The use of skis varies: some are for walking on frosty snow, others are used for competitions in speed and endurance in running. long distances. Any method of movement requires the selection of certain equipment. To make it easier to understand how to choose cross-country skis based on height and weight, each manufacturer’s table offers approximate parameters. Each height has its own projectile size.

Divided into three main types:

  • ridge;
  • classic;
  • combined.

According to the direction of use there are: for beginner skiers, intermediate skiers and athletes, as well as for experts. For tourists, walking and skating, competitions in classic skating and speed skating - each type needs to be selected and the selection features must be known.


You can choose skis based on the material from which they are made: plastic or wood. Wooden ones were produced in batches for school physical education classes in the winter. Now they have switched to production from plastic, and wooden models are produced only in Finland for hunters or as souvenirs. They are labor-intensive to produce because they are made from multiple layers of thin wood, glued and polished by hand. Their cost is correspondingly high. Plastic ones are not so labor-intensive to produce, and their choice is quite wide.

For winter walks you need to know yours, the parameters will be needed when choosing. Playing sports involves taking into account all the subtleties of the choice: what is the temperature of the snow, the availability of a track, the purpose for racing or descending from the mountains. Certain lubricants and equipment are selected.

Choosing ski poles is easier than choosing skis or boots. But ski poles also have their own characteristics, which we will talk about in this article: what material, what length, what handles and lanyards are best to choose.

Selection of ski poles by material

Cross-country ski poles are made from several materials:

  • Aluminum. Aluminum ski poles are durable, cheap, but heavy. They have one big advantage - they are almost impossible to break. They bent it, straightened it and moved on. Cons: weight and insufficient rigidity for sport skating. If you like to walk through the forest outside of prepared trails, then choose lightweight ones. aluminum poles .
  • Fiberglass(plastic and fiberglass) - light, cheap, but soft and fragile. Fiberglass is similar in softness and vibration to aluminum, but in strength it is much inferior. Fiberglass poles They will not withstand powerful push-offs, so they are only suitable for skiing on prepared trails.
  • Carbon(carbon fiber) or its mixture – carbon fiber(plastic and carbon). Carbon ski poles are stiff, lightweight and durable. Carbon fiber is easy to break only with a side impact on the stick. There are options from 100% carbon and a mixture of carbon with plastic or fiberglass. Buy poles with at least 60% carbon content. Carbon poles withstand powerful push-offs, making them suitable for training and competitions.

The price for carbon poles starts from 2500 rubles. For example, carbon poles Nordway Carbon or STC Avanti. These poles have a good carbon shaft, but the handles and lanyards are of poor quality.

Better models of carbon poles will cost from 6,000 rubles, for example KV+ Viking or KV+ Tempesta– durable handles and lanyards, more than 70% carbon fiber, quick-release strap system.

The lightest and stiffest carbon racing poles cost from RUR 10,000. For example, models KV+ Elite, Tornado, Bora or Swix Quantum, Team and Triac– 100% high quality carbon fiber, durable lanyards and handles, convenient lanyard release system.

Handles, lanyards and feet for ski poles


Table for selecting ski poles by height

Ski poles by height: FIS table for classic skiing

Play sports, move and travel! If you find a mistake or want to discuss the article, write in the comments. We are always happy to communicate. 🙂

skiing– one of the most popular sports activities in winter. But for those who have just decided to try skiing, a logical question arises - how to choose skis and poles? You need to select them according to your height.

Skiing is one of the most popular sports activities in winter. But for those who have just decided to try skiing, a logical question arises - how to choose skis and poles? You need to select them according to your height.

To begin with, let's still decide what exactly you want to do - cross-country running or learn to go down the mountains? Sports are far from the same, they differ greatly from each other, and the parameters for choosing sports equipment in them are also, accordingly, different.

In skiing, there are several methods of skiing, each of which has separate types of racing skis. First of all, these are the classic icon methods. Also, in sports stores you can find recreational skis for ordinary fans. active rest. Now, let's figure out how to select them according to your height.

If you are serious about this sport, then classic and skating skis are at your service. The main rule for choosing them is approximately this: if the main method of skiing is classic, then the skis should be 20-30 centimeters higher than your height. For the ridge method, this figure is approximately two times less. As for recreational skis, their size should be 15-20 centimeters larger than your height. However, so that you don’t get too confused in the measurements, we provide a table with all the necessary values.

Table for selecting ski lengths

What about the sticks? For them, too, there is a separate classification according to which they should be selected. Poles for the classic move should be 25-30 centimeters shorter than your height. For skating skis, poles are chosen that are 15-20 centimeters smaller than the athlete.

Table for selecting the length of poles

Skier's height
(cm) Length of poles for
classic stroke (cm) Length of poles for
ridge travel (cm)150 120-125 130-135 155 125-130 135-140 160 130-135 140-145 165 135-140 145-150 170 140-145 150-155 175 145-150 155-160 180 150-155 160-165 185 155-160 165-170 190 160-165 170-175 195 165 175

If you are planning to put your child on skis, then it is worth remembering that the method of selecting skis in this case is somewhat different from the standard one. Determining role in the choice sports equipment for children weighing up to 40 kilograms, it is not height, as in adults, but weight. If your child weighs from 10 to 20 kilograms, then skis 70-80 centimeters tall are suitable for him. For guys in the weight category from 20 to 30 kilograms, skis with a length of 90 centimeters are optimal. For children weighing from 30 to 40 kilograms, you should buy meter skis. As for the sticks, everything is the same as for adults - they should be 25-30 centimeters less height child.

Talking about alpine skiing ah, we note that their selection depends not only on your height and weight, but also on the conditions in which you are going to use them. For non-professionals, manufacturers divide skis into three categories: carving, which is divided into fan carving (allowing you to turn almost lying down) and autocarving (have a lightweight steering system), freeride and universal. Carving ones are intended for those who ride on prepared slopes. For those who like to travel over rough mountainous terrain, we advise you to take freeride skis. However, skiing on them is almost inaccessible for beginners due to their complexity. So-called universal skis are suitable for them, which can be ridden almost anywhere.

Table for selecting alpine skis according to your needs

Recently, wide opportunities for children to engage in skiing have appeared in our country. Naturally, a child also needs to carefully select equipment according to his height and weight. Note that children's skis range in size from 70 to 120 centimeters. As a rule, unlike adults, they have a simplified design, without control amplifiers and other things. Below we provide an approximate table of selection of alpine skis for children.

Table for selecting alpine skis for a child

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The onset of the cold season does not mean at all that you need to hide at home under cozy blankets, since winter provides many opportunities for active recreation. And it is precisely this kind of rest that should accompany your leisure time in order to keep you in normal physical fitness and help improve your health. Skiing is a full-fledged workout of all major muscle groups with maximum effort, and even in the fresh air. For example, you can go skiing, familiar to us since childhood. Despite the fact that in last years More and more fans of alpine skiing have begun to appear, and there are also lovers of more relaxed cross-country skiing. However, before choosing skis for skating, you need to decide what types of these products there are.

Main varieties

According to their intended purpose, cross-country skis are usually divided into two main types: for classic and skating. With the classic style of skiing, the skier moves the skis parallel to each other, and with the skating stroke, the athlete steps in the same way as speed skaters walk, that is, he uses the inside of the ski to push off the snow. That is why it is worth knowing how to choose skis for skating, so that when you visit an online store or a regular sports equipment store, you can navigate your needs.

Material of manufacture

If we talk about what these products can be made of, then there are only two options - plastic and different types of wood. The former have a whole range of advantages over the latter, as they are characterized by strength, durability and the ability to develop significant speeds. They do not delaminate, which cannot be said about wooden ones, which are prone to changing their properties as a result of repeated contact with water. However, the main advantage of wooden skis is their cost, making them an excellent option for beginners who are just starting to take their first difficult steps on the snow.

Skating ski parameters

Knowing the basic parameters will help answer the question of how to choose skis for skating. What to choose will ultimately depend on their stiffness and length. The selection process should be as thorough as possible, since the comfort of the skier depends on this, but considerable importance in this situation is also given to the personal preferences of the athletes. It is important to understand that skis that are intended for skating are shorter and more rigid than classic skis, but it should be remembered that hard skis are much more difficult to control. If you answer the question of how to choose skis for skating based on height, then you need to take into account that their length should be 10 cm greater than the athlete’s height.

Subtleties of choice

Skating skis differ from classic models in the absence of curved tips, and their height, as already mentioned, should be only 10 cm greater than the skier’s height. When purchasing this option, it is very important to choose the right stiffness. Ideally, it should be calculated as follows: the skis need to be placed on a flat surface, after which a person stands on them, evenly distributing his weight on both skis. Next, you need to take a feeler gauge, it can even be a sheet of paper, to measure the clearance area between the floor and the ski in front and behind in relation to the boot. It should be approximately 35-40 and 10-15 cm, respectively. After the skier transfers his entire body weight onto one ski, the clearance area should become 10 cm or less smaller at the back and front, and the gap should end earlier than the heel of the boot.

However, not every store will allow you to do such a check, so you can use another method. If you are deciding how to choose skis for skating, then there is another option for checking them. You need to install the skis vertically, fold them together with their sliding surfaces, put your hands on the pads, and then squeeze them with force. If the clearance between the skis is approximately 3-4 mm, then they are quite suitable for you, but if the clearance is 1-2 mm, you can conclude that they are too soft for you.

So, now you understand how to choose skating skis based on their stiffness. Now it’s worth saying that it is not recommended to buy these products in a hypermarket. The best thing to do would be to go to a sports store, where you can, with the help of a consultant, choose the most suitable option for yourself. Typically, such specialists are well versed in how to choose skis for skating. Fisher is a popular brand worth checking out as it produces high quality products at a reasonable price. Each manufacturer has its own line for each category of skis, with different characteristics and prices. In this case, the choice of one option or another depends primarily on how much you are willing to spend.

Ski boots

If we talk about how to choose skis for skating, then one of the important attributes in this case is ski boots. They should be hard, high, and secure the ankle. For these purposes, it is completely inappropriate to use classic boots, since they are low, and your feet will get tired very quickly during such skating. As a result, you will not get any pleasure. The size should correspond to the size of the foot, and there is no need to leave extra for wool socks. Modern boots are characterized by density, softness, and their thermal parameters are designed for use with one sock, but quite dense.

The correct selection of boots is an additional answer to the question of how to choose skis for skating. There are many things that distinguish them from the classics, so in the store you should immediately discard all unsuitable options. Boots may well become the most expensive part of the “skis - bindings - boots - poles” set, but you shouldn’t skimp on them, because poles and skis can be replaced next season, and the boots will serve you for another 10-15 years, no less.

Ski poles

There's one here general principle: the lighter the sticks, the better. The same principle applies to skis and boots. Lighter poles are made from carbon or carbon fiber, but their cost is quite high, so it is recommended to take fiberglass products. They are characterized by rigidity, lightness and relative cheapness. If we talk about how to choose skis for skating according to height, then it is important to know that poles should also be selected according to height. On average, their length should be 15-20 cm less than the height of the athlete himself. But even here it is possible that the skier will select poles according to his own criteria, because everyone is comfortable using them in different ways.

Ski lubrication

If we have already talked about how to choose skis for skating, now you need to decide on preparing the skis for use, and this is impossible without lubricating them. In professional circles, at least ten layers of different lubricants and accelerator powders are applied to the sliding surface using a special iron, scrapers and brushes. Skating enthusiasts do not need to resort to such tricks, but they should not completely abandon the use of lubricant. It’s all about the composition of the sliding surface of the skis, because it consists of high molecular weight polyethylene, and it begins to gradually wear out from constant contact with snow. If you do not lubricate your skis, then this surface will gradually turn into completely unsuitable for skiing, which is why you will need to take your skis to a professional for sanding. After every 2-3 skiing, it is recommended to rub your skis with special-purpose paraffin, and then rub it with a stiff brush. Manufacturers have also taken care of the laziest ones; for these purposes they produce aerosols that must be used before each ride.

Skating move

If your decision to learn to ski is quite firm, then you should first decide what style of skiing you will use. In accordance with this, you need to purchase skis. Not so long ago, people started skating - in the eighties of the twentieth century. The founder of this style is considered to be Gunde Svan, a legendary skier from Sweden who became an Olympic champion four times.

The peculiarity of this type of skating is that the athlete pushes off from the track inside skis. In this case, the route should have a large width and also be well compacted. The emergence of the skating style led to a change in the familiar appearance of traditional classic cross-country skiing. In addition to the fact that these are shorter skis with blunt tips, they are also products with a center of gravity shifted by 25 cm. In this case, to answer the question of how to choose skis for skating based on weight and height, you need to understand that not only the type of snow is important, but also your personal preferences.

If you just love Sunday walks on the snow on skis, then it is best for you to opt for models of medium and low hardness. Very rigid products have quite significant disadvantages - they spring and slip at the moment of impact. But here it is important to understand that their rigidity is proportional to their own weight - the greater this indicator, the greater the rigidity should be. For children, only soft skis should be selected. With their help, the process of mastering skiing will be much easier. Buying skis “for growth” is the most significant mistake parents make. This concerns the question of how to choose skis for skating based on weight.

The selection of length is made according to the formula already indicated earlier: height plus 10-15 cm. For poles, the formula is a little similar - height minus 20 cm. How to choose boots has already been said earlier.


Another important point, which concerns the question of how to choose skis for skating. It comes with a choice of fastenings for them. For amateur skiers, experts usually recommend using NORDIK 75 bindings. In general, these devices can be mechanical or automatic. The first option involves manual latching, and their reliability is quite high. The peculiarity of automatic fastenings is that they are activated after placing the boot bracket in the groove. This type will be the best choice for amateurs.

Fisher skis

How to choose skis for skating "Fischer"? There's a lot to be said here. Why do many people prefer this brand? These are high quality skis with excellent performance characteristics. The main advantage of Fisher skate skis is their highest strength and a special hollow core, which makes the body as light as possible. In addition, many models are produced using advanced technologies, for example, the supporting material contains special carbon fibers, which take on the task of providing maximum flexibility with particular strength. Ideal skating comfort is ensured through the use of a patented profile. Reducing the weight of the skis was also possible due to the use of a holey toe.

Another advantage of these products is the maximum removal of reference points. This allows the athlete to gain maximum stability, which may be required during training and biathlon competitions. We continue to figure out how to choose skis for skating. Reviews of products from this brand indicate their wide temperature range. For example, in their model range there are representatives aimed at riding on dirty snow or during a thaw. However, practice shows that they are also well suited for training in cold weather, without even requiring the use of any special lubricants. This versatility is quite impressive.

The only disadvantages of the Fisher skis are: high cost, which is beyond the means of most domestic consumers. For professional products the price is 30 thousand rubles or more, which is quite expensive for amateurs. But the brand also presents standard modifications that have good characteristics.


Now you understand how to choose skis for skating. Photos of these products and photographs of skiers demonstrate that this is a very important task, because they not only provide the convenience of skiing, but also the safety of the athlete. It is not necessary to immediately buy these products for yourself; you can limit yourself to renting skis. This will allow you to experience in practice which option will be most convenient for you. And if you do not have such an opportunity, then all the recommendations indicated should be useful to you. Good luck with your choice and happy riding!

Everything for those who dream of skiing in the nearest park on smooth snow or ski tracks.

What are cross-country skis?

Cross-country skiing is divided into racing, amateur and touring. As a rule, the purpose is indicated in the product card.

  1. Racing (marked Racing and Racing PRO). These skis are designed for athletes and amateurs who want to improve their speed. This is an option for specially prepared trails.
  2. Amateur or recreational (Active, Fitness). This is an option for those who sometimes go for a ride in the park, do it for fun and do not strive for records. Skis are slightly wider than racing skis; expensive materials and technologies are rarely used in their production.
  3. Tourist (Back Country). These are skis for hunters, tourists and fishermen, people who need to move around, without pistes or ski tracks. Such skis are much wider than recreational skis in order to support a person’s weight on loose snow.


Classic skis (designated Classic or Cl) are longer than skate skis, have a sharp toe and a soft last. There may be notches under the block (designated TR) that prevent slipping during repulsion. On the left is a ski with notches, on the right - without.

If the ski does not have notches (designation WAX), a special ointment provides an anti-slip effect. However, it will be quite difficult for beginners to apply it correctly, so a ski with serrations will be the best option.

To choose the size of classic skis, add 20 cm to your height or simply raise your hand: the lowered palm of your outstretched arm should touch the top of the ski.

It is also worth paying attention to the stiffness of the skis. First, determine the center of gravity: place the ski on your hand so that both ends are in balance. Then fold the skis with the sliding side towards each other and squeeze with one hand 3 cm below the found center of balance. There will be a distance of 1–1.5 mm between skis of suitable stiffness.

What to buy


Boots for classic skis are low and soft, without special inserts to secure the foot.

You shouldn't buy boots back to back. If your big toe rests on the toe of the shoe, your foot will quickly freeze. Better take boots half a size larger.

What to buy


When choosing poles for classic skating, pay attention to their length. With short ones, it will be uncomfortable for you to walk on flat terrain, with long ones, it will be uncomfortable to climb slopes. Select poles according to your height: the lanyard exit (the place where the strap is attached to the pole) should be at the level of your shoulder.

Poles are made from aluminum, fiberglass and carbon fiber. Aluminum ones can bend under load. So, if you weigh a lot, choose glass and carbon fiber. The latter provides the greatest rigidity and lightness of the poles. These poles are used by professional athletes.

Also pay attention to the material of the handle. Poles with cork handles are well suited for walking in cold weather: cork does not get cold on the hand, unlike plastic.


Skis for skating (designated Skate or Sk) are shorter and have a smooth last, since with this type of skiing the notches only get in the way, clinging to the snow and reducing speed.

To find the ideal length for skate skis, add 5–10 cm to your height.

It is also worth checking the stiffness of the skis. The gap between skis compressed with one hand should be 1.5–2 mm.

What to buy


To prevent injury and excessive stress on the foot during skating, additional support is needed. Therefore, skate boots are taller and stiffer than classic ones and are supplemented with a special plastic cuff.

What to buy


Skating poles are longer than classic poles. The lanyard should be at the level of the skier's chin or lips.

How to choose all-mountain skis, boots and poles

If you plan to master both classic and skating, you can purchase universal equipment.


All-mountain skis (designated Combi) are longer than skate skis, but shorter than classic skis. To determine the required length, add 15 cm to your height.

As for knurling, some all-mountain skis have a replaceable center: if you want to ski in a classic style, use knurling; if in a ridge, remove the nozzle with notches.

What to buy


Boots for all-mountain skis are almost no different from classic ones. They are just as soft and flexible, but have a plastic cuff that supports the ankle.

What to buy


For universal skis, poles are suitable for both classic and skating.

What types of fastenings are there?

Three types of mounts are now common: the legacy NN 75, NNN (with or without NIS platform) and SNS.

Surely many remember this mount from childhood. This is an ordinary metal brace that fixes the leg, but it does it rather poorly.

With the NN 75 it is almost impossible to skate. In addition, they don’t make good boots for this mount. The only advantage is the low price.

What to buy

NNN (New Nordic Norm)

Automatic fastening NNN /

This mount consists of two guides (flexors) located at some distance
from each other, and the rubber stop.

There are two options for such fastenings: automatic and mechanical. The automatic NNN mount snaps into place by simply pressing your boot onto the shackle. In the case of a mechanical one, you will have to open the lid with your hands, and after installing the boot, close it.

Mechanical fastenings NNN /

However, the mechanical fastening is more reliable: it cannot accidentally come loose, for example, during a fall. Also, if you plan to ski in warm weather, water that gets into the automatic mount can freeze and permanently block it.

Also, the fastenings differ in the degree of rigidity. If the rubber stop is NNN white, the mount is intended for hard skating, if green - for softer skating. Black stops are suitable for standard skating, and red ones for soft skating.

If you prefer skating, choose bindings with white or green rubber bands. If classic - with black or red.

To install NNN on skis, you need to find the center of gravity and drill a hole for the mounts. However, there is a simpler and more convenient installation method: special NIS platforms.

Mount NNN NIS /

The Nordic Integrated System (NIS) was developed in 2005 for NNN mounts. Skis adapted for NIS are equipped with a special plate on which the binding is installed. There is no need to drill the skis, just slide the mount along the guide plates and click into place.

The mount is easy to install and remove, eliminates the need to search for the center of gravity of the ski and can be used with different pairs of skis.

What to buy

This is a mount with one wide guide and two brackets. SNS fasteners are also divided into automatic and mechanical.

Unlike NNN, SNS has only three levels of severity. They are marked with numerical value and colors. For a classic move, you should choose bindings with a flexor stiffness of 85 (yellow), for a skate - 115 (red), and for universal use - 95 (pink).

In terms of comfort, stability and lateral stability, there is little difference between SNS and NNN mounts.

Most cross-country ski boots are designed to fit a specific type of binding. Therefore, first choose boots that fit perfectly on your feet, and only then choose the bindings that fit them.

Due to NIS, NNN fasteners are more convenient to install, but SNS are more stable: due to the NNN platform, they are higher than SNS screwed on with screws. On the other hand, a higher position increases the force of the push. In general, both mounts are used by both amateur and professional athletes.

What to buy

What materials to choose

Skis made from solid timber or glued layers of wood are becoming a thing of the past. Modern models also use wood, but, as a rule, the core consists of it, and the sliding surface is made of plastic.

If you're used to skiing on wood skis, plastic may feel uncomfortable due to kickback. Plastic is more slippery and, unlike wood, does not “ruffle” when rubbing against snow.

However, with proper lubrication of plastic skis, it is quite possible to avoid kickback. As for the advantages, plastic skis are more durable and, unlike wooden skis, allow you to ski at above-zero temperatures.

According to the manufacturing method, skis are divided into Sandwich and Cap. The former are several layers of plastic and wood glued together, the latter are a wooden core with a monolithic plastic cover.

For cheaper skis, the core is made of wood with air channels. In professional and more expensive ones, it is a wooden honeycomb or made on the basis of acrylic foam with a mesh of carbon and fiberglass, lightweight polyurethane foam with carbon and fiberglass inserts (Polycell technology), Densolite foam or other lightweight synthetic materials.

The sliding surface is made from different types of plastic. For cheaper options, extruded plastic is used, for more expensive options, high molecular weight universal plastic is used.

Nowadays, many new technologies and materials are being used that keep skis light and at the same time provide strength. However, all this affects the price.

So if you're a beginner, it's worth trying a regular ski with a wood or Densolite foam core and an extruded or high molecular weight plastic skid surface. The price of such skis depends on the specific brand and ranges from 2,000 to 8,000 rubles.

What brands to pay attention to

Among the well-known Russian manufacturers is the STC factory. It makes both racing and recreational skis, the Sable, fiberglass ski poles.

Professional models have a honeycomb core and a PTEX 2000 (carbon fiber) sliding surface, and amateur models have a wooden core and a plastic coating. Skis are made using Cap technology and are sold at very affordable prices.

Among foreign brands (whose products are often produced in Russian factories, including STC), the Austrian ski and equipment manufacturer Fischer is quite popular.

Fischer produces men's, women's and children's professional and amateur skis, using combined materials such as a wooden core with Air Tec Basalight basalt fibers. Fischer skis can be purchased at prices starting from 5,000 rubles.

No less famous is the French ski brand Rossignol, whose production is located in Spain and Ukraine. The cheapest amateur skis with a light wood core and a plastic sliding surface can be bought for 5,500–6,000 rubles. Almost all skis of this brand are equipped with the NIS platform.

The third brand from the rating is the Norwegian company Madshus. Amateur skis of this brand are made using Cap technology with a wood core with channels, glass and carbon fiber braiding and a plastic sliding surface. The cost of the cheapest skis of this brand is 3,000–5,000 rubles.

Around the same price category, the cheapest amateur skis are from the Austrian brand Atomic and the French company Salomon. Cheaper Salomon models have a core made of dry Densolite foam and a sliding surface with the addition of graphite; more expensive, professional models have honeycomb cores and a sliding surface with the addition of zeolite.

Each brand develops its own technologies: lighter cores, adding various minerals to improve gliding, changing ski geometry. Therefore, it is best to focus on the purpose of the skis (for what purpose, recreational or sports) and the availability of a suitable length and stiffness for you.