Return to work schedules, types, characteristics

In order to establish a work schedule at each enterprise, work schedules . There are daily, monthly and annual charts. Daytime records reflect the length of the working day, its beginning and end, the time and duration of the lunch break. Monthly charts indicate total hours per month, alternating working days and rest days. In accordance with labor legislation RK work week- 40 hours. Part-time work is established by agreement between the administration and workers and for minors.

An irregular working day is established for those catering workers whose work cannot be tracked by time, but the number of working hours worked per month must comply with labor legislation or additional leave is provided as compensation.

When drawing up the schedule, the operating mode of the enterprise and the loading schedule of the sales floor are taken into account. In POP, the following schedules for going to work are used: linear, tape (stepped or sliding), summarized recording of working hours, two-team and combined.

Line graph provides for the simultaneous arrival and departure from work of all production workers; it is used in the case when the volume of work is completely completed in 7-8 hours, the workload of workers is uniform throughout the shift. The advantage is that employees are held accountable for fulfilling the production program.

Strip chart provides for the exit of production workers to different time in groups or individually in accordance with the workload of the trading floor. The disadvantage is the lack of a clear structure of teams, the complexity of planning working hours, monitoring attendance at work, and reducing the responsibility of some team members for the implementation of the production program.

Summarized working time schedule used in an enterprise with uneven workload on certain days of the week or month, when it is impossible to establish a working day of normal duration. With a summarized schedule, different lengths of the working day are allowed, but no more than 11 hours 30 minutes, followed by a day of rest with mandatory completion of the established working hours per month.

Two-brigade schedule is a type of summarized working time schedule. With this schedule, two brigades are organized, identical in size and composition. They work 11 hours 30 minutes, changing every other day. The advantage is that the composition of the team is constant throughout the day, which increases responsibility for completing the production task. The disadvantage is the uneven workload of workers, long duration working day.

Combined chart provides a combination of different schedules and is used in an enterprise with long working hours. This schedule is often used in restaurants, where the work as a whole is based on a two-team work schedule, but taking into account the technological process of preparing dishes and the workload of the sales floor, some workers go to work on a tape schedule.

To record the working time of each employee, a time sheet is kept, which is signed by the director. The time sheet is an accrual document wages.

An indispensable condition for the introduction of NOTES in POP is the strengthening of labor discipline and the development of creative activity of workers. Labor discipline includes labor, technological and production.

For many workers, work schedules are very important nuance. It is also important for the employer. How not to make mistakes when compiling it is in our material.

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How to organize shift work + ideal shift schedule.

Many employees work in shifts. This mode is especially relevant in enterprises with round-the-clock work or where the duration of the working day is much longer than the normal duration of the daily work of one employee - transport enterprises, round-the-clock trade, continuous customer support, various services - rescue, health care and so on.

For precise fulfillment of functional duties, for control of discipline, for accounting working hours and for employees to understand when their working hours are - use a document such as a shift schedule or work schedule.

According to Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a group of workers performing functional duties during the established working hours does this on the basis of schedules.

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Who makes the work schedule

The law does not stipulate that a specific employee must create an employee work schedule. This functionality can be assigned to an employee of the personnel service, or to the head of a unit (division, department, department, etc.). This employee brings together all the information on the duration of shifts and the order in which employees report to work, thus preparing a project.

However, the schedule is approved only by the head of the organization.

How the work schedule is approved

So, the schedule is approved by the manager legal entity, or a branch of a legal entity. In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation we will not find an approval procedure, so we need to follow here by analogy with the approval of other local regulations. If the document itself - the schedule - provides a stamp for approval, then a separate order is not required. If there is no such stamp, then it is possible to approve the schedules by issuing a separate order for the organization (branch).

After approval (signing by the manager), the schedule comes into force and becomes binding for employees.

Please note that when shift work mode(as required by Part 3 of Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) schedules are approved taking into account the reasoned opinion of the representative body of workers, if one has been created (as a rule, this is a primary trade union organization).

Since the law requires that employees be familiarized with the schedule in advance, it must be approved in advance, before the start of the period for which it was drawn up.

When to approve the work schedule

The need to draw up schedules arises when recording working hours in aggregate. Different periods can be taken into account in this way. Therefore, schedules are drawn up for the period corresponding to the accounting.

If work for the year is taken into account, then it is necessary to immediately draw up a shift schedule for the year. When accounting for a month's work, shift schedules for the month are drawn up.

Transition to a shift schedule

Those companies that decide to introduce shift work may face difficulties. To do this, you will have to take a number of mandatory steps:

  • issue an order to introduce a shift work schedule;
  • make changes to internal labor regulations;
  • notify each employee of changes in significant working conditions at least two months in advance;
  • draw up additional agreements to employment contracts with consenting employees;
  • deal with those who disagree (transfer them to other vacancies or fire them);
  • draw up shift schedules and familiarize employees with them within the established time frame.

Read more about the transition to shift work and the shift schedule (sample) .

How to make changes to the schedule

The employer does not have the right to change the shift schedule on his own initiative, since he determines the working hours of each employee. Consequently, changes to the schedule can be made only with the consent of the employee (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In case of changing the shift schedule unilaterally, it is necessary to adhere to the procedure regulated by Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (with mandatory notification to the employee at least two months in advance about the upcoming change in organizational or technological working conditions).

Sample orders for schedule approval, examples of approval and review sheets - in our material.

Examples of shift schedules, as well as questions about holidays during shift work - .

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In this article we will tell you in detail how to create a schedule for working with a sample.

Basic criteria for scheduling work


There are three types of work schedules: shift, rotating, weekly. All schedules have both advantages and disadvantages, but their type is necessary to meet the specifics of the work of a particular institution.

The shift schedule is used mainly by organizations with a 24-hour work system. In addition, in those organizations (the majority of them), the schedule assumes that employees work in succession. Sometimes charts calculate the period of joint work of two or more specialties at one workplace; this is mainly found in education, culture and healthcare. Shift work allows for non-stop production. The definition of the shift work schedule is given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 103.

The law identifies 2 cases of using a shift schedule:

  1. Non-stop (continuity) of the production process. The working hours exceed the daily production norm - 7.2 hours (women), 8 hours - men.
  2. Efficiency of the equipment used(stopping the operation of units, or constant switching on/off leads to production losses).

Shift work schedules are compiled according to the forms offered by the electronic version of the program. Shifts, their number, time period are determined, and then the data is entered into the program. Most often, the shift schedule is made for a month in order to change employees in shifts within a month (1,2, night). If shifts are arranged correctly, there will be no overtime for one employee and shortcomings for another.

Shift work schedules can be changed or left unchanged. It all depends on the capabilities and characteristics of production.

Flexitime work is used in institutions where the traveling nature of work (business trips) is used: employees of railway institutions. In their schedules, the start and end times of the working day (train crews) are unknown. work shift(freight transportation), road transport (long-distance flights) and other similar services. The personnel officer records upon receipt of information that the employee has begun his duties and their completion. From the fact of finishing work, the calculation of time for rest begins, then the start time of work (trip, departure on a flight) is determined again, i.e. Truly, the schedule slides according to the calendar and is individual for each individual employee. The electronic version of the sliding schedule allows you to track the hours worked by each member of the work unit. The weekends here are also sliding, only approximate dates are set, and the fact is revealed during the labor process.

Weekly chart used when employees work out standard hours without being directly at their workplace every day, but only in total numerical values hours worked per week. The departure to work is selected by a specialist and agreed with the head of the department, workshop, etc. individually. This mode is also called flexible working mode. It is considered the most common abroad. There are many benefits to the weekly regimen: increased work efficiency, a decrease in the level of disciplinary violations, and improved psychological health of employees.

Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation also defines the weekly operating hours. The weekly schedule is used in the following cases:

  1. Working outside the office (workplace at home, comes to the organization for a task or to coordinate assignments, hand over completed work), the so-called homeworkers.
  2. Real estate companies where employees are forced to work according to a schedule that is set not by the employer, but by the client. These are, for example, real estate specialists: agents, managers, couriers.
  3. Accountant. Nowadays it is becoming fashionable to hire one accountant. Small companies, private entrepreneurs, individual entrepreneurs They prefer not to maintain an accounting staff, but to consolidate accounting through a separately hired specialist. In this case, the accountant processes documents at home, or in some room, but outside of production. It makes no sense to set him any kind of work schedule other than a weekly one, since he can complete the entire amount of work at a time convenient for him.

The wages of these employees do not depend on the time worked, so the employees themselves control its implementation. The norm for them corresponds to the norm of ordinary workers, but the regime is different. It is difficult to record the work time of a given employee in a specific schedule, so the form is filled out, indicating the approximate standard of hours, rather than tracking the actual value.

The schedule must include time to restore physical strength. Rest time usually divides the working day into two parts of approximately equal time. Most often, this is one lunch break. The actual length of time used for rest and nutrition is not included. According to Art. 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, breaks provided to an employee during a working day (shift) can be no more than 2 hours and less than 30 minutes. There are organizations where they choose short technological breaks, they last no more than 15 minutes.
If you have been tasked with drawing up a work schedule, then you must first decide on the type of schedule that is most appropriate for your organization (enterprise).

Types of charts

There are enough types of charts a large number of, but most enterprises have now switched to the same unified forms electronic version personnel programs. They allow you not to waste time on creating your own forms, entering formulas and other tasks that programmers perform. The document specialist selects the type of schedule.

Types of charts:

  • tabular;
  • program;
  • diagrammatic.

The schedule is being drawn up in stages.

1. Select an accounting period

It is necessary to set the working time recording period - month, quarter, year. The selected time period directly depends on the nature of production, its specifics, and the characteristics of labor.

Example. College employees must complete an hourly workload from September to May. We distribute the hours of workload for the teacher according to the accounting period. In this case, summer is excluded and included in the vacation period. If the earned vacation time is not enough (for example, vacation is 44 days, the teacher is not involved - 90 days), the teacher is offered rest at his own expense, additional workload or other options. The accounting period in this case is academic year(not financial).

2. The time fund for servicing a specific workplace is calculated

For each workplace, the fund of serviced time is calculated. Loading the workplace. The load for any type of schedule is calculated in hours and minutes.

For example. The workplace of a turner-milling operator functions according to the action of the machine. The machine works for 3 hours non-stop. After three hours, the unit takes 1.5 hours to cool down. Therefore, the operating time of the machine is 15 hours per day. The last rest for the machine is given for 3 hours. During this time, shift changes can be arranged in the work schedule. These machines are operated by men - their work time– 8 hours, so with the right schedule, you can easily assign two staff units to one machine.

If the employee’s place is occupied for 24 hours (power grid manager). This norm is calculated for the accounting period (year) and is evenly distributed over the working time of individual employees.

3. The hourly rate is determined

The duration of work of individual specialties has a different meaning from that of the entire staff. The schedule assigns a value to each employee if his standard working time differs from the standard of work of others.

Example. IN educational institution different specialists work. The length of their working week is different, for example, a teacher is required to work 36 hours a week, a music director - 24 hours, a teacher - speech therapist - 20 hours. The maximum operating time per month (production rate) is different for them, it should be reflected in the schedule. The load should not be allowed to exceed the norm, as it will require additional financial investments.

4. Counting the number of workers

The number of employees per workplace and the total number of staff are calculated. This number of employees must serve the workplace and fulfill the plan. The result is a quantitative staffing composition - staff. Standard indicator of staffing units of an enterprise.

Example. The duty dispatcher of the power grid organizes round-the-clock duty at the control panel. The accounting period of its work is calculated for the financial year. The total service time for the dispatcher's workplace is 8760 hours (365 calendar days × 24 hours). We calculate the number required to service this workplace; it is approximately 4.8 people. In practice, an employer can hire five people, or maybe four, distributing part-time wages among employees.

5. A schedule is formed

Job positions are entered into the selected form, then data is filled in for the specialists serving the jobs, and the hourly rate is distributed between them. The output is set, including all individual characteristics each workplace. Weekends and holidays are included. The principle of filling is the principle of uniformity, distribution in approximately equal volumes between specialists.

The number of shifts is calculated and the shifts between employees are recorded.

The main task of creating a schedule is accessibility when perceived by the employee, and simplicity and legibility for calculation by the accounting department. All full-time employees of the enterprise are included in the schedule.
The schedule requires daily adjustments (business trips, time off). If the basic data is entered in advance, this process is easier than entering data every day.

  • Salary. The work schedule is the basis for remuneration; it is transferred to the working time sheet and the employee’s wages are calculated. Therefore, it is important to make a schedule in such a way that there is no possibility of erroneous calculations.
  • Payment for overtime is based on payment for hours worked by the employee in excess of the norm. Only correct data entered into the chart will give accurate recycling figures.
  • Pay for night work. Night work time is considered to be the period from 22:00 to 6:00. In the schedule, night hours are recorded and counted in a separate column. Their pay is higher than regular hours, 35% of the basic salary, in addition to wages for hours worked. The employer, taking into account the complexity of night work, can establish other increased payment indicators.

A shift schedule is a fairly common phenomenon. It is used in the most different industries activities, most often in companies with a continuous round-the-clock production cycle - the need for its use here is due to the fact that equipment downtime is unacceptable, because they lead to failures in the system and considerable financial losses. But regular, timely replacement of personnel leads to an increase in the volume of output, improved labor productivity and, as a result, greater profits.

Also, a shift schedule is common in other areas, for example, in medical institutions, security structures, firefighters, gas services, rail and transport transportation, air travel, etc.

Number of shifts and workers in them

The number of shifts depends on the characteristics of the organization. This can be two, three or even four shifts per day. Each shift works for a certain period of time - from three to four hours to twelve.

Individually and the number of workers in one shift. This can be one person or even several dozen (the upper threshold is not limited).

Why do you need a shift schedule?

The shift schedule is one of the most important internal documents of the company.

Based on the schedule, employees' working hours are recorded and their wages are subsequently calculated.

Thus, it relates not only to methods of organizing work at an enterprise, but is also a serious accounting form.

We must not forget that if the company provides for shift work, then having a schedule in mandatory checked by government supervisory structures (for example, labor inspectorate and tax service). The absence of this document may result in the imposition of an administrative penalty on the enterprise and its management in the form of a fairly large fine.

Legislative regulation, mandatory conditions

The shift schedule is regulated by law, namely Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Part 3 of Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When introducing it into an organization, it is required to strictly comply with the norms and conditions of the above section of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The rules for operating in this mode are spelled out here quite thoroughly and clearly. There is no point in listing them in this article, but some simply need to be emphasized:

  1. the weekly working hours in the sum of all shifts should not exceed forty hours;
  2. every shift people should be given a lunch break (its duration is determined individually - from 30 minutes to 2 hours);
  3. employees must be provided with uninterrupted rest for 42 hours every week;
  4. the employer is obliged to indicate to employees that it is inadmissible for them to perform their duties in two shifts in a row (except in emergency cases) - and strictly monitor this.

If an organization feels the need to use a shift schedule for different categories (positions) of employees, then for each of them the duration of the shift can be determined separately (such situations occur in transport companies– one operating mode is used for drivers, another for dispatchers, and a third for service personnel).

When creating a schedule, one more thing should be taken into account important point- if most of it falls at night, then the shift should automatically be reduced by an hour.

All other working conditions must also comply with the law, including in matters relating to the payment of wages, provision of sick leave, vacation, etc.

What is not considered a shift schedule

Some personnel officers mistakenly believe that the work schedule is a day after two/three, two days after two, etc., refers to shift work. If you carefully read the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, it turns out that this is not so. A group of workers doing their job job responsibilities during one day, and being replaced by others the next day, operates in a regime fixed within the enterprise, however, there is no clear procedure for developing such a regime, its coordination and approval.

Some points regarding payment

The calculation of remuneration for a shift schedule is somewhat different from the standard one. The specificity here is that the number of working hours according to the regime established at the enterprise may differ from the norm established by law, both upward and downward (the so-called planned overtime or underwork).

To ensure that there are no errors in salary calculations, at the end of the accounting period, the following parameters should be reconciled: the number of working hours in accordance with the norm and their number, based on real indicators. If, when comparing, the second indicator is greater than the first, you will need to calculate and pay the employee extra for overtime.

If an employee’s shift falls on a day off, then it is paid as usual (this is justified by the peculiarities of the shift conditions). If he is forced to work on a holiday (state non-working days specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), then payment to him must be made at the appropriate standard rate, i.e. in double size.

Consolidating the work order

If the management of an enterprise decides to use a shift work schedule, it must enshrine this norm in its accounting policies, or more precisely, in the Rules internal regulations.

If the company has a trade union cell, these Rules, including those regarding shift work, must be approved by its representative. A five-day period is allotted for interaction with the trade union - during this period, trade unionists must either approve the Rules presented to them or challenge them with evidence.

It is also possible to establish the use of a shift schedule in a collective agreement.

In addition to the internal regulations and the collective agreement, the clause on shift work must be spelled out in sections of individual employment contracts with employees, indicating the number of hours per shift and other parameters.

The process of creating a shift schedule

The first practical stage in implementing a shift schedule is an order for its creation, issued on behalf of the director of the organization. It contains instructions to create a shift schedule, period, responsible person and other necessary information.

Sample order for approval of shift schedule

The schedule is formed in advance - at least thirty days before the start of the shift.

Each employee mentioned in the document must be familiarized with it against signature. Thus, he indicates that he agrees with this mode of operation.

After development, coordination and final approval, the schedule will be binding both for the management of the enterprise and for the employees designated in it.

For what period is the form drawn up?

The shift work schedule can be formed for any period of time. As a rule, the period for which this document is drawn up is indicated in the company’s regulations. Most often, schedules are drawn up for one month. Each time a new schedule must be approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Is it possible to change the information in it?

Changes are allowed to the approved shift schedule, but only as a last resort and in compliance with certain rules.

Firstly, if changes occur at the initiative of the employer, he must notify his subordinates in advance about them and obtain their written consent - without them, making changes legally will be problematic.

If one of the employees asks to change the shift schedule, he must draw up a special application addressed to the manager. The application must indicate the reasons for the request (it must be respectful with appropriate written justifications), then the consent of the other employees to whom the document concerns must be obtained. If colleagues and management managed to reach a compromise, a new order is formed, on the basis of which the necessary adjustments are made to the schedule.

Is it possible to change shifts without making changes to the shift schedule?

Sometimes situations occur at enterprises when employees change shifts without prior notification to management. This is categorically unacceptable.

For such a replacement, management has the right to impose disciplinary sanctions on subordinates.

And in the case of more than one violation of labor discipline (and this is the category these offenses fall into), even dismiss the offenders.

Who draws up the document

The direct task of drawing up a shift schedule can be assigned either to a specialist in the personnel department, or to the head of a structural unit, or to the secretary of the organization. The main condition that the contractor must comply with is to take into account legal norms, the interests of the enterprise and employees.

In this case, after formation, the document must be submitted for signature to the head of the department and the director.

How to coordinate with employees

The shift schedule must be agreed upon with employees in advance, as mentioned above - no later than thirty days before the start of the first shift.

Signatures of consent can be placed directly on the schedule itself, or you can make a separate sheet for this.

If the second option is chosen, then you need to make a table on the approval sheet, enter all the employees there and collect their autographs (with the date they were signed). This document will be an official attachment to the shift schedule.

Features of the formation of a shift schedule, general information

If you are tasked with creating a shift schedule, and you have no idea how exactly it is formed, read our recommendations - they will give you an accurate idea of ​​​​this document. Also check out the example of filling it out - based on it you can easily create your own form.

Before moving on detailed description graphics, we provide general information about the document. Let's start with the fact that there is no unified form of the schedule. This means that it can be written in free form or according to the model approved in the accounting policy of the organization. In this case, the method of forming the form must be reflected in the company’s regulations.

Regardless of which scheduling method is chosen, the document must contain a number of mandatory data:

  • Company details;
  • information about the place and time of compilation;
  • the schedule itself.

The form must be certified by several persons. Firstly, by those employees in respect of whom it was formed, secondly, by the head of a structural unit and, thirdly, by the director of the company.

It is not necessary to certify the form with a seal - this should be done only when such a condition is in the company’s local documentation.

The schedule can be drawn up in simple clean slate paper (preferably A4 format) or on the organization’s letterhead (if such a requirement is established by management). You can write it manually or on a computer (with mandatory subsequent printing).

How to take into account the shift schedule

All schedules developed at the enterprise are subject to mandatory registration in the appropriate accounting journal. After carrying out all the necessary procedures with them (development, coordination, approval, familiarization), they are transferred for storage to the company’s HR department. Here they are filed in a separate folder with other similar documents. Access to the place of their detention for unauthorized people should be limited.

The duration of their storage is indicated either in local acts of the organization, or is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (but not less than five years). After this period has expired, the schedules can be disposed of in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Sample shift schedule

Before you start filling out the form, you should roughly divide it into three main sequential parts.

The first is the beginning, or, as it is also called, the “hat”. This includes:

  • document's name;
  • date, place of its formation;
  • number (according to the internal document flow of the enterprise);
  • the period for which the schedule is drawn up (week, month, year, etc.).

You can enter this data either in the middle of the document, or on the left or right - it doesn’t matter. The only thing that should be taken into account is that right there, at the top, several lines are allocated for approval of the schedule by the head of the organization (his position and full name must be entered here).

Below is the main block. It is usually presented in the form of a table. It includes step by step:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • date of;
  • the number of the shift on which he will go to work;
  • information about days off.

You can supplement the table with other columns (for example, about an employee’s personnel number, etc.). Under the table, it is necessary to provide a breakdown of the information included in the schedule, including the number of shifts, the number of workers involved in them, the duration of each shift (in hours), as well as the symbols included in the schedule.

Next, you should mark that the opinions of the employees included in the document have been taken into account and collect their signatures. If signatures are placed on the approval sheet, then its presence must be indicated in the shift schedule, indicating it as an attachment to the main document.

What are working hours? What types of working hours exist and who sets them? What legal norms govern this aspect? We touched on these and other issues related to labor legislation in the article below.

The working time regime is a certain procedure for the distribution of working time, which is established directly by the organization by internal regulations or collective agreement on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws. Work shift schedules are approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees and the nature of the work. For example, the working hours of communications and transport workers are regulated by Part 2 of Art. 100 of the Labor Code, the work schedule of rotation workers is determined by Ch. 47 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and persons who entered into an individual, establish a work and rest schedule by mutual agreement of both parties (Article 305 of the Labor Code). Note that in the latter case, the length of the working week, as well as annual paid leave, cannot be more or less than the standards established by labor legislation. Working hours can be set individually for individual employees, be the same for all employees, or vary depending on the nature of the work of employees in different departments of the organization. This procedure provides for a working week, for example, a 5-day with two days off, a 6-day with one day off, or another work schedule, a working week in accordance with a shift schedule or days off on a sliding schedule (in case of continuous production). The working day in accordance with the working hours includes:

  • the total duration of the daily work shift;
  • start time and end time of work;
  • time allotted for breaks;
  • number of shifts set per day;
  • order of working days and days off;
  • list of employees working irregular working hours.

The working hours regime is a legal aspect strictly regulated by the laws of the Russian Federation, which, on the one hand, ensures proper labor protection for the employee, and, accordingly, on the other, the employee’s return to the required labor productivity.

An employer does not have the right to engage an employee to work for 2 shifts in a row, as well as to work on night shifts if the employee is prohibited from working at night.

Types of working hours

In accordance with Ch. 16 of the Labor Code in Russia there are general (applicable to all employees of the organization) and special working hours (differing in the length of the working day or non-standard distribution of working time throughout the entire calendar period), in particular:

  • normal (single shift) operating mode;
  • irregular working hours;
  • flexible working hours;
  • shift work hours;
  • work on a rotational basis;
  • split working time mode (shift divided into parts).

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Normal operation

The normal work schedule (in practice considered a single shift) is established taking into account working hours and can be daily, weekly or cumulative.

Any work performed in excess of the daily work schedule is overtime work (Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When recording working hours in aggregate, a total of a longer period of work is assumed, in particular, for a month, quarter or year. The main task of the summarized recording of working time is the correspondence of the working day norm to the duration of working time for the entire accounting period. This method of setting working hours is usually used when organizing work on a rotational basis, transport, communication services and others. Note that the summarized recording of working hours does not provide for restrictions on the duration of the work shift, but as a rule, it is 8-12 hours.

Irregular working hours

The mode refers to a special mode of operation, which is regulated by Art. 101 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and involves execution labor functions by an employee outside the current working hours. Home distinctive feature of this mode of work is that the employee, subject to the general mode of work, can be attracted by the employer to carry out his labor responsibilities before the start or at the end of the work shift.

It is important to note that working with irregular working hours involves the employee performing, in additional time, only his job duties as specified in the employment contract. The employer does not have the right to require the employee to perform work that does not comply with employment contract(Article 60 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The list of positions that may correspond to irregular working hours is determined by a collective agreement or internal rules labor regulations enterprises. The irregular working hours regime can be applied to persons:

  1. managerial, administrative, business or technical personnel;
  2. working without working hours;
  3. working according to a schedule with splitting working hours into parts of indefinite duration.

An employee working on an established irregular working day may be involved in performing his work outside of the schedule without his consent only occasionally, thereby excluding systematic overtime. At the same time, the employee does not have the right to refuse to perform such work outside the established standard working hours. Employees whose working hours are irregular receive annual paid leave (at least 3 calendar days), while weekends and holidays are used by them on a general basis. Also, on the basis of Art. 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, overtime beyond the normal working hours can be compensated with the written consent of the employee himself, as.

Flexible working hours

This regime is a form of labor organization with self-regulation of the duration, beginning and end of the working day. However, even with a flexible work schedule, it is necessary to work out the number of working hours established by labor legislation for a certain period - day, week, month (Article 102 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The flexible working time regime provides for a sliding work schedule, which is established by mutual agreement between the employee and the employer upon hiring or throughout labor activity. This regime can be established for either a definite or an indefinite period, and is documented in an administrative document of the employer. Flexible working hours are most often used in cases where the use of regular schedules is ineffective or impossible. It is inappropriate to use a flexible working time regime in cases of continuous production, three-shift work schedules, as well as in types of production with special rules safety precautions. The use of a flexible work schedule does not affect wages, accrual length of service, provision of benefits. This mode of work is not entered into the employee’s work book. The main components of a flexible working mode are considered to be:

  1. Flexible time - the beginning and end of a work shift, when the employee has the right to start and finish work at a time convenient for him.
  2. Fixed time - the period of the work shift when the employee is required to be at the workplace.

The duration of the main components of a flexible working time regime is determined by the internal labor regulations of the organization. An accounting period can be considered a week, a month, a quarter, and other mode options that are more convenient for the employee and the organization.

Employees performing their work duties on a flexible schedule may be required to perform overtime in the manner provided for in Art. 99 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Shift working hours, as a rule, are introduced in production in order to increase the efficiency of equipment use and increase the volume of products produced, while the working period of the production process is significantly higher than the permissible duration of the daily work schedule. The shift schedule distributes the working time of employees who are involved in the production process, or for individual categories workers. The work shift schedule determines the number of shifts, the start and end times of the shift, the order of rotation, and sets breaks for meals and rest. The shift work schedule must be approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees (for example, a trade union committee), which must be notified of this no later than 1 month before the start of work according to this schedule. Changing the shift work schedule is not possible. Based on Art. 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all shift schedules are drawn up taking into account the provision of weekly uninterrupted rest to workers, the duration of which must be at least 42 hours. Rest between shifts must be no less than double the working time preceding the rest in the shift. Engaging an employee to perform labor duties for two shifts in a row is not permitted.

Shift working hours

It is a form of performance of labor activity by an employee without the possibility of daily return to his place of residence. This regime is usually used by employers during the construction or reconstruction of facilities in order to reduce the time frame for project implementation. Shift work involves providing employees with conditions for normal living, most often these are special mobile buildings and structures created by the employer, equipped with everything necessary. The duration of the shift is determined by labor legislation and is no more than 1 month (if the shift period is increased to 3 months, Article 299 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee is paid additionally). The duration of a work shift during a shift should be no more than 12 hours. For the calculation, the summarized accounting of working hours for a month, quarter or 1 year is used. This accounting period includes total working time, time spent traveling to the collection point, place of work and back, rest time, which coincides with the calendar period. The shift work schedule is communicated to employees no later than 2 months in advance. This regime provides for a number of restrictions (Article 298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), according to which the following cannot be hired to work on a rotational basis:

  • workers under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant women;
  • women who are dependent on young children under 3 years of age;
  • employees who have medical contraindications.

Split working hours

This regime is regulated by Art. 105 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and, as a rule, is applicable when performing work with unequal intensity throughout the entire work shift. For example, a fragmented operating mode is used by organizations providing transport services to the population, communication services and trade. The division of working time is carried out by the employer in accordance with the internal rules of the organization, drawn up taking into account the opinion of the trade union body. Russian labor legislation does not stipulate how many parts a working day can be divided into, but, as practice shows, a shift is divided into 2 or more parts, and the unpaid break between them can be no more than 2 hours.

Short working hours

In addition to normal working hours, Russian labor legislation provides for a reduced working time regime, the duration of which is less than 40 hours per week established by law. In accordance with Art. 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this work schedule reduces working hours:

  • for workers under 16 years of age - 16 hours per week;
  • for disabled workers of groups I and II - 5 hours per week;
  • for workers aged 16 to 18 years - 4 hours per week;
  • for workers whose type of activity is associated with dangerous (harmful) working conditions.
It is important to remember that reduced working hours are the direct responsibility of the organization’s administration. This legal provision requires strict implementation.