The nose can tell a lot. Not only that, according to him appearance, shape and features, you can, like on a map, read a lot about a person, and there are also a huge number of signs associated with this organ.

Believe in superstitions or ignore them - everyone decides for himself. However, many can say with confidence - signs work. And many causeless phenomena associated with the nose indicate certain events in the future and present.

What can happen to this part of the face? Let's say the bridge of the nose or nostrils itches unbearably, itches inside the sinuses, a pimple pops up or the nose suddenly turns red.

Of course, it is worth noting right away that some phenomena may not indicate changes and events in the future, but about some kind of health disorder in the present.

Do not treat yourself negligently, and if the nose itches for a long time and strongly, or becomes inflamed, you need to go to the doctor, because signs will not help here. If everything is in order, and the physical phenomenon has no reason, then why not find out what the omen means?

Explore the secret

There are many signs associated with the nose, some of them even contradict each other. It is worth choosing and finding out the most common ones, and those about which many can say for sure - a working sign.

1. If a pimple suddenly appeared on the nose, the sign says - this is for the news. Moreover, it is customary to believe that if a pimple jumped on the nose, there will be not just news - they will be somehow connected with the amorous sphere, and will be very pleasant.

2. And why did a pimple appear on the very tip of the nose? This is a clear sign that someone is crazy in love with you, and is constantly thinking about you.

You can try to find out who it is, be more attentive and look closely at others. Perhaps a great mutual love awaits you!

3. And if a pimple jumped up on the side, on the nostril, then you yourself will soon fall in love, as they say, head over heels. It's true, whether this feeling will be mutual or you will have to endure unrequited love - the sign is silent. Maybe it all depends more on you?

4. A common question is why the nose itches, and there are many contradictory and different superstitions about this. Someone can even say that you have to get at this very place - but this, of course, is not true.

In fact, if your nose itches, you definitely have to, as they say, “look into a glass.” In other words, get ready for fun, but don't go overboard with alcohol - everything should be in moderation!

5. But what the nose itches for, more precisely, its very tip, they say something completely different. The sign says that this is to receive money, and if you have a slight itch on the tip of your nose, you will soon become a little richer!

6. If he combed not at the tip, but on the side - it doesn’t matter, on the right or on the left, you will soon receive some news, or a surprise, and you will be surprised.

7. If itching inside the nose, you will receive very joyful and unexpected news!

8. When the tip of the nose, the bridge of the nose, or even the whole of it turns red for no reason, and even seems to be on fire, this is a sign that an early quarrel with someone is possible. Be calmer, try not to provoke conflicts, and resolve misunderstandings or misunderstandings with people around you peacefully, without quarrels.

Why would you spoil a relationship that will be harder to restore later, and can even be destroyed because of stupidity? Let such a sign help to be wiser and behave calmer.

What to say about a person?

You can easily recognize by some striking features of this part of the face what character the owner has. It is, of course, in in general terms, each person is unique, but a little useful and interesting information can be obtained by looking at it carefully.

  • If the nose is very long, then you are most likely a conservative person who is not inclined to experiments and something unusual.
  • A long, large nose, and a narrow bridge of the nose is a sign of a sharp mind, a penchant for analysis, and intellectual work.
  • If the nose is small, short, and the bridge of the nose is wide, then the person is open, kind and friendly, loves people and communication with them.
  • When a person has a large nose, both wide and long, especially of a beautiful even shape, then the person is so calm, restrained, smart, knows how to think, analyze, does not make hasty decisions.
  • A hump on the nose is a sign of a bright, quick-tempered and very proud person. If there is a bony, thin bridge of nose above the hump, then the person has a very hot temperament, he can even be unbalanced, very decisive and courageous.
  • It is believed that a person in whom this part of the face is proportionally smaller than the rest of its parts, then this person is jealous and likes to find fault with trifles.
  • There is a belief that a person with a narrow and thin nose will have to work a lot and hard all his life.
  • If its tip hangs down a little, carefully - you have a seducer in front of you, a very sexy and temperamental person who knows how to drive you crazy and achieve any victim.
  • A person with a full, big nose, without sharp corners - kind, soft and open, it is pleasant and easy to be with him, he will not betray and never offend.

Be observant - watch what your body tells you. And do not expect anything bad - tune in only to the good, and happiness will not keep you waiting in your life! Author: Vasilina Serova

Many people are interested in the question of why the nose itches. The interpretation of the sign depends on the day of the week, time and other factors.

Male signs: the nose itches for the following events:

  1. Fight or other conflict situation. This will happen if the wings of the nose itch on either side of a man or a guy.
  2. cash flow, increase wages, winning the lottery or repaying a debt. Itching should be on the right side.
  3. Romantic relationship with a woman or girl who will cheat or manipulate a man. In this case, it should itch Right side nose.

In women and girls, the nose will itch in cases such as:

  1. Increasing sexuality. The girl is waiting for increased attention from the opposite sex, if it itches right nostril.
  2. Troubles and minor misfortunes will occur if the inside itches.
  3. There will be close communication or a romantic relationship with an unfaithful and dishonest man if it itches left-hand side.

Full interpretation of signs

The full interpretation of this superstition depends on which side of the nose itches.

If the tip of the nose itches

Many are interested in the question of why the tip of the nose itches. There are several explanations for this:

  1. An upcoming feast or social event where alcoholic beverages will be served.
  2. Spending time in a friendly company. This means that a person will meet old friends or meet a person with whom a friendly relationship can be established.
  3. Good luck in business and any endeavors. You can make risky transactions, they will bring profit and improve your financial situation.
  4. Successful purchase. A purchase made when the tip of the nose itches will bring satisfaction to its owner.
  5. Good news awaits the man. An issue that has been haunting for a long time can be resolved.

On the right side

The itchy right wing of the nose promises the following:

  1. A person is waiting for favorable changes in life. This may be a change of residence, promotion and other good news.
  2. Gifts in different ways: winning the lottery, a romantic gift from a loved one, etc.
  3. The right nostril itches for a profitable deal that will improve the financial well-being of a person.
  4. Romantic adventure. There can be 2 options: either old family relationships flare up with a new passion, or a person is waiting for a meeting with a soul mate.
  5. Improving well-being and achievements in sports. A person will be able to recover from some disease or take a prize in a sports competition.
  6. Recognition of merit at work is expected (a bonus is possible).
  7. A person will receive good news from an old friend.

From the left side

If the left nostril or part of the nose itches, then you should expect the following:

  1. Bad news related to the financial condition. The loss of a large amount is likely, a loss in a casino or any other gambling, a demotion or loss of a job is possible.
  2. deterioration in physical and emotional state. Chronic diseases can worsen, a person can catch a cold or catch a virus.
  3. conflict situation. This can result in a fight or severe injury.
  4. Breaking up a relationship with a girl or boyfriend (husband or wife). This can happen due to betrayal or loss of mutual interest.
  5. Failed deal. If the left wing is combed before the conclusion of the contract, then it is recommended to transfer business meeting the next day.

If a pregnant woman's left nostril itches, she will give birth to a boy.

Itchy under the nose

If the skin under the nose is itchy, then you should expect events such as:

  1. A failed business deal or major purchase. In this case, it is recommended to reschedule all important negotiations and postpone shopping.
  2. The wish you made will not come true. If before that a man or woman did a magical rite or asked the saints for something, then the answer to their request will be negative.
  3. Passionate romantic relationship. They can be both short-term and long-term. According to the sign, a person will meet a partner at the workplace.
  4. There will be an opportunity to return to a former lover or lover.
  5. Business troubles are possible.
  6. A small quarrel with a loved one, but the relationship will quickly improve.
  7. Possible fight on the background of alcohol intoxication. For this reason, it is recommended to refrain from events where alcoholic beverages are served.

Why does the bridge of the nose itch

If the nose itches in the region of the bridge of the nose, then the sign should be interpreted as follows:

  1. There are difficult experiences associated with the disease. A person can get sick himself or his relative, close friend will get sick.
  2. It is worth waiting for scandals and fights.
  3. AT trade this sign promises great income, successful transactions and prosperity.
  4. Big troubles associated with moving to another country or changing jobs.
  5. Death of a relative. To avoid this terrible consequence, it is recommended to scratch the bridge of the nose and cross it three times, and then read the prayer “Our Father”.
  6. The man will meet his love. Romantic relationships can develop into strong feelings and starting a family.
  7. An office romance is possible, but it will not last long, without mutual promises and hopes.
  8. A person is waiting for a big win in the lottery, casino or other gambling.

Omen by time of day

The sign can be interpreted according to the time of day, for example:

  1. If itchy in the nose in the morning, then you should wait for the guests. This will be an unpleasant meeting that a person has previously tried to avoid. In order not to run into an unwanted guest, it is recommended to go for a walk in the evening.
  2. If itching appeared during the day, then the person will attend a party where there will be a lot of alcoholic drinks. Also, such a sign is interpreted as receiving a large monetary reward.
  3. If the nose itches in the evening, it promises failure and worsening financial condition. This can lead to quarrels with relatives or close friends. The conflict will last for a long time.
  4. In the case when the nostrils itch at night, a person should expect good profits and success in business. All purchases made in the near future will bring him joy.

The meaning of signs by day of the week

Interpretation of signs by day of the week:

  1. My nose itched on Monday. Difficulties are expected at work and in everyday affairs. This state of affairs could last all week.
  2. The itching started on Tuesday. In this case, it is worth waiting for the visit of old friends. The meeting will be pleasant, alcoholic drinks will be served.
  3. The bridge of the nose itched on Wednesday. The person will receive an unexpected gift from friends or secret admirers.
  4. Itching in the nose began on Thursday. A romantic adventure or a pleasant acquaintance is expected.
  5. If the nose began to itch on Friday, then a feast with a lot of alcohol is expected soon.
  6. If the nose itches on Saturday, the omen promises unplanned expenses and big expenses.
  7. Nose itched on Sunday. This is a sign that there will be a quarrel with a relative or close friend.

Other signs about the nose

Among the superstitions associated with this part of the face, there is a sign about a mole on the nose, which means that a person easily makes acquaintances and friends, likes to communicate and work in a team. He has a good sense of humor and a pleasant personality.

If a person's nose is on fire, then superstition interprets this as an upcoming feast or conflict situation which could escalate into a fight.

There is a belief that at the moment when the nose bleeds, you need to put a few drops on a banknote. It will bring wealth and financial stability.

If the nose twitches, then you need to look at your spouse. There is a possibility that the partner is unfaithful.

By the number of pimples that jumped off in the nose area, one can judge the number of secret admirers. Perhaps a person is waiting for a quick declaration of love.

People have long noticed and believed that a certain well-being portends certain events in itself, and one of these signs is an itchy nose. The sign itself has a great many interpretations, and in order to better understand what fate has prepared for you in the future, it is worth considering in more detail what it means and portends. Our ancestors, interpreting such a sign, took into account not only what part of the nose itches, but also the time of day and even the day of the week.

If the tip of the nose itches - what does the sign promise?

The most common sign among the people, when the tip of the nose begins to itch intensely in a man or woman, is that there will be a fun feast and booze in speed. The tip of the wasp was combed - for the imminent use of alcohol, and in the very near future, and as our ancestors noted, it is not an ordinary superstition built up over the centuries, but the real result of ancient fortune-telling.

Among other things, the people said that you won’t let your nose down regarding the upcoming feast, but if the tip itself began to itch and itch already at the feast itself, it promises to drag on for more than one hour, or even a day. But it is worth remembering - be prepared for a hard morning, headaches and a terrible hangover, so you should somewhat refrain from your appetites and alcohol consumption.

If we consider this sign from the standpoint of its veracity or groundlessness, many of us still believe in it, because according to all statements it comes true in 99 cases out of 100. But does it have a certain, logically justified basis, or is it rather just a sign , in which you want to believe and have fun, when a person at the subconscious level, knowing about a future event, anticipating it, so to speak, “catches” itchy sensations with the tip of his nose.

In this case, scientists say that the nose itches often, but the brain itself does not respond to such a signal, but in the case of the upcoming festivities, the brain can arbitrarily note the sensation of itching in the nose. So the sign itself also has scientific support, and not just the experience of our ancestors and the signs created by them. In addition to the fact that the tip of the nose itches, and soon good news - for example, it may be news of receiving money or a promotion.

If the wings of the nose itch - what does the omen promise?

If you have sharply combed the wings of the nose, or only one - in this case folk beliefs they say that it is worth waiting for trouble. Most likely, such a sign promises you financial losses and health problems, receiving unpleasant news at work, quick quarrels.

If only one of your nostrils is itchy - folk wisdom advises you to pay attention to which side you have it itching. In this case, say folklore if you have a sharp itching directly on the left side - such a sign promises you unpleasant changes in life, bad news and financial, unforeseen losses.

If you have itching on the right side of your nose - the sign should be interpreted from the contrary first, which promises you good news and good changes in life, cheerful company friends and gifts. But when both nostrils itched at the same time, the folk omen does not give any interpretations about such a phenomenon, and it is not known what to say in this case. Most likely, a person will have a series of pleasant and not very events, such a life zebra, ups and downs. But such a vital setting of things is present in almost every person in his daily life.

But in this regard, popular rumor also gives the so-called merchant signs, in which the right or left side of the nose itches. So a knowledgeable merchant noticed that if suddenly the right side of the nose was combed before the upcoming deal, then this promises a profitable deal for the merchant and, accordingly, a rich profit for him. But if, for no reason at all, the left wing of the nose began to itch, and worst of all before the upcoming deal, one should expect fraud and financial losses, a bad deal and many losses, damage or loss of all goods. But as another sign of the trading people says, it is worth waiting for an early christening, in which a person will take an active part, acting as a godfather or godmother.

If the bridge of the nose, under the nose, or the whole nose is itchy

Our ancestors for centuries have noticed certain signs and beliefs, and if your nose suddenly itches in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bridge of your nose, this is a signal from higher powers about imminent trouble, even the death of someone close to you, very big troubles and losses. If you want to neutralize this sign or minimize its negative consequences, you should wipe it three times.

If you are absolutely healthy, but at the same time you suddenly began to itch and itch under your nose - this is a signal from higher powers that you will soon experience true love, experience true passion and adventure, vivid and unforgettable sensations. But keep in mind - fate does not promise you a long feeling and everything can soon end in the most banal resort or office romance without burdensome consequences and mutual promises.

But remember - in this version of the interpretation of signs, fate promises you a bright and unforgettable flash, experiences that will illuminate your life with new emotions, but soon your life will return to its former, familiar course. Most likely, the object of your passion and a bright flash of love experiences will be former lover or beloved, first love.

If the whole nose began to itch, from the bridge of the nose to its tip, the sign interprets this as a warning about a future quarrel, and if you don’t stop in time, then it can end in a real brawl and assault. Our ancestors said that if the whole nose itches, there will be a fight, but even today it has not lost its meaning and is still interpreted in the same perspective. To neutralize the effect of this sign - you in without fail should click on the nose, while it should be a completely different person. In this case, the one whose nose itched seemed to be in a fight and they gave him a nose - accordingly, in reality, there will be no quarrel and brawl, since the sign itself has already occurred.

If it itches around the nose - how to interpret such a sign.

If you are desperately itching around your nose - such a sign promises you a bright love experience in speed. At the same time, it can be a vivid feeling for a new person, as well as a manifestation of bright and warm feelings for your own, legal spouse, children and relatives, people who surround you.

With regard to other interpretations, when the nose itches, folk wisdom does not stop at the interpretations described above. First of all, folk beliefs recommend taking into account the time of day, the day of the current week when your nose itches.

If we take into account a certain day of the week, then our ancestors believed that the sign should be interpreted taking into account the following:

  1. The nose itched at the beginning of the week, regardless of its part - Monday in this case brings you some difficulties and troubles that you will encounter in the very near future.
  2. If your nose itches on Tuesday, wait for an unexpected guest, an old friend, putting treats and tea on the table, or maybe something stronger. A pleasant pastime is guaranteed to you.
  3. The nose itched in the middle of the week - such a sign on Wednesday promises you to receive pleasant gifts and signs of attention.
  4. If itching and burning in the nose bothered you on Thursday, get ready for a romantic date with the object of your adoration.
  5. Friday and a nose itching at the end of the week promises you a fun pastime in a fun and pleasant company with alcohol and dancing.
  6. If your nose itches on Saturday, be extremely careful, because such a sign promises you a risk of injury or injury to yourself, and in the financial sector, you can expect considerable expenses and losses.
  7. The same sign that happened on Sunday promises you a lot of trouble and contention, such an unpleasant showdown. In this case, do not react to attacks against you and watch what you say.

As for exactly what time of day your nose began to itch so inopportunely, its individual sections - here a popular sign claims that it will not please you with a special variety. If the nose began to itch from the very morning, until 10 o’clock, be ready to meet the guest in the evening, but if this happened during the day, from 10 am to 4 pm, then this promises you financial income, a gift or an increase in earnings. And, most likely, such a gift or cash receipt will come to you the very next day, if not, remember the day of the week, since this can happen exactly in 7 days. The nose itched in the evening - expect trouble, most likely in the family circle.

If we take into account the gender of a person, then there are also some nuances in the interpretation of the signs of an itchy nose. For example, if the nostril on the right side of a woman is combed, she has incredible success with the opposite sex. But if the nose itches on the left side, this promises a woman a stormy and passionate romance, even sex with an unpleasant person, which she will be forced to enter into due to certain circumstances. This could be a boss, a lender, or someone you depend on.

If a man’s nose itches, this sign warns of an imminent fight, and therefore if assault is not your plan, then you should ask someone to hit you on the nose. In this case, the sign itself, as it were, will come true, but at the same time you will not suffer either morally or physically.

There are a huge number of signs associated with the fact that we feel some kind of itching on different parts of the body, including the nose. So what is itchy nose for, and what do signs predict us?

Itchy nose: signs

When the nose itches, it is believed that he smells something bad. Often this leads to quarrels, clarification of relationships, conflicts, and so on. Therefore, if your nose is combed, be careful. You need to try not to get angry at people and watch how and what you talk to them about.

When the nostrils and wings of the nose were combed, then you need to remember if someone from relatives or friends in the family had a replenishment. Usually this is a sign that soon you will be invited to the christening either as a guest or as a godmother or godmother.

And perhaps you yourself will very soon organize a christening. There are some less extensive explanations. For example, when your right nasal wing is combed, then you will find joy, good news or financial replenishment. When the left bow wing is combed, the news may turn out to be bad, or it may be a hint of financial loss.

  • Some of the signs may change their meaning. If once itching on the bridge of the nose foreshadowed illness, bad news, losses, conflicts, and sometimes even death, now this leads to more positive signs.
  • This is especially a good sign for those who are engaged in trading activities, as a decent profit is expected. The less a person thinks about the bad, the more likely it is that there will be no negative things in his life.
  • When it itches inner side nostrils, then this is a harbinger of positive news, of course, if you do not have allergies or a runny nose.

Scabies around the nose

It happens that it is not the nose itself that itches, but the skin around it. This portends small troubles at work or pleasant emotions in a love relationship.

It can also mean meeting a new lover or pleasant changes in current relationships.

The meanings of signs also depend on the gender of the person. Men and women may have different interpretation will accept:

  1. If the lady's right nostril itches, then she should expect popularity from the male. If you are going to any celebration, you can be sure that you will be the most irresistible and shine all evening. And itching in the left nostril of a woman means that she will be attracted to a person who was not pleasant before. And all this can develop into a whirlwind romance.
  2. If the itching in the nose disturbed the man, then soon he may get into a fight. To avoid this, you need to ask the person next to you to lightly hit you on the nose. Thus, the sign will come true without negative actions.

Notes on certain places.

If the nasal wings are combed, it means that soon you will have an illness or bad news. To prevent this, it is necessary to rub the itchy area of ​​​​the nose with a dule.

When the tip of the nose itches, it is believed that soon you will have a feast with a drink. If you are not planning a feast, but the tip of your nose itches, then you will be invited to a party. If the tip of the nose itches during the festival, this indicates that the fun will not end soon. In this situation, your nose warns that the main thing is not to overdo it with a drink so that the morning does not turn out to be difficult for you.

Also, the nose smells finances very well. Many people notice that when they plan to receive a salary, their nose starts to itch. In general, itching at the tip of the nose predicts only good things: success at work, in love and financial plan, positive news and so on.

  • If the skin under the nose is combed, then a real one is waiting for you. strong love, perhaps not a new, already existing love can blaze with renewed vigor.
  • When the bridge of the nose itches, expect bad news, misfortunes, or even a funeral. You can try to make sure that the sign does not come true: just scratch your nose three times with a cross.
  • Present this sign is not so negative, it can also mean that you will benefit, for example, make a purchase at an attractive price.

When the nostrils itch, this can be both a positive and a negative sign. This can be determined by which particular nostril itches. If the right one, then good news awaits you, and if the left one, unpleasant news. If two nostrils itch at once, you can wait for an invitation to christening as a godfather or an addition to the family.

When the area around the nose itches, it can either mean that you will soon fall in love, or you will have trouble in your professional activities.

By day of the week

  1. If your nose itches on the first day of the week, then you should prepare for problems that need to be solved as quickly as possible.
  2. If the nose itches on Tuesday, then very soon you will meet old friends. Therefore, stock up on pleasant goodies in advance. And the time spent with friends will be very good and fun.
  3. When your nose itches on Wednesday, count on nice gifts.
  4. Feeling itching in the nose on the fourth day of the week, get ready for a meeting with a person to whom you have been sympathetic for a very long time. Think over your image to win your soul mate.
  5. On Friday, your nose predicts an incendiary celebration with songs, cheerful dances and, of course, with a drink.
  6. When the nose itches on Saturday, get ready for serious financial costs. What exactly you will spend money on is not known, but there will be much fewer bills in your wallet.
  7. On a Sunday, your nose will not predict very well. good news. It can be scandals, swearing, showdown, and so on. It is advisable to control your speech, and not react aggressively to the comments of strangers.

What does science think about it?

Everyone treats signs differently, for some it is entertainment, for some it is curiosity, and someone really believes all the predictions and listens to advice.

If you stay in a room where the air is filled with smoke or very dry for a very long time, the lining of your nose can become dry and thus cause itching and irritation. It is very important to ventilate the room and humidify the air in it.

From the point of view of science, itching in the nose can be caused by factors such as:

  • Cold;
  • Allergy;
  • skin diseases;
  • Insects;
  • Diabetes;
  • Stress.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons for scratching your nose. Therefore, if the nose bothers you quite often and for a long time, then you need to seek help from doctors. Only they will be able to identify the real cause of itching in and around the nose.

Among the people the most truthful omens are those when the nose itches from the inside. And if at this time you sneeze, then the significance and accuracy of the signs will only increase. Therefore, when the omen is positive, get ready for the upcoming positive events and changes.

  • It should also be taken into account that some values ​​\u200b\u200bwill take slightly different from the time of day.
  • For example, if the nose itches in the morning, then wait for guests in the evening, if at noon, then financial profit awaits you.
  • If some sign did not fulfill its good value, no need to worry, it can be carried over to next week.

Believe signs or not, this is a personal matter for each person. But if the sign carries only positive news, why not listen to it and tune in a positive way?

For centuries, people have noticed the connection of certain changes in the body with subsequent events occurring in life. So, there were many folk signs associated with parts of the body. Even in modern world new signs appear, and old superstitions are overgrown with new interpretations. Signs have not been spared and why a person’s nose itches.

The causes of itching in the nose or on its surface can be different. An unpleasant symptom often occurs due to poor hygiene or too dry indoor air (especially during the heating season). Other common causes of itching include:

Main signs

According to folk omens, ears, cheeks, nose and palms are excellent predictors of future events in life. It has long been noticed that if a person tells a lie, his ears turn red and bake. Also, a liar may unconsciously cover her nose with her hand.

We are used to the fact that the nose is responsible for the perception of smell, but it can additionally accurately portend unexpected events and surprises of fate. The nose informs about the coming changes with itching. How to correctly decipher his predictions and understand what they mean for a person?

Place of localization

To understand exactly what fate has prepared, you need to determine as accurately as possible where the nose itches. When the tip itches, the sign indicates that pleasant changes are to be expected in the near future. A meeting with a good friend will take place or an unexpected financial replenishment will occur.

Itching of the corners of the nostrils portends an invitation to a solemn event. The holiday will be associated with children, but which one, christening or birthday, will become known very soon. If the left side of the nose itches, then this portends trouble. A person should be careful and not make risky transactions.

Itchy right side - maybe things at work will improve. If a person has his own business, he should expect new profitable offers and financial receipts. At a regular job, you can expect to move up the career ladder.

People who have their own business, comb the bridge of the nose - good sign which means profit. For the rest, he acts as a harbinger of quarrels and contention. Itching in the nostrils portends good news from loved ones, for the lonely - to love.

Value depending on the day of the week

When deciphering the message, it is important to pay attention to which day the discomfort appeared. Interpretation by days of the week:

According to phraseology, in order for bad predictions not to come true, you need to know which hand to scratch your nose with. If a person does not want trouble, you need to scratch your nose right hand, and to enhance the effect of positive predictions - left.

Ways to get rid of itching

To understand why a person itches and get rid of discomfort, you need to visit a doctor and find out the reason. When the olfactory organ constantly itches, help can