This ball of fur has remained a faithful protector of monasteries and houses in Tibet since ancient times. The dogs, with a thick protective layer and weighing between 45 and 80 kg, are adapted to the harsh winters of Central Asia.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier


These dogs were developed in Scotland in the 1700s. The breed is a mix of the Skye Terrier and the Scotch Terrier (Scottish Terrier), giving the dog a unique appearance. Farmers and gypsies used it to hunt rats and badgers due to its short legs. The animal retains its rare status; only a few hundred units are registered annually.


These furry animals are a cross between a Newfoundland, a St. Bernard and a Pyrenean mountain dog. The weight of an adult reaches 80 kg. According to legend, they were bred to produce a dog that resembled the lion that graced the coat of arms of their hometown of Leonberg, Germany. After World War II, only eight of these gentle giants survived.

Portuguese water dog

These dogs are known for their beautiful curls and amazing adaptability to water. They were originally bred on the Portuguese coast and were used to catch fish in nets, recover lost gear, and exchange messages between ships. The breed was on the verge of extinction in the 1930s until a wealthy Portuguese merchant began a program to breed them, although they remain rare.

Löwchen, lion dog

Löwchen means “lion dog” in German. This is one of the rarest breeds on the planet, whose history dates back to 1442. The magnificent, elegant and loving dog accompanied the wealthy elite of France and Germany everywhere and can be seen in historical paintings and tapestries.

Belgian dogs are descendants of small terriers that were used to hunt rodents. Griffons are affectionate, adorable, curious, and known for their human-like facial expressions. By the end of World War II, there were no griffins left in Belgium. The breed remains extremely rare.

New Guinea singing dog


The "Singing Dog" was completely isolated for over 30,000 years, discovered during a high altitude excursion in Papua New Guinea in 1950. As the name suggests, this breed loves to sing. They gather together and howl, making sounds unique to dogs. With fewer than 100 individuals found outside their natural habitat, they are virtually impossible to track in the wild.

Xoloitzcuintle or Sholo (also Xoloitzcuintli or Mexican Hairless Dog)

Xoloitzcuintles have been around for over 3,000 years, with a history that can be traced back to ancient Mexico. They were domesticated early and used as hunting dogs. Mention of these animals is found in art objects of the Aztec and Toltec civilizations.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

The wolfdog has existed since 1955, resulting from the crossing of German shepherds with Eurasian wolves. The dogs are obedient and friendly, like German Shepherds, and also retain their wild nature and developed pack instinct.

Bergamasco Shepherd


These herding dogs were bred for alpine climates and their developed thick coats do not shed and require surprisingly little attention. These large animals are obedient, observant and patient. They tend to form a close bond with their owner, although they can be shy in the company of strangers.

Vendean Basset Griffon or Great Vendeen Basset Griffon

The Great Basset got its extravagant name from the French aristocrats it accompanied on hunting trips. To this day it serves as an excellent companion and is distinguished by its short legs.

Lancashire Heeler

You probably already guessed that the heeler is considered a descendant of the Welsh Corgi and the Manchester Terrier. The dog is not large, but strong and muscular, bred for herding livestock. Smart, cheerful and endlessly loyal pet.

Mudi (Hungarian Cattle Dog)

Native to Hungary, these rare herding dogs are invaluable to their owners. Moodys are extremely smart, strong, brave and most importantly, loving. Their notable feature is their wavy coat, reminiscent of sheep's wool.

Russian Toy (Russian Toy Terrier)

These elegant dogs were popular among the Russian aristocracy and did not spread outside Russia until the 1990s. With a height of 20-25 cm and a weight of 3 to 6 kg, they are close in size to a Chihuahua, have an athletic build and magnificent long hair in the ear area.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog


If you dream of keeping a bear at home, but this is not possible, get a Caucasian Shepherd. Weighing from 50 to 90 kg and up to 75 cm tall, these intelligent giants have protected their owners and livestock from bears and wolves for thousands of years.

Swedish Vallhund or "Viking dog"
For many years he protected and guarded herds of animals in Slovakia, as a result of which the Slovakian Chuvach turned into the guardian of his entire flock, including the human family. Under the thick, beautiful fur of these animals, there are well-developed muscles; the weight is mainly made up of muscles.

Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino Napoletano

Breeds that are used in fighting fall into a category called fighting dog breeds. There are approximately twenty breeds in the world that take part in this kind of competition. It should be noted that none of the International Canine Organizations recognize the category of fighting dogs. For them, this concept defines the profession, but not the breed of the dog.

The category of fighters has a number of common characteristics: a large head, a well-developed jaw, a massive body and a very menacing bark. A number of Molossians are classified in this category: Alabais, bulldogs, mastiffs, bull terriers and some varieties of Great Danes.

Alabai. A breed endowed with a complex psyche and a unique character. The use of Alabai as fighting dogs in Turkmenistan is a tribute to centuries-old traditions. The only breed that will never finish off an enemy, but will retreat at the first squeal. And, along with this, Alabai is surprisingly gentle and caring towards his own and human children. The main job of this devoted creature is to guard the peace of its owner in any weather and protect his property.

Takes its roots from the English bulldog. Dogs with a powerful jaw and an iron grip. Initially, they were used for bull baiting, and later in fights against other dogs. Since the fighting qualities of dogs of this breed were not enough, they began to be crossed with various kinds of terriers. As a result of this work, a number of new breeds appeared, but not all of them inherited fighting qualities. And the American Bulldog himself has long forgotten his combat past.

Thanks to the negative media outpouring towards this breed, the pit bull was called the fiend of evil and an idol among fighting dog breeds, becoming the most dangerous creature in the eyes of the public.

In fact, they are one of the most cheerful, loyal and loving breeds on the planet. It simply contains an indomitable desire to please its owner in everything. This is the only breed whose feeling of love for a person is so great that it does not even notice the strong smell of alcohol, although almost all breeds simply cannot stand it.

American Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Another monster of the dog world, so colorfully described by the media. Let us only note that thanks to painstaking selection, the staff has lost its aggression towards living beings.

There are no dangerous breeds! There are very irresponsible owners. If you let upbringing take its course without training, you will definitely end up with a stubborn, unbalanced and disobedient dog. A dog becomes dangerous only with indifferent owners.

Representatives of the breed

    Akita Inu is the calling card of the Land of the Rising Sun. This is the most famous breed in Japan and is considered the oldest in the world. They say that the first dog domesticated by man was Akita Inu.
    20-35 thousand rubles per puppy

    The American Akita is an offshoot of the Akita Inu breed, and the American traces its origins to the ancient Akita Inu dogs.
    From 700 to 100 US dollars.

    The American Bulldog breed has been known since the 19th century. During its existence, this breed was called “Old English Bulldog”, “Country Bulldog”, etc., but this particular breed of dog is the closest in relationship to English Bulldogs.
    From 350 to 850 US dollars.

    The American Pit Bull Terrier breed has been known for a long time; engravings depicting these dogs date back to the 15-16th century. The breed was originally bred for dog fighting.
    200-400 US dollars.

    The American Staffordshire Terrier breed has been known for a long time. These dogs appeared as a result of crossing Bull Terriers with Pit Bull Terriers.
    From 150 to 1000 US dollars

    The English Bulldog belongs to the group of mastiff dogs; their ancestors were the fighting dogs of Ancient Rome. These dogs were also used for baiting bulls. In the last century, English Bulldogs have become family pets and companion dogs.
    From 500 to 1000 US dollars.

    The first modern bull terriers appeared in Great Britain in 1895. Nowadays, these dogs are popular among breeders around the world; they have proven themselves to be excellent pets, protectors and friends of humans.

    This breed is used in a variety of types of work. They rescue and protect, guard livestock and perform service. Acts well as a shepherd and can be an excellent watchman or rescuer.

    The Cane Corso is considered one of the most ancient representatives of the Mollos (Mastiff-like) group. There are facts indicating that the ancestors of Cane Corso Italiano were ancient Roman fighting mastiffs, which were used at that time as dogs for training.
    15,000 – 20,000 rubles per puppy

    Pit bull terrier means fighting bull terrier. Pit bull terriers are often called pit bulls for short. But this is incorrect, since pit bull means fighting bull.

    The breed comes from Germany, from the city of Rottweil, which is located in the south of this country. There is a version that Rottweilers trace their history back to the times of the Roman Empire, where they were fighting and racing dogs.
    From $300 to $500.

    In the 18th and 19th centuries, French bulldogs were bred by poor peasants as light-type (small-sized) fighting dogs. This breed traces its origins to the Spanish Bulldogs - Alans (an extinct breed).
    over 15 thousand rubles.

Fighting dogs are not a separate breed. This is the name of some breeds created to help humans, which people chose to participate in dog fights in the arena. Fighting dogs do not become such from birth - this is the result of the development of anger, endurance and thirst for battle in animals from puppyhood (as soon as they are taken from the bitch). Some parenting techniques may seem cruel and completely unacceptable. At the same time, in civilized countries, training hunting dogs to kill animals is popular; tens of thousands of spectators are attracted to bullfights that are far from humane. Therefore, without dwelling on moral issues, let’s figure out what breeds of dogs are called fighting dogs and why.

Fighting dogs are not a separate breed. This is the name of some breeds created to help humans, which people chose to participate in dog fights in the arena

American Pit Bull Terrier

The list of fighting dogs is headed by the American Pit Bull Terrier (translated as fighting bull terrier). His ancestors are a bulldog (bull dog) and a terrier, from them he inherited strength and instant reaction.

At the end of the 19th century, pit bulls were used to bait bulls and bears

Pit bull terrier (abbreviated as pit bull) had other names:

  • pit dog;
  • Bull Terrier;
  • Yankee Terrier.

Until the end of the 19th century, pit bulls were used to bait bulls and bears, and later as fighting dogs. An adult pit bull reaches a height of 60 cm, weighs up to 30 kg, can have different colors, is muscular and can withstand heavy loads. The undeniable qualities of a pit bull are intelligence, courage, agility and mobility. The pit bull has a keen sense of smell, which allows it to be used to search for explosives or narcotic substances. He is easy to train at any age.

A pit bull can consider all small animals as its prey and hunts them, but it can be weaned and distracted from aggression towards other animals. However, if another animal starts a fight, the pit bull is unlikely to back down, as the excitement of the fight is inherent in it. His pain threshold is very high.

There is an opinion that a pit bull has a death grip, that its jaws lock when it bites. At the University of Georgia, veterinarians conducted research on American pit bull terriers on this issue. As a result, it was established that the functional morphology of the pit bull and representatives of other breeds are identical. The strength of the bite depends on the animal's temperament and experience.

Usually, a pit bull easily changes owners, especially if it finds itself in better conditions. Often, they take into the home not a puppy, but an adult pit bull with an already formed character.

Owners adore their pit bulls, considering them affectionate and good-natured. But people are afraid, because these dogs have a bad reputation due to irresponsible owners who specifically raise animals that are aggressive towards humans. Today, pit bulls are banned in the European Union and Australia, although 100 years ago they were fashionable and popular pets. If you carefully approach the training of a pit bull, it will be no more aggressive towards people than any other breed.

Gallery: fighting dogs (25 photos)

The most dangerous dog breeds (video)

Four-legged sumo wrestler

The Japanese fighting dog Tosa Inu is heavy, fearless, and feels little pain. It has a height at the withers of up to 60 cm, weighs 40-80 kg. They appeared at the end of the 19th century as a result of crossing a local dog used for hunting wild boars with European ones. Selective selection has been carried out for many years in order to obtain a dog with the best fighting qualities. Tosa Inu, having the strength and weight of a mastiff, is very agile and resilient. This animal has a very strong and independent character, constantly striving to prove its dominance, so the dog is recommended only to those who have the skills to communicate with fighting dogs.

An improperly raised puppy will grow up to be an aggressive dog with unpredictable behavior. Tosa Inu are prohibited in Norway and Denmark.

Usually, a pit bull easily changes owners, especially if it finds itself in better conditions.

In Japan, Tosa Inu dogs are permanent participants in popular fights that take place in special premises where the animals are also bred and trained. Dog fighting in Japan is a civilized spectacle with its own rules and regulations. The main thing is that bloodshed and injury are not allowed here: a fighter who barks, bites, and wounds an opponent to the point of bleeding, will be disqualified forever. Only males take part in battles. The winner is the one who knocks the enemy down and crushes him with his weight. Tosa Inu fights silently, without growling. In terms of spirit, courage and endurance in the ring, Tosa Inus are compared to sumo wrestlers and are also awarded champion titles.

Tosa Inu fighting dogs are loyal to their owner and very intelligent. They are used for security, in search and rescue operations and in therapeutic canine therapy.

The complex nature of the Bull Terrier requires a gentle, patient and consistent attitude

Bull Terrier: a dog named Death

There are so many conflicting opinions about any other dog as about the bull terrier. Some call the dog a good-natured dog, others consider him a murderer who tears apart children. Another name for the bull terrier is “rat-faced dog.” It was bred in the middle of the 19th century by crossing a Dolmatian Great Dane and a white terrier in order to obtain a rat catcher. The dog turned out to be strong and resilient, of medium size (height at the withers up to 55 cm) with a special (egg-shaped) head shape. A rat caught in the bull terrier's field of vision has no chance of life.

The complex nature of the Bull Terrier requires a gentle, patient and consistent attitude. It cannot be subdued by force; attempts to force a bull terrier to do something against its will can be dangerous both for the owner and for those around him.

You need to walk with him in the morning and evening, loading him physically and giving him an outlet for energy.

At the end of the 19th century in England, bull terriers were companions of wealthy townspeople, popular with teachers at Oxford University. At the end of the 20th century, they began to be actively used as fighting dogs. In the 90s of the last century, when it was very prestigious to purchase an unusual dog, many bred bull terriers as decorative ones and did not train them, which led to manifestations of aggression in the animals. In addition, breeders, wanting to get as many puppies of a popular breed as possible, allowed animals to breed every heat, starting from the first, often using hormonal stimulants. As a result, defective puppies grew into dogs with defective psyches.

The media fanned hysteria around the very fact of the existence of bull terriers, often telling tales about them, calling them a dog named “Death”, a killer. Society has developed a strong opinion: the bull terrier is extremely dangerous. The animals were euthanized. And it was necessary to start with the education of the owners, since problems in the dog’s behavior are associated with the behavior of the owner.

Top 10 fighting dog breeds (video)

List of fighting dog breeds and their characteristics

When getting a dog, keep in mind that a fighting dog will strive to become a leader and dominate. If a person does not make it clear that he is the boss here, the animal will definitely bite one of the family members, rightfully the strongest in the pack. Not every person is able to curb a strong-willed and incredibly strong dog.

There are about 30 fighting dog breeds in the world, the list of the most dangerous of them and prohibited in different countries is not so long. It includes the following:

  1. Preso Canario. Height up to 63 cm, powerful, seems squat due to the elongated body, but very dexterous. It was used as a herding dog, for hunting big game, slaughtering livestock and fighting. Banned in Australia and New Zealand in 2001 after two dogs of this breed mauled a 33-year-old man in the lobby of a building.
  2. The Dogo Argentino is the symbol of Argentina. Bold and powerful, up to 68 cm tall, looks like a pit bull. The breed was bred to hunt mountain lions. After a long pursuit of the beast, the dog could enter into a fight with it. Recognized as one of the best in the world for guard duty. It has only white color. Owners of the Dogo Argentino consider it a wonderful friend, but it is banned in 10 countries.
  3. Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (wolf dog). It was bred in 1958 in Czechoslovakia as a result of crossing the Carpathian wolf and the German shepherd. An intelligent and resilient dog, capable of running at a speed of 10-13 km/h for 8 hours without rest. Does not bark, prefers to howl, has a wolf coloration. Its height at the withers is up to 75 cm. It is used in search and rescue operations and guard duty. Its character is unpredictable: it can attack people, especially children, considering them easy prey. Banned in Norway.
  4. American Bandog (chain dog)- a dog with slanted eyes, height at the withers - up to 73 cm. Bandog was received for fighting. Once you see him, you will no longer confuse him with any other dog. Muscular, but during fights he showed rapid fatigue. While walking, he may have a desire to protect the strangers around him - then it will be difficult to restrain him. The Bandog is prohibited wherever its parents, the Staffordshire Terrier and the Neapolitan Mastiff, are prohibited.
  5. Hosts Caucasian Shepherds, Alabais, Rottweilers are surprised to learn that seemingly menacing dogs, their affectionate, intelligent and obedient pets, are banned in one country or another due to aggressive and inappropriate behavior.

At the end of the 19th century in England, bull terriers were companions of wealthy townspeople, popular with teachers at Oxford University

Experienced dog handlers are confident that if a person is treated cruelly, any type of dog can become aggressive, even the smallest.

New rules

In some European countries, a large breed dog and its owner must undergo special training and receive a certificate.

A draft law has been submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the introduction of punishment for organizers of dog fights through whose fault the blood of animals was shed. In addition, the project provides for punishment for cruelty to animals in front of children, sadism and deprivation of food for dogs.

Of the numerous types of dogs, man chose a little more than 20, calling them fighting dogs for their courage, warlike spirit, bravery, and readiness to fight. Dog fighting can be a bloodless sporting event. An alternative to fighting is sports, Frisbee. Weightpulling, a competition in which dogs drag heavy objects, is becoming increasingly popular.

Fighting dog breeds enjoy pulling loads and develop their core muscles. Equipment for waitpulling - harness, cable and weight. The harness should be adjusted to the size of the dog, comfortable and soft. Please note that the dog should not be overtired.

Games should be fun for her. To keep her interested in the activities, they are interrupted when the dog’s activity and excitement reach their highest point.

A dog’s aggressive behavior can be provoked by a passerby, but the owner will be responsible for it

In people, a strange dog, especially a large dog, evokes a feeling of danger. The dog's aggressive behavior can be provoked by a passerby, but the owner will be responsible for this. Therefore, it is necessary to accustom the animal to a leash and muzzle, and to follow the rules of walking both in the city and in rural areas. Fighting dog breeds can be walked by persons over 18 years of age.

Attention, TODAY only!

The article makes it possible to learn as much as possible about the most famous breeds of fighting dogs, which allows you to understand how easy or difficult it is to deal with them. You should write about your experience with these four-legged pets in the comments.

Fighting dog breeds for apartment, house, small, small size, knee size, medium size

The most famous breeds of fighting dogs are the Alabai, American Bulldog, Rottweiler, Akita Inu, American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, English Bulldog and Pit Bull.

From the list presented, the largest are pit bulls, and the relatively small ones are English bulldogs.

Despite such an aggressive purpose, with proper training the dog will never pose a danger to others. Disobedience and imbalance are manifested in four-legged animals by irresponsible and careless owners.

Fighting dogs are suitable for children or not, why they are dangerous

Any breed of dog can potentially be dangerous to children. Dogs of fighting breeds, with proper upbringing, can become reliable friends and even nannies within their family.

Nevertheless, it is better not to leave a tiny baby alone with a dog, and to explain to a child of a more conscious age how to behave with a dog in order to prevent the animal from displaying aggression.

Fighting dogs with a rat-like muzzle, elongated, long nose

A breed of dog with an elongated, rat-like muzzle and a long nose is called a bull terrier. Bull Terriers have a cheerful disposition, but nevertheless need a firm hand from their owner.

Standards for keeping fighting dogs, Russian law

The idea is not bad, but the law has raised many questions and dissatisfaction among animal owners.

Fighting dog breeds and their price, owner reviews, where to buy

With the advent of the Internet, buying a fighting breed dog will not be difficult. For the request “Buy a puppy” for the same boxer in any specific, albeit small city, you can receive 10-50 thousand offers.

On the websites of breeders of pedigree dogs, as a rule, information is provided regarding the cost of their pets, or a contact phone number is indicated.

Fighting dogs are rare breeds and their characteristics, the most dangerous and prohibited in Russia, which cannot be imported into Italy, equated to weapons

Rare breeds of fighting dogs are:
- Dosa Inu - she is the largest and heaviest fighting dog in South Korea;
— Bully Kutta is a Pakistani mastiff with a dominant behavior, which is why it is not suitable for phlegmatic and inexperienced owners;
- American Bandog - a gladiator dog, so strong that it can even fight a bull.

Some dog breeds are so aggressive that they are considered weapons.

The greatest danger to people, as is generally accepted throughout the world and in Russia, can be Caucasian and German shepherd dogs, German boxer, Dogo Canary, chow chow, Siberian husky, bull terrier, Rottweiler and pit bull.

In particular, in Italy the import, acquisition and breeding of Anatolian, Charplane, Caucasian, Portuguese and Central Asian shepherd dogs, American bulldog, Dogo Argentino, pit bull, Rottweiler and a number of other dogs was officially prohibited.

Fighting dog breeds that suit girls

It is better for a fragile girl not to get a fighting breed dog, as she is not always able to cope with it.

An athletic girl who is confident in her muscles and strength can have a mastiff, bulldog, bull terrier and Doberman. In such cases, dog handlers recommend adopting girls, as they are considered more flexible.

How to increase your dog's fighting qualities

Developing fighting qualities in a dog should be carried out with the help of targeted exercises that are designed to develop and consolidate the working qualities of this breed.

There are no guidelines or special literature published on this issue, since instilling aggression in animals is prohibited by law.

Today, almost no family can do without a furry friend, be it a dog, cat or even a rodent. You can choose a pet according to different criteria: size, shape of ears, tail or even muzzle. It is about dog breeds with a long muzzle that will be discussed in the article.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

This breed belongs to small dogs with a long nose. This is a herding dog, famous for its small size and short legs.


The breed has the following two varieties:

  • cardigan– comes from the Welsh county of Ceredigion;
  • pembroke- from the Pembrokeshire county of Wales.

Scientists do not have one general version about the origin of this breed, so the following hypotheses were put forward:

  • these dogs came from the northern group, or more precisely from Central Europe;
  • these animals come from Ancient Egypt, as images with them were previously found on the statue of Anubis;
  • There are rumors that the Cardigan Welsh Corgi was brought to the British Isles by the Celts.

The very first mentions were around the 10th century in written form. In 920, the Welsh king created a set of laws imposing a fine for killing this dog.


A distinctive feature of this animal is its small size and short legs. Weight usually does not exceed 20 kilograms, and height is no more than 35 centimeters. Despite its size, the dog is quite hardy and strong. The skull is wide, the nose is elongated, the ears are large and erect. The jaw and teeth are strong. The coat is medium, the color can be absolutely any. As for the character of the pet and its behavior, it is a rather friendly and active animal. It gets along well with children and cats, and quickly gets used to its owner.

It is worth noting that the Cardigan Welsh Corgi gets used not to one owner, but to the whole family at once.


A dog like a corgi is easy to train and train. There are almost no problems with the animal; it copes with the role of a shepherd perfectly.


Before you bring such a friend home, it is important to know that he is very prone to overeating. Monitoring the quantity and quality of food in this case is very important. The Corgi's diet should consist of the following food:

  • natural meat or fish;
  • dairy products:
  • vegetables, cereals;
  • natural raw eggs (no more than 3 times a week).

Important! Dry food should be given to puppies older than three months.

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi lives no more than 15 years. For a longer life, it is necessary to monitor the health of the dog, especially the eyes and ears.

Miniature Pinscher

This dog is an exact copy of the Doberman, but differs from it in its small size.


This breed appeared about 300 years ago. Scientists believe that the dog comes from Germany, but many believe that the homeland of the pinscher is Switzerland. The extreme resemblance of the animal to the Doberman is no coincidence - it was from miniature pinschers that this huge Doberman dog was bred. For many years, the pinscher was kept in the stables as a rat catcher and guard.

Nevertheless, after a long time, the breed was recognized at one of the international exhibitions, after which it became known throughout the world. The pinscher came to Russia as a German trophy after the Second World War.


The Miniature Pinscher is a small but muscular dog. Her height does not exceed 30 centimeters, and her weight is no more than 7 kilograms. The tail is set high, the ears are erect and triangular. The coat is short and very dense, usually dark in color. There are three colors found in nature: red, dark brown and black. By nature, the dog is very smart, active, and sometimes aggressive towards other dogs.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its dancing gait.. This overly active dog needs a lot of attention and frequent walks in the fresh air.


When getting this animal, you should clearly understand that it needs training from a very early age. The Miniature Pinscher is a suspicious pet. Without proper upbringing, there is a risk of raising an overly aggressive and spoiled animal. In general, the Pinscher is easy to train, but in the process of training the dog handler it is important to show yourself as the boss, otherwise the dog will not obey.


The pet eats a little, but it is important that the food it consumes is of high quality. This can be either dry food or natural products. Beef and horse meat are excellent for feeding. Vegetables, cereals and other plant foods also do not hurt. Feeding should be only once a day, at a clearly established time.

Important! Small dogs with a long muzzle include the Manchester Terrier, Russian Toy Terrier and others.

Bull Terrier

This breed is a large dog. Almost everyone knows her - she is a muscular dog with a “rat” face. Opinions about bull terriers around the world are very mixed - some consider the dog dangerous, while others are confident that a pet can be a true friend and a faithful dog.


The creator of this breed is considered to be the English breeder James Hinks. He bred the first bull terrier by crossing a white terrier and an English bulldog. His main goal was to get a fighting and fearless dog, which James succeeded in. When crossing, the appearance and beauty of the animal were not taken into account.

The main kennel club in England officially recognized the breed in the 19th century, but it began to be allowed for breeding only in the 20th century. In those days, not everyone could afford a pet bulldog - such a pet was considered a real asset. For a long time there has been a myth that the bull terrier is an uncontrollable killer machine. Nevertheless Today this myth has been dispelled, because the Bull Terrier is an excellent and cheerful companion.


The dog itself is very strong and resilient and is very trainable. In appearance, the animal is very different from other breeds - the dog really resembles a giant rat, hence the nickname - a dog with a rat face. The main distinguishing feature of the breed is its elongated, sharp muzzle, which gives the pet an unusual appearance. The coat is short and can be either black or white.

Speaking about the character and behavior of the Bull Terrier, it should be mentioned about their boundless devotion to their owner. With proper upbringing, such a dog can grow into the most faithful friend. The aggressive behavior characteristic of this dog should be suppressed from an early age. On average, a dog weighs 30 kilograms or more. The height of this tall animal is 45–60 centimeters. Life expectancy is no more than 15 years.