The drinking diet is a method of losing weight based on eliminating all solid food from the diet. The body will draw nutrients from water, juices, and dairy drinks. This diet will help you reset overweight in just 2 weeks, and will also ensure the removal of waste and toxins from the body. The diet is unique due to its low cost and effectiveness.

What can you eat besides water?

This weight loss method is designed for 14 days without solid food..

In the classic version, during these two weeks you need to drink only water. This is very difficult and dangerous for the body.

In order to avoid further problems, the diet allows the intake of any liquid food. This rule will satisfy hunger and provide the body with useful substances. During the diet you can take such liquids:

  1. Water. Throughout the diet and when exiting it, be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water. It must be clean, without gas and dyes. If you decide to create a diet based only on this drink, you should start eliminating food gradually so as not to create difficulties for the body. You also need to return to a normal diet slowly. It is not recommended to fast for more than 3 days, so it is better not to limit yourself to water.
  2. Bouillon. You can cook it on in various forms meat or vegetables. Preservatives should be avoided and only homemade products should be used as ingredients. Salt is not recommended, but there is no ban on it. You can add any vegetables except onions and peppers. They whet the appetite, which is not advisable during a diet.
  3. Low-fat fermented milk products. A prerequisite for milk, kefir and yoghurt is low fat content - it should not exceed two percent. Otherwise, food will be poorly absorbed and the digestion process will slow down.
  4. Natural juice. You need to squeeze it yourself from fresh vegetables or fruits. Adding sugar is prohibited by the diet. You should also not buy juice in the store, because it contains preservatives. Best choice grapefruit will become, it actively burns fat and will help you lose weight. You need to exclude grape juice from your diet - it contains a large amount of sugar.
  5. Unsweetened tea. The tea leaves can be used to suit your taste.
  6. Compote or jelly. The main rule for this type of drink is the exclusion of sugar.

You can distribute the above drinks by day of the week or combine several in one day. The amount of water and tea is unlimited. A limit should be set when taking broth, kefir, milk and jelly. Don't overeat, just satisfy your hunger. You can make various cocktails by combining vegetables and fruits.

Pros and cons of a drinking diet

A drinking diet for 14 days has its positive and negative sides.


  1. High efficiency. This diet is widely known for its effectiveness. In just 2 weeks you can lose 7-15 kilograms by following your diet. Due to a change in diet, the body begins to actively burn excess fat, which will allow you to achieve an ideal figure.
  2. Cleansing the body. A large amount of water can remove absolutely all harmful substances, waste and toxins from the body. This will improve digestion and metabolism.
  3. Reduction in stomach volume. Due to the lack of solid food, the stomach will stop growing, this is the first stage on the path to an ideal figure. Over time, it will begin to decrease, and as a result, the hanging belly will disappear. This process is caused by the peculiarity of the organ itself.


Negative effect on the body. This is the only, but serious, disadvantage that can scare away those who want to lose weight with the help of water.

Liquid does not allow you to be completely satiated and get essential vitamins for proper metabolism. Hunger can disrupt the functioning of the body, which can lead to illness. If you notice symptoms, consult a doctor.

For those who do not suffer from chronic diseases, this method won't do any harm. The body will succumb to stress, but this will manifest itself exclusively in weight loss. The main thing is not to suffer hunger, drink more and this will give you the opportunity to fill your stomach.

The drinking diet is effective and easy to use, but do not forget about its negative impact.

Despite improving digestion, it can cause a lack of nutrients. To avoid health problems, you need to take into account the following tips:

  1. Don't overdo your diet. It is not recommended to use it more than once a year. This is quite enough to remove toxins and lose weight. Otherwise, the body may suffer.
  2. Don't forget about side effects. The method of losing weight on water carries with it a load on certain organs and the entire body. Before you start actively losing weight, you must be examined by a doctor. You need to start destroying kilograms only after the approval of a specialist. Symptoms may also appear during a diet, then you need to stop the process and go to the hospital.
    In such cases, you can find a different diet.
  3. It is forbidden to use the technique for people with chronic diseases, as well as for pregnant women.. It is necessary to put aside thoughts about a drinking diet if you have problems with the digestive system. Other ailments may also be the cause of the ban, so before losing weight you should undergo an examination at a clinic.

Important advice after leaving the diet: in the first week, exclude solid foods from the menu - this can injure the digestive system. Start this period with liquids or porridge. During the diet, limit yourself from active sports, because the body will not have enough energy anyway. You can return to an active lifestyle after completely quitting the diet.

Diet and menu

The drinking diet can last from 7 to 30 days, during which it is allowed to consume only water or liquid food.

Doctors note that such a long fast can negatively affect the body’s performance, so they recommend not limiting yourself to water alone.

You can add freshly squeezed juices without preservatives and sugar, broths, low-fat yoghurts, and unsweetened tea to your diet. Be sure to drink more than 1.5 liters of water.

This a diet for 14 days can be divided into 7 parts of 2 days each, during which to consume only a certain type of liquid food. This will make the process of losing weight much easier and will not cause significant discomfort to the body.

Also, such a diet will not get boring and will provide you with useful substances and vitamins.

1-2 days– consumption of low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, kefir;
3-4 day– broth without adding salt and spices;
5-6 day– juices of fruits and vegetables, made independently. Avoid drinking juices from packs;
7-8 day– unsweetened tea;
9-10 day– jelly of their starch or various grain crops;
11-12 day– unsweetened dried fruit compote;
13-14 day– again natural juices without sugar.

Food intake is not limited, nor is the amount of fluid consumed.

Quitting the diet

Exit from drinking diet should last twice as long as the diet itself. This is prerequisite to maintain results and further weight loss. To exit the fourteen-day diet, you should spend one month, during which your diet will return to normal.

First 3 days after the end of the period, you need to add daily breakfasts of oatmeal and fresh fruit to the menu. The rest of the time, still drink water and nothing else.

Next 4 days will contain 2 meals. You are allowed to eat any product for breakfast. It could be yogurt, egg, meat, etc. We leave it for lunch oatmeal with fruits or vegetables. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water daily.

Second week leaving the diet will include three meals a day. You need to add protein foods and fermented milk products to your diet. For breakfast, cook scrambled eggs with vegetables, lunch can be buckwheat and boiled meat, and in the evening, eat a portion of cottage cheese. Salads with greens will also be an excellent solution in the second week of leaving the diet. Don't forget about large quantities water to speed up digestion and remove toxins from the body.

Third week will begin with the addition of flour products and carbohydrates to the diet. You can gradually add salt, potatoes, buckwheat, pasta and sugar. From now on, do not deny yourself cakes, pastries, sweets and buns. Breakfast should be hearty, and lunch and dinner should be at your own discretion.

Next, you should create the menu yourself. After a month, all prohibitions are canceled, and you can again eat whatever you want. But it’s better not to binge on food, because the extra pounds may return and then the painful process will have to be repeated all over again.

The effectiveness of a drinking diet for 14 days: reviews and results

The results are as good as any other weight loss method. It is quite effective and quickly burns unwanted pounds.

In 14 days of a compiled diet, you can lose 7-15 kilograms.

Indicators vary based on their initial weight, as well as the characteristics of the organism itself. Don't forget that The weight loss process will continue even after this period.. During the period of leaving the diet, which lasts one month, You can lose up to 20 kilograms of weight.

These numbers are relative. If your weight at the beginning of the diet was within the normal range, then you will not be able to lose weight to an abnormal state: in this case, you will lose from 2 to 10 kilograms. If your plans included losing weight by more than 20 kilograms, then you should properly quit the diet and continue to eat healthy foods. Can add physical exercise and playing sports.

The results surprise both those who want to start the diet and those who have tried it on themselves.

Stepan : I never paid attention to my excess weight. I didn’t care about my hanging sides and belly, although somewhere deep down in my soul complexes were eating me up entirely. The reason for my active weight loss was my wife, who forced me to get myself in order. And guess what? I don't regret it one bit.

I came across the drinking diet immediately, because it was one of the most popular methods. I was amazed at the time frame within which I could lose my belly and sides. I started acting on the same day. At the first time I refused to eat, my stomach rumbled like a steam locomotive, my hunger was crazy, but thanks to Olya’s support, I managed.

After the first week I felt better, I practically didn’t notice my hunger, broths helped me, which at least somehow made it possible to get enough. In short, my result in 2 weeks was losing 6 kilograms of weight. To be honest, I wasn’t particularly happy, because I wanted to see much larger numbers. But after the end of the term, my weight began to decrease and decrease, I decided to take my diet more seriously.
Within two months my weight decreased by 19 kilograms. This was a cause for joy. Therefore, I want to say that a drinking diet is just a good push, but you should continue to monitor your nutrition.

Valeria : I have never been overweight and started a diet to get myself in order for the holidays. The water diet was already popular then, and I decided to use it. It was easy for me to refrain from eating because I was constantly working. I simply didn't have the time or desire to eat.

I didn’t even notice how 2 weeks of the diet passed. At the end of the term, I first noticed my figure and simply couldn’t believe my eyes. My stomach tightened and I lost 4 kilograms. This is quite enough for me, because my weight was normal before. Thanks for the technique!

Christina : I liked the diet, but it turned out to be too difficult for my body. I was able to hold out for only four days, during which my weight remained virtually unchanged. It’s a shame, because there were quite a few positive reviews about the drinking diet. I'll have to look for another method that works for me.

Losing weight up to 18 kg in 30 days.
The average daily calorie content is 450 Kcal.

The drinking diet is a thirty-day method during which you can lose a decent amount of kilograms. If you don’t need to correct your figure significantly, then you don’t have to stay on this diet for so long. Sometimes just a week or 10 days is enough. Based on your goals and, of course, how you feel. After all, the diet is strict and only involves drinking. You will need to give up solid food altogether. As a rule, while following the rules of this technique, a person gets rid of at least 15-18 kilograms excess weight.

Drinking Diet Requirements

So, while losing weight on a drinking diet, you only need to drink. It is acceptable to consume low-fat dairy and fermented milk products, low-fat broths, compotes, jelly, juices, and tea. Of course, ordinary clean water must be present in your diet. Any drinks containing sugar and alcohol are taboo on the drinking diet.

Let's look at each drinking dish in more detail.

Water- the most important component in your diet. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean, still water every day. For people with very strong will, there is even a strict rule, in which only water is allowed to drink, and other liquids are prohibited. But, no matter what endurance you have, do not continue this regimen for more than three days. This carries a risk of health problems. While on a 30-day diet, don’t forget to start every day by jump-starting your metabolism by putting a glass of healthy water in your stomach.

Broths You can eat beef, chicken and fish. They must be low-fat and only homemade(no packaged soups, bouillon cubes or other similar products). When cooking, it is allowed to add calorie-free seasonings, herbs (parsley is a priority), you can add a little salt, and also season with pieces of carrots and celery to diversify taste qualities. But we don’t eat solid ingredients. Before using, strain the broth so that only liquid remains. Otherwise, this is already considered a violation of the diet rules. It is important to note that broths should only be made from meat; it is prohibited to cook them on bones.

Dairy and fermented milk products in liquid form. We drink kefir and fermented baked milk with a fat content of up to 2%. It is advisable that the milk fat content threshold should not be higher than 1.5%. We prepare low-fat yogurt ourselves at home; store-bought fruit varieties of these products are definitely not suitable.

Juices. Of these, the priority on this diet is apple, grapefruit and other citrus fruits. But it is very important that you must be 100% sure of the composition of the juice (especially the absence of sugar in it). Of course, it is better to drink freshly squeezed homemade juices. In principle, you can consume any juice, both fruit and vegetable.

Compotes and jelly cook yourself from fresh fruits, dried fruits, berries. The introduction of oatmeal jelly into the diet is also welcome.

Note that the cleansing processes in the body during a drinking diet proceed as follows.

The first 10 days the intestines and other excretory organs are cleansed. At this time, there is a high probability of plaque appearing on the tongue. This is an unpleasant bonus of the cleansing process, which is normal. Simply remove it while brushing your teeth with a brush or spoon.

From the 10th to the 20th day, the so-called dense organs (in particular, the liver and kidneys) are also involved in the cleansing processes. During this time, discomfort may occur in their areas.

And at the end of the diet - from day 20 to the finish line - cleansing occurs at the cellular level of the body. Now there should be no discomfort at all. Only cheerfulness and lightness.

It is recommended to eat 5 times a day, giving up any diet 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you are very hungry at first, allow yourself a couple of sips of low-fat kefir before bed. But try to gradually move away from this eating habits and strictly adhere to diet rules.

When a food diet comes to an end, it is extremely important to exit it correctly. Otherwise, the body, which is weaned from solid food, will simply rebel. At first, you can add only slimy porridge (preferably oatmeal) to your diet and eat it for breakfast. It is not recommended to introduce other dietary changes in the first post-diet week. From the second week, move the above-mentioned porridge (it is not necessary to always consume only oatmeal) to lunchtime, and for breakfast allow yourself 1-2 boiled eggs or a sandwich with a thin slice of cheese. Keep dinner liquid for now. In the third week after the liquid weight loss course, introduce new changes. Now make your breakfast liquid, porridge for lunch, and for dinner you can eat fresh vegetables or fruits, but without oil. In the fourth week, the most significant changes begin. For lunch, you can indulge in a low-fat meat or fish dish. Breakfast and evening reception food is the same as in the previous week.

Starting from the fifth week and for a long time (preferably forever), one day a week you should allow yourself only liquid food, carrying out a kind of fasting. This will not only help protect the body from gaining excess weight, but also normalize work gastrointestinal tract, allowing him to rest sometimes. On other days, simply do not exceed the standard calorie intake and do not overindulge. fatty foods and sweets. Allow yourself them as an exception, but not every day.

Drinking diet menu

An approximate diet if you decide to lose weight on a drinking diet may be as follows.

Breakfast: a glass of milk or yogurt.
Second breakfast: freshly squeezed juice from your favorite fruit.
Lunch: pureed vegetable soup (preferably non-starchy); a cup of green tea.
Afternoon snack: fruit and berry jelly (1 glass).
Dinner: a cup of kefir.

If your appetite comes between meals, you can help your body with a cup of tea with milk or lemon. You can also have coffee, but in small quantities.

Contraindications for drinking diet

  • Only people who have good health, and then after consultation with a doctor.
  • Patients with problems with the stomach or intestines, as well as other organs and systems of the body, cannot strictly follow this regimen.
  • Of course, pregnant and lactating women should not go on a drinking diet.
  • Also significant contraindications include the body’s tendency to swelling. This diet can make your problem even more noticeable.

Advantages of a drinking diet

  1. The drinking diet is effective. Weight loss is pleasing already in the first days of life according to the drinking regime.
  2. At the same time, not only excess weight is lost, the body is also cleansed of harmful toxins, toxins and other substances.
  3. It is also worth noting that the load on the digestive tract of the body is reduced. And we, alas, very often significantly overload it by consuming large quantities of solid fatty foods, smoked foods, preservatives with all sorts of suspicious additives, absorbing sweets, alcohol, etc. A liquid and low-fat diet helps the stomach digest food much easier, so our gastrointestinal tract simply rests during this diet.
  4. And in general, the volume of the stomach is significantly reduced. So in the future you will be satisfied with significantly less food. But the main thing is not to stretch it again. This is extremely easy to do if you start overeating. Try to control yourself, because you have put a lot of effort into achieving the result.
  5. If at first on a diet some people note that they are faced with weakness, then soon you, on the contrary, should feel pleasant lightness and vigor. The fact is that the body begins to release energy that it previously spent processing solid food. Now this activity is sent out, and you feel a surge of strength and are in an excellent mood. The maximum time after which this should happen is 10 days after starting the diet.

Disadvantages of a drinking diet

  • At first you may feel weak. Excessive fatigue and apathy often occur, which not everyone who loses weight can overcome.
  • The wrong way out of the diet is dangerous. If you do not introduce solid products into the diet very smoothly and carefully, this can result in excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract, to which it is not accustomed. As a result, health problems may arise. If, after a marathon diet, you cannot control your appetite and do not control your diet, the lost excess weight may knock on your door again.
  • Many people are frightened and confused by the duration of the drinking diet. Not everyone can limit themselves to food this way for a whole month. It is also important to note that complexity most often arises in the psychological mood. It is known that you often want to chew on stress, but here it is impossible to do so. After all, the entire diet is represented only by liquid products.
  • It is impossible not to note the long-term withdrawal from the diet, which lasts for a whole month, just like the weight loss course itself. So only people with a serious attitude should choose such a diet. You will have to work hard and devote a lot of time not only to lose weight, but also to maintain it.

Repeated drinking diet

Since the 30-day drinking diet is very strict and long-term, no matter how easy it was for you the first time, and no matter how good the results it brought, it is not recommended to repeat it no more than after 2 months. The 10-day option can be repeated after a month, and the seven-day drinking diet can be repeated after 2 weeks.

A menu developed by nutritionists for 7 days helps everyone lose extra pounds in as soon as possible. To lose weight and prevent weight gain, it is important to know some rules of the drinking diet, its features, and make sample menu and the main thing is to be determined that you will receive a minimum of food.

What is a drinking diet

The diet is suitable not only for those who want to see a minus on the scales, but also for those who seek to remove toxins and waste from the body. By cleaning at the cellular level, you will help all body systems work better and also stabilize your metabolism. A drinking diet is the consumption of drinking food for a certain number of days. Its duration can last from one day to a month. Observations show that up to 2 kilograms of excess weight are lost per day, and up to 7 kilograms per week. However, you should go on such a fast only once a year.

Drinking diets for weight loss

The duration of hunger strikes can vary, but those that last a month are considered the most effective. During the first 10 days, a person begins to feel light because all the hollow organs are cleansed. Over the course of another 10 days, the liver and kidneys are renewed, but during this period discomfort may occur. During the remaining 10 days of a month-long fast, all cells of the body are cleansed: they change metabolic processes, because it does a reboot. Just at the end of the drinking diet for weight loss, maximum weight loss is achieved, and the skin acquires an even color.

How long can you stay on a drinking diet?

There are classic and short drinking diets. The first type includes those whose duration is 30 days. In a month you can lose weight and cleanse your body of pollution in the form of toxins and waste. However, fasting for more than one month is dangerous for health, because then all the available nutrients will begin to be washed out.

Often, women, men and even the younger generation of young people prefer short diets that take only a week, because during these 7 days they lose from 5 to 7 annoying kilograms. You can go on a drinking diet literally for one or a couple of days, but such a choice will more likely lead to an express cleansing of the body, when toxins are removed from the intestines, than to thorough weight loss.

What is possible

Many people ask about what you can drink on a drinking diet? The basis of drinking fasts are liquids that you will drink instead of your usual food. Allowed liquids that can be consumed on a drinking diet include:

  • still water, but you can drink mineral water for no more than three days;
  • broth prepared independently: chicken, fish, meat, vegetable. You can add carrots, celery or parsley to it when cooking;
  • low-fat liquid puree soup made from oatmeal (Oatmeal), chicken and other products;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, milk, fermented baked milk with fat content up to 2%;
  • natural yogurt, curdled milk;
  • freshly squeezed juices from grapefruit, apple or orange;
  • teas - green, fruit, red, black, but always brewed and without sugar;
  • jelly, compote of dried or fresh berries.

Rules for drinking diet

During the seven-day fasting period, all body systems work, saving energy, so the toxic load is reduced and weight goes off. To ensure that your health does not suffer and that weight loss is effective, it is important to know the rules of the drinking diet and follow them:

  1. The basis of this weight loss program should be a liquid product - jelly, broth, puree soup or kefir, and you should forget about solid food for this time.
  2. A 7-day mono-diet involves alternating drinks every day. By drinking different liquids, you can diversify your diet and get nutrients in the amount required for the body.
  3. It is recommended to avoid kvass, carbonated water, packaged juices and alcoholic beverages.


Reviews from those who fasted even for 7 days prove that before switching to such a diet you need to be well prepared, because it will be very difficult for the body to consume only liquids instead of the usual food. Preparation for the drinking diet consists of the fact that a week before it you need to completely give up smoked meats, salted and smoked foods, sauces, mayonnaise, processed foods, and ketchups.

3 days before switching to a 7-day strict regime, you must eat exclusively vegetables, fruits, cereals (it is better if these are cereals or buckwheat), drinks without sugar and drink 2 liters of water every day. It is recommended to gradually reduce the serving size to a minimum so that the stomach gets used to the fact that it will receive little food. The day before the transition, give preference to green unsweetened tea.


Reviews prove that a drinking diet for a week - effective method, which helps to lose excess deposits in the form of fat, the main thing here is to follow all the recommendations. So, the basis of this diet is fresh fruit, berry and vegetable juices. You can supplement the list with low-fat broth, dairy products, and unsweetened teas. The drinking diet menu also necessarily includes clean water in an amount of 1.5 liters or more.

Quitting the drinking diet

After a week-long fast, it is recommended to gradually add proteins, fats and carbohydrates to your regular diet. So, going off the drinking diet for 7 days should take twice as long, which means that you will need to go off for at least 14 days. It is forbidden to immediately eat fatty, spicy or starchy foods; solid foods are only allowed in the morning, and for dinner you must leave the drinking menu. It is advisable to gradually change the liquid lunch to a solid one - such a transition should last at least 3-4 days. Then for dinner you can eat something from the usual menu.

Chocolate drinking

This weight loss option will appeal to those with a sweet tooth, because it combines a chocolate diet and a drinking diet. So, the chocolate-drinking diet includes hot chocolate, beloved by many, but without added sugar. You can also include cocoa diluted with low-fat milk and still water. By observing this strict fast, you can lose up to 7 extra pounds in 3-7 days.

Recipes for the drinking diet

The basis of a 7-day fast is liquids. For this reason, soup is a staple in drinking diet recipes. So, for lunch you can make a delicious hot dish of tomatoes:

  1. Take 20 tomatoes, cut them, remove seeds.
  2. Place the halves on a baking sheet, sprinkle chopped onions on top, add crushed garlic, and drizzle a little oil.
  3. Bake the tomatoes for half an hour, then transfer them to water and make broth.
  4. You can add cucumbers to the pan with prepared vegetables, and then grind everything with a blender.

Smoothies are also a popular dish during hunger strikes. To prepare the drink, you need to grind a banana into porridge, add 100 ml of apple nectar and 50 ml of carrot juice. After mixing, all ingredients must be whipped using a food processor or blender, and then sprinkle the resulting cocktail with a small amount of cinnamon or vanilla for taste.


According to reviews, the main goal of people who decide to go on a hunger strike is, first of all, to lose weight, and only then to cleanse the body. Before switching to such a strict regime, many try to find out the results of a drinking diet. So, water therapy will help:

  • reduction of the stomach;
  • getting rid of toxins and waste;
  • destruction of the fat layer under the skin;
  • weight loss up to 2 kg per day, up to 8 kg per week, up to 15 kg per month;
  • cleansing the body after 5 days.

How to maintain a drinking diet

It is very difficult for many to survive even 7 days, because this diet is very strict. If you want to maintain a drinking diet and lose weight, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Initially, think about why you need to lose weight (buy new jeans or fit into old ones) and throughout the 7 days and exit days, remember the incentive.
  2. Imagine what you'll get when you lose weight: you'll be able to wear beautiful clothes that... slim figure It will look perfect, your health will improve, your well-being will improve, because extra pounds are also harmful.
  3. For each achievement in the form of weight loss, reward yourself, but not with treats, but, for example, with a change in image, new things.

How to properly go on a drinking diet

You can evaluate the pros and cons of a strict diet for 7 days after you try it yourself. In order to achieve the desired result on the scales, but not harm the body, it is important to follow a proper drinking diet: follow the prepared menu, eat recommended foods, correctly and gradually switch to liquids, and then to solid foods. If you feel that you can’t stand it the whole week, then start leaving this diet, but also gradually, as you prepared.


They stopped noticing you handsome men? Get slimmer with the method in this article and everything will change.

In pursuit of happiness, which for many is directly proportional to beauty and harmony with all the ensuing consequences, some people prefer tough, but effective methods losing weight. A drinking diet for 10 days refers to just such methods of getting rid of extra pounds, more like some kind of experiment on your own body. To remove extra centimeters from your waist and hips, it is not enough just to drink low-calorie drinks - you need to do it competently, observing certain rules, and then the result will please you.

Essence and features

The technique involves a complete rejection of solid foods in favor of low-calorie drinks. The creators of the diet placed the main emphasis on this particular feature, since they believed that it was stress eating that had become the norm that was most harmful to the figure.

In addition, in the process of chewing food, appetite increases, so a person involuntarily eats more than he originally wanted.

Avoiding solid foods has a positive effect on the digestive system. She no longer has to spend hours on end digesting the fatty piece of fried pork that you ate for lunch, eating white bread - everything happens much faster and easier. Digestive system gradually unloads, metabolic processes improve, and the stomach decreases in size, which subsequently has a positive effect on the condition of the figure.

Thanks to large intakes of fluid and the predominance of fresh “dishes” in the diet, water-salt metabolism is established. This has a positive effect not only on the processes occurring inside the body - it also changes appearance. A person gets rid of swelling, which for a long time could be perceived as extra pounds.

Important: In its classic form, the drinking diet is designed for 30 days, but doctors do not recommend conducting such experiments on your own body.

Lack of solid food and sufficient nutrients has a negative impact on your health, so you may need medical help after dieting.

Shorter drinking diets - 10 days (see reviews below) are acceptable, since they allow you to lose a few extra pounds and do not harm your health. It is usually advised to adhere to such a diet for 5-7 days, but a ten-day drinking diet is also allowed.

You just need to create a varied menu so that it does not consist of only water and kefir, otherwise the body will simply become exhausted, and this is accompanied by accompanying side effects– headaches, weakness, dizziness and even fainting.

Permitted and prohibited products

All 10 days of the drinking diet (before and after) require compliance with the rules. Before starting, it is advisable to conduct an audit of your own kitchen to remove everything tasty but harmful from the refrigerator and cabinets. The “out of sight, out of mind” principle is suitable for many diets, because if you don’t constantly look at a product from the forbidden list, it will be much easier to endure a strict menu without breakdowns.

Important: While following the drinking technique, you should not eat any food that needs to be chewed.

Remember what small children who do not yet have teeth eat, and you will understand the general idea of ​​the diet. The restriction is not even imposed separately on fast food or fried foods, because such dishes cannot be turned into liquid.

As for acceptable dishes, the list is not too long, so you won’t get confused. It includes the following drinks:

  • black, green or herbal tea (exclusively natural, not in bags);
  • natural freshly brewed black coffee without sugar (1 time per day);
  • cocoa without sugar;
  • freshly squeezed juices from fruits, berries or vegetables without sugar (if the drink is too concentrated, it is diluted with clean water);
  • smoothies from fruits, berries, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, etc.;
  • freshly brewed compotes and fruit drinks without sugar (not prepared for the winter and not bought in a store);
    jelly without adding starch;
  • strained vegetable or mushroom broth;
  • broth cooked in lean meat, poultry or fish;
  • milk with a fat content of less than 2.5% and fermented milk drinks with a fat content of no more than 1%;
  • vegetable puree soups prepared using a blender.

In addition to low-calorie drinks, you can, and even need to, drink clean non-carbonated water in large quantities - at least 8 glasses a day. It can be alternated with a liquid “dish” chosen for a specific day or drunk every time you feel hungry (and during a drinking diet this will happen often).

All drinks are prepared without salt and sugar, which means that you have to put up with the bland taste of the “dishes”. Another option is to add natural spices, which will make the taste more pronounced and pleasant. These are cinnamon, ginger, lemon juice, sage, basil, thyme and other herbal seasonings. Sometimes you can add a spoonful of natural honey to tea or fruit drink.

Menu for weight loss

Everyone can create a convenient menu for themselves for the entire period of weight loss, guided by the list of permitted drinks. You can prepare different liquid “meals” for each meal or adhere to the one-ingredient principle of constructing a diet. It is best to alternate fruit and vegetable days with broth or fermented milk days, but everyone chooses the optimal system for themselves.

Classic version

An approximate strict drinking diet menu for 10 days looks like this:

  • 1 day – milk with a fat content of up to 2.5% (you can add honey or cinnamon to it), fermented milk drinks (kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt without additives) with a fat content of no more than 1%;
  • Day 2 – vegetable, mushroom, meat, chicken, fish broths ( last option not for everyone), without flavoring additives and solid food particles;
  • Day 3 – freshly squeezed juices and smoothies from vegetables, fruits or berries without sugar (if the drink turns out sour, it is diluted with water);
  • Day 4 – black, green or herbal tea without sugar, if desired, you can grind a little ginger root into each glass and add a slice of lemon;
  • Day 5 – compote of fresh or dried berries and fruits without sugar;
  • Day 6 – jelly from fruits, berries or cereals, if desired, vegetable broth or puree soup;
  • Day 7 – freshly squeezed juice from fruits, vegetables or berries;
  • Day 8 – milk and fermented milk drinks;
  • Day 9 – meat or chicken broth;
  • Day 10 – pure water without gas in unlimited quantities.

Important: For each day you need to prepare 2 liters of the selected drink, about clean water also must not be forgotten.

When creating a menu, you can combine different ingredients in one “dish”; for example, you can experiment with vegetables and fruits, and also try natural spices that will help diversify the taste.

Chocolate option

There is another, more exotic version of the drinking diet, designed for 10 days.

The menu is not amazing in variety, and the body does not receive all the necessary nutrients, so if you follow this technique, you must constantly monitor your well-being so that if any ailments arise, you can painlessly return to your previous diet.

The name of the diet is shock-drinking. For 10 days, it is suggested to drink only clean water, cocoa brewed with water or skim milk, and hot chocolate made from dark or bitter product. Drinks are prepared without sugar, but you can add cinnamon and other spices. This menu fills you up relatively well and lifts your spirits, which is important on any diet, as it reduces the risk of breakdowns.

Important: You can drink no more than 7 cups of cocoa or hot chocolate per day.

Correct entry and exit

Any sudden changes in diet can seriously harm the body, so don't take risks. If you have enough time to follow all the entry and exit rules, it is better to do so. Otherwise, you need to think about whether a diet is needed at all, because failure to follow the recommendations will most likely lead to a re-gain of lost pounds.

At least a week before starting a strict drinking diet for 10 days, you need to gradually switch to proper nutrition. At first they remain on the menu familiar products, but you will have to give up frying, giving preference to boiling, stewing, baking or steaming. From the very first day of preparing for the diet, you need to drink more liquid.

Gradually, the portion size is reduced, the amount of liquid food increases, and the amount of solid food decreases.

Important: You need to eat 4-6 times a day, with the last meal being a fermented milk drink or herbal decoction (2-3 hours before bedtime).

On the last day before starting the diet, liquid food should predominate on the menu; you can only eat something solid but low-calorie once, for example, a portion vegetable stew or a small piece of boiled chicken breast.

Exiting the diet should also be gradual. We can say that the entrance to it is repeated, only in reverse order.The amount of liquid food gradually decreases, solid food increases. Coming off a 10-day diet should take 10-14 days, depending on your personal well-being and desired results.

Daily caloric intake must be increased gradually - by 30-50 kcal per day. However, you should not immediately pounce on meat or boiled eggs– the body is already a little unaccustomed to such food, so among protein foods it is better to first choose legumes, soy, milk and cottage cheese.

Results and reviews

Each body reacts differently to the same diet - some manage to significantly adjust their figure, while others barely notice the elimination of edema. The results of the drinking diet for 10 days are also affected by the initial weight - the higher it is, the more you will be able to lose, but the last kilograms are always difficult to lose.

On average, in 10 days of a drinking diet you can get rid of 5-7 kg of excess weight, some manage to cross the threshold of minus 10 kg, but this does not happen so often. The most intense weight loss will be in the first few days, since the body will leave not so much extra pounds as stagnant fluid and intestinal contents.

Depending on the effect obtained, people respond differently to the diet. For example, Vladislav’s girlfriend writes: “I liked the diet. I sat there for 10 days, my weight before the start was 61 kg, my weight after the end was 55 kg. I didn’t really bother with the menu, I drank everything that was drinkable. I prepared soups, ground them in a blender, squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables, made diet smoothies, and a couple of times I even took milkshakes to the bistro.”

Another girl, Ksenia, left this review: “I can say with confidence that this is a diet for those who like to take risks. I sat on it with my friend and shared the results every day. The weight was approximately the same - about 1-1.2 kg every day. There was no joy, but in the end my kidneys began to ache, and my friend complained of discomfort in her stomach. The diet is, of course, effective, but is it safe?


A drinking diet designed for 10 days is not balanced, and doctors are not too fond of it, which makes you think. The technique will help those who want to quickly get rid of heavy weight, but if there is enough time for more rational methods of losing weight, it is better not to take unnecessary risks.

Already from the name it is clear that the main components of the diet are liquid components intended not for food, but for drinking, and although it appeared relatively recently, it already has quite a lot of adherents. True, in order to lose weight, you will have to make some efforts, since you will have to drink both when you are thirsty and when you are hungry.

Pros and cons of a drinking diet

The effect of the drinking diet may not be obtained immediately: according to those who have tried it on themselves, a clear change in figure and weight loss can be expected in about a month. During this entire time you cannot eat, you can only drink, which means that the person losing weight will need maximum effort and endurance. At the same time, both positive and negative sides this method of weight loss. The advantages include:

  • cleansing the body for quite a long time, when it is freed from poisons, toxins, and fecal debris;
  • feeling of lightness, improved mood;
  • reduction in the size of the stomach in the absence of discomfort;
  • weight loss.

Like any diet, this is not a panacea and has its disadvantages:

  • many believe that a too strict drinking diet does not relieve the constant feeling of hunger, which is a severe stress for the body;
  • a long period of time can lead to loss of energy, weakness, and increased fatigue;
  • there is a danger of a “lazy stomach” effect;
  • the diet is poor in vitamins, so you have to take them additionally;
  • Weight loss results are difficult to maintain.

Preparing for a drinking diet

This type of diet cannot be started at any time. The complexity of its course requires a serious preparatory period, which must begin at least a week in advance. Entering a drinking diet is marked by bans on the consumption of a number of foods and a transition to a different diet. Sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, sweets and fatty foods should be excluded from the menu, but liquid cereals, soups, soft fruits and freshly squeezed juices should be included. The transition to a new diet should be carried out gradually, since any sudden change leads the body to stressful situations.

How much can you lose on a drinking diet?

Naturally, with so many restrictions and strict implementation, those who use a drinking diet have the right to count on significant weight loss, so many people have a very reasonable question about how much weight can be lost on it. Practice shows that if you strictly follow the requirements, you can get rid of more than 15 extra kg in a month, and “lose” about five within a week. However, the consequences of a drinking diet, if carried out without prior consultation with a specialist, may be unpredictable.

How long can you stay on a drinking diet?

The drinking diet is designed for a course of 30 days, although those who were on it claim that the effect can be obtained as early as 3-4 days. When starting a drinking diet, you need to understand that only a few will be able to cross the finish line in thirty days. Options have been developed full course, which are designed for three days, a week, ten days and two weeks, depending on the state of health and willpower of the person who decided to lose weight on this diet. Its creators insist that if you know how to properly follow a drinking diet, you can get excellent results without serious losses to your health.

How not to fall off the drinking diet?

If we do not take into account the difficulties that those who nevertheless decide to use this method will have to overcome, it is worth noting that within a reasonable time, depending on individual characteristics, you can lose weight without experiencing much discomfort. To do this, you need to use dishes that are close in consistency to the state of thin sour cream and can be used in nutrition.

The drinking diet allows liquid porridges, fruit and berry jelly, skim cheese, whipped in a blender with the same kefir. That is, the choice of dishes on the diet menu for drinking is not at all small, so it is not necessary to starve here, but the main thing driving force Any nutrition system is the desire to lose weight and the confidence that this will definitely happen. In this case, there will be no problem with how to maintain a drinking diet.

Drinking diet - what can you drink?

Since the diet is related to liquids, the question reasonably arises of what you can drink on a drinking diet. The answer was received not only from its creators, but also from those who sat on it. You can drink everything except sweet soda and alcohol, regardless of its strength. Otherwise, there are no restrictions. It is possible to transform solid products into liquid and semi-liquid states. During the diet it is recommended:

  • clean drinking and mineral water without gas;
  • low-fat or low-fat fermented milk products;
  • chicken and vegetable broths and fruit (sugar-free) soups;
  • natural clarified juices;
  • black, green and ;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • jelly-like drinks, compotes;
  • coffee with milk, cocoa (without sugar).

Drinking diet - menu

This method involves the use of not only liquids as such, but also products of a denser consistency, which are brought to a liquid state when cooked. Anyone who begins to lose weight can choose what he likes, not forgetting about the restrictions that are provided. Recommended products include:

  • lean meat, except pork - for preparing broths;
  • steamed fish;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • fruits and vegetables.

This option is not salt-free - a little salt can be used when cooking, but you will have to give up sugar, as well as seasonings. The use of starch is also not recommended. Most often, you have enough strength and patience to use it for a week, so a special menu has been developed for this period. Here's what a drinking diet might look like, a menu for 7 days:

  • all types of dairy products with reduced fat content: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural drinking yoghurts and milk - if the body accepts it;
  • puree soups with vegetable or low-fat meat broth bases;
  • fresh juices;
  • green and black tea;
  • fruit and berry jelly;
  • or fresh fruits;
  • oat jelly.

How to get out of a drinking diet?

It is important not only to enter the diet correctly, but also to exit it correctly, so as not to subject the body to additional stress. Leaving the drinking diet should be done gradually, just like entering it. The transition to traditional nutrition involves the gradual introduction of solid foods:

  1. For this, oatmeal is recommended, thicker than it was during the diet.
  2. Then cheeses and cottage cheese, bread and eggs are introduced into the menu.
  3. By the end of the first transition week, you can carefully introduce fresh vegetables and fruits, and in the middle of the next week, meat and fish dishes.
  4. The last to return are foods rich in carbohydrates: potatoes, pasta, a variety of cereals.