Another guessing game has appeared on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte called Everything about everything. Its point is to choose the correct answer to a question out of 4, which are presented in the form of pictures with captions. Almost like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire From the hints available, remove 1 answer option and skip the level. But all the tips are paid, so we have prepared [...]

With the release of Nintendo's Pokemon Go, which became incredibly popular all over the world, everyone went crazy. Adults returned to childhood again, when everyone watched this Japanese cartoon on TV, played chips, and the younger generation learned about Pokemon again. The social network VKontakte has released a small addition to this madness - the game Guess [...]

Meet a new game in Odnoklassniki in the classic genre of guessing words. It's called "Guess the Animals" and asks you to guess which animal is shown in the picture. There are standard tips for this kind of game: open a letter for 2 OK, leave only the necessary letters for 5 OK, and open the entire word for 9 OK. We do not keep ourselves waiting and [...]

In the new game from the creators of the hit Hot and Cold, which recently appeared on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, you are invited to feel like you are in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” But, of course, you won’t win a million here, and the correct answer options are presented in pictures. And the hints are only 50/50 for 1 unit of energy, but you can find out the correct answer for as much as 10 OK. Yes and [...]

Do you like the TV quiz show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” on Channel One? Then a new game in Odnoklassniki called “The Smartest Kitten” is for you. The principle in it is the same: maybe not the most, but quite smart and cute kitten asks questions to which there are 4 possible correct answers. All that remains is to choose the right one. You only have time to think [...]

When the levels in the first part of the game exceeded 4000, the developers decided to release the 2nd part of the popular game Hot and Cold. Apparently this was not the only reason - after all, in March 2016 the game turned 2 years old. So far it has appeared only in Odnoklassniki, apparently it will remain so, because... The first part of VKontakte has not been updated for quite some time. In addition to external [...]

A new guessing game on Odnoklassniki asks you to remember the name famous person, which is shown in the proposed picture. It's not called Guess the Personality for nothing. The notorious energy is present here, but very little of it is given. Thus, you cannot complete the game in 1 day without investing money; after each episode you will have to wait until the energy is replenished, or invite friends to add it. IN [...]

We welcome a new game in Odnoklassniki from the creators of “Hot and Cold” called Cat Slovoplet. In it, a question is asked at each level, and the correct answer must be found among a grid of letters, like in fillwords. There is a hint to Open a letter, which costs 50 bucks (the game’s internal currency), and you can also find out the answer for 10 OK. At all levels we are accompanied by interesting [...]

In a new quiz game called Fluffy Questions, which recently appeared in Odnoklassniki, you are invited to give answers to questions asked by a cheerful and smart dog in glasses, which accompanies you throughout the game. The answer options are presented in the form of pictures; you need to choose the correct one out of three. The equivalent of energy in other games here are bones, the number of which decreases after [...]

In another game about pirates, which appeared in Odnoklassniki called Treasures of the Seas, you need to find where the chests are hidden in the picture. It is very similar to the game Pirate's Treasures - almost the same, only a little more colorful. From the hints, you can split the screen in half (50/50), indicating in which part the known chest is located, which costs 15 gold, and [...]

New exciting game on the social network Odnoklassniki with the simple name Rebuses is exactly what it is called. If you like to solve various puzzles, then this game is for you. The following hints are available in it: remove 3 extra letters for 2 coins, open a letter for 4, text hint for 10 gold and open the answer [...]

A new game on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte called “What’s in the picture” suggests guessing a word from a photo that is cut into pieces. And if at first the picture is divided into only 4 fragments, with each level their number increases, and guessing the correct answer becomes more and more difficult. And there aren’t a lot of hints: open a letter for 25 coins, remove extra letters [...]

So, 15 games of the third part:

1. "Desert Island"

2. "Let's count to..."

3. “Out of one, many”

4. "Bad Psychologist"

5. “The very best”

6. “Destroy the fifteenth”

8. “Masyanya”

9. “If you were...”

10. “A tempting offer”

11. “Try to explain”

12. "Profession"

13. “I have never...”

14. "The tight-fisted banker"

15. "Associations"

1. "Desert Island"

The first participant writes which three items he would take with him to a desert island, WITHOUT explaining why. And the second one explains why the first one took these items, and also writes 3 of his own items that he would take to a desert island.

For example:

1st: matches, Rubik's cube, wheat seeds

2nd: matches - to light a fire,

Rubik's cube - there will be time to finally solve it,

wheat seeds - sow a wheat field.

fishing rod, blanket, knife

2. “Let’s count to...”

Rules of the game:

The creator of the topic determines the number to count to. One message - one number. Limitation - one person can add a message with the number of times per day. You can add to the game conditions that whoever reaches a given number gets a gift.

For example:

Let's count

3. “Out of one, many”

Rules of the game:

The first participant writes a long word (noun). The second - from the letters of this word makes up maximum amount words and asks a long word to the third participant in the game, etc.

For example:

1st: Asphalt

2nd: alto, fas, lat, ac, fat


By the way: An interesting site on this topic is

4. "Bad Psychologist"

Rules of the game:

The first participant explains his problem to the “psychologist” in one sentence, and the second (“psychologist”) gives advice that will not solve or will worsen the problem, but the “psychologist” himself is sure that he is giving good advice. Then the second participant tells the next “psychologist” about his problem.

For example:

1st example:

"Doctor, no one is listening to me"

Advice: Stop talking to people and get a hamster.

2nd example: Doctor, I'm afraid of the dark.

Advice: “You should watch movies about vampires and ghosts more often at night, this should help.”

3rd example: Doctor, I have trouble falling asleep.

Advice: Drink more coffee, it will cheer you up.

4th example: Doctor, a young man left me.

Advice: Sit by the phone, look at photos where you are still together, turn on your music with him, the main thing is not to go out anywhere, do not meet anyone, this should help you.

5. “The very best”

Rules of the game:

The first participant asks the next question, which contains the word “most”, i.e. a question about something special, which is “the most” for a person. The second participant answers this question and asks the question to the third.

Examples of questions:

What's your favorite movie?

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite game?

6. “Destroy the fifteenth”

Rules of the game:

Participants in this topic count to 15, and whoever writes the fifteenth message, all participants unanimously decorate the wall with any drawings and start counting again.

If the wall of the fifteenth player is closed or the opportunity to leave graffiti on it is not available, the players skip the round and start the game again.

Participation in this game must be carried out strictly in turns, i.e. the same participant should not write several messages in a row.

7. "SMS"

Rules of the game:

Write the last SMS that came to your mobile phone.

8. “Masyanya”

Rules of the game:

The first participant asks a word to the second, which he must explain in the manner of Masyanya and then ask a new word to the next one.

For example:

1st: Spoon

2nd: Well, this is kind of a thing. They eat it, like, soup.

9. “If you were...”

Rules of the game:

The first participant asks the second a situation starting with the words “If you were...”. The second participant answers and asks a question to the third.

Examples of questions:

If you were president, what would you do?

If you were an actor, what movie would you like to play in?

If you were a writer, what would you write a book about?

10. “A tempting offer”

Rules of the game:

The first participant writes 3 words/phrase (a noun with an adjective is possible), the second chooses which of these 3 points he would choose for himself and makes a tempting offer to the next player.

An example of a tempting offer:

iPad, dinner with a star or a trip to Paris?

11. “Try to explain”

Rules of the game:

The first participant comes up with a new word, and the second must explain what it could be and come up with a new word for the third, etc.

Examples of new words:

Mediation, murnolka, aldogun, smulka, tryguzol

12. "Profession"

Rules of the game:

For example:

lawyer, salesman, teacher, bodyguard, doctor, etc.

13. “I have never...”

Rules of the game:

The first participant in the game writes what he would like to do, but has never done before. The second one writes whether he has done this and writes what he has not done yet and would like to do.

For example:

1st: I have never jumped with a parachute

2nd: never done

I have never traveled to China

14. "The tight-fisted banker"

Rules of the game:

You work in a bank, giving out loans. Your task is to refuse to give money to the person who wrote the previous post, finding fault with his avatar, name, age, city or something else.

“We need to rename the sites “In Contact” and “Odnoklassniki” to the site “At Work.”
Then the whole country will be at work. Schoolchildren at work, students at work, unemployed at work,
and those who are at work actually have two jobs.”

Games in in social networks or are currently one of the most popular online.
Their attractiveness lies in the fact that they do not require any special parameters from the computer, nor any financial costs from users. “Timekillers” or “time killers” are often called games on social networks. Users of the World Wide Web play various adventure games, puzzles, and strategies in order, for example, to diversify their leisure time during a trip or after a busy day at work. Users of various social networks give preference to different online entertainment. We present to your attention the rating of “time killers” on the social network or “What games do classmates play”:

1 "Pirate Treasures"

“Pirate Treasures” takes first place in the ranking. The original name of this logic game Treasures of the Mystic Sea. The goal of the game is to search for treasures in different parts of the world in order to gain the status of a famous pirate.

2 "Indie Cat"

Indie Cat is one of the new social games in the match-3 genre. Main character– Indianna Cat is a traveler who is in search of an ancient artifact. Your path is lost worlds - Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and others, as well as a huge number of rivals who want to get ahead of you.

3 "Wars of Thrones"

"Wars of Thrones" is a military strategy in a fantasy style. At the core is the fight against a horde of orcs and other evil spirits. The goal is construction new empire by strengthening the walls and building a new castle.

4 “Rules of War – Nuclear Strategy!”

“Rules of War – Nuclear Strategy!” — online strategy with tanks, aviation, infantry, construction of military bases, weapons development mass destruction and robberies of neighbors.

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There are fewer and fewer people in the world who have not yet replenished their lexicon such famous names as Facebook, MySpace or "In contact with". It would be foolish for their creators not to take advantage of such rapidly growing popularity in order to promote something more than just communication between users of these social networks. What if, for example, virtual communication make people in the form of an unusual game? The concept is quite simple: completely free of charge, you compete for the best score with your friends, but this does not require any expensive video cards or processors, or even a console or controllers. You just need to register on the site - and you are already launching a game in your profile that your friends can join. Developers and creators of social networks are using all the potential opportunities in this field, which is why they are attracting more and more users today. Free distribution, extremely high ratings investments and the widespread success of small projects have captured the minds of large publishers and companies, many of which have already completely excluded “heavy” gaming platforms from their field of vision.

Social networks as a gaming platform first attracted the attention of leading publishers in 2006. Minor proprietary “Tetris” games and puzzles don’t count. We are talking about serious business models for the sake of which developers restructured their strategies. The company was the first to sense the benefit here Playfish, and founded after Zynga Games and was completely formed on the principle that games are simply created for social networks, where they will unite people with one goal - to have a good time together. This has become an excellent background for social networks, which are already becoming something more than just another element attached to someone else’s business.

Yes, head Facebook, young rich man Mark Zuckerberg(Mark Zuckerberg), today has high hopes for gaming applications entering its Internet platform. At one of his speeches, he expressed his confidence that social games are now an important pillar of social networks, without which there would be no high profit margins in this business. Zuckerberg reminds me of three games - FarmVille, Mafia Wars And Zynga Poker, - managed to conquer 500 million users Facebook. The launch of such seemingly frivolous applications on a social network allows you to increase income significantly due to advertising placed in games and manipulations with game .

Founder Facebook Mark Zuckerberg has high hopes for social games.

So, the owners of social networks enjoy life when their users call more and more new friends, play games, due to which advertising spreads faster and brings in more and more income. But how then do those who supply such powerful catalysts for Internet business exist - gaming applications? In fact, sometimes they even exceed the success of those who are their clients. There is a company in Japan called DeNA, which is a publisher and developer of mobile games ngmoco. She is also the owner of the most popular social network for mobile platforms in the Land of the Rising Sun. Mobage. Thanks to DeNA produces and sells its own product on its own Internet portal, it managed to achieve tremendous heights - an income of 1.25 billion dollars. If we calculate the average income per user, then DeNA in terms of this indicator, it leaves far behind even such business giants as Facebook And Zynga Game Network combined. The latter, by the way, is also growing at an inexorable pace, demonstrating good example for young companies. After all, American Zynga Although it was founded only four years ago, it has already achieved leadership as a game developer for Facebook. Thus, Zynga And DeNA today compete in the global social games market. And none of them wants to miss out on the great opportunities to conquer foreign virtual spaces.

In Russia, according to data from an analytical company J'son & Partners Consulting, social networks are considered the most attractive platforms for gaming applications "In contact with" And "My [email protected]". Every month their sites are visited by 17.7 and 15.6 million people respectively. The most popular game "Happy Farmer" from Ekaterinburg company i-Jet Media is an analogue FarmVille from an American developer Zynga with 75 million subscribers worldwide. With us it is a success with 8 million users "In contact with" and 7.9 million - "My [email protected]". "Happy Farmer" brought his owners $20 million in profit. If we take into account the entire volume of the market in Russia, which, according to the same J'son & Partners is 30 million, this is a truly impressive result. On this moment our market is still at the very beginning of its journey and largely repeats Western tricks, but experts, including the above-mentioned specialists J'son & Partners, predict that the social games market will reach $1.5 billion in 2015. To do this, you just need to pay due attention to the creation of new various services and applications in parallel with the development of online payment systems. Modern research show that social games are becoming an industry in their own right, which has formed the basis for the success of large Internet companies with social interaction.

Despite the simple appearance, these games have captivated millions of people around the world.

Social networks for gamers

Do not forget that social networks primarily unite people within one convenient service. If previously numerous forums, chats and various kinds of social clients served for these purposes, today their place is taken by communities and groups in Facebook, MySpace And "In contact with". Until now, many Internet users share the same conservative opinion that all of the above is a terrible thing that has gripped humanity, like cancerous tumor. But it was social networks and the services that support them that turned out to be the most effective method ensuring website traffic, feedback and gradually became one of the means of generating valuable content.

It's hard to argue with facts, especially when we're talking about about the need to create separate communities within the framework of one already popular interest - such as, for example, computer and video games. Digital distribution, advanced security technologies and the desire for gamers to connect are all contributing to the emergence of new social networks on the Internet, but only for gamers. Opportunity to stay informed latest news on games of interest, share your achievements, and quickly find partners for a cooperative are already being implemented on the global Web. In the last three years alone, more than a hundred startups with similar content have been created wanting to become competitors to Steam or Xbox Live. And although there are a lot of examples of such Internet portals, we simply have to talk about the most notable among them.

Many Russian-speaking users have long been familiar with the gaming-focused social network Opportunities for publishing game reviews, as well as the latest news, videos, and comments. GamerVision allows you to link your account to Facebook. So, to register you only need to select your favorite games on any platform. The database contains over 60,000 games, each with its own page, articles, screenshots, ratings, minimum system requirements, lists of players and other important information.

The social network has over 350 thousand registered players. The developers of the service attract players with an interesting function, which immediately after registration offers a beginner a couple of dozen games that suit him. The list is built based on information entered by the user about his favorite projects. Besides, Playfire offers all the tools to find like-minded people with similar interests, as well as carefully designed opportunities to set up meetings and times for online parties, write user reviews or requests for help in passing.

The Internet portal competes with both representatives of gaming social networks. Advanced rating and statistical capabilities occupy the most important place in his arsenal. Each user of the service receives all the tools to track his or his friends’ activity in the virtual world. Like Playfire, the service prepares a list of recommendations for games from the database. However GamerDNA selects exclusively those projects that he calculated based on the list of completed ones by the player. The amount of time spent on the game, the rating given to it, and the features highlighted by the user (gameplay, graphics, plot, sound, etc.) are also taken into account. The more ratings you have on your profile, the more accurate your recommendations will be.

All three social networks, designed for the interest of players, are just a drop in the ocean of such projects. IN last years Over 15 major Internet resources were born for leading gaming platforms, including consoles and PCs. In addition to them, there are many analogues for mobile devices or, for example, built-in social elements on popular gaming news portals. At the same time, each project tries to bring something new. Client applications are created that determine everything on the hard drive installed games; Internet browsers running directly on top of the game; systems for tracking the actions of other users; entire programs that build graphs with statistics; rating and recommendation services are being improved, and so on.

What unites all of the above is functionality. Most players launch their favorite app in order to obtain a positive result and experience. Imagine what you will get for 10 hours spent together with a friend in the game you both love. After all, this will please you more than, for example, the accumulation of these same hours somewhere in a traffic jam. Among other things, such services help us to a greater extent to find the game that best suits our preferences. And where else can we find people who so clearly share these preferences? Ratings, statistics, communication and obtaining information on interests are an important need for gamers. Gaming social networks provide this need and more than pay for a short registration in them. Thus, social networks today do a great job of bringing people together. And the most remarkable thing about this is that the main tool here is the game interaction of users, as before in the old good times Whole groups of families and friends gathered to play football, cards or backgammon.

It is much easier for a new user to leave a comment on a game post than in some serious discussion. Engaging content allows you to create a whirlpool of comments under the post, which draws users in. And, later, they come back not so much for the content, but for the sake of other discussion participants. A powerful community, as they say, is the key to the success of your SMM. I hope this list of games will help you create one.

If you have something to suggest from games, write in the comments. Let's add it to the post.

Question to question

Rules: The first one asks a question, the next one answers his question with a question, and so on down the chain. (We answer only with questions. One message = one question).

How to force yourself to work?

Why do you need this?

Isn't it obvious?

Who is John Galt?

Good bad.

Rules: The first participant names a sentence, for example: “Went outside - that’s good, took a walk in the fresh air.” The second participant continues: “Walked in the fresh air - that’s bad, forgot about work.” Third: “Forgot about work - that’s good.” , rest is very important.” Etc.))

Association game.

You can come up with different variations for this game. Associations word for word, phrase-word, picture-word, picture-picture, music video-word, etc.

Word game.

Everyone knows each other too. We name the word. The second participant comes up with a word in last letter previous, etc. This game can be varied mandatory conditions. For example, we name only what can fit in a pocket, or only what runs, etc.

Code abbreviation.

The word is given. For example, TABLE. The next participant deciphers this abbreviation. Each word of which begins in order with the letters in the word “table”. The last word of the decryption is a code for the next player. That is, the next one decrypts the last word. ъ, ь, ы - we don’t count.

The old seal taught me to LOVE.

The best YouTuber will be looking for a TALISMAN.

Yes, but...

The first participant asks a question. The second one answers it in the style of yes, but.... Asks his question.

For example:

1st Do you like swimming in the sea?

2nd Yes, but salty water It dries the skin very much. Do you believe in the end of the world?

3rd Yes, but... and asks his question.

I know five...

Another interesting game.

Participant 1: “I know five Japanese car brands.”

1. Subaru.

2nd participant: 2. Mazda

3rd participant: 3. Nissan.

And so on until the 5th word. Whoever names the last word offers his own chain of five.

Collectively we write history.

Each participant reveals in the commentary the story of the previous participant, thereby creating one overall picture-story.


Each subsequent participant says about the previous one what he thinks about him, adding the word “most.” For example:

1st participant: Let's go!

The 2nd (about the 1st) is the fastest.

The 3rd (about the 2nd) is the funniest.

Associations per participants

Very simple. We throw any associations (words, phrases, pictures, music, films, clips, characters, objects, anything, anything) to any forum participant.

Create your own word

In this game the participant must come up with a new word. You can use syllables from existing words in the list. You can take two, three, or even all the words and mix them up to create a new funny word. You can complicate it and tie it to a niche, event, or somehow modernize this game.

Let's get to know each other.

It's also very simple. Chain of questions and answers.

1st asks a question.

The 2nd answers the question of the 1st. sets his own, etc.

The only important note is that the questions should be of a strictly personal nature, aimed at getting to know the person better.

That is, what color of your eyes is a valid question. And - why is the sky blue - not suitable.


The simplest thing is that each participant writes a number one more than the previous one. Until they reach a million.