On certification of lists of candidates for deputies of the Duma of the Serov city district of the sixth convocation, nominated by the electoral association "Serov local branch of the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA" for a single electoral district and multi-member electoral districts

Having heard and discussed the information of the chairman of the Serov city territorial election commission with the powers of the election commission of the Serov city district on the nomination on January 16, 2012 by the electoral association "Serov local branch of the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA" of lists of candidates for deputies of the Duma of the Serov city district of the sixth convocation in a single electoral district and multi-member electoral districts, the Commission notes that the Local Political Council, at which these lists of candidates were nominated, was held in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Laws “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation”, “On Political Parties”, Electoral Code of the Sverdlovsk Region, charter of a political party.

Decisions adopted by the Local Political Council on January 16, 2012 on the nomination of the specified lists of candidates for deputies, the appointment of authorized representatives of the electoral association, including financial matters, other documents submitted by the electoral association when nominating lists of candidates for deputies generally comply with the requirements of the above-mentioned regulatory legal acts.

Taking into account the above, in accordance with Articles 43-45 and 47 of the Election Code of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Serov City Territorial Election Commission with the powers of the election commission of the Serov City District DECIDED:

1. Certify the list of the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA" for a single electoral district of 12 candidates (Appendix No. 1).

2. Certify the list of candidates for the Duma of the Serov city district of the sixth convocation, nominated by the electoral association “Serov local branch of the All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA” for multi-member electoral districts (Appendix No. 2).

3. Issue to the authorized representative of the electoral association “Serov local branch of the All-Russian political party “UNITED RUSSIA” Oleg Valerievich Novichkov copies of this decision and certified lists of candidates for deputies.

4. Send information submitted to the Serov City Territorial Election Commission with the powers of the election commission of the Serov City District about candidates for the Duma of the Serov City District of the sixth convocation in a single electoral district, information about participants in the Local Political Council of the electoral association "Serov Local Branch of the All-Russian Political Party "UNITED" RUSSIA", held on January 16, 2012, on the relevant government bodies to check their accuracy.

6. Send this decision to the Election Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region, local government bodies of the Serov urban district, lower election commissions, and the media.

7. Post this decision on the website of the Serov City Territorial Election Commission.

8. Entrust control over the implementation of this decision to the Chairman of the Commission

Chairman of the Commission

Secretary of the commission

(Appendix No. 1 to the decision of 01.01.2001 No. 7)

candidates for deputies of the Duma of the Serov city district of the sixth convocation,

nominated by the electoral association "Serov local branch
All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA" in a single electoral district


Full Name

Date of Birth


Residence address

Main place of work or service, position held (occupation)

Information that the candidate is a deputy of a representative body

Criminal record (if any)

Information about citizenship, including foreign

Affiliation with a party (other public association)

higher professional

Sverdlovsk region,

Duma of the Serovsky urban district, head of the Serovsky urban district

Russian Federation

member of the PP UNITED RUSSIA

higher professional

Sverdlovsk region,

Deputy of the Duma of the Serov City District of the fifth convocation on a non-permanent basis

Russian Federation

member of the PP UNITED RUSSIA

higher professional

Sverdlovsk region,

MBOU "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 27", director

Russian Federation

member of the PP UNITED RUSSIA

higher professional

Sverdlovsk region,

Territorial Commission of the city of Serov for juvenile affairs and protection of their rights, chairman

Russian Federation

Certified by the Serov City Territorial Election Commission with the powers of the election commission of the Serov City District

(Appendix No. 2 to the decision of 01.01.2001 No. 7)

candidates for deputies of the Duma of the Serov city district of the sixth convocation,

nominated by the electoral association "Serov local branch

All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA" in multi-member electoral districts


Full Name

Date and place of birth

Residence address

Number of multi-member electoral district

10/24/1956, the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk region,

06/12/1958, the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk region,

02.02.1976, city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk region,

01/13/1951, the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk region,

05/05/1980, the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk region,

Sverdlovsk region,

04/13/1960, the city of Serov, Sverdlovsk region

Sverdlovsk region,

By the decision of the Serov City District Duma, the municipality was divided into five five-mandate electoral districts. Arriving at the polling station, Serov residents and residents of nearby villages will have to mark a maximum of five candidates on the ballot. As a result, 25 people will be elected to the Duma. Anyone could nominate their candidacy for participation in the elections until six o'clock in the evening on July 21. In total, 97 people in Serov expressed a desire to get into the Duma. If we take it by party affiliation, then 23 of them were nominated by the United Russia party, 23 by the LDPR, 5 by A Just Russia, 3 by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The rest are self-nominated candidates. District No. 1 In the first district, where most of the voters live in the village of Energetikov, 20 people nominated their candidacies for the elections. The person of pensioner Vladimir Ovchinnikov draws attention to former head administration of Serov, former manager of the Northern Administrative District. Vladimir Ivanovich, in particular, is known in connection with the so-called “apartment scandal”. The investigation accused Ovchinnikov of exceeding his official authority when resolving issues regarding the provision of housing under social tenancy agreements. In fact, Ovchinnikov was accused of allocating housing “ to the right people" In 2015, the criminal case against Ovchinnikov was dropped due to an amnesty declared in honor of the next anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. A simple pensioner is running for elections from United Russia. Irina Shuklina, well-known in the “municipal circles” of the city, did not submit her candidacy as a leader management company“Our House”, and as the director of the “Teatralnoe” cafe. Two candidates are employees of the First Concrete company and are considered close to one of the two city councils. The candidate from the LDPR party, activist and transporter Sergei Gudz, who is participating in the elections in both Serov and Sosva, also went to the first constituency. Gudzya's wife is also participating in the elections. The manager of the Sushi Master Ural company, Konstantin Makaev, was nominated in this district. The same office delegated a general-purpose cook and an administrator to the elections. But they are going on in other districts. District No. 2 Here Alexander Stolbov will compete for a deputy mandate. A former United Russia party, a former communist, who called for the resignation of long-time party leader Gennady Zyuganov. He was expelled from the party ranks for violating discipline. Party, of course. Stolbov voluntarily relinquished his powers as a deputy of the Duma of the SGS of the sixth convocation. Now Alexander Alexandrovich is a non-party member, he is associated with the Council “Serov is us!” Having failed to qualify for the United Russia primaries, Stolbov ran for election as a self-nominated candidate. In the second district, employees of Monolitstroy LLC, led by company director Pavel Kozyaev, came forward en masse. According to some reports, it is Pavel Kozyaev who is the main sponsor of the council “Serov is us!” Alexander Kozyaev, Pavel’s brother, who entered the fourth district, will also take part in the elections. In “the people of “Monolitstroy””, current deputies Alexander Orlov and Oksana Shishkina will compete for a place in the new Duma. Representatives of the local political council "ER" - the head of the local branch of the company "EnergosbyT Plus" Andrey Pikulev and Viktor Dektyannikov, the head of the department of medical prevention in the outpatient department - went to receive deputy mandates. The second district is notable for the fact that it contains the oldest candidate for deputy – Galina Kazantseva. In May 2017, Galina Konstantinovna turned 71 years old. In total, 18 people were nominated for the second district. District No. 3 The same number of people showed up to vote in the third district. Among the candidates, in particular, is Olga Grebeneva, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant. Team of the Council “For the Future of Serov!” The district is also represented by ferroalloy worker and chairman of the Public Chamber Valery Bolotov, deputy director of the metal plant and former police chief of Serov Igor Sovchik, and current deputy Viktor Rakhmanov. The Liberal Democrats nominated student Alexander Kovalev, the creator of the meme “Nothing happens in Serov.” Vyacheslav Shafransky ran as a self-nominated candidate in the third constituency. Vyacheslav Anatolyevich directed the local television channel “C” for 10 years. At the end of 2016, his contract was not renewed, and on July 1, 2017, Vyacheslav Shafransky was appointed to the position general director Printing Association “North”. In the same district, a well-known businessman in the city, executive director of Stroytrest, Pavel Chazov, will compete for a place in the Duma. Elections to the new Duma of Serov and Sosva will be held on September 10. Photo: archive of "Evening Krasnoturinsk" District No. 4 The most popular constituency among candidates. According to the list, 23 people applied for the elections, but the director of the RSK company, Ilya Shipetsov, withdrew his candidacy and re-applied. The “dog catcher” will compete for the mandate in the fifth district. The very first application to participate in the elections in the fifth district was submitted by Oksana Bogushova, director of the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists. In particular, her competition will come from three housewives at once, one of whom is registered in the Krasnodar Territory, the second in the Moscow Region. And one is unemployed. Individual entrepreneur Dmitry Kireev, who is engaged in the funeral business, showed up for the elections not only in Serov, but also in Krasnoturinsk. Olga Kireeva and Anastasia Baranova, dispatcher of IP Kireev Dmitry Yuryevich also want to get into the Serov Duma. Everyone is going to the polls in the fourth district. Another candidate who ran in elections in two municipalities is Rustam Seitmagambetov, a former deputy of the Sosva Duma, whom former colleague deprived of his mandate for lately filing an income tax return. District No. 5 Another employee of First Concrete LLC is walking through the fifth district - the head of the garage, Olga Kasatkina. Well-known Serov residents will compete for victory here individual entrepreneur, member of the public chamber Yuri Tretyakov. The driver of the Ural-Recipe M company, Gennady Burganutdinov, had to apply to participate in the elections twice. The first time he was denied registration - he forgot to indicate information about his criminal record. According to the chairman of the Serov City Territorial Election Commission, Konstantin Voronin, Gennady Anverovich was convicted under Article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Intentional infliction of moderate harm to health.” Well-known activist in the city Tatyana Borisova, acting, went to the polls in the same constituency. General Director of the Serov Water Supply Company Alexander Karpychev, current Deputy Chairman of the Duma Alexander Yakimov, press secretary of the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant Svetlana Zykina. In total, 19 people ran for election in the fifth district. In Sosva, teachers are running for deputies By decision of the Duma, the Sosvinsky city district was divided into 15 single-mandate electoral districts. The Duma of the sixth convocation in Sosvinsky District will consist of 15 people. In total, 71 people notified the Serov district territorial election commission of their desire to participate in the elections. What is noteworthy is that 7 of them are from Serov: director of Law and Protection LLC Danil Plotnikov (according to our data, his “other half” is also participating in the elections), Maxim Solovyov, gas rescuer of the Nadezhdinsky Metallurgical Plant Maxim Semkov, legal consultant of People's Protection LLC “Mikhail Shulmin (he lives in Serov, although he is registered in Chelyabinsk), individual entrepreneur Sergei Gudz, deputy director of Narodnaya Zashchita LLC Dmitry Shulmin, employee of the State Housing Inspectorate Mikhail Skibskikh. School principals went to the polls en masse: Irina Studitskikh, director of a school in the village of Romanovo; Galina Miftakhutdinov, director of the Koshay village school; Marina Kolesnichenko, director of Sosva school No. 5; Irina Cheremnykh, director of the Children's Art School; Svetlana Zaitseva, director of Sosva school No. 1. Among them, the figure of Galina Miftakhutdinova stands out. In March 2017, the contract with Galina Ivanovna was terminated. The prosecutor's office found violations in the actions of the Education Department. Then the story ended with a settlement agreement between Miftakhutdinova and her employer. The director returned to her position. Tamara Isakova, a pensioner who complained to the Serov City Prosecutor's Office about the work of deputy Galina Pechkurova, also put forward her candidacy. Tamara Eduardovna was not satisfied with Pechkurova’s lack of reports to voters. Galina Nikolaevna herself called these complaints an election fight. By the way, Galina Pechkurova also signed up for the upcoming elections. But with Isakova they moved to different areas. The current head of the administration, Gennady Makarov, will compete for the mandate in Sosva. The current head of the district, Alexei Safonov, did not go to the Duma elections. Among political parties In terms of the number of nominated candidates, the LDPR became the leader, sending 15 candidates to the Sosva elections. In second place is “United Russia” - 14 candidates, in third place is “A Just Russia” (4 candidates). Three candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will participate in the elections. Text: Konstantin Bobylev, Globus.

The main thing will take place next Sunday political event 2017 – elections of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region and deputies of the Duma of the Serov city district of the seventh convocation.

Election campaign has entered its final stage. Let us remind you that the elections will be held on a single voting day – September 10, 2017. Polling stations, which are almost completely ready for the process today, will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

District boundaries can be found on the website of the Territorial Election Commission, where there is a convenient service for finding a polling station. There you can also find information about registered candidates.

Chairman of the Serov Territorial Election Commission Konstantin Voronin noted that early voting is currently underway in the district for the election of deputies to the Duma of the CD. On the morning of September 4, 360 citizens had already voted early. In addition, about 200 applications for voting at their location were submitted.


All official information about the upcoming elections of deputies to the Duma of the Serov city district can be found on the website of the Serov Territorial Election Commission for this link .

Candidates for deputies of the Duma of the Serov city district of the seventh convocation
by electoral district as of September 5, 2017

Procedure for filling out a ballot

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the original source website!

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