Candles are often associated with wish fulfillment. We always remember how with bated breath we blow out the candles on the cake, wishing for the most secret things. And often everything comes true!

The powerful energy of fire, combined with a strong spiritual impulse, can change the world around us, which we perceive as a real miracle.

New Year's ritual to fulfill wishes

IN New Year's Eve We all make our most secret wishes, using various rituals to fulfill our wishes. The best part is that many of your wishes actually come true.

How should one wish for a dream to come true? First of all, our own subconscious turns on. The more we believe in magical power, the better. A psychological effect is triggered, similar to how a dummy pill relieves pain, about which we were told that it has a powerful effect and will definitely help you.

Similar experiments were carried out in many research centers, and the results always turned out to be amazing: if people believed that they were taking a useful drug, it really helped them, which was recorded by the results of tests and hardware examinations.

Therefore, unchanging, strong, strong faith already guarantees the fulfillment of desires by 50%.

If on an ordinary weekday, making a really fulfilling wish requires serious adjustment, then on New Year's Eve everyone is in a state of mild euphoria and self-hypnosis. An invisible dome of magic hangs over the holiday.

Therefore the atmosphere itself New Year's holiday helps the subconscious mind accept our desire as a real order for execution. Over the next year, our subconscious more often helps us in situations where the implementation of the planned scenario is more likely.

And dreams really do come true!

This works especially well when you wish for a chance meeting of your loved one. One woman made such a wish, but it was already April and she never met her love. In order not to sit alone at home in the evenings, she signed up for dancing. And it was in this studio that I met a partner who became not only a partner on the dance floor, but also in life.

The desire must be formulated clearly and clearly, details and unnecessary words there shouldn't be. As the chimes strike, pronounce the very essence. For example, you want your son or daughter to go to college. You don’t need to mention the name of the institute, just wish to successfully pass the exam and enter a prestigious university.

The formulation of the desire should be in the present tense, as if it had begun to come true. It would be appropriate to thank the good forces of the Universe for making your wish come true. For example, you want to get a job you love. Formulate your desire: “I gratefully accept a highly paid, decent, interesting job into my life.”

Ritual to fulfill a wish. Wax fortune telling

The wax will tell you everything.

Wax fortune telling is the most powerful ancient method of divination. The process itself is simple, but interpretation is a whole science that depends on imagination.

This ritual is considered especially strong on Christmas Eve.

Before fortune telling, the candle should burn out well. Ask a question that interests you. Then tilt the lit candle over the saucer with cold water and let the wax drip off. Frozen fancy figures will predict your future.

Fungus - health and well-being.

Branch of grapes - love and creative inspiration.

Baby dragon - birth of a child.

Ball - a change in personal life.

Vase - peace of mind.

Butterfly - big changes.

Star - fulfillment of desires.

Drop coins - money and positive changes in your career.

Ritual to fulfill wishes using a candle

You can write wishes on the candle. When attracting something into life, we write from the bottom up - from the base to the wick. Getting rid of unnecessary things - from top to bottom in Latin letters (magic principle), for example, ja zdorova.

And always in the present tense, as if it already exists. You can write with a new needle or toothpick and then use this object: over time, it gains strength, which means that the wishes written with it will come true faster.

Below at the base of the candle, we write ours in Latin letters full name to connect the energy with the candle.

A red candle is used when you feel a loss of strength to recharge your energy. In this case, we write from bottom to top: ja napolena jenergiej. We imagine how an energy flow enters our body, the body is filled with strength and warmth.

Green candles attract money. But you can only ask three times more than you have now. And since the line of money and health are connected, I formulate the desire like this: ja zdorova i bogata.

If you make a wish for the whole year, for example, moj ezhemesjachnyj dohod sostavljaet ...rublej, light a candle for a few minutes throughout the year on the new moon and full moon. And if it’s in the near future, then we wait until the candle burns out. We keep the cinder as a talisman for making dreams come true.

Under no circumstances should you give up your desire to avoid the opposite effect.

2) Red candles are a symbol of Fire, they are powerful and have a wide range of effects. They are used to restore health and strength, move towards goals, attract love and passion.

Pink is a symbol of femininity, attractiveness, romance, friendship, tender and pure love, building relationships, family happiness.

Orange - control over the situation or its change, strength, attractiveness, power, sex, pleasure, a powerful force for change.

For a ritual to fulfill a wish, light paired candles (two of each of the suggested colors). Internally decide what you sincerely want, write on colored paper that matches the color of the candle, visualize your dream or imagine your ideal partner.

After writing down your request, carefully wrap the paper and burn it. Once again, focus on what you want from life.

To attract good luck and prosperity, perform a ritual with a yellow or green candle. Rub it essential oil roses, then cut out the “Luck” charm on it. (picture below).

Light a candle and focus your attention on the flame. Clearly imagine everything you would like to receive: Honeymoon, travel, cozy home, good husband, kids.

Try to zoom in and touch the objects drawn in your imagination. Looking at the flame, focus on the desire and say:

“I deserve love and happiness. I'm ready for a lasting relationship and I deserve to be happy. I am surrounded by love and attract happiness into my life.”

Let the candle burn out to the end.

Ritual to fulfill a wish - to attract money

Light a green candle that protects money. Pour some clean water into a shallow transparent container. drop a copper coin (any kind) into it yellow color) - water should not cover it entirely.

Drip melted wax onto it and say:

“As soft things turn into hard things, so the wealth of the slave (name) will be established and increased. From day to day, from week to week, from year to year, from this moment until the end of time. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The coin should be filled with wax on one side. After the ritual, close your eyes and imagine the desired benefits for 5 minutes, try to feel that you have them.

You need to carry a coin in your wallet to attract and increase money.

Conclusion: Rituals for wish fulfillment have powerful force, it is important to strongly believe that everything you plan will definitely come true.

Best regards, Olga.

“Funny question,” you might think. Of course have! What person doesn’t want his whole life to consist of white stripes? Everyone without exception has desires. But how can you perform them without much effort? This question, perhaps, remains relevant at all times of the year. There are actually a great many ways, but we’ll figure out in our article whether they are really as effective as we would like, and whether you can make your dreams come true with the help of magic.

To many people, their life seems, to put it mildly, unhappy, and when all the traditional ways of dealing with this have already been used, and only dust remains from bright hopes, magic comes to the rescue, and there is nothing wrong with that, moreover, it is quite effective and safe and harmless. A person simply protects against the penetration of all kinds of problems and troubles into his life and wants something better and brighter for himself. How this is done and what wish fulfillment spell really works, we’ll figure it out in our article.

But before we understand the spells, let's consider several necessary rules for reading them.

Rules for casting spells

  1. Completely disconnect from all thoughts and problems; the best way in this case is meditation.
  2. Clearly visualize everything you say, think about every word you say.
  3. Cast a spell to make your wish come true in a quiet environment with the TV and phone turned off and, most importantly, in complete solitude.
  4. Never wish for anything bad or destructive, otherwise you may invite disaster upon yourself.

So, we figured out the spells, and now let's move on directly to them.

River water spell

In order for all your dreams to come true, wait until midnight and go to the river. Place one foot in the water and let the other stand on the shore.

Start twisting your foot so hard that the water mixes with the sand, and in the meantime, cast a spell to make your wish come true. His words are:

“Sand and water are mixed,

They fraternized with each other.

I know the secret word

I call upon a strong force

From the deepest depths,

From high heights.

Secret power, come

Help me (name)

Do me a favor

Not for self-interest, but for friendship.

From now on and forever

May my words come true.

Let it come true (wish)

From this time, from this hour.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Read the spell clearly, without being distracted by unnecessary sounds, and under no circumstances wish anything bad, otherwise it may turn against you.

Spell on a scarf

This is a fairly easy wish-fulfillment spell that you can read at home. In this case, you will need a handkerchief that belongs to you. To do this, sit in a quiet room away from everyone.

Concentrate and try to get everything that has accumulated out of your head. Spread the scarf in front of you and clearly formulate your deepest desire. After this, say these words:

“My desire will be fulfilled with the help of God.

God provides help to those who ask Him for it.

Help will arrive in unknown ways,

My wish will become reality.

By God's Spirit I will be given what I ask of Him. Amen".

Cast this wish-fulfillment spell three times very carefully, visualizing what you are talking about. Then tie a knot in the scarf and carry it with you until your wish comes true. After this, burn the scarf.

Ritual and spell using icons

To carry out the ritual, purchase 4 icons:

Mother of God.


Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Your own name.

The ceremony is carried out in a dimly lit room without strangers or sounds. Cover the table with a white tablecloth or cloth. Arrange the three icons so that they resemble a pyramid. Place on top White list paper on which you first write your cherished desire. Place yours on top personalized icon so that the image faces up. Light a candle in front of each icon and read the following spell:

"God! All Holy Miracle Workers and Holy Mother of God, hear my prayers and help me, servant of God (name), to fulfill my cherished desire. I (name) want (this, that, that).”

The candles must be lit all the time. Read the Lord's Prayer and ask the saints to fulfill your desire until the candles burn out. After this, place the piece of paper with your dream written in the Bible for 40 days. This is very strong spell to fulfill your desire, and if you do everything correctly, then your dream will definitely come true.

How can bread, salt and water make your cherished dream come true?

These are very ancient spells for the fulfillment of desires, which were used by our ancestors. It is more expedient to carry out this ritual on Saturday or Sunday. To do this, take a candle, bread, salt and clean water. Hold the salt in your left hand and the bread in your right. Light a candle and sprinkle the bread generously with salt while saying the following words:

“Salt and bread are made for the deities, intended for desire. I want my dream (this, that, that) to come true. I’ll eat salt and bread, my dream will come true, I’ll thank the gods.”

You need to chew the bread thoroughly, clearly imagining how your desire will come true. After this, take 3 sips of clean water, which must first be spoken using the following words:

“Just as all living things come from water, so my dream will be born from it. Water, water, help me."

At the end, cast the last spell to make your wish come true:

“Water, bread, salt will always help, this is happiness, not trouble. Everything will be as it was said. Amen".

How to make a wish come true using plain paper?

Many rituals, conspiracies and magical spells to make wishes come true are still used today, one of these is with the help of ordinary paper. The main thing here is faith in what is happening, without this the dream cannot come true. To do this, take plain paper and write your deepest desire on it in detail. Roll the sheet into a tube and tie it with red thread or ribbon. Sit down at the table and light it, which you should first buy on Friday. Concentrate and watch how it burns all the time, thinking about desire.

After the candle burns halfway, set fire to the wish sheet and say these words 3 times:

“As a candle melts, so does my dream grow; as paper burns, so does my dream begin to come true. When the candle burns out, my dream will come true.”

Also quite effective is a spell to make a wish come true in Latin. But many will find it difficult to read.

When all the paths have been passed, and hopes for good life there are none left, many fall into magic, and there is nothing criminal about it. Strive to fulfill your dream, believe that it will come true, and you will definitely achieve your goal.

A conspiracy to make a wish come true is an ancient way to carry out your plans and enlist the help of the Higher Powers. For a magic spell to really help, you must follow certain recommendations and be sure to believe in success.


Basic recommendations for reading conspiracies to make wishes come true

Like any real magical act, reading spells for wishes requires strict adherence to the prescribed rules.

Before performing a ritual to fulfill a wish at home, you need to:

  • stay in a secluded place;
  • choose a specific time for the ritual;
  • use magical paraphernalia;
  • pronounce the words of the spell exactly.

You can fulfill a desire with the help of magic only by maintaining the purity of your thoughts. It is necessary to understand that in witchcraft nothing happens for free. However, the point here is not about money, but about the amount of energy aimed at a positive result.

In order for the plan to come true and the spell to work, the magic spell should be read:

  • if your dream does not contradict the Divine plan and Christian values;
  • maintaining a positive attitude and faith in the result;
  • acting with an understanding of where is black and where is .

The most powerful rituals to make wishes come true

Of the numerous rituals for the fulfillment of human desires, the most powerful can be identified:

  • conspiracy to fulfill a wish with a handkerchief;
  • ritual with hair;
  • water spell;
  • ritual to fulfill a wish with a candle;
  • "six-day" ritual;
  • ritual "witch's basket";
  • ritual “spirit of desires”;
  • ritual to fulfill wishes before going to bed;
  • braid spell;
  • ritual “pot of wishes”;
  • ritual with paper;
  • mirror spell;
  • prayer for the fulfillment of all desires;
  • ritual with photography;
  • ritual with keys.

Strong ritual on a scarf

To perform a strong ritual on a scarf, you will need any clean scarf.


  1. While concentrating, you need to think carefully about what you want at the moment.
  2. Say your wish out loud three times and begin reading the plot.

May the great spirit of the Lord fulfill my desire, for there will be help from the Heavenly Father to those who believe in him. Unknown paths will help my desire come true, in reality it will take on flesh. The Holy Spirit will give to the servant of God (name) what he asks for. I will tie the handkerchief in a knot, pray to the Lord God, and rely on his will. Amen.

After the spell is completed, you need to keep the scarf under your pillow.

Hair spell to make wishes come true

In order for a powerful spell to quickly work on your hair, you need to:

  1. Cut a strand of hair on the waxing moon.
  2. Braid the cut hair into a braid.
  3. Tie with white thread.

I weave a wish into a braid, that whatever is planned, may come true. Help your guardian angel, with God's help fulfill your wish. For the benefit of your servant (name) and good people.

Water spell

In order for the strongest wish-fulfilling ritual on water to work, you need to:

  1. Write your cherished wish on a blank piece of paper.
  2. Collect a glass of clean water (preferably from a well).
  3. Take three teaspoons of salt.
  4. Stir the water in the glass clockwise with a spoon and gradually pour salt into it, pronouncing the words of the spell.
  5. Afterwards, burn the paper with desire.
  6. Pour the ashes into a glass and, stirring, read the following words three times: “Water, water, my sister! Help me - make my wish come true! May my word be strong, firm, indestructible. Amen".
  7. After finishing the ritual, you should drink water.

Conspiracy with a candle

For powerful conspiracy You will need a green candle, symbolizing success, wealth, fulfillment of desires, and also:

  • lavender oil;
  • ground pepper.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. On the day of the full moon, you need to take a candle and scratch a wish on it with a needle.
  2. Then thickly lubricate the base of the candle with lavender oil.
  3. Then sprinkle it with ground pepper.
  4. Light a candle and read the words of the spell seven times: “Light the candle fire - your wish will come true!”
  5. You need to look closely at the candle and imagine your wish coming true.
  6. During the ritual, it is necessary to turn to holy saints, for example, Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  7. You need to wait until the candle burns out, and store the wax from it under your pillow for three nights.

Six Day Ritual

It is a universal magical ritual that is used for:

  • the embodiment of the most secret desire;
  • fulfillment of everyday desires in the near future.

Help me, Lord and all the Saints in heaven, I appeal to you with prayer from my heart. I ask you to fulfill your wish. Amen (three times).

Each time, reading a conspiracy, it is necessary, after completing it, to pray, saying: “Our Father.” The fulfillment of desires will happen the faster, the stronger the person performing the ritual wants it.

Ritual "Witch's Basket"

A simple ritual should be performed on the last Sunday of the month.

For the ritual you will need:

  • candles;
  • decorative basket;
  • three bay leaves;
  • seven rose petals (red);
  • writing paper;
  • small bag (cotton).

Algorithm for performing actions:

  1. Place the basket on the table and light the candles.
  2. Write for exactly one hour on a piece of paper cherished desires(one for 4 weeks of the next month). Desires must be different. Don't imagine bad dreams.
  3. Then the candles should be extinguished, the wishes should be placed in a basket and covered with a scarf.
  4. It is unacceptable for a leaf with wishes to catch anyone’s eye.
  5. On each subsequent Sunday of the month, you need to light a candle and pull out your wish list.
  6. The procedure is performed with eyes closed.
  7. Next, you should take out a note with a wish from the basket and put it in a bag. And carry it with you for exactly a week.
  8. Then the paper needs to be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind.
  9. Repeat the procedure every next Sunday.

Ritual “Spirit of Desires”

Before making wishes or making wishes at home, you should think about the consequences. Communication with otherworldly forces not always safe, it requires maximum concentration of will and, naturally, respect for spirits. If all conditions are met, you can begin the ritual.

In order to summon the Spirit of Desires, you need to do the following:

  1. Clearly formulate your cherished desire in your head.
  2. Close the doors of the room you are in tightly. There should be no mirrors in it.
  3. Prepare a treat for the spirits, such as sweets, fruits or honey.
  4. Stand with your back to the gifts and say in Latin: “Great Spirit come to me, make your wish come true” / “Magna Spiritus Veni ad me, velle venit verum.”
  5. The spirit must materialize after pronouncing the call three times. When it appears, turning around is strictly prohibited.
  6. Then you should ask the spirit for the fulfillment of your cherished desire. After which you should thank him and let him go in peace.

Another way to summon the Spirit of Desires is presented in the video. The video was filmed by the channel “Cs Gotroach”.

Ritual to fulfill wishes before going to bed

The dream is important element in any magical ritual, thanks to the ability to subconsciously influence the process of fulfillment of desires.

To perform the ritual correctly you need:

  1. On the night of the full moon, swim in clean water.
  2. Then take a glass of blessed water in your hand and think about your desire.
  3. Ask your guardian angels for help in its implementation.
  4. Stand at the window through which the moonlight falls and turn counterclockwise three times.
  5. Say a conspiracy: “Guardian Angel, come to me when I call, the servant of God (name) is ready for the fulfillment of his desire.”
  6. You need to charm the fulfillment of desires and ideas by repeating the spell thirty-three times, and then go to bed.

The wish will come true not “right now,” but in the very near future.

Pigtail plot

A real way to quickly fulfill your intended desire is called the “magic braid.”

To implement an effective ritual you need:

  1. Make a braid. Three small red laces are suitable for it. They need to be tied together with knots.
  2. Afterwards the braid needs to be increased to 12 braids.
  3. At the moment of weaving and after it, it is necessary to visualize the fulfillment of a cherished desire.
  4. Repeat the words of the spell 12 times: “Braid your hair, braid your hair – your wish will come true.”
  5. After the wish comes true, the braid should be burned with gratitude.

Ritual “Pot of Wishes”

A powerful ritual to make a wish come true, which will work best if you use it on your birthday.

For the ritual you need to prepare:

  • clay pot;
  • white material;
  • gold or red ribbon;


  1. You need to buy a small clay pot (200-300 ml).
  2. Place a thing at the bottom that symbolizes your desire.
  3. Pour honey into the bowl and leave it on the table, do not cover it with a lid.
  4. The next day you need to cover the pot with a piece of white cloth and tie it with ribbon.
  5. Hide the pot of desire in a secret place.
  6. Once a week, take out the pot and pronounce your wish over the honey.
  7. When the wish comes true, the honey should be poured under the bush and the pot should be washed.

Ritual with a piece of paper

The ritual for the quick fulfillment of a cherished desire is carried out on the waxing moon.

For the ritual you will need:

  • notebook;
  • laurel leaf;
  • pencil or colored pen.


  1. You need to write a wish on a piece of notebook paper.
  2. Then fold it into an envelope shape and place the bay leaf inside.
  3. Shout the wish loudly three times.
  4. Pray to the guardian angels.
  5. Hide the sheet with the wish in a secret place.

In the near future, the wish will come true, after which the paper written on must be burned and the ashes washed off with clean water.

Conspiracy on the mirror

For the ritual you will need:

  1. Buy a small round mirror.
  2. Wash it in spring water.
  3. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
  4. Then, you should look in the mirror without blinking and read the plot three times.
  5. Then hide the mirror under the pillow.

Conspiracy words:

I look through the mirror, I serve God the Lord. As soon as I see myself, I will give the power to the mirror. Look, look closely - my desire is sincere. It will not be forgotten, tomorrow it will come true. Amen.

When your wish comes true, you need to wash the mirror and put it aside until next year.

Prayer for the fulfillment of all desires

Very strong prayer to fulfill a cherished desire - an appeal to Saint Martha. You should contact her if the desire comes from the heart and will not harm anyone.

Before turning to the Saint for help, you should perform certain actions:

  1. Wash your body and put on clean clothes.
  2. Light a church candle (blessed).
  3. Place fresh flowers in a vase on the table.
  4. Focus on good thoughts.
  5. Read the plot nine times in a row.

O Saint Martha, You are the Miracle Worker! I ask you for help! You are completely in my need, and you will become my intercessor in all endeavors! With goodness in my heart, I make a vow that I will carry this prayer to people! With humility and hope I cry - take away my sorrows and sorrows! In the bliss of the Holy Spirit that fills your heart, have mercy on me, a sinner! Grant me and my loved ones the intercession of the Lord our God, and do not leave me in the care that burdens my heart (name a desire). I humbly pray to you, Martha, conquer need and sorrow, as you have overcome the evil Serpent. Amen.

After saying the prayer, Saint Martha should read “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God” at least once. For your wish to come true, you need to wait until the candle burns out completely.

Ritual with photos to make wishes come true

A very powerful ritual is aimed at making your innermost dreams come true. It is performed strictly on the new moon.

How to perform the ritual:

  1. Take a thick sheet of paper.
  2. Draw a circle in the center of the sheet.
  3. Paste your favorite photo inside the circle.
  4. Write your most important desires along the perimeter of the photo.
  5. Circle the listed desires.
  6. In the free space between the circles, write the words of the spell: “I am in the circles of invisible forces”! I am part of the creative force of the Universe! May all my wishes come true!”

After the ritual, you need to hang the circle of desires so that your gaze always falls on it (possibly in the center of the room). In most cases, wishes come true three weeks after the ritual.

Ritual with keys

According to reviews, this ritual, together with a conspiracy to fulfill desires, has enormous power. It must be used to acquire something magically.


  • wax candle;
  • seven keys;
  • seven needles;
  • birch bark


  1. On a new moon, you should write down a secret wish on a piece of birch. You should write down as if the wish has already come true.
  2. Next, you need to take a candle and grease its surface with honey. Then place it on a candlestick and stick seven needles into it one by one, onto which seven keys are then hung.
  3. Then you should light a candle and read the conspiracy to make your desire come true.
  4. After reading the plot, you need to say the wish out loud. Then look at the candle flame until the first key falls, and then extinguish the candle.
  5. A conspiracy to fulfill a wish must be cast for seven days in a row.
  6. When the last key falls, you need to burn a piece of birch bark, and hide all the ritual objects in a secluded place until your wishes come true.

To each to a normal person It's common to dream. Some dreams are quite real and easy to achieve, while others seem impossible. It is precisely for such seemingly unrealizable dreams that there is a strong ritual to fulfill a desire with one hundred percent effect.

To obtain it, you need to pass some test, but as you understand, nothing just happens. Even according to the law of conservation of energy, nothing appears from nothing and does not disappear anywhere. Even in fairy tales, in order to get what they want, the heroes have to go through a series of quests, which are easily overcome if there is faith in the soul in fulfillment.

The essence of the ritual to fulfill a desire and the order of its implementation

To carry it out, you need to prepare the usual glass bottle. Best suited with completely transparent glass, that is, tinted or green/red glass are not suitable.

Next you will need pure water. Some advise taking spring water, others recommend getting up early in the morning and taking it from the tap (so as not to talk to, meet, or communicate with anyone), and others recommend distilled water. We believe that the best option can be any water that is free of energy dirt, which can be obtained at home by adding a few drops to it Epiphany water or left in a silver bowl.

In addition, to carry out the ritual to fulfill your cherished desire, you will need a candle. If you don't know what color to choose, go with white. This is a universal color, suitable for almost all, except black magic, rituals. It should be neither small nor large in size. It doesn't burn for long, but every day for about two weeks, so count on it.

To record your desire, you need a piece of blank paper and a red marker.

Order of conduct

There are no specific deadlines for carrying out this ritual to fulfill a cherished desire. That is, you can do it almost any day, regardless of the position of the sun and moon. But we strongly recommend that you start this ritual on the first lunar day, that is, on the waxing moon.

In addition, give up long formulations of your desire; it is best if it is kept within 3-4 short words and in three sentences. For example: “I need a new fur coat. The goal has been set. I'm going towards the goal."

ABOUT medicinal properties bay leaf has been known for a long time. With its help, blood vessels, intestines and the “liver” part of the gastrointestinal tract are cleaned. But besides useful properties The well-known bay leaf, which is found in almost every home and is used as a spice for various dishes, also has magical properties. For example, using...

Write your wish on paper with a marker. Place it at the bottom of a transparent bottle, and then fill a quarter of the volume with specially prepared water. Light a candle and say what you wrote on the paper three times while gazing into the flame.

Pay attention to the nature of the flame. If it remains level, then say the following three times: “Goal achieved. There are no obstacles. I’m going towards my dream.” After which you need to present your dream in great detail. And to such an extent that you clearly feel that it has been realized. If you wished for a fur coat, then you need to “see” yourself in it, smell it, feel the touch of the fur, how it sits on you. The main thing is that you are filled with only positive emotions. Remember them and put out the candle, and carefully pour the wax obtained during the burning process into a bottle of water. After which the bottle must be closed with a lid and hidden in a secluded place.

The next day, repeat the ritual, except that you no longer need to write your wish on paper again, since it is already in the bottle. You will simply need to say the first formula three times, light a candle, visualize your desire in detail, blow out the candle and say the second formula three times. Then also pour the melted wax into the bottle, seal it and hide it in a secluded place.

Repeat the ritual until your candle burns out completely and all the melted wax from its burning ends up in the bottle.

Only after this, cork the bottle well, say “My dream is in my pocket” three times and take the bottle outside, where you hide it in a secluded place, out of sight and where people do not walk.

Now the ritual is completed, the dream has been visualized, all that remains is to wait a little for its fulfillment. In the subsequent period, you should be more attentive to the circumstances. Perhaps higher powers will give you hints on how to get what you want. Perhaps you will be faced with a choice, and how quickly your dream will come true depends on its correctness (listen to your intuition, look at the signs).

Tips that your wish won't come true

If, during the ritual, at any stage, when pronouncing the formulas, the candle flame begins to burn unevenly, “worries” or goes out completely, it means:

  • The wish was made incorrectly.
  • This is not your desire.
  • It's too early to guess.
  • It will not come true, as it may cause harm to other people.

If, when pouring water into a bottle, a piece of paper with a wish you wrote floats up, it will not come true.

If, when extinguishing the candles, there is no melted wax to pour into the bottle, the wrong day has been chosen to fulfill your wish, or it requires significant energy and time expenditure.

The strongest prayer for the speedy fulfillment of desires

This prayer is suggested in Joseph Murphy's book " Magic force mind." According to reviews of those who have used this prayer to fulfill a desire, it is very effective. The main thing before carrying out the prayer ritual is to concentrate well on your desire and fill the created image with positive emotions. Then start reading the prayer. And so on for 14 days, and it needs to be done twice a day: morning and evening.

Each person has his own cherished desires. These are the things he craves above all else. Someone, for example, wants to buy a house, someone wants to have children, someone wants to fly into space, and someone dreams of becoming a star. In order to bring the moment of cherished happiness closer, you can try a wish fulfillment spell. As you know, words and thoughts are material. And a conspiracy is words highly charged with energy, their power is much greater, and their influence on the state of affairs is much more significant.

When you decide to use conspiracies to make a wish come true, read the text of the chosen conspiracy well and carefully. It should evoke only positive emotions. If you feel something is wrong, give it up, since evil only begets evil. Even if a wish comes true, it can cause a negative situation or bring unexpected consequences. The desire itself is also important. It must be harmless to other people. You cannot desire, for example, revenge and punishment.

Light up, clear star, across the sky.
To the joy of the whole baptized world,
Light up with a bright and unquenchable fire.
For the joy of all Orthodox Christians.
Look, clear star, into the house of God's servant (name).
Sanctify, clear star,
My home is a bright and unquenchable fire.
Desire to hear my cherished desire (express a desire)

2. On the water

Pour water into a glass (water generally perceives any information very well), say your desire three times over this water and read the spell:

Water, water, you let me drink, you let me wash.
So give me, water, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​happiness!
I close it with a key, wash it with water, and let everything come true according to my word. Amen.

Then you need to drink the water slowly, in small sips.

3. Strong conspiracy

To carry out the ceremony you will need a candle (the color is chosen in accordance with the nature of the desire: money - green, love - red, friendship - pink, etc.), a piece of bread and salt. Light a candle. IN right hand Take the bread, salt it with your left hand, while quietly repeating the following words three times: “You, bread and salt, be my support in everything! Make sure that my wish... (state it in your own words) comes true as soon as its time comes!”

Then slowly bite off small pieces and chew them thoroughly, imagining how your intended wish will come true.
After this, rubbing your palm against your palm, you need to drink three sips of water, saying to it 3 times: “You, water, are the basis of life. Give me your support again. May my wish be fulfilled without causing suffering to anyone.”

Finishing the ritual, extinguish the candle by dipping it in water and pronounce the spell: “Bread, salt and water never failed! So it was, so it is and so it will always be!”

After this, drink the rest of the water to the end, saying to yourself: last words conspiracy to fulfill a wish.
This ritual is performed only at sunrise on Saturday or Sunday. Another day is not suitable.

4. On a scarf

Think of a wish, take a handkerchief in your hand and say three times: “My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of the Lord’s help, for the Lord helps those who ask for help. Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will become reality, events will acquire a path for fulfillment, and the Spirit of the Lord will give me what I ask of Him. I'll tie a scarf and wait. Amen".

Tie the scarf in a knot and carry it with you until your wish is fulfilled, and then burn it without untying it.

5. On a broom

This ritual is very simple and accessible to almost everyone. You need one twig from three different brooms, one twig from three different trees, one twig from three different brooms. Take everything in your hands and say:

“As Solomon achieved his goal, so I, the servant of God (name), will achieve mine.
The morning dawn is with the sun, the sun is with the evening dawn, and the evening dawn is with God's moon, and God's moon is with the first star.
And I, the servant of God (name), am fulfilling my desire. Amen."

And they immediately take this composition to the crossroads. They leave without looking back. While they walk back and forth, they don’t look back, don’t turn their heads, don’t talk to anyone. Do it on Sunday from the waxing moon to the full moon. But not after sunset.

6. On your birthday

The ceremony is also carried out once a year, on your birthday. Having formulated a wish, light three candles and read the spell twelve times in a row, do not extinguish the candles, they must burn out completely.

God, My God,
Bless and have mercy.
Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself,
Go through the gate, through the window,
Through the chimney
To my oak table.
Bring me gilded dust
And three bones from a heifer.
As the moon moves across the sky in its hour,
So for me, God’s servant (name),
From now on you'll be lucky.
Sand in the sea, the word, the matter is constipated.
Key. Lock. Language.

7. Christmas plot

Knead the dough for blessed water and 3 handfuls rye flour. When we knead the dough, we read a conspiracy to fulfill a cherished desire:

"In them are the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Lord was born, the Cross was erected, the heavenly angel shed tears. She said Mother of God:—I promise to give every person any grace. Whoever takes a holy cake into his mouth two days before the birth of Christ, the Lord will send His Divine Grace to him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

From this spoken dough we make a cake of happiness and bake it

8. On red threads

On one of the full moon days, buy a skein of red woolen thread. At home, light a red candle and write your wishes on a piece of paper. Cut about 20 centimeters of thread and start tying 9 knots at different distances, saying:

“The first knot begins the spell (tie the first knot). With the second knot the truth arrives (tie the second knot). The third knot resolves the matter (tie the tritium knot, and then follow the analogy). The fourth knot adds strength. With the fifth node everything flourishes. The sixth word node anchors. The seventh node of desire embodies. The eighth node is the hands of fate. And with the ninth knot - all this will be mine. May everything I have in mind come true!”

9. On knots

Take nine pieces of rope, each about the length of a shoelace. Express your desire loudly. Place them on the table and slowly tie a loose knot on each rope so that all nine form a circle, while saying louder and louder:

"With one knot we will begin the spell,
The second node is for the dream to come true,
Knot three - this strength is in me,
Node four - I will do even more,
The fifth knot - and my spell will come to life,
Knot six - my fate is not unchanged,
Knot seven - my case is decided,
Knot eight, my goal is clear,
The ninth knot is my desire."

Throw knotted ropes into the air and twist them into a spiral, waving them and chanting: " My strength will be renewed, my dream will come true, my desire will be freed, so everything will work out."

Gradually slow down your movements and lower your voice to a whisper until you are completely silent.
Sit down and make a nine-day plan to fulfill your desire, and every morning untie a knot, repeating this spell.

10. For Maslenitsa

On the first day of Maslenitsa, you ask for what you most desire. There is no need to roll out a list of five hundred wishes, you only need the one that is most desired.

On Monday morning (the first day of Maslenitsa), you need to wash your face with cold water and stand facing the sun. Read the following plot:
“Just as the red sun rises early in the morning and illuminates all honest people with a clear light, so my house will be filled with joy, and my wish (to say what you wish) will be fulfilled. Amen.”

Cross yourself and bow to the sun three times.

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