home Cosmetics Why not drink beer? What happens to someone who drinks beer every day? When you can and cannot drink foam

Why not drink beer? What happens to someone who drinks beer every day? When you can and cannot drink foam

“He who drinks beer lives happily!” - the brewers say, and our gullible men believe them unconditionally. And in vain - beer brings not only joy, but also big health problems

According to statistics, every resident of our country drinks almost 60 liters of beer during the year. Of course, we are still a long way from 161 Czech or 145 German liters, but we are approaching these figures at incredible speed. This is due to the widespread misconception that beer is both a healthy drink (barley contains the necessary proteins and carbohydrates) and a low-alcohol drink. If one of your loved ones provides this evidence in support of their hobby, try to paint them a real picture and tell them that beer is also alcoholism, big belly, diseased liver, heart problems and weakness in bed.

The first victim is the stomach
Beer, of course, is a low-alcohol drink, but still not soda, which means it contains a certain amount of ethyl alcohol. Moreover, in some types of foam the alcohol content reaches 10-14%, that is, a bottle of beer can be equivalent to 50-100 grams of vodka. Daily filling of the esophagus, stomach and intestines with alcoholic liquid with fermentation elements cannot but affect their condition. Beer very aggressively irritates and poisons the mucous membranes.

In addition, with regular consumption of a foamy drink, the glands located in the walls of the stomach and producing gastric juice first secrete a lot of mucus and then atrophy. Digestion becomes inadequate, food stagnates or enters the intestines undigested. The result is problems with stool and gastritis. By the way, chronic alcoholic gastritis is accompanied by complaints of general weakness, depressed mood, decreased performance, metallic taste and bitterness in the mouth, abdominal pain, and a feeling of heaviness in the pit of the stomach.

Liver hit
Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver, whose main function is to cleanse the body. If you force this organ to fight only beer, you can disrupt its antitoxic function. And then the liver will no longer serve as a reliable barrier to other potent and toxic substances.

Abuse of intoxicating drinks can contribute to the development of inflammatory processes and even lead to hepatitis. Moreover, chronic beer hepatitis can occur in a latent form, without pronounced symptoms. If you don't stop in time, you can even get cirrhosis of the liver from drinking beer.

The pancreas also suffers from regular consumption of beer: the drink suppresses the secretion of enzymes and the natural process of breakdown nutrients is violated.

Kidneys - the body's orderlies
The main task of the kidneys is to maintain a constant internal environment of the body. They participate in the regulation of water-electrolyte balance and acid-base composition of the body. Beer disrupts these natural processes because it forces the kidneys to work with triple force. Anyone who has ever drank an intoxicating drink knows how quickly it makes you want to go to the toilet. Scientifically, this is called polyuria - increased urination, which is associated with the irritating effect of alcohol on kidney tissue and an increase in their filtration capacity.

Having such a powerful diuretic effect, beer washes out important “building materials” from the body - micro- and macroelements, especially potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. With potassium deficiency, heart rhythm disturbances occur, pain in the calves, and weakness in the legs appear. A lack of magnesium affects mood - a person becomes irritable, whiny, and sleeps poorly. Due to a lack of vitamin C, immunity decreases and colds occur more often.

In the case of advanced beer alcoholism, sclerosis of the renal vessels, hemorrhages in the kidneys, renal infarctions, and areas of death can occur. Subsequently, due to the gradual destruction by alcohol, the dead cells are replaced by connective tissue, the kidney decreases in size and wrinkles.

"Bull's Heart"
Beer is absorbed very quickly, so the blood vessels immediately become congested. If you drink beer often and in large quantities, varicose veins occur and the heart enlarges. Radiologists call this phenomenon “beer heart,” “bull heart,” or “nylon stocking” syndrome. The main organ, forced to pump an excessive amount of fluid every day, becomes flabby and overgrown with fat on the outside. Heart contractions become more frequent, arrhythmia occurs, and blood pressure rises. Physical exercise are becoming more and more difficult to bear, and shortness of breath appears. Beer alcoholics are more likely to develop coronary disease hearts. A decrease in the contractility of the heart muscle and an increase in heart volume leads to heart failure. As a result, mortality from stroke doubles.

Hormones are jumping
Beer contains phytoestrogen, which is a plant analogue of the female sex hormone - progesterone. It gets into the drink from hop cones, which are used to give beer a specific bitter taste. Therefore, systematic consumption of the drink disrupts the functioning of the endocrine system.

In men, beer suppresses testosterone production. Against this background, female hormones begin to dominate, causing changes in a man’s appearance: the amount of hair on the body and face decreases, muscle mass, the mammary glands enlarge, the timbre of the voice changes, a “beer belly” appears and fat is deposited on the hips and waist. It turns out that a passionate beer lover, according to biological characteristics, is gradually turning into a woman. Naturally, such hormonal disbalance directly affects a man's success in bed.

Beer and vodka are different
It is a mistake to think that low-alcohol beer is not addictive. What a call! There is even a separate medical term - beer alcoholism. It differs from vodka in that it develops 3-4 times faster and the urge to drink is stronger.

This is partly due to certain lifestyles and habits, the availability and ease of drinking the drink. There is no need to set the table, call a large company, or come up with an excuse, because you can “drink beer” alone - walking down the street or sitting in front of the TV. From the point of view of narcology, beer addiction is a severe, difficult-to-treat variant of alcoholism. And it is much more difficult to fight it.

“Drinkaholics” very rarely turn to psychiatrists and addiction specialists. More often they come to hospitals with complaints about the heart, liver, and stomach. Doctors, examining a patient, determine main reason of all misfortunes - excessive consumption of beer.

Expert opinion
Vladimir Nuzhny, head of the toxicology laboratory of the National Scientific Center for Narcology of Roszdrav, says:

The positive effects of beer on the body are possible only with moderate consumption. However, how many mugs contain a useful amount of the drink and where the line that should not be crossed, no one knows - everything is very individual. And beer alcoholism is an insidious disease. Beer lovers gradually become accustomed not only to the intoxicating effect of alcohol, but also to the nerve-calming sedative properties of the drink. You want to repeat the pleasant relaxation again and again, so the doses have to be increased. The use of beer, like a real drug, becomes vital.

When to sound the alarm
1. If a person drinks more than one liter of beer per day.
2. Often gets together with friends to relax in the company of an amber drink.
3. Gets irritated and angry if he doesn't drink.
4. Complains about his health.
5. Becomes the owner of a “beer belly.”
6. Has problems with potency.
7. Can’t relax or fall asleep without doping beer.
8. Asks you to get over your hangover in the morning.

Help me get out of the habit
If one of your loved ones has suffered this misfortune, you can try to help him yourself. Here are a few simple tips.

Do not be silent! First, try to have a heart-to-heart talk with the person. Prepare thoroughly: study materials about possible diseases if you abuse beer, find stories and interviews with doctors, examples of the consequences of beer alcoholism (disability, degradation, death), you can even find videos from the Internet. Ask the person to listen to you without interrupting. Emphasize that you are not against alcohol in general, but that you are concerned about the amount you drink every day. This won't be the most pleasant conversation because people don't like to admit their weaknesses. Be patient and try to find out the reason why the beer became his best friend. If he has any problems, offer your help.

Distract! Try to keep the person busy with something interesting. Let him have no time to think about drinking. Go to the movies, theaters, museums. On weekends, go fishing and hunting. Organize a short trip to some beautiful city. You can also play sports. For example, the two of you go to the gym after work.

Tricky! If your boyfriend is accustomed to drinking beer in immeasurable quantities in the company of friends, try to make sure that he rarely sees these lovers of the amber drink.

Take a chance! Try to give an ultimatum - either you or she (the bottle). Just don't go too far. Otherwise, everything may not end in your favor.

Persuade! The most reliable way, and at the same time the most difficult, is to consult a specialist - a narcologist or psychologist. Of course, it is very difficult to convince a person that he needs the help of a doctor. Only your support and care can encourage him to make an important decision.

“Drink foamy beer - life will be excellent!” It turns out that there is a considerable amount of truth in this statement. There are many scientifically proven reasons to drink beer. And in this issue you will find a dozen arguments in favor of the foamy drink.

1. Beer prolongs life.

Researchers at Virginia Tech found that people who regularly drink beer in moderation reduce their risk of dying prematurely by 19%. In addition, beer helps rejuvenate blood vessel cells by accelerating certain metabolic processes in the body, and also has a calming and analgesic effect and helps inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

2. Beer helps you lose weight.

There is a widespread stereotype in society that beer makes you fat. But a new book by Tim Spector, a professor at King's College London, argues otherwise. It says that light beer is a good source of nutrients for beneficial gut bacteria, which make the digestive system work more efficiently. In addition, beer helps to activate the secretion of gastric juice and stimulates the digestive system.

In that alcoholic drink contains ingredients that help the human body fight cancer. This conclusion was reached by medical scientists from the Japanese National Institute of Radiology. In hops, in particular, xanthohumol is found, a flavonoid that inhibits carcinogenic enzymes.

The study, conducted by the UCL Foundation, aimed to prove that there is a link between the amount of beer a person drinks and how quickly their belly becomes round. Not a single scientific proof of this has ever been found. “People believe that beer drinkers are, on average, more likely to be obese than others. But that's not true. If there is a link between beer and obesity, it is insignificant,” the researchers concluded.

People who drink beer in moderation are 41% less likely to suffer from kidney stones. These are the conclusions reached by American researchers who reported on their work in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

In terms of the content of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, beer is no different from orange juice - a glass of which, drunk at breakfast, is a symbol healthy image life. But at the same time, the foamy drink has fewer calories. Guinness recently released statistics that show conclusively that even its heavy, dark beers contain fewer calories than any sugary drink or even skim milk.

While beer may not protect you from the unpleasant experience of not being able to remember what happened the night before, it is generally more beneficial than harmful to your memory. Xanthohumol, one of the compounds in hops, according to recent research, protects the brain from age-related degenerative changes such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

"If you carefully analyze chemical composition good beer, you will be amazed at the amount of vitamins it contains,” says Stefan Domenig, director of the Mayr Health Center in Austria. For example, beer contains a lot of vitamins B1 and B2, and they are present there in a form that is well absorbed. One liter of this drink will provide 40–60% of the daily requirement for thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2). Beer is rich in ascorbic acid. A liter of beer will give you 70% of the daily dose of vitamin C. And to meet the daily requirement for nicotine and folic acids It is enough to drink only half a glass.

Beer helps maintain bone density and joint elasticity by containing silicon in an easily digestible form. Who would have thought that a glass of beer after lunch could help create a tighter body? bone tissue. So, in any case, they say in the authoritative scientific journal Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.

Although I myself am a sinner, I love draft beer... especially unfiltered, but it’s an interesting article and makes you think. Although I drink beer once or twice a week, especially on weekends, if I’m not consuming a beer in a cozy company))

He who drinks beer lives happily!” - say Russian brewers, and our gullible men believe them unconditionally. And in vain - beer brings not only joy, but also big health problems

According to statistics, every resident of our country drinks almost 60 liters of beer during the year. Of course, we are still a long way from 161 Czech or 145 German liters, but we are approaching these figures at incredible speed. This is due to the widespread misconception that beer is both a healthy drink (barley contains the necessary proteins and carbohydrates) and a low-alcohol drink. If one of your loved ones provides this evidence in support of their hobby, try to paint them a real picture and tell them that beer also means alcoholism, a big belly, a diseased liver, heart problems and weakness in bed.

The first casualty is the stomach.
Beer, of course, is a low-alcohol drink, but still not soda, which means it contains a certain amount of ethyl alcohol. Moreover, in some types of foam the alcohol content reaches 10-14%, that is, a bottle of beer can be equivalent to 50-100 grams of vodka. Daily filling of the esophagus, stomach and intestines with alcoholic liquid with fermentation elements cannot but affect their condition. Beer very aggressively irritates and poisons the mucous membranes.

In addition, with regular consumption of a foamy drink, the glands located in the walls of the stomach and producing gastric juice first secrete a lot of mucus and then atrophy. Digestion becomes inadequate, food stagnates or enters the intestines undigested. The result is problems with stool and gastritis. By the way, chronic alcoholic gastritis is accompanied by complaints of general weakness, depressed mood, decreased performance, metallic taste and bitterness in the mouth, abdominal pain, and a feeling of heaviness in the pit of the stomach.

Liver hit
Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver, whose main function is to cleanse the body. If you force this organ to fight only beer, you can disrupt its antitoxic function. And then the liver will no longer serve as a reliable barrier to other potent and toxic substances. Abuse of intoxicating drinks can contribute to the development of inflammatory processes and even lead to hepatitis. Moreover, chronic beer hepatitis can occur in a latent form, without pronounced symptoms. If you don't stop in time, you can even get cirrhosis of the liver from drinking beer.

The pancreas also suffers from regular consumption of beer: the drink suppresses the secretion of enzymes, and the natural process of breaking down nutrients is disrupted.

Kidneys are the body's caretakers
The main task of the kidneys is to maintain a constant internal environment of the body. They participate in the regulation of water-electrolyte balance and acid-base composition of the body. Beer disrupts these natural processes because it forces the kidneys to work with triple force. Anyone who has ever drank an intoxicating drink knows how quickly it makes you want to go to the toilet. Scientifically, this is called polyuria - increased urination, which is associated with the irritating effect of alcohol on kidney tissue and an increase in their filtration capacity.

Having such a powerful diuretic effect, beer washes out important “building materials” from the body - micro- and macroelements, especially potassium, magnesium and vitamin C. With potassium deficiency, heart rhythm disturbances occur, pain in the calves, and weakness in the legs appear. A lack of magnesium affects mood - a person becomes irritable, whiny, and sleeps poorly. Due to a lack of vitamin C, immunity decreases and colds occur more often.

In the case of advanced beer alcoholism, sclerosis of the renal vessels, hemorrhages in the kidneys, renal infarctions, and areas of death can occur. Subsequently, due to the gradual destruction by alcohol, the dead cells are replaced by connective tissue, the kidney decreases in size and wrinkles.

"Bull's Heart"
Beer is absorbed very quickly, so the blood vessels immediately become congested. If you drink beer often and in large quantities, varicose veins occur and the heart enlarges. Radiologists call this phenomenon “beer heart,” “bull heart,” or “nylon stocking” syndrome. The main organ, forced to pump an excessive amount of fluid every day, becomes flabby and overgrown with fat on the outside. Heart contractions become more frequent, arrhythmia occurs, and blood pressure rises. Physical activity becomes more and more difficult, and shortness of breath appears. Beer alcoholics have an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease. A decrease in the contractility of the heart muscle and an increase in heart volume leads to heart failure. As a result, mortality from stroke doubles.

Hormones are jumping
Beer contains phytoestrogen, which is a plant analogue of the female sex hormone - progesterone. It gets into the drink from hop cones, which are used to give beer a specific bitter taste. Therefore, systematic consumption of the drink disrupts the functioning of the endocrine system.

In men, beer suppresses testosterone production. Against this background, female hormones begin to dominate, causing changes in a man’s appearance: the amount of hair on the body and face decreases, muscle mass decreases, the mammary glands enlarge, the timbre of the voice changes, a “beer belly” appears and fat is deposited on the hips and waist. It turns out that a passionate beer lover, according to biological characteristics, is gradually turning into a woman. Naturally, such a hormonal imbalance directly affects a man’s success in bed.

Beer and vodka are different
It is a mistake to think that low-alcohol beer is not addictive. What a call! There is even a separate medical term - beer alcoholism. It differs from vodka in that it develops 3-4 times faster and the urge to drink is stronger.

This is partly due to certain lifestyles and habits, the availability and ease of drinking the drink. There is no need to set the table, call a large group, or come up with an excuse, because you can “drink beer” alone - walking down the street or sitting in front of the TV. From the point of view of narcology, beer addiction is a severe, difficult-to-treat variant of alcoholism. And it is much more difficult to fight it.

“Drinkaholics” very rarely turn to psychiatrists and addiction specialists. More often they come to hospitals with complaints about the heart, liver, and stomach. Doctors, examining the patient, establish the main cause of all misfortunes - excessive consumption of beer.

Expert opinion
Vladimir Nuzhny, head of the toxicology laboratory of the National Scientific Center for Narcology of Roszdrav, says:

— The positive effects of beer on the body are possible only with moderate consumption. However, how many mugs contain a useful amount of the drink and where the line that should not be crossed, no one knows - everything is very individual. And beer alcoholism is an insidious disease. Beer lovers gradually become accustomed not only to the intoxicating effect of alcohol, but also to the nerve-calming sedative properties of the drink. You want to repeat the pleasant relaxation again and again, so the doses have to be increased. The use of beer, like a real drug, becomes vital.

When to sound the alarm
If a person drinks more than one liter of beer per day. Often gets together with friends to relax in the company of an amber drink.

Gets irritated and angry if he doesn't drink.

Complains about his health.

Becomes the owner of a “beer belly.”

Has problems with potency.

He can’t relax or fall asleep without doping beer.

He asks me to get over my hangover in the morning.

Help me get out of the habit
If one of your loved ones has suffered this misfortune, you can try to help him yourself. Here are some simple tips.

Do not be silent! First, try to have a heart-to-heart talk with the person. Prepare thoroughly: study materials about possible diseases caused by beer abuse, find stories and interviews with doctors, examples of the consequences of beer alcoholism (disability, degradation, death), you can even find videos from the Internet. Ask the person to listen to you without interrupting. Emphasize that you are not against alcohol in general, but that you are concerned about the amount you drink every day. This won't be the most pleasant conversation because people don't like to admit their weaknesses. Be patient and try to find out the reason why beer became his best friend. If he has any problems, offer your help.

Distract! Try to keep the person busy with something interesting. Let him have no time to think about drinking. Go to the movies, theaters, museums. On weekends, go fishing and hunting. Organize a short trip to some beautiful city. You can also play sports. For example, the two of you go to the gym after work.

Tricky! If your boyfriend is accustomed to drinking beer in immeasurable quantities in the company of friends, try to make sure that he rarely sees these lovers of the amber drink.

Take a chance! Try to set an ultimatum - either you or she (the bottle). Just don't go too far. Otherwise, everything may not end in your favor.

Persuade! The most reliable way, and at the same time the most difficult, is to consult a specialist - a narcologist or psychologist. Of course, it is very difficult to convince a person that he needs the help of a doctor. Only your support and care can encourage him to make an important decision.

What are your opinions, how is your hairiness? You can even make comparisons with yourself and photos of beer bellies! geey))))

Beer is the most popular low-alcohol drink. Everyone loves him - both men and women. The craze for beer is understandable: the intoxicating drink relaxes well, perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes and tones. This is a mandatory attribute for men when watching football.

But what will happen if you drink beer every day, because it is still alcohol, albeit weak. Can regular consumption of a foamy drink provoke the development of alcoholism with all the ensuing consequences?

Beer alcoholism is a modern problem

Before delving into the negative aspects of beer addiction, let’s remember the benefits of the ancient intoxicating drink. Even in ancient times, beer was considered a healing agent that healed a person from many ailments.. The intoxicating drink saved many lives during the plague that raged in medieval Europe.

Robert Koch, German microbiologist who discovered the tuberculosis bacillus, Vibrio cholerae and bacillus anthrax, proved that beer has a destructive effect on the causative agent of cholera.

Aromatic hops are really useful, because the amber drink has a multi-component composition. Let's study the beneficial properties of beer. It contains a lot:

Micro- and macroelements. In terms of the content of copper, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, the beer drink is similar to orange juice. But a glass of orange juice drunk at breakfast is considered a symbol of a healthy life.

What does beer consist of?

Vitamins. Especially group B. A special feature of beer is the fact that all the vitamins present in the composition have a form that is most well absorbed by the body. It has been proven that a liter of beer provides daily requirement human in riboflavin (B2) and thiamine (B1).

Ascorbic acid. During beer production, they add to the drink ascorbic acid– this substance stops oxidative processes. A liter of intoxicating drink provides a person with a daily dose of vitamin C. And half a glass of amber liquid saturates the body with folic and nicotinic acids, which are important for health.

Beer acids. The intoxicating drink contains large quantities of oxalic, pyruvic, gluconic, citric and acetic acids. Organic substances work to prevent the formation of kidney stones by stimulating urine formation.

Interesting facts about beer

Phenolic compounds. The most valuable beer ingredients. Aromatic compounds of hydroxyl groups restore lipid metabolism and prevent blood clots. These are natural human protectors from strokes and heart attacks.

Beer is a fragrant and such an attractive drink, it really has a number of useful properties. It acts as a mild hypnotic and sedative, has a bactericidal effect, stimulates the stomach, improves blood flow and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

This drink will only be beneficial if consumed in moderation, but if you drink beer every day, the consequences will not take long to appear. And these consequences are negative and detrimental to health.

The Dangers of Beer Craze

So is it possible to get carried away with an intoxicating drink every day, because it is healthy and does not contain so many degrees. Narcologists, one and all, are firmly convinced that even a low percentage of alcohol in liquids does not at all reduce the destructive effects on the body. Beer should be treated the same as strong alcoholic beverages.

In terms of harmful effects on the body, beer is compared to moonshine.

Beer contains substances similar in composition to vodka components. Beer drink is just as harmful as vodka.

So, over time, pleasant daily gatherings over a glass of intoxicating drink can lead to disappointing consequences. Which ones? And what happens if you drink a lot of beer, you will encounter only a small amount of troubles:

  1. Death of brain cells. Beer contains one chemical compound - cadaverine. This substance is harmful to brain cells, it is responsible for the destruction of brain cells and provokes the development of dementia.
  2. Availability large quantities carbon dioxide and cobalt negatively affects the functioning of the heart. Myocardial cells (the muscle layer of the heart) suffer. Gradually, the myocardium enlarges and weakens, which leads to heart failure.
  3. Beer addiction has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Beer is a powerful diuretic; its regular use simply “washes” microelements important for health from the body. Overworked kidneys also suffer.

So drinking beer every day is alcoholism with the same consequences as abusing vodka. And narcologists generally equate frequent consumption of beer drinks with drug addiction.

It has been proven that one drunk bottle of beer with a strength of 3.5% is equivalent in its effect to drinking 60 grams of vodka.

Memo to men

Beer liquid contains bioactive substances similar in composition to female hormones (estrogens). This fact has long been proven. How will the male body react when it constantly receives female hormones? Remember the famous “beer belly” - these are the consequences of estrogen.

Excessive beer consumption is very dangerous for men's health

Is it harmful for a man to drink beer every day? There is only one answer to this question: “Yes, it is not just harmful, but also detrimental to male strength.” In avid beer drinkers, over time, the figure begins to change according to the female type:

  • breasts grow;
  • hips expand;
  • the timbre of the voice changes;
  • hair growth decreases;
  • Fat is deposited on the stomach.

The male reproductive system also suffers greatly; testosterone and androgens gradually cease to be produced in the right quantity. What is the result? The man loses interest in opposite sex, libido disappears. Hormonal imbalance leads to outbreaks of aggression or severe depression, which also affects health.

Beer and woman

Once upon a time, beer was an exclusively male drink. But nowadays, even representatives of the fair sex are not inferior to men in consuming amber hops. What happens if a woman drinks beer every day – the consequences will not take long to appear:

  1. Hair. Under the influence of beer components, the once luxurious, rich hair will begin to thin out, the hair will become thinner and fall out.
  2. Leather. Will also suffer appearance skin. Beer drink is detrimental to epidermal tissue. The face of the amber hop lover is dry and flaky. Many wrinkles form as collagen fibers lose their elasticity. This is the fault of aggressive beer components.
  3. Weight. A sore subject for most women. Beer lovers will have to come to terms with steadily growing kilograms, but they will definitely come, this fact has long been proven.

But much worse than the external destructive effects are the internal changes that daily beer addiction brings with it. Such consequences are much more dangerous.

Beer is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman

Hormonal background. When a woman drinks refreshing beer every day, she gains weight, this fact is known. The cause of fat gain is global changes hormonal levels that beer causes. Reason – high level phytoestrogens contained in hops.

Although estrogens are considered female hormones, their excess completely destabilizes the female hormonal system.

In men, plant phytoestrogens provoke the development of feminization (feminine traits), but in women, on the contrary, the appearance of hair growth is noted. male type(mustache, chest, hips). The voice changes, it becomes rougher and lower.

Difficulty conceiving. An excess of estrogens, generously gifted to the female body by beer, negatively affects the reproductive abilities of women. Hormonal excess provokes disruptions in menstrual cycle. The walls of the uterus enlarge, which leads to obstruction of the fallopian tubes. As a result, it is impossible to conceive and bear a baby.

Pathological changes internal organs . The heart and digestive system women. Doctors have proven that drinking an intoxicating drink every day leads to the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

How does beer affect human hormonal levels?

Psycho-emotional background. Serious changes in hormonal balance lead to global problems from the psycho-emotional female background. Moreover, the beer drink affects women differently (it all depends on their individual characteristics organism).

More often, beer abuse leads to the emergence of uncontrollable sexual desire, when a woman does not bother choosing a partner and becomes indiscriminate in intimacy .

How often can you drink beer

The problem of beer alcoholism is becoming one of the most pressing for modern society. To understand the safe and acceptable dose of an intoxicating drink, you need to be able to identify the symptoms of beer addiction. How to understand that a person is suffering from beer addiction:

  1. A beer alcoholic has a peculiar breathing pattern. It is hoarse and strained.
  2. Beer addiction is also visible on the face. Puffiness, bags under the eyes, swelling, the body itself becomes flabby and loose.
  3. A beer alcoholic drinks every day, and each time he requires an increasing dose of intoxicating liquid to satisfy himself.
  4. There is a complete denial of one's own dependence. The person is confident that he does not have any problem, and if he wishes, he can easily stop drinking beer himself.
  5. Being in beer bondage, a person is constantly different bad mood. The outlook on life improves briefly after taking another bottle of beer. But if there is no beer at hand, those around you suffer from outbursts of aggressiveness of someone thirsty for a drink.

Beer alcoholism is even more dangerous than alcoholism. Such addiction, according to the observations of narcologists, is very difficult to treat and progresses quickly (especially in women). IN Lately The problem of beer alcoholism is increasingly affecting the younger generation.

Statistics on beer consumption among young people

Safe beer limit

How to determine your own norm of a refreshing and much-loved intoxicating drink? Each person is different, and the effects of amber hops vary in severity. Many people, trying to determine the acceptable beer limit, act through errors and trials.

Scientists have found that the body of a standard person weighing 70-75 kg is capable of processing and eliminating up to 150-170 grams of alcohol per day without harm to health.

But why take the risk own health When can you use already tested and proven recommendations? Doctors, determining the permissible dose of beer consumption, came to the following conclusions.

Oh yes, you love beer. But you're drinking it wrong. TER correspondent has returned from the Czech Republic and is ready to tell you why.

Don't look at the composition

No preservatives or hop products. Real beer consists of five ingredients: water, malt, hops, yeast and the brewer's conscience. The latter can be checked independently. Pour beer into a glass mug, but not along the wall, but right in the center. Thick white hat should be approximately four centimeters (two to three fingers) high and stand on the surface for about four minutes. However, there is a more ancient way to check the quality of an intoxicating drink. In the Middle Ages, a brewer, presenting a freshly brewed batch of beer at a fair, poured part of the first barrel onto an oak bench and sat down on it, after putting on leather pants. A bench stuck to a soft spot was considered a sign of quality. And the bench falling off the backside guaranteed the brewer an encore. But the poor fellow was greeted not with thunderous applause, but with rotten tomatoes.

Cool in the freezer

The favorite drink of brutal males does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Traveling on the top shelf of the freezer threatens it with complications in the form of a cloudy sediment on the bottom and lack of taste. It's better to put the bottle in the refrigerator or place it under a cupboard for a while. cold water. But if you are planning a crazy party, and the amount of foam is much greater than the size of your bathroom, it would be wiser to cool the glasses for it rather than the beer. Let them rest in the freezer for 10-20 minutes. It’s uncomfortable to hold, but it’s refreshing in any heat, be it from the scorching sun or from beautiful girls on the left and right. Especially on the right.

You leave it open

A mistake that is unacceptable for a person who has attended a school chemistry course with at least one ear. Beer contains natural preservatives - ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. As soon as you open a bottle of live draft, the latter comes into contact with oxygen. An oxidation process occurs: the carbon dioxide content decreases, and the beer “fizzles out” and loses its taste. After a few hours the drink becomes unbearably bland. After a day, it acquires sour notes. You can pour it down the sink. Or give it to your beloved girl with the words: “Sun, eat some meat in beer for dinner, huh?” In extreme cases, he will bake pancakes. Or he will wash his hair.

You don't take into account the strength

Languid young ladies and sensitive young men are usually frightened by the bitterness of beer. If you also consider yourself a sensitive person, choose a drink with a high degree of alcohol, giving preference to dark and semi-dark varieties of lagers and ales. To make them, malt is roasted at temperatures from 100 to 300 ° C, which as a result gives the hop nectar exquisite notes of coffee, caramel, bread crusts or dark chocolate. And don’t believe that you have to drink three rubles in three doses, emptying the jar halfway with the first sip. This approach is suitable for classic light varieties. Stronger beers need to be savored: take small sips, touching the drink with the tip of your tongue and then rolling it through your mouth to your throat. This way you use the taste buds that are responsible for the perception of sweet and bitter tastes. And you will definitely change your attitude towards beer for the better.

Having a snack

The last and most unforgivable of all the sins of inexperienced tasters. Unforgivable from a health point of view and physical fitness. Let's compare two beer nations: the Bavarians and the Czechs. The former never drink without a snack. Fatty pork steaks, sizzling sausages and slices fried cheese stand on every table in any Bavarian beer hall. Now look at the Czechs. There is only beer on the table. Nothing edible. Because a Czech man comes to the pub after a hearty home-cooked dinner. And in the evening he pounces not on food, but on the bed, because his working day begins very early. Now look at you. After each sip, do you throw a handful of chips or salted nuts into your mouth? Do you top it all off with pizza or fries? Congratulations, your huge beer belly will soon hang over the belt of your too-tight jeans. So no beer snacks from now on. And even more so salty.