Khabarovsk. And for the last 10 years, all the time I spent in Moscow, I missed the sun, the sky and the change of seasons. So that if it's summer, then summer - with heat, bright sun, clear, rich skies of blue color. I infected my husband with the same desire. It was some kind of eternal autumn in Moscow.

I was engaged in sales, worked in large trading companies. At the age of 30, she left the office and became a freelancer, began collaborating with magazines, and wrote a novel. At the same time, the husband office work switched to remote.

We started choosing a country and settled on Thailand. The climate played a major role in the choice, and especially the climate on Koh Samui; due to the favorable location of the island, it is milder than in other parts of the country. We've been here for a year and a half now and are very happy with our choice. As such last straw It probably wasn’t involved in making the decision to move. It was born and grew stronger gradually, both for me and for my husband. In the fall of 2008, we went “on reconnaissance” to Samui and, upon returning, decided that we would move there by the summer. But a surprise was waiting at home: a week after the end of the vacation, my husband’s office began a second wave of layoffs, which included his position. Search new job in the midst of the crisis, they considered it inappropriate, so they decided to pack their bags immediately.

It was scary. When we had already bought the tickets, it suddenly hit me: where are we going, why?! I couldn't sleep at night. It’s good that we left in the middle of winter, when... New Year I have to splash through puddles, stand in traffic jams in a never-drying dirty car, jostle in the subway - all together helped me quickly cast aside my doubts.

At first, everything was simple: such a surge of enthusiasm, such a charge of strength and vigor, recharged by the sun! We ran like “energizers,” and all everyday issues were easily resolved. It was later, two months later, when the hot season began, we became like the Thais, who have a siesta from 10 to 16 - at this time they only sleep and eat, preferably on a cool floor.

“We often freeze during the rainy season.”

The first thing we did was rent a car, drive around the island, choose the area where we want to live, find a house, and move in. Gradually they found out what was going on, made acquaintances, and had their own hairdresser, doctors, pharmacists, and market traders. The local population is so friendly to all foreigners that the adaptation process was easy, even taking into account language barrier- We have weak English, they also have weak and very peculiar “Taiglish”. If people want to understand each other, they understand without words, even if one side explains in Russian, and the other only knows Thai.

Current life We are generally satisfied, although over time you begin to find fault even with the Thai climate. For example, during the rainy season we often freeze, so we even think about Singapore or Malaysia, where it should be warmer.

TEMPERATURE IN WINTER depending on the region - from +20º to +27º C (in the north it drops to +10º C).

Recorded by Irina Vakarchuk

Let's look at what temperature records in the world and the places where they were recorded. In other words, this selection is 10 hottest and coldest places on earth.

To begin with, I propose to consider the coldest ones. These places are generally considered to be the coldest on Earth. Brrr – I wouldn’t want to live there (:

  • Antarctica. Vostok station.

This station belongs, as you probably already guessed, to the Russians. This is where it was recorded coldest temperature. A significant date is July 21, 1983, then there was severe frost, and the thermometer showed our planet's record -89.2 °C. And now a little more specifically about this place: the altitude is 3.5 kilometers above sea level, the station is located in the area of ​​one of the largest lakes in the world: Lake Vostok of the same name. Naturally, the lake is not on the surface, it is located under the ice at a depth of 4 kilometers.

  • Canada. Eureka station.

This research station often call the coldest populated area in the world. -20 ° C is the average annual air temperature, and in winter it usually drops to -40 ° C. This station is intended as a meteorological station and was created in the middle of the last century.

  • Russia. Yakutia. Oymyakon.

Well, this place is already in the North: 350 km from the Arctic Circle to the south. Was recorded here lowest temperature record for the Northern Hemisphere-71.2 °C (1926). Which confirms Memorial plaque, installed after this event.

  • USA. Denali (Mount McKingley).

This one high point North America. Mount McKingley is the coldest on Earth, its height is 6,194 meters.

  • Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar.

And this is already the coldest capital. The height above sea level is 1.3 kilometers. The thermometer very rarely shows temperatures above -16 ° C in January.

Well, we visited the most “icy” places. Personally, I wanted to immediately drink a cup of hot coffee or tea, but this is not at all necessary, because then we will go with you to the hottest countries. Well, let's continue!

So, hottest places in the world.

  • Libya. El Azizia.

Al Aziziyah is only about an hour's drive from Mediterranean Sea. And despite this it is very hot there. For example, on September 13, 1922, the days were so hot that the thermometer tirelessly showed 57.8 ° C.

  • Africa. Ethiopia. Dallol.

The place is 116 meters below sea level. And it is in Dallol that it is observed record high average temperature+34.4 ° C. The area is covered with salt and is volcanic in nature, so nothing grows here and there is nothing living at all.

  • Libya. Dashti-Lut Desert.

It was in this desert that it was recorded highest temperature on the Earth's surface +70 ° C. This is a record!! Here Maximum temperature!! By the way, about the date: they were able to record such a temperature here twice: in 2004 and in 2005. This desert is one of the driest places on the planet. There is also nothing living here, including even bacteria. Just imagine: not even bacteria can survive there! But the dunes there are like in a fairy tale: they reach 500 meters in height and are the most beautiful!

  • USA. California. Death Valley.

This desert belongs to the second record for the most high temperature : +56.7 ° C. The average summer temperature here is approximately +47 ° C. Death Valley is the driest place in the USA, it is surrounded by mountains and is located 86 meters below sea level.

  • Thailand. Bangkok.

The average annual temperature in this city is +28 ° C. The hottest time here is from March to May - the average temperature in these months is +34 ° C, and if you also take into account that the humidity is 90%, then this is in general (in vain I drank a cup of hot coffee all still (=).

Let's summarize. We visited amazing places: these were the places where we recorded temperature records, the lowest and the highest. Personally, I realized for myself: there is no need for extremes; and it turns out that I am quite happy with the climate of the place where I live, it can be both cold and hot here, but in moderation compared to the places listed above.

Snowmen, snowball fights and snow slides, and maybe even entire snow palaces - . White and fluffy, it was for us a symbol of holiday and winter fun, personified a fairy tale and a dream, gave great mood. I remember when the snow covered everything around and the sun was shining brightly, all the children ran out into the street to enjoy this wonderful natural phenomenon. Without snow, it would seem that childhood cannot be bright. However, it turns out that there are countries on our planet that have never seen snow. And the kids find other entertainment there, not knowing about such a white and fluffy miracle of nature...


This state is located in southeast Asia. Homeland of agave and coconut trees, tropical forests and picturesque meadows. And the luxurious beaches... In a word, a traveler's dream! However, despite all this splendor, the inhabitants of the Philippines have never seen snow, and instead of snowballs, boys here throw coconuts!


The state is located in Central America, on the Isthmus of Panama, washed by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Being an agro-industrial country, Panama exports bananas, shrimp and petroleum products. Recently a new entertainment has appeared in the country - artificial snow produced by a special machine. Thanks to her, Panamanians can feel like residents of real Siberia!


Islands located in the southwestern part Pacific Ocean. They were discovered by A. Tasman and J. Cook. The country is dominated by mountain plateaus, tropical rainforests and savannas. These islands are a supplier of bananas, coconuts and sugar cane.
Gold was also found in Fiji. But snow, despite all the efforts of local archaeologists, was not found here!


An island in the Caribbean that has also never “seen” snow. The birthplace of the famous Jamaican rum, hot Jamaican pepper, tobacco and coffee. As for snow, the government is trying to negotiate its export with the Eskimos of Greenland, but for some reason they refuse!


Or " Mountain country» located in South-East Asia. Malaysia consists of 13 states, seven of which are monarchies headed by sultans. The ruler of one of the states, Sembilan, bears the traditional Malay title “Yang Dipertuan”, and the ruler of the state of Perlis is called “raja”. Every five years, monarchs elect a Supreme Ruler from among themselves. Malaysia has proclaimed religious freedom, but the official religion is Islam, which is professed by 60% of the population. But the inhabitants of this extraordinary country have still not seen snow!


The republic is located in western Africa. It borders with Senegal, Mauritania, Algeria. Over 50% of the entire territory of the country is occupied by the grass-shrub deserts of the Sahara. The rest of the territory is given over to the savannah with acacias, baobabs and doum palms. Main river- Senegal. Among the animals found here are lions, gazelles, antelopes, giraffes, hippopotamuses, hyenas, as well as all kinds of reptiles, termites and tsetse flies. And it’s still useless to look for snow here!


It is the largest country in Africa by population. About 152 million people live on an area of ​​923,768 km²! federal Republic borders Benin, Chad. Since October 7, 1960, Cameroon has been a member of the UN and is also a member of the Economic Commission for African Affairs.
Cameroon also supplies oil to other countries around the world.


A state located in southeast Asia, on the northwestern coast of the island of Kalimantan. The head of state is the Sultan. The country sells oil, gas and natural rubber. This became possible thanks to the fact that her endless plains There are plantations of rubber-bearing Hevea.


A Spanish-speaking country located near the coast of America. It contains several islands. It was discovered by Christopher Columbus. (It’s a pity that even Columbus couldn’t find snow here!) The country is washed by the waves of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The permanent leader of the “Island of Freedom” is Fidel Castro Rus.


The country is famous for its majestic baobab trees. This state borders such East African countries as South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique. Zimbabwe is an agro-industrial country that exports rice, groundnuts and sugarcane. In addition, gold mining has recently begun on its territory. And despite the great desire of the local residents, snow was not noticed here either!

Domestic winters are harsh, frosty and very long. It is at this time of year that we are so drawn to where it is warm and the sun shines brightly. Do you know which country in the world is the hottest? In which cities on the planet does the air temperature rise to unimaginable levels? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Climate records of the planet

When in the summer the air warms up to +30 degrees, we languish from the heat and pray to the Almighty for cool rain. But there are hotter places on our planet, where temperature values ​​can reach +40...50 o Celsius. What are these places? And where is the most hot country in the world? Let's find out.

In meteorology, there is such a thing as “absolute temperature maximum.” This highest value air temperature recorded at a certain point on the Earth over the entire history of observations. This is one of the main indicators that allows us to identify the 10 hottest countries (or cities) in the world. So, for example, for Moscow this value is +38.2 o C, but for Athens (the hottest capital of Europe) - +48.0 o C.

Enough for a long time The record temperature for the globe was considered to be +58.2 o C. It was recorded back in 1922 in the Libyan desert, not far from the city of Tripoli. However, in 2012, the World Meteorological Organization refuted these figures. According to satellite monitoring data earth's surface, the absolute maximum air temperature was recorded in 2005 in the Dasht-Lut area in southwestern Iran (+70.7 o C).

So where is the hottest country in the world located? And how many degrees does the thermometer show on its territory? Read about this later in the article.

The hottest countries in the world: TOP 10

There are many truly “hot” states in the world. Most often, they are located in equatorial and tropical latitudes. After all, these are the parts of the globe that receive per year greatest number solar heat. But which country is the hottest in the world? To be called such, it must have high temperatures throughout the entire calendar year.

So, the ten hottest countries in the world have next view:

  • Ethiopia (10th place).
  • Indonesia (9th place).
  • Jamaica (8th place).
  • India (7th place).
  • Malaysia (6th place).
  • Vietnam (5th place).
  • Bahrain (4th place).
  • UAE (3rd place).
  • Botswana (2nd place).
  • Qatar (1st place).
  • Dubai, UAE).
  • Baghdad (Iraq).
  • Kuwait City (Kuwait).
  • Riyadh ( Saudi Arabia).
  • Ahvaz (Iran).


Ethiopia is located in eastern Africa. Since the country is located in near-equatorial latitudes, it is not much cooler here in winter than in summer. The climate of the eastern regions of Ethiopia is extremely dry and hot.


average temperature warm season: +31 o C.

There is no division into seasons as such in Indonesia. Annual fluctuations in temperature values ​​here do not exceed 3-5 degrees. The Indonesian heat is significantly complicated by high air humidity due to the proximity of the open ocean. However, in the mountainous regions of this island country it is quite possible to freeze even in the hottest months of the year.


Average temperature of the warm season: +31 o C.

Jamaica's climate is tropical maritime, very humid. It is just as hot here in winter as in summer. And here is the distribution atmospheric precipitation is strictly seasonal. Most of the rain falls in autumn. According to historical reports, the first European colonizers in Jamaica had a hard time. It took a long time for Europeans to adapt to the unusual Jamaican climate.


India is an original and colorful country, one of the most popular among tourists. It is reliably protected from the harsh northern winds by the chain of the Himalayan mountains. But hot air from the Thar Desert spreads freely throughout almost its entire territory. Unlike all of the above countries, India experiences some seasonality in the climate: in winter, average air temperatures here drop to +15 degrees.


Average temperature of the warm season: +32 o C.

In the middle of our ranking is Asian state Malaysia. The climate here is humid (due to the proximity of the sea) and hot (due to the proximity to the equator). However, the Malaysian heat is slightly “diluted” by the monsoons, which bring abundant and long rains.


A similar situation is observed in Vietnam: during the transition seasons of the year, the monsoons bring with them precipitation and, often, typhoons. But winter in this country is quite dry, even compared to the hot summer. Overall, Vietnam is the hottest country in Southeast Asia.


Average temperature of the warm season: +33 o C.

The tiny kingdom of Bahrain is located on an island archipelago in the Persian Gulf. Abundance tropical deserts minimizes the amount of precipitation and, as a result, air humidity levels. In summer, air temperatures here are often kept at around +40 degrees, but in winter they drop to +17 o C.

United Arab Emirates

Average temperature of the warm season: +37 o C.

The climate in the UAE is different excessive dryness and sultriness. The hottest months of the year are July and August. At the same time, the heat does not subside even at night, remaining at a level of +34...35 o C. Almost the entire territory of the UAE is covered with sand. But this did not stop the Arab sheikhs from turning their country into one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the Middle East.


Average temperature of the warm season: +40 o C.

Another one African country in our ranking it is Botswana. Two seasons are clearly distinguished here: hot winter (since it is Southern Hemisphere) and relatively cool summer, when the air temperature averages +25 degrees. Within the Kalahari Desert, even slight frosts sometimes occur.


Average temperature of the warm season: +41 o C.

Finally, the hottest country in the world is Qatar. Local residents are not particularly surprised when they see values ​​of +50 degrees on their thermometer. And it's in the shade! Most of the country is occupied by deserts, so sandstorms blow here throughout the year.

One of Qatar's main problems is the shortage drinking water. It is solved by desalination. This is why water in this country costs more than gasoline.

/ Places on Earth where it’s summer all year round /

The harsh Russian climate makes us look forward to summer every year and dream of places where summer never stops. Let's consider countries where the temperature during the year rarely drops below +20 degrees.


India is a very colorful country that attracts millions of travelers and tourists every year. You cannot treat it neutrally: either you will love India with all your heart and will return here again and again, or it will cause a storm of negative emotions.

Needed. The most popular resort is Goa.

The most best time to visit the country - the period from October to May. The average daily temperature at this time is +30- +32 degrees.


Thailand is a favorite country of Russian tourists. Tender sea, abundance of fruits, low prices and summer all year round - what else is needed for happiness?

For citizens Russian Federation A visa to Thailand is not required; they are allowed visa-free stay in the country for up to 30 days.

The most popular resorts: Samui, Phuket and Pattaya. You can relax here all year round; the daytime temperature rarely drops below +28 - +30. Even during the rainy season from March to October, there are many places in Thailand where you can relax without fear of precipitation.

Bali Island

The Indonesian island of Bali also attracted Russian tourists. The friendliness of the local people beautiful nature, magnificent beaches and excellent fishing are what attract people from all over the world to this island.

The holiday season lasts all year round. Even the rainy season from November to March cannot scare away holidaymakers from snow-white beaches, because the water temperature is not lower than +25- +28 degrees.

A visa valid for 30 days is issued to Russian citizens upon arrival in Bali. The most popular resorts: Kuta, Seminyak, Jimbaran, Amed.


In Australia everything is not the same as here. When we have winter, it is summer for them, when it is summer for us, it is also summer for them. Between November and February, the southern coast of the country enjoys wonderful Mediterranean weather, suitable for swimming and complete relaxation. Australia is simply a paradise for surfers, but even if you are not a surfer, watching the wave conquerors is also a pleasure.

Needed. The most popular resorts: Sydney, Tasmania, Great Barrier Reef, Perth.


Anyone who has visited the Seychelles is sure that he has visited paradise. Beautiful beaches, gentle sea, shady alleys, tranquility and leisurely pace - all this creates a unique atmosphere of idleness and tranquility.

The season lasts here from May to October, the daytime temperature does not fall below +28 degrees. In winter it is also warm, but the amount of precipitation increases and the humidity rises. However, this is by no means an obstacle for true admirers of the islands.

Citizens of the Russian Federation do not need a visa. Popular beaches: Praslin, Mahe, La Digue, Desroches.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is a distant, alluring country, famous for its endless beaches, excellent fishing and the secrets that the Caribbean Sea hides. A paradise for divers and adventure lovers. Hospitable locals, delicious local cuisine and fiery Dominican rhythms await every visitor who falls in love with this country from the first minute. The season lasts from December to March, this is the most favorable time for relaxation, the temperature remains stable at +30.

The visa is issued upon arrival in the Dominican Republic. Best beaches: Puerto Plata, Cabarete, Boca Chico, Samana.


The Maldives is a beautiful Eden accessible to any mortal. They come there to relax, forget about problems and enjoy peace. The only thing to remember is Muslim country, the islands have strict rules of behavior, non-compliance with which can result in fines and even imprisonment.

The best time to relax here is from November to April; the temperature rarely drops below +30 degrees.

Russian citizens do not require a visa. Famous beaches: Male, Ari Atoll, Sun Island.