This project involves the development of services and promotion of this dental clinic in an already established market.

From all of the above, it follows that the purpose of this project is to study the mechanisms of business planning in economic activity enterprises and development of a business plan for a dental clinic.

Project objectives:

  1. study literary sources;
  2. describe the business plan and its significance;
  3. analyze business planning from the point of view of its significance for the economic activities of the enterprise.

The clinic will include the following services:

  • therapeutic dentistry;
  • orthopedic dentistry;
  • children's dentistry;

Clinic capacity:

  • 60 people on a busier day.

A dental clinic will achieve success among its potential clients due to its advantages over competitors:

  1. wide price range;
  2. the ability to keep prices lower than competitors;
  3. highly qualified trained personnel;
  4. high quality of services provided;
  5. use of the latest modern technologies in the field of dentistry;
  6. card services;
  7. providing discounts.

To implement the project, an amount of about 6,500,000 rubles is required.

2. Description of the business, product or service

Throughout the civilized world, the system of private clinics is developing more and more rapidly, where the best doctors go to work. A private clinic is one of the most profitable and fastest-growing types of business. With the global deterioration of the environment year after year, the number of potential patients is increasing; with the rising standard of living, Russians are ready to spend more and more on their health.

Among the most promising areas of investment in medicine are investments in dental, venereological, gerontological, and drug treatment clinics.

The main purpose of the clinic is outpatient treatment and preventive services for the population.

The clinic building has the following departments:

  • therapeutic dentistry;
  • orthopedic dentistry;
  • children's dentistry;

Clinic capacity:

  • 30-50 people per work shift;
  • 60 people on a busier day

The clinic is located in the city center, has attractive appearance, quite landscaped, a positive feature is a well-developed transport network.

The presence in the Clinic of autonomous dental offices (without double chairs), a surgical dentistry office with preoperative and sterilization rooms, a diagnostic room for X-ray and radiovisiography allows us to fully provide all types of dental care. The Clinic meets the necessary sanitary and hygienic requirements for modern medical institutions. All this was created after summarizing and analyzing the work of many foreign and best domestic clinics.

According to the standard, the sizes of the rooms (using the example of a treatment room):

  • length - 11m;
  • depth - 6m;
  • height - 3.5m;
  • area - 66 sq.m.;
  • cubic capacity - 231 cubic meters.

The office contains 3 dental chairs arranged in 2 rows. There are 2 chairs in the first row (closer to the window), and 1 chair in the second row. All offices are fully equipped with modern equipment that meets international standards:

  1. dental chairs, dental units;
  2. office desk, medicine cabinet;
  3. table for placing sterile instruments;
  4. table for medicines and filling materials;
  5. sterilization units;
  6. 2 sinks for washing hands and tools;

Separately, it should be noted that the team of specialists at the clinic is very solid and at the same time young. The advantage of the Clinic’s specialists is that, in addition to advisory assistance They also carry out medical work. The level of assistance provided goes far beyond the treatment, removal or prosthetics of the tooth(s): malocclusion and occlusion, pathology of the muscles of the maxillofacial area (bruxism), changes in the temporal joint (dysfunction), complex cases of prosthetics of toothless jaws, jaw surgery, complex cases of dental implantation and other types of highly qualified care. In difficult cases, a joint consultation of specialists is carried out with the drawing up of a complete treatment and prosthetic plan.

The clinic pays significant attention to preventing cross-infection. This is one of the pressing problems of modern medicine and especially dentistry. Patients of the Clinic are completely protected from infection. The sterilization room is equipped with the latest devices and equipment that ensure complete disinfection of all instruments with ultrasonic treatment, including dental handpieces and assistant’s instruments. The clinic uses only disposable certified consumables.

In general, the working conditions of doctors can be considered satisfactory. The positive aspect is that all branches are located in the same building. The proximity of the highway, on the one hand, creates conditions for communication with the population, but on the other hand, it is a source of dust and noise effects. Therefore, it can be recommended to increase the percentage of landscaping on the site.

In the conditions of market relations, dentistry finds itself in very unusual circumstances, the main one of which is the need to attract and constantly expand the circle of patients.

3. Description of the sales market

A survey was conducted of the owners of the 10 largest dental clinics providing paid services. The questionnaire contained questions about the number of clients of this type of service, the growth rate of the number of clients since last year, and preferences. These 10 dental clinics cover 88% of the market for providing medical services in the field of dentistry in Yekaterinburg. Based on the questionnaires, a table was compiled.

Average performance of competing organizations

Analysis of the market segment of dental clinics providing paid services

The analysis method was based on the distribution of questionnaires among organizations in the field of investment. As a result of data processing, the following results were obtained for the market segment in Yekaterinburg.

Average performance of competitors for a specific segment

The 10 largest clinics share 88% of this market segment. The peculiarity of this market segment is:

  • Not many clients, but high payment for the service
  • The latest technologies are used for prosthetics
  • Regular customers are provided with benefits

The total volume of the market the company enters is 4.3 million rubles. + 2.780 million rub. = 7.080 million rub. with average growth rates (15% + 21%)/2=18% per year. The market is promising and rapidly growing. According to research by the consulting firm Nevada-Plus, similar growth rates will continue for the next 2 to 3 years.

Entry of a company into the market

Symbols of dental clinics in Yekaterinburg:

1 - “Dentist”; 2 - “32”; 3 - “Master Dent”; 4 - “Spectra”; 5 - “Avanstom”; 6 - “DentoEl”; 7 - “DentArt”; 8- “Classic dentist”; 9- “Healthy glow”; 10- “Dentistry Plus”.

Thus, according to experts, the competitiveness of our products is at the level of competitiveness of large dental clinics (1-20/29) * 100 = 7% The competitiveness of our products is mainly achieved due to low prices and a high level of service. A further increase in competitiveness is possible due to carefully developed marketing strategy of the company.

4. Sales and marketing

One of the main activities of the dental clinic “Smile” was the development of a set of marketing activities for dental services provided in the clinic’s departments.

We have assessed the competitive advantages of Ulybka dentistry in the field of marketing dental services:

  • Skill and experience of doctors, high quality of services

These factors play a key role for Smile Dentistry. The qualifications of dental staff are quite high.

There are 5 dentists working in dentistry (2 - first category, 3 - second category). The dentist at Ulybka Dentistry became a prize-winner of the All-Russian competitions for dental technicians in 2000. (Ekaterinburg) and 2001 (Moscow city). Another dental technician took second place at the All-Russian competition of dental technicians in 2001. (Moscow city).

Such high qualifications of the staff of the orthopedic department allow us to provide high-quality dental services using modern technologies.

Indirect, but very significant evidence of the high authority and qualifications of the staff of the orthopedic department are the answers of patients to the questionnaire about priority motivations for a paid appointment.

The department's doctors provide orthopedic care for all major nosological dental diseases: defects of hard dental tissues, pathological abrasion, partial and complete loss of teeth, periodontal diseases, dentofacial anomalies, maxillofacial pathology.

  • Flexible pricing

In order to ensure clinical consultation by doctors of all levels of training, several levels of prices have been introduced for certain types of prosthetics and treatment. This allows Ulybka Dentistry to receive patients from different segments of the population. Prices for prosthetics at a paid appointment can be either lower or higher than market prices - depending on consumer loyalty, the service provided, and the image of the product. This principle is used by firms that have competitors.

  • Individual contact with the patient.

IN modern conditions There is an increasing need to comply with the norms and rules of ethics and deontology, and to improve the level of culture of medical practice. Subjective relationships between employees, the psychological climate in the team, and the doctor’s ability to establish contact with the patient are important components of the overall success of any clinic.

  • Favorable location.

Dentistry "Smile" is located in the center of Yekaterinburg at the intersection of main transport communications, next to public transport stops; There is a parking lot near the building for staff and patients, which makes it easier for residents of both the city and its suburbs to visit the clinic.

  • Favorable conditions for selling services.

The entire environment of a dental clinic affects the subconscious of patients. To get a positive effect, visitors need to be provided with comfort, peace, and a friendly attitude. To achieve these goals, dentistry has carried out major renovation premises, much attention is paid to the selection of medical personnel.

  • Focus on the consumer, his needs and wishes.

Taking into account the specifics of dentistry, to increase the flow of patients, the clinic’s work schedule has been introduced from 9-00 to 19-00; Consultative appointments and appointments on Saturdays were introduced; An X-ray room was opened, and year-round operation of the orthopedic department was organized. Dental employees continue clinical work (if desired) while on vacation, which has a positive impact on performance. In addition, the recruitment period after employees return from vacation is significantly shortened; during the vacation period, the flow of patients does not stop, they do not go to other dental institutions.

In proportion to the number of patients, the income of dental clinics from the provision of paid dental services also increases. Thus, in 2008, the share of this income increased 4.5 times compared to 2004 and amounted to 55%, exceeding the share of total income for 2004 and 2005.

5. Production plan

To organize the work of the “Smile” dental clinic, it is planned to purchase two one-room apartments with an area of ​​68 m2, located at the address: Karl-Marx Avenue, building 143, apartments 3 and 4. The apartments are located on the first floor of a nine-story residential building.

The estimated cost of the apartments is 4,000,000 rubles.

Re-registration of premises from residential to non-residential RUB 82,950.

The apartments need to be remodeled and renovated at a total cost of 508,300 rubles. In the repair (reconstruction) of apartments it is assumed:

  1. Redevelopment of apartments - 270,000 rubles;
  2. Replacing the floor covering with linoleum - 21,000 rubles;
  3. Gluing new wallpaper (washable) - 27,000 rubles;
  4. Replacement of plumbing fixtures (toilet, sinks, etc.) - 9,800 rubles;
  5. Extension of stairs from the balcony side - 16,800 rubles;
  6. Laying a brick path - 8400 rubles;
  7. Replacing an old door with a plastic one - RUB 20,200;
  8. Other expenses - 19,100 rubles.

Price repair work- 116,000 rub.

Expenses for public utilities- 7130 rub. (1 month), telephone - 300 rub. (1 month), electricity 2500 rub. (1 month).

A visitor enters our dental clinic and enters the reception area, where he is met by an administrator who is interested in what kind of dental care or consultation he would like to receive in our clinic. If such a service is provided in our clinic, the administrator invites the client to take off his outer clothing and escorts him to the doctor providing this service, if the doctor is free, otherwise he offers to either wait or make an appointment at a time convenient for him.

A doctor provides a medical service to a client. After which the client pays at the administrator, gets dressed and leaves.

Basic equipment necessary for organizing the work of the dental clinic “Ulybka”

6. Organizational structure

For our dental clinic, we choose such an organizational and legal form as a Limited Liability Company, with an authorized capital of 5,500,000 rubles.

This legal form will be beneficial for the Ulybka dental clinic, since there are founders who invest their own funds in opening the clinic.

The cost of registering Ulybka LLC is 12,000 rubles.

We are choosing the following management structure for Ulybka LLC. The supreme body of Ulybka LLC is general meeting founders, which considers financial and organizational issues related to the use of profits and the direction of development of this clinic.

To implement production activities LLC "Smile" is required:

  1. Dentist - 5 people; Higher education, 5 years of work experience, recommendations.
  2. Nurse - 2 people, medical education or special courses, work experience of more than 1 year.
  3. Nurse - 2 people. Secondary specialized education, at least two years of work experience,
  4. Administrator - 1 person. Secondary specialized education, at least two years of work experience, characteristics, good appearance, ability to communicate with people.
  5. Accountant - 1 person. Higher education, work experience of at least 5 years, self-employed.
  6. Cleaning lady - 1 person, no bad habits, no older than 55 years.
  7. Security guard - 1 person, secondary specialized education, license.

The director manages the work of Ulybka LLC and decides everything financial questions related to the ongoing work of the clinic.

The main functions of the director are:

  • Development of organizational development strategies;
  • Analysis external environment(control of the market for raw materials, competitors, new technologies);
  • Organizes the work of the accountant and administrator;
  • Pays salaries.

An accountant keeps the company's books and prepares financial reports.

The administrator communicates with clients, signs up for the provision of services, monitors the work of staff, accepts and transmits applications for the purchase of necessary raw materials and supplies.

Dentists, nurses, and orderlies provide services to clients, write checks to clients, and submit applications to the administrator for the purchase of a certain amount of consumables.

The cleaning lady cleans all the halls, toilets, sinks, and submits applications to the administrator for the purchase of the necessary supplies for cleaning the premises.

Principles of remuneration:

When applying for a job at Ulybka LLC, employees will enter into an agreement, which will indicate the salary:

  • Director - 45,000 rubles.
  • Administrator - 8000 rub.
  • Accountant - 25,000 rub.
  • Dentist salary is 10,000 rubles plus 20% of the cost of services provided.
  • Nurse from 6000 rub. plus 5% of the cost of services provided.
  • Nurse from 5000 rub.
  • Security guard from 9000 rub.
  • Cleaning lady 4000 rub.

To reduce overhead costs, we plan to enter into a contract with a supplier Supplies, which will stipulate that the larger the volume of materials we buy, the greater the discount they will give us. And also seek discounts as their regular customers.

Our regular supplier of consumables will be Medtechnika OJSC, with which we will enter into a long-term contract, which will specify the terms of delivery and payment for consumables.

Delivery conditions: We will take products for sale from the warehouse of a wholesale store, which allows us to purchase consumables at 20% lower than the average from other suppliers.

The supply of products from this supplier is carried out on a monthly basis. Costs for consumables are approximately 26,000 rubles.

7. Financial plan

The purpose of developing this financial plan is to determine the effectiveness of the provision of dental services.

The total investment requirement is about 5,000,000 rubles.

Based on the above statistics, we will analyze the dynamics of the amount of investment costs.

From the above graph it can be seen that the main part of investment costs falls on the first quarter of the project.

This investment project is fully financed through borrowed funds - a simple long-term bank loan

Conditions and loan scheme:

  • investment funds are credited to the account of Ulybka LLC in one tranche on 01/09/2009 in the amount of 5,000,000 rubles;
  • loan repayment period is 5 years;
  • loan provision fee 6% per annum in rubles;
  • the deferment of the first interest payment will be 1 month;
  • further interest payments on the loan occur regularly - once a month;
  • repayment of the loan principal begins 1 year after the date of commissioning of the soy products processing complex;

The repayment scheme for an investment loan, taking into account discounting at the project rate, is presented in the following table.

Investment loan repayment schedule

Principal amount at the beginning of the year

Payment of interest on the loan

Payment of principal

Principal amount at the end of the year



1.1.Features of the development of dental activities in the Russian Federation.. 7

1.2. Specifics of creating a new enterprise in this type of activity. 7

1.3. Features of demand. 10

1.4. Characteristic material base of this type of activity. 13

1.5. Specifics of organizing the work of a new enterprise in this type of activity 14


2.1. Analysis of industry development factors over the last 3-5 years. 20

2.2.Analysis of external factors in the development of a new enterprise. 21

2.2.1. Choosing a location for a new enterprise. 21

2.3.Marketing research of the market and services in the selected area. 27

2.3.1.Development of a questionnaire and organization of potential consumers of these services 27

2.3.2. Calculation of the production program for opening dentistry. 29

2.4.Analytical assessment of competitors' activities. 34

2.5.Analysis of suppliers. 36

2.6. Conclusions on the analytical part. 40


3.1.Measures for creating a new enterprise. 42

3.1.1.Formation of the material base.. 42

3.1.2.Formation statutory documents. 42

3.1.3.Registration of a new enterprise. 42

3.1.4. Registration of a license. 44

3.2.1.Selection organizational structure and management structure of the new enterprise. 47

3.2.3.Office equipment. 49

3.2.4. Product development. 51

3.2.5. Organization of sales activities and responsibility. 53

3.2.6. Participation in exhibitions. 54

3.3. Information support for the project. 56

3.4. Legal support of the project. 57




There is a misconception that in order to open a clinic you need to be a dentist and understand the medical aspects of the treatment process. Practice shows that, on the contrary, dentists rarely make good clinic managers, and they certainly have to leave practice and retrain as managers. The most famous and quite successful dental clinics, which have now become network clinics - such as Masterdent, Denta-Vita, Dento El and others, were not created by doctors. Although, of course, it is the dentists who manage the treatment process. But it’s a healing process, not a business.

In recent years, the dental business has experienced rapid development. In 2003, prices for dental services increased by almost 40-60%, at a slower pace, but they continued to grow in 2004-2005. Every year dozens of new dental clinics open in Moscow. It would seem that there are fewer and fewer open niches for entrepreneurship in this area, but investments in this business are still considered one of the most promising types of investment. Of course, the dental business is one of the most closed types of business. A potential investor has to collect information about him literally bit by bit. We will try to lift the veil of secrecy by introducing you to economic indicators, the current state of the dental services market and trends in its development.

There are several most difficult and important stages in building a private dental business - choosing a business model for a dental clinic, finding the “highlights” in the types of services, building customer service, and developing a promotion program. A huge selection of dental equipment and materials also creates certain difficulties for the clinic owner - should he trust the advice of practicing dentists or listen to the opinion of specialist technologists? Serious requirements of supervisory authorities impose special responsibility on the design of a dental clinic - in common sense and economic calculations that require that every square meter generate as much revenue as possible, SES requirements intervene, forcing the allocation of auxiliary areas that do not generate income - a sterilization room, a staff rest room, additional bathrooms, etc.

The process of creating and promoting a dental clinic is the most difficult and responsible period, which often becomes not only a joyful event for the owner, but is also accompanied by a huge number of questions and problems. It is at the first stage that most mistakes are made, which subsequently hurt the investor’s wallet. How to choose the right premises, how to design a clinic so that every meter of space generates income, how to choose those services that are in demand by patients and the prices that bring maximum profit, how to select a professional team, how to go through the grindstone of obtaining permits, how to promote a clinic - with Every beginner faces these and many other questions when creating a dental business.

Life shows that a profitable dental institution can be created only with the preliminary detailed and professional development of its project, with the calculation of a business plan, finding highlights in the range of services, with the competent selection of equipment, with the construction of a business model that is as independent as possible from personnel, with the creation a special emotional atmosphere of customer-oriented service that could not be copied.

We have collected here a lot of information on how to create a dental clinic and how to promote it. Familiarization with the proposed materials provides answers to general issues creating a dental business. But at the same time, you should not consider what you read as a tutorial on how to create your own private dentistry - the medical services market is changing, it is developing rapidly. Some information becomes outdated - with at different speeds for each region. Conditions are changing, the number of clinics created by talented entrepreneurs and newcomers is growing, bringing something new to this business. More and more new “flavors” are appearing - in the types of services, in providing them to clients, new types of materials and equipment are appearing, management procedures are being improved, and requirements for the organization of customer service are growing. Few people talk about their findings, new solutions and moves, releasing information into the public domain. Therefore, be soberly aware that when reading information about the dental business today, you are getting acquainted with the yesterday of this business, and today and, most importantly, tomorrow always remains behind the scenes. Creating your clinic according to the model of yesterday is the same as being half a step behind the start line in a hundred-meter race. You can catch up, but only if you run faster than others, and most importantly, in the right direction.


1.1 Features of the development of dental activities in the Russian Federation

Dental practice is historically one of the oldest areas of medical business. The dental business is based on a very stable demand - a person has many teeth, and when at least one of them hurts, anyone is ready to give everything they have to get rid of the misfortune. But after treatment, any of us forgets to take care of our teeth, and the story of toothache repeats itself again and again. And - a paradox! The longer a person endures pain and postpones going to the dentist, the more expensive treatment costs him. It’s cynical, but it’s true: the ostrich policy, namely the fear of going for treatment until everything is running, has enriched more than one generation of dentists.

Is the dental business profitable? To find out the answer to this question, don’t be too lazy to go to the exhibition “Dental Expo” or “Dental Salon”, look at the luxurious two-story pavilions of exhibitors, at the top-class cars parked in the parking lot - you will see that the level of income of participants in the dental market is much higher than from other representatives Russian business. By the way, in the West, the dental business is also far from in last place in terms of attractiveness. To be honest, it requires more initial investment than a restaurant or salon. But it is not subject to fashion, sustainable, stable and all-season.

1.2 Specifics of creating a new enterprise in this type of activity

The creation of each clinic takes into account the best domestic and foreign experience in building a medical business, using the so-called “technology of success.” This means not only equipping the clinic with proven equipment, techniques and personnel, but also using effective management, marketing and quality assurance techniques (this means not only the doctor’s compliance with technology, but also the quality of communication with the patient in the clinic, as well as the entire a set of services with which every visitor should be surrounded), in other words, building a dental clinic not only as a health care institution, but, above all, as a successful client-oriented business in the field of medicine.

The concept of any dental business is based on the following chain of actions:

1. The client base and competitive environment in the area where our clinic is located are examined. Conclusions are drawn about the level of the future clinic and the range and ratio of various services that are different from competitors and adjusted to local needs - in demand and capable of bringing commercial success in the area.

2. Positioning is formulated and patients’ perception of the clinic is formed.

3. A legend, corporate identity and design of the clinic are being developed.

4. Competitive differences and advantages for services are determined.

5. Competitive differences and advantages in customer service are determined.

6. For the selected level of the clinic and set of services, a room layout is developed and technologies for performing services are selected, as well as recommended prices with which you can enter the market. Competitive differentiation is being created in terms of technologies and prices used.

7. Equipment and consumables that have the necessary and sufficient parameters to ensure the required level of quality of treatment are selected for the technology. Calculations of economic indicators are made.

8. A design, requirements for personnel qualifications, and internal documentation are developed for the selected level and equipment of the dental clinic.

9. A program for promoting a new clinic is being developed.

It is this procedure that makes it possible to implement the project conceived by the clinic owner, to make it sustainable, down-to-earth, and not soaring in the air. Who are our customers? Most often, entrepreneurs who are concerned about a decrease in profitability often contact us. own business, far from dentistry. They want to find, with our help, where to transfer their capital. Money is being withdrawn from industries where competition is particularly high and profits are declining. This usually happens in waves. Three years ago, a whole group of entrepreneurs passed through - people from the printing business, and a little later - from trade. mobile phones And household appliances, recently businessmen from wholesale trade and some industries came. Search for fast growing and profitable business bring many of them into the service sector. It was this direction that was particularly lagging behind in Soviet times. With the rise in the standard of living of the population, it is here that the number of newly opened enterprises is rapidly growing. The number of restaurants, beauty salons, and various entertainment centers. The medical business still scares off many with its apparent complexity, but it is completely in vain. Here you can still stake out a plot for yourself and pan for gold. Not as much as before, but still a business with a profitability of about 30% is now a rarity. The competitive environment is very diverse in each district of the city. In some places it’s not worth opening up, but in others it’s very possible. However, in the medical business one has to fight not with competitors, but with government supervisory authorities.

Alas, we most often see that new entrepreneurs are looking for a doctor as an assistant, who is completely trusted with the creation of a clinic, the selection of equipment, personnel, and, worst of all, the development of a price list. As a result, no matter how good the doctor may be, the clinic is initially built primarily as a medical institution, and not as a business. To avoid such a distortion, it is better for an entrepreneur to set up a business and manage it himself, trusting doctors only with the treatment process.

Taxation. Having the form of ownership of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, you can be a payer under the simplified taxation system (STS).

Obtaining a license is the most difficult stage when opening a dental office: it is necessary to carry out everything flawlessly SES requirements. It is necessary to have certificates for the installed equipment, personal medical records of workers, copies of documents on their education and qualifications. Everything in the office should be arranged in accordance with the BTI plan.

A license allows you to engage in a certain type of medical activity. Therapy, surgery, orthodontics and other types of services are declared separately. The licensing authority makes a decision to grant a license within a period not exceeding 45 days from the date of receipt of the application, and does not have the right to require documents other than those specified in the Federal Law “On licensing of certain types of activities.

1.3 Features of demand

In Moscow alone, according to various sources, there are from one and a half to two and a half thousand dental clinics and offices, although the market capacity, according to experts, is almost twice as large. And the point is not even that the population has more dental problems due to poor ecology, increased consumption of sweets and natural laziness of Russians, manifested in irregular teeth brushing. Rather, with the growth of the middle stratum of Russians, whose standard of living is approaching Western standards, patients’ demands for the quality of treatment and service are growing. Traditionally, going to the dentist is associated with terrible pain, so today's patients prefer to pay more to be greeted friendly, reassured, given a cup of coffee or a glass of juice in a cozy atmosphere, asked about life, and only then get down to business. And of course, for pain relief they used not outdated anesthetics of the novocaine group, but modern articaine drugs that completely block pain. Modern patient more educated, he often asks the doctor a proactive question: “what are you actually going to do in my mouth?” Knows that there are modern “soft” impression materials. Such a patient, upon seeing a dentist mixing plaster, can easily turn around and leave. Many patients already know what a visiograph is, and do not want to be irradiated in the old-fashioned way with X-ray machines from ancient times. The same applies to equipment - after lying in a comfortable Castellini chair once, the patient is unlikely to want anything else.

Here, as Raikin once noted: “If you haven’t seen Italian shoes, then you’ve seen ours!” Barefoot childhood is over, and those people who moved from five-story buildings to monolithic houses and cottages became pickier and more demanding. Although clinics with outdated equipment and lack of service, they charge less for treatment, but patients vote with their wallets for more expensive, but high-quality care, so the average cost of a filling in Moscow has almost doubled over the past five years. The growth in the number of dental clinics and the cost of services is also facilitated by the fact that in society it has become indecent to “wear” crooked teeth, have tobacco or coffee stains, and even more so show gaping gaps in the smile. In addition, Russians are now trying not to remove teeth, but to treat them, especially since modern technologies and materials make it possible to fight for the preservation of teeth in the most advanced cases. In addition, patients understand that the effectiveness of teeth whitening, for example, at home cannot be compared with clinical procedures.

From Soviet times we inherited many municipal and departmental clinics, although the private sector, represented by both large clinics and single offices, already occupies almost half of the Moscow market and continues to expand.

It seems that the public sector is still staying afloat only because doctors earn extra money in such clinics unofficially, “for their own pockets.” In such clinics they work on outdated, worn-out equipment, which no one is going to update. The quality of such services can only be tolerated by those hardened by times of scarcity.

Large clinics (sometimes with a branch network), where, no matter how you hide them, the costs of the flow system still appear, such as interest rates, the struggle of doctors for patients, and high turnover of personnel. As a result of the impersonality of the appointment, the patient sometimes does not even remember the doctor’s last name, but the consequences of errors and flaws in treatment or service are easily spread to the entire clinic.

Mini and micro clinics, or rather dental offices, where the owner himself works. Here patients go not to the brand, but to the name of the doctor who is responsible for everything. The quality of services here is higher, because if you make a mistake you will be left without a clientele. But, alas, such mini-salons, on the one hand, are very vulnerable (sometimes they operate without proper documentation, which is time-consuming and expensive to collect), and besides, they offer patients a very limited range of services - such offices cannot afford a variety of equipment, and there is nowhere to put it.

The fastest growing system is of small private clinics with three or four chairs. This is perhaps the most promising direction, since in such a clinic, on the one hand, there is individual approach to the client, and on the other hand, the range of services and profitability are higher than that of private offices. It is not for nothing, apparently, that the system of such small dental clinics dominates throughout the entire civilized world.

1.4 Characteristics of the material base of this type of activity

Let’s take, for example, a medium-sized clinic with three dental units. Such a clinic usually requires an area of ​​about 100 square meters. meters.

Table 1. Cost of equipping the clinic

Depending on the choice of supplier level, the total cost of equipment costs can range between 70 to 130 thousand dollars. The exact cost amounts will be determined during the selection of process equipment. Repairs are another difficult to predict investment cost parameter. It all depends on the condition of the room. The item “other expenses of the start-up period” mainly includes payment of personnel during the period when revenue will not cover current expenses. If the premises are rented, and it was not possible to agree on a “vacation” for the period of repair work, then add here rent payments for several months, while the dental clinic is still being created. If you need the services of professional consultants when creating a dental business, add another 10% to the estimate. However, almost all expenses for assistance in creating a clinic will come back to you with discounts on equipment, time savings and risk reduction

1.5 Specifics of organizing the work of a new enterprise in this type of activity

Today, the dental services market is in a state of relative stability. The increase in prices in all previous years was due to an increase in the country's cash supply and the strengthening of the ruble. The clinics passed on rising costs (due to the growth of the euro, since the main suppliers of consumables are European companies) to the buyers of services. As a result, the growth in effective demand was offset by rising prices for dental services, which led to the “fixation” of the market at a different, higher price level with unchanged volumes. At the same time, rising prices have changed the price/quality ratio of dental services. Being forced to pay increased prices for treatment, consumers began to pay more attention to the range (breadth) of services offered and the level of service. The one who solves these two strategic tasks today when building a dental business will win the competitive competition for the consumer. This circumstance will determine the direction of development of the dental market in the near future, and it is this that imposes on newcomers the task of approaching the creation of a new generation of dental business - different from most of today's dentistry. Cleanliness, tidiness, modern equipment, and the presence of qualified personnel alone are not enough to build a successful dental business. What's the point if you perfect the treatment process with an A, if only one and a half diggers will come to vote with their wallets for your efforts? That is why, when approaching the creation of a clinic, we first of all consider it not as a place where they help people get rid of dental diseases, but as an organizational structure designed to make money. Such a cynical monetarist approach can cure any newcomer from naive desires to invest everything without a trace in “the best clinic in the city, where the best doctors in the city work.” In any science there is a rule of necessary and sufficient conditions. Building a decent treatment process is a necessary condition for creating a modern dental business. But not enough. Compliance with SES standards during design is the same necessary condition, but also insufficient. We call sufficient only those conditions that are directly related to the generation of financial flows and profit.

Here are some of the main conditions for financial success when creating a clinic:

1. Carefully select the location of the clinic - are there clients in the area? What are they like, are they able to pay for our treatment?

2. Analysis of the closest competitors - how strong are they? Will we be able to enter the market and pull the blanket over ourselves, taking away some of today’s patients, and therefore part of their income?

3. Legend, corporate identity, design, marketing program. How will we position ourselves in the market, how will we shape the perception of our clinic among future patients, advertising our services, attracting clients and turning primary patients into regular ones?

4. Accounting, cash desk, management. How will accounting and management be organized, what sources of income will replenish our cash register?

5. Business plan. How much will it cost us to create a clinic, promote it, what will be the current expenses and expected income?

Please note that in this list of sufficient conditions there is nothing related to the healing process. This does not mean that attention is not paid to this when creating a clinic. But we deliberately push the construction of supporting elements (the treatment process, personnel work, etc.) into the background, and put the main elements inherent in business at the forefront. Let's leave it to the doctors to do what they can do well without us - treat people. Let’s think better about the perishable things - payback, profitability, financial “exhaust” from every meter of area. But still, we note that in the treatment process there are eight main types of services, which it is advisable to all accommodate under the roof of the clinic:

1. reception and consultations; functional diagnostics;

2. therapeutic dentistry (treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, diseases of the oral mucosa),

3. therapeutic periodontology and conservative treatment of periodontitis and chronic periodontal disease;

4. surgical dentistry (tooth extraction, treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, surgical methods for the treatment of periodontal tissue diseases, excision of benign tumors, etc.); physiotherapy; anesthesia;

5. teeth whitening, removing tartar, smoker’s plaque, etc.

6. orthopedic treatment of dental defects, preparation for prosthetics, implantology, patient preparation for implantation;

7. orthodontics (treatment of dental anomalies), treatment of congenital defects of the maxillofacial area, including defects acquired as a result of injuries or early diseases;

8. pediatric dentistry;

Today, only every fifth clinic provides its clients with all of the listed types of dental services. And market development trends and marketing surveys of patients indicate that a good clinic provides a full range of services and good customer service.

1.6 Legislative framework for the activities of a new enterprise

When inspecting a dental clinic, it is required to present documents confirming the legality of the provision of medical services in this clinic that are subject to medical licensing, not only a license, but also many other documents - from ownership of the premises or a lease agreement, to diplomas of medical education received by the staff. In this case, the following violations may be identified, which may lead to unpleasant consequences for the dental business:

The dental clinic does not have appropriate premises owned by it by right of ownership or on any other legal basis (for example, lease)

Lack of appropriate organizational - technical specifications and material and technical equipment, including equipment, tools, transport and documentation, ensuring the use of medical technologies approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Lack or malfunction of fire protection equipment

The absence of employees (doctors, paramedical personnel, engineering and technical workers, etc.) with higher or secondary specialized, additional education and special training that meet the requirements and nature of the work performed and services provided, as well as the absence of the head of the enterprise and ( or) a person authorized by him with higher specialized education and work experience in licensed activities (for specific types of work and services) of 5 years or more

Lack of individual entrepreneur carrying out medical activities with higher or secondary medical education, additional education and special training that meet the requirements and nature of the work performed and services provided, and work experience in licensed activities for 2 or more years

Failure to comply with requirements for advanced training of employees of a legal entity engaged in medical activities, as well as individual entrepreneurs

Listed here are only the main violations that are primarily paid attention to when inspecting a dental clinic. Full list Even specialists in dental business consulting cannot draw up violations due to the fact that officials of supervisory authorities are very creative in interpreting regulatory documents.

Regulatory documents for the creation of dental clinics:

1. Hygienic requirements for the design and operation of x-ray rooms, devices and the conduct of x-ray examinations. SanPiN

2. Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings. SanPiN 2.2.1/

3. Sanitary rules devices, equipment, operation of outpatient dental institutions dated December 28, 1983 N 2956a-83

4. Requirements for the placement, organization of work and equipment of the X-ray room

5. Ensuring radiation safety during X-ray dental examinations

6. Requirements for the X-ray room upon acceptance into operation, appendix number 7 to SanPiN






12. Regulations on the organization and implementation of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities. Order of the State Committee for Architecture of the Russian Federation under the USSR State Construction Committee dated November 23, 1988 N 312



2.1 Analysis of industry development factors over the last 3-5 years

In recent years, the dental business has experienced rapid development.

In 2003, prices for dental services increased by almost 40-60%, at a slower pace, but they continued to grow in 2004-2005.

Every year dozens of new dental clinics open in Moscow. It would seem that there are fewer and fewer open niches for entrepreneurship in this area, but investments in this business are still considered one of the most promising types of investment. Of course, the dental business is one of the most closed types of business. A potential investor has to collect information about him literally bit by bit.

Over the almost fifteen-year history of the development of a market economy in Russia, the private medical sector has not received much development, primarily due to the presence large number state and departmental medical institutions that act as quasi-market entities, that is, entities that offer paid services on the market and are simultaneously subsidized by the state or departments. At the same time, some of the services are provided by doctors themselves, who act as independent market participants using the infrastructure created at the expense of the state - premises, equipment. The only branch of medicine in which the private sector has taken a significant share in the volume of services provided is dentistry (see Expert Magazine No. 17, 2002, article “White Coats”). For example, today there are about 800 private dental clinics in Moscow, the features of which are:

1. Small size (the staff of 95% of companies does not exceed 25-30 people, 4.5% - no more than 120 people).

2. In 95% of companies, the owners themselves manage the companies.

3. In 40% of companies, the owners are both managers and attending physicians.

4. Most companies, with the exception of 5-10% of the most expensive ones, as well as those focused on providing services under contracts with insurance companies, focus on providing services to clients living in the area where the company is located.

The situation in the Moscow dental services market is characterized by a high level of competition, which is indicated by a downward trend in the growth rate of the number of dental firms. So, for example, if in 1997 the number of firms increased by 91% compared to the previous year, then in 1999-2001. the annual increase in the number of clinics was 7%, 6% and 5%, respectively. Increasing competition is forcing clinic managers to pay more attention to management efficiency issues. An indicator of the presence of this trend is the appearance in 1998-1999. two highly specialized consulting companies that specialize in consulting on the management of dental firms.

2.2 Analysis of external factors for the development of a new enterprise

2.2.1. Choosing a location for a new enterprise

All necessary information about the requirements imposed by supervisory authorities can be found in Rospotrebnadzor.

You should not be careless if you immediately like the room. First, you must take all its dimensions. If the ceiling height is less than three meters, then problems are likely to arise. Secondly, when we're talking about about a residential building, you need to know who lives above. This is very important if you have an X-ray room. No one will allow the radiation source to be located under the bathroom. Naturally, the radiation from the radiovisiograph is weak, and the room where the X-ray unit is located is lined with lead sheets: there is no danger to the residents. However, if they complain, consumer law will be on their side and they could lose their license.

It is also necessary to find out about the amount of electricity supplied to the facility. Typically for domestic premises this figure is 5-10 kW, and for a clinic even three chairs require 15 kW, unless, of course, you are planning to create a prosthetics laboratory. In any case, electricity will have to be purchased. Let’s say, a clinic with 4-5 chairs with powerful receivers will need another 10 kW, and each additional kW now costs more than 50 thousand rubles. That is, the question may arise about amounts that are very burdensome for the business plan, and this must be anticipated.

A very serious issue is related to ventilation. The clinic can be “collapsed” when it turns out that there is nowhere to remove the ventilation shaft - there are 20-30 floors of a residential building above you. Because of this problem, such premises are often simply not considered. Perhaps in vain, since an elegant solution can be found here too. For example, for the clinic in Golden Keys we used products from a Russian company that produces biological filters with a very high degree of purification. As a result, instead of one and a half million rubles, which we expected to spend on the ventilation system, we ended up with 400 thousand.

In general, it must be said that, in principle, there are no insurmountable obstacles. There are, for example, certain standards for lighting, and it is desirable that the windows be located on the sunny side. But you took the risk of allocating a semi-basement room for the clinic. It turns out that this is possible. True, you need to “translate” it to the first floor: the most important thing for this is that the floor is flush with the ground. One of our clients bought a semi-basement property and wanted to turn it into a clinic at all costs. To do this, it was necessary not only to widen the window openings, but also to open a trench along the entire house with an excavator, creating a beautiful lawn with a negative angle of inclination. People are cunning when it comes to inventions.

Each room where a dental unit is located must have an area of ​​at least 14 square meters. m after the repairs have been made, and not when the plan is drawn. Because, as a rule, after repairs 0.5-1 square meters are lost. m. If the office is adjacent, then the second installation will require another 10 sq. m. m. The X-ray installation will take 11 square meters. m, and if it is film, then another 5-6 sq. m is allocated for the darkroom. All these standards are not secret; they must be followed. It would be even more correct to first invite the SES commission, which would give permission to open a dental clinic in this premises, and only then carry out any work.

Of course, someone will say that any permit can now be purchased. However, God forbid, some kind of litigation begins with the patient, and then any deviation from the regulations will work against you. Losing your license will be a serious blow to your business. A dental clinic is not a garment factory, where to make a profit it is enough to install equipment and start producing products. It begins to generate income in one and a half to two years, when the client flow is formed. When you hear that you can open a dental clinic anywhere, know that this is coming from someone who is not entirely competent in these matters. That’s why we explain to our clients so carefully what and how to do when choosing a room: the law is like a guiding star for us.

And yet, which option would be optimal? In ten years of practice, I have not come across a renovated room that was already suitable for the healing process. But it is quite possible to avoid serious redevelopment with the right choice. Don't forget that construction work is the most burdensome part of your budget.

Any room with certain load-bearing walls is to some extent damaged from the start. Because of this, it is impossible to implement all modern trends in the construction of medical institutions there. If you want to make something worthwhile, you need to build from the ground up. That is, get a mono-volume space without ceilings for rent. Then it will be possible to bring to life the most elegant project.

If we talk about sizes, then there is a set of premises determined by production technology. Sterilization room (not required in every clinic) – unless the clinic has three or more chairs. It is advisable to install vacuum equipment in a separate, soundproofed room. Somewhere there must be an accountant, doctors undressing, patients waiting. At the very minimum you will need 120 sq. m, the ideal option is 150-170. Moreover, you need to make a reserve for growth when in a couple of years you “unwind”.

It is welcome if your premises have an emergency exit. In this case, you can implement zoning, and you will be able to separate the flow of patients and doctors. They will “intersect” only in the chair. It seems that this is not so important. But the patient is preparing for a not very pleasant procedure; any fuss bothers him. In addition, an emergency exit is necessary in case of emergency. It is simply a must for children's clinics.

The answer to the question of where is the best place to locate a clinic is not so obvious. We had a client who really wanted to open a clinic in the area of ​​Povarskaya and Nikitskaya streets. One of the options is a house on Khlebny Lane. However, there had to be asphalt resurfaced five times over the course of a year. The house sank so much that it was necessary to fill in some of the window openings so that the window sills would not be level with the ground. Naturally, this premises had to be abandoned immediately. Therefore, when you are planning to make a prestigious and visually attractive house in old Moscow the site of the clinic, keep your eyes peeled. The state of communications is terrible, the basements are damp, parking cannot be organized. Don’t buy a pig in a poke; renovating such a room can be golden. And what are the wooden floors worth? Insurance will cost you a pretty penny: when you buy real estate, you pay an insurance premium, the amount of which depends on the condition of the building. In addition, such houses have very difficult residents. They do not accept neighbors in the form of any medical institutions: “I will buy your first floor myself and make a garage there!” There is no point in suing such a public.

And in a residential area you can settle down at the best possible level. Peripheral clinics pay much more attention to landscaping than capital ones: they will paint the house, lay out the lawn, install benches or a fountain

Is there a chance to minimize costs when choosing premises? Yes. You can save on rental payments (with smart trading) or by increasing the period of your rental holiday (this will allow you to slightly defer monthly payments). You need to bargain for any reason, and in the end you can get a room for rent not for one and a half thousand, but for a thousand. for 1 sq. m. Also, as a tenant, you should not buy kilowatts of electricity: if you leave after three years, then simply donate them to the landlord.

In general, it is better to purchase the premises immediately. After all, when you rent for five years, you will be feeding strangers. In addition, rental payments tend to increase, and contract renewals occur in rare cases. It is deadly for a clinic when its location changes: some of the clients immediately “dissolve.” On the other hand, when the owner of the clinic understands that the dental clinic is his life’s work, he will not be afraid of a mortgage loan for 10-15 years (our company has found such options and proved their worth). Payments in this case are fixed, and no inflation processes, no additional payments will be scary to you. Try it, I think it will be very effective. In addition, you will become a happy owner.

So, we talked about the main stages of choosing a room. Of course, only specialists know more subtle nuances. But you shouldn’t skimp on specialists. It is ideal to hire a group of project launch managers who will be involved in the selection of premises, technological control of construction work, selection of equipment, and advertising. There is so much information to digest, so many questions to resolve: a practicing physician simply does not have enough time to do all this. A dentist who does not lose practice will receive funds during this time, which he will usefully invest in himself.


for the creation of dental clinics

Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings. SanPiN 2.2.1/;

Sanitary rules for the design, equipment, and operation of outpatient dental clinics dated December 28, 1983, paragraph 2956a-83;

Requirements for the placement, organization of work and equipment of the X-ray room;

Ensuring radiation safety during X-ray dental examinations;

Requirements for the X-ray room upon commissioning. Appendix No. 7 to SanPiN;

A manual for the design of healthcare institutions (to SNiP 2.08.02-89). Section I. General provisions. Engineering equipment;

A manual for the design of healthcare institutions (to SNiP 2.08.02-89). Section II. Hospitals;

A manual for the design of healthcare institutions (to SNiP 2.08.02-89). Section III. Specialized, auxiliary units and service premises;

A manual for the design of healthcare institutions (to SNiP 2.0802-89). Section IV. Outpatient clinics;

A manual for the design of healthcare institutions (to SNiP 2.08.02-89). Section V. Ambulance and emergency medical care station, blood transfusion station with vivarium, dairy kitchens, distribution points, pharmacies, control and analytical laboratories;

Regulations on the organization and implementation of reconstruction, repair and maintenance of buildings, communal and socio-cultural facilities. Order of the State Committee for Architecture of the Russian Federation under the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated November 23, 1988, paragraph 312;

Instructions for the design of buildings and structures adapted for medical institutions. Building codes SN 515-79 dated January 1, 1980

2.3 Marketing research of the market and services in the selected area

2.3.1.Development of a questionnaire and organization of potential consumers of these services

To understand what is necessary and priority for consumers of dental services, we have compiled a questionnaire:

1.Location of the dental institution:

A) Availability of other dental institutions in the area

B) Heavy pedestrian traffic near the dental facility

B) Ease of parking

D) The presence of a nearby residential area, large shopping centers and industrial enterprises

D) Proximity of the dental facility to public transport stops

E) Availability of a well-developed public transport network for the dental institution

2. Range of services

A) A wide selection of dental services in accordance with the income level of the population served

C) Preservation of traditional technologies that are in demand among the population

3. Price of services

A) Pricing strategy (affordable prices)

B) General pricing policy in comparison with average prices in the dental services market

B) Solvency of the population

4. Promotion of services

A) Operating mode

B) Image of a dental institution: signboard, external and internal design

C) Organization of services provided

D) Material and technical equipment of the dental institution

D) Quality of work and warranty periods

E) Medical ethics and deontology

G) Setting goals

H) Development of a corporate trademark

M) Choice of service consumer

H) Definition of success/failure

2.3.2 Calculation of the production program for opening dentistry

The initial data of the enterprise's work necessary to solve the problem.

Table 2. Costs of manufacturing products in the 1st quarter.

Table 2. Prices for material resources.

Table 4 Fixed assets of the enterprise.

Table 5 Enterprise performance indicators.

1. Draw up cost estimates for production and sales of products.

We will calculate the amount of costs for raw materials, auxiliary materials, and electricity.

It is equal to the product of the total consumption of raw materials (auxiliary materials, electricity) for the quarter and the cost of 1 ton of raw materials (Auxiliary materials) 1 kW of electricity, respectively.

Amount of costs for raw materials: 250*1450=362500 rub.

Amount of costs for auxiliary materials: 980*10=9800 rub.

Amount of electricity costs: 2390*0.35=836.5

Salary costs equal to the product of the number of working people and the average monthly salary. one worker multiplied by 3 months (i.e. quarter)

170*1700*3=867000 rub.

Contributions to extra-budgetary funds are equal to 38.5% of salary costs.

867000*38.5/100=333795 rub.

Depreciation of objects is carried out depending on the cost of the object, the depreciation rate and the number of months in the billing period (3 months)

Depreciation of buildings is equal to: 2500000*2*3/100=150000 rub.

Depreciation of structures is equal to: 4000000*2*3/100=240000 rub.

Depreciation of machines is equal to: 1000000*12*3/100=360000 rub.

Depreciation of equipment is equal to: 1000000*12*3/100=360000 rub.

Depreciation of vehicles is equal to: 1000000*9*3/100=270000 rub.

Other expenses are: 2200 rub.

Table 6.

Cost elements Amount of costs, rub.
1 Raw materials 362500
2 Supporting materials 9800
3 Electricity 836.5
4 Salary 867000
5 contributions to extra-budgetary funds 333795
6 cushioning:
- buildings 150000
- structures 240000
- cars 360000
- equipment 360000
- Vehicle 270000
- other funds -
other expenses 2200
Total costs 2956131.5

2. Let’s create a calculated cost of production.

The first, second and third calculation items are taken from previous calculations. The salary of production workers is determined as the product of the piece rate per unit of production to the total volume of products produced: 80 * 1000 = 80,000 rubles.

Deductions from wages are equal to 38.5% = 80,000 * 38.5/100 = 30,800 rubles.

Variable expenses are equal to the sum of expenses of points 1,2,3,4,5 of this table: 362500+9800+836.5+80000+30800=483936.5 rubles.

Conditionally fixed costs are equal to the difference between the total amount of costs according to the production cost estimate and the value of variable costs:

2956131.5-483936.5=2472195 rub.

The total cost is: 483936.5+2472195=2956131.5

Table 7

3.1. Enterprise pricing.

1 Determination of the wholesale price of the enterprise (TsO):

Tso=(1+P/100)*C (1)

where P is the profitability of the product, %,

C - cost per unit of production, rub./unit.


P=30% (from table No. 1)

Tso=(1+30/100)*2953.93=3840.11 rub.

2 Determination of the selling price of the enterprise

Tsotp=(1+ VAT rate/100)*Tsot (2)

where the VAT rate is the value added tax rate.

Tsotp=(1+20/100)*3840.11=4608.13 rub.

3. Sales volume in wholesale prices (Ор):

where Q is sales volume in physical terms

Or=3840.11*1000=3840110 rub.

4. Formation of enterprise profit

1 Calculation of gross profit Pv

Pv=Pr+Pvrd (4)

where Pr is profit from sales;

Pvrd - profit from non-operating activities;

2 Pr=Pp+Pk (5)

where Pp is profit from the main production activity (product sales)

Pk - profit by commercial activities(sale of property)

3 Profit from core activities (PP)

Pp=Or-Svyp (6)

Where Svyp is the total cost of production (production)

4 Profit from commercial activities (Pk)

Pk=(Tsprod-Tspok)/(1+VAT rate/100)*Qn (7)

Where Tsprod, Tspok are the selling price and purchase price of goods (raw materials);

Qн - sales volume in physical terms.

5 Profit from non-operating activities (Pvrd);

Pvrd=Pa+Pd, (8)

Where Pa is the profit from the leased property;

Pd - dividends on securities.

Calculation formulas:

PC=(1650-1450)/(1+20/100)*1000=166666.66 rub.

Pp=3840110-2956131.5=883978.5 rub.

Pr=166666.66+883978.5=1050645.16 rub.

Pvrd=35000*3+65000=170000 rub.

Pv=170000+1050645.16=1220645.16 rub.

5 Profit distribution

1 Taxable profit (Mon)

Mon=Mv-Nv (9)

Where Нв - taxes received from gross profit (9000 for all options)

Mon=1220645.16-9000=1211645.16 rub.

2 Tax on income on securities (Nb)

Nb=D*tax rate/100 (10)

Where is the tax rate - the tax rate on securities

D - income from securities

Nb=65000*10/100=6500 rub.

3 Naog on profit from core activities and from the rental of property (Npr);

Npr=(Monday)*28/100 (11)


4 Profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise (Prasp)

Prasp=Mon-Nb-Npr (12)

Prasp=1211645.16-6500-321060.64=884084.52 rub.

5 Net profit (Pr)

Pch = Prasp - economic sanctions (RUB 55,000) (13)

Pch=884084.52-55000=829084.52 rub.

6 Capital investments in production development (CI):

KV=A+Pch*0.3 (14)

Where 30% is the percentage of profits allocated to production development.

A - depreciation of all funds = 1,380,000 rubles.

Figure 1. Organizational structure of a dental clinic

Table 8.

3.2.2 Definition staffing table, organization of personnel selection

How many employees should one dental chair serve? According to standards, one dentist can work 6 hours a day. Usually there are two shifts. If you want the clinic to function around the clock, then you will have to hire four doctors to work on one installation. Every doctor should have a nurse working with them. Here, of course, you can save money and offer the nurse to work for two doctors at once, but in this case, disruptions in work are likely. After all, both of them may need her help at the same time. If the room is large, then a nurse is also required, whose responsibilities include maintaining order. Salaries in private clinics for nurses usually start from 3,000 rubles, for nurses - from 6,000 rubles.

Rice. 2. Personnel management structure

Paying a doctor is a separate, very delicate issue. Recent practice is as follows: every doctor officially receives a minimum salary. Today this is at least two and a half minimum wages. Further, the specialist’s income is directly related to his work, since the doctor, by and large, lives on interest from the cost of what he did. Typically this figure ranges from 10 to 30%. He will receive more or less depends on his relationship with the owner of the clinic, on how interested he is in him. And, of course, from the level of the specialist.

3.2.3 Office equipment

Let's make a calculation for a small dental clinic that has:

Patient reception area (hall), which also serves as a mini-store selling home care products - 20 square meters

Four therapy rooms with one chair each - 14x4=56 sq. meters

Implantology room - 15 sq.m. meters

Office of orthodontics and orthopedics – 15 sq.m. meters

Surgery room – 15 sq.m. meters

Pediatric dentist's office – 15 sq.m. meters

X-ray room - 12 sq. meters

Dental laboratory – 15 sq.m. meters

Auxiliary premises (sterilization room, warehouse, director's office, staff rest room, toilets, corridors) - 42 sq. meters

TOTAL: 200 sq. meters!

Why such large offices and auxiliary areas, you ask? Look at the SES standards! For one dental unit - at least 14 sq. m. If you plan to place two dental chairs in one office, then you need to add another 7 square meters to this number. m. And so on - seven for each new workplace. But neither doctors nor patients these days want to huddle in shared offices where several chairs are installed at once. They prefer comfort and privacy, so it is better to make the offices separate.

The choice of equipment is large, it is enough to visit any dental exhibition to make sure that there are several suppliers for each position, but it’s difficult for a beginner to figure it out - each seller will praise his equipment. This requires a specialist who is well versed in dentistry and professional technology. That is, a consultant who will help and advise you on how to organize this business for you. His services are usually estimated at 10–15% of all purchased equipment. This is exactly the amount that the equipment seller, as a rule, returns back to the buyer as a kind of discount.

I don’t think you would want to buy an antediluvian Soviet-era dental chair for next to nothing, in which the instrument is driven by a foot drive, like in your grandmother’s Singer sewing machine. Cheap equipment sometimes looks like a rotten tooth in a Hollywood smile in a clinic.

The price level in good clinics depends on the equipment, so it is better to purchase reliable brands, for example, dental units from Castellini, Sirona, Kavo, Trophy diagnostics, and use materials from 3M, Dentsply, Kerr, Degudent.

Table 9. As an example, we give prices for standard mid-level equipment.

If you are committed to serious business, and not to seasonal cutting of coupons, then you need to approach the purchase of equipment carefully. After all, the clinic has been working on it for more than one year. Besides equipment must have all the functions that allow it to provide the most modern dental services. Therefore, the central figure of your office - the dental unit - should have at least 4 sleeves: for a water-air gun, for a micromotor, for a turbine, which bears the greatest load, and for an ultrasonic scaler for removing dental plaque. Of course, you need to have a reserve. What if the tip breaks? Or is it time to sterilize him? An additional set of replacement tips is required. Add another $1,500. You should stock up on a set of consumables: filling materials, other chemicals, various hygiene products. This will cost at least $1,500. This is the initial kit needed to get started. It will have to be replenished monthly. Prepare another $1,000 for tools. You also need to purchase technical support in the form of solar-curing lamps, which cost from $300 to $1,000. An additional apex locator - up to $1,000.

The clinic needs an X-ray machine; it is also advisable to purchase a radiovisiograph (this is an X-ray machine with a low degree of radiation, which allows you to view the image on a computer). Pregnant women, for example, will look for a clinic only with a radiovisiograph. Depending on the configuration, this equipment will cost from $3,000 to $12,000. Another mandatory item in your purchasing marathon is an autoclave. It is necessary for antibacterial treatment of instruments. Cost from $1,500 to $5,000. Don't forget about a refrigerator for medicines and sterilizers. They will cost another $1,000. And, of course, all kinds of cabinets, chairs and other furniture. Throw in another $1,000.

3.2.4 Product development

A dental clinic begins with choosing the procedures you are going to offer to patients. Here are the possible directions in your future clinic:

therapeutic dentistry (treatment

caries, pulpitis, periodontitis),

· therapeutic periodontology (treatment of periodontitis and periodontal disease),

· surgery (tooth extraction, treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, surgical methods for the treatment of periodontal tissue diseases, excision of benign tumors, etc.),

· orthopedic treatment of dental defects, preparation for prosthetics, implantology,

· orthodontics (treatment of dental anomalies), treatment of congenital defects of the maxillofacial area, including defects acquired as a result of injuries or early diseases;

· children's dentistry

· aesthetic dentistry (teeth whitening, removal of tartar, smoker’s plaque, etc.)

In Soviet times, clinics focused mainly on therapy and surgery, that is, on solving the immediate problems of patients who, fearing toothache to death, usually delayed the start of treatment. The number of patients with acute pain in those days exceeded all imaginable standards. Since tooth extraction was a common practice, and the question “should we remove?” patients easily answered “yes,” but by the middle of life, for many Russians, their mouths gaping with emptiness required the installation of dentures. That is, the next most popular procedures were procedures for installing all kinds of removable or non-removable structures (“bridges”). That is, there was a need to restore the visual appeal of clients. Since in Soviet time Prosthetics were quite an expensive occupation, so only a select few could boast of teeth made of pure gold. Perestroika gave this same socially secure layer of the population metal-ceramics. Modern technologies They have gone even further - now, to install artificial teeth, it is often no longer necessary to grind down adjacent healthy teeth; implantology has come to the rescue.

3.2.5 Organization of sales activities and responsibilities

Table 10. Prices for dental services

Table 11. Responsibility for activities

Chief Accountant Head of the organizational and methodological department Administrator Attending doctor
Patient registration X
Patient examination X
Drawing up a contract and paying for services X
Preparation of documents and reporting X
Sign up for medical card about dental services performed X
Filling out reporting form 37 X
Filling out feeding reports 39 X
Analysis of compliance of the volume of services provided with payment X
Filling out the warranty card X
Formation of an expense cash order for the return of funds to the client X
Formation of a cash receipt order for additional payment by the client for work performed X

3.2.6 Participation in exhibitions

For the convenience of visitors and ease of perception, our exhibition will be located in five halls:

1. In the first hall, dental equipment is exhibited - in a broad sense, these are all conceivable devices and apparatus, dental units, furniture - in general, everything moving, rotating, equipped with microcircuits, motors, or vice versa, silent, but large and massive, for example - dental furniture and so on.

2. In the second hall, dental instruments are demonstrated - in all their diversity, everything that dentists hold in their hands while working, and that patients consider an indispensable attribute of a torture chamber, is presented.

3. In the third hall there are dental materials - at our exhibition this is everything that is not equipment or instruments.

4. In the fourth hall there is a real “reading hut”, or congress hall for reading reports; articles for dentists are published here.

5. In the fifth hall there is a business center, where managers and owners of clinics can get acquainted with publications on the dental business, and beginners and future investors can get information on how to open a dental clinic.

3.2.7 Organization of advertising activities

Some tips for creating dental advertising:

1. Recommendations from friends. The main way dentists get new patients is through referrals. People will go to doctors recommended by their friends. Everyone knows this, but few draw practical conclusions. But it’s really simple - here, for example, is the most obvious move.
Give every patient who completes your treatment business card, on the back of which place a coupon entitling you to a free examination or a discount on teeth cleaning. Explain that this coupon can be transferred to other people - and the chances that you will have a new patient for an examination will be greater. Surely such an inspection will reveal problems that you will fix, but for money.

2. Reminders. Patients are busy and forgetful people - almost everything and almost always. In addition, many subconsciously simply force themselves to forget about the dentist - few people have pleasant associations with dental treatment. Therefore, remind yourself. Ensure that all patients are sent a postcard 6 months after their last visit with a reminder of the need for preventive examination. If they don't respond to the card, you can call them on the phone to remind them to take care of their teeth, but this requires a "specialist" who can do this tactfully and unobtrusively.

3. Identification. The main mistake leading to advertising failure is that clinics do not research the market of potential patients before making an advertisement. Before you spend money on advertising, take the time to try to understand who your patients are and what they want from you. Although this is quite simple, special skills are still needed - it is better if you attend a seminar on how to conduct testing without wasting money on unsuccessful advertising.

4. Advertising design. It is very important how the advertisement is designed, what illustrations are used in it, what overall design. But it is also necessary to pay attention to the selection of words and expressions. Do not frighten the patient with caries and other adversities. Your main message should be “Save your teeth.” This, and not a description of the procedures available in your clinic, should “hook” the potential patient. Here, for example, is a successful slogan: “Don’t wait until they get sick.” This should be followed by an offer to call and make an appointment.

3.3 Project information support

Information support for the creation of a dental clinic should be accompanied by marketing advertising activities in the media, radio, television, billboards and other billboards, and resort to the help of hired workers in distributing leaflets.

It is necessary to conduct advanced training courses for the clinic staff every six months and send them to trainings.

Table 12. Planned technical and economic indicators


1st quarter

2nd quarter

3rd quarter

4th quarter

income from sales of goods 173577,85 35876,45 40807,35 46152,84 50741,21 189917,1 206945,8
variables|changeable| expenses 125027,35 17997,6 31770,35 35868,1 39391,3 147652,4 160789,1
gross income 38549,9 7878,85 9037 10284,74 11349,31 42264,7 46156,7
fixed costs 10500 2850 2650 2350 2650 10500 10500
net profit payable for taxes 28052,9 5028,85 6387 7937,74 8699,31 31764,7 35656,7
tax payments 2400 600 600 600 600 2400 2400
net profit after taxes 25652,9 4428,85 5787 7337,74 8099,31 29364,7 33256,7
profitability 17,415% 14,35% 16,81% 19,2% 19,3% 18,56% 19,41%

Table 13. Activities and expected results

3.4 Legal support of the project

To begin with, the future head of a private dental clinic needs to decide in what organizational and legal form his enterprise will exist. In the current civil legislation, all legal entities, depending on the nature of their activities, are divided primarily into commercial and non-profit organizations.

Commercial organizations include organizations that have profit as the main goal of their activities (Clause 1, Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). They subsequently distribute the resulting profit in one way or another among their participants (founders). These are business partnerships and societies, production cooperatives, state and municipal unitary enterprises. Commercial organizations cannot be created in any other organizational and legal forms other than those mentioned (clause 2 of Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Practice shows that for a private dental clinic the most acceptable type of capital combination is a limited liability company.

This organizational and legal form is a business company, characterized, firstly, by the authorized capital divided into shares of participants and, secondly, by the absence of personal (property) liability of participants for the debts of the company they created (Clause 1, Article 87 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; p. .1 Article 2 of the Law on Limited Liability Companies). The procedure for creating a Company includes two stages - the actual establishment of the Society and its state registration. The decision to create the Company, made by several founders, is formalized in the form of a constituent agreement. The same decision made by one person must be formalized by a charter approved by this person. If the sole founder is a legal entity, then the decision to establish the Company is made by the body of the legal entity authorized by law and the constituent documents.

A legal entity is subject to mandatory state registration with the justice authorities and is considered created from the moment of such registration. Registration of legal entities in Moscow occurs in accordance with the Moscow Government Decree No. 97 dated September 17, 1991, which approved the Regulations on the procedure for registering enterprises and organizations in Moscow. To register an enterprise, it is necessary to submit the following documents to the Moscow Registration Chamber (branch of the administrative district): an application with an attachment in the established form; the constituent agreement in 2 copies or the decision to create a company, if there is only one founder; charter approved by the founders, in 2 copies; document confirming the fact of payment of 50% authorized capital; document. confirming payment of state duty and registration fee; a certificate confirming the uniqueness of the Company’s name in the Moscow Registration Register; copies of the registration certificate (decisions) for each legal entity that is the founder of the Company; registration card of the established form (registration information) in 2 copies; letter of guarantee confirming the location of the company.

After the creation of a Limited Liability Company, the next stage is obtaining a license to engage in medical activities, since medical activities in accordance with the FEDERAL LAW “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities” adopted by the State Duma on September 16, 1998, require special permission from the state. When organizing a private dental clinic, you should also not forget that the clinic rests on the authority of the doctors working in it.


Owners who develop their business in an extensive way constantly feel the disadvantage of their business. Because there are clinics nearby, where, in the absence of external advertising, which requires constant significant costs, there is a constant influx of patients. It so happens that the assessment of the quality of dental treatment in our country is entrusted to patients, and they try to find clinics with the best price-quality ratio. In clinics that provide bona fide medical services, the owners, as a rule, are doctors. These clinics have the most friendly and comfortable psychological atmosphere, because... Doctors and service personnel do not have stress associated with low wages, lack of materials or equipment, or unjustified demands from the owner to increase work intensity. In these clinics, doctors have days off and work without overexertion. A doctor’s working day can start at 10 am or even later, and end at 6 or 8 pm. As a rule, in such clinics there is no staff turnover among both doctors and assistants, because everyone gets a decent salary. In clinics with an intensive type of development, the quality is constantly improving and the range of services is expanding, which creates in patients a feeling of the need and usefulness of treatment at a constantly high level.

The development of the domestic economy in the post-perestroika period shows that our society is not yet ready for reforms that would transfer the economy to an intensive path of development. At the same time, the extensive development of state dentistry has led it to a dead end, because Dental treatment itself has become a risk factor for the patient’s health. Reforms are overdue, but they will only happen when management (not only in top level, but mainly locally) people who received higher (including economic) education after 1991 will come. From about this time, universities began to teach economic theory based on the work of foreign economists, and not on Marxist-Leninist teaching. In addition, over time, the social activity of the population will increase, and reforms will become necessary for dentists themselves. The command-administrative management system and the denial of the principle of election became the cause of the “orange” revolutions in the CIS countries. The development of society and civilization cannot be stopped - you can only lie down under the wheel of history.


1. Eremin V.N. Marketing: Fundamentals of Marketing and Information: Tutorial. /V.N. Eremin. – Marketing: KNORUS, 2006. - 656 p. 2 copies

2. Balashova E.V., Tishchenko M.N., Vaneev A.N. Library design: textbook. allowance / E.V. Balashova, M.N. Tishchenko, A.N. Vaneev. –M.6 Gardariki, 2006. – 288 p.

3. Basovsky L.E. Marketing questions and answers. – M.: Infra, 2006. – 134 p.

4. Burns E.S., Bush R.F. Fundamentals of marketing research using Microsoft Excel: Trans. from English – M.: “Williams”, 2006. - 704 p.

5. Galustova O.V. Conflictology in questions and answers: Textbook. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2006. – 216 p.

6. Go Sunny T.H. Simplicity: the secret of effective marketing / Trans. from English; Balance Business Books, 2006. - 176s

7. Godii A.M.Branding: Textbook. – 2nd ed., revised. And additional - M.: Publishing house “Dashkov and K˚”, 2006. - 424 p.

8. Golubin E.V. Distribution. Formation and optimization of sales channels / E. Golubin. - M.: Vershina, 2006. - 136 p.

9. Grigoriev, M.N. Marketing: Textbook. for university students / M.N. Grigoriev. – M.: Gardariki, 2006. - 366 p.

10. Danko T.P. Marketing Management: Textbook. Ed. 2nd, revised And additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2006.334p.

11. Debelak D. Planning in marketing: winning strategies for any small business / Don Debelak; lane from English I.A. Demchenko. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2006. IX. - 440s

12. Zabin D., Brebach G. Targeted marketing. New rules for attracting and retaining clients / trans. from English Pral. Titus English – M.: Eksmo Publishing House, 2006. - 304s

13. Zavyalov P.S. Marketing in diagrams, figures, tables: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 496 p.

14. Kalnyshova E.A. Marketing. – M., 2006.

15. Kibanov A.Ya., Vorozheikin I.E., Zakharov D.K., Kanovalova V.G. Conflictology: Textbook / Ed. Kibanova A.Ya. – 2nd ed. Reworked and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. – 302 p.

16. Clancy K., Krig.P. Anti-intuitive marketing / trans. from English S. Zhiljov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 432 p.

17. Komeneva N.G., et al. Marketing research. – M.: VZSEI, 2006.–439 p.

18. Conflictology: Cheat sheet. – M.: RIOR Publishing House, 2006. – 121 p.

19. Lavrentiev A.N. History of design: textbook. allowance/A.N. Lavrentiev. – M.: Gardariki, 2006. – 303 p.

20. Landveri J., Levy J., Lyndon D. Mercator. Theory and practice of marketing / Transl. from French: 2 vols. - MCFR, 2006. - 664 p.

21. Landveri J., Levy J., Lyndon D. Mercator. Theory and practice of marketing / Transl. from French: 2 vols. - MCFR, 2006. - 512 p.

22. Lansbaum M. Marketing. XXI century. Pract. allowance / translation from English O. V. Stenanova. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2006. - 448 p. 2 copies

23. Roger Lowenstein When Genius Fails. The rise and fall of Long-Term Capital Management, or how one small bank created a trillion-dollar hole / Per. from English – M.: ZAO “Olymp-Business”, 2006. – 416 p.

24. Lukina A.V. Marketing: Textbook. – M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2006. - 224 p. 2 copies

25. Lukicheva, Lyuov Ivanova. Management decisions: Textbook. Specializing in “Organization Management” / L.I. Lukicheva, D.N. Egorychev; under. Red, Y.P. Aniksina. – M.: Omega-L, 2006. - 383 p.

26. Marketing in industries and fields of activity: Textbook. / Ed. prof. V.A. Aleksunina. – 4th ed., revised. And additional - M.:.: Izko - trading corporation “Dashkov and K˚”, 2006. - 716 p.

27. Marketing in industries and fields of activity: Textbook. / Ed. Doctor of Economics Sciences, prof. N.A Nahapetyantsa. – M.: University Textbook, 2006. - 272 p.

28. Marketing strategies for increasing profitability and business value. Practice of large Russian companies / ed. A.A. Braverman; BUT "Ros. Marketing Association". – M.: ZAO Publishing House “Economy”, 2006. - 319 p.

30. Morozov V.Yu. Fundamentals of Marketing: Textbook. – 5th ed., rev. and additional – M.: Publishing house. “Dashkov and K˚”, 2006. - 148 p.

31. Musician V.L. Formation of a brand by means of PR and advertising: textbook. allowance / V.L. Musician. – 2nd ed., with amendments. – M.: Economist, 2006. – 606 p.

32. Togunov I.A., “Doctor and patient in the medical services market”, / [email protected], 2003

33. State Duma Committee on Health Protection.

34. Bondarenko N.N. , “Dentist and patient: rights, duties, responsibilities”,\Medical Book, Moscow, 2004.

35. V.G. Butova, V.L. Kovalsky, N.G. Ananyeva, Z.M. Abaev, Yu.K. Petrova, G.I. Kuzmicheva, I.B. Maskilayson., “Examination of the quality of dental care ( Practical guide)",\ Moscow, 2005.

36. E. M. Akhmedov, “Who feels bad from such a reorganization?”, // New in dentistry, No. 1, 2005. Pp. 35-37.

37. Panov A.V. “Omsk market of dental services: isn’t it time for the dentists themselves to establish the “rules of the game” and monitor their unconditional implementation”? // Omsk Medical Newspaper. 2003. No. 13-14.

38. Svetlova E. “Medical error” // Top Secret. 1999 No. 07,

39. N. E. Vodopyanova “Psychological burnout among dentists” // Dentist, No. 7, 2002,

40. Russian dentistry: forecasts and realities. Interview of the President of StAR, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V.K. Leontiev to the magazine "New in Dentistry" // 2004 No. 8 (124) from 2004-12-23 · Interview.

Annex 1

Dental equipment suppliers:











Alpha Bio Ltd

Alpha Bio-ru

Alfred Becht



Anas medical




Arnika, JSC

Art-line nv

Artis-trade plus


Bingo Grand

Biosan technical service



Boston Institute of Cosmetic Dentistry

Baging retourning swans technologies

V&H dentalwerk


Vallex m


Wieland dental + technician

Wilman & Pein GmbH

Vita-med mcc

Vita-pool medical company, ooo

Vital evv

Vladimir-reg-snab, JSC

Vladmiva, trading house

























DIARSI center









Dental architecture


Implaza Hecht GBMH



Kavitron, LLC

Kavo dental russland, llc

Kazan Medical Instrument Plant, JSC

Carolina group of companies

Ceramics center 3

Kettenbach gmbh


Ring, ooh



Alan Depot Company

Intermedservice company

Hey Sea Dental Company

Consort Millennium

Kostroma medical equipment

Craftway dental depot

Crosstek diamond




Lotte KF Rus


Maxi dent

MD Simulation




Honey and Tex

Medimport St. Petersburg

Medinfodent company

Medina Company



Medical equipment

Medtorg 21-dentarus

Medtronic TKF

Medexim r

International dental company


Mk-1 dental attachments


Moscow pharmaceutical factory

Mt equipment


German Dental Center

Neonica m

Nissin dental product

Nobel biocare

Nordin s.a

Normed plus

NPK vitaform

NGO screen

R&D technologies

NSK Nakanishi

NTFF polysan


Ok-Loza, OJSC









Proclinic International

Procter and Gamble




Radio factory

Rick, oooh

Rokada honey

Rossa-med enterprises

Rosslyn Medical

Rus-Atlant and co



Sayang microtech

Satellite group

Sia Orthodontics Manufacturer

Simcoe trading

Symphony of Rest

Sirona dental systems foshan

Sirona dental systems

NPOOO system

Sky dental

Smart delta systems

Sonis NPF




Specialized dental pharmacy

Special electrode



Dental medical supply

Stoma prime


Stoma service




Dental technology




Stomex plus


Typhoon honey

Takara Belmont Corporation

Tbi stoma

TD dentistry


Technosystems, LLC


TKD tekne dental

Tokuyama dental


Trekhgornaya manufactory

Tutogen Medical GmbH

Sky dental


WIDM Corporation

Ulyka firm, LLC







Elfa Pharmaceutical Plant A.O.

Firm circle ltd

Hammacher Omnimed GmbH

Hariko denta honey, LLC

Heka dental

Hirana ist

Hirana medical



Celite, Trading House

Chicago Center for Advanced Dentistry

Scheftner GmbH

Chic Technologies


Straumann ag

Ewe Ernst Wetter GmbH

Edenta ag

Ex dentis


Erkast XXI

Es ti i dent


Eur-med dentaldepo


Yamagachi dental mfg., co.



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* Required fields are marked.

Dental services
at the Dental Clinic
low prices":

Among the various areas of medical business, one of the oldest and most profitable is dental practice. Which is not surprising. The demand for the services of dental hospitals is quite high and at the same time constant, independent of fashion and season, since human teeth are constantly exposed to various negative impact leading to various types of diseases. It should be noted that in the human body, teeth are the only ones in which constant surgical intervention is allowed without any harm to the general health of a person.

The success of the dental business around the world is also due to the phenomenon that most people are afraid of visiting. As a rule, patients go to the dental hospital only when the problem is no longer solved by available means in the form of painkillers, etc. At the same time, the more often a person turns a blind eye to the need for periodic preventive examinations at the dentist, the more expensive it costs him to visit a dental hospital if necessary, regardless of whether it is private or public and in what price segment it operates.

Today, most of the commercial dental hospitals (about 70% of all operating institutions) are single; the rest of the dental services market is occupied by network and branch dental hospitals. Among them, the most common model of a clinic providing dental services is a center working in two directions: therapy and.

Any commercial dental hospital exists in conditions of fierce competition: only those who managed to find their market segment and fully demonstrate their competitive advantages survive. The dental services market is divided into segments by type of patients, by types of services and their cost, and by the size of the dental hospital itself.

There are three main formats for dental business: dental hospital oriented towards mass service customers, put on stream. As a rule, these institutions provide economy-class dental services and are equipped with a large number of chairs with round-the-clock operation.

The second area in which dental hospitals specialize is servicing corporate clients within the framework of voluntary health insurance.

The third group of dental hospitals unites institutions specializing in VIP-class services. The main thing in their work is an individual approach to each client.

Based on the business strategy of the institution, a pricing policy is built, which is determined by two main factors: the level of service chosen by the dental hospital for its positioning in the market and the minimum costs of establishing work in the selected segment.

Dental hospital will become successful if you remember two main features of the dental business. Firstly, the client, when preparing to go to the hospital, is tuned in to pain and discomfort, so most people feel dejected and depressed. This is exactly what you can play on by using one marketing move - changing the client’s negative mood to a positive one, thereby relieving psychological stress.

Secondly, the quality of the services provided is assessed at the level of “it hurts - it doesn’t hurt”, “it interferes - it doesn’t interfere”. Few patients can give an objective assessment of the dentist’s work, so the success of a dental hospital in terms of economic results is only possible if such concepts as “to be” and “to appear” are identified.

AKIMOV Viktor Vladimirovich,
Head of the Consulting Center "Consilium"

Success in the dental business depends entirely on a well-structured business model of a dental clinic. Just as the captain of a ship in a stormy sea is unlikely to find his way to shore without a life-saving compass, so the head of a dental clinic is unlikely to achieve success without a clearly thought-out model for the development of the clinic.

It is the chosen business model that ultimately determines the adoption of certain decisions related to the organization of the clinic’s work.

It is naive to believe that by opening just a “good” clinic, you will make it successful. It is necessary to absolutely understand in what market niche the dental clinic will operate, how exactly you will advertise it, how you will set the price for your services, and where exactly you will make a profit.

As a rule, a number of key mistakes are made when choosing a business model. If a dentist plans to open a clinic, he focuses exclusively on the details of the treatment process. Issues of marketing, automated clinic management, and advertising campaigns remain behind the scenes. As a result, patients do not come to the highest quality dental clinic, and the best doctors stand idle without work.

If a clinic is opened by a non-dentist entrepreneur, he most often transfers to the head physician all problems related to the treatment process, including the list of services and pricing. But prices and services directly depend on the business model. If the pricing principles do not correspond to the chosen market niche, then even if there is a queue of patients, the dental clinic will not pay for itself.

The task of the owner of a dental business is to ensure the smooth operation of the dental clinic, and for this it is necessary that the flow of patients be constant. What's the use of good doctors and first-class equipment if they are busy a couple of hours a day? Only a constant flow of patients ensures a sufficient level of profit.

The business model views the dental clinic not so much as a medical institution, but as a money-making enterprise. You describe all the sources of money coming in and all the items of money being spent. If you miss even one essential appearance costs, the clinic may soon go bankrupt. Therefore, there is no need to rush at the stage of developing a business model.

When building a business model, you must decide on the following questions:

  • Number of offices
  • Price segment
  • Set of dental services
  • Distinctive features clinics
  • Pricing procedure
  • Functions and job descriptions employees
  • Payroll principles
  • Work technologies
  • Patient care procedure

The more detailed you describe the business model of a dental clinic, the faster and more accurately you will make decisions about choosing premises, purchasing equipment and hiring staff.

For example, you are deciding the issue of choosing dental equipment. How much should you spend? Solving this issue in isolation from the business model is pointless. If you are running a premium-segment clinic, then it is not advisable for you to consider cheap dental equipment.

And, conversely, when opening an economy class office, there is no point in spending money on luxury equipment.

If you hire staff but don't clearly define the clinic's business model, doctors and patients will end up having a hard time understanding each other.

Finally, from the first steps, the owner of a future dental clinic should understand that any business, including dental, is a system. A service, even if it is of excellent quality, is only an element of the system. The entrepreneur's task is to build the entire system.

In reality, there is a huge difference between a successful dentist and a successful businessman. A successful dentist is a person who knows everything about the business he is engaged in - that is, dental treatment. A successful businessman is a person who knows everything about the clients to whom he provides services: what they need, what they are willing to pay for, how convenient it is for them to visit the clinic.

Slide 2


1. Features of modern business models dental clinics. 2. Modern Features demand for dental services. 3. Specifics of organizing the work of a new dental enterprise. 2

Slide 3

1.Features of modern business models

There are several most difficult and important stages in building a private dental business - choosing a business model for a dental clinic, finding the “highlights” in the types of services, building customer service, and developing a promotion program. A huge selection of dental equipment and materials also creates certain difficulties for the clinic owner - should he trust the advice of practicing dentists or listen to the opinion of specialist technologists? 3

Slide 4

Serious requirements of supervisory authorities impose special responsibility on the design of a dental clinic - common sense and economic calculations, which require that every square meter generate as much revenue as possible, interfere with the requirements of the SES, forcing the allocation of auxiliary areas that do not generate income - a sterilization room, a staff rest room, additional bathrooms, etc. 4

Slide 5

The process of creating and promoting a dental clinic is the most difficult and responsible period, which often becomes not only a joyful event for the owner, but is also accompanied by a huge number of questions and problems. It is at the first stage that most mistakes are made, which subsequently hurt the investor’s wallet. How to choose the right premises, how to design a clinic so that every meter of space generates income, how to choose those services that are in demand by patients and the prices that bring maximum profit, how to select a professional team, how to go through the grindstone of obtaining permits, how to promote a clinic - with Every beginner faces these and many other questions when creating a dental business. 5

Slide 6

6 A profitable dental institution can be created only with the preliminary detailed and professional development of its project, with the calculation of a business plan, finding highlights in the range of services, with the competent selection of equipment, with the construction of a business model that is as independent as possible from the staff, with the creation of a special emotional atmosphere customer-oriented service that could not be copied.

Slide 7

How to create a dental clinic and how to promote it? Familiarization with the proposed materials provides answers to general questions about creating a dental business. But conditions are changing, the number of clinics created by talented entrepreneurs and newcomers is growing, bringing something new to this business. More and more new “flavors” are appearing - in the types of services, in providing them to clients, new types of materials and equipment are appearing, management procedures are being improved, and requirements for the organization of customer service are growing.

Slide 8

Dental practice is historically one of the oldest areas of medical business. The dental business is based on a very stable demand - a person has many teeth, and when at least one of them hurts, anyone is ready to give everything they have to get rid of the misfortune. 8

Slide 9

The creation of each clinic takes into account the best domestic and foreign experience in building a medical business, using the so-called “technology of success.” This is not only equipping the clinic with proven equipment, techniques and personnel, but also using effective management, marketing and quality assurance techniques, i.e. building a dental clinic not only as a health care institution, but above all, as a successful client-oriented business in the field of medicine. 9

Slide 10

10 The concept of any dental business is based on the following chain of actions: 1. The client base and competitive environment in the area where our clinic is located are studied. Conclusions are drawn about the level of the future clinic and the range and ratio of various services that are different from competitors and adjusted to local needs - in demand and capable of bringing commercial success in the area. 2. Positioning is formulated and patients’ perception of the clinic is formed. 3. A legend, corporate identity and design of the clinic are being developed. 4. Competitive differences and advantages for services are determined. 5. Competitive differences and advantages in customer service are determined.

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11 6. For the selected level of the clinic and set of services, a room layout is developed and technologies for performing services are selected, as well as recommended prices with which you can enter the market. Competitive differentiation is being created in terms of technologies and prices used. 7. Equipment and consumables that have the necessary and sufficient parameters to ensure the required level of quality of treatment are selected for the technology. Calculations of economic indicators are made. 8. A design, requirements for personnel qualifications, and internal documentation are developed for the selected level and equipment of the dental clinic.

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12 Practice has shown that newbie entrepreneurs are looking for a doctor as an assistant, who is completely trusted with the creation of a clinic, the selection of equipment, personnel, and, worst of all, the development of a price list. As a result, no matter how good the doctor may be, the clinic is initially built primarily as a medical institution, and not as a business. To avoid such a distortion, it is better for an entrepreneur to set up a business and manage it himself, trusting doctors only with the treatment process.

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13 Taxation. Having the form of ownership of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, you can be a payer under the simplified taxation system (STS). Obtaining a license is the most difficult stage when opening a dental office: impeccable fulfillment of all SES requirements is necessary. It is necessary to have certificates for the installed equipment, personal medical records of workers, copies of documents on their education and qualifications. Everything in the office should be arranged according to the BTI plan. compliance

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A license allows you to engage in a certain type of medical activity. Therapy, surgery, orthodontics and other types of services are declared separately. The licensing authority makes a decision to grant a license within a period not exceeding 45 days from the date of receipt of the application, and does not have the right to require documents other than those specified in the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities”. 14

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2. MODERN FEATURES OF DEMAND FOR DENTAL SERVICES Dental problems among the population have increased due to poor ecology, increased consumption of sweets and natural laziness of Russians, manifested in irregular teeth brushing. Rather, with the growth of the middle stratum of Russians, whose standard of living is approaching Western standards, patients’ demands for the quality of treatment and service are growing. Traditionally, going to the dentist is associated with terrible pain, so today's patients prefer to pay more to be greeted friendly, reassured, given a cup of coffee or a glass of juice in a cozy atmosphere, asked about life, and only then get down to business. 15

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The modern patient is more educated and often asks the doctor a proactive question: “What are you actually going to do in my mouth?” Knows that there are modern “soft” impression materials. Such a patient, upon seeing a dentist mixing plaster, can easily turn around and leave. Many patients already know what a visiograph is, and do not want to be irradiated in the old-fashioned way with X-ray machines from ancient times. The same applies to equipment - after lying in a comfortable Castellini chair once, the patient is unlikely to want anything else. 16

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The public sector is still staying afloat only because doctors earn extra money in such clinics unofficially, “for their own pockets.” In such clinics they work on outdated, worn-out equipment, which no one is going to update. The quality of such services can only be tolerated by those hardened by times of scarcity. 17

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The private sector is represented by three categories: Large clinics (sometimes with a branch network), where, no matter how you hide them, the costs of the flow system still appear, such as interest rates, doctors’ struggle for patients, and high turnover of staff. As a result of the impersonality of the appointment, the patient sometimes does not even remember the doctor’s last name, but the consequences of errors and flaws in treatment or service are easily spread to the entire clinic. Mini and micro clinics, or rather dental offices, where the owner himself works. Here patients go not to the brand, but to the name of the doctor who is responsible for everything. The quality of services here is higher, because if you make a mistake you will be left without a clientele. But, alas, such mini-salons, on the one hand, are very vulnerable (sometimes they operate without proper documentation, which is time-consuming and expensive to collect), and besides, they offer patients a very limited range of services - such offices cannot afford a variety of equipment, and there is nowhere to put it. The fastest growing system is of small private clinics with three or four chairs. This is the most promising direction, since in such a clinic, on the one hand, there is an individual approach to the client, and on the other, the range of services and profitability are higher than that of private offices. It is not for nothing, apparently, that the system of such small dental clinics dominates throughout the entire civilized world. 18

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3. Specifics of organizing the work of a new dental enterprise

19 The medical services market, according to experts, is growing at least 20% per year. On average, one city dweller spends one thousand rubles a year on dental health. Whereas, according to the calculations of insurance companies, one patient needs approximately 100 euros for rehabilitation, or complete treatment. This means that the market is still at the stage of growth and saturation. To increase the market, changes in the legislative framework will be required, in particular in the area health insurance. It is difficult to say today whether they will be implemented.

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Today, the dental services market is in a state of relative stability. The increase in prices in all previous years was due to an increase in the country's cash supply and the strengthening of the ruble. The clinics passed on rising costs (due to the growth of the euro, since the main suppliers of consumables are European companies) to the buyers of services. As a result, the growth in effective demand was offset by rising prices for dental services, which led to the “fixation” of the market at a different, higher price level with unchanged volumes. 20

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Rising prices have changed the price/quality ratio of dental services. Being forced to pay increased prices for treatment, consumers began to pay more attention to the range (breadth) of services offered and the level of service. The one who solves these two strategic tasks today when building a dental business will win the competitive competition for the consumer. This circumstance will determine the direction of development of the dental market in the near future, and it is this that imposes on newcomers the task of approaching the creation of a new generation of dental business - different from most of today's dentistry 21

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Cleanliness, tidiness, modern equipment, and the presence of qualified personnel alone are not enough to build a successful dental business. What's the point if you perfect the treatment process with an A, if only one and a half diggers will come to vote with their wallets for your efforts? When approaching the creation of a clinic, it is primarily viewed today not as a place where they help people get rid of dental diseases, but as an organizational structure designed to make money. Such a cynical monetarist approach can cure any newcomer from naive desires to invest everything without a trace in “the best clinic in the city, where the best doctors in the city work.” In any science there is a rule of necessary and sufficient conditions. 22

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Building a decent treatment process is a necessary condition for creating a modern dental business. But not enough. Compliance with SES standards during design is the same necessary condition, but also insufficient. We call sufficient only those conditions that are directly related to the generation of financial flows and profit. 23

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7. Contract management subsystem. Maintaining a register of external organizations. Preparation, coordination and maintenance of contracts. Planning and control of work execution under contracts. Maintaining reports on contracts. 8. Personnel management subsystem. Maintaining the organizational structure of the CO, personnel data (according to form T2) about employees, doctors and medical personnel. Maintain information about employee training, experience and competencies. Management of training and retraining of personnel. Maintaining personnel records. To calculate salaries, an interface with common external systems is used. 9. Intellectual capital management subsystem. Structuring, assessment and monitoring of intellectual capital in joint ventures. Planning for the development of intellectual capital. Accumulation and use of knowledge (best practices) in information science. Analysis and acquisition competitive advantages from the use of intellectual capital. 10. Financial management subsystem. An interface with common external systems for accounting and management accounting, payroll, etc. is used. 25

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In the treatment process, there are eight main types of services, which it is advisable to all accommodate under the roof of the clinic: 1. reception and consultations; functional diagnostics; 2. therapeutic dentistry (treatment of caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, diseases of the oral mucosa), 3. therapeutic periodontology and conservative treatment of periodontitis and chronic periodontal disease; 4. surgical dentistry (tooth extraction, treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, surgical methods for the treatment of periodontal tissue diseases, excision of benign tumors, etc.); physiotherapy; anesthesia; 5. teeth whitening, removal of tartar, smoker’s plaque, etc. 6. orthopedic treatment of dental defects, preparation for prosthetics, implantology, patient preparation for implantation; 7. orthodontics (treatment of dental anomalies), treatment of congenital defects of the maxillofacial area, including defects acquired as a result of injuries or early diseases; 8. pediatric dentistry; 26

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Today, only every fifth clinic provides its clients with all of the listed types of dental services. And market development trends and marketing surveys of patients indicate that a good clinic provides a full range of services and good customer service. One of the main trends in the dental services market is the consolidation of formats. There are quite a lot of offices in the city with only one equipped dentist position. In such medical institutions there is no possibility of even X-ray diagnostics, not to mention some more complex medical procedures. A promising direction for dental clinics will be not narrow specialization, but expansion of the range of services and universalization. 27

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There is a tendency to create conglomerates - bringing together diverse participants to create a single offer. For example, consolidation of dental and general medical clinics, cooperation of diagnostic centers and clinics providing services, say, in the field of reproductive health. It is assumed that with the development of this process, it is possible to create multi-brand platforms where the client can receive a full range of health services. 28

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29 Why multi-brand platforms and not multi-disciplinary medical centers? Because it is difficult to cover all medical services under one roof and equally successfully organize work in different industries medicine. Because in the end, the issue of quality will inevitably arise; one way or another, there will be a division into priority areas and related ones. But the client does not want to receive some service; he needs each product to meet a certain, fairly high level.

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30 What can be called the locomotive in our field? In dentistry, dental implantation has the greatest potential. This service will soon take a leading position in demand among patients. And although today many people view this service with some caution, in my opinion, the demand for it will actively grow. According to statistics, the majority of the adult population requires restoration of one or more teeth. Today, implantation is the most natural way to replace lost teeth.

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31 How is the balance of power in the market changing? What are the reasons for this? The experience of the clinics shows that no new major players have appeared in the dental services market. The composition of companies actively participating in the promotion remains the same. The battle for market shares will continue in this sector. The attractiveness of the market for new companies has decreased somewhat. The reasons for this are the high entrance fee (costs of equipment, premises, personnel search), difficult market conditions and personnel costs. In general, human resources have become more expensive, costs for medical specialists amount to an average of 50%, which is a lot.

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32 Organizational difficulties are increasing: the procedure for licensing activities has changed, licensing of quality assessment in dentistry and new labor protection rules are being introduced. Today, companies are recommended to follow the path of service standardization. The organization must have a quality and standardization service, and internal and external training for doctors and contact staff must be regularly conducted. Companies must set a goal: providing the full cycle of outpatient dental care, and move towards achieving it. In the near future, the range of services will be complemented by the possibility of placement in a hospital, and in the first half, patients of the clinics will be able to undergo dental treatment under general anesthesia.

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