Tattooing is considered a visual art, and many fans and admirers of it have been expressing their “I” with the help of symbols and drawings for many centuries: some abstractly, some directly. But some prefer to do it with words, writing phrases on themselves forever. And it’s these people we’ll talk about today!

Lettering tattoo on the side of the body

Inscriptions on the body: where did this come from?

The history of body inscriptions is not that long: while the first tattooed people could boast of their designs on their bodies, symbolizing their origin, victories, or simply bringing good luck, many of them did not even know how to read.

Inscription tattoos, the meaning of which truly became available only in modern world, as a rule, are chosen from favorite songs or poems, phrases of some scientific or cultural figures, popular expressions or sacred texts. Many tattoo lovers choose phrases in Latin, Hindi, Swahili, Arabic, Hebrew or Chinese (it should be noted that the latter are more like a drawing or ornament than an inscription).

Various variations of inscriptions on arms and legs

Tattoos taken out of context

Many fans of poetry and literature often stuff on themselves not only their favorite stanzas, but sometimes entire paragraphs from their favorite books and novels. It is rare to meet a person who would get a tattoo in his native language, but in Lately This is not uncommon: you can often find quotes from poems, for example, by Joseph Brodsky or Anna Akhmatova.

But you can also find owners of tattoos inspired by foreign classics, such as William Shakespeare - and it’s not surprising, because all of his works can be parsed into quotes!

Important! Inscription tattoos, the sketches of which you have already chosen, are worth double-checking: if the inscription is in a foreign language, and even more so from another script, you should play it safe in order to avoid an annoying mistake.

Subtle inscription on a girl's wrist

Lyrics: tattoo with lyrics of favorite songs

They are made not only by fans of certain groups, but also by ordinary music lovers, those people for whom the song has some special meaning, as well as those who found something close in spirit in the lines. Here the choice is unlimited: the language of the song, the genre of music - nothing is important except the meaning and meaning of special words. By the way, many people put on themselves not only the lyrics of the songs, but also the names of the groups themselves.

Tattoo inscriptions, sketches of which are most often asked in tattoo parlors, are usually in a foreign language. The most common of them:

  • Latin. Suitable for couple tattoos, as well as for those who want to put a catchphrase on their body, which will become a wonderful motto in life.
  • English, French, Spanish. Golden three for music lovers who love tattoos.
  • Hebrew. Hebrew tattoos are usually chosen by people with Jewish roots.
  • Arabic, Chinese, Japanese. Suitable for those who love exotic things.
  • Sanskrit, Hindi. Tattoos in these languages ​​are chosen by those people who are interested in Eastern culture. As a rule, these are lines from sacred texts.

Another version of the inscription on the hand

Did you know? Most often, inscription tattoos are made by those who have not yet decided to put a large design on their body: it is easier to hide the inscription.

I have long been interested in Eastern culture: first with yoga, then I switched to vegetarianism, over time I braided dreadlocks, became a vegan, traveled around India and completely changed my lifestyle. I have a Sanskrit tattoo that means a lot to me. This is my lifestyle, and the tattoo is a part of me that reminds me every day of the chosen path.

Lilya, Barnaul

So you can combine beautiful inscription with dandelion

Close to the heart: tattoos that you will never regret

Many people decide to get tattoos of their loved ones: making a portrait is harder and there is a greater risk that it will turn out different, because it is not always easy for a master to convey a person’s character through an image, especially on such a difficult canvas as a body. But you can get name tattoos! This trend has recently become increasingly popular among young parents who have decided to immortalize the names of their children on their bodies. And some people get inscription tattoos as a tribute to their culture.

I grew up in a Jewish family, and although I did not go to Jewish school or even visit Israel, I feel a tremendous connection with my people and the older generation when I hear songs in Hebrew. I’m not religious, but I really love music, so I got a tattoo of a phrase from a famous Israeli singer named Ofra Haza, which translates to “Jerusalem, city of gold.”

David, Moscow

Interesting font for writing on your hand

Laconic tattoos

Minimalism has come back into fashion, and even into fashion for original tattoos: now tattoos with inscriptions whose meaning is dear to you can be applied to yourself. If you are a Gemini according to your horoscope and your element is air, this makes a lot of sense for you - write about it!

But remember a few important things before choosing a tattoo in a language you don't know:

  1. Make sure that the phrase you choose for the sketch and the meaning you put into it are the same. It’s extremely disappointing to get a tattoo that means one thing, but end up with something completely different.
  2. Check the phrase for errors: you will probably be very worried before drawing and may lose sight of the most important thing.
  3. If you are a creative person and want a truly unique tattoo, then tattoo a phrase on your body that will have a special meaning only for you: it could be some special phrase from a loved one or even a line from a poem of your own composition.

Tip: if you do not want to show off your inscription, do it in a secluded place. But if this is not possible, and you stubbornly do not want its meaning to become known to anyone, then translate the tattoo into a language less accessible to others.

Video: review of inscriptions for tattoos in Latin

An inscription tattoo is a great way for girls to decorate their body with meaning. In addition, getting an inscription for a tattoo is much faster and more economical than an artistic image. big size. It is these factors that attract many ladies who decide to get their first tattoo. Below we will look at sketches of tattoos on different parts of the body, as well as inscriptions with translations from Latin and other languages.

Wrist tattoo for girls

Inscriptions on the wrist are the most popular tattoos among girls of all ages, as they look laconic and stylish. You can have a short but meaningful phrase or word tattooed on your wrist. These can be life mottos, words of motivation, philosophical sayings, etc.

It’s quite convenient that such a tattoo can be easily hidden from strangers by covering it with a watch, bracelet or long sleeve. This way she won't be able to interfere professional activity, where tattoos may be viewed with skepticism.

Lettering tattoos for girls on the arm

Tattoos of inscriptions on the hand for girls are a great way to demonstrate to others your views on life, character, preferences or your own style.

If a girl values ​​her family, creates home comfort and the warmth of the family hearth, then phrases for tattoos about parents, names of children or spouse, etc. will look good on her hand.

If this direction is not suitable, you can get a tattoo on your arm with a meaning that has a philosophical meaning. Such tattoos are considered more universal and do not lose their relevance over time.

Lettering tattoos on the neck for girls

A tattoo on the neck for girls looks elegant, as it can be used to brighten up even an everyday look. But it is worth remembering that due to the presence of protruding vertebrae on the neck, getting a tattoo can be very painful.

Women's tattoo inscriptions on ribs

Tattoo phrases for girls are perfectly placed on the body in the ribs area. The large area allows you to write fairly long texts: excerpts from a book, phrases from a movie or words from a song. But small tattoos made in a minimalist style also look no less interesting.

Since this part of the body, like the chest area, is hidden and intimate (since it is not visible to everyone), the inscriptions for a tattoo can have absolutely any meaning that is closest to you, for example, a declaration of love.

Women's tattoo lettering on the back

The back is an elegant part of the body, so a tattoo in the form of an inscription looks very feminine, attractive and elegant on it.

However, this area is quite painful due to the close proximity to the skin of the vertebrae and shoulder blades. This fact must be taken into account if you intend to get a tattoo along the spine.

Women's inscriptions for tattoos on the collarbone

A tattoo on the collarbone is an excellent choice for fashionable girls: it always looks very impressive.

Words about love or the meaning of life are best suited to be applied to this place. In addition, a tattoo inscription on the collarbone can always be supplemented with a heart, feather or pattern, thereby giving it even more meaning.

Lettering tattoo on leg

Leg tattoos can be placed in several places: the thigh, ankle, or the outer part of the foot. Women's tattoos on the hip are attractive, original, and, moreover, easily hidden from prying eyes.

The most beautiful tattoos on the ankle are short inscriptions or a single word with a deep meaning. Below you can see good ideas for tattoos.

A great place for a tattoo with an inscription is the foot. Phrases printed in this area look stylish, especially in open sandals.

Inscription for tattoo with translation for girls

Choosing an inscription for a tattoo is sometimes a long and difficult process. After all, there are a lot of popular expressions in different languages ​​that you really want to tattoo on your body. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the original and meaningful phrases in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Latin, which can be successfully placed on the body in the form of a future tattoo.

Tattoo inscription in English with translation

  • Even angels fall. Even angels fall.
  • My life is my art, my art is my life. My life is my art, my art is my life.
  • Live by faith, not by sight. Live by faith, not by sight.
  • Love me for who I am. Love me as I am.
  • Too wild to live, too rare to die. Too wild to live, too rare to die.
  • Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love bears a memory no one can steal. Death leaves heartache which no one can cure. Love carries a memory that no one can steal.
  • Life's roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors. Life's fiercest storms prove the power of our anchors.
  • Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Fluttering like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
  • Have faith. Have faith.
  • How sweet the sound. How sweet the sound.

Phrases for tattoos in French with translation

  • Pensive positivity. Think positive.
  • Croire en soi. Believe in yourself.
  • Comme le vent, je suis libre. I'm free like the wind.
  • Aime ce que tu fais. Love what you do.
  • Les héros sont retenus – les légendes ne meurent jamais. Heroes are remembered - legends never die.
  • Agis sans attente. Act without expectation.
  • L'enfer est vide et tous les démons sont ici. Hell is empty - all the demons are here.
  • Parfois tu as besoin de laisser les choses partir. Sometimes you need to let go.
  • Suis ton propre chemin. Follow your own path.
  • Jamais une blessure, toujours une leçon. Never an injury, always a lesson.

Tattoo inscriptions in Spanish with translation into Russian

  • La vida no es un problema para resolver, sino un enigma para ser vivido. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced.
  • No recordamos días, recordamos momentos. We don't remember days, we remember moments.
  • La mejor forma de predecir el futuro es crearlo. The best way to predict the future is to create it.
  • Los mejores sueños ocurren cuando estas despierto. The best dreams happen when you're awake.
  • Solo se vive una vez. You only live once.
  • Mejor estar solo que con nadie. It's better to be alone than with just anyone.
  • Con dolor viene la fuerza. With pain comes strength.
  • Siempre hay esperanza. There is always hope.
  • Inhala el futuro... exhala el pasado. Breathe in the future...breathe out the past.
  • No te dejes caer jamás. Never let yourself fall.

Inscription for tattoo in Italian with translation

  • Insieme per sempre. Together forever.
  • Sei nel mio cuore. You are in my heart.
  • L'amore domina senza regole. Love rules without rules.
  • La calme è la virtù dei forti. Calmness is the virtue of the strong.
  • La Vita and Bella. Life is Beautiful.
  • Che sarà sarà. What will be will be.
  • I frutti proibiti sono i più dolci. The forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
  • Non c'è niente di meglio nella vita di una famiglia amichevole. There is nothing better in life than a close-knit family.
  • Se vivo nella tua memoria, non sarò solo. If I live in your memory, I won't be alone.
  • Tempo di fiducia. Trust time.

Inscription for tattoo in Latin with translation

  • Carpe Diem. Live the moment.
  • Fatum meum es tu. You are my Destiny.
  • Frigus calculation. Cold calculation.
  • Nosce te ipsum. Know yourself.
  • Amor vincit omnia. Love overcomes everything.
  • Libertas inaestimabilis Res. Freedom is beyond any price.
  • Agnosco te. Value yourself.
  • Amor mutat populo. Love changes people.
  • Tempus fugit. Time flies.
  • Nil manet aeternum. Nothing is eternal.


Drawings on the body have come a long way from a symbol of belonging to a certain social/professional group to a shameful stigma, and from there to a fashionable element. Today, more and more often, girls try to decorate themselves in this way, at least with henna, but you need to be able to choose a tattoo with meaning, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect. What to give preference to?

The meaning of tattoos for girls

A highly qualified tattoo artist contacted by a client will never tattoo a spontaneous design and always warns that this step must be considered. This is not something that can be corrected in a second if your mood suddenly changes. A girl who is thinking about decorating her body should first consider all the tattoo options and their meaning. It is better if the meaning is studied from several sides and in all details, especially if the image is in plain sight.

The variety of such drawings for girls can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Symbolic. Flowers, birds, animals, stars, sun and moon, or complex patterns of different religions. You can also see abstract pictures that are perceived as chaos, but have hidden meaning, understandable only to the girl who wears them.
  • Text. Phrases, quotes, names, dates, individual numbers. The most commonly used language remains Latin, but tattoos with meanings for girls in English or Japanese/Chinese characters are also popular.

Phrases for tattoos

If a girl is more attracted to photos with captions on her shoulder, leg, back, etc., she should look for attractive sayings or phrases that she can project onto herself. Beautiful phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls can talk about love, aspirations, faith, promise, worldview, and have a connection with the past or present. You can supplement them with a sketch that will fully reveal the meaning of the tattoo.

Several tattoo lettering options for a girl:

  • Don't go back to what you're done with.
  • Death, but not dishonor.
  • Eat Pray Love.
  • Light in the darkness.


If by symbolism we mean drawings, and not hieroglyphs, etc., then the choice here is almost limitless. Any image can be read in several ways, so female and male symbol tattoos are almost always a mystery, or something where the truth is hidden behind a more understandable picture. The lotus can mean rebirth, purity or perfection, and the griffin can mean strength, speed of reaction, the struggle of the mind and the animal essence. The location will also play a role: a tattoo on the neck and on the shoulder blade with the same sketch can have different interpretations and different energy.


Among famous sayings Phrases from ancient thinkers are especially popular among girls, although modern ones are also beginning to adorn the bodies of young people. Beautiful quotes for tattoos from an aesthetic perspective - a win-win: number of photos in in social networks is off scale. However, we are not talking about the uniqueness of the style in such a situation, because there is a high probability of meeting someone with the same tattoo. If you want something that belongs only to you (or a narrow circle of people), take quotes from poetry or prose, and do not necessarily open the most famous works of the classics.

Tattoo inscriptions with translation

Text tattoos can have any size and shape: from a short phrase to an excerpt that tells a whole story. The choice of the length of the inscription for a tattoo with translation is made after determining the area on which it will be applied. The meaning of this phrase does not necessarily need to be duplicated side by side - only you can know it, which will add mystery to your image. However, the owner must know the meaning of the tattoo, because otherwise he may end up in a very unpleasant situation, which is typical for girls who tattoo themselves with hieroglyphs only because of their unusual appearance.

In Latin

The Latin language is not only beautiful: the phrases in it are distinguished by a special philosophical nature, which allows it to be used in a tattoo with meaning for a girl. However, if you choose common phrases, you run the risk of looking trendy, but not unique. Experts advise not to take too well-known Latin inscriptions with translations for tattoos - i.e. “per aspera...”, “memento mori”, etc. Explore full list catch phrases and relate it to your idea. Particularly interesting for women's tattoos:

  • “As posse ad esse”, which will mean “from the possible to the real” and makes sense for purposeful natures, accustomed to turning plans into goals.
  • “Ad multos annos” can be correlated with a symbolic sketch of a tattoo, since the meaning of the phrase is “for many years” and is well suited for married woman who wants to perpetuate her love for her spouse.
  • “Dum spiro spero” is perfect for a girl whose faith cannot be broken, because the interpretation of the phrase sounds like: “while I’m breathing, I hope.”
  • “Nil sancti” – or “nothing sacred.”

In Russian

Girls use phrases in their native language for tattoos less often than in a foreign language, but it is also very beautiful and can sound incredibly melodic. It will be difficult to make a mistake with the meaning, because you and those around you (in your home country) will not need translation. It’s better to come up with an idea for a tattoo of an inscription in Russian yourself, but if literature is not your path, experts advise looking for it in your favorite book. Studying poetry is often successful.

In English

This language is considered the most widespread, so there are no particular difficulties to understand the meaning of most beautiful phrases (unlike French, German, etc.). If you decide to get such a tattoo for yourself, you can choose English inscriptions with translation from idioms - they sound more harmonious than hastily put together independent sentences. They are often more grammatically correct too, so you won't get ridiculed from the outside.

Tattoo options with meaning for girls in English:

  • Don’t give up - don’t give up.
  • The woman of your dreams – may have a humorous connotation, sounds like “the girl of your dreams.”
  • Blood, sweat ‘nd tears – to achieve/receive through sweat, blood and tears.

Tattoo symbols

The use of single characters rather than long phrases is convenient if a girl wants an inconspicuous tattoo - more for herself than for show under the influence of fashion trends. You can choose any symbols - from ancient Egyptian and Scandinavian to mysterious Hindi, fashionable Chinese / Japanese characters, Arabic script, Hebrew. They have strong energy, so before getting such a tattoo, the symbols and their designations need to be studied as diligently as possible and the artist must be familiar with the sketch as accurately as possible.

Chinese characters and their meaning in Russian

It is difficult to work with a group of Asian languages, because... the slightest mistake in the spelling of a symbol leads to a complete change in the underlying meaning. However, even without the absence of distortions in the letter, oddities arise due to several variants of the meaning of one sign. The same applies to the features of combining several symbols. As a result, choose for women's or male tattoo hieroglyphs and their meaning in Russian, preferably with a person who knows Hangul, Hancha, Hiragana, etc. well. Additionally, you should carefully study the photo from reliable sources and take it to the master.

Particularly popular tattoo ideas for girls:

  • 愛 – read as “ai”, means “love”.
  • 竜 – dragon;
  • 生命 is a compound designation of the word “life”, which carries the meaning of the predetermined fate of each person. A modification of this tattoo option with meaning for a girl is 永远, which means “forever” or “for life” and can be tattooed on a particularly significant day.

Slavic symbols

The runes that were used by the ancient Slavs can also be a strong amulet, but like other talismans, they are not for public display. If you have selected an image Slavic symbols, it is better to make a tattoo on the neck, lower back, thigh or other place mostly hidden by clothing, otherwise the energy may go in the wrong direction. It is better to choose, as with other signs (Japanese, Egyptian, etc.), not according to visual appeal, but according to the exact meaning:

  • the symbolism of the overpowering herb protected against diseases;
  • fern flower means strength of spirit;
  • solard – fertility, i.e. for the expectant mother;
  • the rune of peace can give inner peace.

Tattoo about love

Girls from 15 to 19 years old, when their first serious feelings occur, are mainly inclined towards such tattoo options. There is a desire to perpetuate them, and your own body is ideal for this. However, experts do not recommend taking the first and last name of your lover for a tattoo about love, unless it is your husband, since any feelings may fade away. A violent inversion to hatred may occur, and unwanted reminders of the past will have to be gotten rid of. It is better to limit yourself to deep phrases of thinkers, general symbolism, etc. Tattoo options:

  • Love if you want love.
  • There is no cure for love.
  • Amor caecus - about what strong feeling cuts off any arguments of reason. The English equivalent is love is blind.
  • Amor et honor or “love and honor.”
  • Make love not war - choose love, not war.

Tattoo about family

It is difficult to deny that a person maintains the strongest connection with his family, which should be strengthened with the help of tattoos on the body. Some girls even place it on the chest, in the heart area. A tattoo about family may not be too obvious: interesting example observed in David Beckham, who tattooed himself with a Celtic cross. It is located at inside forearm and is interpreted as “that which I love and adore,” with reference to my wife and children. For an outside observer, this is a simple drawing.

Meaningful tattoo options dedicated to family:

  • Mom/dad/sister/etc, enclosed in an infinity symbol.
  • Children's names/initials, supplemented by dates of birth. The tattoo is predominantly black and white.
  • A sketch of the family coat of arms or even a motto.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo for a girl?

The choice of place for a tattoo is determined primarily by social status. The second factor is the sketch itself, the size and shape of which can set requirements for the area where it can “sit.” If we talk about inscription tattoos on the hand, we also have to take into account the characteristics of the skin: closer to the hand, it is actively renewed, so the outline here will quickly blur, the color may change - thin handwriting is highly not recommended. On the girl’s forearm, the tattoo will remain for several years. The same applies to the back, hips, etc.

Experts give girls the following advice:

  • As a variant of the popular tattoo, inscriptions on the wrist with meaning are considered one of the most successful: here you can form a whole bracelet, add numbers, a small design going up the arm. This a good place for paired tattoos, declarations of love, preserving memorable moments, especially if the wrist is left, connected to the heart. Consider several options.
  • A tattoo on the leg is convenient for girls whose dress code does not allow them to show body decoration, especially if it is tattooed on the foot, ankle, etc. You can see the tattoo only in the summer or at home, when the girl walks barefoot. Mostly the same ideas as for the wrist are relevant here.
  • If you need to hide a tattoo, inscriptions on your back can also be a solution, because... in the office it will be hidden by the thick fabric of a blouse. Due to the large surface area for tattoos on the shoulder blade or below, you can use large pieces text, entire passages or quatrains, supplement them with drawings.
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    Tattoos with meaning for girls: the meaning of tattoos

Sometimes events happen in life that you would like to leave behind a long memory about. Tattoo inscriptions with translation interesting way for those who want to capture such moments. Express yourself, convey meaning to others, stand out from the crowd or create your own philosophy. All this is achievable with the help of a tattoo. However, it is necessary to understand how the tattooing process works before applying the image to the body.

Before you get a tattoo, you need to know

  • The importance of size. A small tattoo format is not often beautiful. The simpler the image, the smaller the size you can make. Larger tattoos will be required to work out small details. You also need space to work with color, shadows and transitions. The reason for choosing matching size and complexity also lies in the wearability of the tattoo. If the outline of the image is less than a millimeter, then such a tattoo will not last long, and it will have to be updated or interrupted. The size of the tattoo also depends on the style you want. Some techniques and styles are simply not suitable for a miniature image.
  • The right choice of the master. A professional master must have a high-quality and detailed portfolio, as well as certificates of completed courses and medical examination. It is better to spend time looking for a sufficiently qualified and experienced tattoo artist than to correct a damaged tattoo and be treated for acquired diseases.
  • Beauty requires sacrifice? The process of tattooing can rarely be called pleasant. Painful sensations guaranteed. But everyone's sensitivity level is individual. Also, the amount of pain depends on the location of the tattoo and the time of work. Consult with the specialist in advance and choose the appropriate option.
  • Small spool but precious. Nice tattoo can't be cheap. The price of the artist consists of his experience, skill level, complexity of the image and the location of its application, as well as the time spent on tattooing. On average, the price of a tattoo starts from three to four thousand.
  • Time. When consulting with a specialist, you will find out the approximate work time. But how much time the work will actually take is unknown, since everyone’s reaction is individual. During the filling process, unforeseen situations may occur: from a power outage to the client not feeling well. Therefore, plan your time with plenty of reserve.
  • Getting a tattoo is not the end of the matter. You can’t just apply an image and forget it. A tattoo requires care, like any accessory or part of the body.

Sunlight damages the image. Therefore, the tattoo site should be covered with clothing or protected with sunscreen.

The main enemy of a tattoo is the laziness of its owner. Strictly follow the instructions received from the master. Remember, the first fourteen days are the most important. The longevity, purity and quality of the tattoo depend on them.

Small tricks when visiting a tattoo parlor:

  • Human skin tends to deform. Therefore, tattoos should be restored every three to four years.
  • Under no circumstances should moles or birthmarks be covered with a tattoo. They should be ignored or included in the image.
  • To cover a scar or scar with a tattoo, at least twelve months must pass from the moment of injury.
  • Under no circumstances should you come to a tattoo session under the influence of alcohol or drugs, hungry or tired. All of these conditions directly affect blood pressure, as a result of which the tattooing process may be slowed down or impossible.
  • Feeling slightly unwell after getting a tattoo is a natural reaction of the body, so there is no need to panic.
  • If tattooing is divided into several stages, then there should be at least ten to fourteen days between sessions.
  • It is possible to get rid of a boring tattoo. But this is a very long and painful process. The tattoo is burned out with a laser, which leaves a mark on the skin. In addition, the image cannot be reduced one hundred percent.

Tattooing methods

The variety of methods for applying long-lasting images and phrases to the body is divided according to technique, level of pain and time of application to the skin.

The human body is sensitive, so the process of applying a tattoo is painful, no matter the method. You need to decide on the method of application and your level of preparation for tattooing.

Method number one - needle

Two types of tools for this technique have been invented: a needle wrapped at the end with a thread, pishni - a sharpened metal staple, paper clip or wire. The instrument is dipped in ink and microscopic injections are used to steam the skin along the contour of the image. Thanks to this, the coloring pigment penetrates the skin and remains there. Then the applied image is retouched with colored ballpoint pen paste or ground match sulfur.

Method two - stamping

A template is created from dense rubber material on which there is desired image, along the contour of which the needles are installed. The template is dipped in ink, placed against the tattoo site, and the points are inserted three to five millimeters into the skin with a sharp slap. As a result, the design is imprinted on the skin, and the coloring pigment penetrates into it. With this type of tattoo, the client experiences unpleasant painful feelings, and it takes a significant period of time to process the image.

Method three - a tool based on an electric razor

Pain sensations are low, time consumption is increased. A significant disadvantage of this method is increased trauma.

Method four - blade

The skin is cut along the contour, then the pigment is rubbed into it. The procedure is characterized by increased pain and risk of injury in the hands of an inexperienced practitioner.

Method five - hardware tattooing

The image is applied with a specialized machine using a highly targeted pigment. Sterility, precision and small painful blow - distinctive features such drawing. The needles in the device are disposable, the pigment is hypoallergenic. The client selects an adhesive-based template, according to which the tattoo artist applies the outline. The micro-needles of this device imperceptibly inject paint and fix it into the skin.

The first four types of applying images to the skin belong and are used most often in the world of crime, in religious groups or in the artisanal conditions of “freebie” lovers.


Tattooing is the introduction of dyes under the skin. The peculiarity of the structure of the skin allows the pattern to be fixed on the surface without penetrating into other layers. This is why there are no allergies to pigments. It is possible to reduce the risk of infection after tattooing only if sanitary and hygienic rules are followed by a professional tattoo artist.
Sequence of actions when applying a tattoo:

  • Selecting an image, coordinating it with the master, or creating an individual sketch.
  • Transferring the sketch onto tracing paper, then onto the body.
  • Treating the skin with a special disinfectant solution.
  • Piercing the image outline.
  • Filling a contour with color or colors, applying shadows and highlights.
  • Treating the completed drawing with an antiseptic solution, lubricating the disturbed area with a healing composition, and applying a protective bandage.
  • Following tattoo care instructions will ensure the safety of the image, fast healing and eliminate the risk of suppuration.

When tattooing, the image area can be numbed with anesthesia.

The placement of tattoos on the body is unlimited. From the fingertips to the eyes can be involved in tattooing. However, there are the most popular body parts for tattoos.

Arm tattoos

The most common and popular location for a tattoo is the arm. Possible conservatism, traditions of arrangement, simplicity and expressiveness of hand tattoos attract a huge number of fans. However, the hand gives wide scope for the imagination of the master and the customer of body jewelry. The many curves and “subparts” of the hands make it possible to divide hand tattoos into several subtypes.

Shoulder tattoo

The popularity of this species is the same among both the female and male public. IN ancient times tattoos on the shoulders symbolized a person’s position in society, his status, marital status, membership in one or another clan, and could also indicate the number of living and deceased relatives.

The main advantage of such a tattoo is the simplicity and speed of work for the artist. The skin of the shoulder is less susceptible to the formation of wrinkles and folds, which will preserve the pristine beauty of the tattoo for a long time.

The practicality of this arrangement of the picture is due to the ease of hiding it from prying eyes; a certain atmosphere of intimacy is created for those who know about this tattoo.

Forearm tattoo

For people who want to emphasize their originality, a tattoo on the forearm will be a real gift. The interlocutor's gaze, after paying attention to the face, notices the forearms. The small space of the forearm is by no means a reason for small images. A special feature can be the puzzle effect, when tattoos on the forearms of both hands create a common picture when the hands are brought together, but when separated they carry a separate meaning or remain a mystery to outsiders.

The process of getting a tattoo is practically not noticeable in this area and is very comfortable.

If your job requires a strict dress code, then forearms are not the best option. It is not always possible to cover them well with clothing, and this can cause inconvenience.

Wrist tattoo

Wrist tattoos are distinguished by their variety. Representatives of the fair half of humanity especially like to make small pictures and inscriptions in this part of the body. The application procedure is painless, and if necessary, the tattoo can be covered with a bracelet. A wrist tattoo in itself is a kind of decoration and does not require separate decoration of the image.

Elbow tattoo

Tattoos on the elbow part of the arm are the least in demand. But there are individuals who want to get a tattoo in this exact place. This procedure is distinguished not only by the pain of application, but also by the constant deformation of the image. The skin on the bend of the elbow is the most mobile, so you need to carefully select the image. A good solution would be geometric and wave-like motifs, which are not embossed in outline, but are completely painted over inside.

Tattoo on hand

Tattoos on the hands are a very painful process. A large number of nerve endings and thin skin make the tattooing process as noticeable as possible. The unpleasant aspects of this type of image will be the frequent updating of the image, because frequent contact with water, chemicals and mechanical damage destroys the original image. This part of the body is also inconvenient for the master, since the surface is uneven and has a huge number of folds, bulges and depressions.

The practicality of such a tattoo leaves much to be desired. However, exclusivity also breaks all records. It is rare to meet a person with a tattoo on his hand.

Palm tattoo

A tattoo on the palm is one of the most fashionable trends of our time. Painted palms are a mandatory attribute in many rituals of the East and Asia from ancient times to the present day.

The process of applying a tattoo is almost painless, since the skin on the palm is quite thick. However, a small area imposes its own limitations on the size and type of tattoo. Most often, phrases or sayings are written on the edge of the palm.

Finger tattoos

The trend of tattooing fingers has come quite recently. But it is already in great demand. Fingers have been decorated with rings, rings and chains at all times and among all peoples. Now, jewelry and costume jewelry have been replaced by tattoos. There is no risk of losing such jewelry, and getting a couple tattoo is the dream of every girl in love.

This is one of the most practical types of tattoo area. If necessary, you can hide or, on the contrary, focus attention on such a tattoo.

Tattoo all over the arm

For simplicity of designation, it was called the first association that comes to mind - the sleeve. The length of such a tattoo is determined in the same way as regular sleeves: short, three-quarters and wrist length.

Over time, the image loses the clarity of its contours and color saturation. It is necessary to update the tattoo in a timely manner.

Leg tattoos

Leg tattoos are very practical for those who wear trousers, or for those who do not care about the dress code. More recently, a tattoo on any part of the leg was rare. Nowadays, leg tattooing is gaining momentum in popularity.

Moreover, this applies to both the strong and the beautiful half of humanity. Men most often prefer to tattoo the thigh or lower leg, and girls prefer the foot, lower leg or ankle.

Based on their location, leg tattoos are divided into three types.

Tattoo on thigh

Tattooing on the thigh is not limited in size. This part of the body is most popular among girls, thus emphasizing the beauty, sexuality and attractiveness of the female form.

This type of tattoo stands out among others due to its practicality. The only condition is to keep your body in shape. Otherwise, the tattoo will disfigure the body instead of serving as decoration. The skin of the thigh is especially susceptible to deformation due to body weight. Stretch marks may appear on it, which will irreparably spoil the image. However, you will feel almost no pain when applying the image.

Tattoo on shin

The shin is the entire space of the leg from the knee to the ankle. Images are most often applied to the back and outside. If you compare the pain when getting a picture on the thigh, the lower leg is more sensitive. The code on it is close to the bone.

The practicality of a shin tattoo is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this is a chic accessory for a hot summer, on the other hand, it is a restriction in clothing. This directly applies to girls who prefer short types clothes. But if there is no embarrassment from having a tattoo, then you shouldn’t even think about the dark side of the coin.

Ankle and foot tattoo

It is better to position the image on this section so that it is visible in its entirety. For the most part, this applies to the male population, since they most often prefer large images.

An obstacle to getting a tattoo can be hairline. But even for such a case, there are methods of application and care.

After getting a picture tattooed on your leg, you should avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes until the skin is completely restored.

Over the past two decades, tattoos in the form of inscriptions have become extremely popular. They are divided into:

  • Religious – quotes from the sacred books of world religions.
  • Memorable – dates, names and numbers that have sacred or memorable meaning for a person.
  • Dedicated – inscriptions, wishes and names to loved ones and relatives.
  • Statements - a kind of life credo said by one of the greats.
  • Own symbols – in this case, everything depends on the customer’s imagination.

Below are options for the most popular phrases, sayings and sayings. Women's and men's inscriptions in several languages, as well as photo ideas for tattoos.

Stylistics of fonts for writing inscriptions.

It is important not only the meaning of the phrase, but also what font it will be printed in. The font style may be dissonant with the semantic load, so it is necessary to choose the best tandem.

  • Sharp, straight lines, monochrome color, most often jet black, pointed letters - characteristics Gothic. This font is suitable for men and for clear, decisive statements.

  • Soft, rounded contours are suitable for girls and expressions in smooth-sounding languages.

  • A universal font for both genders. Neutral, both to the semantic load and to the native language.

  • Hieroglyphs. Special care must be taken with this font. Since each hieroglyph can have several meanings. Frequently used characters have Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Arabic roots.

  • Graffiti style. Modern street art has become related to the tattoo movement. Graffiti from the walls of houses was transferred to human skin. This style is suitable for young people and hip-hop fans.

The variety of writing styles is amazing. More than three hundred fonts exist today. Therefore, for a tattoo, you can create a good tandem from combinations of the meaning of the image and the style of its outline.

The English language is very harmonious and beautiful to write.

Nowadays, tattoos have become a fashionable body decoration. Tattoos are made in the most unexpected places - both in the most visible and hidden places. Tattoos are not just inscriptions, say, in English - they are experiences, emotions and vision of a person at that moment, or a memory of the past, or a reminder of the future, captured in the form of text on the body.

People emphasize through a tattoo your individuality .

An inscription in the form of an English word or phrase often conveys more than a picture, which is why inscriptions are very popular.

The inscription can mean a life motto, a life goal, the name of a daughter, son, wife - in general, everything that is important to a person.

The most popular tattoo inscriptions in English with translation into Russian

Below are the inscriptions that you can put in the form of a tattoo. You can also see photos.

  • Remember who you are - Remember who you are.
  • It is useful sometimes to recall your past in order to stronger value of your present. — Sometimes it is useful to remember the past in order to appreciate the present more.
  • Here and now - Here and now.
  • God never makes errors - God does not make mistakes.
  • Onelifelong live - The only love that lasts a lifetime.
  • Everyone has one’s own path - Everyone has their own path.
  • Only my dream keeps me alive - Only my dream warms me.
  • Never look back - never look back.
  • Respect the past, create the future! - Respect the past, create the future!
  • Love is my religion - Love is my religion.
  • Never give up - never give up.
  • Be strong - Be strong.
  • Wait and see - Let's wait and see.
  • Free your mind - Free your mind.
  • Now or never - Now or never.
  • Help yourself - Help yourself.
  • All we need is love - All we need is love.
  • Everyone sees the world in one’s own way - Everyone sees the world in their own way.
  • Follow you heart - Follow your heart.
  • Life is beautiful - Life is beautiful.
  • I’ll get everything I want - I’ll get everything I want.
  • A life is a moment - Life is just a moment.
  • I shall not live in vain - I will not live in vain
  • Forever young - Forever young.
  • Let it be - Let it be.

One-word captions:

  • Free - Freedom, free.
  • Angel - Angel.
  • Demon - Demon.
  • Hope - Hope.
  • Love - Love.
  • Mother - Mom.

Beautiful phrases about love and not only in English for tattoos

Beautiful phrases for tattoos

  • Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worth. “Not knowing is bad, not wanting to know is even worse.”
  • My angel always with me - My angel is always with me.
  • Success doesn't come to you. You go to it - Success does not come to you on its own. You go to him.
  • The earth is my body. My head is in the stars - The Earth is my body. My head is in the stars.
  • Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything - Those who cannot change their views cannot change anything.
  • It’s better to have ideals and dreams than nothing - Better dreams and ideals than nothing.
  • Don’t let your mind kill your heart and soul - Don’t let your mind kill your heart and soul.

Thus, tattoo inscriptions in English are beautiful and inspiring. You can choose any font and, if desired, any inscription to express your feelings, thoughts, desires and aspirations.

Useful materials:

beautiful words in English

most popular english words