Our moon calendar will tell you the phase and position of the Moon, the time of its rising and setting, as well as its transit through a particular sign of the Zodiac. In addition, we offer you short recommendations for each day.

Please keep in mind that the calendar shows Moscow time, so if you live in a different time zone, make an adjustment based on the time difference.

date Lunar day Beginning of the lunar day Moonset time Moon in sign and time of entry Moon phases Recommendations for the day
April 1 6 8:36 _ Moon in Gemini Phase I, waxing moon Pay attention to any information. Take time for a walk
April 2 7 9:20 0:48 Moon in Cancer, 22:20 Phase I, waxing moon Don’t brag, voice your plans, waste money
April 3 8 10:14 1:55 Moon in Cancer 1st quarter, 21:39 Find new source positive emotions and take care of your nervous system
April, 4 9 11:16 2:50 Moon in Cancer II phase, waxing moon Beware of overly secretive people and those who complain about everything
5th of April 10 12:25 3:35 Moon in Leo, 1:53 II phase, waxing moon Before 12:25, stay away from authoritarian individuals. After is an excellent moment for any creative activity.
April 6 11 13:37 4:10 Moon in Leo II phase, waxing moon Good day to start creative projects and for matters in which personal charm is important
April 7 12 14:50 4:39 Moon in Virgo, 7:18 II phase, waxing moon There will be a chance to increase income. Any prevention will have a good effect
April 8 13 16:03 5:03 Moon in Virgo II phase, waxing moon Chat with relatives. Things that you have been putting off for a long time will be successful.
April 9 14 17:14 5:25 Moon in Libra, 14:20 II phase, waxing moon Before 17:14 any training will be good, you can easily master new skills. Afterwards, it’s worth chatting with friends
April 10th 15 18:25 5:45 Moon in Libra II phase, waxing moon Before 18:25, engage in activities that involve constructive dialogue with others. After – avoid hysterics and do not drink alcohol
11 April 16 19:34 6:05 Moon in Libra Full Moon, 9:08 Until 19:34 under threat nervous system and paired organs; do not provoke a deterioration in health. Afterwards, amazing insights are likely
12th of April 17 20:42 6:25 Moon in Scorpio, 1:09 III phase, waning moon Until 20:42, the search for missing things will go well, and in any matter you should be guided by intuition. Afterwards, erotic adventures are possible
April 13 18 21:49 6:47 Moon in Scorpio III phase, waning moon You can decide on a risky venture or even an adventure
14th of April 19 22:53 7:12 Moon in Sagittarius, 13:33 III phase, waning moon Those around you will show both their best and worst sides; draw conclusions
April 15 20 23:53 7:42 Moon in Sagittarius III phase, waning moon Stay away from those who have great influence over you. Be careful on the road and in transport
April 16 20 _ 8:17 Moon in Sagittarius III phase, waning moon An excellent day to start a long trip, for various kinds of excursions and for any training
April 17 21 0:48 8:59 Moon in Capricorn, 1:15 III phase, waning moon Many people are looking forward to career achievements. A good day for things that require perseverance and concentration
April 18th 22 1:37 9:49 Moon in Capricorn III phase, waning moon A great day to start long-term projects that involve responsibility for other people
April 19 23 2:19 10:46 Moon in Aquarius, 14:58 4th quarter, 12:57 Until 14:58, stay away from dogmatic individuals, after - from maximalists and idealists. Take care of your health
20 April 24 2:55 11:50 Moon in Aquarius IV phase, waning moon A great day to start long-term innovative projects, to pick up a new hobby, to exchange useful information
April 21 25 3:26 13:00 Moon in Pisces, 22:41 IV phase, waning moon There's no need to rush. The result of any activity will depend on a thoughtful approach
April 22 26 3:52 14:14 Moon in Pisces IV phase, waning moon Don't indulge your desires. Show mercy towards others
April 23 27 4:17 15:32 Moon in Pisces IV phase, waning moon It’s worth deciding what is the main meaning of your life right now.
April 24 28 4:40 16:54 Moon in Aries, 3:16 IV phase, waning moon Reduce physical activity. There is no need to prove your uniqueness to anyone - you will achieve the opposite result.
25th of April 29 5:03 18:18 Moon in Aries IV phase, waning moon Beware of fanatical enthusiasts and refrain from any overly intense activity
26 April 30/1 5:28/15:17 19:44 Moon in Taurus, 4:38 New Moon, 15:17 You should not start new commercial projects, make transactions or make large purchases.
April 27 2 5:56 21:09 Moon in Taurus Phase I, waxing moon Compose financial plan to the nearest moon month
April 28 3 6:30 22:30 Moon in Gemini, 4:26 Phase I, waxing moon A great day to start short-term projects related to information in one way or another
April 29 4 7:12 23:44 Moon in Gemini Phase I, waxing moon It's worth going for a walk in the company of people with whom you can easily communicate and who can share new experiences with you.
April 30 5 8:03 _ Moon in Cancer, 4:38 Phase I, waxing moon Do what your soul asks for. It's important to get positive emotions
01 April 2017 Saturday
The moon is in the sign of Gemini.
First Lunar Phase (Waxing Moon).
At 08:46 the 6th Lunar day begins.
until 08:46 the 5th Lunar day continues

The symbol is a unicorn.
Symbolizes the choice of goal, loyalty to principles, duty, transformation and assimilation of food. You can and should actively express your emotions and feelings - it will be appropriate, and you will be understood correctly. Only on this day is food completely absorbed and converted into tissues. On this day you need to get enough, but not overeat. Milk and cottage cheese are preferable as the basis of nutrition; Animal food is contraindicated. It’s good on the fifth day to travel somewhere, cry, part with unnecessary things, work with herbs - collect, dry them and infuse them. This is a creative day on which knowledge is perfectly absorbed. You can defend your ideals, principles, beliefs.
Divination. For the future.
Dreams. It's good if you cry in your sleep - this is cleansing. The body is thus put in order. If dreams are connected with the road, with movement, everything is fine with you. If you dream about something unpleasant, this is a sign that you need to take care of your health.
Medically attention should be paid to the esophagus. Nausea and vomiting mean improper use of this day. You can't go hungry.
The day is dual. A child conceived on this day may be pursued throughout his life by strong and dangerous enemies. He will be punished for all his misdeeds and evil thoughts. All his evil will turn against him. Retribution. On the other hand, a child can become an unusual personality, capable of experiencing transformations and transmutations. The fate of those conceived on this day will undergo drastic changes for bad or good side two or three times.
Those born on this lunar day transform food into physical and astral energy. Heroes and saints may be born, but without serious outside help they are short-lived. Partially they can be helped by a good configuration in the birth horoscope with a strong Jupiter, Venus or the Sun.
Distinctive feature people of this day are fussy, they do not get fat. They can't eat sauerkraut, pickles, they should avoid products containing rotting germs. at 08:46 the 6th Lunar day begins

Symbols - clouds, crane.
The day is associated with the assimilation of cosmic energy, the acquisition of Grace, love, forgiveness, prophecies, mental and verbal work. A day of solitude and humility. You need to calmly go about your usual affairs, but under no circumstances grumble about life, about circumstances, about loved ones. Now is not the time for any dissatisfaction - with yourself or others. Accept everything as it is and do not wish for anything else. In the 6th lunar day your intuition is greatly enhanced: you may discover something that was previously underestimated or misunderstood. It is recommended to practice pranayama and work with odors, because only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana - occurs. When the sky is clear or completely covered with clouds, it means the world is devoid of harmony.
Divination. For all.
Dreams. If you dreamed of a familiar person, it’s no accident: you owe him something. Dreams may hint at some task that needs to be completed.
Medically You should pay attention to the bronchi, plasma, and upper respiratory tract. Good for treating respiratory diseases. The day is good for rejuvenation.
The long life of a dreamer and wanderer is guaranteed to those conceived on this day. The search for an ideal, freedom, connection with nature are the main features of such a person. It is better if conception occurs in nature.
Those born on this lunar day will live a long and fruitful life, leaving behind a tangible mark.
Those born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy.
Have rich inner world. Visionaries and dreamers. They really don't like pressure. Freedom is valued in relationships.

First of all, the lunar calendar for April 2017 located on this page will help you find out on which lunar days the culminating phenomena associated with the Moon this month will occur - new moon and full moon, as well as which dates will be the most favorable, how the zodiac circle will influence the flow vitality and for what favorable days and dates should be planned especially important events in your life, and in which times you should avoid making serious decisions.

Moon phases in April 2017 - phase calendar

Over the entire lunar month, several major transformations occur in the celestial body closest to the earth - the Moon. The main of these transformations are responsible for the change of lunar phases - cycles that are directly connected and interact with all living beings on the planet.

Thus, Moon phases in April 2017 will be built as follows:

April 3 (Mon) – first lunar quarter. A time of beginnings and discovering new abilities. An excellent period for searching for previously unknown hidden potentials.

April 19 (Wed) – last quarter. The lunar period is the best time to take stock and stop thinking about global achievements, getting ready to relax.

New moons and full moons

April 11 (Tue) – Full Moon. On this day, all life processes gain strength. In addition to a strong surge of concentration and energy, there is an increase in all both positive and negative phenomena: pulse, heartbeat, etc. increase.

April 26 (Wed) – New Moon. Today it is best to perform cleansing procedures for both the body and the mind.

Lunar calendar for April 2017 (table)

Favorable lunar days in April 2017

April 1st and 2nd (Sat, Sun) – waxing moon in Gemini and Cancer. Dedicate these favorable days to those tasks that require special concentration and energy investment from you. These two days - the most impulsive period of the entire month - will help you make a qualitative and serious breakthrough in any, even the most important matter.

April 12th and 13th (Wednesday, Thursday) – waning Moon in Scorpio (see). Feel free to take on the most daring projects and try your hand at those issues that previously seemed too tough for you. These days will fill you with determination and self-confidence.

April 18th (Tuesday) – waning Moon in Capricorn. Today there is no need to make global plans and communicate less with representatives of government agencies. But on this lunar day, it will be a great idea to gather with family or friends to relax and have fun.

April 20th (Thu) – waning Moon in Aquarius. You shouldn’t bother your bosses with your ideas. Today is a great time to conclude real estate transactions.

April 26th and 27th (Wed, Thu) – new and waxing Moon in Taurus, respectively. On these favorable days, it is best to resolve property issues. Don’t forget about your health - have a fasting day or simply diversify your menu with healthier products.

Also see: everything, lunar calendar.

April 1, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. Today you can sign important legal documents, enter into contracts, and make transactions. Any financial and commercial events are favorable. Make the most of the best shopping day of the month. Pay attention to all kinds of signs of fate.

April 2, 2017, 6-7 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. This lunar day is good for reflection, meditation and working with your intuition: today we can hear our inner voice. It is important not to give in to despondency, to be in a cheerful and positive state of mind. Perhaps people who play a big role in your life will remind you of themselves.

April 3, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. A day of hard work and great responsibility. Don’t start new things - they will most likely drown in unnecessary troubles and take up a lot of your energy. The energies of the growing Moon encourage you to refuse to participate in the transmission of rumors and gossip. Try to see the good in every person and every event.

April 4, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Today is not suitable for beginnings, trips and trips, for registering marriage and concluding business alliances. It is better not to start new things at all and not to make important decisions. Only financial transactions involving cash are recommended.

April 5, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. A very good and harmonious day. You cannot take actions aimed at even the slightest destruction. Global decisions should not be made, let them still “ripe.” It is not forbidden to arrange a “lazy person’s day”, since any physical overexertion is extremely undesirable.

April 6, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. Energetically difficult day. Dedicate it to taking care of your home. You should not start any business or make important, responsible decisions. Try to get rid of negative thoughts, do not communicate with unpleasant people. Perhaps today your old debts will be returned to you.

April 7, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Before the full moon, it is best to stay in solitude and rethink the events that have occurred and your reaction to them. You can dream, plan necessary things and future actions, set accents and priorities, create a program for the entire lunar month.

April 8, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Do not sow vegetables. Today you cannot be angry and conflict. Be generous, do not refuse help - what you give will certainly return to you with joy. The day is favorable for communication and charity, travel and financial transactions. You can set yourself a diet and start playing sports.

April 9, 2017, 13-14 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Do not sow vegetables. Today is the day of urgent matters: all the problems and tasks facing you require immediate solutions - you need to deal with them immediately, without putting them off on the back burner. This is a time of active work, when you can solve twice as many tasks and questions as usual.

April 10, 2017, 14-15 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. Garden cleaning. Spraying bushes. A day of learning traditions, contemplation and reflection. It's good to spend it with your family, relatives and loved ones. It is unfavorable to go on trips and trips. Avoid rash words and actions. Aggression is contraindicated, as it can negatively affect physical condition.

April 11, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Full moon at 9:07. Moon in Libra. Garden cleaning. On this day, important issues and matters that require accurate calculations should be postponed. It is very important to take care of your health, Special attention pay attention to food: chips and hamburgers washed down with cola can cause long-term illness.

April 12, 2017, 16-17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. One of better days for shopping, as well as for planning family and personal budgets. You can educate yourself. If you spend this day in good mood, it will stay with you for a long time. The word is silver, and silence is gold, don't forget about it.

April 13, 2017, 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Scorpio. The day of change is coming - today it will be easy to start any business from the beginning, with clean slate. Get ready for the fact that all plans may not be implemented at all - or not at all as planned. Accept the fact that history is being made here and now, and adjust what is happening as events unfold.

April 14, 2017, 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Today, try to do even your least favorite job with pleasure, and the results will not be slow to show. Good day for signing important legal documents, conclusion of contracts. It is important not to violate previously reached agreements.

April 15, 2017, 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. This is one of the critical days of the lunar month. Try to live it in peace and harmony. Increased irritability and conflicts can easily arise. You should not plan, much less start new things. Don't trust dreams and prophecies. There is a possibility of food poisoning.

April 16, 2017, 20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Sagittarius. Today, things that work best are those that do not represent personal gain for you. You should not take part in dubious projects. It is recommended to work on strengthening relationships in the family and team. You can start construction, renovation, buy real estate.

April 17, 2017, 20-21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Capricorn. Creative, eventful day. It is best to spend it with your family - within the walls of your home or cottage. Don’t start important things today, don’t make major purchases. Try to control your emotions and bring joy to the people around you. Cleansing is recommended - physical and spiritual.

April 18, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. A peaceful, calm day, when you shouldn’t rush things - everything should go as usual. One of the best moments for friendly communication and new acquaintances. A great time for spiritual development and self-improvement. It’s good to participate in charity events and give gifts.

April 19, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Capricorn. A time of stabilization and calm - it is better to postpone important matters and decision-making to another day. Favorable period for learning: it is useful to read books and engage in self-education. Visit a beauty salon: rejuvenating treatments will give a wonderful effect.

April 20, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. A great time to establish business connections: the day is favorable for signing documents and concluding financial transactions. You can take other, no less serious steps to improve your standard of living.

April 21, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. Today, pay special attention to events in the area of ​​your business interests. You should not accept gifts or consider serious offers. Try to spend more time analyzing your actions.

April 22, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. It is not recommended to avoid tension and fuss. Active actions will most likely lead to nothing. It is better to relax with your family and do household chores. Your well-being reflects the degree of your spiritual well-being or ill-being.

April 23, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. Today it is not recommended to drive or go on any trips or travels - the day brings with it increased excitement and irritation. It is useful to be alone, to put your thoughts in order. It’s very good to go to the park and take a walk in the fresh air.

April 24, 2017, 27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. There is no point in making plans on the waning Moon - you will still have to adjust them. It is recommended to seriously consider your actions before committing any action. It is better to postpone applying for a loan and major purchases to another day.

April 25, 2017, 28-29 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. Today try to get rid of negative energy. There may be some emotional instability. One rude word can spark a conflict or quarrel - you should be careful in your statements and actions. If possible, be alone with yourself.

April 26, 2017, 29, 30, 1 lunar day. Moon in Taurus. New Moon at 05:27. There is a high probability that you will make an important decision that will change a lot in your life. As the stars suggest, it’s time to look at the past lunar month and analyze the current situation. A good day for training, travel and business trips.

April 27, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Growing Moon in Taurus. The day of activity and decisive action is favorable for any kind of communication; you can get a job. Make plans for the future, be fair, and don’t waste your words. It's good if your whole family gets together on this day. It is useful to be in nature and take walks.

April 28, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. The recommendations of the previous lunar day apply. A good day for working in a team - any collective events will be successful. If you have long planned to move to a new place of residence or transition to new job- today is the best day of the month to implement your plans. The beginning of treatment and all kinds of health procedures is favorable.

April 29, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Gemini. Success awaits you in any activity aimed at creation. Much can happen as if by itself. For those who have debts, it is advisable to pay them off today, then later they will not need to resort to loans. Try not to overwork, spend as much time as possible with your family.

April 30, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Cancer. Energetically quite a contradictory and difficult day. Try to control yourself and maintain peace of mind, if today you selflessly help someone, then you yourself can count on support in difficult times for you. Be careful with your purchases: you may end up wasting money.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in April 2017

  • 02 April 17:43 - 02 April 21:27
  • 04 April 23:45 - 05 April 1:13
  • 07 April 3:16 - 07 April 7:20
  • 09 April 11:21 - 09 April 15:34
  • April 11 21:19 - April 12 1:42
  • April 14 7:17 - April 14 13:27
  • April 16 21:26 - April 17 2:04
  • April 19 12:57 - April 19 13:52
  • April 21 21:23 - April 21 22:43
  • April 24 0:34 — April 24 3:32
  • April 26 0:53 — April 26 4:56
  • April 28 4:18 - April 28 4:39

During the Moon's peak, there is a huge surge of energy. During this period, everyone feels the vibrations that fill the space. This energy can be directed in any direction, but whether the day will be favorable or not depends on the constellation in which the Earth’s satellite resides.

What will the Full Moon be like in April 2017?

The Full Moon will occur on April 11 and at this time the Moon will be in Zodiac Libra. Astrologers tend to consider a day with ambiguous energy to be rather neutral. However, with the positive influence of the Zodiac, the Moon can strengthen the negative character traits of a person. On Tuesday, the healing of injuries worsens, chronic diseases make themselves felt, and the nervous system suffers.

People on this Full Moon are prone to temptation, and are not always able to adequately assess the situation. According to astrologers, the day should be devoted to measured work that does not require increased attention. At the same time, Zodiac Libra has a rather favorable effect on business cooperation, but you should be patient and loyal to your interlocutors.

Also during this period, there comes a desire to develop vigorous activity and it is important to direct the surge of energy towards solving problems, rather than scandals and nit-picking. With due attention to your emotional health, development of internal harmony, you will be able to quite successfully spend time with people close and dear to you.

It will be a good time to spend this day calmly and measuredly, postponing all important tasks and projects for a more favorable day. During the Full Moon period, astrologers advise to relax more, engage in self-development and comprehend your inner world. Attention under the active influence of the Moon is often scattered and does not allow you to focus on key issues.

On Tuesday, the patronage of Mars will not be obvious - its weak position is also not intended for extreme activity. An excess of emotions caused by this position of planets and constellations can lead to nervous exhaustion. Spiritual practices will help you balance and harmonize your inner world. Direct the excess energy in order to open the chakras and recharge with the positive energy of the Universe.

In order to completely eliminate the possibility conflict situations, try to spend more time alone. Engage in your favorite hobby, watch movies - do everything that gives you only positive emotions. remember, that full moon affects everyone differently. It is in your best interests to come to an agreement with your household on this day.

The full moon is a mystical and magical time when you can make your wildest hopes come true. This lunar phase not only carries negative aspects, but also has a very beneficial effect on achieving your goals. Remember that accuracy and informed decisions will help you avoid mistakes and mistakes. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.04.2017 22:42

Each Full Moon has a special energy. On this day, you have the opportunity not only to admire the night luminary,...

The full moon has long been considered the best period for rituals and ceremonies. This is the time when energy flows are at their maximum...