December 17 is celebrated in Russia missile forces strategic purpose. tells what the Strategic Missile Forces are.

What are strategic missile forces?

The Strategic Missile Forces are the backbone of Russia's nuclear forces.

The Strategic Missile Forces troops are called upon to solve the following tasks:

  • V Peaceful time ensure nuclear deterrence against external aggression;
  • in wartime, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, promptly ensure the combat use of missile systems.

As part of the modern Strategic Missile Forces group on combat duty there are combat missile systems both stationary and mobile based.

What is in service with the Strategic Missile Forces?

The main armament of these troops consists of all ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles mobile and silo-based with nuclear warheads. In total, there are about 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles on combat duty.

Currently in service with the Strategic Missile Forces are:

  • 58 heavy missiles R-36MUTTH and R-36M2 (SS-18, Satan). Read more about the missile system: ;
  • 70 UR-100N UTTH (SS-19) missiles;
  • 171 mobile soil complex RT-2PM “Topol” (SS-25);
  • 56 silo-based RT-2PM2 "Topol-M" complexes (SS-27);
  • 18 mobile complexes RT-2PM2 "Topol-M" (SS-27).

The Strategic Missile Forces are also armed with:

  • solid-propellant missile "Bulava", designed for the Borei-class strategic missile submarine.
  • and its ground version - RS-24 Yars. In 2014, the troops will put 16 missile systems of this type on combat duty. Of these, 12 are mobile ground-based and 4 are mine-based. More details

The Strategic Missile Forces stated that in the future the Barguzin combat railway complexes will appear in the Russian Federation's arsenal. In 2005, in connection with the provisions of the START II Treaty, signed in January 1993 by the presidents of the United States and the Russian Federation George Bush and Boris Yeltsin, all complexes of this type were removed from combat duty. In 2007, the last BZHRK missile was disposed of.

The origin of the Strategic Missile Forces is associated with the development of domestic and foreign missile weapons, then nuclear missile weapons, with the improvement of its combat use. In the history of RV:

1946 - 1959 - creation of nuclear weapons and the first samples of guided ballistic missiles, deployment of missile formations capable of solving operational tasks in front-line operations and strategic tasks in nearby theaters of military operations.

1959 - 1965 - formation of the Strategic Missile Forces, deployment and placing on combat duty missile formations and units of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and missiles medium range(RSD), capable of solving strategic problems in military-geographical areas and in any theater of military operations. In 1962, the Strategic Missile Forces took part in Operation Anadyr, during which 42 R-12 and R-14 RSDs were secretly deployed in Cuba, and made a significant contribution to resolving the Cuban Missile Crisis and preventing the American invasion of Cuba.

1965 - 1973 - deployment of a group of intercontinental ballistic missiles with single launches (OS) of the 2nd generation, equipped with monoblock warheads (MC), the transformation of the Strategic Missile Forces into the main component of the strategic nuclear forces, which made a major contribution to the achievement of military-strategic balance (parity) between the USSR and USA.

1973 - 1985 - equipping the Strategic Missile Forces with 3rd generation intercontinental ballistic missiles with multiple warheads and means of overcoming the missile defense of a potential enemy and mobile long-range missile systems.

1985 - 1992 - arming the Strategic Missile Forces with intercontinental stationary and mobile missile systems of the 4th generation, liquidation in 1988 -1991. medium range missiles.

Since 1992 - the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces of the RF Armed Forces, the elimination of missile systems of intercontinental ballistic missiles on the territory of Ukraine and Kazakhstan and the withdrawal of mobile Topol ballistic missile systems from Belarus to Russia, the re-equipment of obsolete types of missile systems on ballistic missile systems with unified monoblock missiles of stationary and mobile bases "Topol" -M” 5th generation.

The material basis for the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces was the deployment in the USSR of a new branch of the defense industry - rocketry. In accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 13, 1946 No. 1017-419 “Issues of jet weapons,” cooperation between the main ministries of industry was determined, research and experimental work began, and a Special Committee on Jet Technology was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The Ministry of the Armed Forces has formed: a special artillery unit for the development, preparation and launch of V-2 type missiles, the Research Jet Institute of the Main Artillery Directorate, the State Central Range of Jet Technology (Kapustin Yar range), and the Directorate of Jet Weapons within the GAU. The first missile formation armed with ballistic missiles long range became the special purpose brigade of the RVGK (commander - Major General of Artillery A.F. Tveretsky). In December 1950, the second special purpose brigade was formed, in 1951 - 1955. - 5 more formations that received a new name (since 1953) - engineering brigades of the RVGK. Until 1955, they were armed with ballistic missiles R-1, R-2, with a range of 270 km and 600 km, equipped with a warhead with conventional explosives (general designer S.P. Korolev). By 1958, brigade personnel conducted more than 150 combat training missile launches. In 1946 - 1954, the brigades were part of the artillery of the RVGK and were subordinate to the commander of the artillery of the Soviet Army. They were managed by a special department of the artillery headquarters of the Soviet Army. In March 1955, the position of Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR for special weapons and rocket technology was introduced (Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelin), under which the headquarters of the rocket units was created.

Combat use engineering brigades was determined by the order of the Supreme High Command, the decision of which provided for the assignment of these formations to the fronts. The front commander led the engineering brigades through the artillery commander.

On October 4, 1957, from the Baikonur test site, the personnel of a separate engineering test unit carried out a successful launch of the first artificial Earth satellite using the R-7 combat rocket for the first time in world history. Thanks to the efforts of Soviet rocket scientists, a new era in the history of mankind began - the era of practical astronautics.

In the 2nd half of the 50s. The strategic RSD R-5 and R-12 equipped with nuclear warheads (general designers S.P. Korolev and M.K. Yangel) with a range of 1200 and 2000 km and ICBMs R-7 and R-7A were adopted into service with formations and units. (general designer S.P. Korolev). In 1958, the engineering brigades of the RVGK, armed with operational-tactical missiles R-11 and R-11M, were transferred to Ground Forces. The first ICBM formation was the facility with the code name "Angara" (commander - Colonel M.G. Grigoriev), which completed its formation at the end of 1958. In July 1959, the personnel of this formation carried out the first combat training launch of ICBMs in the USSR.

The need for centralized leadership of troops equipped strategic missiles, determined the organizational design of a new type of aircraft. In accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1384-615 dated December 17, 1959, the Strategic Missile Forces were created as an independent type of armed forces. According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1239 of December 10, 1995, this day is celebrated as an annual holiday - Strategic Missile Forces Day.

On December 31, 1959, the following were formed: the Main Headquarters of the Missile Forces, the Central command post with a communications center and a computer center, Main Directorate missile weapons, combat training department, a number of other departments and services. The Strategic Missile Forces included the 12th Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, which was in charge of nuclear weapons, engineering formations previously subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense for Special Weapons and Jet Technology, missile regiments and directorates of 3 Air Force air divisions, arsenals of missile weapons, bases and warehouses of special weapons. The Strategic Missile Forces also included the 4th State Central Training Ground of the Moscow Region (Kapustin Yar); 5th Research Test Site of the Ministry of Defense (Baikonur); separate scientific testing station in the village. Keys in Kamchatka; 4th Research Institute of Moscow Region (Bolshevo, Moscow region). In 1963, on the basis of the Angara facility, the 53rd Scientific Research Test Site for Missile and Space Weapons of the Ministry of Defense (Plesetsk) was formed.

On June 22, 1960, the Military Council of the Strategic Missile Forces was created, which included M.I. Nedelin (chairman), V.A. Bolyatko, P.I. Efimov, M.A. Nikolsky, A.I. Semenov, V.F. Tolubko, F.P. Tonkikh, M.I. Ponomarev.

In 1960, the Regulations on combat duty of units and subunits of the Strategic Missile Forces were put into effect. In order to centralize the combat control of the Missile Forces with strategic weapons, organs and control points at the strategic, operational and tactical levels were included in the structure of the Strategic Missile Forces control system, and automated systems for communication and control of troops and combat assets were introduced.

In 1960 - 1961 On the basis of long-range aviation air armies, missile armies were formed, which included RSD formations. The engineering brigades and regiments of the RVGK were reorganized into missile divisions and RSD missile brigades, and the directorates of artillery training ranges and ICBM brigades were reorganized into the directorates of missile corps and divisions. The main combat unit in an RSD formation was a missile division, and in an ICBM formation - a missile regiment. Until 1966, the intercontinental ballistic missile systems R-16 and R-9A were put into service (general designers M.K. Yangel and S.P. Korolev). In the RSD troops, units and units were formed armed with the R-12U, R-14U BRKs with silos launchers group arrangement (general designer M.K. Yangel). The first missile formations and units were staffed mainly by officers from the artillery, navy, air force and ground forces. Their retraining for missile specialties was carried out at training centers at test sites, at industrial enterprises and at courses at military educational institutions, and subsequently by instructor groups in units.

In 1965 - 1973 The Strategic Missile Forces are equipped with ballistic missile systems OS RS-10, RS-12, R-36, dispersed on large area(general designers M.K. Yangel, V.N. Chelomey). In 1970, in order to improve troop leadership and increase the reliability of combat control, missile army directorates were created on the basis of the missile corps directorates. Formations and units with single silo launchers were capable of delivering a guaranteed retaliatory strike in any conditions at the start of the war. DBK 2nd generation provided remote launch of missiles in as soon as possible, high accuracy of hitting the target and survivability of troops and weapons, improvement of operating conditions for missile weapons.

In 1973 - 1985 The Strategic Missile Forces adopted the stationary DBK RS-16, RS-20A, RS-20B and RS-18 (general designers V.F. Utkin and V.N. Chelomey) and the mobile ground DBK RSD-10 (“Pioneer” ”) (general designer A.D. Nadiradze), equipped with multiple individually targeted warheads. Missiles and control points for stationary ballistic missile systems were located in especially highly secure structures. The missiles use autonomous control systems from an on-board computer, providing remote re-aiming of the missiles before launch.

In 1985 - 1992 The Strategic Missile Forces were armed with missile launchers with RS-22 silo- and railway-based missiles (general designer V.F. Utkin) and modernized RS-20V silo-based and RS-12M ground-based missiles (general designers V.F. Utkin and A.D. Nadiradze). These complexes have increased combat readiness, high survivability and resistance to damaging factors nuclear explosion, operational re-aiming and increased autonomy.

The quantitative and qualitative composition of nuclear weapons carriers and warheads of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as other components of strategic nuclear forces, has been limited since 1972 by the maximum levels established by the Treaties between the USSR (Russia) and the USA. In accordance with the Treaty between the USSR and the USA on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (1987), RSDs and launchers for them were destroyed, including 72 RSD-10 (“Pioneer”) missiles - by launching from field combat launch positions in districts Chita and Kansk.

In 1997, the Strategic Missile Forces, the Military Space Forces, the missile and space defense forces of the Air Defense Forces of the RF Armed Forces were united into a single branch of the RF Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces. Since June 2001, the Strategic Missile Forces have been transformed into 2 types of troops - Strategic Missile Forces and Space Forces.

The priority directions for the further development of the Strategic Missile Forces are: maintaining the combat readiness of the existing group of troops, maximizing the extension of the operational life of missile systems, completing the development and deployment at the required pace of modern stationary and mobile-based Topol-M missile systems, developing a system of combat command and control of troops and weapons, creating scientific and technical groundwork for promising models of weapons and equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Strategic Missile Forces includes:

Three missile armies (headquarters are located in the cities of Vladimir, Orenburg and Omsk);

State Central Interspecific Test Site;

10th Test Site (in Kazakhstan);

4th Central Research Institute (Yubileiny, Moscow Region);

Educational institutions (Peter the Great Military Academy in Moscow, military institutes in the cities of Serpukhov, Rostov-on-Don and Stavropol);

Arsenals and central repair plants, storage base for weapons and military equipment.

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Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN)

A branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, intended for strategic nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and defeat as part of strategic nuclear forces or independently massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes of strategic objects located in one or more strategic aerospace directions and forming the basis of the military and military -economic potential of the enemy. In a war with the use of conventional weapons, the Strategic Missile Forces, in interaction with the forces and means of the branches of the Armed Forces and other branches of the military, solve problems of maintaining their combat capability and ensuring the survivability of missile force groups, constantly maintaining readiness for their combat use (see Use of Strategic Missile Forces ). Main properties of the Strategic Missile Forces: high lethality combat power and combat readiness, the shortest possible time to complete combat missions, practically unlimited reach and high accuracy of nuclear missile strikes, the secrecy of their preparation, all-weather, survivability when exposed to the enemy during the war. The Strategic Missile Forces account for about 2/3 of the nuclear charge carriers and 3/4 of the total power of nuclear charges of strategic nuclear forces.

The Strategic Missile Forces include: military command and control bodies of the Strategic Missile Forces; missile armies, consisting of missile divisions and missile regiments; institutions, enterprises, research organizations and military educational institutions. The basis of the Strategic Missile Forces, as a branch of the Armed Forces (until 2001), consisted of 2 types of troops: in 1982-89 - troops intercontinental missiles and medium-range missiles; in 1989-97 - stationary and mobile troops. Since 1997, in connection with the integration of the Military Space Forces (see Space Forces) and the Rocket and Space Defense Forces into the Strategic Missile Forces, the division into clans has been abolished. The Strategic Missile Forces is headed by the commander (until 2001 - the commander-in-chief). The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with combat missile systems (CMS) with stationary and mobile missile launchers. Officer training is carried out at the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great in Moscow, at the Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces and the Rostov Military Institute of Missile Forces with a branch in Stavropol (see also Military education in the Strategic Missile Forces). There is a Museum of the History of the Strategic Missile Forces and a Museum of the Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great.

The origin of the Strategic Missile Forces is associated with the development of domestic and foreign missile weapons, then nuclear missile weapons, and the improvement of their combat use. The following stages are highlighted in the history of the Strategic Missile Forces: 1946-59 - the creation of nuclear weapons and the first models of guided ballistic missiles, the deployment of missile formations capable of solving operational problems in front-line operations and strategic tasks in nearby theaters of operations; 1959-65 - formation of the Strategic Missile Forces, deployment and putting on combat duty missile formations and units of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and medium-range missiles (RSMs), capable of solving strategic problems in military-geographical areas and in any theater of operations (see Strategic missile ); in 1962 the Strategic Missile Forces took part in Operation Anadyr; 1965-1973 - deployment of a group of intercontinental missile launchers with single launches (2nd generation missile launchers), equipped with monoblock warheads (see Warhead of a strategic missile), transformation of the Strategic Missile Forces into the main component of the strategic nuclear forces, which made the main contribution to the achievement of military strategic balance (parity) between the USSR and the USA; 1973-85 – equipping the Strategic Missile Forces with 3rd generation DBK ICBMs with multiple warheads and means of overcoming enemy missile defenses and mobile medium-range DBKs; 1985-92 – equipping the Strategic Missile Forces with intercontinental stationary and mobile 4th generation ballistic missile missile systems, liquidation (in 1988-91) of the RSD; since 1992 - formation of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, liquidation of ICBM missile systems on the territory of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and withdrawal of mobile Topol ballistic missile systems from Belarus to Russia, re-equipment of obsolete types of missile systems on ballistic missile systems with unified monoblock missiles stationary and mobile based "Topol-M" 5th generation. In November 1997, the Military Space Forces and the Rocket and Space Defense Troops of the Russian Air Defense Forces were included in the Strategic Missile Forces. Since June 2001, the Strategic Missile Forces have been transformed into 2 types of troops - the Strategic Missile Forces and the Space Forces.

The material basis for the creation of the Strategic Missile Forces was the creation in the USSR of new branches of the defense industry - the rocket and space industry and the nuclear ammunition industry. In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 13, 1946, cooperation between the leading ministries of industry was determined, research and experimental work began, and a Special Committee on Jet Technology was created under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The Ministry of the Armed Forces has formed: a special artillery unit for the development, preparation and launch of missiles, the Research Jet Institute of the Main Artillery Directorate (GAU), the State Central Range of Jet Technology (Kapustin Yar), the Directorate of Jet Weapons within the GAU. The first missile formation armed with long-range ballistic missiles was the Special Purpose Brigade of the Reserve of the Supreme High Command, formed on 08/15/1946 on the basis of the 92nd Gomel Mortar Regiment from the Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany. In December 1950, the 2nd Special Purpose Brigade was formed, and in 1951-55 - 5 more formations, which in 1953 received a new name - engineering brigades of the Reserve of the Supreme High Command (RVGK). Until 1955, they were armed with ballistic missiles R-1, R-2 with a range of 270 and 600 km, equipped with warheads with conventional explosives (general designer S.P. Korolev). By 1958, brigade personnel had conducted more than 150 combat training missile launches. In 1946-54, the brigades were part of the artillery of the RVGK and were subordinate to the artillery commander of the Soviet Army. In March 1955, the position of Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR for special weapons and rocket technology was introduced (Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelin), under which the Headquarters of rocket units was created. The combat use of engineering brigades was determined by the order of the Supreme High Command, the decision of which provided for the assignment of these formations to the fronts. The front commander controlled the brigades through the artillery commander.

In the 2nd half of the 50s. The strategic RSD R-5 and R-12 equipped with a nuclear warhead have been adopted into service with formations and units ( general designers S.P. Korolev, M.K. Yangel) with a range of 1200 and 2000 km. and ICBMs R-7 and R-7A. In 1958, the engineering brigades of the RVGK, armed with operational-tactical missiles, were transferred to the Ground Forces. The first ICBM formation was the facility with the code name "Angara" object (commander Colonel M.G. Grigoriev), formed at the end of 1958. In July 1959, the personnel of this formation carried out the first independent combat training launch of ICBMs in the USSR. In 1959, the USSR Armed Forces included 1 ICBM formation (code name Artillery Training Range), 7 engineering brigades and more than 40 RSD engineering regiments. Moreover, about half of the engineering regiments were part of the Air Force's long-range aviation.

The need for centralized leadership of troops equipped with strategic missiles determined the organizational design of a new type of Armed Forces. In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated December 17, 1959, the Strategic Missile Forces were created as an independent type of armed forces. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1995, this day is celebrated as an annual holiday - the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces. 12/31/1959 formed: Main Headquarters of the Missile Forces (see Headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces), Central Command Post of the Strategic Missile Forces with a communications center and a computer center, Main Directorate of Missile Weapons (see Office of the Chief of Armaments of the Strategic Missile Forces), Directorate combat training of the Strategic Missile Forces, a number of other departments and services. The Strategic Missile Forces included: the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, which was in charge of nuclear weapons; engineering formations previously subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense for Special Weapons and Jet Technology; missile regiments and control of 3 Air Force air divisions; arsenals of the Missile Forces, bases and warehouses of special weapons; Central missile repair plants. The Strategic Missile Forces also included research and testing centers: the 4th State Central Test Site of the Moscow Region (Kapustin Yar), created in 1946; 5th Research Test Site of the Ministry of Defense (Baikonur); separate scientific testing station (Klyuchi village on Kamchatka); testing center of the Ministry of Defense (leading missile research center) - 4th Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense (see: Fourth Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, Bolshevo, Moscow region). In 1963, on the basis of the Angara facility, the 53rd Research Test Site for Missile and Space Weapons of the Ministry of Defense was established (Plesetsk). On June 22, 1960, the Military Council of the Strategic Missile Forces was created, which included M.I. Nedelin (chairman), members – V.A. Bolyatko, P.I. Efimov, M.A. Nikolsky, A.I. Semenov, V.F. Tolubko, F.P. Tonkikh, M.I. Ponomarev.

In 1960, the Regulations on combat duty of units and subunits of the Strategic Missile Forces were put into effect. In order to centralize the combat control of the Strategic Missile Forces, their structure includes bodies (see Military command and control bodies of the Strategic Missile Forces) and control points at strategic, operational and tactical levels, automated communication systems and automated control systems for troops and weapons have been introduced. In 1960-61, on the basis of long-range aviation air armies, missile armies were formed, which included RSD formations. The engineering brigades and regiments of the RVGK were reorganized into missile divisions and RSD missile brigades, and the directorates of artillery training ranges and ICBM brigades were reorganized into the directorates of missile corps and divisions. The main combat unit in an RSD formation was a missile division, and in an ICBM formation - a missile regiment. Until 1966, the intercontinental DBK R-16 and R-9A were put into service (general designers M.K. Yangel and S.P. Korolev). The RSD has formed subunits and units armed with the R-12U, R-14U missile launchers with group silo launchers (general designer M.K. Yangel). The first missile formations and units were staffed mainly by officers from the Navy, Air Force, artillery and tank forces. Their retraining for missile specialties was carried out at training centers at test sites, at industrial enterprises and at courses at military educational institutions.

In the 2nd half of the 50s. the first were created as part of the Missile Forces military formations space missions, which in 1964 were united under the command of the Central Directorate of Space Facilities of the Moscow Region (TsUKOS MO). Organizational structure space units included a test department, separate engineering test units (ET) and a measuring complex at the Baikonur test site, Scientific Testing Directorates and separate scientific and measuring points of the Center of the Command and Measuring Complex. In 1970, TsUKOS MO was reorganized into the Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS MO). Work to create and improve space technology and coordinate the activities of space assets in the interests of all branches of the USSR Armed Forces was carried out directly under the leadership of the commanders-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces. In 1982, due to a significant increase in multifaceted tasks in space matters and an increased number of consumers of space research results, GUKOS and its subordinate units and institutions were withdrawn from the Strategic Missile Forces and subordinated directly to the USSR Ministry of Defense.

In 1965-73, the Strategic Missile Forces were equipped with 2nd generation ballistic missile missile systems RS-10 (1967), RS-12 (1967), R-36 (1968), dispersed over a large area (general designers M.K. Yangel, V.N. Chelomey ). In 1970, in order to improve troop leadership and increase the reliability of combat control, missile army directorates were created on the basis of the missile corps directorates. Formations and units with single silo launchers were capable of delivering a guaranteed retaliatory strike in any conditions at the start of the war. The 2nd generation missile launchers ensured remote launch of missiles in the shortest possible time, high hit accuracy and survivability of troops and weapons. The operating conditions for missile weapons have improved. In 1973-85, the Strategic Missile Forces adopted the stationary DBK RS-16, RS-20A, RS-20B and RS-18 (general designers V.F. Utkin and V.N. Chelomey) and the mobile ground DBK RSD-10 (“ Pioneer") (general designer A.D. Nadiradze), equipped with multiple individually targeted warheads. Missiles and control points for stationary ballistic missile systems were located in especially highly secure structures. The missiles use autonomous control systems from an on-board computer, providing remote re-aiming of the missiles before launch. In 1985-92, the Strategic Missile Forces were armed with ballistic missiles with RS-22 mine- and railway-based missiles (general designer V.F. Utkin) and modernized RS-20V mine-based and RS-12M (Topol) ground-based missiles (general designers V.F. Utkin and A.D. Nadiradze). These complexes have increased combat readiness, an extended period of autonomy, high survivability and resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, and allow for rapid retargeting of missiles.

The quantitative and qualitative composition of nuclear weapons carriers and warheads of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as other components of strategic nuclear forces, since 1972 is strictly limited by the maximum levels established by the Treaties between the USSR (RF) and the USA (see International treaties and agreements on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive weapons ). In accordance with the Treaty between the USSR and the USA on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (1987), RSDs and launchers for them were destroyed, including 72 RSD-10 (“Pioneer”) missiles - by launching from field combat launch positions in the areas of the city. Chita and Kansk.

Priority directions modern development The Strategic Missile Forces are: maintaining constant combat readiness of the existing group of troops, maximizing the extension of the service life of missile systems, completing the development and deployment at the required pace of modern stationary and mobile-based Topol-M missile systems, further developing the system of combat command and control of troops and weapons, creating scientific- technical developments on promising models of weapons and equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces.

The Strategic Missile Forces continue to carry out combat missions of a strategic scale and nature in peacetime in the form of strategic nuclear deterrence (see Deterrent actions of the Strategic Missile Forces). As part of the duty Strategic Missile Forces 6 thousand missile soldiers are on combat duty every day. The combat structure of the Strategic Missile Forces includes 3 missile army directorates with units and units of direct subordination, 12 missile divisions (including 4 stationary and 8 mobile based). They are armed with 398 launchers with stationary and mobile-based RS-18, RS-20B, RS-20V, RS-12M and RS-12M2 missiles.

Modern Strategic Missile Forces successfully carry out their intended tasks thanks to the state’s attention to improving the scientific, testing and production base of missile technology and weapons, training highly qualified missile personnel and creating the necessary conditions for them to carry out combat duty, as well as the creative use of 50 years of experience and traditions of the Missile Forces in increasing the combat readiness and combat capability of missile armies, divisions and regiments.

Leadership: Commanders-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces - Chief Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelin (December 1959 – October 1960); Marshal Soviet Union K.S. Moskalenko (October 1960 – April 1962); Marshal of the Soviet Union S.S. Biryuzov (April 1962 – March 1963); Marshal of the Soviet Union N.I. Krylov (March 1963 - February 1972); General of the Army, since March 1983 Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko (April 1972 – July 1985); Army General Yu.P. Maksimov (July 1985 – August 1992); Colonel General, since June 1996 Army General I.D. Sergeev (August 1992 – May 1997); Colonel General, since June 2000 Army General V.N. Yakovlev (July 1997 - May 2001); Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces - Colonel General N.E. Solovtsov (since June 2001);

Heads of the Strategic Missile Forces Political Directorate - Aviation Lieutenant General I.A. Lavrenov (May 1963 – December 1966); Colonel General N.V. Egorov (April 1967 – May 1970); Lieutenant General, since December 1972 Colonel General P.A. Gorchakov (August 1970 – December 1985); Colonel General V.S. Rodin (December 1985 – April 1991);

Chiefs of the Main Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces - Lieutenant General of Artillery, since May 1961 Colonel General of Artillery. Nikolsky M.A (May 1960 – December 1962); Lieutenant General of Aviation Lovkov M.A. (December 1962 – June 1966); Lieutenant General, since October 1967 Colonel General Shevtsov A.G. (June 1966 – September 1976); Colonel General Vishenkov V.M. (September 1976 – July 1987); Lieutenant General, since February 1988 Colonel General S.G. Kochemasov (July 1987 – September 1994); Lieutenant General, since December 1994 Colonel General V.I. Esin (November 1994 – December 1996); Lieutenant General, since February 1997 Colonel General Yakovlev V.N. (December 1996 – July 1997); Lieutenant General, since June 1998 Colonel General Perminov A.N. (September 1997 – May 2001); Chief of Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces - Lieutenant General S.V. Khutortsev (June 2001 – June 2006); Lieutenant General Shvaichenko A.A. (since June 2006).

Indices and names of intercontinental ballistic missiles, medium and short range USSR (RF)

Domestic name

Code name name

Operational combat index

Technology index

Under the SALT, START, INF treaties

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Strategic Missile Forces- one of the separate ones and represent the main ground component of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation.

They are subordinate to the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces and are obliged to always maintain combat readiness.
The missile forces are equipped with ground-based silo-based and mobile-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. They are often supplemented with nuclear warheads.

Strategic Missile Forces mission

At the beginning of their appearance, the role of nuclear weapons was assigned exclusively as an offensive weapon and to gain an advantage in military terms. In today's reality, this is more of a political means to move towards a goal, restraining aggressive opponents.

However, the deterrent factor is not only the global weapons themselves, but the presence of actual combat characteristics and wide possibilities of use in any situation.

With universal reach, colossal destructive power and without incurring unaffordable maintenance costs, strategic nuclear forces provide effective deterrence at lower costs. In relation to states with superior economic, quantitative resources and the level of equipment of troops with the latest highly effective conventional weapons.

The Strategic Missile Forces, with their daily combat readiness, provide our country with the opportunity to carry out a long and economically difficult reformation period of the Armed Forces and the entire military organization of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the Strategic Missile Forces is to provide nuclear deterrence of alleged attacks and retaliatory attack actions with their own or general forces of strategic purpose, with the execution of a large-scale, group and single nuclear missile strike on enemy targets of strategic purpose, which play a key role in the combat capability of the opposing side.

These objects can be located together or separately, at a significant distance.
In addition, the task is to implement nuclear deterrence. Powerful in these times nuclear shield and the mobile systems that complement it seem to be a significant argument for nuclear deterrence and the preservation of international stability.

History of the Strategic Missile Forces

The first developments of strategic missile weapons began in the post-war Soviet Union. Issued nuclear weapon And initial samples guided ballistic missiles, missile formations were deployed to quickly solve problems when conflict situations and strategically important tasks close combat use.

The MS-1 communications vehicle provides the Topol missile division with all types of communications during combat duty.

In the 50s, the first missiles began to be launched serially, and the need arose for the missile forces to organize centralized leadership. As a result, the formation of strategic missile forces occurred.

Strategic Missile Forces Day

The founding day of the Strategic Missile Forces should be considered December 17, 1959
The process of formation of the Strategic Missile Forces, deployment, and establishment of combat missile duty developed in relation to formations and units with intercontinental ballistic and medium-range missiles, designed to solve strategic problems with geographical dispersion throughout the world.

Being a type of troops, as a result of transformation by decree of the President of Russia, on March 24, 2001, they become a branch of the Armed Forces.

Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces

In 2010, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev was appointed to the post of Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, and he continues to perform his duties to this day.

Composition of strategic missile forces

The structure of the strategic missile forces has not changed since Soviet army. As before, it has armies (missile) which include missile divisions and missile regiments. For example, the 27th Guards Rocket Vitebsk Red Banner Army from headquarters in Vladimir, which includes five missile divisions

The components are headed by the main missile command of the troops. The location of the main testing ground Kapustin Yar is the Astrakhan region.

The region where the tests are carried out is based in Kazakhstan - the Sary-Shagan test site; a separate scientific testing station is based on the Kamchatka Peninsula - the Kura test site.

The Strategic Missile Forces also have:

  • 4th Central Research Institute,
  • Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great,
  • Serpukhov Military Institute of Missile Forces,
  • repair plants and bases.

The Strategic Missile Forces have 7 airfields and 8 heliports allocated for operation. The Strategic Missile Forces have been replenished with engineering units; they are equipped with engineering maintenance and camouflage vehicles, remote mine clearance machines, and KDM track-laying vehicles.

Armament of strategic missile forces

R-36M2 missiles (RS-20V, SS-18) are two-stage liquid-fueled, capable of carrying 10 warheads.
Their deployment took place in the late 80s and early 90s. Still retained on combat duty.

UR-100NUTTKH (SS-19) missiles are two-stage liquid-propelled, capable of carrying 6 warheads. Their deployment took place in the late 70s and early 80s. For now they remain on combat duty.

Topol (SS-25) ground-based missile systems are three-stage solid fuel, designed to carry one warhead. The deployment of missiles took place from the mid-80s to the early 90s.
IN this moment they are removed from service upon completion of the operational period.

The Topol-M (SS-27) missile system with the RS-24 Yars modification is a three-stage solid-fuel missile, originally had a monoblock version. The complex was created as a silo-based version and as a ground mobile version.
The deployment of the RS-24 mobile version complexes began in 2010.

Russian strategic missile system with solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile PC-24 "Yars"

Development of the Strategic Missile Forces

It should be noted that now our country does not have the opportunity to cover the entire territory of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This is not surprising, since more than half of intercontinental ballistic missiles have completed their operational period.

There is a need for improvements and new developments, but the reforms have not yet been completed. Certain states with their alliances enjoy a tangible advantage in general purpose forces. The current economic situation in our country gives the strategic nuclear forces the role of key military forces capable of compensating for potential military threats against us.

But it is not all that bad. New facilities are being put into operation to prevent missile attacks. Military satellites have been put into orbit, serving as the most important link in early warning systems.

Missile systems and nuclear missiles, according to the latest information, are not decreasing in number. They are being purposefully replaced by the latest developments, namely, the Topol-M and Yars mobile complexes.

Strategic missile system RT-2PM2 "Topol-M"

All technical innovations adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces require qualified maintenance. Training institutions and military registration and enlistment offices are familiar with this need. Lower-ranking military personnel and junior command personnel are required to have appropriate education, technical disciplines are more preferable in this case.

About the 47th Interspecies Regional training center Strategic Missile Forces, intended for training junior specialists, we wrote earlier.

The subsequent development of the Strategic Missile Forces in the form of the main points involves: maintaining combat readiness for the relevant military groupings, increasing the period of use of missile systems for the maximum period, accelerating the deployment of the latest Topol-M missile system with stationary and mobile deployment, improving the combat command and control systems of the army and weapons, gaining scientific and technical advantage of key equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Bottom line

Active steps are now underway for the latest missile rearmament, and it is predicted that by the 20th year new missile systems will account for just under 100 percent. Military units will also be provided with new equipment intended for combat duty. Combat management systems are being improved strategic missile forces