2014-2015 academic year


video " C Teacher's Day"

Presenter 1: Hello, dear TV viewers!

Presenter 2: Good afternoon!

Presenter 3: Today we have a significant event - I started my work new TV channel"Teacher's." And this event is all the more significant because the launch of our TV channel coincided with a grandiose event - International Teacher's Day!

Presenter 1: And that’s why our today’s episode “Teacher’s Skit” is dedicated to this holiday.

Presenter 2: The entire program in live The presenters are working for you: Nadezhda, Timur and Anastasia.

Presenter 3: Our dear teachers!

On this holiday - Teachers' Day -

Forget all your worries

And look at the world more cheerfully.

After all, today is a happy day for you,

And the guys all, as if by agreement,

They bring you a large, beautiful bouquet.

And for them the shine of your eyes -

The best reward for your efforts,

Better than any of the praise.

Presenter 1: And they always have one desire:

To please, to bring joy to you.

For your sincere smile

And the student and every student

He will instantly correct all his mistakes.

And it will not repeat them in the future.

Presenter 2: You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,

The one that never goes out

May all your wishes come true

And your cherished dream will come true.

Presenter 3: After all, you share your experience with us.

Let bad weather not touch you,

And let it burn over you forever

A bright star of success, fame, happiness.

Presenter 1: Well, now we bring to your attention the weather forecast. Today it’s hot at Kokhom School No. 7 southern summer, sunny with smiles, sea and flower winds blow. By the middle of the day, gusts of joyful applause are expected, warm short-term tears are possible, and a front is expected Have a good mood. The Hydrometeorological Center congratulates you on Teacher's Day and gives you a song

Performing a congratulation song

Presenter 2: I would especially like to congratulate Elena Olegovna Barinova and Natalya Vladimirovna Krylova on the holiday, who this year crossed the threshold of the school for the first time as teachers. We invite you to the stage. You assume, of course, how difficult the work of a teacher is. Now you will listen to a lecture on practical pedagogy. The floor is given to the oldest teacher of our school - Elena Vasilievna Semenova.

Semenova E.V.

If you have recently been given a class where there is no order,

Don’t despair too much – they pay for this too!

Even if it’s small, it’s stable!

Enter the classroom confidently and give out slaps,

To be respected!

And then hit the table hard,

So that everything around would immediately tremble!

Talk about something important, such as behavior.

Well, if this doesn’t reach the kids,

Then think about it instantly: who is the “boss” here?

Tell him: “Shouldn’t you and I go out?

For a heartfelt conversation in this quiet corridor?”

And take with you a thick book or a crowbar!

A conversation with a child should begin with a reminder,

That he, the little brat, is doing very badly.

He is disgracing the whole class with his stupid behavior!

If subtle hints have no effect,

In order to promote educational process,

Invite dad to school with or without mom.

Ask about health, success at work,

Praise, ask to influence the evil child.

You can do it right now!

And when a happy boy, having forgotten about all the fun,

Rubbing his buttock and head with his hand,

Your will leave the office, submit to your will,

She will become a good girl and a bunny, don’t worry, calm down:

The classroom will immediately be filled with peace, tranquility and grace!

And now there’s only one little thing left to do: take a solemn oath.

After listening to these tips, remember and understand them.

And never use it in your work at school!


1. Courageously and decisively endure all the joys and hardships of being a teacher, I SWEAR!

2.Follow the director's orders because the director is always right I SWEAR!

3.Do not erase the grades in the journal until the next page I SWEAR!

4. I SWEAR to teach children kindness and the ability to stand up for themselves!

5. Don’t give more than two “Fs” in a lesson, I SWEAR!

6. I SWEAR not to enter the classroom in a bad mood!

7. I SWEAR to lend money to colleagues until payday!

Presenter 3: For you, dear teachers, a musical number

Performance of the song “Flame of Passion”

Presenter 1:

The director is a faithful guardian of order.

A guarantor, as they say nowadays.

Has a stern look at everything

And he is completely devoted to the school.

Thunderstorm of pranksters, rake,

Damocles sword of immodest maidens,

Doesn't notice languid glances,

Bears his cross with dignity

Over to you, Natalya Gennadievna!

Speech by the school principal

Presenter 2: It’s time for the “According to Your Letters” program. A sea of ​​letters came to our editorial office asking us to congratulate our beloved teachers. Let us read one of them to you: “Dear program! Teacher's Day is approaching. We would really like to visit our home school on this day and talk with our favorite teachers. How much trouble we caused them, but they always treated us with maternal tenderness and shared the warmth of their souls. We apologize for our little pranks and want to tell you that we love and remember all our teachers. Please create a fun day for them entertainment program" Well, dear teachers, today we are fulfilling the wishes of graduates and offering...

The melody of the KVN song sounds

Presenter 3: ...You guessed correctly -

Together: KVN!

Presenter 3: Today in our school KVN a team of teachers plays against a team of high school students. Teams are asked to take their seats.

KVN music sounds. The composition of the teams is announced to the music.

Team of students: team captain - Konovalova Anastasia

(11th grade), Arina Dragunovskaya (11th grade), Viktor Kapustin (11th grade),

Andrey Aslanov (10th grade), Alexey Turlyakov (10th grade).

Presenter 1: Team of teachers: teacher primary classes Grabova Tatyana Dmitrievna, head teacher of the school Napalkova Irina Anatolyevna, physics teacher Zueva Svetlana Viktorovna, mathematics teacher Kiseleva Natalya Nikolaevna and team captain - primary school teacher Klopova Aliya Vakilevna.

Presenter 2: And evaluate our competitive program will be respectedjury consisting of :

School director Natalya Gennadievna Evgrafova

Head teacher of the school Nenasteva Olga Yurievna

Teacher of Russian language and literature Semenova E.V.

Primary school teacher Nadezhda Leonidovna Ostrikova

High school students Anastasia Strunkina and Daria Astakhova

We ask everyone to take their seats.

Presenter 1: We announce 1 competition - « Business card»
According to the good old tradition, the first competition is a greeting. Team greetings: name, motto, wishes to opponents. 3 minutes

The jury evaluates the competition (from 1 to 5 points)

Competition 2 “Entertaining dictation”
Presenter 3 : And now - an entertaining dictation. We invite literate people to a fun event!
One representative from each team is invited to participate in the competition. The task is to write the following text from dictation:

The jury evaluates the competition (from 1 to 10 points)

Presenter 2: While the jury is working, we invite the fans to play too and answer funny questions. Whichever fan team wins will bring an extra point to their team.

Why is a student kicked out of class? (out the door)

When is a fool smart? (when silent)

What branch does not grow on a tree? (railway)

Why buy new boots? (they are not given for free)

In what popular story was there an attempt on the hero’s life three times and only

the fourth time he dies? (“Kolobok”)

What will you never get tired of doing for the rest of your life? (breathe)

Presenter 1:

Where can't you find dry stone? (in a river)

Why does a hunter carry a gun? (over the shoulder)

What will a crow do after living for three years? (live fourth)

In which month do women gossip the least? (in February)

Presenter 3: Well done! The fans of the team…(teachers….students) earned an extra point for their team. Well, we continue KVN and the next competition “New Schedule”.

Competition 3 “New schedule”

Presenter 3: We are announcing a 3rd competition called “New Schedule”. One day a new director was appointed to a school. He was a very unusual person, and so he decided to redo and change everything at school. And he began to redo everything with the names of school lessons: he was very tired of the old names. So in the school curriculum, instead of reading, letter composition appeared, and instead of drawing, smearing appeared. Help the cheerful director and come up with new names for the lessons.
- mathematics;
- music;
- physical training;
– labor;
– chemistry;
- foreign language.

4 minutes to think! The captains read out the answer options.

The jury evaluates the competition (from 1 to 5 points)

Presenter 1: While the jury is evaluating the competition, for you, dear teachers, a musical number performed by 5th grade studentsclasses .

Performance of the song “Why is this summer”

Competition 4 “Imagine” Presenter 2: We called our next competition “Imagine.”

Teams draw one card 3 times. Each card contains the name of animals, birds, fish, insects. The task is to depict this living creature with the whole team (options: kangaroo, monkey, parrot, woodpecker, frog, locust).

The jury evaluates (from 1 to 5 points)

Presenter 3: While the jury evaluates the teams' performance, we will play with the fans of the teachers' team (4 people).

You will now take the exam. There are tickets in front of you. Everyone takes two tickets. And there are cheat sheets nearby. Let's see how you know how to use cheat sheets.

Teachers read the questions on the tickets and read out the answers from the cheat sheets

(each 2 times).


-Will you write notes to parents about their children’s bad behavior in class?

-Will you soon have favorites in the class?

-Will you wake up a student who has fallen asleep in your lesson?

-Will you call parents to school?

-Will you tell jokes in class from time to time?

-Will you often be late for lessons?

-Will you allow students to use cheat sheets in your lessons?

-Are you going to use the pointer as a bladed weapon?


-No way!

-I never even thought about this!

-May be. I'll think about it some more!

-Can't wait!

-Look, what do you want!

-Yes! I've been dreaming about this for a long time!

-Maybe. It will depend on my mood!

-Why not? Some people can, but I can’t!

Presenter 3: Well done! We did great on the exam.

The jury's word.

The jury reads out the results of previous competitions.

Competition 5 “Jumble”
Presenter 1:
What kind of mess is this?
Here they made a mess out of words!
I order you:
Put everything in its place!
The task is to find out the words.
– quinlyka (vacation);
– hand (lesson);
– akbtien (office);
- in advance (change);
– apprat (desk);
– oskad (board).

The jury evaluates the competition (1 correct answer - 1 point)

Presenter 2: While the jury is summing up the results of the whole game, for you, dear teachers, a musical number from the boys of 9th grade.

9th grade performance with the song “Sea, Sun”

Presenter 2: The jury's word.



How time mercilessly flies

And it seems the country is going down...

But only the teacher lights the candles,

When others curse the darkness.

And let the speeches not cease,

Let the eyes of the students shine,

Then we just light the candles,

When love doesn't stop.

And only the teacher is honest, kind, cordial,

And only the teacher is sincere and brave,

That's why he lights the candles

To prevent the darkness from breaking through. (I. Lvova)

Presenter 1: The first broadcast of the Uchitelsky TV channel is ending. But we ask you to stay in front of the TV screens. congratulates you

All together: 11th grade!

11th grade performance

Musical number performed by Yulia Pushikova

Presenter 2:

Our dear teachers!

We will study, we will work,

We will repay your kindness more than once!

For your love, for your worries

Please accept a big thank you from us!

Presenter 3:

Thank you for being inquisitive in your work,

That they are always patient with us, restless people,

Because you couldn’t live without us.

Together: Thank you, dear ones! Thank you very much!

The music sounds “Happy Teacher’s Day to you”

Summary table summarizing the results for the jury.

KVN for Teacher's Day (03.10.2014)



Evaluation criteria

Teacher Team

Team of students

"Business card"

Team greetings:

name, motto, wish to rivals.

3 minutes

From 1 to 5 points

"Entertaining dictation"

The task is to write the following text from dictation:
“At noon, on the plank terrace, the freckled clerk’s wife Agrippina Savvichna treated the collegiate registrar Thaddeus Apollonovich with vinaigrette, shellfish and other dishes, and then gave him tea with lump sugar, adding half a lemon.”

From 1 to 10 points

"New schedule"

Help the cheerful director and come up with new names for the lessons.
- mathematics;
- music;
- physical training;
– labor;
– chemistry;
- foreign language.
from 1 to 5 points


From 1 to 5 points


The task is to find out the words.
– quinlyka (vacation);

– hand (lesson);

– akbtien (office);

- in advance (change);

– apprat (desk);

– oskad (board).

1 correct answer – 1 point

In the assembly hall there are 20 freshmen... school year, teachers, guests.

On the screen there is a splash screen: the inscription “Congratulations on your initiation as a student!” against the backdrop of the main college building.

The presenters take the stage.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends! We are glad to see you in our cozy, hospitable assembly hall at the Student Initiation Celebration.

Presenter 2: Today, students of the general education department of the humanities (technical) direction and their curators came to the hall.

Presenter 1: This is now your abode,

Your family is here now!

In our glorious friendly home

Welcome, friends!

Presenter 2: We want to show you a short film about our college, which was made by our volunteers. So, our college through the eyes of students:

A college video that includes a slideshow of the new intake groups.

Presenter 1: Especially for you, first-year students of the 20..academic year, we have composed a new song, which is called “First Year”.

The song “First Course” plays.

First course

There is no better college in the world, believe me,

Senior students can give you advice:

If you dream of the future, come to us to study,

We will answer any question.

First course, first course!

You came to college one day.

First course, first course!

Everyone wants to study here.

For first year students

Undoubtedly the most important.

For every taste,

It doesn’t matter if we know them yet.

First course, first course!

This is a college, not a university,

Let's go to the session with courage!

We have gathered in this hall today,

Don't get bored and have fun with us!

It is impossible to perform on this stage without excitement -

Don't be embarrassed and be brave!

Presenter 2: It was not by chance that you chose our college and your future profession? The performance of each group today will be dedicated to the presentation of the profession.

Presenter 1: Do you want to know your profession?

Hurry up to our college!

Presenter 2: If you look pretty

And they look like a top model

Presenter 1: And they’re not stupid either,

Don't be stingy with a smile.

Presenter 2: So, being a student too!

And a student - he can do a lot!

Presenter 1: Discover talent in college

And master a profession!

Presenter 1: But studying is not easy -

After all, there are more than a hundred items!

Presenter 2: From semester to semester

There is no room for laziness here!

Presenter 1: Don’t be timid, look boldly:

Diplomas are coming!

Presenter 2: There is one family in college.

With dedication to you!

Presenter 1: Today senior students came to congratulate and support us. They often perform on this stage!

Presenter 2: Today is a holiday for us. And any holiday means music, songs, dances. A fiery “Hip-Hop” dance will be performed for you by a 3rd year student, our favorite – Aika!

Presenter 1: Thank you, Aika! I wish I could learn to dance! Secrets of mastery... Mastery in creativity, mastery in future profession- things are interconnected.

Presenter 2: I think our creative heights are still ahead,

But the first recognition begins here, in our college, in this assembly hall, because our first-year students take the stage—

Group 9D-11 - the most beautiful girls in the world! Let's support them with applause!

Group performance...

Presenter 1: And now the group will show their presentation...

Presenter 2: Representatives of the group come on stage...

Presenter 1: Welcome to the next group -...

Presenter 2: That's not all! Let's meet the group...

Presenter 1: The presentation of the groups ends with the most fun group on the course - group 9KM-11!

Presenter 2: And now representatives of the groups - first-year prefects - are invited to the stage. We have prepared a small test for them - a quick survey. Feel free to take the stage!

Presenter 1: Are you ready? Started:

  1. Who are the students? (The main consumers of ballpoint pens)
  2. Why does a student need a record book? (To collect teachers' autographs)
  3. What is a session? (The battle is not for life, but for a scholarship)
  4. What is a scholarship? (A student's moment of joy)
  5. Who is a curator? (One who takes care of fledgling chicks, like a mother hen)
  6. Why do students study in pairs? (So ​​that later, at work, you don’t have to worry)
  7. How can you decipher the word “student”? (A lot of money is urgently needed, there is nothing to eat. Period)
  8. Which cheat sheet is the best? (The one in the head)
  9. What qualities does a student need? (Ability to run quickly from the department head)
  10. How many of you know the recipe for a student sandwich?

(bread with mayonnaise)

Presenter 2: Well, the elders did not let us down. And now we move on to the most solemn moment of our holiday - the student oath.

Presenter 1: The path to the profession is not easy,

And there are many temptations in life.

But don't fool yourself -

After all, study somehow

I, a student, will be ashamed

Indecent, undignified.

I'm not afraid of the session!

I swear to this!

Presenter 2: There are many different professions.

They all don't like idle people,

They all dislike laziness.

I will overcome all obstacles!

I will pass exams, tests,

I'm not afraid of any work.

I will gain solid knowledge -

I swear to this!

Presenter 1: It’s not enough to be a good guy.

I'll become a professional!

I firmly decide this

I say this proudly!

College is the path to my success.

Does anyone think differently?

Away doubts and sadness:

I swear to be a student!

Presenter 2: And now, according to tradition, all freshmen present must take the student oath, so we ask you to repeat the word “We swear!” in chorus after it sounds in the text of the oath. Attention!

We, joining the ranks of students of the St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce, swear to proudly carry this title throughout our lives. We swear, having joined the ranks of young professionals after graduating from college, to always serve the cause of the prosperity of Russia.


We swear to master knowledge and not give in to difficulties. We swear to defend the honor of the college, not sparing our belly, and, if necessary, other parts of the body.


We swear to be not only specialists in our profession, but also singers, athletes, musicians, actors and to keep our sense of humor not in a savings bank.


We swear not to forget our beloved college and rush to it at the first call, no matter where we are in the world.


We swear to leave our mark on the earth without leaving too much of a legacy. We swear to live honestly, act according to our conscience and fight injustice.


We swear when going to the exam to know the name of the teacher, the name of the subject and the color of the textbook. We swear that upon graduation from college we will receive diplomas in the same composition as now, so that we will not be painfully ashamed of the years we spent aimlessly.


We swear to be gallant like the French, cheerful like the Italians, serious like the British, thrifty like the Japanese and rich like the Americans. Which means we vow to be real college students!


Initiation of young specialists into teachers

The script was developed for the teaching staff

and was timed to coincide with the professional holiday “Teacher’s Day”

Roles: the judge is the director, the prosecutor, the defense attorney, the secretary, the defendants are teachers and young professionals.

Secretary: I ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway.

Judge: Today the case of young specialists is being heard. Are the witnesses ready?

Leading: Yes, your honor.

Judge: The floor is given to the prosecutor.

Prosecutor: On September 1, 20... two young teachers were accepted into school No.... -... Olga Gennadievna and... Daria Vladimirovna. They claimed that they received Teacher Education specialties: information technology teacher and primary school teacher. They even presented diplomas of dubious quality.

Advocate: Your Honor, I object. Here is the result of the examination, which confirms that these institutions have state license and the diplomas are therefore real.

Prosecutor: Agree. But it is necessary to conduct an investigative experiment and prove that these teachers can work with students. ( Addresses the teacher)

... Olga Gennadievna. Create an algorithm for the work day of a computer science teacher.

IT-teacher: (Announces the algorithm of the working day).

Preparing for the lesson - the way to school - remove the office from the security console - turn on the computer - lesson - filling out the log - lesson - filling out the log - put it on the remote - the way home.

Prosecutor: You see, the most important ones are missing here important elements– visit to the canteen, meeting with the administration. If our teachers are fed by the holy spirit, we will soon be left without a teacher.

Defender: Do not agree. The lunch break is not included in the busy schedule, and my client received her “baptism” as a part-time secretary.

Judge: Witness … ( Full name of the head teacher). Do you confirm that there were no disruptions to lessons due to Olga Gennadievna’s fault? ( I confirm).

The word of the accused: I don’t plead guilty.

Judge: Let's consider the case of Daria Vladimirovna. Before you is a set of letters. Make up your students' names from them. The purity of the experiment will be monitored... ( Full name of the head teacher of education) And … ( Full name of the head teacher for VR).

Prosecutor: Students' knowledge of their class is not the only indicator. I propose to play the game with those present in the hall. Perhaps this will mitigate the punishment.

Daria Vladimirovna conducts any game with the team.

Defender: I ask you to give O.G. the opportunity for additional examination. She knows the keyboard very well and can sing the alphabet to the tune of any song. ("Let run clumsily").

Judge: Taking into account everything heard and seen today, the court pronounces its verdict:

Recognize Olga Gennadievna as a teacher and oblige her to obtain a second specialty - a physics teacher. To mitigate her sentence, she receives a portable scanner "Copy Paper 2007" and a Newton's apple (dried fruit).

Recognize Daria Vladimirovna as a mother of many children and for her harm she is entitled to milk.

Bow your head. You are sentenced to an unbearable eternal burden - “Classroom Management”.

A word from the defendant. Response from young specialists.

Judge: You have been awarded the title young teacher. I ask you to take an oath on the most expensive thing in school - the class magazine.

I, a young teacher_________, I swear

· love your profession forever;

· adore mischievous and naughty students;

· improve the quality of learning through affection, attention and care;

· I swear that I will listen to my mentors;

· learn from the wise;

· I will become a participant in the “Teacher of the Year 2010” competition;

· I will never leave my native school and never forget my first students.

I swear, I swear, I swear!

Gift from colleagues:

1. Drink a drink made from student and teacher tears. ( Cup mineral water with bubbles)

2. And these are the bumps that others filled before you. ( Pine cones painted with paints)

Specialist is a traditional event held in the fall, at the beginning of the school year. Experienced colleagues will help yesterday's student easily integrate into Friendly team educational institution, will hold the ceremony in an interesting, memorable way. The main thing is to prepare interesting scenario. In this case, initiation into a teacher will be fun and unforgettable.

The profession of a teacher is in demand at any time. After all, this person is a mentor who helps the younger generation find their path in life, provides basic and highly specialized knowledge, and lays a moral and spiritual foundation. The teacher will not just tell information on his subject, but will convey it to the listener in such a way that he remembers and is able to apply the acquired knowledge in life.

Subtleties of teaching

The work of a teacher is incredibly difficult, as it involves constant nervous tension and high concentration.

The success of a teacher depends on several factors:

  • Complete knowledge of your subject and sciences that are directly and indirectly related to it.
  • Psychological approach. The teacher must be a psychoanalyst, be able to navigate the situation and make the right decision.
  • Oratory. Clear, competent diction is an important component of high-quality presentation of material. Failure to convey a message loudly to the audience will result in a waste of energy and ignorance of the subject by students.
  • Ability to get along with children. It is important for a teacher to gain his authority and the trust of his students.
  • Planning the educational process, carefully preparing the material for its successful presentation.
  • Scientific activity, constant self-improvement. To give children something new, the teacher must constantly be in search of information.
  • Fairness and impartiality. The teacher must be able to evaluate knowledge based on the results of activities.

Daily hard work

The list of daily responsibilities of a teacher, whose work involves constant contact with a huge number of people, includes:

  • educational process;
  • conducting lessons and lectures;
  • routine checking of notebooks, independent work and tests;
  • setting tasks for students for independent work;
  • assessment of student work;
  • psychological work, which consists of conducting conversations with students and their parents;
  • holding parent meetings;
  • organization and support of excursions, tourist trips for children.

This is far from full list what the teacher has to do in the process labor activity. Depending on the specifics and location of work, the range of his responsibilities may increase. Having become familiar with all the intricacies and pitfalls in pedagogical work, we can return to the topic of the article - the initiation of a young specialist into a teacher.

How to join the team?

For a young specialist who has just graduated from pedagogical educational institution, it is difficult to immediately join a close-knit team of teachers who have a huge base of knowledge and practical experience behind them. A favorable entry into the profession largely depends on how well the contact with students and fellow teachers is established.

This process can be started by ordaining a young teacher as a teacher. An excellent solution would be to hold a similar ceremony on Knowledge Day or on your professional holiday. The key to successful initiation into young teachers will be a well-prepared script. The article offers one of the options.

After the opening ceremony, greetings, and warm words addressed to teachers, students and their parents, you can introduce the young specialist to the school staff and read out the dedication to the teacher in verse. We offer one of the options.

Greetings for a young specialist

The presenters, guided by the prepared “Initiation as a Teacher” script, begin the ceremony.

Presenter 1

On this holiday, I especially want to congratulate those who first crossed the threshold of school in

Presenter 2

Here we have a replenishment.

In our difficult matter -

Wisdom, kindness, patience.

Infinite, at that.

Presenter 1

This day is like a starting point

New life, weekdays.

Schoolchildren, notebooks, desks...

Is there anything more important?

Love your work honestly,

Well, we come to you with all our hearts.

We welcome you, Teacher!

We are looking forward to joining our team!

Presenter 2

The main thing is don't worry.

Although there are many of us, we are our own.

Look around. Get settled.

It's going to be a tough year ahead.

Presenter 1

Teach, inspire, force -

Everyone here has their own approach.

Equations, sets of rules...

There are about two hundred formulas...

Ordination to become a teacher: competitions

To make the celebration of the first bell and initiation into a teacher memorable for a long time, you can consolidate it with interesting, fun competitions and tests.


There are tickets and cheat sheets for them on the table. The examinee is asked to read out loud the question and then the answer.

  • Will you call parents to school for student misbehavior?
  • Pick favorites in the class?
  • Allow cheating on tests?
  • Late for class?
  • Telling jokes to schoolchildren?
  • Maybe. Everything will depend on my mood.
  • Yes! I've been dreaming about this since childhood.
  • May be. I'll definitely think about it.
  • Why not? Some people can, but I can’t?
  • Look what you want!


In this competition for initiation into teachers young specialist It is proposed to recruit a team of 4-5 students. The formation of the second staff is entrusted to one of the existing teachers. Each team is given newspapers and tape. You need to make a pointer from these items. Moreover, the diameter of the product should not exceed 5 centimeters. The team that produces the item longer and thinner will win.

Commandments for successful stay at school

In the process of initiating a young specialist as a teacher, students can read the commandments to him:

  • Don't call your parents to school. They will come on their own. Some day.
  • Don't ask a student for a journal. He will serve it himself. If he remembers where he hid it.
  • Don't ask about homework. There are 7 billion people on the planet. Some of them probably have it.
  • Don’t paint scary pictures of a future without a certificate for your students. We've seen better things in the movies.
  • Do not spare love for your students. After all, everything comes back a hundredfold.


You can create models of certain situations and check how a young teacher will act in a particular case.

  • One morning I enter the classroom and see that all the students are sitting under their desks. Then I…
  • I was walking through school one day, and the director (full name) came towards me, with a magazine in his hand, jumping on one leg. I thought)…
  • When checking the notebooks, in one of them I discovered a declaration of love. I thought…
  • On organized by me parent meeting the turnout was 100%. And then I thought...

Such a survey will show how developed the teacher’s imagination and sense of humor are. What can a young specialist say about his chosen profession?

  • Why did you choose to work as a teacher?
  • What do you expect from her?
  • Would you like your children to choose this profession?

A word from the parents

Congratulations to young teachers and parents can say.


If you decide to become a teacher,

This means that they forgot about childhood.

Read notations to children,

Depict a wise old man.


Always be strict with our children.

Take care of your head and feet,

Schoolchildren are noisy during recess

They run and scream at the same time.


Enter the classroom slowly and carefully.

Suddenly the notebook flies carelessly.

If you see a diary in flight -

Don't catch it, you won't understand anything about it.


Did they take you out? Go to the director.

Scold me. The main thing is not to hit.

Remember that the title "Teacher"

You have to try to earn it!

Good luck!

At the end of the holiday, students, parents, colleagues, and administration can tell teachers.

Working as a teacher combines many qualities and professions. You need to be an artist, athlete, writer, historian, art critic, psychologist, good wizard and, of course, a little child. To fully realize their hidden potentials, a young specialist is given a huge field of activity and an unlimited amount of time.

The main purpose of a teacher is to spread goodness and light this flame in other hearts. Without love for children, such a profession is empty and uninteresting. Love children! Wisdom, patience, happy pedagogical destiny! And let the young specialist remember the celebration of his initiation into a teacher for a long time!