Jocks are dried mainly before competitions so that the muscle definition looks more impressive.

A gym without proper nutrition will not give the desired effect. A balanced diet is one of the components involved in building a beautiful body, helps build muscle mass and prevents you from putting on extra pounds.

The pitches before and after drying are really very different. After drying, the biceps and triceps are drawn much more clearly, the abs on the stomach are more noticeable, because the drying diet burns fat under the skin. The skin fits tighter to the muscles, revealing the relief of the jock in all its glory. By the way, to find out how much fat you need to “dry” the muscle, you can use an online calculator and calculate what is currently available. Then check the table and find out what percentage of body fat is acceptable for a male or female bodybuilder.

Grocery list

The essence of nutrition for building a beautiful body: more proteins and carbohydrates. Protein is the building material for muscles. Protein supplies the body with nitrogen, it accumulates in the muscles and allows them to fully recover. Carbohydrates provide energy and are involved in protein synthesis.

Semi-finished products, fatty, spicy and salty foods, sugar and flour products are prohibited.

The list of favorite foods for jocks, containing large amounts of protein and carbohydrates and helping to gain weight, includes:

  • Porridge – , ;
  • – source of carbohydrates and vegetable proteins;
  • – the optimal amount is 2–5 pieces per day, yolks can be up to 10 pieces;
  • Chicken breast and chicken fillet are a source of proteins; it is better to cook them boiled;
  • Oatmeal is a source of slow carbohydrates, will provide the body with energy for 3-4 hours, and also contains vegetable protein;
  • Pasta holds the record for 200 calories per serving;
  • Seafood, fish (especially fatty varieties);
  • low-fat varieties;
  • Milk, cottage cheese and low-fat;
  • Apricots or dried apricots are a healthy heart for a bodybuilder, they contain potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin C;
  • Lean veal or beef, preferably in the form of meatballs and steamed meats. In addition to protein, meat contains vitamins B12 and B6, and other microelements;
  • Sweet potato (sweet potato) – contains beta-carotene, potassium and vitamins C and B6;
  • Yogurt – contains calcium, improves digestion;
  • Tuna is a source of protein;
  • – these are light carbohydrates, potassium, vitamin C. They will quickly raise blood sugar levels;
  • Kiwi – contains a large amount of vitamin C, potassium;
  • Orange juice – carbohydrates, vitamin C, carotenoids, potassium and folic acid. The juice will help increase your blood sugar levels instantly;
  • Blueberries are the strongest antioxidant, contain potassium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C - will help the bodybuilder maintain vision;
  • Nuts - no more than 30 grams of any kind, since in addition to a large amount of protein they also contain fats;
  • Water – a training bodybuilder needs about 3.5 liters of water per day to absorb proteins and carbohydrates, and replenish fluid losses in the body during physical activity.

Menu for every day

As an example, we give a sample menu for a professional and a beginner for 5 days.


  • Day 1: oatmeal porridge 100 grams, with fruit, 2 boiled eggs;
  • Day 2: porridge 3 cereals 100 grams, sandwich with cheese and ham, glass of low-fat milk;
  • Day 3: Rice porridge 150 grams, banana, glass of 1% kefir;
  • Day 4: Buckwheat porridge 150 grams with chicken fillet, cottage cheese 100 grams, orange juice;
  • Day 5: buckwheat porridge 100 grams, 5 egg white omelette, apricot compote.
  • Day 1: 300 grams of fish with 200 grams of rice, orange juice;
  • Day 2: Chicken breast, 200 grams, salad with peppers and tomatoes, seasoned with mustard and vinegar, dried fruit compote;
  • Day 3: Oatmeal, a piece of boiled veal, a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Day 4: boiled potatoes, steamed beef cutlets, 1% kefir;
  • Day 5: Pasta with minced meat (“naval style”), grapefruit juice.
  • 1 day: chicken fillet, rice;
  • Day 2: oatmeal and beef meatballs, low-fat kefir;
  • Day 3: pasta, chicken breast, orange juice;
  • Day 4: boiled fish (fatty varieties), rice, 1% kefir;
  • Day 5: boiled potatoes, beef cutlets, apricot compote.

Remember that a muscleman’s meals should not be 3 times a day, but 5-6 times a day, but due to our busy lives, it is not always possible to find time to eat. In this case, snacks will help out; for them you also need to choose products that help in gaining muscle mass.

Snacks: apples, yogurt, protein shake, tuna salad, low-fat cottage cheese, 1% kefir, a glass of low-fat milk, yogurt, pizza, nuts, bananas.

Dish recipes

  • The Champion cocktail is good instead of food. Mix in a blender: 500 grams of 1% kefir, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, 1 banana, 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese
  • Salad "Jock". Green salad leaves and canned tuna dressed with vinegar.
  • Porridge "Explosion". Add protein powder and 3 egg whites to oatmeal.
  • Drink “Give me protein and carbohydrates!” Mix protein, milk, fruit in a blender.
  • "Bodybuilder's Chicken" Soak the chicken in garlic and spices for several hours. Bake in foil in the oven or air fryer.
  • Roast veal. Salt and pepper 500 grams of veal (for 2 servings), fry, add onion and garlic, add 1 glass of water, seasoning, simmer until done.
  • Rolls with cottage cheese and ham. Mix cottage cheese with garlic and onions. Grease the ham pieces and roll into rolls.

Fish soup “Bachelor”

For 1 liter of water:

  • 2 cans of canned fish in its own juice
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • A bunch of dill;
  • Salt and pepper.

Place mashed canned food, onions, spices, and bay leaves into boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes.

Fish cutlets

For 3 servings:

  • 500 grams of cod or other fish
  • 100 g crab sticks or meat
  • Bulb;
  • Egg;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • Salt pepper.

Grind cod, crab meat and onion in a meat grinder. Add an egg, mix, make cutlets, steam.

For fast metabolism, you need fractional meals: small portions 5-6 times a day or every 2-3 hours. This diet results in rapid muscle growth. The principles of separate nutrition should also be observed in the diet of jocks for better metabolism of the food eaten. You cannot eat fats and carbohydrates together, with the exception of dishes such as fried potatoes, pasta, seasoned pasta, buns with cheese, etc. Drinking alcohol is undesirable or its amount should be minimal, as it contains sugar.

To build muscle, diet must be combined with physical activity. you need to eat slow carbohydrates (oatmeal, brown bread, vegetables, cereals), and fast carbohydrates (baked goods, chocolate, white bread, bananas, jam, honey, raisins).

We recommend keeping a count of your calorie intake. To grow muscles, you need to eat 500 calories more calories per day than you burn. The optimal amount of carbohydrates per day is 4.5 grams per kilogram of weight. A safe amount of fat is 15-20% of the total calorie intake per day. The main and most useful types of cooking for jocks are: baking, boiling, stewing.

Hello to all beginners and those who have become adherents of bodybuilding! How much has already been said that a real bodybuilder consists of training, a balanced diet and proper rest, during which processes of muscle mass growth, strength gain, and texture formation occur simultaneously and sequentially.

Proper nutrition for bodybuilding This is the basis for obtaining the desired result in this sport. After all, the whole meaning of bodybuilding rests on it, because it is the center of the trinity, the tip of the triangle, no matter which way you turn it.

Food for a jock:

At the forefront

When working out in the gym, strength exercises with weights, a lot of energy is spent, the replenishment of which we get from food, and the process of filling tired muscles with energy occurs during rest.

The word “correct” implies a sufficient, reasonably distributed amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats per day. For example, this: proteins – 30%, carbohydrates – 60%, fats – 10%.

You should choose 5-6 meals a day, so it will be absorbed faster, and the daily calorie intake should be 3000.

Let's replace sugar with honey, limit ourselves to a small amount of salt, give up flour, confectionery, chocolate and coffee, fatty foods, animal fats, since they are deposited around internal organs, contributing to obesity, and we need food to be converted into energy.

With natural products, the body receives a substantial amount of necessary substances. To build muscle, we need amino acids, which protein breaks down into. For this to work, 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is optimal. We get protein by eating the following foods:

  • Fish and seafood;
  • lean meat (chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey);
  • cottage cheese, low-fat milk, fermented milk products.

Carbohydrates will provide us with strength for physical activity and recovery after it. 500-600 grams per day will enrich the body with insulin, which transports amino acids to the muscles. It is recommended to take carbohydrates an hour before training and not before bedtime. Carbohydrates will come from the following foods:

  • low-fat dairy products;
  • noodles, durum wheat pasta;
  • whole grain bread;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes

A bodybuilder's menu cannot do without unsaturated fats, rich in biologically active substances that are easily digestible and high in calories (the daily intake is no more than 15% of incoming food):

  • nuts;
  • olive oil, peanut oil;
  • avocado;
  • fish (halibut, salmon, cod liver).

You ask how to cope with all this and create a daily diet? Study the texts of food labels, they indicate calories, composition, tables of caloric content of products are freely available on the Internet. For example, here is a 3000 calorie set:

  • in the morning: 3 eggs, cottage cheese (200 g), butter (30 g), bread (100 g);
  • snack: vegetables (150 g);
  • lunch hours: meat (400 g), bread (100 g), porridge (500 g), fruit (100 g);
  • snack: fruit (100 g);
  • for dinner: 2 eggs, cottage cheese (200 g), fruits (100 g), vegetables (150 g).

Before going to bed, you can drink a gainer or protein shake so that your muscles continue to be saturated.

About separate and fractional

As for fractional nutrition, it is fractional for bodybuilders. Here, special recipes are not needed when the daily food intake is divided into five or six meals. It’s like throwing wood into a firebox so that the fire doesn’t go out and burns evenly.

The muscles do not waste energy on obtaining protein from the body’s internal reserves if it is given to them in time. On time - this means one and a half, two hours before classes or an hour, one and a half after.

Professionals do not advise introducing innovations during weight training. There are many videos on the Internet on this topic. Separate nutrition, for example, in this case does not make sense.

Although protein without carbohydrates will be absorbed better, how will the amino acids get where they need to go? And it’s not a fact that there are no problems. In all other circumstances, separate nutrition, for example, when cutting or for weight gain, is very suitable.

To lose excess weight, carbohydrate intake can be practiced once or twice a day (porridge for breakfast), the rest will be protein and vegetables. It’s more difficult when gaining weight.

You will have to eat eight or nine times or every two hours. Divide the meals into carbohydrate and protein: three times 70 g of the former and five times 30 g of protein.

If you reduce the number of meals and increase the portions, the food will be absorbed worse. The disadvantage is that the breaks between taking the protein and carbohydrate parts of the diet are 4-5 hours and this has a bad effect on gaining muscle mass.

Everyone chooses for themselves a fractional, separate... Practice will show, try it. Subscribe to updates on my blog, share our interests with your friends on social networks. Luck, mood, health and good luck!

Hello friends. Let's talk about proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is perhaps the most important aspect of the training process.

You can train like a champ, follow a routine, take expensive supplements, but it will all be in vain without proper nutrition. So, nutrition is a key point in the training process.

When I started training, I ate whatever I could get my hands on every 3 hours. I even woke up at night to eat a cup of cottage cheese. After a year and a half of such training, my body weight increased by 20 kg. Naturally, I was not like the athletes from sports magazines, but I achieved my main goal - to become powerful.

The majority of people in the gym want to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. This seems unlikely to me, especially for natural athletes. There is no point in being on a low carb diet and lifting hard. You will gain nothing but health problems.

Physiology of proper nutrition

Let's delve a little deeper into the physiology of pitching. I'll try to explain in accessible language. So you consume protein. Along with protein, nitrogen, which is part of amino acids, enters the body. Nitrogen accumulates in the muscles during the process of biotransformation. If you consume little food and at the same time train intensely, then the muscles do not have time to recover and their destruction occurs. When muscles are destroyed, nitrogen is released into the blood, and then through the kidneys it is excreted in the urine.

The presence of nitrogen in the urine is a good indicator of processes occurring in your body. If there is a lot of nitrogen in your urine, it means your muscles are breaking down and you are losing weight. This is called a negative nitrogen balance. If there is no nitrogen in the urine, then everything is normal, your muscles are growing - a positive nitrogen balance.

Sports physiologists have proven that the only way to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the body during heavy physical activity is to consume a large number of calories. Simply put, calories store protein. If you eat a lot, then to maintain a positive nitrogen balance you only need about 1.5-2 grams. protein per kilogram of body weight. Conversely, if you consume few calories, you can eat kilos of protein, but this will not result in muscle growth.

Basics of proper nutrition

From the above, we can draw the first important conclusion: to grow muscle mass, it is not enough to make and eat mountains of protein. Protein is the main building material for muscles, but in order for it to be successfully absorbed, calories are needed. To guarantee muscle growth, the number of calories consumed daily should be 500 calories more than the amount consumed.

By eating in this mode, you will significantly increase your overall weight. Of course, your percentage of subcutaneous fat will increase along the way. Don't worry about it, it's not as scary as it is portrayed in all sorts of fashion magazines. The main thing is that with such nutrition and proper training, muscles will grow, and losing fat, I think, will not be difficult. There are many working methods for losing fat.

So, eat thoroughly and often, making sure that your calorie intake is at least 500 calories more than your energy expenditure. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast. You may ask, how can I eat 500 calories more? The main source of calories for a pumper are carbohydrates.

When carbohydrates enter the blood, insulin secretion increases in the body. Insulin takes carbohydrates from the blood and transports them to muscle cells, where the carbohydrates become fuel for protein synthesis and intracellular muscle tissue growth. When there is an excess intake of carbohydrates, insulin preserves them into glycogen, which, when there is excessive load on the muscles, is released and gives a powerful energy burst.

From here we can draw another important conclusion: carbohydrates should be the main source of calories. Not proteins, as many people mistakenly believe, but carbohydrates. The calorie content of your diet should be increased by pasta, rice, buckwheat, potatoes, oatmeal and other slow carbohydrates. Approximate carbohydrate intake should be 4.5 grams. per kilogram of body weight per day.

A post about proper nutrition would be incomplete if we didn’t touch on fats. In my opinion, the negative role of fats is too exaggerated. Building muscle mass is impossible without the participation of fats. Fats contain cholesterol, which is an essential component for the construction of the sex hormone testosterone. Without testosterone, the synthesis of muscle tissue is impossible in principle.

The basic rule regarding fats is this: the safe amount of fat is 20% of the total caloric intake of the daily diet. Keeping fats at this level is not that difficult. You just need to get rid of foods that are openly fried in oil, various custard cakes, etc. Eat steamed or baked food and low-fat dairy products. This will be quite enough.

I won’t write in detail here about various nutritional supplements, protein-carbohydrate mixtures, bars, etc. Let me just remind you that they should be used precisely as additives to main meals, but in no case as substitutes for normal food. Sports nutrition will help you choose the most effective sports supplements.

By following all the rules described above, you will learn to eat properly and provide yourself with the basis for continued muscle growth.

Muscle mass is built not in the gym, but in the kitchen and while sleeping. Proper nutrition is a guarantee that all your work will bring results in the form of beautiful muscles. Find out how to eat healthy when you lift!

Beginners want to know how to get pumped, but experienced athletes usually dig deeper and are interested in how to eat properly when lifting in the gym. Indeed, they are right: to build the body of your dreams, you need to supply your body with high-quality fuel to work effectively. Transforming your body means giving it your all in every workout. And in order for you to have the strength to give your best, it is important to eat right. Find out more about useful and essential macro- and microelements in this article.

Macronutrients are what the diet consists of. These include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Microelements mean vitamins and minerals that are essential for health and beauty. Microelements are found in everything you eat, and fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains are especially rich in them. We will tell you in more detail about the most important elements for an athlete.

Eat carbs when you lift.

Although carbohydrates get a bad rap in modern society, they are actually the most acceptable source of energy. By eating the right carbs, you'll build tons of muscle without excess fat.

Focus on two types of carbohydrates:

  • Complex starchy carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole grain bread
  • Complex fibrous carbohydrates, such as broccoli, spinach and other vegetables

Fruits are not only tasty, but also healthy. They contain many vitamins and minerals essential for health. However, they are high in sugar and calories. Considering your goal is to gain muscle mass, you should consume them in moderation. Give preference to fresh fruit, not smoothies or canned goods.

Protein nutrition will help build muscle

When you are lifting, proper nutrition requires the presence of proteins in the diet. They are responsible for the restoration and growth of muscle tissue. You should get at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight.

Excellent sources of quality protein include chicken, lean turkey, egg whites, whole eggs, soy products, tilapia and other white meat fish.

As a supplement, you can take protein supplements - protein shakes and bars. They are convenient and you can always snack on them when you can’t have a full lunch. However, remember: supplements are only an addition to a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods.

Proper and healthy fats for pumping up muscles

Not all fats are created equal, and to achieve a beautiful, muscular body, it is important to consume only healthy fats and fatty acids, such as Omega 3, which is found in fish and flax seeds, as well as fats from olive oil and avocado. They play an important role in hormone production, skin color and brain function. Fats keep energy levels constant and provide the body with essential nutrients. The main rule is moderation, since fats are high in calories.

Include natural peanut, olive or almond oil, and avocado in your diet as sources of fat. In addition, fats will come from eggs, meat and fish.

Recently, dietary supplements containing Omega-3 essential fatty acids, namely fish oil and flaxseed oil capsules, have become increasingly popular. They help maintain healthy levels of essential fatty acids in the body. If you enjoy foods like fish, seeds, nuts and avocados, you won't be short of healthy fats from whole foods. Although supplements containing EFAs and Omega-3s will be a great addition to your diet.

And a few words about “bad” fats. If there are good fats, what are the “bad” ones? Eating such fats in large quantities can cause health problems. Avoid foods high in saturated fat, found in animal products and some vegetable oils (coconut and palm). Choose low-fat or skim dairy products and trim excess visible fat from meat. Chemically produced trans fats and hydrogenated oils are used to extend the shelf life of processed foods such as candy, margarine, packaged and convenience foods. Such foods are not at all consistent with proper training nutrition, so try to completely eliminate trans fats from your diet.

How to eat as a vegetarian while building muscle

Many people don’t know how to eat properly when lifting, and this dilemma especially applies to vegetarians. Even if you don't eat meat or animal products, you can still transform your body and build muscle. Use your imagination, as every meal should provide the body with high-quality proteins. If you consume dairy products, then increase the amount of protein in your diet through low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt.

In addition, soy products are suitable for vegetarians. They are an excellent source of protein and are available in almost every supermarket. You can also try meat analogues that are made from plant proteins: soy, mushrooms, etc. These products look and smell like real meat. It comes in the form of chicken cutlets, hamburgers and even tacos. These substitutes will add flavor and variety to your diet, but always read labels to make sure there is no sodium, corn syrup, or saturated fats or hydrogenated oils in the ingredient list.

Many vegetarian and vegan diets include nutritious combinations such as beans and brown rice, natural nut butters, and bread. The main thing is to follow the basic principles of proper nutrition for building muscle mass: eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, choose whole foods and create a small surplus of calories for bulking.

How much should you drink when lifting?

What should you drink while on a diet? Water, lots of water. Without adequate hydration, muscle growth is stunted and health and performance can suffer. It is ideal to drink 4 liters of water per day. Just because you're on a high-calorie diet doesn't mean you can drink milkshakes, sugary juices, or whole chocolate milk in any quantity. The main factor here is moderation. Read food labels and try to stay within your daily calorie allowance.

What portions should you eat to build muscle?

Portion sizes go hand in hand with calories. Don't think that measuring portions is difficult. There is a little trick that makes life easier for many bodybuilders. Each meal should consist of:

  • palm-sized portions of protein
  • servings of complex carbohydrates the size of two palms

Add some healthy fats 2-3 times a day. This could be 1 teaspoon of flax or olive oil in a dish, or as a snack, spread a piece of bread with natural peanut or almond butter. Eat 1-2 servings of fruits a day, and don't forget that vegetables can be consumed in large quantities. They don't have much of an impact on your diet, but they are a source of vital vitamins, minerals and fiber!

What foods should you avoid when building muscles?

When you lift, you should eat in a special way. Avoid refined, "white" carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, cakes, cookies and candy. They have too many calories and almost no nutrients. Avoid packaged and processed fast food or ready-to-eat foods, which are loaded with preservatives and bad fats that will ruin your fitness goals. Try not to drink carbonated soda water and fruit juices containing sugar!

Alcohol is allowed only in small doses, and it is better to avoid it altogether. Alcoholic drinks contain empty calories, usually from sugars. But not all types of alcohol contain the same amount of calories and sugar. For example, if you are trying to gain muscle mass, mixed drinks with added sweet juices or cream are not suitable for you. Choose red wine or cocktails with soda and lime. A few drinks on a special occasion are fine, but try to alternate them with plain water.

Eating in restaurants and pumping up muscles

It's hard to stick to rules when you're meeting friends at a restaurant or forgetting food at home. You realize that it's time to eat, but there are no healthy foods nearby.

If you find yourself without food and decide to have a meal at a restaurant, just choose the right dishes. Order a grilled chicken sandwich without mayonnaise, grilled chicken breasts, steamed vegetables or a baked potato. Avoid fried foods, processed or "white" carbohydrates, and creamy or cheese sauces. Please order salad dressing separately. Instead of soda, give preference to plain water, and a slice of lemon will give it a pleasant aroma and taste.

Try another trick: split the meal with friends or ask them to pack half of it to take home. Thanks to these simple nutritional rules, you will enjoy your food and not destroy everything that you have achieved so hard by pumping up your muscles in the gym.

Hello, dear lovers of sports and a healthy lifestyle. In today's article we will talk to you about proper nutrition and food that contributes to the growth of your muscles, namely muscle growth, this is the main goal of 98% of gym goers.

To begin with, I invite you to think a little about a very interesting observation and ask yourself the question, what do we want to look like? When I come to the gym, I see a lot of young guys there. They pull, press, squat, but for some reason they look like my neighbor on the landing, who in his life has probably never lifted anything heavier than a TV remote control. Athletes have a belly, fat sides, a mug that won’t fit through the door, and biceps that look like boiled sausage. When I ask why they look so terrible, they answer that, they say, on the mass, drying for gays, we eat what we want and we don’t care, just to be huge. And where is the healthy lifestyle here, I wondered. After all, an athlete is an athlete, he should stand out from ordinary people with his shape, his drawing of the muscles on his arms and legs, he should not look like a typical visitor to a sausage shop.

So now I have a question for you, do you want to look like a piece of lard or do you want to have a toned body, with beautiful prominent muscles and 10 percent fat in your body. If your goal is to be beautiful, then continue reading the article, if not, then you can close this page.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The basis of the correct nutrition for muscle growth must be included primarily proteins. No matter what anyone says about carbohydrates, that the daily diet should consist of 50 or 60 percent of them, remember proteins are the basis. Your daily diet should consist of proteins.

This is what an athlete and a person leading a healthy lifestyle should look like.

But I'm not saying that carbohydrates should be eliminated. Carbohydrates are energy, without which we simply cannot do anything. But carbohydrates must be correct and in moderation. Ideally, you need to consume carbohydrates, or “coals” as athletes say, in the morning and after training. What does proper carbohydrates mean? Proper carbohydrates are slow carbohydrates that we get from all kinds of cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits. We also don’t forget about fast carbohydrates (white bread, sugar, sweets, potatoes), but we consume them in small quantities and only after training.

Fats can be obtained from all kinds of oils and nuts. The amount of fat consumed should be approximately equal to the amount of carbohydrates consumed.
So, our diet should consist of 50% from proteins, on 30% from carbohydrates and on 20% from fat. Try to use 1.5 - 2 grams of protein per kilogram of your weight. Carbohydrates 2 grams per kilogram. These are perfect numbers. If you weigh 80 kilograms, then you should eat 160 grams of protein and 160 grams of slow carbohydrates per day.

Food for muscle growth

Now we have come to the most interesting part of the article, from which you can understand what you should still consume in order for your muscles to grow and you not to become fat.

Let's look at the tables. They show foods from which you can get the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day (this does not mean that you need to eat all these foods in a day)








Cottage cheese









*Consume any vegetables. Make salads out of them and season with olive oil

Also, don’t forget about the supplements that everyone should take. You can read about them by clicking on the link. Basically, these are supplements from a sports nutrition store; whether you use it or not is your choice. We highly recommend using vitamin and mineral complexes, fish oil and calcium in your diet; everything else is at your discretion.

Nutrition Guidelines for Growing Your Muscles

We will not describe here the common truths, that you need to eat 5-6 times a day, that you should consume more calories than you burn, hundreds of other sites have already done this for us, which say the same thing. We will just add:

  • try to eat most of your carbohydrates in the first half of the day and after training;
  • Eat most carbohydrates in the morning and after strength training;
  • drink 3 – 4 liters of plain water;
  • cook grilled meat (you can buy the cheapest one in Auchan) in the oven or in a double boiler, avoid fried meat;
  • don’t be afraid to eat egg yolks, most of the protein in an egg is in the yolks;
  • Before going to bed, eat 200 grams of cottage cheese.

Follow the tips in this article, exercise properly, and you will look young and athletic. Best wishes.