It's hard to overestimate. It's not for nothing that there are trees. They as a whole constitute a single ecosystem that affects life various types, on the soil, atmosphere, water regime. Many people have no idea what kind of disaster deforestation will lead to if it is not stopped.

The problem of deforestation

IN this moment the problem of cutting down trees is relevant for all continents of the earth, but this problem is most acute in countries Western Europe, South America, Asia. Intensive destruction of forests leads to the problem of deforestation. An area cleared of trees turns into a poor landscape and becomes unsuitable for life.

To understand how close the disaster is, you should pay attention to a number of facts:

  • more than half have already been destroyed, and it will take a hundred years to restore them;
  • now only 30% of the land is occupied by forests;
  • Regular cutting down of trees leads to an increase in carbon monoxide in the atmosphere by 6-12%;
  • Every minute, an area of ​​forest that is the size of several football fields disappears.

Causes of deforestation

Common reasons for cutting down trees include:

  • wood has high value as a building material and raw material for paper, cardboard, and the manufacture of household items;
  • forests are often destroyed in order to expand new agricultural land;
  • for laying communications and roads

In addition, a large number of trees suffer as a result, which constantly occur due to improper handling of fire. They also occur during the dry season.

Illegal deforestation

Quite often, cutting down trees occurs illegally. Many countries around the world lack institutions and people who can control the process of deforestation. In turn, entrepreneurs in this area sometimes commit violations, annually increasing the volume of deforestation. It is also believed that wood supplied by poachers who do not have a permit to operate also enters the market. There is an opinion that the introduction of a high duty on timber would significantly reduce the sale of timber abroad and, accordingly, would reduce the number of trees cut down.

Deforestation in Russia

Russia is one of the leading wood producers. Together with Canada, these two countries contribute about 34% of the total material exported to the world market. The most active areas where trees are cut down are in Siberia and the Far East. As for illegal logging, everything is resolved by paying fines. However, this does not contribute in any way to the restoration of the forest ecosystem.

The main result of cutting down trees is deforestation, which has many consequences:

  • climate change;
  • environmental pollution;
  • ecosystem change;
  • destruction large quantity plants;
  • animals are forced to leave their usual habitats;
  • deterioration of the atmosphere;
  • deterioration in nature;
  • soil destruction, which will lead to;
  • emergence of environmental refugees.

Permit for deforestation

Companies that cut down trees must obtain a special permit for this activity. To do this, you need to submit an application, a plan of the area where the felling is taking place, a description of the types of trees that will be cut down, as well as a number of papers for coordination with various services. In general, obtaining such permission is difficult. However, this does not completely rule out the illegality of deforestation. It is recommended that this procedure be tightened while the planet's forests can still be saved.

Sample permit for deforestation

What will happen to the planet if all the trees are cut down?

Ecology of life. Planet: Deforestation is one of the most important environmental problems. With the destruction of trees, many species of plants and animals die. The ecological balance in nature is disrupted. After all, a forest is not only trees. This is a well-coordinated ecosystem based on the interaction of many representatives of flora and fauna.

When the forest disappears, so does life.

By killing nature, we thereby deprive the lives of millions of living beings. In essence, we are sawing off the branch on which we are sitting. Thankfully he's thick enough! But this doesn't last forever.

Deforestation is one of the most important environmental problems. With the destruction of trees, many species of plants and animals die. The ecological balance in nature is disrupted. After all, a forest is not only trees. This is a well-coordinated ecosystem based on the interaction of many representatives of flora and fauna.

Deforestation leads to many negative consequences for the Earth and people:

  • The forest ecosystem is being destroyed, many representatives of flora and fauna are disappearing.
  • Reducing the amount of wood and plant diversity leads to a deterioration in the quality of life for most people.
  • The amount of carbon dioxide increases, which leads to the formation of the greenhouse effect.
  • Trees no longer protect the soil (the washing out of the top layer leads to the formation of ravines, and the lowering of the groundwater level causes the appearance of deserts).
  • Soil moisture increases, causing swamps to form.
  • Scientists believe that the disappearance of trees on mountain slopes leads to the rapid melting of glaciers.

Tropical forests occupy more than half of the total green area. Scientists have calculated that they serve as a habitat for 90% of all species of animals and plants on earth, which without the usual ecosystem could die. However, felling tropical forests is now progressing at an accelerated pace.

Forests are being cut down to make way for plantations and pastures.

Look at the statistics:

  • 164,000 square kilometers of tropical forests are destroyed per year.
  • In Costa Rica, 71% of cleared forests became grassland. Over the past 20 years, Nepal has lost almost half of its forest, mostly to support livestock.
  • 1 hectare of even new pasture can feed only one cow.
  • Latin America exported almost 8 million tons of soybeans in 1991, mainly for livestock feed.
  • Between 40 and 50% of all grains are eaten not by people, but by livestock. For soybeans this is 75%. Half of the world's wheat crop is used as livestock feed to support meat and milk consumption.
  • It takes 7-14 kg of grain, particularly corn and soybeans, to produce 1 kg of beef. We are talking about hundreds and thousands of hectares of grain crops, mainly in areas of cleared forests, only for meat production. This is not the most effective method production of protein foods. published

In many regions of Russia, illegal and uncontrolled cutting of trees is carried out systematically. According to World Wildlife Fund (WWF) estimates, Russia is losing about $1 billion due to illegal logging. Only in Arkhangelsk region Last year, inspectors recorded 359 cases of illegal logging, the losses from which amounted to 410,500,000 rubles ($12 million). You can find enough detailed information about changes in forestry that have occurred in last years.

Most high level illegal logging is observed in the north-west of Russia and in Far East. Increasing restrictions on timber harvesting in China has increased the demand for Russian timber. So the timber from the Far East is shipped to China, where sawmills and their Western customers destroy the valuable hardwoods of which we have less and less. The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) states that “80% of valuable timber is cut down illegally in the Far East.”

Half of all timber imported from Russia to the EU goes to Finland. Sweden, Germany, Great Britain and Italy are also major importers of wood from Russia.

Systematic destruction of forests causes significant damage wildlife, destroys the ecosystem, displaces animals from their original habitats. Intensive logging, according to WWF, threatens the existence of such animals as capercaillie, white-backed woodpecker, Amur tiger And amur leopard. Ash, linden, oak and cedar are disappearing. Also, deforestation is one of the main reasons for the increase in the greenhouse effect.

Despite the scale of the problem, lack of human resources, low salaries of foresters, lack of control directly in the forests and gaps in legislation make it difficult to prevent such criminal acts. Companies, under the guise of cutting down diseased trees, harvest healthy, valuable wood. Some tenants of plots transfer the right to cut to other companies, which harvest more than the permitted volumes, and the tenants then buy the wood from them along with the surplus. Poachers need to be caught by the hand so that law enforcement can bring them to justice. When the trees are removed from the place where they were cut down, it is no longer possible to present anything to the poachers. Sale of timber has become the main source of income for unscrupulous foresters and officials. In addition, many people resort to deforestation due to poverty and unemployment in order to feed their families.

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Tree growth rate. Growth Chart and Latest Research Is there global warming and is it caused by human activity? Soil erosion. Invisible and destructive

Ecological problems

Current problems of the natural environment and modern world varied. They pose a danger to the planet, both for its present and for the future of all humanity, and can only be resolved with the participation and cooperation of all countries and peoples of the world. The global solution to these problems depends on the material well-being and spiritual progress of humanity in a healthy environment.

Irrational human activity has caused great damage natural ecosystems and led to: depletion of soils and fresh water resources, reduction of forest area, extinction of animal and plant species, global environmental pollution and greenhouse effect, in turn, causing global warming, the formation of acid rain, ozone holes, desertification, etc. Exacerbation of these global problems signals a serious environmental crisis. Human influence on the entire planet has exceeded the self-healing capabilities of ecosystems. Human-influenced habitat changes became more widespread in the second half of the 20th century due to accelerated development of agriculture and industry, increased transportation, and expanded trade. Degradation of the natural environment also affects human health. There are already a significant number of cities where the effects of air pollution are felt, among them: Detroit, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Calcutta, Los Angeles, New York, etc. In these and other cities the number of diseases respiratory system in the population, including lung cancer, is high. Atmospheric pollution with lead, copper and aluminum leads to diseases of the nervous system.

To provide healthy image The life of all humanity and the development of a sustainable economy require joint efforts. No country alone can stabilize climate change and protect the fisheries resources of the World Ocean. These goals can only be achieved through global cooperation and interaction between countries.

Currently, the listed problems are being considered within the framework of international programs: the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program, the International Global Environmental Change Program, the Strategic Hazard Reduction Initiative natural Disasters, World Climate Programme. These projects will allow specialists in various countries to find ways to solve problems associated with environmental changes around the world.


Forests are the most important ecosystems on our planet. They cover approximately 30% (about 4 billion hectares) of the land surface, forming the planet's forest fund. In the geographical environment, forests perform many functions:

Climate function. Forests are the main supplier of oxygen (1 square kilometer of tropical forests produces about 11 tons of oxygen per day), weaken the influence of various climatic phenomena and serve to maintain climatic balance: they lower air temperature, increase humidity, reduce wind speed, etc.;

Hydrological function. Forests reduce the intensity of surface runoff after heavy rains, slow down the penetration of water into the soil, and practically preserve constant flow spring waters prevent mudflows, landslides, protect human habitation, agricultural lands, and transport routes from stormy flows;

Soil function. Organic matter accumulated by forests participates in the formation of soils; -economic function. Timber and other forest resources play an important role in human history;

Social function. Opportunities for leisure, tourism, satisfaction of aesthetic and spiritual needs;

Health function. Forests create a calm atmosphere with moderate air temperatures and a low content of harmful substances and impurities.

The reasons for the reduction of forest land around the world are the widespread use of wood in industry, the expansion of agricultural land, pastures, the construction of communication routes, etc. The exploitation of forests for a long time was extensive, exceeding its natural regenerative abilities. In the period 1980-1985 alone, about 280 million hectares were subject to deforestation, which is almost 15 million hectares per year. High rates of deforestation occurred in Brazil, Indonesia, the Philippines and other countries.

In the Mediterranean region, where natural broadleaf forests have disappeared completely, only shrubs and other less valuable species remain that have virtually no economic value. Reportedly various sources Over the past three centuries, the world's forest stock has shrunk by half or more.

Unfortunately, this process continues today due to the influence of the following factors:

Natural disasters (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, snow avalanches etc.) have a negative impact on forests. Thousands of hectares of forest were destroyed by natural disasters. They can reduce the forest area to a critical limit. The May 31, 1970 earthquake in Peru alone destroyed forests covering an area of ​​about 70 thousand square kilometers;

Forest fires. A decrease in forest area as a result of natural fires that occur during severe drought occurs in vast areas of Central Siberia, Australia, Canada, California, Indonesia and other regions. In Indonesia, 3.7 million hectares of forest burned in 1983. In Brazil, during a big fire in 1963, 5 million hectares of forest died. This confirms that even wet equatorial forests not protected from fire. Most often, fires in the natural environment occur from lightning. In the state of Nebraska (USA), one day there were 30 forest fires caused by lightning, five of which covered vast areas, causing damage worth millions of dollars. Some fires happen due to human negligence. In densely populated areas, the most common cause of wildfires is human activity and man-made technologies. With the development of tourism, the number of fires caused by unextinguished cigarettes, fires and the carelessness of children is growing.

Deforestation - wood is used for fuel, building material and for processing (furniture, lumber, pulp, paper, etc.). In some regions of the world (Africa, South Asia, South-East Asia) firewood is still the main type of fuel. Deforestation for industrial purposes has become excessive. From 3.2 to 3.5 billion m3 of wood is harvested annually, which far exceeds the natural regenerative capacity of the forest. Deforestation occurred in vast areas in the Amazon, Congo, etc. river basins, and the forests on these lands are being replaced by processes of soil erosion, etc. Given that forests are climate and hydrological regulators, deforestation in the equatorial regions of the Earth could lead to radical climate change. In this regard, there is a need to protect not just some forest areas or typical forests, but the entire forest fund of the planet; all forest development must certainly be accompanied by reforestation work.


Desertification is a global phenomenon and has enormous impact climatic conditions and increasing anthropogenic impact on environment. About half of the planet's territories suffer from droughts and desertification, both in arid zones and in irrigated and other areas. Desertification is a complex phenomenon of land degradation in deserts and semi-deserts, in the arid regions of the Earth. The causes of desertification are a reduction in precipitation and changes in its regime, climate warming, increased winds and increased evaporation rates, as well as economic activity person. Anthropogenic causes are represented by: overpopulation, irrational use of land (deforestation, desertification, pollution). Prolonged droughts lead to a significant reduction in water reserves in the soil, underground aquifers, and hydrographic network, which gives rise to processes leading to desertification. A dry, salty crust forms on the soils. From deserts, dunes gradually move to adjacent territories.

The phenomenon of desertification intensified in the last years of the 20th century in many drylands, especially in the southern Sahara Desert, where ecosystems with xerophilous vegetation were destroyed by overgrazing and use as agricultural land in the southern Sahara.

Dry periods in last decades aggravated and expanded the process of desertification in different regions world and caused the most serious consequences. At the end of the 20th century, there was an excessive reduction in pastures in the savannah zone of North Africa on the border with the Sahara Desert. The phenomenon of desertification currently covers approximately 25% of the land surface - this is more than 110 countries with a population of almost one billion inhabitants. The areas most affected by desertification are found in Africa, South Asia, North America, Australia, Europe.

The fight against desertification is a global problem caused by climate change and increasing pressure human society on the environment. Taking all this into account, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification was adopted in 1994, which provides for cooperation among countries around the world to reduce this phenomenon.

Global climate change

One of the pressing global problems arising as a result of human activity is the change in the Earth's climate, both in the sense of warming and the exacerbation of climate-related natural disasters. Meteorologists and climate scientists involved in research in this area are divided in their recognition of the seriousness of the situation, with some seeing it as a result of human activities and others attributing slow global changes climate to normal cyclical phenomena.

Priority attention to this problem is caused by the following conditions: even the slightest changes in climate have a certain impact on human activity, primarily on Agriculture; climate change may turn into natural disasters (for example, periods of maximum and minimum temperatures(periods of extreme heat and severe frosts), droughts, heavy rains with floods).

A deeper understanding of the mechanism of climate change requires a thorough study of the climate system, including the relationships between the following components: atmosphere, earth's crust, ionosphere, biosphere, taking into account the anthropogenic factor. This is essentially the purpose of climate monitoring. The main types of human activities affecting the climate system:

Direct impact on the atmosphere in the form of thermal effects, changes in air humidity, etc.;

Impact on physical and Chemical properties atmosphere, in particular, electrical and radiation characteristics. This factor can cause an increase in the concentration of CO2, N02, freon, methane, etc. in the troposphere;

Impacts on the upper atmosphere primarily affect the ozone layer;

The impact on the underlying surface changes the albedo and gas exchange processes between the ocean and the atmosphere.

Some activities may be classified into more than one impact category at the same time. For example, forest fires lead to direct heating of the atmosphere, increasing the amount of aerosols, CO2 and other gases that change the albedo of the affected underlying surface. In fact, these phenomena have a multifaceted impact on natural landscapes and change them. appearance, and also affect human health. Over the past century, the Earth's temperature has been constantly rising, a phenomenon that became more noticeable after the 70s of the last century.

The Council of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, consisting of respected scientists, as well as participants in recent international conferences. It is argued that if the use of fossil fuels continues to grow, then by 2050 the average annual temperature on the planet will increase to +19 degrees. A very rapid increase represents serious problem, as this will lead to extreme climate events, including widespread flooding, droughts and intensified hurricanes. According to statistics, almost half of the natural disasters occurring on the planet are associated with atmospheric processes.

Stabilizing the climate on Earth means, first of all, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by almost 60%. And this requires the participation of all governments and awareness of possible danger at all levels.

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The problem of deforestation did not arise yesterday or even a hundred years ago. Since the era of colonization, people have been destroying trees without even looking. They are clearing the territory for new settlements and economic needs. However, many do not even think that the uncontrolled destruction of green spaces leads to the depletion of important ecosystems and loss of biological diversity.

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the volume of forests cut down.

The importance of forests for ecology

  • Oxygen production and purification. Everyone knows from childhood that forests are the lungs of the planet, but not everyone understands how true this statement is. One mature tree produces enough oxygen for three people.
  • Reduced dust levels. Taking into account the number of polluting factors with which a person surrounds himself, the importance of this function for the environment is great. One hectare of forest can stop up to 100 tons of dust.
  • Adjustment and cleaning water balance planets. In spring, a time of abundance melt water, forest floor accumulates water. Subsequently, this reserve helps to preserve deep rivers and lakes.
  • Noise insulation. Trees help reduce road noise by 11 decibels.
  • Soil protection from landslides and mudflows. The root system forms a fairly dense weave of roots, compacting the soil.

A forest is an ecosystem with unique flora and fauna. Rampant deforestation is slowly but surely leading to real environmental disaster for the whole planet.

Main reasons for deforestation

Man began to cut down green areas out of a desire to keep warm and prepare food for himself. It's the 21st century, but this reason still remains relevant.

Millions of cubic meters of felled trees are used to build houses. This is one of the main reasons for the destruction of plantations.

Agriculture has always occupied a leading place in human life. Thousands of centuries-old trees were cut down for the sake of new fields and pastures. This problem acquired new dimensions two hundred years ago, when technology came to the aid of man.

The development of industry has given new round the problem of deforestation. Hectares of plantings are cut down for the construction of factories, mines, and open-pit mines.

Current world situation

Compared to other countries, Russia does not look the most attractive on the issue of deforestation.

A country Number of hectares (thousands)
Russia 4,139
Canada 2,450
Brazil 2,157
USA 1,736
Indonesia 1,605
Congo 608
China 523
Malaysia 465
Argentina 439
Paraguay 421

As a result of the reduction in the share of plantations on the planet, hundreds of thousands of animal and flora are on the verge of extinction. The statistics are inexorable; about 20 hectares of forest resources are destroyed every minute. Deforestation has reached global proportions. All progressive humanity regards it as nothing other than an environmental problem, a disaster that must be fought.

Deforestation in Siberia (light fields – cleared hectares of forest)

Russia's attitude towards its own forest reserves cannot be called prudent. In our country, a huge number of trees are dying due to the will of man. Valuable species are destroyed coniferous trees, due to the cutting down of trees in Siberia, the area began to become swampy.As a result of the decrease in forest resources in the Caucasus, rivers began to overflow more and more, causing damage to fields and populated areas. On Sakhalin, the harvest of salmon fish has decreased significantly, since due to the wholesale cutting down of trees in the river basins, their bottoms become unsuitable for fish spawning.

Now, in order for Russia to restore all the damage from cutting down trees, it takes 100 years, but on the condition that during this time not a single tree is cut down.

Why are forests being cut down in Russia?

The main reason for deforestation is to obtain timber. It is extremely rare that clearing is carried out in order to obtain new fields or sites for production facilities.

  • Export - most of Russian timber goes to other countries that do not want to destroy their own forests.
  • Production of paper and other materials based on timber.
  • Construction material for buildings.
  • Use as fuel.
  • In the chemical industry, wood is used to produce chemical substances, for example, oils.
  • Manufacturing musical instruments, toys, interior items and more.

Groups of forests by their significance

Forest plantations in Russia, according to their environmental and functional significance, are divided into three groups, taking into account their social significance.

  • Protective – forests that perform water protection and protective functions. Forest plantations growing on the banks of rivers, in protected areas, this also includes natural monuments. This category of forests in Russia includes 17% of all forest plantations.
  • Reserve - about 7% of forests are planted in areas of high population density. It is possible to use such plantings for timber production, but it is limited.
  • Operational - the most large group, this includes 75% of plantings (the main source of timber).

Classification of fellings by purpose

Deforestation causes enormous harm. But in some cases, this process does much more good than harm. There are four types of fellings. They all have their own goals and objectives. Required condition– planting new trees.

  • Main use;
  • Plant care;
  • Sanitary;
  • Complex.

Main use

In this case, cutting can be done either in a continuous massif or in a selective or gradual manner. In the first case, everything goes to the log house except the young animals. With the selective method, the emphasis is on old, overgrown, diseased trees, and dead wood. With gradual felling, the process occurs in several stages. First, diseased, overgrown trees that interfere with the development of young trees are removed. After 6-9 years the process is repeated. The cut down forest is used in production.

Plant care

The purpose of such forest cutting is to remove young trees that interfere with growth valuable species trees, limiting their access to nutrients.

Complex felling

In this case, the person is faced with the task of cutting down every tree that comes along the way. This method is used when it is necessary to clear an area of ​​all vegetation. For example, when laying power lines, highways, organizing farmland, etc.

Sanitary felling

This type of felling is aimed at improving the health of forest areas. In this case, old, diseased trees damaged by fires are removed.

What is it and how to obtain a logging permit

Before you start chopping forest area You must obtain permission; such a document is called a “Cutting Ticket.” To obtain such paper, you will need to provide a number of documents.

  • A statement that clearly states the rationale for the felling;
  • Plan of the territory where deforestation is planned;
  • Taxation description of the area where the work is planned.

Getting a “Cutting Ticket” is not easy. You will need to coordinate your actions with regulatory organizations. The cost of the ticket is commensurate with the amount of compensation for the natural resource obtained as a result of the work.

Illegal logging and liability for it

The complexity of obtaining official permission and the strictness of legislation do not protect against poachers. What does illegal logging lead to? For such a violation, liability is provided, both administrative and criminal. The latter is provided for damage exceeding 5,000 rubles. Otherwise, you can get off with an administrative fine. Individual will pay the state 3000-5000 rubles. The official will contribute 20-30 thousand rubles from the state treasury.

Possible consequences of forest destruction

  • Problem global warming is hanging over humanity more and more acutely. Scientists argue a lot about the reasons. Undoubtedly, uncontrolled deforestation is one of the main causes of this environmental problem.
  • The natural water cycle is also under threat. Trees are the most active performer in this process.
  • As a result of cutting down forests, considerable damage is caused to the earth. The likelihood of soil erosion increases, as a result of which fertile layers turn into desert unsuitable for further use.

What would happen if you cut down all the forests on the planet?

Uncontrolled destruction of forests on the planet leads to a global environmental problem. If all the trees on the planet disappear, the first thing a person will feel is that the noise level will increase significantly, because trees are a sound filter.

Many will answer that a person will suffocate very soon, but this is a misconception. Trees produce only a third of the planet's oxygen. The majority of oxygen production comes from marine organisms, algae and phytoplankton. But the likelihood of floods, on the contrary, will increase significantly. Reserves clean water on the planet will also fall sharply. - inevitable result.

A harsh climate with unstable moisture levels and a poor ecosystem means unaccountable deforestation is inevitable, leading to the fact that life on the planet will become a difficult test.

Basic ways to solve the problem

One way is to plant new trees. The existing forest fund also needs to be maintained in a viable condition.

  • Creation of protected forest areas;
  • Carry out measures to reduce fire hazards;
  • Implement tougher penalties against illegal deforestation;
  • Informing people about the dangers of total tree cutting is one of the effective measures.

The problem of illegal tree cutting is acute, and if humanity’s attitude to this issue is not changed in the near future, a world-class tragedy is inevitable.

Extensive forest conservation practices

The destruction of green spaces is a problem not only for Russia. This is the problem of all humanity. Therefore, the solution to the issue of numerical reduction of the forest fund must be global.

Trying to reach a consensus, the leaders of all countries and public organizations hold joint meetings and summits on the problems of deforestation and deforestation. The main task is to convey to people’s consciousness the scale of the impending problem.