Rudbeckia is a herbaceous plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. It grows naturally in North America. There are at least 40 species. Rudbeckia is also popularly called “Sunbonnet” or “Black-Eyed Suzanne”. In order to plant and provide proper care for perennial rudbeckia, you will not need much effort.

The stems of this flower are simple but quite long; they can grow up to 2 meters in height. Some wild species reach 3 meters. The leaves of the plant are large, pinnately dissected. Rudbeckia has basket-shaped inflorescences. They often reach 15 cm in diameter. After flowering, fruits appear, they are seeds small size with dark color.

Popular varieties for planting in the garden

The flowers of this plant have a bright sunny color and a dark contrasting core. There are many varieties, but some are especially popular among gardeners.

Golden ball

This variety got its name due to its appearance. Its inflorescences are spherical in shape and bright yellow in color. During the flowering period, the plant is literally strewn with inflorescences. They have a diameter of 8-12 cm. The flowering period begins in mid-summer and continues until the first frost. The foliage of this rudbeckia is not too large, deeply pinnately dissected.


Hairy rudbeckia, although perennial, does not tolerate severe frosts. Therefore, it is often grown as an annual plant. This variety is also called Rudbeckia Hirta. The flowers have a bright yellow color, gradually turning into a brownish tint, with reed petals and a violet-brown center.

The variety got its name because of the fibers that cover both the stem and petals of the bush. The diameter of the flowers is up to 10-12 cm. The bushes do not grow above 1 meter.


This variety is also called beautiful rudbeckia. It has a height of up to 60 cm. The flowers are orange in color with reed petals, as well as black-brown tubular flowers with a jagged edge, their diameter is 10 cm. It has a strong stem and oblong or rounded leaves. The flowering period lasts from 50 to 65 days, starting in July. The variety is resistant to frost and various pests and diseases.


A bush 40-50 cm high, with large double or semi-double inflorescences, bright yellow color with a dark middle. The flowering period begins at the end of June and ends with the onset of frost. The variety is quite thermophilic and develops better in open sunny areas.

Growing conditions

In order to grow rudbeckia, you don’t need much effort, but still, if you decide to plant this flower on your plot, you need to know in what soil it will feel best, what the lighting, temperature and humidity should be. And, of course, you need to know how to care for rudbeckia so that it develops and delights with its bright flowering for as long as possible.

Soil composition requirements

These crops prefer slightly acidic or neutral soil and loose soil. It must be permeable and fertile. At the same time, the plant will be able to develop on clay soil provided that sand is added to it. On heavy lands the bush will develop poorly.

Lighting and planting location

Rudbeckias prefer open sunny areas, but they also do well in semi-shaded areas. At the same time, in partial shade, flowering will not be as intense. You should not plant the flower in places where shade reigns most of the day. The best option is if the sun shines over the rudbeckia at least 6 hours a day.

Temperature and humidity

Although this flower prefers sunny areas, it does not tolerate drought. The bush needs regular, abundant watering. An ideal option if there is groundwater nearby. A systematic lack of moisture negatively affects the plant. The foliage curls or simply droops, the flowers become smaller and quickly lose their decorative effect.

The temperature regime corresponds to the temperate climate zone.

The best and worst neighbors of a plant

When choosing neighbors for this flower, you should not opt ​​for low-growing plants, because rudbeckia is quite tall and can suppress the growth of nearby plants. Also, crops that are harmed by excessive soil moisture, such as roses, should not be planted nearby.

Rudbeckia goes well with annual verbena, especially if it is planted between bushes of sunny flowers. White phlox, blue sage, echinacea and monarda can also be good neighbors. In autumn they look great with chrysanthemums, gaillardias, coreopsis and asters, and cereal crops are also suitable as neighbors.

Planting in open ground

Before planting a flower in open ground, you should choose a place and prepare the soil for it.

Timing of planting work

This plant is planted in open ground in the last week of May. At this time, there are no longer frosts at night, the weather stabilizes, the air warms up, and with it the soil. This is important for still immature and unhardened plants.

If seeds are planted immediately in open ground, then this can only be done at the end of June. Important! When transplanting rudbeckia into open ground, the air temperature should not be lower than +18 °C.

Preparing the place and soil

Having chosen the most successful area for planting, you need to dig it up to a depth of 20-30 cm, remove all weeds and level the ground using a rake. If the soil is loamy, sand is added to it, which increases permeability.

Next, holes are made, the distance between them should be from 40 to 70 cm, it all depends on the height of the future bush. If the holes are located too close to each other, the plants will interfere with each other. Such bushes will not bloom abundantly.

Flower planting technology

The first step is to prepare the holes. After they are dug, they are poured generously with warm water. “Fitosporin” or several crystals of potassium permanganate are first added to it.

Next, plant the seedlings and cover them well with soil, lightly compacting it. It is recommended to lay a layer of mulch on top, because the plant will grow in one place for 3-5 years. The best material for mulching is compost. The mulch thickness should be about 8 cm.

You can also sow rudbeckia seeds directly into open ground, after keeping them in water. This will help “awaken” the material. Before planting, they are mixed with clean sand. It will help to more easily distribute the seeds along the grooves, which should be spaced 15 cm apart.

Rudbeckia care

Caring for the flower is quite simple, you just need to know how and when to water and fertilize, how to prune and replant the plant to a new place, and also how to prepare rudbeckia for wintering.

Irrigation and fertilization

Young plants need watering more often. But adult bushes are irrigated only during droughts, but this is provided that rudbeckia grows in the right soil. If the summer was hot and without much precipitation, then without additional irrigation the bush will finish flowering long before the end of summer. After watering, it is necessary to lightly loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Fertilize for the first time two weeks after planting in open ground. And the second time during the formation of buds. The best option for this would be a universal complex fertilizer or a solution based on mullein. A solution of wood ash and an infusion of green herbs are also used.

Before flowering, you can fertilize with the following fertilizing options:

  • nitrophoska;
  • "Agricola 7".

All these drugs are diluted according to the same principle. Dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. fertilizers For 1 sq. m should take 3 liters of solution. 2-3 weeks after the start of flowering, this feeding can be repeated.

Formative and rejuvenating pruning of the plant

Throughout the entire flowering period, you should periodically inspect the bush and cut off the stems with faded inflorescences to the first healthy leaf. This is done so that the bushes retain their decorative properties and bloom longer. Thinning pruning is also carried out if the bushes are too dense. After such pruning, new growth appears.

In the fall, after the bush has finished flowering, the stems are cut to the very roots for wintering. It is permissible not to do this, but to cut the stems only in the spring; this will not affect the health of the plant in any way.

Caring for after flowering

Rudbeckia finishes flowering in autumn. Immediately after this, its stems can be trimmed. If, during pruning, any disease was discovered on the stems, such as powdery mildew or signs of other pathologies, then the trimmed material should be burned. You cannot send such bushes to the compost heap.

Transfer to a new place

A shrub that has grown in one place for 4-5 years needs to be transplanted to a new place. The bush is replanted in September-October or in March. This is the time when the plant has not yet entered the active growth phase or has already completed it. The best time of day is early morning or evening, after sunset.

The bush is dug up and divided into several parts. In the new place, they also dig holes and add compost or humus to them. Bushes are placed in them and covered with fertile soil, compacting the soil. Immediately after transplanting, the flowers are watered abundantly.

Pests and diseases: prevention and treatment

A white coating may appear on rudbeckia bushes, most often it appears on the lower part of the bush. These are signs of a disease called powdery mildew. In order to get rid of this disease, you should treat the bush with copper sulfate. To do this, dilute 80 g of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water. You can also use colloidal sulfur, which is diluted in the same way, or the drug “Skor”.

The appearance of brown spots on the foliage indicates that the plant is being damaged by a leaf nematode. At the first signs of this disease, you should immediately treat the bush with a preparation such as Nemagon, Nemaphos or Bazamide.

This is done only with perennial varieties of rudbeckia. Infected annual or biennial representatives of this family are completely removed from the garden bed and destroyed to avoid the spread of the disease.

Also, among the pests, the bush can be attacked by a caterpillar, which eats the foliage of the flower. They fight it with the help of insecticidal preparations.

The best prevention of these and all other diseases is proper flower care. With proper care, the plant has a strong immune system, does not get sick and is extremely rarely exposed to pests.

Preparing for winter

Preparing a shrub for winter involves pruning and covering it. After all the bushes are trimmed, they are covered with mulch. Humus, peat, spruce branches, dry leaves or grass are suitable for this. The mulch layer should be at least 7-8 cm.

If the winters are not too severe, shelter may not be needed, but if a severe frost suddenly “hits” or the winter is without much precipitation, then there is a high probability that the rudbeckia bushes will freeze.

Nuances of caring for rudbeckia depending on the region of growth

Depending on the region where the flower grows, some nuances in caring for it may appear:

  • Plants are planted in open ground in the northern regions in June, and in southern regions at the end of April, in the central part, which includes the Moscow region, they are planted, as expected, in May.
  • Often in the northern regions this perennial flower grown as an annual plant.
  • In the northern regions, when choosing a place to plant shrubs, you need to give preference to areas without strong drafts and flooding. In this region, nearby groundwater can harm the plant.
  • To grow rudbeckia in Siberia, it is better to give preference to hybrids that were specially bred for difficult living conditions.

How does a flower reproduce?

This plant can be propagated in two ways: by seeds and by dividing the root system.


When choosing seeds for propagation, you can use two growing methods: sowing directly into the ground and through seedlings.

More expensive and rare varieties are often planted through seedlings when there is a limited number of seeds. And immediately the common varieties are sown into the soil, of which the gardener has quite a lot. But regardless of the chosen option, the material must be prepared.

Before sowing, the seeds are placed in water at a temperature of +20 °C. They should be kept there for 15-20 hours. They are then posted on paper towels to get wet and remove excess moisture. Now the seeds are ready for sowing.

When sowing seedlings, the seeds are sown in boxes filled with soil and spilled with water a day before sowing. Shallow grooves are made in the soil and seeds are sown in them. Then they are covered with a thin layer of soil. A film or sheet of glass is placed on top of the box.

Seeds are sown in open ground in the same way as in boxes. Good to know! When sowing rudbeckia directly into the ground, flowering will occur only in the next season.

How and when to collect rudbeckia seeds

You can start collecting seeds as early as September-October. This should be done in dry weather, in daytime. Dry inflorescences are cut using scissors. Then they are cut in half and laid out on paper sheets. Leave them in a dry, secluded place for a week until they are completely dry.

Dry inflorescences are crushed so that all the seeds fall out. They are put in a paper bag and stored in a dry place until spring. warm place. Such seeds will be suitable for use for 3 years.

Dividing the bush

After the bush reaches 3 years of age, it can be propagated by dividing the rhizome. It is at this age that the root system is sufficiently formed for such manipulations.

A large bush is dug up and divided into several parts. For each part, dig a hole, add fertilizer to it and plant part of the bush in it. When moving a bush to a new place, you should not remove the adhering soil from it; it is better to plant it along with it. This way the shrub will quickly take root and take root in the new territory. Upon completion of planting, the bushes must be watered.

What problems can you encounter when growing a plant?

Perennial rudbeckia is a fairly stable plant, and problems rarely arise when growing it:

  1. Excessive watering can cause fungal diseases, including powdery mildew.
  2. If there is no watering in dry weather, the flower may stop developing.
  3. Sometimes the root system freezes. This shrub is frost-resistant, but may die during extreme cold.
  4. By planting a flower through seeds collected yourself, you may not get the desired result. The grown flowers may not have the characteristics of the mother bush.

The flower is a great option for decorating a garden or flower bed. It is often used by florists, since the inflorescences remain fresh for a long time after being cut. Rudbeckia is preferred for its unpretentiousness, beautiful and long-lasting flowering. If you follow simple recommendations, it won't cause much trouble.

Ornamental plants are the best decoration for any home or garden. They become a stylish element of landscape design, enlivening and harmonizing the space.

One of the overseas representatives of the flora, but adapted to our conditions, is the bright and colorful annual rudbeckia, the cultivation of which from seeds is available to gardeners.

It is also actively used in landscape design, performing the function of decorating flower beds and living borders. Its unpretentiousness and ease of propagation and cultivation make it increasingly popular among flora lovers.

How to grow annual rudbeckia from seeds

Rudbeckia ( Rudbeckia) received its name according to the classification of Carl Linnaeus, in honor of the famous Swiss family of botanists Rudbecks. The genus includes about 40 annual and perennial species and belongs to the Asteraceae or Compositae family.

The first settlers of America who paid attention to this flower gave it the name “Black-Eyed Susan.” This is what the plant is called in its homeland in North America; rudbeckia is called “Golden Ball” in Germany.

Botanical description of the plant

Annual species are characterized by some character traits. Thus, the stems of adult specimens grow from 30 to 300 cm in height. The leaves are oval or ovoid in shape, they usually reach about 20 cm in length, they are pinnately dissected or divided in shape, and there are whole leaves. In the lower part of the plant they have long petioles, while the upper ones are sessile.

An adult bush can grow up to 1.5 m. The flowers are collected in a basket inflorescence, the receptacle of which has a convex shape. They are located on tall peduncles, 10-15 cm in diameter with membranous bracts.

The baskets are distinguished by the brightness of the reed flowers, which do not bear fruit. Some varieties are golden yellow in color, while others are golden yellow to brownish in color. But all the flowers have a very bright color. The middle flowers are tubular, also of different colors, from yellow to black-brown, bisexual. From them the fruit achene develops.

Two growing methods: seedlings and seeds

Growing any variety is possible with seedlings and seeds. Each method has its fans, since both have both advantages and disadvantages.

When planning to grow from seeds, it is important to pay attention to soil selection. The time for planting is no less important: since each variety requires the right temperature when planting in the ground.

Annual varieties can only be propagated by seeds. If you provide all the conditions and comply with the basic requirements, then planting seeds guarantees a good result.

Preparation of seed material

For propagation by seeds, you can buy planting material in the store or collect it yourself. When collecting seeds at home, you should take into account the rules for preparing seeds, since store-bought material has already undergone the drying process and the necessary pre-sowing treatment.

Preparation is an important stage in planting seeds for seedlings. The preservation process is of particular importance water balance seed material. The seeds are previously kept in water for 15-20 hours. room temperature. Then dry on a paper napkin. Before sowing, the seeds prepared in this way are mixed with river sand.

The best time for planting seeds: March - early April, so that in June the flower seedlings become stronger for planting in open ground. Flowers are planted after the last frost in June.

Soil preparation

Rudbeckia is not picky about the soil composition: for normal seed germination, a universal-type substrate is suitable, which can be purchased at a specialized store. But you can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, combine peat soil and sand, and for better disinfection, heat it in the oven or pour boiling water over it, then allow it to cool before planting the seeds.

The prepared soil is filled into containers (boxes or ordinary flower pots of sufficient volume). Lay out the seeds, distributing them evenly over the surface and sprinkling them with a small layer of earth or sand.

Seedling care

It is better to water with a spray bottle so as not to wash away the soil and damage the seedlings. Until shoots appear, containers with seeds should be covered with glass or film. It is necessary to regularly ventilate and spray them, making sure that condensation does not appear.

It is better to place containers with plantings in a bright place, protecting them from direct rays of the sun. Whenshoots appear. The recommended biting temperature is 20 degrees. If constant temperature and humidity are maintained, seedlings should appear in 10 to 12 days.

When can you plant seedlings in the ground?

Plants are not planted in the flowerbed until the likelihood of spring frosts returning has passed. Until this time, rudbeckia should be kept warm.

During this period, they are prepared for future planting in a flowerbed; they are taken outside in pots or boxes, gradually increasing the time they spend where they can harden.

You can sow seeds directly into the ground, waiting until the soil has warmed up to its maximum, and in most regions of the country this period does not begin until mid-June. Flowering may not occur with this method.

When choosing a place for permanent growth of rudbeckia, it is important to highlight areas illuminated by the sun. A plant located in partial shade will grow, but will begin to bear flowers later and the flowers will be faded.

Flower care

After planting flower seedlings in the ground, plant care includes:

  • watering,
  • feeding,
  • weeding,
  • loosening the earth,
  • pruning,
  • pest control.

Watering plants moderate as the soil dries out. If there is enough rain during the flowering season, additional watering may not be necessary.

Top dressing important for active growth and flowering, especially on infertile soil. Two feedings per season are enough: the first should be done during the period of green mass development, the second - at the stage of ovary formation. Flowers are not picky about the types of fertilizers: any fertilizer for flowering plants sold in stores will do. Apply fertilizer to the soil or use an aqueous solution during irrigation.

Weed removal promotes healthy plant development. You can combine weeding with loosening the soil.

Pruning annual varieties produced throughout the entire flowering period. They do it in order to extend the flowering season and at the same time preserve the decorative appearance of the bushes. The pruning procedure involves removing dead stems and buds as necessary.

Pest control. The unpretentiousness of rudbeckia is manifested not only in its rapid growth and active flowering, but also in its resistance to pest attacks. This danger decreases when good care for flowers. Sometimes the leaves or stems show signs of pest presence.

  • The appearance of brown spots on leaves may be a sign of an attack by leaf nematodes.
  • Yellowing of leaves and mechanical damage mean the appearance of aphids, garden mites or other garden inhabitants.

Plants are treated against insects with insecticides, which can be purchased in the store.

Annual varieties with photos and names

Plants with annual life cycle have varieties with distinctive characteristics.

Grassroots (Rudbeckia amplexicauli)

Blooms long time– from June to September. The name of the plant comes from the unusual arrangement of reed flowers, the petals of which fall down, as if clasping the stem, making flower arrangements very aesthetic; Flower up to 80 cm high, look at the photo:

Hairy or hirta (Rudbeckia hirta)

Both annual and perennial are grown. Its varieties have pubescent stems and simple or double flower baskets, up to 10 cm. Tall, has a meter-long stem. The petals of basket flowers have a specific color: the edges are bright yellow, towards the middle the petals become dark brown.

Breeders have bred many different hybrids from hirta; varieties ranging from golden yellow to orange are found among low-growing rudbeckias (up to 35 cm). Popular varieties: “Cherry”, “Goldflame”, “Toto Rustic”.

Cherry Brandy - a variety of hairy. A low plant up to 60 cm with bright golden or burgundy flowers changing into different undertones. Basket up to 10cm in size. Looks good in flower beds, next to flowers of light colors and colors. Resistant to cutting.

"Marmalade" - variety (Rudbeckia hirta). The flower grows up to 60 cm with yellow-bronze petals and large flowers. The flowering period of the marmalade variety is long, lasting all summer. Photo below:

Toto Rustic(Toto Rustic) - grown as an annual and perennial plant. It forms compact bushes up to 30 cm in height; the flower basket is distinguished by the two-color color of the reed flowers. Used in group plantings, it looks bright next to cereal plants, along fences and fences, emphasizing the rural style.

Three-lobed (Rudbeckia triloba). It has stems branched to the base, covered with twigs with medium-sized flowers. The height of the stems is up to 140 cm, the bush is straight and unstable. The flowers are yellow with a black center, arranged quite often, the bush looks lush. They don't bloom for long. They like partial shade and moderately dry, but fertile soil.

Frequent cutting of flowers prolongs flowering; some flowers can be left to ripen to obtain seeds. Looks good with zinnias, delphinium, goldenrod.

Riesenfeude forms a tall bush with large baskets of flowers, tubular flowers form a cylindrical shape in the middle of the flower.


This is a type of annual plant, characterized by long stems, up to 1 meter, and a convex receptacle (up to 2 cm), made of tubular flowers. This variety got its name due to the interesting transition in the color of the flower from golden to orange and brownish;

It blooms profusely until frost and can grow in light partial shade, but full shade affects the growth and condition of the plant. Loves loamy, moist soils.

"Autumn forest" (Herbstwald) is a popular variety of bicolor rudbeckia. Bushy and lush plant up to 70 cm. Basket up to 7 cm, of dark, almost brown tubular flowers in the middle of the inflorescence and marginal reed petals. The marginal flowers are arranged in several rows (there are also varieties with single-row petals), of different colors (from yellow to red-brown tones).

Medicinal uses and design

Low maintenance and aesthetic appearance, characteristic of rudbeckia, are complemented by its medicinal properties. A wide range of properties of rudbeckia are used by fans traditional medicine And healthy image life, and people who love to decorate their homes with natural plant compositions.

Healing properties

Rudbeckia has a spectrum useful properties Therefore, it has long been used for therapeutic purposes. Medicinal properties are determined by the rich chemical composition plants. The leaves and flowers contain a set of essential vitamins, valuable sugars, tannins, alkaloids, and saponins.

The substance scopoletin, which belongs to the category of coumarins, has an antibacterial and antispasmodic effect. Successfully fights inflammation, slowing down the development of diseases. These include respiratory and neuralgic diseases, inflammation of the gallbladder, and skin lesions.

For medicinal purposes, infusions are used that are prepared from flowers or leaves, fresh or dried. Sometimes preparations are prepared based on the roots of the plant. When using a drug from a plant, you need to check your body for sensitivity to it.

To decorate landscape design

The bright colors inherent in rudbeckia inflorescences make it the best decoration, both as the main component of landscape design and as a bright addition to the main composition. They are used to decorate flower beds, frame a fence or border. The flower looks good on alpine slides and in a solo version.

Watch the video: Rudbeckia, cultivation and care

Some gardeners prefer mono-compositions, others dilute the bushes with other flowers. Bright and harmonious compositions can be obtained by combining rudbeckia with chrysanthemums, asters, lobutarias or daisies. Among the simple flowers with which flowers get along and are harmonious are calendula, marigolds and gaillardia.

The choice of planting method depends on the design ideas of the gardeners: if you want to create an imitation of a rural garden, it would be ideal to place rudbeckia interspersed with daisies, creating simplicity and lightness. A design containing this flower interspersed with asters will be more noble and strict. For the autumn garden, the best combination of “black-eyed Susan” will be chrysanthemums and asters.

Growing annual rudbeckia from seeds will be a useful experience for beginner flower growers and an ideal decoration for a garden plot of any design direction.

By following the recommendations of planting and care specialists, it is possible to ensure successful reproduction and flowering of this plant. Rudbeckia will delight you with bright sunny flowers until late autumn, and its therapeutic properties will help improve your health.

Health to you, dear readers!

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In summer, our garden is always beautiful, it has a lot of greenery, flowers, vegetables and ornamental plants, which are colored in many colors. In autumn, the dacha is given a special charm by late-blooming flower beds and flowers that bloom in autumn. One of the brightest autumn flowers is the perennial rudbeckia, planting and caring for which is quite simple. Most often, this unpretentious flower is yellow, but there are also varieties of lilac-colored rudbeckia that are incredibly picturesque and we recommend planting these autumn flowers in your flower beds.

Description and varieties of perennial rudbeckia

This plant belongs to the herbaceous family Asteraceae. When choosing a variety of rudbeckia, you need to remember that it can be annual, biennial or perennial. The description of the plant should begin with the inflorescences. Rudbeckia flowers can be of different shades. The color range ranges from yellow tones to brown and purple-black. The inflorescence itself is represented by a basket that grows up to 15 cm in diameter.

Flowers grow on long stems, which can be simple or branched. Their length depends on the variety and can be small (from half a meter) to huge (3 meters).

Among the varieties of perennial rudbeckia, it is customary to distinguish the following types:

  • shiny, the flower of which has a very convex black core and bright yellow petals;
  • hairy, in which yellow, golden or orange petals surround a brown core, and the inflorescences can be with one row of petals or double;
  • dissected, having a golden inflorescence with a brown center with two rows of petals;
  • glossy, distinguished by the green color of the core.

How and when to plant perennial rudbeckia in the garden.

Growing rudbeckia in one place is possible for up to five years. At the same time, it is very easy to grow and does not require special care. Then a transplant will be required. This is due to the fact that it is growing greatly. During transplantation, you can also begin to reproduce it. Because dividing a bush is one of the ways to get a new plant.

When to replant rudbeckia.

The best way to transplant and plant perennial rudbeckia is in early spring until rudbeckia entered the active growth phase. If this is not done, then all summer it is allowed to propagate rudbeckia using cuttings.

If rudbeckia is not yet growing in the garden, planting it for the first time can be done with seeds. They can be placed directly in the flowerbed or seedlings can be started. In the first case, sowing should be done in June, starting from its middle. Rudbeckia seedlings should be sown at the end of March. Which needs to be picked into separate pots when the second true leaf appears. Harden off before transplanting into open ground.

Those summer residents who do not like to tinker a lot with seeds or seedlings may like the fact that rudbeckia can reproduce by self-seeding. Therefore, long-term planting and care of rudbeckia is very convenient. Then in early spring you can simply thin it out carefully. If necessary, then with the onset of summer, transplant new bushes to another place.

Rudbeckia perennial planting step by step

Step 1: choose a location. The place for this perennial should be in a windless corner of the garden. At the same time, be illuminated by the sun. At least so that the flowerbed is in partial shade, then the perennial rudbeckia will also develop well.

Step 2: soil for planting. A plant such as rudbeckia is unpretentious to planting and caring for in open ground. It will grow on any soil, even clay and not at all fertilized. But for maximum flowering, it is recommended to prepare the soil, that is, make it moisture and air permeable. To do this, you will need to add a sufficient amount of sand.

Step 3: planting in open ground. Pour compost into suitable sized holes and plant rudbeckia.

Beautiful ideas for flower beds and flower beds with rudbeckia

Large bushes of this plant can be used as independent plantings. Therefore, it is permissible to plant them separately from everyone else, creating stunningly lush flower arrangements. Those rudbeckias that are annuals can often be seen in pots on the veranda.

Rudbeckias look great as flowers along the fence. They grow quickly and decorate any country fence.

Low or medium rudbeckias look good in flower bed arrangements. For example, a flower garden with a romantic mood consists of purple coneflower (which belongs to rudbeckia), complemented by:

  • lavatera;
  • kermek;
  • Fassin's catnip;
  • cushion aster.

Rudbeckia perennial - bright plant family Asteraceae, genus Rudbeckia. The flower takes its origin from the Northern part of America, where there is a lot of sun and nearby there are sources of water. The culture received its name thanks to the botanical research of Olof Rudbeck. It was he who discovered the flower for the world, and later scientists found 40 more varieties of the plant.

In America, the flower is called "Black-Eyed Suzanne" for its distinctly convex center, and in Russia it is dubbed "Sunhat", thanks to its yellow petals.

In a flowerbed, rudbeckia can be seen from afar; at first you might even think that it is a yellow daisy. Perennial plant species grow from 50 cm. This length is enough for cutting or background decoration of low bushes. In suitable conditions, flowers grow up to two meters. However, such bushes will have to be equipped with auxiliary support due to the thin and fragile stem.

Such a crop will be an excellent addition to any flower bed, and even a novice gardener can take care of it.

Rudbeckia in garden landscape design photo

The variety of varieties and the duration of flowering of the crop make it possible to use the flower in landscape design.
Rudbeckia is perfect for decorating garden plots in a rural style. It is planted to decorate balconies, terraces, and create unusual flower beds. The plant can debut solo. It is also combined with other crops.

Tall varieties are best planted along fences, in the background of the mixborder, where the plant garter is covered with other cultivated flowers.

When choosing flowerbed neighbors, give preference to coreopsis, aster, and spur. Annual verbena goes well with rudbeckia. Composition blooming in May from yellow balloons in combination with miniature purple dots will surprise even the most sophisticated gardener.
In the fall, gaillardia, asters, chrysanthemums, and helenium look good with the crop. In the background you can plant any other flowers with large and long inflorescences. The combination of rudbeckia with creeping plants and ornamental grasses will look different.

Methods for planting perennial rudbeckia in open ground

Almost all cultivated plants can be planted in the ground. If we talk about culture, then it is planted directly into a flower bed through seeds or seedlings. Both methods are interesting and differ in certain nuances.

Planting by seeds

Rudbeckia seeds are planted in the second half of June. They are sown in pre-prepared soil with a distance of 15 cm from each other. Cover the top with a thin layer of earth and water well through a spray bottle. Already in the fall, young rosettes will appear in the flowerbed, requiring further planting.

The plant will bloom next year, much earlier than planted seedlings.

Rudbeckia seeds can be collected independently after flowering, or you can allow the flower to drop out. Then the sprouted seeds should be thinned out by hand, rather than weeded out like weeds.

Seedling method

Seedlings are planted in the front garden at the end of spring. Although the plant is resistant to bad weather, it is better to protect young seedlings from bad weather. On cold days, the flowerbed is covered with a special material - lutrasil - until the flowers take root in the open soil. After such manipulations, the culture is not afraid of cool weather.

When planting perennial rudbeckia, consider its size. Low-growing varieties are planted every 30-40 mm, high varieties at a distance of 70 cm.

To make the flowers comfortable in their new “home,” the ground is first mulched with compost (up to 10 cm deep).

When to replant rudbeckia

If a flower has been growing for more than five years in one place and is actively growing, clogging the area, it needs to be transplanted to a fresh place. This is done by digging up the plant, dividing it into parts and planting it in a new flower bed. There must be a distance between the bushes.

You should also remember that the flower is replanted only in early spring or after flowering, until it has entered the stage of active growth.

Rudbeckia propagation

In addition to propagation by seeds, the flower can be propagated by division. It is best to divide the bush once every six years.

Regardless of whether the bush is replanted or divided, it is better to carry out these actions in the phase active development. Suitable for this early autumn, spring, after the crop has completely bloomed.

Caring for rudbeckia on the site: basic rules

Planting rudbeckia in a flowerbed is not difficult, but requires special attention.

If we talk about caring for a flower, then we can highlight a number of basic rules for caring for a crop:

  1. After each watering you need to loosen the soil.
  2. Faded flower stalks, dry and yellow leaves need to be removed. The procedure ensures the duration of flowering and the splendor of the plant.
  3. Water the flower regularly in the morning or evening. On dry days, watering is increased.
  4. Rudbeckia should be fertilized for the first time at the beginning of growth. Use any store-bought preparations enriched with minerals.
  5. Tall varieties are tied to supports.

Rudbeckia perennial after flowering and in winter

The crop fades, producing seeds in the fall. Before collecting them, you need to wait until they dry into inflorescences. After this, using gloves, collect the seeds in the center of the flower and pour them onto paper. The seeds need to be dried in a dry and well-ventilated area.

Before winter, the flower stems are cut off at the root and the remaining crop is covered with mature manure 5 cm or more thick. For mulching, spruce branches and dry grass are used.

Difficulties in growing rudbeckia

Despite the ease of growing, the plant requires care. This includes full watering, swelling of the soil, and application of fertilizers. If you do not adhere to the conditions for proper flower care, the flowerbed will become clogged with weeds, and the plant will become vulnerable to disease.

Diseases and pests

Rudbeckia is almost not susceptible to disease. Sometimes the flower is attacked in the form of a white coating on the ground near the crop, on the leaves, stems. The flower is treated with cumulus solution. Copper sulfate is also effective against illness (80 grams per 10 liters).

Often gardeners complain that the plant is being depleted by the nematode. Affected leaves become covered with brown spots, which eventually die. Chemicals are used against the pest. If the treatment was not effective, the bush is removed and burned, and the affected area is treated with an antiseptic in the form of a manganese solution.

Somewhat less frequently, but still there are cases of damage to the stems and green mass of a flower by caterpillars and other harmful insects. For prevention purposes, broad-spectrum insecticides are used.

By following all the rules for planting and caring for a flower, your perennial rudbeckia will always be healthy!

Rudbeckia varieties with photos and names

In nature, there are approximately forty varieties of crops. Almost all of them will take root well in flower beds and are undemanding in care. Depending on the variety, the flowers of the plant can be yellow or orange. On site, the plant prefers sunny areas. But the flower also feels comfortable in the shade.

A beautiful plant that grows up to 80 cm in height. It blooms in the second half of summer with gorgeous dark purple hues.

The culture grows up to one meter in height. Characterized by golden, double-orange inflorescences that bloom from July until frost.

A popular and low maintenance type of flower. It grows up to two meters in height. Blooms from mid-summer until frost. Flowers are dissected, reed, tubular, arranged in several rows. Blooms with bright yellow inflorescences.

The flower variety is tall. It grows up to 2.5 m. It has large flowers with a diameter of 12-15 cm. It blooms from mid-summer to early October.

Characterized by a respectable height and large leaves gray color. The inflorescence has dark, yellow ligulate petals. The variety is tolerant to drought and first frosts. It lasts a long time when cut.

The plant is bushy. Grows up to 70 cm in height. The flowers are small, 6-8 cm long. The leaves are lanceolate. The stem is drooping. The petals are tubular in shape and dark in color growing in 2 rows. Blooms in orange and bright yellow.

The flower loves light, resistant to cold. The height of the stem sometimes reaches 90 cm. The shape and color of the flowers can be confused with chamomile. Propagated by dividing roots and using seeds. The plant blooms in dirty pink color. People call it Echinacea.

Planting perennial rudbeckia is an excellent choice for a front garden. It is easy to care for in the open ground, it rarely gets sick, and many varieties will allow you to choose a flower to suit every taste. The sunny bush will be an excellent addition to flower arrangements and will delight you with beautiful flower stalks until frost.

Perennial rudbeckia belongs to the Astrov family, native to the countries North America. For its appearance, the flower received other names - “Black-Eyed Suzanne” and “Sun Hat”. Among the numerous species and varieties there are annual and perennial representatives. The plant grows well not only in flower beds and flower beds, but also in ordinary garden plots.

Perennial species of rudbeckia can grow in one area for more than five years. The height of the flower stem can reach two meters, and the daisy-like inflorescence is about fifteen centimeters in diameter. The active flowering phase lasts from mid-summer to early October. Rudbeckia flowers come in two-color and single-color, and the color scheme is pleasingly diverse: red, yellow, orange shades. Flower growers love to grow this flower, as it is considered unpretentious and does not require special care or a lot of time.

Perennial plant species can be grown by seeds, sowing them immediately in open ground, but they can also be grown in seedlings. Both home conditions, greenhouses, and open beds are suitable for growing seedlings. plot of land.

Planting seeds in open ground

When planting seeds, rudbeckia will begin to bloom only the next year. If you did not have time to collect rudbeckia seeds after the end of flowering, then it will continue to exist by self-sowing. In this case, you should not destroy densely sprouted plants. They will continue to develop well if you simply thin out the young shoots in time.

It is recommended to plant the collected seeds in open ground around the end of June. The soil in the beds should be slightly acidic, loose, breathable, and fertile. It is good if such soil is able to retain moisture. If the soil on the plot of land has a high clay content, then it is worth adding a little sand and compost when digging.

Planting holes for rudbeckia seeds must be prepared at a distance of at least fifteen centimeters from each other. Having planted the seeds in moistened soil, sprinkle them with a small layer of soil on top and water them generously using a sprinkler. In September, flower rosettes will appear, which it is advisable to plant away from each other so that they do not interfere with the growth and development of their close proximity.

Planting seeds for seedlings

To grow rudbeckia using seedlings, the seeds must be planted in special containers around mid-spring. A soil mixture is poured onto the bottom of the prepared container, then the seeds are laid out, and then another layer of soil (no more than one centimeter thick) is laid out. After this, be sure to moisten the soil surface with a sprayer and cover with glass or transparent plastic film. The air temperature in the room where the containers are located should be at least 20-22 degrees. Spraying should be regular and moderate.

Young seedlings are transplanted at a greater distance from each other as they grow, but not before the first 2-3 leaves appear. Free space contributes to the rapid and high-quality development of seedlings. It is recommended to use a hardening procedure, which will help young plants survive the vagaries of weather and temperature changes in the future. Air baths are needed as hardening procedures.

Flower beds and flower beds can be planted with rudbeckia seedlings around the last week of May. By this time the weather should already be warm and the soil should be well warmed up. It has great importance for still immature plants and especially some of its species and varieties that will not survive low temperatures or night frosts.

During the period of rooting of rudbeckia seedlings, it is necessary to monitor the weather forecast and in case of unexpected drops in air temperature, it is better to cover the plants (for example, from agrospan). After rooting, no cold snaps of rudbeckia are any longer dangerous.

The distance between planting holes depends on the plant variety. For tall flowers, it is better to leave at least 70 centimeters, and for short flowers, 30-40 centimeters will be enough. The depth of planting seedlings should correspond to the depth of growing the plant in the container. This required condition for the full further development of rudbeckia.

For favorable growth and good nutrition, and also to create comfortable conditions for development, the soil in the flower beds must be covered with a mulch layer consisting of rotted compost (approximately 10 centimeters thick).

Rudbeckia transplant

It is recommended to replant the plant in March or September - October, but in no case during the period of active growth and flowering. Rudbeckia, which has been growing in one place for 4-5 years, turns into a large bush with numerous daughter flowers. They interfere with each other and replanting such a plant is simply vital.

First you need to carefully dig up the entire bush, then divide its rhizome into several parts and plant each part in a separate planting hole.

Rudbeckia can reproduce by seed and division of the rhizome.

The plant is considered unpretentious; you don’t have to spend a lot of time caring for it. Dry weather and untimely watering are not a problem for him. With age, rudbeckia begins to react negatively to frosts that appear in the autumn.

It is advisable to choose a site for growing rudbeckia in a place where the sun is located most of the time, and wind and drafts appear in minimum quantities. A little and short shading will not harm the plant.

Watering is carried out only as the soil dries; excess moisture is undesirable.

Rudbeckia develops well without additional fertilizing, but at the initial stage of plant development, you can apply fertilizers for flowering plants.

Rudbeckia varieties that grow more than one meter in height must be tied up so that the stems of the plant are not damaged under their own weight or from gusts of wind.

Rudbeckia after flowering

After a long period of two and three months of flowering, rudbeckia produces seeds. It is necessary to give them time to dry directly in the inflorescences, and then carefully collect them using a thread glove. After collecting, the seeds should be spread on paper and left in a room with good air circulation until completely dry.

Wintering the plant

Rudbeckia of perennial varieties needs to be prepared for wintering. First, it is recommended to completely cut off all above-ground parts of the flower bush, and then build a cover for the root part from fallen leaves, spruce branches or humus.

  • Tall varieties of rudbeckia mask unsightly areas in the garden.
  • Low varieties are used for borders and flower arrangements.
  • All types and varieties of rudbeckia go well with other flowers and with all plants in the flower garden.

Diseases, pests and other problems during cultivation

As soon as significant violations in the rules of plant care appear, rudbeckia immediately becomes weak, vulnerable and pests and diseases begin to attack it from all sides simultaneously.

Powdery mildew is identified by a white coating on the lower part of the plant. You can cure a flower by spraying it with a solution prepared from 10 liters of water and 80 grams of copper sulfate.

The nematode is identified by brown spots on the leaves. If the plant is an annual or biennial species, then it is advisable to remove it completely so that the disease does not spread to other representatives of the flora. Perennial species of rudbeckia affected by nematodes must be treated with special preparations (for example, Nemagon, Bazamid).

When pests appear that feed on the leafy parts of plants (for example, caterpillars), it is recommended to treat with insecticidal preparations.